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The Librarian

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  1. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in Memorial Bible reading: (Daytime events: Nisan 9) (Luke 19:29-44).   
    @Queen Esther I posted it too... why 3X ?  
  2. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in Children Love Caleb and Sophia ????   
    @Eoin Joyce resorting to attacking the messenger rather than his message? 
    Sometimes when we don't like an irrefutable truth it is easier to attack the messenger.
    While I might not think we can actually do anything about this now in actuality.... I know past generations of brothers COULD have created cartoons in the 1970's..... but they didn't. WHY?
    Possibly for the same reasons outlined above.
    I would put this topic on the same level as a previous rant of mine:
  3. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to bruceq in "EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED" THINK RUSSIA Bro. Jackson Annual Meeting 2016   
       Expect the Unexpected Bro. Jeffrey Jackson, 2016 Annual Meeting
       I'm sure everyone of us here today will agree that this year's regional convention program was absolutely fantastic! And probably one of the most common comments that have been made is that many brothers and sisters have said this convention has truly prepared us for the great tribulation and we certainly feel that way.
       But as our minds think about the great tribulation and the importance of Jesus words, it's true at times that our imagination perhaps become very active, we have maybe have questions: how long will be the great tribulation? How will it affect me personally? Will I be able to get my medication? What about my cat? Well the short answer to all those intriguing questions is: we don't know. But there is something that we do know beyond any doubt whatsoever, let's turn to the book of 2 Peter 2:9 and this fact fills us with confidence as we look to the future to the outbreak of the great tribulation. So 2 Peter 2:9, there it tells us: So, then, Jehovah knows how to rescue people of godly devotion out of trial...
       Yes, brothers and sisters, we know Jehovah! We know his record! We've studied the scriptures! And we totally believe that no matter what happens, even though we don't know the details of what the future holds, we believe that Jehovah knows how to rescue righteous persons. And we've seen time and time again how Jehovah does the unexpected. When we look through the scriptures, that point is emphasized over and over again. There are two scriptures that help to fortify this faith and belief that we have. Let's look at them together. The first one is found in the book of Eph 3:20. Here the apostle Paul under inspiration tells us: "Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive."
       Now this is a fantastic expression! In the writing department if we were to write this, I'm sure the proofreaders would correct it, but this is under inspiration. First start let's think of the word "superabundantly." The proofreaders may tell us for a start, abundant is enough but here we have superabundantly and it doesn't stop there does it? Because Paul then says under inspiration more than superabundantly. And it's gets even better: beyond all the things we ask or conceive! This is certainly making a point, isn't it? What is the point? That Jehovah can do things beyond what we would expect! It's so interesting for us to note that Jehovah does not limit himself to what we ask for in our prayers! And we could be happy of that because he goes beyond anything that we could ever think of to solve our problems. So it's true at times we may see no way out of our problems, we may feel overwhelmed, but remember what does it say here? Jehovah has the power to do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive.
        Now the second scripture is in the book of Philippians 4:6. Here again we are told: "Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God that (now notice again) surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus." 2
       Have you noticed in several of the talks today, the point is being made over and over again that this precious possession that we have is our relationship with Jehovah. We need to trust him. Now when the peace of God comes to us because of praying to Jehovah and trusting him, what does it say here? Then that surpasses all understanding. Other translations put it this way: surpasses all our dreams, excels all human planning, is more wonderful than we could imagine. Truly, brothers and sisters, we don't need to know all the details of what the future holds. We know that our loving God Jehovah will do things in a wonderful way. Yes, he does the unexpected and he does it with style! That's the amazing thing! As we read through the scriptures we see his over and over again.
       Let's think about Haman back in the days of Esther and Mordecai. Haman had a lot of money, a lot of influence and a plan. He wanted to commit genocide to destroy all of God's people and it looked like the plan was going to succeed, but Haman didn't know what Jehovah had in mind. Esther, Mordecai were in place and how things turned out. The very day that the Jews should have been slaughtered and completely eradicated was the day that their enemies were killed instead. But as we read through those events, Jehovah did so many unexpected things. Personally I just love chapter 6. Right in the middle of this intrigue, where we see what Jehovah is preparing, then there is an account about the King not being able to sleep. Isn't it wonderful, you see Haman comes in at the wrong time for Ha'man he assumes wrongly that the King is going to bless him and what's the result? He has to be humiliated, walking around in front of Mordecai on a horse wearing the Kings clothes. That's style. Jehovah didn't have to do that, but when we look back on it, that really is style isn't it? And we can be sure that Jehovah will continue to do these things for his people.
       Recently of course we just watched that beautiful presentation with regard to Hezekiah. Didn't that full length movie help us to imagine exactly what happened at that time. But in the case of Hezekiah, what did he do in the time leading up to that event? Well he fortified the city, he stopped up the wells so the Assyrians wouldn't be able to get water, he did all sorts of things to plan and yet, none of that was needed. Why he didn't realize what Jehovah was going to do, the unexpected! We didn't even expect it when we saw that angel in the movie, did we? What a wonderful presentation it was, but you see Jehovah again did the unexpected. None of his people were thinking that Jehovah would do that and yet he had the situation under control.
       And of course time and time again as we look through the scriptures, we see this empathized. Moses and the Israelites. If we were standing with them there on the shores of the Dead Sea with the Egyptians coming behind us, who of us would have ever guessed that Jehovah is now going to part the Red Sea? I mean that was unexpected! It was also unexpected that the Egyptians would be so stupid to follow the Israelites! And yet it resulted in a wonderful victory for Jehovah's people. You see, expect the unexpected when it comes to what Jehovah does.
       Now thinking back to what the apostle Paul was inspired to say to the brothers in Philippi, let's think about the setting of when he wrote that and a little bit of the background. The apostle Paul said basically 'Don't worry, pray' because Jehovah can do the unexpected. Well was Paul perhaps writing at that particular time as an academic sitting behind a desk, someone who is testing out something he doesn't really know about? Of course not, we remember back at that time in 60 to 61 c.e. the apostle Paul was in prison in Rome. He'd already experienced many, many different hardships. He knew what it was like to be in a time of trial, but even the very fact that he was writing to the brothers in Philippi is of 3 interest. Let's just refresh our memories about this, you see the record in Acts 16, but what actually happened ten years before Paul wrote the letter to the brothers in Philippi? Well Paul was in Asia Minor he was going, trying to find somewhere where the Holy Spirit would allow him to preach. So he went to one location, no, went to another location, no, eventually he arrives at Troas and there one evening he sees a Macedonian man. And what does he say? "Step over to Macedonia." Well Paul naturally assumed this was Jehovah's direction and immediately he made plans to step over into Macedonia and this actually started the preaching work in Europe. Well he arrived first at the seaport of Neapolis and then made his way to Philippi. Well immediately there was some success. Some started to accept the message, but what happened shortly thereafter? Well as we already mentioned today, the account tells us that Paul and Silas were beaten up and thrown into a dungeon, into a prison.
       Now if you were Paul and you were sitting there in prison with your back paining, singing songs to bring yourself comfort, perhaps would you think this: 'What is Jehovah doing? I mean I was in Asia Minor, I could have preached anywhere in Asia Minor, but no, the vision said step over into Macedonia, now I'm assuming there's a big door of activity opening, but now here I am in prison. Why did Jehovah direct me to come here?' Honestly, I think most of us would probably start thinking along that line and perhaps be discouraged. Perhaps at times you felt you followed Jehovah's direction and then you've had problems, so we're use to understanding that situation, but what happened that very night? An earthquake! The doors of the prison open up, the jailer and his family accept the truth and then this is where it proves again Jehovah has style! Those magistrates apologize to Paul, Paul says 'no you take us out and you escort us out of the city!' Now that's style! And as we read, what do we notice? I imagine this in my mind it says Paul said goodbye to Lydia and I imagine, maybe I'm wrong, but I'm imagining the magistrates standing outside Lydia's home waiting for Paul to say goodbye and then continue to escort them out of the city. Now not only is that style, but it was practical because it appears that perhaps Luke the doctor was left to stay there in Philippi and establish the congregation and no doubt those magistrates would have thought twice before they did anything bad to the Christians after that.
       But what's the point? At times we may feel that there's no way out of our problems, but surely the lesson that we learn over and over and over again is that Jehovah can turns things completely around. Yes even though we might speculate and think, what if maybe he'll do this, in the end when we look back on events, we can't help but be impressed with how Jehovah handles things. He has everything under control.
