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The Librarian

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  2. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to TrueTomHarley in TrueTom Conducts a Fine, Scholarly Discussion and Exchange of Ideas with Persons Who Really Don't Like the People He Hangs Out With   
    That disgusting hag of an anal-retentive old biddy of a Librarian was never my downfall. Without specifically clearing her, one might suppose that she eventually blew her top. In fact, he was always cool with it.
    He yelled at me when I was new and I hawked my book one time too many. My first two jibes in return, not necessarily on that same thread, were sharp, and I was somewhat surprised (favorably) that they were allowed to remain. But after that it was all play. I made peace with him privately and asked him what the ground rules were. “I plan to really insult the ugly old librarian,” I said. “Tell me if that gets old or if you don’t want me to do it in the first place.” But he said he rather enjoyed that part.
    I was flagged for abuse by someone. I am guilty of it, though perhaps not more so than the foes I battled are on other threads. But I clearly was the aggressor on the thread that was removed, and I was called on it.
    Nonetheless, it’s the ideas that interest me, not the people involved. Is it possible to address those same ideas in a venue that is 100% lacking in any rude conduct?
  3. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Raquel Segovia in Noruega construirá el primer túnel marítimo para barcos   
    Se trata de una construcción que beneficiará a navíos azotados por tormentas y aguas peligrosas de la península de Stad. En qué consiste este innovador proyecto
    5 de abril de 2017   El proyecto espera terminarse en el año 2029 Noruega dio este miércoles luz verde a la construcción bajo una montaña del primer túnel marítimo del mundo, para evitar a los barcos, incluso de gran calado, navegar en aguas peligrosas. Perforado en una montaña que separa dos fiordos en el oeste del país, este paso de 1,7 km de largo y 36 metros de ancho permitirá evitar una navegación difícil ante la península de Stad, azotada a menudo por fuertes tormentas.
    "El túnel para barcos de Stad va a ser al fin construido", declaró el ministro noruego de Transportes, al presentar un gran plan de transportes para el periodo 2018-2029.
    El mar del Norte es a menudo escenario de fuertes tormentas y marejadas frente a esta península, y muchos navíos deben esperar a que se calmen las aguas antes de poder navegar frente a sus costas.
        Así es como se vería el túnel marítimo En la época de los vikingos, pese a ser éstos grandes navegantes, a veces preferían evitar estas aguas y transportaban las embarcaciones por vía terrestre desde un fiordo al otro.
    El proyecto, de 2.700 millones de coronas (295 millones de euros) requerirá entre tres y cuatro años de obras, y los trabajos se iniciarán en la primera mitad del plan plurianual de 2018-2029, según el gobierno.
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    The Librarian reacted to Raquel Segovia in Fuerte tormenta de lluvia y granizo provocó inundaciones y daños en Mendoza   
    Las precipitaciones provocaron anegamientos en calles y avenidas principales, atascamiento de vehículos e importantes daños materiales
      Una intensa tormenta de lluvia y granizo azotó este martes por la tarde buena parte de la provincia de Mendoza, la capital y alrededores, Valle de Uco y la zona este. Las precipitaciones provocaron anegamientos en calles y avenidas principales, atascamiento de vehículos e importantes daños materiales, afortunadamente sin víctimas que lamentar.
                    El temporal comenzó cerca de las 15 en el departamento de San Carlos, donde se produjo la mayor caída de granizo, y horas más tarde se trasladó hacia el departamento de Tunuyán.
      Cerca de las 19, las precipitaciones afectaron la zona de la capital provincial y el Gran Mendoza. La cantidad de lluvia caída en pocos minutos sorprendió a los mendocinos y dejó en evidencia la falta de infraestructura adecuada para soportar estos embates climáticos.
      Algunos automovilistas debieron ser rescatados en medio de la congestión vehicular en el microcentro por el rápido anegamiento de calles.
        En tanto, la actividad escolar fue suspendida en horario nocturno en Tunuyán y San Carlos. Lo mismo ocurrió con el turno matutino de este miércoles en el departamentos de Guaymallén.
        El jefe de la policía local y titular de Defensa Civil en la provincia, Roberto Munives, destacó la velocidad con la que se desató la tormenta y su virulencia, y añadió que no había reportes de daños sobre personas
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    The Librarian reacted to Raquel Segovia in Alerta por Zika: el 10% de las embarazadas tuvo un bebé con malformación   
    Aunque no está completamente comprobado, el virus volvió a indicarse como responsable del nacimiento de niños con defectos. La última y preocupante cifra señaló que en Estados Unidos ocurrió en uno de cada diez bebés de madres afectadas
    La prevención es muy importante para evitar la picadura Aunque hasta ahora no fue declarado como la causa definitiva, las investigaciones en continúan relacionando al virus de Zika con las malformaciones congénitas. La última es la del Centro de Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC), que reveló que alrededor del 10% de las mujeres embarazadas infectadas en Estados Unidos en 2016 tuvieron un hijo con la condición mencionada.
