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The Librarian

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  1. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to John Lindsay Barltrop in German shipowners use South Asia as dumping grounds for their old vessels. But those working in such...   
    "...........Germany have all these laws but do not apply these in other countries and do not compensate as they know they should."
    My dear Arauna,..........it is not only Germany, it is ALL countries, or shipping nations, more correctly, that take advantage of these shipbreaking yards and most Western countries have the same or similar laws to Germany.
    Here is another quote:
    Ship recycling plays a vital role in the lifecycle of a ship, and is fundamental to the industry.
    For the last twenty years the ship-recycling yards in Bangladesh, China, India, Pakistan and Turkey have been recycling 97% to 98% of all the tonnage that is recycled in the world. The economies of these five countries are characterised by a great appetite for scrap steel for their steel making needs.
    Of these, the three South Asian countries are less developed and poorer, and this ensures that the local ship recyclers have the market to sell virtually every part of the ship: steel, machinery, fittings, equipment and even furniture. Consequently, the three South Asian countries are the most competitive in terms of the prices they pay for buying end-of-life ships and in the last ten years have dominated the international market by recycling more than two thirds of the world’s recycled tonnage.
    On the other hand, underdevelopment and poverty are usually linked to lower safety, social welfare and environmental standards, giving rise over the years to pressures for the development of an international convention to regulate safety, health, environmental protection. This led to the adoption of the Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships (HKC) by IMO in 2009.
    Not all yards have yet achieved desirable safety and environmental standards, and unfortunately there are many yards that still use poor practices during the ship recycling process. GMS has long been a supporter of the entry into force of the HKC so that compliance with its rigorous safety and environmental standards becomes mandatory. This would introduce a level playing field for all yards to work from. Until this is achieved, owners have the power to drive change by choosing yards that exercise good standards for safety and environmental protection (known as responsible recyclers, or “green yards”). This sends a strong market message that unsafe practices are no longer socially or environmentally acceptable, or economically prudent, and that the market will hold them accountable for such practices.
    This was quoted from an article in the "Hellenic Shipping News- Worldwide" 
    The ones making the "Big bucks" are the owners of the yards.
  2. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Arauna in German shipowners use South Asia as dumping grounds for their old vessels. But those working in such...   
    Point taken.  Of course there are countries where people do not earn even one dollar a day and in most of these a life is not worth five cents.  I was merely referring to the life threatening tipe of work and no compensation for that.  Germany have all these laws but do not apply these in other countries and do not compensate as they know they should.  Save a buck on the back of human lives in poor countries.
    There is no justice in this world - and the shipping industry seems to be under regulated in all facets of its operations. I recall disasters in recent years where passengers on boats died because they received bad instructions from the crew during evacuation phase.  There were no drills ever practiced for this eventuality - or so it seemed at the time. My thoughts at the time were that less lives would have been lost by good evacuation procedures and dry practicing by the crew before passengers come on board.  But I never heard that this is an instituted maritime law.
  3. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to John Lindsay Barltrop in German shipowners use South Asia as dumping grounds for their old vessels. But those working in such...   
    "............with no danger pay"
    You do jest..........their entire pay is just a mere pittance 
    Just a little more info on this:
    • Since the early 2000’s, a number of international organisations have offered guidelines on protecting workers’ health and safety, and preventing environmental damage, yet the most basic health and safety standards are not implemented and hazardous waste continue to pollute the water and soil.
    • International regulation aiming at a safer and more sustainable ship recycling has been adopted, but is not yet in force. The Hong Kong Convention on the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships was adopted in 2009, but is so far only ratified by 4 countries. The convention does not ban the beaching method, but does set out a list of requirements enter alia in relation to the management of hazardous waste. Early implementation efforts are made by the IMO who has issued guidelines to assist ship owners as well as ship recycling yards. Since September 2015, a handful of ship recycling yards in India has received a “Statement of Compliance” with the convention issued by a classification society. This has caused a debate as leading NGOs maintain that the requirements set forth in the convention are not met, and call for transparency of the certification process.
    • The EU Ship Recycling Regulation was adopted in 2013 and will become gradually applicable from 2018, after which EU-flagged ships must go to EU-approved ship recycling facilities. The regulation sets out a list of requirements that have to be met for approval of ship recycling facilities, and may in practice exclude the shipbreaking yards in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan from such approval. The European Community Shipowners’ Association is lobbying the European Commission to apply “the spirit of the regulation”, to the protests of local NGOs
    The IMO (International Maritime Organization) have also tried to improve safety in these facilities, but, in the main it falls on deaf ears...........as the saying goes "You can lead a horse to water, but, you cannot make it drink"..........I have been involved in the maritime industry, as a marine engineer, for more years than I care to remember (60+ years, I retired 15 months ago at 75 1/2) and this subject has cropped up many times over the years........the response always seems to be the same.......NOTHING changes, or if it does not by very much.
