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The Librarian

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  1. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in Samuel Herd - Governing Body member and a member of the 144,000...   
    Samuel Herd - Governing Body member and a member of the 144,000 Anointed Ones by Jehovah God the Almighty in heaven http://ift.tt/1QpEk8c #jworg #jehovahswitnesses #samherd #governingbody #governingbodyofjehovahswitnesses #samuelherd http://ift.tt/29FcaLG
  2. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Melinda Mills in When Did Jesus Secure Full Kingdom Power?   
    11 While they were listening to these things, he told another illustration, because he was near Jerusalem and they thought that the Kingdom of God was going to appear instantly.+ 12 So he said: “A man of noble birth traveled to a distant land+ to secure kingly power for himself and to return. 13 Calling ten of his slaves, he gave them ten miʹnas* and told them, ‘Do business with these until I come.’+ 14 But his citizens hated him and sent out a body of ambassadors after him to say, ‘We do not want this man to become king over us.’
    15 “When he eventually got back after having secured the kingly power,* he summoned the slaves to whom he had given the money,* in order to ascertain what they had gained by their business activity.+ 16 So the first one came forward and said, ‘Lord, your miʹna gained ten miʹnas.’+17 He said to him, ‘Well done, good slave! Because in a very small matter you have proved yourself faithful, hold authority over ten cities.’+ 18 Now the second came, saying, ‘Your miʹna, Lord, made five miʹnas.’+ 19 He said to this one as well, ‘You too be in charge of five cities.’ 20 But another one came, saying, ‘Lord, here is your miʹna that I kept hidden away in a cloth. 21 You see, I was in fear of you, because you are a harsh man; you take what you did not deposit, and you reap what you did not sow.’+ 22 He said to him, ‘By your own words I judge you, wicked slave. You knew, did you, that I am a harsh man, taking what I did not deposit and reaping what I did not sow?+ 23 So why did you not put my money* in a bank? Then on my coming, I would have collected it with interest.’
    24 “With that he said to those standing by, ‘Take the miʹna from him and give it to the one who has the ten miʹnas.’+ 25 But they said to him, ‘Lord, he has ten miʹnas!’— 26 ‘I say to you, to everyone who has, more will be given, but from the one who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.+ 27 Moreover, bring these enemies of mine here who did not want me to become king over them and execute them in front of me.’” - Luke 19
    "to secure" implies a process. A period of time. 
    36 As he moved along, they were spreading their outer garments on the road.+ 37 As soon as he got near the road down the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and to praise God with a loud voice because of all the powerful works they had seen, 38 saying: “Blessed is the one coming as the King in Jehovah’s* name! Peace in heaven, and glory in the heights above!”+ 39 However, some of the Pharisees from the crowd said to him: “Teacher, rebuke your disciples.”+40 But in reply he said: “I tell you, if these remained silent, the stones would cry out.” - Luke 19
    "AS the King" is the phrase used... not "as king"
    An often used phrase we heard 30 years ago was "King-designate" 
    This inspired psalm gave the Hebrews reason to regard the promised Messiah as the one in whom the office of priest and king would be combined. The apostle Paul, in the letter to the Hebrews, removed any doubt about the identity of the one foretold, speaking of “Jesus, who has become a high priest according to the manner of Melchizedek forever.”
    Ps 110
    Jehovah declared to my Lord:   
    “Sit at my right hand+                    (10 days after Jesus' ascension on Pentecost 33 C.E)
    Until I place your enemies as a stool for your feet.”+ 
     2 Jehovah will extend the scepter of your power out of Zion, saying:               (1914)
    “Go subduing in the midst of your enemies.”+
     3 Your people will offer themselves willingly on the day of your military force.*    (1914 ...)
    In splendid holiness, from the womb of the dawn,                               (Birth of a nation....)
    You have your company of young men just like dewdrops.         
     4 Jehovah has sworn an oath, and he will not change his mind:*                   (29 B.C.E.)
    “You are a priest forever+                                             
    In the manner of Mel·chizʹe·dek!”+
     5 Jehovah will be at your right hand;+
    He will crush kings on the day of his anger.+                                          (ARMAGEDDON)
     6 He will execute judgment against* the nations;+    
    He will fill the land with dead bodies.+        
    He will crush the leader* of a vast land.*                                           (SATAN in the abyss)
     7 He* will drink from the stream along the road.                                           (New World)
    Therefore, he will hold his head high.                                            
    So to @JW Insider Your proposed scenario would make verses 1,2,3, 4 all happen simultaneously?  
  3. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Janice G. in Samuel Herd - Governing Body member and a member of the 144,000...   
    Samuel Herd - Governing Body member and a member of the 144,000 Anointed Ones by Jehovah God the Almighty in heaven http://ift.tt/1QpEk8c #jworg #jehovahswitnesses #samherd #governingbody #governingbodyofjehovahswitnesses #samuelherd http://ift.tt/29FcaLG
  4. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Janice G. in JW couple in Nigeria, Africa   
    JW couple in Nigeria, Africa
  5. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Samuel Herd - Governing Body member and a member of the 144,000...   
    Samuel Herd - Governing Body member and a member of the 144,000 Anointed Ones by Jehovah God the Almighty in heaven http://ift.tt/1QpEk8c #jworg #jehovahswitnesses #samherd #governingbody #governingbodyofjehovahswitnesses #samuelherd http://ift.tt/29FcaLG
  6. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Wedding of a couple of Jehovah’s Witnesses   
    Glad you caught that Melinda.