    El estudio examinó un subgrupo de 250 mujeres infectadas. Entre ellas, 24 llevaban en el vientre un feto o habían dado a luz a un niño que tenía un defecto cerebral. "El Zika sigue siendo una amenaza para todas las mujeres embarazadas en Estados Unidos", recordó Anne Schuchat, directora interina del CDC, haciendo énfasis en "el pronto regreso de un clima más cálido y la cercanía de la temporada de mosquitos".
    Entre enero y diciembre de 2016, se encontraron casi 1.300 mujeres embarazadas con signos de una posible infección por Zika en todo el territorio estadounidense y países de alrededor, exceptuando Puerto Rico. Más de 50 nacidos de ellos presentaron malformaciones congénitas que podrían haber sido causadas por el zika. Sin embargo, estos datos no fueron confirmados mediante análisis de laboratorio.
      El zika puede llevar a un defecto de nacimiento llamado microcefalia (AP) El CDC señaló que la infección por este virus durante el primer trimestre del embarazo plantea un mayor riesgo para el feto. Aproximadamente el 15% de los niños afectados en este período nacen con malformaciones congénitas.
    El informe revela asimismo que aproximadamente uno de cada tres recién nacidos potencialmente expuestos a la infección durante el embarazo no fue sometido a estudios sobre posibles defectos neurológicos. Y sólo uno de cada cuatro fue sometido a un escaneo del cerebro. Por último, remarcaron la importancia de la atención médica para el diagnóstico sistemático en todas las mujeres embarazadas potencialmente expuestas.
  6. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Raquel Segovia in La ciencia aseguró que el Ibuprofeno aumenta los riesgos de sufrir enfermedades cardíacas   
    Un reciente estudio afirmó que el consumo excesivo de este antiinflamatorio aumentan un 31% las probabilidades de sufrir un paro cardíaco. Los expertos recomiendan su ingesta moderada para evitar daños a futuro en la salud de los pacientes
    El ibuprofeno sin dudas es uno de los antiinflamatorios escogidos por la población para calmar molestias diarias un estudio afirmo que aumentan un 31% el riesgo de sufrir un paro cardíaco (iStock) Existen ciertos medicamentos popularmente establecidos que ayudan ante cualquier malestar de salud que se presenta de manera cotidiana. Ante un dolor muscular o de cabeza, siempre se recurre al clásico ibuprofeno, el antiinflamatorios por excelencia de los argentinos. Recientemente, investigadores en el Hospital Universitario de Copenhague afirmaron que estos fármacos aumentan un 31% las probabilidades de sufrir un paro cardíaco.
    Según datos detallados por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), las enfermedades cardiovasculares son actualmente, una de las principales causa de muerte en el mundo. Las últimas cifras afirmaron que, solo en el año 2012, aproximadamente 17,5 millones de personas murieron por problemas cardíacos, esto representa el 31% de todas las muertes registradas en el mundo. La inactividad física, el consumo de tabaco, la ingesta de sal en grandes cantidades y el consumo nocivo de alcohol, son algunas de las causas que denotan dichas cifras.
      17,5 millones de personas murieron por problemas cardíacos, esto representa el 31% de todas las muertes registradas en el mundo (iStock) Esta estudio aportó un nuevo factor tiene una clara repercusión en relación a la salud del corazón humano. Los científicos estudiaron detalladamente cerca de 29.000 pacientes en Dinamarca que experimentaron ataques al corazón entre 2001 y 2010. Como resultado, obtuvieron que 3.300 consumieron de manera periódica, medicamentos proveniente del grupo de los AINEs, 30 días antes del del evento cardíaco.
    Los investigadores afirmaron que estos medicamentos, generan la acumulación de plaquetas, lo que concluye en la formación de coágulos sanguíneos. Los resultados afirmaron que también que ayudan a la contracción de las arterias como también, al aumento de la presión arterial.
      Se relaciona a estos antiiflamatorios a enfermedades cardiovasculares debido a que promueven a la acumulación de plaquetas (iStock) "El uso de cualquier AINEs se asoció estrechamente con el aumento del 31% de riesgo de sufrir un paro cardíaco. Solo la droga diclofenac e ibuprofeno, se vinculó con un 50 % de probabilidades, respectivamente. Por el contrario otros fármacos como naproxeno, celecoxib y rofecoxib, no se relacionaron con enfermedades cardiovasculares, probablemente debido a un bajo número de eventos ", afirmó el autor Gunnar H. Gislason, profesor de cardiología en el Hospital Universitario de Copenhague Gentofte en Dinamarca.