    This was just a small excerpt from: "Shipbreaking Practices in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan" An Investor Perspective on the Human Rights and Environmental Impacts of Beaching written by International Law and Policy Institute (ILPI) (an independent institute focusing on good governance, peace and conflict, and international law.)
    PS As I pointed out CLEARLY this is not just a problem for Germany, but, ALL shipping companies WORLD WIDE.
  4. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to bruceq in NEW YORK TIMES ARTICLE ON JW AND RUSSIA   
    Russia Moves to Ban Jehovah’s Witnesses as ‘Extremist’
      Jehovah’s Witnesses gathered in a house in the village of Vorokhobino, north of Moscow, where they meet for services. CreditJames Hill for The New York Times VOROKHOBINO, Russia — A dedicated pacifist who has never even held a gun, Andrei Sivak discovered that his government considered him a dangerous extremist when he tried to change some money and the teller “suddenly looked up at me with a face full of fear.”
    His name had popped up on the exchangalee bureau’s computer system, along with those of members of Al Qaeda, the Islamic State and other militant groups responsible for shocking acts of violence.
    The only group the 43-year-old father of three has ever belonged to, however, is Jehovah’s Witnesses, a Christian denomination committed to the belief that the Bible must be taken literally, particularly its injunction “Thou shalt not kill.”
    Yet, in a throwback to the days of the Soviet Union, when Jehovah’s Witnesses were hounded as spies and malcontents by the K.G.B., the denomination is at the center of an escalating campaign by the authorities to curtail religious groups that compete with the Russian Orthodox Church and that challenge President Vladimir V. Putin’s efforts to rally the country behind traditional and often militaristic patriotic values.
    The Justice Ministry on Thursday put the headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia, an office complex near St. Petersburg, on a list of the bodies banned “in connection with the carrying out of extremist activities.”
    Last month, the ministry asked the Supreme Court to outlaw the religious organization and stop its more than 170,000 Russian members from spreading “extremist” texts. The court is scheduled to hear — and is likely to rule on — the case on Wednesday.
    Extremism, as defined by a law passed in 2002 but amended and expanded several times since, has become a catchall charge that can be deployed against just about anybody, as it has been against some of those involved in recent anti-corruption protests in Moscow and scores of other cities.
        The Jehovah’s Witnesses elders Vyacheslav Stepanov, 40, left, and Andrei Sivak, 43, are facing trial on charges of inciting division and hatred. CreditJames Hill for The New York Times Several students who took part in demonstrations in the Siberian city of Tomsk are now being investigated by a special anti-extremism unit while Leonid Volkov, the senior aide to the jailed protest leader Aleksei A. Navalny, said he had himself been detained last week under the extremism law.
    In the case of Jehovah’s Witnesses, the putative extremism seems to derive mostly from the group’s absolute opposition to violence, a stand that infuriated Soviet and now Russian authorities whose legitimacy rests in large part on the celebration of martial triumphs, most notably over Nazi Germany in World War II but also over rebels in Syria.
    Jehovah’s Witnesses, members of a denomination founded in the United States in the 19th century and active in Russia for more than 100 years, refuse military service, do not vote and view God as the only true leader. They shun the patriotic festivals promoted with gusto by the Kremlin, like the annual celebration of victory in 1945 and recent events to celebrate the annexation of Crimea in March 2014.
    Mr. Sivak, who says he lost his job as a physical education teacher because of his role as a Jehovah’s Witnesses elder, said he had voted for Mr. Putin in 2000, three years before joining the denomination. He added that while he has not voted since, nor has he supported anti-Kremlin activities of the sort that usually attract the attention of Russia’s post-Soviet version of the K.G.B., the Federal Security Service, or F.S.B.
    “I have absolutely no interest in politics,” he said during a recent Jehovah’s Witnesses Friday service in a wooden country house in Vorokhobino, a snow-covered village north of Moscow. Around 100 worshipers crammed into a long, chilly room under fluorescent lights to listen to readings from the Bible, sing and watch a video advising them to dress for worship as they would for a meeting with the president.
    “From the Russian state’s perspective, Jehovah’s Witnesses are completely separate,” said Geraldine Fagan, the author of “Believing in Russia — Religious Policy After Communism.” She added, “They don’t get involved in politics, but this is itself seen as a suspicious political deviation.”
    “The idea of independent and public religious activity that is completely outside the control of — and also indifferent to — the state sets all sorts of alarm bells ringing in the Orthodox Church and the security services,” she said.
    That the worldwide headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses is in the United States and that its publications are mostly prepared there, Ms. Fagan added, “all adds up to a big conspiracy theory” for the increasingly assertive F.S.B.
      Photo   Jehovah’s Witnesses arriving at a Friday evening service in Vorokhobino. CreditJames Hill for The New York Times For Mr. Sivak, it has added up to a long legal nightmare. His troubles began, he said, when undercover security officers posed as worshipers and secretly filmed a service where he was helping to officiate in 2010.
    Accused of “inciting hatred and disparaging the human dignity of citizens,” he was put on trial for extremism along with a second elder, Vyacheslav Stepanov, 40. The prosecutor’s case, heard by a municipal court in Sergiyev Posad, a center of the Russian Orthodox Church, produced no evidence of extremism and focused instead on the insufficient patriotism of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    “Their disregard for the state,” a report prepared for the prosecution said, “erodes any sense of civic affiliation and promotes the destruction of national and state security.”
