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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Genieße die Zeit mit deinen Brüdern und Schwestern. Quelle
  2. Des responsables du plus grand centre de demandeurs d’asile dÂ’Europe reconnaissent les bienfaits du programme dÂ’enseignement biblique que les Témoins de Jéhovah offrent aux réfugiés. la source
  3. Tous les bâtiments du complexe de Warwick sont maintenant en service, y compris les trois musées. Plus de 250 volontaires ont travaillé pour ces trois musées depuis leur conception jusquÂ’Ã leur réalisation finale. la source
  4. An explosion on Tuesday at a major natural gas facility near Austria's border with Slovakia left one person dead, authorities said. A further 18 people were injured in the morning blast at the plant in Baumgarten an der March, east of Vienna, regional Red Cross official Sonja Kellner said.
  5. Can someone tell me something interesting about Our Lady of Guadalupe and this Basilica? Â
  6. @Queen Esther In post a photo you can include as much text and replies as you want. It was the Gallery that is not designed for long articles. Please don't ever discourage people from discussing topics even if you post them yourself. If you think there is a problem just ask me to take a look.
  7. The Witnesses are subject to harassment and their religious freedom is threatened in certain territories of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions. Source
  8. The Bible calls them “mighty ones of old times, the men of fame. What do we know about them? Source
  9. Die Bibel nennt sie „die Starken, die vor alters waren, die Männer von Ruhm“. Was wissen wir über sie? Quelle
  10. A district court in Baku awarded damages to Irina Zakharchenko and Valida Jabrayilova for their unjust 11-month imprisonment. Source
  11. La Bible parle d’eux comme « les hommes forts dÂ’autrefois, les hommes de renom ». Que savons-nous dÂ’eux ? la source
  12. Wouldn't the antibiotics needed to prevent infection around the "Wound" negate any health benefits of the digestion help?
  13. Getting ready to watch season 2 of "The Crown" on Netflix. 

  14. This issue contains the study articles for April 30 to June 3, 2018. Source
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