    Para evitar los efectos cardíacos adversos al consumir medicación vinculados al grupo de los AINES, los investigadores recomendaron ingerir no más de 1.200 miligramos de ibuprofeno por día, como también limitar lo más posible su consumo .
      Investigadores recomiendan ingerir no más de 1.200 miligramos de ibuprofeno por día (iStock) "Recomendamos no tomar más de 1200 mg de ibuprofeno por día. El naproxeno es probablemente el AINEs más seguro y se puede ingerir hasta 500 mg al día. El diclofenac, se debe evitar especialmente en pacientes con enfermedad cardiovascular y como también en la población general. Existen fármacos más seguros que tienen efectos calmantes similares, así que no hay razón para usar en grandes cantidad de éstas drogas", subrayó Gislason.
    Otros estudios también relacionaron el consumo de antiiflamatorios con el posible desarrollo de la pérdida de audición principalmente en el género femenino. El doctor  y director de la investigación Gary Curhan, del Hospital Brigham y de la Mujer de los EEUU, afirmó según sus resultados:
      Otros estudios también relacionaron el consumo de inflamatorios como le ibuprofeno con el posible desarrollo de la pérdida de audición principalmente en el género femenino (iStock) "Me preocupa que las personas piensen que el ibuprofeno es completamente seguro y que no necesitan pensar en su potencial. Pero especialmente para las personas que están tomándolo para el dolor crónico. Trato de motivarlas para que miren por qué están teniendo el dolor, no lo que pueden tomar para tratarlo".
    Pese a que existe varios factores que afectan la salud y propician el desarrollo de estas enfermedades, el consumo en grandes dosis de ibuprofeno puede provocar, según la ciencia un mayor riesgo. Como cualquier medicamento a consumir cuando se presenta una molestia de salud, la consulta con el médico siempre es la mejor opción para evitar daños colaterales.
  7. Upvote
    Most read TASS NEWS AGENCY Now Today This week 1 Russian court turns down Jehovah’s Witnesses’ bid for ‘victim of repression’ status 2 Russia’s top court puts off hearing on Jehovah’s Witnesses bid to fight ban until April 6 3 UN experts voice concern over possible ban on Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia 4 Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia suspended over extremism 5 Russia designates myriad of Jehovah’s Witnesses’ materials as extremist 6 Jehovah’s Witnesses say they have no suspension orders from Justice Ministry yet 7 Kremlin says Putin skilled at brushing off ‘vulgarities’ hurled against him

  8. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to bruceq in MASS PERSECUTION INEVITABLE From Human Rights in Ukraine Website   
    Mass persecution inevitable if Russia bans the Jehovah’s Witnesses as ’extremist’
    Russian police break through the gates of a Kingdonm Hall in Nezlobnaya, Photo JW site        
    Russia’s Supreme Court appears to be on the verge of banning the Jehovah’s Witnesses after a Justice Ministry application which claimed that this world faith is ‘extremist’.  The same Court on April 5 rejected a counter-suit lodged by the Jehovah’s Witnesses Administrative Centre asking that the actions of the ministry be declared political repression and that representatives of local communities be called to testify to such persecution.   It claimed essentially that this was not within its jurisdiction.
    This new move follows constant repression at regional level.  The Jehovah’s Witnesses had also fruitlessly asked the Court to adjourn the proceedings until general jurisdiction courts had issued their rulings in cases where bans are being sought on 9 regional branches and where 90 texts are accused of being ‘extremist’. 
    All applications were rejected, including the most obvious, namely that religious specialists and linguistic experts be called in to give their professional assessment of the so-called ‘extremism’. 
    The justice ministry application was lodged on March 15, with this asking the Supreme Court to dissolve – as ‘extremist’ – both the Administrative Centre, and 395 regional branches.  Their activities were suspended pending the Court ruling.
    The authoritative Sova Centre has stated that there are no legitimate grounds for any such ban, and calls the move a clear demonstration of religious discrimination.  According to the official website, there are over 170 thousand Witnesses in Russia who will all face the threat of persecution for their faith if the ministry’s application is allowed. 
    Nikolai Mitrokhin, a researcher on, among other things, the role of the Russian Orthodox Church in modern Russia, is convinced that the justice minister Alexander Konovalov is seeking to please Patriarch Kirill, head of the Church by initiating this ban.  He points out that, against a background of continuing acts of terrorism, a high level of crime and total corruption, the law enforcement bodies will be deployed in preventing the activities of 170 thousand active members, as well as hundreds of thousands of people who support them, family members, etc. Russia will have a new generation of martyrs for their faith.
    There can be nothing extremist about “reading the Bible, singing and praying with fellow worshippers”, as the world headquarters have asked all believers to stress in letters to President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and other top officials, as well as the Head of the Supreme Court. 