    In a ruling last year, the court found the two men not guilty and their ordeal seemed over — until Mr. Sivak tried to change money and was told that he had been placed on a list of “terrorists and extremists.”
    He and Mr. Stepanov now face new charges of extremism and are to appear before a regional court this month. “There is a big wave of repression breaking,” Mr. Stepanov said.
    In response to written questions, the Justice Ministry in Moscow said a yearlong review of documents at the Jehovah’s Witnesses “administrative center” near St. Petersburg had uncovered violations of a Russian law banning extremism. As a result, it added, the center should be “liquidated,” along with nearly 400 locally registered branches of the group and other structures.
    For the denomination’s leaders inside Russia, the sharp escalation in a long campaign of harassment, previously driven mostly by local officials, drew horrifying flashbacks to the Soviet era.
    Vasily Kalin, the chairman of Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Russian arm, recalled that his whole family had been deported to Siberia when he was a child. “It is sad and reprehensible that my children and grandchildren should be facing a similar fate,” he said. “Never did I expect that we would again face the threat of religious persecution in modern Russia.”
        Mr. Stepanov led a Friday evening service. CreditJames Hill for The New York Times In Russia, as in many countries, the door-to-door proselytizing of Jehovah’s Witnesses often causes irritation, and their theological idiosyncrasies disturb many mainstream Christians. The group has also been widely criticized for saying that the Bible prohibits blood transfusions. But it has never promoted violent or even peaceful political resistance.
    “I cannot imagine that anyone really thinks they are a threat,” said Alexander Verkhovsky, director of the SOVA Center for Information and Analysis, which monitors extremism in Russia. “But they are seen as a good target. They are pacifists, so they cannot be radicalized, no matter what you do to them. They can be used to send a message.”
    That message, it would seem, is that everyone needs to get with the Putin program — or risk being branded as an extremist if they display indifference, never mind hostility, to the Kremlin’s drive to make Russia a great power again.
    “A big reason they are being targeted is simply that they are an easy target,” Ms. Fagan said. “They don’t vote, so nobody is going to lose votes by attacking them.”
    Attacking Jehovah’s Witnesses also sends a signal that even the mildest deviation from the norm, if proclaimed publicly and insistently, can be punished under the anti-extremism law, which was passed after Russia’s second war in Chechnya and the Sept. 11 attacks in the United States.
    Billed as a move by Russia to join a worldwide struggle against terrorism, the law prohibited “incitement of racial, national or religious strife, and social hatred associated with violence or calls for violence.”
    But the reference to violence was later deleted, opening the way for the authorities to classify as extremist any group claiming to offer a unique, true path to religious or political salvation.
    Even the Russian Orthodox Church has sometimes fallen afoul of the law: The slogan “Orthodoxy or Death!” — a rallying cry embraced by some hard-line believers — has been banned as an illegal extremist text.
        The Cathedral of the Assumption in Sergiyev Posad. Jehovah’s Witnesses say that the local authorities have avoided giving them permission to build a Kingdom Hall in the town, and that they have to use a large house in a village 12 miles away for services. CreditJames Hill for The New York Times To help protect the Orthodox Church and other established religions, Parliament passed a law in 2015 to exempt the Bible and the Quran, as well as Jewish and Buddhist scripture, from charges of extremism based on their claims to offer the only true faith.
    The main impetus for the current crackdown, however, appears to come from the security services, not the Orthodox Church. Roman Lunkin, director of the Institute of Religion and Law, a Moscow research group, described it as “part of a broad policy of suppressing all nongovernmental organizations” that has gained particular force because of the highly centralized structure of Jehovah’s Witnesses under a worldwide leadership based in the United States.
    “They are controlled from outside Russia and this is very suspicious for our secret services,” he said. “They don’t like having an organization that they do not and cannot control.”
    Artyom Grigoryan, a former Jehovah’s Witness who used to work at the group’s Russian headquarters but who now follows the Orthodox Church, said the organization had “many positive elements,” like its ban on excessive drinking, smoking and other unhealthy habits.
    All the same, he said it deserved to be treated with suspicion. “Look at it from the view of the state,” he said. “Here is an organization that is run from America, that gets financing from abroad, and whose members don’t serve in the army and don’t vote.”
    Estranged from his parents, who are still members and view his departure as sinful, he said Jehovah’s Witnesses broke up families and “in the logic of the state, it presents a threat.”
    He added, “I am not saying this is real or not, but it needs to be checked by objective experts.”
    Mr. Sivak, now preparing for yet another trial, said he had always tried to follow the law and he respected the state, but could not put its interests above the commands of his faith.
    “They say I am a terrorist,” he said, “but all I ever wanted to do was to get people to pay attention to the Bible.”
    Correction: April 4, 2017  An earlier version of this article misstated Andrei Sivak’s age. He is 43, not 42. The error was repeated in a picture caption, which also misstated the age of Vyacheslav Stepanov. He is 40, not 39. And because of an editing error, the article also misidentified the person who said he was detained last week under Russia’s extremism law. It was Leonid Volkov, not Aleksei A. Navalny.
  5. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Raquel Segovia in Causas del aumento de peso en pacientes con fibromialgia   
    La fibromialgia a menudo provoca aumento de peso en las personas debido a una serie de factores que están directa e indirectamente relacionados con la enfermedad en sí.