       So that brings us back to the Regional Convention, the Sunday program. We all enjoyed that symposium of talks with the little videos dealing with the great tribulation. Maybe for most of us it took us awhile to work out what they were doing in the basement. Usually by the time there was a knock then we started to realize that it was at the time of the great tribulation. And with excitement we watched as that door opened and there the police, the military were facing our brothers and sisters and you were waiting, will the angel come and take them out? Will fire come from heaven? And we were left hanging, why? The simple answer, we don't know, but one thing is for sure, if Jehovah is on our side, we do not need to fear men. Yes it's true, we don't know all the details of the great tribulation. We don't know exactly what's going to happen in the future, but we do know that our loving Heavenly Father Jehovah God has everything under control! Yes he has style so we can expect the unexpected!
  4. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Memorial Bible Reading   
    Memorial Bible Reading - Events After Sunset Nisan 9
    Memorial Bible Reading - Daytime Events Nisan 9
    Memorial Bible Reading - Daytime Events Nisan 10
    Memorial Bible Reading - Daytime Events Nisan 11
    Memorial Bible Reading - Daytime Events Nisan 12.
    Memorial Bible Reading - Daytime Events Nisan 13 and Events After Sunset Nisan 14.
    Memorial Bible Reading - Daytime Events Nisan 14
    Memorial Bible Reading - Daytime Events Nisan 15 and Events After Sunset Nisan 16
    Memorial Bible Reading - Daytime Events Nisan 16
    - Thanks to the hard work of our now deceased and dear Miss MoneyPenny

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  5. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Memorial Bible Reading   
    Part of an entire Category dedicated to:
  6. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to JW Insider in Children Love Caleb and Sophia ????   
    Edited to add. While I was writing something here and before I pressed 'submit' I saw a message pop up that Eoin was just then already responding so I quickly removed everything I had written so that I could first read what Eoin's take on this had been. It sounds like Eoin was thinking about the same thing that I was.  It has always been my experience that Eoin is one of most careful to avoid actually attacking the messenger. It has been my experience that he makes the forum a pleasure because he deals with the subject matter rather than the personalities. It's not that I don't know what it might have sounded like he was saying, but the very fact that it might have sounded like he meant something that he didn't actually say is an opportunity to check our own pre-judgments about what was meant.
    My original response was going to include:
    Why does my current response in this topic remind me of Proverbs 27:17? 
    (Proverbs 26:17) 17 Like someone grabbing hold of a dog’s ears Is the one passing by who becomes furious about a quarrel that is not his. Of course, I was happy to remove it (initially) because I didn't want anyone to think I was calling them a dog.
  7. Upvote
  8. Upvote
    Jehovah's Witnesses' claim of exceptionalism alleged to threaten public order
    Ministry declares that they posses instances of distribution of literature containing assertions posing a threat to public order
    TASS, 6 April 2017
    Jehovah's Witnesses violate the law "On combating extremism," by promoting the idea of their own exceptional nature and superiority over other religions, and they may be prosecuted on the basis of the criminal article regarding extremism in the event of the ban of the organization.
    This was declared by a lawyer of the Russian Ministry of justice in a session of the Russian Supreme Court. "We have incidents of the distribution of literature containing assertions about the exceptional nature of Jehovah's Witnesses, which poses a threat to public order," a lawyer of the justice ministry reported in court.
    The court posed for the justice ministry's lawyer a number of questions, including about the prospects of criminal prosecution of members of the Jehovah's Witnesses in the event of the liquidation of the organization. "We suggest that a ban on the activity of Jehovah's Witnesses does not violate the rights of citizens, but in the event of the adoption of such a decision, law enforcement agencies will be able to initiate cases on the basis of article 282.2 ("Arranging the activity of an extremist organization") of the Criminal Code of the Russian federation, the justice ministry's lawyer said.
    Ministry of Justice's lawsuit
    In its lawsuit, the Ministry of Justice indicates the discovery during an unscheduled inspection of various violations during the conduct of the activity of the organization, including of the federal law "On combating extremist activity." The ministry asks for finding the organization and 395 of its divisions to be extremist, to ban its activity, and to confiscate property.
    In its turn, the press service of the organization described for TASS how "they regard this fact as extremely alarming," inasmuch as the decision may affect "175 thousand actively practicing believers." A representative of the press service, Ivan Bilenko, also noted that the organization is prepared to defend its rights in all judicial instances.
    On 12 October 2016, the Tver court of Moscow issued a warning to the Jehovah's Witnesses about extremist activity. According to Russian legislation, if in the period of time established by the warning to religious associations the violations being committed are not removed or new incidents appear testifying to the presence of indicators of extremism, then the organization is liable for liquidation. On 16 January 2017, the Moscow city court ruled the warning to the organization about extremist activity to be legal.
    Jehovah's Witnesses are an international religious organization that holds to unorthodox currents in Christianity and is distinguished by peculiar interpretations of many religious concepts. (tr. by PDS, posted 8 April 2017)
  9. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Evacuated in Children Love Caleb and Sophia ????   
    No, not at all. No mention of messengers in my post. The message, however, was my focus. Sorry if that was not clear. 
  10. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to misette in Frères de Russie   
    Un document par lien qui montre que l'Union européenne se préoccupe de nos frères
  11. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Blanchie DeGrate in Memorial Bible Reading   
    Thank you so much. I will never forget Miss MoneyPenny. Thanks for sharing. ???
  12. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Memorial Bible Reading   
    Part of an entire Category dedicated to:
  13. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Memorial Bible Reading   
    Memorial Bible Reading - Events After Sunset Nisan 9
    Memorial Bible Reading - Daytime Events Nisan 9
    Memorial Bible Reading - Daytime Events Nisan 10
    Memorial Bible Reading - Daytime Events Nisan 11
    Memorial Bible Reading - Daytime Events Nisan 12.
    Memorial Bible Reading - Daytime Events Nisan 13 and Events After Sunset Nisan 14.
    Memorial Bible Reading - Daytime Events Nisan 14
    Memorial Bible Reading - Daytime Events Nisan 15 and Events After Sunset Nisan 16
    Memorial Bible Reading - Daytime Events Nisan 16
    - Thanks to the hard work of our now deceased and dear Miss MoneyPenny

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  14. Upvote
  15. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    @Eoin Joyce I would personally prefer @bruceq 's work on the transcript because we can discuss and ask questions on the content rather than just read it.
    https://www.theworldnewsmedia.org/tags/russian supreme court transcript/
    Nice work @bruceq by the way....
  16. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from ARchiv@L in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    @Eoin Joyce I would personally prefer @bruceq 's work on the transcript because we can discuss and ask questions on the content rather than just read it.
    https://www.theworldnewsmedia.org/tags/russian supreme court transcript/
    Nice work @bruceq by the way....
  17. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from bruceq in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    @Eoin Joyce I would personally prefer @bruceq 's work on the transcript because we can discuss and ask questions on the content rather than just read it.
    https://www.theworldnewsmedia.org/tags/russian supreme court transcript/
    Nice work @bruceq by the way....
  18. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in Children Love Caleb and Sophia ????   
    @The Librarian I was not allowed to watch these movies, even though my Husband watched them, I had very strict upbringing. Not even cartoons? I always went in service and never was interested. My Dad was an elder over 65 years. My children I was strict with when I could, but was not the head of the house. I wonder if Jesus were alive today if he would have gone or talked about it. I know I have my own conscience, but it was just how I was raised. No judgment here, just we are all different. ????
  19. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from ARchiv@L in Memorial Bible reading: (Daytime events: Nisan 9) (Luke 19:29-44).   
    @Queen Esther I posted it too... why 3X ?  
  20. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Children Love Caleb and Sophia ????   
    @Eoin Joyce resorting to attacking the messenger rather than his message? 
    Sometimes when we don't like an irrefutable truth it is easier to attack the messenger.
    While I might not think we can actually do anything about this now in actuality.... I know past generations of brothers COULD have created cartoons in the 1970's..... but they didn't. WHY?
    Possibly for the same reasons outlined above.
    I would put this topic on the same level as a previous rant of mine:
  21. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to kaijafon in Judge dismisses ‘anointed one’s’ court application   
    HAHAHA! This one obviously doesn't know us well.  
  22. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to TrueTomHarley in TrueTom Conducts a Fine, Scholarly Discussion and Exchange of Ideas with Persons Who Really Don't Like the People He Hangs Out With   
    Driving home, listening to the college station, all the songs and artists are unfamiliar to me. I was intrigued by one, singing lyrics she had written that didn’t quite work, yet she made them work through sheer intensity. Encountering a situation depressing,’ noting it makes a not good ‘impression’ doesn’t quite cut it, so when an artist successfully runs it through anyway, like a stauros through the eye of a needle, you respect her for it.