    The Jehovah’s Witnesses avoid any involvement in politics and refuse to take up arms, which has led to their persecution in many countries.  This ban, however, would be a dangerous first for post-Soviet Russia, and one with devastating consequences both for the thousands of believers who will immediately face persecution and for religious freedom in Russia generally. 
  9. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from SuzA in Jehovah’s Witnesses Mobilize Global Response to Threat of Ban in Russia   
    You have a way with words @TrueTomHarley ;-)
  10. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to TrueTomHarley in Jehovah’s Witnesses Mobilize Global Response to Threat of Ban in Russia   
    Should the decision go against us, there will be much hand-wringing. We should keep in mind:
    (Yikes! On another thread, I am flagged as an abuser and the entire thread is taken down! "Behave, TrueTom!" they said)
    Being the Supreme Court, there may be no appeals left. If the decision goes bad on us, our Russian brothers become like the Hebrews 11 Christians, who walked about under duress, 'and the world was not worthy of them.' It happens with good precedent in a world not friendly to Christians. Jesus was not summoned before Pilate to receive a good citizenship plaque, was he?
  11. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to ARchiv@L in Zdjęcia sądu w Rosji.   
  12. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to ARchiv@L in Ρωσικό δικαστήριο και Μετάφραση στα ελληνικά,   
    Ο αδελφός Μαρκ Σαντερσον (από το Κυβερνών Σώμα), είναι ο πρώτος από δεξιά.. 
    Γίνεται αυτή την στιγμή το δικαστήριο...
    Μετάφραση Google...
    Έκθεση: το Ανώτατο Δικαστήριο έχει επιληφθεί υποθέσεως σχετικά με την απαγόρευση της θρησκείας των Μαρτύρων του Ιεχωβά

    Το Ανώτατο Δικαστήριο της Ρωσίας άρχισε τις ακροάσεις στην αγωγή για την εκκαθάριση των Μαρτύρων του Ιεχωβά.
    Μια έκθεση κειμένου διεξάγεται από την αίθουσα του δικαστηρίου.

    Η μεγάλη όμορφη αίθουσα του δικαστηρίου είναι γεμάτο. Υπάρχουν περισσότερα από 200 άτομα, συμπεριλαμβανομένων πολλών δημοσιογράφων, εκπροσώπων των δημόσιων οργανισμών, ξένων πρεσβειών. Η ακροαματική διαδικασία ξεκίνησε στις 10:30.
    Λίγο λιγότερο από 250 άτομα παρέμειναν στο δρόμο για να περιμένουμε τα αποτελέσματα της ακρόασης. Povarskaya δρόμου στη Μόσχα είναι γεμάτη με αυτοκίνητα με κεραίες τηλεόρασης εκπομπής. Πολλές κάμερες απογειώνεται. Από τις αστυνομικές ραδιόφωνα, τα μηνύματα «Όλα είναι ήρεμα, χωρίς περιστατικό» περιοδικά ακούσει. Στην αίθουσα, οι εκπρόσωποι των πρεσβειών και ξένων οργανισμών στα ακουστικά ακούει τη μετάφραση της διαδικασίας.
    Η υπόθεση εκδικάζεται από το δικαστή Yu. Ivanenko. Το κόμμα του εναγομένου, η «Διοικητική Κέντρο των Μαρτύρων του Ιεχωβά στη Ρωσία», αντιπροσωπεύει 6 άτομα, μεταξύ των οποίων ο Βασίλι Kalina από την οργανωτική επιτροπή, καθώς και των δικηγόρων. Εκπρόσωπος του Υπουργείου Δικαιοσύνης της Ρωσίας - Svetlana Μπορίσοβα. Οι αντιρρήσεις της καθής με την περίπτωση προστίθεται μαζί με τα παραρτήματα σε 35 όγκους.
    Το δικαστήριο επέτρεψε τη φωτογραφία και εγγραφή βίντεο μόνο όταν η τελική πράξη είχε ανακοινωθεί. Ωστόσο, για την καταγραφή ήχου δεν υπάρχουν εμπόδια. Περίπου 40 εκπρόσωποι των μέσων ενημέρωσης είναι παρόντες στην αίθουσα, που καταλαμβάνουν τις πρώτες σειρές της αίθουσας.
    11:00 Το δικαστήριο αρνήθηκε να δεχθεί μια ανταγωγή για την αναγνώριση των δράσεων του Υπουργείου Δικαιοσύνης ως πολιτική καταστολή. Ο δικαστής θεώρησε την αποδοχή αντιρρήσεις ως προς την απαίτηση ως επαρκές μέτρο της υπεράσπισης για τον κατηγορούμενο.