    La fibromialgia provoca desequilibrios hormonales que afectan los niveles de cortisol, la glándula tiroides, la serotonina y la insulina, así como la producción de hormonas de crecimiento. Debido a este desequilibrio hormonal, el metabolismo se ralentiza y el aumento de peso da lugar a menudo.

    La fatiga asociada con fibromialgia también conduce al aumento de peso. Debido a que la fibromialgia se inicia un trastorno de la excitación en el patrón de las ondas cerebrales durante el sueño, el individuo no puede tener un sueño de calidad suficiente, la persona también puede sufrir de apnea del sueño (pausas en la respiración y ronquidos durante la noche) y síndrome de piernas inquietas(sensación de hormigueo en las piernas), lo que aumenta la fatiga.

    Un nuevo estudio encontró que la falta de sueño también lleva a una mayor producción de hipocretina, lo cual es importante en los niveles de sueño y el apetito. Cuando los niveles de las neuronas hipocretinas son altos (por el medio ambiente y mental) que conduce a un estado creciente de la excitación, lo que lleva no sólo a la fatiga, sino también para comer.

    Además de la fatiga, la experiencia de muchos pacientes con fibromialgia el dolor crónico, el cual también puede inhibir la capacidad de ejercer.

    Medicamentos que se toman para tratar la depresión relacionada con la fibromialgia también puede causar al individuo a obtener peso.Antidepressivos como el Prozac y Zoloft aumento del apetito, retención de líquidos, y puede afectar los niveles hormonales y por lo tanto su metabolismo.


    Fibromialgia Dieta

    Es esencial mantener una dieta equilibrada y con el fin de minimizar el aumento de peso de la fibromialgia.

    Estos son algunos consejos útiles de dieta:

    ■ evitar el consumo de grasas de origen animal como la carne roja. En su lugar, comer carnes más magras como el pollo sin piel, pavo y pescado, que también son excelentes fuentes de proteínas.