    I would have called the DJs, carrying on as though stoned-out, and asked about it, but I didn’t have their number. I like, as I get older, stepping out of my comfort zone, seeking out persons I might normally not have much in common with. I even have done it here on the WorldMediaForum. Unfortunately, I have also tried to smash their kneecaps, but I have been helped to see the error of my ways. I am a writer, and I sometimes enjoy navigating dangerous shoals just to see if I can get away with it.
    But if the brothers want me to ‘step out of my comfort zone,’ by – say, witnessing to swimmers on the beach, I tell them to take a hike. “I’m not even comfortable in my comfort zone,” I tell them.
  23. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Arauna in Ask Me A Question   
    Anything Bible, Biblical Archaeology, Current Events, Rumor busting, Urban Legends or JW related would be relevant.
    I enjoy helping people get answers to their questions they were always too afraid to ask or couldn't find the answer.
    If I can't answer it... I'm sure someone worldwide on here will know where the answer is.
    Need a Publication you can't find in my Master Publications List? Ask for a copy....
    Please also try using the search function on the upper right hand side first to avoid duplicates.
    p.s. - The reason you don't see any posts below this is because I usually split these questions off into their own threads. ICYMI earlier.
    Preguntas en español aqui por favor

  24. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to misette in RECHERCHONS DES PERLES SPIRITUELLES - SEMAINE DU 10 AVRIL 2017   
    Recherchons des perles spirituelles (8 min) : JEREMIE 22-24
    Jérémie 22:30 : Pourquoi ce décret n’a-t-il pas privé Jésus du droit de monter sur le trône de David ? (w07 15/3 10 § 9)
    « Voici ce qu’a dit Jéhovah : ‘ Inscrivez cet homme comme sans enfant, comme un homme robuste qui n’aura pas de succès en ses jours ; car de sa descendance pas un seul n’aura de succès, siégeant sur le trône de David et dominant encore en Juda. ’ 
    Le décret empêchait tout descendant de Yehoïakîn de ‘ siéger sur le trône de David en Juda ’. Jésus devait régner depuis le ciel, et non sur un trône en Juda. TG2007
    À Babylone, Yehoïakîn eut sept fils (1Ch 3:16-18). De cette façon, la lignée royale conduisant au Messie fut préservée (Mt 1:11, 12). Mais, comme la prophétie l’avait annoncé, aucun des descendants de Yehoïakîn ne régna jamais plus dans la Jérusalem terrestre. Ce fut donc comme si Yehoïakîn n’avait eu aucun enfant, aucune descendance pour lui succéder en tant que roi. - it-2 1187
    Pour vérifier si un homme qui prétendait être le Messie ou l’Oint de Jéhovah l’était réellement, il fallait que les Juifs soient en mesure de faire remonter son ascendance jusqu’à la dynastie de David. En aboutissant à David par deux branches différentes, la généalogie légale (celle qui a été dressée par Matthieu) et la généalogie naturelle (suivie par Luc) démontraient à l’évidence que Jésus remplissait, de par sa naissance, les conditions requises pour être le Messie, celui qui hériterait le trône de David. Au cours de son séjour terrestre, Jésus a été salué comme le “Fils de David”, mais il n’a pas essayé pour autant de prendre le pouvoir. S’il a hérité l’ensemble des privilèges, des sujets et du territoire terrestres attachés à la royauté de David, il a reçu beaucoup plus encore de son Père céleste. En effet, le royaume de David n’était qu’une représentation en miniature du Royaume céleste de Jésus, lequel était appelé à dominer la terre entière. Après sa mort et sa résurrection, Jésus a été élevé jusqu’au trône de Jéhovah dans les cieux. Et, bien qu’il compte Yehoïakin parmi ses ascendants terrestres, tant par Joseph que par Marie, le décret de Jéhovah ne l’empêcha pas de régner sur son trône céleste. – TG1984 15/9 p30-31
    Jérémie 23:33 : Qu’est-ce que « le fardeau de Jéhovah » ? (w07 15/3 11 § 1)
    “ Et quand ce peuple, ou le prophète, ou le prêtre t’interrogera en disant : ‘ Quel est le fardeau de Jéhovah ? ’ alors tu devras leur dire : ‘ “ Vous êtes, vous — ah ! quel fardeau ! Oui, je vous abandonnerai ”, c’est là ce que déclare Jéhovah. ’
    Les déclarations sévères de Jérémie relatives à la destruction de Jérusalem étaient un fardeau pour ses contemporains. De leur côté, les Israélites qui faisaient la sourde oreille étaient un tel fardeau pour Jéhovah qu’il allait s’en débarrasser. De façon similaire, pour la chrétienté, le message biblique annonçant sa destruction prochaine est un fardeau, mais ceux qui ne prêtent aucune attention à ce message sont, eux aussi, un fardeau pour Dieu. TG2007
    Le mot hébreu traduit par “fardeau” a un double sens. Il peut désigner une déclaration divine lourde de menaces, ou quelque chose qui écrase quelqu’un et l’épuise. Ici, l’expression “fardeau de Jéhovah” désigne une prophétie lourde de menaces, la déclaration selon laquelle Jérusalem était vouée à la destruction. Les Israélites ont-ils aimé entendre ces déclarations prophétiques lourdes de menaces que Jérémie ne cessait de leur adresser de la part de Jéhovah? Non, ils ont raillé Jérémie en lui disant: ‘Quelle prophétie (ou fardeau) as-tu maintenant? Nous sommes sûrs que ta prophétie sera un fardeau épuisant de plus!’ Mais que leur a déclaré Jéhovah? Ceci: “Vous êtes, vous — ah! quel fardeau! Et, à coup sûr, je vous abandonnerai.” En effet, ils étaient un fardeau pour Jéhovah, et celui-ci allait les supprimer pour se débarrasser du poids qu’ils représentaient.
    Quel est “le fardeau de Jéhovah” de nos jours? C’est le message prophétique lourd de menaces tiré de la Parole de Dieu. Il est lourd de malheurs, car il annonce la destruction imminente de la chrétienté. Quant à nous, serviteurs de Jéhovah, nous avons la lourde responsabilité de faire connaître ce “fardeau de Jéhovah”. À mesure que la fin approche, il nous faut dire à tous que les membres obstinés de la chrétienté sont un “fardeau”, vraiment “ah! quel fardeau!”, pour Jéhovah Dieu, et qu’il va bientôt se débarrasser de ce “fardeau” en abandonnant la chrétienté au malheur. – TG1994 1/3 p12 § 19,20
    Comment Jéhovah montrera-t-il que les prophètes du clergé sont des imposteurs? En ne réalisant pas ce qu’ils présentent comme étant une “déclaration” ou ce qu’ils prétendent annoncer en son nom. La chrétienté n’étant pas en paix avec Dieu, ne nous laissons pas assoupir ni endormir spirituellement par les fausses promesses de paix du clergé. Endossons plutôt avec sérieux le “fardeau” ou message accablant de la Parole de Dieu. Le message que Jéhovah adresse aujourd’hui au système de choses politique, religieux et commercial est lourd d’une sinistre condamnation. C’est également une lourde responsabilité pour nous que d’annoncer ce message de Jéhovah en ce “temps de la fin”. Aussi, quand on nous interroge sur l’avenir du présent système, assurons-nous que ce que nous disons est bien le “fardeau” de Jéhovah. TG1979 1/12 p30 § 29
    Qu’est-ce que la lecture biblique de cette semaine m’apprend sur Jéhovah ?
    Par l’intermédiaire de Jérémie, Jéhovah dit “ au sujet de la maison du roi de Juda : ‘ Tu es pour moi comme Guiléad, la tête du Liban. ’ ” (Jr 22:6). “ La maison ” semble désigner le palais (Jr 22:1, 5). Sa situation, sur une hauteur, était élevée et magnifique, comme le Liban. En outre, on avait fait un grand usage du cèdre dans la construction des différents édifices royaux. Le roi Yehoïaqim, qui entendit les paroles rapportées en Jérémie 22:6, avait lui-même lambrissé de cèdre son luxueux palais (Jr 22:13-15). Par conséquent, le quartier du palais ressemblait à une magnifique forêt de bâtiments de cèdre et il était approprié de le comparer au Liban et à Guiléad, une région très boisée. Jéhovah avertit Juda que, si le roi Yehoïaqim, ses serviteurs et le peuple ne pratiquaient pas la justice, la ‘ maison deviendrait un lieu dévasté ’ (Jr 22:1-5) et les habitants du Liban symbolique (Jérusalem), ‘ qui étaient nichés dans les cèdres ’, subiraient le malheur. — Jr 22:23  - it2 Liban
    Le roi Yehoïaqim se faisait construire une maison, qui allait être somptueuse. Les plans prévoyaient de vastes pièces sur au moins deux étages. De grandes fenêtres laisseraient entrer le soleil et permettraient à l’air frais de circuler librement, pour le confort du roi et de sa famille. Les murs seraient lambrissés d’un bois odorant, le cèdre du Liban, auquel le vermillon, une peinture importée, donnerait une teinte éclatante, très prisée par les hauts personnages des pays alentour. Jér. 22:13, 14.