    11:15 Εκπρόσωποι των Μαρτύρων του Ιεχωβά αίτηση για την εισαγωγή να συμμετάσχουν σε εκπροσώπους περίπτωση όλων των 395 τοπικών θρησκευτικών οργανώσεων. Δικηγόρος Zhenkov: «Αν οι πιστοί σε όλη τη Ρωσία στερούνται των δικαιωμάτων τους, να τους αφήσουμε να το ακούσετε εδώ στο δικαστήριο.» Οι τοπικές θρησκευτικές οργανώσεις, σε αντίθεση με τη λογική του Υπουργείου Δικαιοσύνης, δεν είναι δομικές μονάδες μεταξύ τους, αλλά ανεξάρτητα νομικά πρόσωπα.
    11:20 Δικηγόρος Omelchenko δίνει ένα παράδειγμα: «Σύμφωνα με τη λογική του Υπουργείου Δικαιοσύνης, αποδεικνύεται, θα πρέπει να περάσει μια φράση: Σκότωσε τον Αταμάν Και ολόκληρη διμοιρία του.».
    11:25 Το δικαστήριο αρνήθηκε να συμμετέχουν 395 τοπικές οργανώσεις στην υπόθεση ως συν-κατηγορουμένων.
    Μια έκθεση κειμένου

  13. Upvote
  14. Upvote
    ...too often that is true in every judicial system ... remember ... even the Nazis had a fully staffed "Department of Justice", but there was no Justice. ... Justice we get from Jehovah God ... everything else is more often than not only "due process".
  15. Upvote
    Hurry up and wait, hurry up and wait. It really does seem that the court has already made up its mind and is just going through the motions of a trial. 
  16. Upvote
  17. Upvote
    15:05 Omelchenko lawyer intercedes for the recovery of craft books that were considered "extremist" and which formed the basis of this lawsuit to ban Jehovah's Witnesses religion. Counsel emphasizes that it is necessary to study the question of whether these statements are dangerous enough that on this basis significantly restrict the right of 300 thousand Russian citizens. He draws attention to the legal requirement that the restrictions must be justified and proportionate to the constitutionally significant goals. 15:15 Omelchenko provides examples of statements in the publications of Jehovah's Witnesses, because of which these publications were recognized as extremist. 15:28 The court adjourned until April 6, 2017 14:00.
  18. Upvote
    Report: Supreme Court to hear the case to ban the Jehovah's Witnesses religion
      April 5, 2017 Trying to complete ban Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia
      The Russian Supreme Court began hearings on the suit on the Elimination of Jehovah's Witnesses. It conducted a text report from the courtroom.
    10:58 Big beautiful courtroom crowded. There are more than 200 people, including many journalists, representatives of public organizations and foreign embassies. The hearing began at 10:30.
    A little less than 250 people were left on the street waiting for the results of the hearing. Cook Street in Moscow is filled with cars with transmitting television antennas. Occurring remove numerous chamber. Of police radios periodically hear the message "All is calm, without incident." In the hall representatives of embassies and international organizations in the headphones listening to the process of translation.
    The case was heard Judge Yuri Ivanenko. The defendant, "the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia" are 6 persons, including Vasily Kalin of the Steering Committee, as well as lawyers. The representative of Ministry of Justice of Russia - Svetlana Borisova. Attached to the case with the defendant's objections to the applications in 35 volumes.
    The court allowed the photographing and video recording only when the announcement of the final act. However, there is no record of obstacles. In the hall there are about 40 members of the media, they occupy the first rows of the audience.
    11:00 The court refused to accept a counter claim for recognition of the Ministry of Justice acts of political repression. The judge described the passage of objections to the claim sufficient measure of protection for the defendant. 11:15 Representatives of Jehovah's Witnesses apply for admission to participation in the case of representatives of all 395 local religious organizations. Lawyer little wife: "If believers throughout Russia will be deprived of their rights, let them hear it here in court." Local religious organizations, contrary to the logic of the Ministry of Justice, are not the structural units of each other, but separate legal entities. 11:20 The lawyer Lew gives an example: "The logic of the Ministry of Justice, it turns out, it is necessary to impose a sentence: Shoot chieftain. And his whole platoon. " 11:25 The court rejected the enlistment of the 395 local organizations as a respondent. 11:30 Jehovah's Witnesses have asked the court to allow audio broadcasting the trial. The court refused. 11:35 Lawyers for the Jehovah's Witnesses are asking the court to adjourn the hearing pending the outcome of another case in another court. It is an appeal to the Court of Justice order the suspension of the activities of organizations . 11:42 The Ministry of Justice objected, because it believes that the authorities had every right to suspend the activities of organizations. 11:45 The court refused to postpone the hearing. 11:50 Omelchenko lawyer seeks the abandonment of the claim without consideration of the Ministry of Justice. The plaintiff is not complied with the pre-trial procedure for settling claims to the 395 communities of Jehovah's Witnesses. Before you make a claim for the liquidation of 395 local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, the authorities, by law, had to make an official warning each of them and to give time to correct them. 11:55 The second reason for the abandonment without consideration of this claim lies in the fact that the Russian courts have treated similar cases of liquidation and recognition of the "extremist" 2 out of 395 local Jehovah's Witnesses organizations (Karachay-Cherkessia and the Samara region). 