    ■ aumentar la ingesta de alimentos que son ricos en fibra y bajos en azúcar, como las verduras.

    ■ comer mucha fruta fresca como las frambuesas y las fresas también es útil. Evite las frutas secas, ya que contienen conservantes.

    ■ Los ácidos grasos Omega-3 también son importantes para mantener una dieta saludable y se puede encontrar en el pescado de agua fría. Otras buenas fuentes de grasa son las almendras, aguacate, aceites de pescado y aceite de oliva y maíz.

    ■ comer tres comidas al día y tratar de tener uno o dos refrigerios nutritivos todos los días
    Evite los alimentos fritos, comida chatarra, harina blanca y el azúcar y el alcohol y las bebidas gaseosas.

    Fibromialgia Ejercicio

    Aunque la fibromialgia puede causar dolor y fatiga, es importante para mantenerse en forma lo mejor que pueda para evitar el aumento de peso saludable.

    A partir de su propio programa de ejercicios fibromialgia es una gran manera de lograr este objetivo.

    Comience con ejercicios simples como el estiramiento, caminar o andar en bicicleta.

    Comience su rutina de caminar con una caminata de cinco minutos desde el primer día, a continuación, añadir 1-2 minutos por día, poco a poco de pasar a un objetivo de 60 minutos (o la cantidad que se sienta cómodo y capaz de mantener .) Una vez que haya alcanzado su valor objetivo, asegúrese de tomar esa cantidad de tiempo de tres a cuatro días a la semana.

    La bicicleta es otra opción de gran entrenamiento. Una bicicleta estática (fija) le permite trabajar a lo largo del año, sin importar la hora, además, puede realizar un seguimiento de su kilometraje con facilidad y esto puede ayudarle a alcanzar sus objetivos de entrenamiento más eficiente.

    Tenga en cuenta que un poco de dolor muscular es común cuando usted comience a hacer ejercicio, pero el dolor agudo puede decir que ha sobrecargado los músculos.

  6. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from SuzA in Jehovah’s Witnesses Mobilize Global Response to Threat of Ban in Russia   
    You have a way with words @TrueTomHarley ;-)
  7. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Raquel Segovia in Nuevo descubrimiento en Egipto: una pirámide construida hace 3.700 años   
    La excavación de un grupo de arqueólogos reveló una zona del interior de un mausoleo de la dinastía XIII faraónica. Afirman que la parte descubierta se encuentra en buen estado de conservación
    Estructura interna de la pirámide Una misión de arqueólogos egipcios ha descubierto los restos de una pirámide de la dinastía XIII faraónica (1795-1650 a. C.), en una excavación en la necrópolis de Dahshur, situada al sur de El Cairo.
    Según el director del Departamento de Antigüedades egipcio, Mahmud Afif, citado en un comunicado, el hallazgo ha sido realizado al norte de la pirámide del rey Seneferu, de la IV dinastía (2613-2494 a. C.).
    La parte descubierta de la pirámide se encuentra en un buen estado de conservación, según el jefe de la administración central de Guiza y El Cairo, Alaa al Shahat, que mostró su convencimiento de que la excavación revelará "pronto" otras partes de la estructura.
    La zona excavada hasta ahora muestra una zona del interior del mausoleo que consiste en un corredor que desciende hasta el fondo de la pirámide.
    Además, ha quedado al descubierto una cámara que se comunica con una rampa ubicada en el sur de la pirámide y con una habitación del oeste de la estructura, explicó el director general de necrópolis de Dahshur, Adel Okasha.
    Okasha agregó que encontraron un bloque de alabastro blanco de 15 centímetros de ancho y 17 de alto en el que hay grabadas 10 líneas jeroglíficas verticales. Además se ha encontrado un dintel de granito y bloques de piedras que muestran el diseño interno de la pirámide.
      El bloque con jeroglíficos hallado en la zona
  8. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Raquel Segovia in mochila de supervivencia   