    Le coût de cette construction était considérable. À l’époque, la défense de la nation et le tribut exigé par l’Égypte avaient, semble-t-il, épuisé les caisses du royaume (2 Rois 23:33-35). Mais Yehoïaqim avait trouvé un moyen de financer son nouveau palais, en ne payant pas ses ouvriers ! Il les traitait littéralement en esclaves, à seule fin de satisfaire ses désirs.
    Par l’intermédiaire de Jérémie, Dieu condamna Yehoïaqim pour son égoïsme. Il lui rappela que son père, le roi Yoshiya, avait fait preuve d’une bonté et d’une générosité peu ordinaires envers les ouvriers et les pauvres. Yoshiya avait même défendu leur cause devant les juges. Après avoir attiré l’attention de Yehoïaqim sur la considération que son père avait manifestée envers les petits, Jéhovah ajouta : “ N’est-ce pas cela, me connaître ? ”Jérémie 22:15, 16.
    Étant donné que les conditions qui règnent dans le monde de Satan se détériorent, nous avons besoin de l’aide et de la protection que Jéhovah offre à ceux qui le connaissent intimement. Aussi devrions-nous chercher à nous rapprocher toujours plus de lui. Il nous faut également refléter ses qualités si nous voulons prêcher efficacement la bonne nouvelle. Mais peut-être vous demanderez-vous comment un chrétien peut parvenir à connaître Jéhovah aussi bien que Yoshiya le connaissait – jr chap12 § 1,2
    Lorsqu’un âne mourait, on se contentait de traîner son cadavre sans cérémonie à l’extérieur de la ville, et on le jetait sur un tas d’immondices. C’est pourquoi la fin honteuse de Yehoïaqim, un homme hautain et sans foi, fils de Yoshiya et roi de Juda, fut prédite en ces termes par un prophète de Dieu : “ D’un enterrement d’âne il sera enterré, on le traînera et on le jettera au-delà des portes de Jérusalem. ” — Jr 22:19. It1 âne
    Comment pourrait-on se rendre coupable d’adultère spirituel ? - Au sens spirituel est “ adultère ” celui qui est lié à Jéhovah par une alliance et qui se montre infidèle. Ainsi, la nation d’Israël, qui était liée à Dieu par l’alliance de la Loi, se rendit coupable d’adultère spirituel en se livrant à des pratiques de la fausse religion, notamment en participant à des rites rattachés au culte du sexe et en méprisant le septième commandement. Jérémie 23 :10 « Car le pays est devenu plein d’adultères. Car, à cause de l’imprécation, le pays s’est mis en deuil, les terrains de pâture du désert se sont desséchés ; leur conduite est mauvaise, et leur force n’est pas juste » De même aujourd’hui, si des chrétiens voués à Jéhovah et admis dans la nouvelle alliance se souillent avec le système de choses actuel, ils commettent un adultère spirituel – it-1 p51-52
    Comment Jéhovah nous façonne-t-il ? Aujourd’hui, il se sert avant tout de la Bible. Lorsque quelqu’un lit la Parole de Dieu et en tient compte, il révèle quel genre de personne il est, et Dieu peut le façonner. Intéressons-nous à présent à l’exemple du roi Yehoïaqim, et voyons comment les contemporains de Jérémie auraient pu se laisser modeler sur des questions touchant à la vie quotidienne. La Loi stipulait que l’on ne devait pas “ spolier un salarié ”. Pourtant, c’est exactement ce que fit le roi lorsqu’il se servit de ses compatriotes comme d’une main-d’œuvre bon marché pour se construire une maison vaste . Jér. 22:13, 14, 17. Dieu tenta de façonner Yehoïaqim au moyen de sa parole, que transmettaient les prophètes. Mais le roi préféra suivre l’inclination de son cœur. Il refusa d’obéir et persista dans la voie qu’il avait choisie depuis sa jeunesse. Aussi Dieu dit-il : “ D’un enterrement d’âne [Yehoïaqim] sera enterré, on le traînera et on le jettera au-delà des portes de Jérusalem. ” (Jér. 22:19, 21). Qu’il serait donc stupide de notre part de nous obstiner à dire : “ Il faut me prendre comme je suis ! ” De nos jours, Jéhovah ne nous envoie pas des prophètes, comme Jérémie, mais il nous donne bel et bien des conseils. L’esclave fidèle et avisé nous aide à discerner les principes bibliques et à les appliquer. Ces principes peuvent concerner des aspects de notre vie quotidienne tels que notre habillement et notre apparence, ou la musique et la danse lors d’un mariage ou de quelque autre occasion. Nous laisserons-nous façonner par la Parole de Dieu ? jr chap4 p43-53 § 12
    Les Juifs à qui Jérémie transmettait les avertissements de Jéhovah devaient changer. C’était possible, puisque Dieu avait dit au sujet de ceux qui reviendraient d’exil : “ Je leur donnerai un cœur pour me connaître, pour savoir que je suis Jéhovah ; et ils devront devenir mon peuple, et moi je deviendrai leur Dieu, car ils reviendront vers moi. ” (Jér. 24:7). Aujourd’hui encore, il est possible de changer radicalement. Quant à nous, nous pouvons certainement améliorer l’état de notre cœur. Pour cela, trois choses sont indispensables : étudier sérieusement la Parole de Dieu, bien cerner la façon dont Jéhovah agit dans notre vie, et mettre en pratique ce que nous avons appris à son sujet.  Contrairement aux contemporains de Jérémie, nous devrions souhaiter que Jéhovah inspecte notre cœur. Par ailleurs, nous pouvons nous-mêmes l’inspecter à la lumière de ce que dit la Bible, tout en réfléchissant à ce que Jéhovah a fait en notre faveur. Agir ainsi, c’est faire preuve de sages– jr chap4 p43-53 § 9
    Même à une personne qui s’est depuis toujours montrée indifférente, Jéhovah peut ‘ donner un cœur pour le connaître ’. Jér. 24:7. Ceux qui, dans votre territoire, ont jusqu’à présent montré de l’indifférence peuvent encore changer - jr chap15 p182-192
    Quelles autres perles spirituelles as-tu découvertes dans la lecture biblique de cette semaine ?