12:05 The Court dismissed the petition on the abandonment without consideration. 12:10 Representatives of Jehovah's Witnesses are asked to postpone the hearing for one week due to the fact that the Ministry of Justice sent a statement of claim to the defendant in time. It came in the mail only to March 28, 2017. In addition, the Ministry of Justice to provide the defendant not all documents specified in the annexes to the statement of claim. 12:17 The Ministry of Justice does not object to the adjournment of the case. 12:19 The court refused to postpone the case. 12:20 Lawyer little wife seeks the suspension of the case due to the fact that in a number of Russian vessels submitted applications for consideration in force decisions of the courts on newly discovered evidence. We are talking about the revision in force of affairs on the Elimination of 8 local religious organizations (MPO) and the introduction of 88 publications of Jehovah's Witnesses in FSEM. The fact that all those court decisions were made without the involvement of the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, since the Ministry of Justice insisted that the court decisions in relation to the LRO not affect the rights of the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia. In the present case the Ministry of Justice changed position and now all accusations against MPO, imputed to the Administrative Center. 12:30 The Ministry of Justice objected to the suspension, considering that, in cases involving MPO attended the same lawyers as in the case of liquidation of the MPO. 12:33 The court retired to the deliberation room. 13:50 The Court went out of the deliberation room. The suspension of the case was denied. 13:55 Little wife's lawyer said the petition to bring to participate in the case of experts, namely the religious scholars and linguists. Specialists may clarify whether are really extremist and dangerous texts that form the basis of the requirements of the Ministry of Justice to ban an entire religion in Russia. 14:00 Asked by the judge whether to propose lawyers to arrange a "revision" of court decisions, which was included in the literature FSEM lawyers explained that this information will be important to determine the proportionality of the Ministry of Justice requirements. 14:04 The representative of the Ministry of Justice objected to the admission of experts for the hearing. 14:05 The court refused to attract specialists to the hearing. 14:06 The lawyer asks little wife get to take part in the 9 foreign legal persons representing the religious communities of Jehovah's Witnesses in Europe and America. The reason is that the Ministry of Justice in its lawsuit asks the court to confiscate properties belonging to these organizations. 14:14 The court refused to attract foreign companies to participate in the case. 14:15 Omelchenko said the lawyer about bringing a motion to participate in the proceedings as interested parties of eight Russian citizens who were rehabilitated as victims of political repression. These people present in the room. Lawyers argue convincingly that these people rehabilitated from the turn in the case of satisfaction of the claim to the "extremists". 14:20 The Ministry of Justice said that the court decides on the liquidation of legal entities, it does not apply to individuals. In his reply the lawyer reminded the little wife that such considerations were guided by Soviet authorities, banning the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses, however, repression of painful blow it for the people, so that they have been rehabilitated. 14:25 Court denies the petition. 14:30 Lawyers apply for the interrogation of individual citizens, followers of the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses who can testify about what measures have been taken by Jehovah's Witnesses in order to prevent extremist activity. 14:35 The Ministry of Justice does not object. The court granted. 14:40 Lawyers say the request for interrogation as witnesses of persons recognized as victims of political repression. The Ministry of Justice objected. Court refuses. 14:43 Representative of Jehovah's Witnesses Nowak said petition for interrogation as witnesses of persons who witnessed falsification of evidence against those who believe in things that the Ministry of Justice uses in his lawsuit as "further evidence of the offense." 14:45 On the judge's objection that it comes to an effective decision, Novak says that in the present case can not be used prejudicial approach, because it is a different legal entity. The court must examine the evidence directly. Novakov tells the court about the circumstances and tossed perjuredly indications in a number of Russian cities. 15:00 The Ministry of Justice objected, arguing that the questioning, they believe authorities, aims to "to review the decision to enter into force." The court refused to examine witnesses evidence of fraud simple local Jehovah's Witnesses organizations.
  19. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to TrueTomHarley in Jehovah’s Witnesses Mobilize Global Response to Threat of Ban in Russia   
    McCain calls Kim Jong-un "that crazy fat kid running North Korea." Says he must be stopped. The crazy fat kid threatens to nuke America over the insult. (In covering the story, the Guardian included photos of Kim touring two pastry plants each wearing a wide grin on his face!
    High U.S. officials signal the time for patience is over, previous policies have failed.
    A few days ago, in response to some remark or other, Kim said that if a single bullet was fired, NK would nuke America. 
    He can't yet reach America, though he is working hard on it and will be able to soon. But Japan and South Korea are understandably scared out of their pants..