  9. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from David Normand in KAZAKHSTAN: Lawyers now face trial for defending client   
    Why even have a law if it is used  to frame dissidents?
    And then countries like this wonder why common people resort to guerrilla tactics to force their own way. They learn from the leaders.
  10. Upvote
  11. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to John Lindsay Barltrop in German shipowners use South Asia as dumping grounds for their old vessels. But those working in such...   
    I THINK?? that most of the world shipping companies and Naval forces use these ship breaking yards.............why just pick on the German shipowners..........do you have something against Germany..............by the way I am not German, I am Australian.
    There have been several "docos" on these ship breaking yards, in particular, India and Bangladesh and the appalling, or probably a better word is atrocious, conditions that the workers face.........in most cases "SAFETY" is not in their vocabulary...........unfortunately, the people in those areas cannot find employment elsewhere.
  12. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to John Lindsay Barltrop in POSSIBLE TERRORIST ATTACK IN RUSSIA   
    "........Russian President Vladimir Putin conducted a guarded tour of the blast site, and residents of the country’s second city voiced their anger in the wake of the attack.
    “Shock, I felt shock. It’s disgusting,” said Andrei Gontarevsky, 51, to my colleagues. “It's unthinkable. This was always a quiet city, and I think it shows the times are turning bad now.”.......
    I found this interesting little snippet in a news blog..............I guess one could say "Little does he know how correct his thoughts are"...........he REALLY needs the Good News of God's Kingdom.
  13. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in 11 killed, 45 injured in St. Petersburg Metro blast   
    via TheWorldNewsOrgWorld News
  14. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in 11 killed, 45 injured in St. Petersburg Metro blast   
    via TheWorldNewsOrgWorld News
  15. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to John Lindsay Barltrop in 11 killed, 45 injured in St. Petersburg Metro blast   
    It is always sad to hear of these extremist terror attacks, no matter where in the world that they occur, however, one thing that it it will not be.............is an attack by the "extremists" known as Jehovah's Witnesses.............Mr Putin and co., this is what REAL extremists do, and you can be assured that ALL of Jehovah's witnesses are as appalled as yourselves by the events that have taken place in St. Petersburg, including our Brothers in the Russian Federation. 
  16. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from John Lindsay Barltrop in KAZAKHSTAN: Lawyers now face trial for defending client   
    Why even have a law if it is used  to frame dissidents?
    And then countries like this wonder why common people resort to guerrilla tactics to force their own way. They learn from the leaders.
  17. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from ARchiv@L in Jehovas Zeugen - Besen statt Bibel!   
    Hard working Germans!! ;-)
  18. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in Jehovas Zeugen - Besen statt Bibel!   
    Hard working Germans!! ;-)
  19. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in POSSIBLE TERRORIST ATTACK IN RUSSIA   
    Good point. Here are more details that have come out since 
    I wonder what % of the public will understand your phrase "pull a Nero"?
    Good analogy
  20. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Abegail Sheldon in Maintain Faith in Jehovah Notebook   
    Thank you!
    Good morning,
    Anyone have a Maintain Faith in Jehovah notebook please.
    Kind regards
  21. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to bruceq in POSSIBLE TERRORIST ATTACK IN RUSSIA   
  22. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Raquel Segovia in Explosiones en el metro de San Petersburgo: hay al menos 10 muertos   
    Las agencia oficial rusa TASS informó el número preliminar de victimas. También habría decenas de heridos. Las primeras imágenes muestran a varios pasajeros en el piso de la estación Plaza Sennaya. Vladimir Putin tenía programada una reunión para este lunes en la ciudad con el presidente de Bielorrusia
    Una explosión sacudió el metro de San Petersburgo, en Rusia, dejando al menos 10 muertos y 50 heridos, según reportes de agencias locales. El hecho ocurrió en la estación de la Plaza Sennaya, una de las más concurridas del sistema.
    Al parecer, la explosión inicial fue causada por un artefacto, según la administración del metropolitano de la antigua capital zarista. Las autoridades reportaron que investigaban densas columnas de humo en el lugar. Posteriormente, las fotos compartidas muestran a un vagón dañado por la explosión y a varias personas en el suelo y los servicios de emergencia confirmaron que se produjeron explosiones en dos vagones de dos estaciones del tren subterráneo de la ciudad.