    Quiconque enseigne autrui au nom de Dieu endosse une très lourde responsabilité - Jérémie 23:14 déclare : “Chez les prophètes de Jérusalem j’ai vu des choses horribles: commettre l’adultère et marcher dans le mensonge; et ils ont fortifié les mains des malfaiteurs, pour qu’ils ne reviennent pas chacun de sa malice. Eux tous sont devenus pour moi comme Sodome, et ses habitants comme Gomorrhe.” Ces prophètes ou enseignants donnaient un très mauvais exemple sur le plan moral et, en fait, ils encourageaient le peuple à agir comme eux. Et la chrétienté de nos jours? N’y règne-t-il pas les mêmes conditions qu’à l’époque de Jérémie? Aujourd’hui, le clergé tolère dans ses rangs des adultères et des homosexuels, et on les laisse même célébrer les offices. Faut-il s’étonner que tant de membres des Églises aient eux aussi une conduite immorale? Jéhovah a comparé les habitants de Jérusalem à ceux de Sodome et de Gomorrhe. Mais la chrétienté est encore plus immorale que ne l’étaient Sodome et Gomorrhe. Oui, elle est encore plus répréhensible aux yeux de Jéhovah. Ses enseignants bafouent le code moral chrétien. Il en résulte un climat de dépravation où flottent toutes sortes d’incitations fallacieuses au mal. Cette situation morale est si répandue que la méchanceté est considérée comme normale de nos jours. – TG1994 1/3 p9 § 7
    Jérémie 23:16 ajoute: “Voici ce qu’a dit Jéhovah des armées: ‘N’écoutez pas les paroles des prophètes qui vous prophétisent. Ils vous font devenir vains. C’est la vision de leur propre cœur qu’ils énoncent — non de la bouche de Jéhovah.’” Comme les faux prophètes de Jérusalem, le clergé de la chrétienté marche lui aussi dans le mensonge en propageant des doctrines apostates, des enseignements qui ne se trouvent pas dans la Parole de Dieu. Au nombre de ces faux enseignements, citons l’immortalité de l’âme, la Trinité, le purgatoire et un enfer de feu où seraient infligés des tourments éternels. Le clergé chatouille aussi les oreilles de ses auditeurs en prêchant ce qu’ils aiment entendre. Il répète sans cesse qu’aucun malheur ne menace la chrétienté parce qu’elle a la paix de Dieu. Mais c’est “la vision de leur propre cœur” que les ecclésiastiques expriment. Elle est fausse. Ceux qui croient de tels mensonges se laissent intoxiquer sur le plan spirituel. Ils se laissent égarer pour leur propre destruction ! - TG1994 1/3 p9 § 9
    Malgré cet avertissement, comment le clergé a-t-il agi depuis? Exactement comme le verset 17 l’indique: “Ils disent continuellement à ceux qui manquent de respect envers moi: ‘Jéhovah a parlé: “C’est la paix que vous aurez.”’ Et à tous ceux qui marchent dans l’obstination de leur cœur, ils ont dit: ‘Aucun malheur ne viendra sur vous.’” Ces paroles sont-elles véridiques? Absolument pas! Jéhovah dévoilera la fausseté de ces prophéties du clergé. Il n’accomplira pas ce que celui-ci dit en son nom. Toutefois, la déclaration mensongère du clergé selon laquelle il y a la paix avec Dieu est très trompeuse  TG1994 1/3 p11
    Proclamation de paix - Les nations diront : « Paix et sécurité ! » Il pourrait s’agir d’une seule annonce solennelle ou d’une série de déclarations marquantes. Les chefs religieux seront-ils impliqués ? Puisqu’ils font partie du monde, il est possible en effet qu’ils se joignent aux nations pour affirmer : « Il y a la paix ! » Jérémie 23:16, 17. Cette proclamation indiquera l’imminence du jour de Jéhovah. Les ennemis du Royaume de Dieu « n’échapperont en aucune façon » jr chap21 p222-230 § 3
    Considérons ce que Jéhovah dit de ces faux enseignants au verset 21: “Je n’ai pas envoyé les prophètes, et pourtant ils ont couru. Je ne leur ai pas parlé, et pourtant ils ont prophétisé.” De même, de nos jours, le clergé n’est pas envoyé par Dieu, pas plus qu’il n’enseigne ses vérités. Qu’en résulte-t-il? Une effarante ignorance de la Bible parmi les fidèles, ignorance due au fait que leurs ministres religieux les nourrissent de philosophies du monde – TG1994 1/3 p9
    Jérémie 23:27 nous en dit plus long: “Ils songent à faire oublier mon nom à mon peuple, par le moyen de leurs rêves qu’ils se racontent sans cesse l’un à l’autre, tout comme leurs pères ont oublié mon nom par le moyen de Baal.” Les faux prophètes de Jérusalem amenaient le peuple à oublier le nom de Dieu. À notre époque, les faux enseignants religieux n’agissent-ils pas de la même façon? Pis encore, ils cachent le nom de Dieu, Jéhovah. Ils enseignent qu’il est inutile de l’utiliser, et ils l’ôtent de leurs versions de la Bible. Ils s’opposent farouchement à quiconque enseigne que le nom de Dieu est Jéhovah. En revanche, la classe de Jérémie, le reste des chrétiens oints de l’esprit, ainsi que ses compagnons, ont exactement suivi l’exemple de Jésus: ils ont fait connaître le nom divin à des millions de personnes - TG1994 1/3 p9
    Alors que de plus en plus de traductions de la Bible occultaient le nom personnel de Dieu, lorsqu’elles ne le supprimaient pas purement et simplement, la Société Watch Tower, quant à elle, mit plus que jamais l’accent sur l’importance de ce nom. La chrétienté prétendait qu’en ôtant le nom de Jéhovah on permettrait à davantage de gens d’accepter l’Évangile. Toutefois, l’identité de celui qui, dans l’ombre, tentait ainsi de faire disparaître des Saintes Écritures le nom le plus important qui soit, n’a pas échappé aux serviteurs de Jéhovah oints de l’esprit (Jérémie 23:27). Ils ont compris que ce complot, visant à effacer de toutes les mémoires humaines le nom du seul vrai Dieu, était tramé par le Diable – TG1989 p19 § 5
    La Parole de Dieu joue un rôle puissant quand elle prédit un jugement défavorable ; puisque le message de Dieu ne peut que s’accomplir, son accomplissement produit des effets semblables à ceux d’un feu sur la paille ou d’un marteau de forge qui brise le rocher (Jr 23:28, 29 « Le prophète chez qui il y a un rêve, qu’il raconte le rêve ; mais celui chez qui il y a ma parole, qu’il dise ma parole selon la vérité. ”“ Qu’est-ce que la paille a [donc] à faire avec le grain ? ” c’est là ce que déclare Jéhovah.  Ma parole n’est-elle pas aussi comme un feu ”, c’est là ce que déclare Jéhovah, “ et comme un marteau de forge qui brise le rocher ? ”).
    Jérémie 23:32 : “‘Me voici contre les prophètes de rêves mensongers’, telle est la déclaration de Jéhovah, ‘qui les racontent et font errer mon peuple à cause de leurs mensonges et à cause de leur vantardise. Or moi, je ne les ai pas envoyés, et je ne leur ai pas donné d’ordre. Ils ne seront donc d’aucun profit pour ce peuple’, telle est la déclaration de Jéhovah.”
    Quels rêves, ou espoirs, mensongers le clergé enseigne-t-il? Eh bien, il dit que pour l’homme, le seul espoir de paix et de sécurité à notre époque est l’Organisation des Nations unies! Au cours des dernières années, ses représentants ont qualifié cette organisation d’“ultime espoir de concorde et de paix”, de “tribune suprême de la paix et de la justice”, de “principal espoir temporel de paix mondiale”. Quelle fable! Le seul espoir pour les humains est le Royaume de Dieu. Mais le clergé ne prêche ni n’enseigne la vérité au sujet de ce gouvernement céleste, gouvernement qui était pourtant le thème de la prédication de Jésus – TG1994 1/3 p10 §10
    Cahier Vie Chrétienne et Ministère - Réunion du 10 au 16 avril - JEREMIE 22-24.docx
    Cahier Vie Chrétienne et Ministère - Réunion du 10 au 16 avril - JEREMIE 22-24.pdf

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    The Librarian reacted to bruceq in ENTIRE SUPREME COURT TRANSCRIPT FOR ALL 3 DAYS IN ENGLISH   
    Report: Supreme Court to hear the case to ban the Jehovah's Witnesses religion
    April 5, 2017 began hearings on the suit on the Elimination of Jehovah's Witnesses before the Supreme Court of Russia. It conducted a text report from the courtroom.
    5th of April April 6 April 7 5th of April 10:58 Big beautiful courtroom crowded. There are more than 200 people, including many journalists, representatives of public organizations and foreign embassies. The hearing began at 10:30.
    A little less than 250 people were left on the street waiting for the results of the hearing. Cook Street in Moscow is filled with cars with transmitting television antennas. Occurring remove numerous chamber. Of police radios periodically hear the message "All is calm, without incident." In the hall representatives of embassies and international organizations in the headphones listening to the process of translation.
    The case was heard Judge Yuri Ivanenko. The defendant, "the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia" are 6 persons, including Vasily Kalin of the Steering Committee, as well as lawyers. The representative of Ministry of Justice of Russia - Svetlana Borisova. Attached to the case with the defendant's objections to the applications in 35 volumes.
    The court allowed the photographing and video recording only when the announcement of the final act. However, there is no record of obstacles. In the hall there are about 40 members of the media, they occupy the first rows of the audience.