    In the face of such potentially catastrophic news, what is the top story in Russia these days? @bruceq tells us: 
    It is the Russian extremism story
  20. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Abel Castro in Comissão de Direitos Humanos condena processo contra as Testemunhas de Jeová na Rússia   
    Comissão de Direitos Humanos condena processo contra as Testemunhas de Jeová na Rússia
    O presidente da Comissão de Segurança e Cooperação da Europa, conhecida como Comissão de Helsinque, senador Roger Wicker, juntamente com o representante e co-presidente da comissão, Chris Smith e o representante e comissário Richard Hudeson, condenaram o pedido de processo do governo russo para proibir as Testemunhas de Jeová de praticar sua adoração no país.
    “É um erro aplicar leis falhas contra o terrorismo àqueles que querem praticar sua fé. Existem realmente ameaças de extremismo violento, mas o governo russo está se aproveitando delas para prejudicar a liberdade de religião naquele país. Isso desvia a atenção dos verdadeiros esforços para combater o terrorismo. Eu apelo que o governo russo desista do caso imediatamente", disse o presidente.
    “O que está em jogo no julgamento que vai ocorrer é a legitimidade e talvez a sobrevivência das Testemunhas de Jeová. Se o Supremo Tribunal da Rússia declarar esse grupo religioso como uma organização extremista, será um mau sinal para todos os crentes e um dia triste e sombrio que vai marcar para sempre vida de todos os cidadãos russos", completou o co-presidente Smith.
    Por fim, o comissário Hudson declarou: “Como forte apoiador da liberdade de religião, estou chocado com o governo russo por tratar um grupo religioso como ameaça à segurança nacional. Nunca se deve perseguir pessoas por causa da religião".
    No dia 15 de março, o Ministério da Justiça da Rússia entrou com um pedido no tribunal para classificar o Centro Administrativo das Testemunhas de Jeová, do país, como um grupo extremista. Se a decisão do Supremo Tribunal for contra o Centro Administrativo, as 175 mil Testemunhas de Jeová na Rússia poderão ser processadas criminalmente por praticar sua fé.
    De acordo com a Ata Final de Helsinque, assinada por todos os 57 estados participantes da Organização de Segurança e Cooperação na Europa, incluindo a Rússia, “os estados participantes reconhecerão e respeitarão a liberdade que todo indivíduo tem de pertencer e praticar, sozinho ou com outros, uma religião ou ato religioso de acordo com o que a sua consciência permite".
  21. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Arauna in The Supreme Test of Abraham's Faith!   
    Isaac was between 18 and 25 years old and yes - so he was not a baby - he was a thinking individual.  He knew the miracle of his mothers womb which was closed for many years and was restored to bear him.  He also knew of the promise of the seed through his family line.  Abraham and Sarah would have raised him with a strong faith and told him over and over about his miracle birth and the direct promise from Jehovah and the circumcision of this covenant.
    There are many instances in the Bible where people saw miracles and did not believe it (like the Pharisees who saw the miracles of Jesus; and Israel saw the plagues and the fire cloud at night and quickly ran to idolatry)  but there are those who will show faith/obedience by hearing about the promise.  Isaac had good reasons to believe his own miraculous birth and the promise made to his father.  Isaac showed faith....and a willingness to work with his father and it therefore was a perfect picture of Jesus who did the same and displayed perfect obedience.  I think it takes a special frame of mind to do this but both of them were not without 'direct evidence' from Jehovah of the 'realities' even though the final 'promise' was not yet beheld. (Hebr 11:1)
    His father did not tell him immediately that he was to be the sacrifice.  His father was pretty old - and Isaac was much stronger - he could definitely have refused if he wanted to and his father would not have been able to do anything about it. He obviously believed that Jehovah had spoken to Abraham.  (There are other instances in the Bible where prophets were told to enact a story (like marrying a prostitute) to indicate what would happen in future). His obedience to his father was like that of Jesus to Jehovah.
    I use this picture a lot with Muslims to explain that this picture is a picture of the 'true messenger' and what was foretold he would do.  He was promised to die.   Jesus did die - Mohammad did not - so he is not the fulfilment of the Mosaic law.  The death of Jesus brought the fulfillment of the Mosaic law which was a tutor until Christ.   
    Both Abraham and Isaac believed the promise Jehovah had made that the legal legitimate son would bring forth the Messiah.  They trusted that Jehovah would do justice by them - even if Isaac died.  We should also show this kind of faith in the justice of Jehovah.
  22. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Arauna in The Supreme Test of Abraham's Faith!   
    Insight book says more or less 25 years old.  Isaac also carried the wood for the sacrifice on a 3 day trip to the land of Moriah -  (The same mountain on which the temple was later built by David - Jehovah planned it this way - the continuity).  Mount Moriah was next to mount Zion.