    "Según las primeras informaciones, diez personas resultaron muertas y 20 heridas", indicó una fuente del ministerio de Situaciones de emergencia ruso a la agencia Interfax, información corroborada por la agencia oficial TASS. Luego, la cifra se actualizó a medio centenar de heridos.
  23. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Raquel Segovia in Sospechan que un medicamento contra el cáncer es responsable de 48 muertes en Francia   
    Se trata del docetaxel, una de las drogas utilizadas en los tratamientos contra la enfermedad. Investigaciones revelaron dos tipos de efectos secundarios que terminaron con la muerte de los pacientes
    e marzo de 2017   Docetaxel, el medicamento en la mira de las autoridades francesas Cuarenta y ocho enfermos de cáncer tratados con docetaxel fallecieron en los 20 años de comercialización de este producto en Francia, anunció este miércoles la Agencia Nacional de Medicamentos (ANSM), que mantendrá la recomendación de evitar temporalmente su empleo para ciertos cánceres de pecho.
    Esta decisión muestra que los riesgos asociados al medicamento "no son despreciables", si bien el docetaxel sigue siendo "un medicamento de importancia en el tratamiento contra el cáncer", lo que ha permitido reducir la mortalidad ligada a esta enfermedad, subrayó Dominique Martin, director general de la ANSM, interrogado por la AFP.
    El organismo lanzó una investigación de farmacovigilancia en septiembre tras un "pico de advertencias" por la muerte de mujeres tratadas por cáncer de pecho.
    Las autoridades sanitarias determinaron dos tipos de efectos secundarios (colitis y choques sépticos) en pacientes que tomaban ese medicamento en cualquiera de sus formas (Taxotere de Sanofi y genéricos).
    Tras revisar las incidencias por su uso en tratamientos de cáncer de pecho, pulmón, próstata, cáncer gástrico y de vías aerodigestivas superiores desde su comercialización en 1996 hasta el 7 de febrero de este año, "se reportaron 187 casos de colitis o de choques sépticos, de los que 48 condujeron a la muerte" del paciente, concluyó la ANSM.
    Pese a ello, "los decesos son inhabituales (del orden de 1 por cada 10.000 pacientes) para un medicamento que ha permitido reducir la mortalidad en numerosos cánceres", subraya la agencia.
      (iStock) El director general de la ANSM añadió que se están llevando a cabo investigaciones complementarias, relativas concretamente a la calidad de los productos empleados.
    A la espera de los resultados de nuevos análisis, por precaución "se mantiene la recomendación de no utilización del docetaxel en cánceres de seno localizados, operables".
    El 10 de marzo, la Agencia Europea del medicamento (EMA) anunció una serie de "análisis preliminares" a nivel continental que mostraron que "no existía un aumento de la frecuencia de aparición de enterocolitis neutropénicas" (una complicación digestiva que puede conducir a perforación intestinales) en pacientes tratados con docetaxel entre enero de 2015 y enero de 2017.
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    The Librarian reacted to ARchiv@L in Não houve tempo de frear, diz perícia sobre acidente com ônibus na AL-110   
    Não houve tempo de frear, diz perícia sobre acidente com ônibus na AL-110
    Últimas notícias - 03/04/2017        
    A perícia realizada no local do acidente entre dois ônibus com estudantes no interior de Alagoas, , indica que a manobra que causou a colisão foi tão rápida que não houve tempo para os motoristas acionarem os sistemas de freio a ponto de bloquear as rodas. A informação foi divulgada neste sábado (1). O acidente aconteceu na noite de quinta-feira (30), entre ônibus escolares dos municípios de Teotônio Vilela e Junqueiro. De acordo com as peritas do Instituto de Criminalística de Alagoas, ficou constatado que o ônibus que seguia no sentido São Sebastião, de Junqueiro, invadiu a contramão da rodovia AL-110, atingindo o outro ônibus. Não havia marcas de frenagem na pista. os estudantes Jonas Everson Nunes da Silva, 17; Joelma da Silva Santos, 17; Débora Afra Borges Vasconcelos, 20; Amanda Silva Santos e os motoristas dos dois veículos, Otávio Plácido Santiago, 67, e Dênis Francisco da Silva. Os feridos foram encaminhados para a Unidade do Agreste, em Arapiraca. A assessoria do hospital informou que 36 pessoas já receberam alta médica, mas oito continuavam internadas até o início desta tarde. Logo após o acidente, testemunhas informaram que um trator parado na pista obrigou um dos motoristas a fazer a manobra irregular, mas a perita responsável disse que não foram encontrados no local vestígios que indicassem a presença de veículo parado ou outro obstáculo que pudesse impedir o tráfego. “A perícia criminal trabalha com elementos materiais, não com a subjetividade, cabendo à Polícia Civil ouvir o depoimento de testemunhas e de sobreviventes para confirmar ou não essa hipótese", disse a perita criminal Suely Mauricio, que trabalhou no local com a perita Miriam Regina Braga. Ainda segundo a perita, algumas pessoas alteraram a cena do acidente, entrando nos veículos para gravar