    11:00 The court refused to accept a counter claim for recognition of the Ministry of Justice acts of political repression. The judge described the passage of objections to the claim sufficient measure of protection for the defendant. 11:15 Representatives of Jehovah's Witnesses apply for admission to participation in the case of representatives of all 395 local religious organizations. Lawyer little wife: "If believers throughout Russia will be deprived of their rights, let them hear it here in court." Local religious organizations, contrary to the logic of the Ministry of Justice, are not the structural units of each other, but separate legal entities. 11:20 The lawyer Lew gives an example: "The logic of the Ministry of Justice, it turns out, it is necessary to impose a sentence: Shoot chieftain. And his whole platoon. " 11:25 The court rejected the enlistment of the 395 local organizations as a respondent. 11:30 Jehovah's Witnesses have asked the court to allow audio broadcasting the trial. The court refused. 11:35 Lawyers for the Jehovah's Witnesses are asking the court to adjourn the hearing pending the outcome of another case in another court. It is an appeal to the Court of Justice order the suspension of the activities of organizations . 11:42 The Ministry of Justice objected, because it believes that the authorities had every right to suspend the activities of organizations. 11:45 The court refused to postpone the hearing. 11:50 Omelchenko lawyer seeks the abandonment of the claim without consideration of the Ministry of Justice. The plaintiff is not complied with the pre-trial procedure for settling claims to the 395 communities of Jehovah's Witnesses. Before you make a claim for the liquidation of 395 local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, the authorities, by law, had to make an official warning each of them and to give time to correct them. 11:55 The second reason for the abandonment without consideration of this claim lies in the fact that the Russian courts have treated similar cases of liquidation and recognition of the "extremist" 2 out of 395 local Jehovah's Witnesses organizations (Karachay-Cherkessia and the Samara region). 12:05 The Court dismissed the petition on the abandonment without consideration. 12:10 Representatives of Jehovah's Witnesses are asked to postpone the hearing for one week due to the fact that the Ministry of Justice sent a statement of claim to the defendant in time. It came in the mail only to March 28, 2017. In addition, the Ministry of Justice to provide the defendant not all documents specified in the annexes to the statement of claim. 12:17 The Ministry of Justice does not object to the adjournment of the case. 12:19 The court refused to postpone the case. 12:20 Lawyer little wife seeks the suspension of the case due to the fact that in a number of Russian vessels submitted applications for consideration in force decisions of the courts on newly discovered evidence. We are talking about the revision in force of affairs on the Elimination of 8 local religious organizations (MPO) and the introduction of 88 publications of Jehovah's Witnesses in FSEM. The fact that all those court decisions were made without the involvement of the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, since the Ministry of Justice insisted that the court decisions in relation to the LRO not affect the rights of the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia. In the present case the Ministry of Justice changed position and now all accusations against MPO, imputed to the Administrative Center. 12:30 The Ministry of Justice objected to the suspension, considering that, in cases involving MPO attended the same lawyers as in the case of liquidation of the MPO. 12:33 The court retired to the deliberation room. 13:50 The Court went out of the deliberation room. The suspension of the case was denied. 13:55 Little wife's lawyer said the petition to bring to participate in the case of experts, namely the religious scholars and linguists. Specialists may clarify whether are really extremist and dangerous texts that form the basis of the requirements of the Ministry of Justice to ban an entire religion in Russia. 14:00 Asked by the judge whether to propose lawyers to arrange a "revision" of court decisions, which was included in the literature FSEM lawyers explained that this information will be important to determine the proportionality of the Ministry of Justice requirements. 14:04 The representative of the Ministry of Justice objected to the admission of experts for the hearing. 14:05 The court refused to attract specialists to the hearing. 14:06 The lawyer asks little wife get to take part in the 9 foreign legal persons representing the religious communities of Jehovah's Witnesses in Europe and America. The reason is that the Ministry of Justice in its lawsuit asks the court to confiscate properties belonging to these organizations. 14:14 The court refused to attract foreign companies to participate in the case. 14:15 Omelchenko said the lawyer about bringing a motion to participate in the proceedings as interested parties of eight Russian citizens who were rehabilitated as victims of political repression. These people present in the room. Lawyers argue convincingly that these people rehabilitated from the turn in the case of satisfaction of the claim to the "extremists". 14:20 The Ministry of Justice said that the court decides on the liquidation of legal entities, it does not apply to individuals. In his reply the lawyer reminded the little wife that such considerations were guided by Soviet authorities, banning the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses, however, repression of painful blow it for the people, so that they have been rehabilitated. 14:25 Court denies the petition. 14:30 Lawyers apply for the interrogation of individual citizens, followers of the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses who can testify about what measures have been taken by Jehovah's Witnesses in order to prevent extremist activity. 14:35 The Ministry of Justice does not object. The court granted. 14:40 Lawyers say the request for interrogation as witnesses of persons recognized as victims of political repression. The Ministry of Justice objected. Court refuses. 14:43 Representative of Jehovah's Witnesses Nowak said petition for interrogation as witnesses of persons who witnessed falsification of evidence against those who believe in things that the Ministry of Justice uses in his lawsuit as "further evidence of the offense." 14:45 On the judge's objection that it comes to an effective decision, Novak says that in the present case can not be used prejudicial approach, because it is a different legal entity. The court must examine the evidence directly. Novakov tells the court about the circumstances and tossed perjuredly indications in a number of Russian cities. 15:00 The Ministry of Justice objected, arguing that the questioning, they believe authorities, aims to "to review the decision to enter into force." The court refused to question witnesses of falsification of evidence against local Jehovah's Witnesses organizations. 15:05 Omelchenko lawyer intercedes for the recovery of craft books that were considered "extremist" and which formed the basis of this lawsuit to ban Jehovah's Witnesses religion. Counsel emphasizes that it is necessary to study the question of whether these statements are dangerous enough that on this basis significantly restrict the right of 300 thousand Russian citizens. He draws attention to the legal requirement that the restrictions must be justified and proportionate to the constitutionally significant goals. 15:15 Omelchenko provides examples of statements in the publications of Jehovah's Witnesses, because of which these publications were recognized as extremist. 15:16 Omelchenko says that the court must examine whether such dangerous statements in the literature indicated that they would justify the restriction of the rights of hundreds of thousands of citizens. 15:20 The Ministry of Justice objected. Court refuses to vindication of literature deemed extremist. 15:21 The right to submit petitions transferred to the administrative claimant. The representative of the Ministry of Justice requests that the matter several judicial acts that were not attached to the claim. Office without having them on hand, was quick to refer to them in his lawsuit. And only now, having received them, asking them to attach to the case. 15:25 The defendant objected. The Court deliberated on the site satisfies the request of the Justice Ministry. 15:28 The court adjourned until April 6, 2017 14:00.

    April 6 12:00 Weather in Moscow is warm and sunny. Near the entrance to the court formed a large human place. Working television journalists. Among those present a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. A marked increase in security measures. Directly at the entrance there is a bus with the police. At the input it is carried out a thorough inspection. Inside the building are not skipped any liquids. The employees of the Supreme Court, organizing hearings, doing their job professionally and smoothly. Despite the large number of students, there are no failures.

    14:30 The hearing began with the defendants' application to suspend the hearing due to the fact that the private complaint filed yesterday's failure of the court to satisfy the majority of the 17 petitions declared. The hearing shall be suspended pending the outcome of these complaints. 14:33 The Ministry of Justice objected to the suspension of the proceedings. Court retire to the deliberation room. 14:37 Court rejects petition to suspend the hearing.
    Omelchenko lawyer seeks to adduce material, which may indicate the political persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses. We are talking about the documents of foreign organizations such as the UN, OSCE, official statements about human rights organizations, as well as archival documents.
    14:40 The court decided to grant the application for the admission of these materials.
    Court reports are the case and gave the floor to the Ministry of Justice.
    14:45 The representative of the Ministry of Justice Borisov proceeds to the presentation of the arguments justifying the prohibition of all the organizations of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia. It lists the court judgments delivered against local religious organizations (LRO) of Jehovah's Witnesses. 15:12 Concluding his speech, the representative of the Ministry of Justice asked the court to liquidate all Jehovah's Witnesses, to remove them from the register of legal entities and ban their activities. Asks confiscate the property and pay the court's decision to immediate execution (that is, not to wait for the decision enters into force).
    The judge sets the representative of the Ministry of Justice a counter-question: why is the Ministry of Justice asked both to eliminate legal person and to ban their activity. Judge perplexed: how can you prohibit something that does not exist. He specifies whether you want to prohibit the Ministry of Justice and all unregistered groups? The representative of the Ministry of Justice explained that the ban does not ask them, because Jehovah's Witnesses have not provided the agency information on unregistered groups.