    Excerpt of Insight book:
    "This dramatic episode proved the faith and obedience not only of Abraham but also of his son Isaac. Jewish tradition, recorded by Josephus, says that Isaac was 25 years old at the time. At any rate, he was old enough and strong enough to carry a considerable quantity of wood up a mountain. So, he could have resisted his 125-year-old father when the time came to bind him if he had chosen to be rebellious against Jehovah’s commandments. (Jewish Antiquities, I, 227 [xiii, 2]) Instead, Isaac submissively let his father proceed to offer him as a sacrifice in harmony with God’s will. For this demonstration of Abraham’s faith, Jehovah then repeated and enlarged upon his covenant with Abraham, which covenant was transferred by God to Isaac after the death of Isaac’s father.—Ge 22:15-18; 26:1-5; Ro 9:7; Jas 2:21.
    More important, a great prophetic picture was there enacted, portraying how Christ Jesus, the Greater Isaac, would in due time willingly lay down his human life as the Lamb of God for mankind’s salvation.—Joh 1:29, 36; 3:16."
  23. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to JW Insider in The Supreme Test of Abraham's Faith!   
    @Arauna OK, Thanks. No argument from me. It's just that you said it so definitively I wondered if there was some additional resource you might have known about. (Hoping there was some related tradition from Islam, or something like that.)
    As far as traditions handed down from Josephus, that was in the original post, too. We usually treat Josephus with some skepticism when he adds things that aren't indicated in the Bible record.
  24. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to JW Insider in The Supreme Test of Abraham's Faith!   
    Bible believers have anguished over this account about Abraham and Isaac for thousands of years. Some have tried to soften the impact, because it jars our sensibilities. It's like reading about David having his enemies hacked up, or Jephthah offering his daughter as a burnt offering. Or Hosea being asked to marry a prostitute, or Ezekiel being asked to cook with human excrement, or Isaiah being asked to father a child by a prophetess who isn't described as his wife, and to walk around completely naked for three years. The list could go on and on. For centuries, Bible translators have often made decisions to soften the ideas from the original languages to protect more modern readers.
    But this particular account is the most disturbing. How many of us would kill our child because we heard a voice and we had faith was God's voice. Abraham had the faith to go through with it. And we have no idea if the already weaned child was 5 years old, 6 years old, 10 years old, or even 20 years old, which is about the maximum age that the Hebrew word for "boy" is generally used of someone's son. We know he could speak, and that he could carry a bundle of sticks.
    It's hard to say if Isaac really had faith in the resurrection at the time. Abraham lied to him or misled him when Isaac asked where the animal for sacrifice was. If Abraham was not misleading him when he told Isaac that God would provide the sheep, then that would mean that Abraham did not really have faith to offer up his son, because he expected a replacement all along. The Bible does not say that Isaac was willing to be bound. If Isaac was really willing to have a knife plunged into him, there might be no need to bind him anyway.
    At any rate, this is not a story that we should just think of as another story for a book of children's Bible stories. It should make us anguish over what it really means to have faith. What is the difference in following a voice and dreams that tell you to murder, or voices and dreams that really come from God? The difference in Abraham's case seems to be a relationship with Jehovah that was undeniably real and close, as if he were speaking to a friend. And yet it wasn't completely based on things actually seen, but things unseen: faith.
  25. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Arauna in The Supreme Test of Abraham's Faith!   
    Isaac was young and his father old.  He could have pushed his father away and said: No.  So he willingly lay down to be  sacrificed by his father - a willing participant - so he also displayed faith in the resurrection and the promises from Jehovah about the seed coming from his  family line.  
    Abraham did not have to go the whole way.... but Jehovah did go the whole way by allowing his son to die.   Jesus willingly came to earth and offered his life to be sacrificed.  This is a future picture of the greatest sacrifice offered up for mankind.  As appalling as it feels to us that Abraham did this - it is actually a picture of how appalling this was to Jehovah se offer up his son.  Both Jehovah and Jesus knew how necessary this was - otherwise we could not have the opportunity to live - we needed a legal ransom.
    When Jesus died it became night and the earth shook which demonstrated Jehovah's distress that his son had died..... while being perfect..... it was an unjust death because it was not deserved.  Jesus, by his death proved that Adam could have stayed faithful to Jehovah - he was not created with a flaw.  He knew what he was doing when he chose Eve above Jehovah. One perfect man sinned and brought death upon his offspring and one man's loyalty to Jehovah until death (under much more taxing circumstances than Adam), provided the ransom to give us life.
    I always ask Muslims why did god allow Abraham to offer up his son. (They believe it was Ishmael- and they do not believe that Jesus died.  They say it was made to appear so....)  If this was a picture of a future event..... Who provided that sacrificial death?   Jesus or Mohammad?
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