imagens e vídeos das vítimas. Ela alerta que essa prática prejudica o trabalho da perícia e pede que, em casos de acidentes com vítimas, mantenham o local completamente isolado após garantir o salvamento dos feridos. De acordo com Suely, a perícia tem 30 dias para concluir o laudo final. Agora serão analisados todos os dados e fotos levantados no local. O objetivo é busca uma resposta para os possíveis fatores que contribuíram para o comportamento do condutor que invadiu a contramão, como um animal, falha mecânica, humana, ou outro veículo. “O levantamento no local é apenas o início da análise do fato. O trabalho da perícia em casos dessa natureza, acidente de trânsito, tem como objetivos principais estabelecer a dinâmica do evento e a sua causa determinante”, afirmou a perita, que espera concluir o laudo em 30 dias. Sepultamento das vítimas, na cidade de Teotônio Vilela. O corpo da estudante Débora foi velado no Salão das Testemunhas de Jeová. No Complexo Educacional de Tempo Integral, foram velados os corpos da estudante Joelma e do motorista Santiago. Centenas de pessoas compareceram aos locais dos velórios para fazerem as últimas homenagens aos parentes e amigos que faleceram. Os familiares, abalados, não quiseram falar com a imprensa. Neste sábado, em Junqueiro, foram sepultados os corpos do outro motorista, Dênis Silva, que estava casado há apenas três meses, e da estudante Amanda. O corpo do estudante Jonas Nunes, será sepultado nesta tarde, no mesmo município.
    Fonte: http://g1.globo.com/al/alagoas/noticia/2017/04/nao-houve-tempo-de-frear-diz-pericia-sobre-acidente-com-onibus-na-al-110.html
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    The Librarian reacted to bruceq in LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS AS OF APRIL 3 JW VS. RUSSIA   
    Jehovah's Witnesses counter sue Ministry of Justice
    Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, 2 April 2017
    An unprecedented lawsuit was filed on 30 March 2017 in the Supreme Court of Russia: to rule the actions of the Ministry of Justice against the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses to be political repressions. Comprehensive and reasonable, the aforesaid lawsuit is a counterclaim with respect to the lawsuit of the Ministry of Justice of 15 March 2017, in which the ministry asks for banning and recognizing as extremist the "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia," and also 395 local organizations of this religion on the territory of Russia.
    The actions of the Ministry of Justice possess the indicators of political repressions, from the point of view of Russian and international law. They violate articles 18, 9, and 6 of the Convention on Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Liberties. In Russia, the concept of repressions is defined by the law "On rehabilitation of victims of political repressions." Repressions include politically motivated action of organs of government for restriction of the rights and liberties of citizens who are considered to be dangerous for the state, including on the basis of religious identity.
    The lawsuit of the Ministry of Justice is aimed at associations of citizens selected exclusively on the basis of their confessing the faith of the Jehovah's Witnesses.
    Analysis of the actions of the Ministry of Justice with respect to Jehovah's Witnesses gives evidence of arbitrariness and discrimination. For example, laboratories and centers of forensic expert analysis that are subordinate to the Ministry of Justice have come to diametrically opposite conclusions about the presence or absence of indicators of "extremism" in the very same publications of Jehovah's Witnesses. Such a contradiction in and of itself is evidence of the unacceptable weakness of the methods. But, instead of striving to establish the truth, ensuring the unity and consistency of proper expert conclusions, the Ministry of Justice has used in courts only those conclusions that have led to finding books of Jehovah's Witnesses to be "extremist," and consequently to finding their organizations to be "extremist."
    In the lawsuit numerous instances are cited testifying to the fact that prosecution of Jehovah's Witnesses is politically motivated.
    Believers of the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses have already been recognized as victims of political repressions, by the order of the Russian president "On measures for rehabilitation of clergy and believers who have been victims of unjustified repressions." Russian legislation has condemned the years-long terror and massive persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses as incompatible with the ideals of right and justice, has expressed deep sympathy for the victims of unjustified repressions and to the relatives and neighbors, and has declared the unwavering attempt to achieve real guarantees of maintaining legality and human rights.
    The Russian Supreme Court will begin consideration of the lawsuit on 5 April 2017. (tr. by PDS, posted 3 April 2017)
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