    15:16 New clarifying questions of the judge on what basis the Ministry of Justice applies prejudicial approach to the management center, if the center is not to involve in business. Prejudice is applicable in the case already in force decisions (ie the court relies upon them as already established fact) only in respect of the same legal subjects. Accordingly, the court decisions handed down in relation to MPO can not be prejudicial force for a centralized organization. 15:17 The representative of the Ministry of Justice argues that the Administrative Center knew about the court cases, and the center's lawyers were present at them. 15:20 The Ministry of Justice in its lawsuit claims the need to eliminate religious organizations due to the fact that organizations, in their opinion, violate the rights of citizens. The court sets a representative Borisova another clarifying question: what kind of citizens' rights are violated? Borisov said that it is entitled to receive medical treatment. According to them, the organization prevent citizens to get medical treatment. In response to the buzz in the room the judge asks those present to contain their emotions. 15:24 The judge asked whether the Ministry of Justice proof of their assertions about the medical treatment. The Ministry of Justice is not willing to provide them. Judge perplexed again, because the Ministry of Justice recently held a large-scale inspection of Jehovah's Witnesses and, if there were such facts, they should have been identified. 15:25 The judge asked the Ministry of Justice will explain their assertion that the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses is a threat to public safety. The Ministry of Justice said the threat of unspecified persons. 15:30 The judge asked the representative of the Ministry of Justice, if they are asked to ban Jehovah's Witnesses, will be whether the faithful gathered for prayer, under the threat of criminal prosecution. Ministry of Justice: Yes, if the court finds them guilty of violating Art. 282.2 UFPA. 15:34 The judge asked the representative of the Ministry of Justice on the Federal List of Extremist Materials (FSEM) Russian Ministry of Justice. Court interested in the question: whether the Justice Department is reviewing this list? The representative of the Ministry of Justice hesitant voice informs the court that sometimes this list may be revised. 15:39 Judge sends defendants the opportunity to ask questions of the Ministry of Justice. 15:40 Lawyer little wife primarily asks the court to refuse to accept a copy of the court decision, which a few days ago the Ministry of Justice presented to the court. The court described the case when some parents brought in the child patient hospital. Doctors diagnosed low hemoglobin and proposed drug therapy or blood transfusion. Parents preferred drugs, but the hospital went to court with a demand to provide it with a blank check for the use of donated blood. The decision also mentioned that there was no threat to life, it was about the planned treatment. The lawyer points out that the court decision does not mention any of the Jehovah's Witnesses organization. 15:50 The judge asked the representative of the Ministry of Justice if there is no mention of Jehovah's Witnesses, then what does this document is in the present case. 15:53 Judge defers ruling on the admission of this document. 15:54 Lawyer little wife starts asking questions to the representative of the Justice Ministry. The first question is whether the Ministry of Justice information about any whatsoever offenses which are committed under the influence of the literature of Jehovah's Witnesses entered in FSEM. Reply by the representative of the Ministry: "There is no such information, we do not have." 15:57 Lawyer little wife clarifies representative for the Ministry of Justice, whether the respondent correctly understands that the Ministry of Justice claims boil down to three points: 1) the import of extremist literature, 2) financing MPO 3) failure to take effective measures to prevent extremist activity. The Ministry of Justice confirmed that this is a correct understanding of, but here should be added to the "threat of violating human rights and civil rights." 16:00 Lawyers unsuccessfully trying to figure out what kind of human rights violations have in mind.
    Little wife is trying to clarify the point of "failure to take effective measures to prevent extremist activities." He asked whether the Ministry of Justice is known about the timely letters addressed to the center of Jehovah's Witnesses over the MPO, the inclusion of certain material in FSEM? Ministry of Justice is known. The next question is that, according to the ministry, it would be an effective measure? The Ministry of Justice does not know the exact answer to this question. The lawyer asked the representative of the Ministry of Justice, whether there is a criterion of extremist activity, inaction? Obvious to everyone that there is no such criterion.
    16:10 Little wife asked whether the Ministry of Justice that materials deemed extremist known to comprise 0.1% of the Witnesses literature. Ministry of Justice is unknown. Did the Ministry of Justice, that the Rostov Regional Court, admitted the 34 publications of Jehovah's Witnesses extremist, at the same time refused to recognize the extremist dozens of others. 16:19 Little wife specifies whether the Ministry of Justice that the literature is not imported into Russia for two years know. Ministry of Justice is known. Then the question arises, why in 2017 the Ministry of Justice raised the issue of liquidation. The Ministry of Justice can not give evidence to support that in the last 12 months, the Administrative Center of spreading "extremist" literature. 16:13 The Ministry of Justice reports that FSEM not specify the date of making the materials in this list. 16:24 The judge asked the Ministry representative, whether it is possible to claim a religious organization, as well as customs, because the country imported materials that are recognized as extremist in the future? How to know in advance that a particular material will be included in FSEM. The representative of the Ministry of Justice: does only apply to FSEM. 16:30 The defendant's representative Yuri Toporov trying to figure out that the Justice Ministry is investing in the concept of "structural unit of the worldwide organization of Jehovah's Witnesses." What is a "global organization"? This is some kind of a legal entity? The Ministry of Justice believes that there is, we are talking about a canonical concept. What is a "structural unit"? We are talking about a legal concept? No, rather the canonical connection. Another question: in what sense the Ministry of Justice uses this term in relation to the MPO, saying they are "structural units of the Administrative Center"? In the canonical or legal? The representative of the Ministry of Justice considers that it is identical. 16:37 Axes, trying to figure out whether the law on extremism to be rendered "structural unit" without making the organization. The Ministry of Justice is forced to admit that the warning should be made throughout the organization. 16:40 Topo is a natural question: if the warning was issued by the local religious organization and is not issued Administrative Center, as then, this local organization may be "structural division" center? Nothing. 16:42 The Ministry of Justice is now considered that the imposition of preventing "structural unit" is not prohibited by law, which means that the prosecutor's office could do it. What is not forbidden is allowed. The judge specifies the ministry representative, sent there then at least some notice of a religious organization (Administrative Center)? There is no evidence that such notifications were sent. 16:46 Topo a new question to the Ministry of Justice. whether the law provides for the possibility of countering extremism to eliminate the "structural unit" without the liquidation of the organization? The representative of the Ministry of Justice, "According to your interpretation, does not provide." The judge asked the plaintiff to accept the answer of the Ministry in this form. 16:53 Questions Ministry of Justice sets lawyer Omelchenko. He asked whether the Ministry of Justice unit able to answer exactly when a certain book appeared in the Federal List of Extremist Materials. The Ministry of Justice believes that the answer to this question can be obtained by judicial request. 16:56 Omelchenko asks about federal Forensic Center at the Ministry of Justice of Russia. He notes that these centers come to diametrically opposite conclusions about the presence or absence of signs of extremism. Omelchenko question: how could this be possible. A ministry spokesman did not know. The next question is why the Ministry of Justice supported only negative conclusions of experts and does not maintain a positive? Unknown. Does the Ministry of Justice initiated a review of decisions in cases where there was such a contradiction? Representative of the facts are not known. 16:58 Omelchenko reminded that earlier today the Court asked the Ministry of Justice the question of whether the Ministry has initiated a revision of the list of extremist materials, after amendments were made to the law, for example, that the Bible and quotes from it can not be priznavaemy extremist materials. No such initiatives by the Ministry of Justice was not. 17:07 Questions to the representative of the Justice Ministry asks the respondent's representative Maksim Novakov. He's trying to figure out whether the known circumstances of the Ministry of Justice of the events that are imputed to the Jehovah's Witnesses as "extremist activities." For example, if they know what to search at the Jehovah's Witnesses security services are de-energized entire neighborhoods, where there are liturgical building. Ministry of Justice of the factual circumstances does not know. Other questions from the defendant to the Ministry of Justice no. 17:13 The court announces a break in the hearing until April 7, 2017 10:00. Entrance to the building will be open from 9:00 am. April 7 9:00 In Moscow, a soft drizzle of rain. Along the facade of the Supreme Court was stretched a long line of those who came to the process as listeners. At the courthouse at Cook Street parked a large bus full of obviously bored police officers. So loud process seems unordinary event for court employees. However, a surprising calm that, despite the obvious excitement retain hundreds of believers, better than any words convinced that extremism - it is not about them.

    9:40 Great Hall of the Supreme Court gradually filled with students and journalists. 10:00 The process began with the questions of the court to a representative of the Ministry of Justice. Court seeks to deal with the fact that the plaintiff imputes Administrative Center blamed the episode from 2014, when, according to the Ministry, the Administrative Center has imported in the Russian publication, which will subsequently be recognized as extremist materials. Court interested in the question, how could a religious organization to know that the book will be recognized as extremist, if not FSEM. 10:10 Court seeks to understand at what rate law based Ministry of Justice, claiming that the local religious organization (MPO) are "structural units" of the Administrative Center. The Ministry of Justice considers that it is logical, because the organization read the same books, and linked. Court asks how it is in this case meets the requirements of legal certainty. Does this not violate the European Convention enshrined the right to freedom of religion? After all, it was denied in bringing 395 companies to participate in the case as a respondent. Questions remain without clear answers. 10:20 The judge asked the representative of the Ministry of Justice, on the basis of which they claim that the funding MPO Administrative Center is precisely the financing of "extremist activity"? What it is objectively proved? If anything, then what's the Ministry of Justice claims are based? 10:28 objections to the presentation of all proceeds to the defendants. But above all, the lawyer Omelchenko seeks to adduce statements from the Russian newspaper dates entry in FSEM of certain publications. Court attaches. 10:35 The first acts Vasily Kalin, Chairman of the Steering Committee of the "Jehovah's Witnesses Administrative Center in Russia." Legitimate whether today's efforts to ban the Witnesses? For 26 years, the center has not been brought to justice for extremism. "If we are all these years have been good, at which point we have extremists?" If the ban happens to be inflicted substantial harm, and persecution has already begun. People will be prosecuted only for a joint reading of the Bible, and we've been through. We already put on a par with organizations such as the Taliban, and other Aum Senriko. The position of Jehovah's Witnesses is unchanged: to obey the authorities, to pray for them. Always adhere to the principles of peace. 10:45 Kalin said the circumstances of the repression of religion in the Soviet Union, which he remembers himself. It shows the court a certificate rehabilitated victims of political repression. He asks what is now witness wants him and his co-religionists to give the Ministry of Justice? Actions of Justice reject the country in the past.
    10:50 By the Deputy Kalina, Sergei Cherepanov. He explains what measures have been taken the center of Jehovah's Witnesses for the prevention of extremism. 10:57 Cherepanov mentions that the center of Jehovah's Witnesses in the list of the most dangerous organizations. He is not a lawyer, but he thinks that the actions of the Ministry of the fight against extremism gone down the wrong path. In recent years, 20 criminal cases under article Extremism were initiated against Jehovah's Witnesses. Although most of the cases ended in acquittals, the faithful rights were significantly violated and their lives are blighted. 11:05 Cherepanov mentions cases of fraud had been planted and which have been declared to law enforcement agencies, however, completely ignored by the police and other authorities. There is no doubt that Jehovah's Witnesses center has taken all possible measures to counter extremism. Deputy Attorney General, who a year ago signed a warning of Jehovah's Witnesses, refused to meet, which could clarify what further action the supervisor might expect from the Jehovah's Witnesses. 11:13 Fight against extremism in the civilized world. However, only in Russia is persecuted Jehovah's Witnesses, who worship in the world visited by about 20 million people. Pursue them in Russia means to challenge all those countries where Jehovah's Witnesses are free to profess their faith. At this Cherepanov finishes his speech and asked to adduce points of his speech.
    Full text explanations Cherepanov SB (PDF, 226 KB)
    11:15 Speech Zhenkova lawyer. He convincingly argues that, contrary to the Ministry of Justice, among the goals and objectives of the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses is not extremism. If 100 years and unofficially officially 26 years of existence of Jehovah's Witnesses were not proven harm from their activities, then what harm refers to the Ministry of Justice? 11:20 Little wife points out that the vast majority of publications Witnesses were included in FSEM 8 years ago. Over the years there have been no terrorist act or an act of vandalism by Jehovah's Witnesses. Nothing of the sort was before. 11:24 Little wife draws attention to the fact that these publications were included in FSEM before the famous Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court, who explained that extremism can not be regarded as criticism of other religions. 11:25 Little wife emphasizes that only a few experts found signs of extremism in the literature of Jehovah's Witnesses. unqualified experts often work. Courts hear cases in the absence of the faithful. For example, one of the brochures, which contains almost no text has been recognized as an extremist for the phrase "avoid bad deeds." In response to laughter little wife said that the people who conduct searches because of this brochure, not a laughing matter. 11:30 Two other publications included in FSEM, but Jehovah's Witnesses still do not know why, in spite of the numerous appeals and requests. "If so consider printed texts, the Russian can generally be left without books soon!" 11:35 Little wife: It seems that the prosecution is trying by all means to recognize the extremist largest possible number of Jehovah's Witnesses materials. For example, the prosecutor's office filed a lawsuit on the recognition of extremist Bible itself, in spite of an express stipulation in the law of the Bible and quotes from it can not be recognized as extremist. Of arguments the prosecutor's office: "Taken as a book, the Bible ceases to be the Bible, which it is only in the Church." (Laughter.) 11:39 Little wife points out that the cases involving the recognition of the Jehovah's Witnesses extremist literature appealed to the ECHR. 22 complaints and merged into one. In response to the request of the Strasbourg Court of the Russian Federation has officially recognized that Jehovah's Witnesses literature contains no open calls for violence. 11:45 The Supreme Court has repeatedly held that the case of the recognition of the Jehovah's Witnesses as extremist materials shall not affect the rights of the "Jehovah's Witnesses Administrative Center in Russia", and these solutions are not canceled. A Justice Department now believes that on the contrary, affects ¬eto Law Center. But this is a mistake. 11:55 Lawyer little wife document proves that the printed materials have never been imported to the country after having been recognized as extremist. This also applies to all of the episodes, which imputes to believers the Ministry of Justice in its lawsuit. 12:05 At importation into the country almost every publication from the center of Jehovah's Witnesses were the results of examinations, is not found in them signs of extremism. Thus, the center could not have foreseen that certain materials can be considered extremist. The legislation is based on the principles of legal certainty and predictability of the consequences of certain actions. However, in the actions of state authorities against Jehovah's Witnesses, this principle is clearly not respected. 12:10 Statement by the representative of the defendant Toporova. "Extremism is extremism of Jehovah's Witnesses on the paper." No casualties, the victims or victims of the alleged "extremist" activities nor the prosecutor's office nor the Ministry of Justice failed to provide. 12:12 Axes refutes the Ministry of Justice on the "financing of extremism." Financial aid directed MPO, was directed at the liturgical service of buildings, utilities, sometimes to help the believers who have suffered from natural disasters. 12:17 The representative of Ax: The Ministry of Justice is encouraging countries to highest judicial body to resort to double standards. Earlier, the court, with the support of the Ministry of Justice, took the consistent position that the judgment against the local organizations do not affect the rights of the Administrative Center. Now the position of the Ministry has changed the other way around. It is trying to extend the sanctions imposed on several local organizations in the center and on all other 395 local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses. 12:22 Axes analyzes the legal meaning of the term "within the structure of a centralized organization." Referring to the legislation, regulations and legal opinions, Ax shows that we are talking exclusively about the canonical and spiritual connection. Local religious organizations are not branches and representative offices of a centralized organization. 12:37 Axes explains that central and local organization of Jehovah's Witnesses are not liable for the obligations of each other. Center is the founder of any of the MPO. Each of them has its own composition of the founders of the 10 or more people. Each MPO its unique name, its own constitution, separate property, the right to enter into civil contracts. Addressing the judge, ax the analogy: the entire Russian judicial system is a single structure, but regional courts are not the structural units of the Supreme Court, but are separate entities. 12:43 Axes wondered why the vast majority, more than 380 MRO Russia, who have never received any complaints from the state, should be eliminated, even without warning and the opportunity to change something? In fact, there are hundreds and hundreds of the results of audits of various departments, found no violations in the activities of all these MPO. 22 Crimea MPO, registered under the Russian legislation and have not committed any violation, wondering what they should be recognized as extremist, and their property confiscated? Why Moscow MPO registered under the instruction of the ECHR and has not committed any offense should be subject to less severe penalties? 12:52 Presentation by representative of Maxim Novakova. His speech is devoted to the analysis of so-called "new evidence of extremist activity" referred to by the Ministry of Justice in its lawsuit. We are talking about fines imposed on the number of MPO due to the detection in the liturgical buildings of extremist materials. 13:06 Administrative Center is not invited to participate in the affairs, so did not have an effective opportunity to raise the issue of the presence of provocations. Meanwhile, no evidence for a court may not have established force. Judicial decisions imposing fines could not have a prejudicial effect. Otherwise it would be a violation of the right to a fair trial. The decisions referred to by the Court - it is a beautiful enclosed "boxes", but the content of these "boxes" are not as priglyadno. To have a complete picture and to make an objective assessment, the court must assess the circumstances of the incident. At the service breaks riot police, throwing all the men on the floor, they were not allowed even to raise his head, while the unidentified man move uncontrollably in the building. On camera recorded as riot police stormed the building and takes liturgical police tossed in the closet prohibited materials, and then they "discover". 13:12 Novakov tells an interesting detail, recently discovered in the materials of the case. It turned out that one of the lobed publications is the inscription indicating that this publication belongs to one of the centers of Orthodox anti-sectarian! 13:18 Novakov notes that the term is a structural unit defined in the corresponding chapter of the title of the law. The concept of "structural unit" refers only to political parties. 13:25 The court announces a break until April 12, 2017 10:00.

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