    I actually wrote it that way on purpose. ;-). 
  7. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Janice G. in Wedding of a couple of Jehovah’s Witnesses   
    Wedding of a couple of Jehovah’s Witnesses
  8. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Multilingual preaching in Japan   
    Multilingual preaching in Japan
  9. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Arauna in JW couple in Nigeria, Africa   
    JW couple in Nigeria, Africa
  10. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Bible Speaks in JW friends in Chile, South America where it currently looks...   
    JW friends in Chile, South America where it currently looks rather nice and warm. 
  11. Upvote
  12. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Wedding of a couple of Jehovah’s Witnesses   
    Glad you caught that Melinda.
    I actually wrote it that way on purpose. ;-). 
  13. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Arauna in “We Will Cease To Exist! Our Values! Our Identity! Will Be Taken Away By Islamization Of Our Society   
    Thanks for reply. I cannot resist a good chat.  Islam is opportunistic - when other conflicts exist or where there is a vacuum - it may take power in ISIS-style maneuver in Europe when other problems become too much for current governments to handle.  The caliphs after Mohammad took over mega territories because many countries were exhausted by wars. (Satan chose his time  perfectly).
    Russia (has 27 million muslims within its borders) but it controls them ruthlessly.  China also controls its Muslim province in the West of country with an iron fist.   It seems that Trump and Putin have this same goal in mind.
    Russia's economy is not doing so well but Putin has managed to remain the hero by focusing on nationalism and the flexing of his muscles and showing his power. Russia is sitting on megaton nuclear arsenal and has now started a new arms race.  (while Trump is ignoring his generals and going behind their backs and making weapon deals (just as Hitler did).  We are in a new era of cyber warfare, satellite warfare, drone warfare, EMP, etc. apart from the information warfare going on.  If Trump wants to make America great he has to sit down with his generals and work out a comprehensive strategy and not go bargain hunting like a businessman!  He cannot afford to invest in old technology -  he has to keep up the façade of strength! China has vast financial interests all over the world.  It has bought much mineral rights in Africa for cell phones etc. It is also flexing its muscles but at present fears the loss of revenue. This situation may not last very long. 
    Putin is building alliances with the renegade countries like Iran (providing weapons), Syria (he has access to the ports there) and now he is making overtures to Turkey - closer to Europe.  All these countries have little love for America and bring much pain to their subjects with their totalitarian and ruthless ruler ship styles (and call "death to America" every Friday in their mosques.)  We see totalitarian governments all over the earth ; while Europe and Canada  are like the clay... mentioned in Daniel.  We are seeing a rise of far-right parties and hysterical far-left parties - both militant in their outlook.
    Who knows - maybe Russia and America will be part of the an alliance to turn against islam....and Christianity....How this will happen one can only speculate because time will tell!  All I can say is that Islam has already infiltrated most of the western world and could turn out to be the King of the North when it suddenly becomes opportunistic, takes over and starts to kill all opposition religions.
    At present, Russia and China are challenging world alliances and testing Americas resolve to help old buddies.  America is financially in a bad place - trillions of dollars in debt and does not want to assist NATO or UN any more.  This could lead to a weakening of these organizations and their efforts to look powerful and keep renegade nations at bay.  Russia or China will not only act as a bully - it may become the bully.
    We are definitely entering one of the most dangerous periods in world history - whole nations could face annihilation when things start to go wrong on religious as well as political fronts and there are no more safe places to run to!  The harlot is riding the beast and may soon control it completely!  So maybe islam remains part of the harlot until the beast turns against her - then she may turn violent!
    Most countries import their foods from other countries - if the supply chain is disrupted and foods do not arrive by train, truck and boat we will see anarchy and chaos in shops and then demonstrations and looting. There are so many infrastructures that need protection (power grids) and internet for the banking sector. (in 2016 the US budget for cybersecurity was 36 billion.)  These infrastructures can be destroyed in an instant...
    So everything is in place for Armageddon to happen.....,,, more time may only make the final fall of human  ideologies and ruler ships so much greater!  I do think that Trump has the personality to negotiate a so-called peace between arabs and Israel and then call out wide and far that we have reached a state of "peace and security" - which of course is totally false because everything will go  satirically wrong after that..... but there is speculation on the internet that he may be killed .... so he may not be the one to initiate this call!
    Jehovah has his own time: Humans also need to reach a " point of no return" regarding the earth.  It must become clear, beyond reasonable doubt,  that mankind is ruining the earth!  Trump's new environmental executive orders come as no surprise - it will speed up the world's carelessness towards the environment because many countries take their queue from USA.  With fracking, the destruction of water resources, and so many other issues, it may become evident quicker than previously calculated.
    Holland has become like Brussels - although large terrorist acts have not taken place there, many individuals have been murdered by Muslims who take revenge when anything is said to criticize islam.  A good example is the film-maker who made a film about the violence in islam.
    My study in USA had a daughter in Holland who studied with JWs.  She was put in hospital and her house trashed when they found out she was studying.  So the situation is dire in places where there are many Muslim immigrants.  Riots, rapes, thefts, abductions and so forth all over Europe.  It does not come as a surprise to me since islam has the most depraved sexual laws:
    Here is one of them which is a permitted practice in Islam: https://themuslimissue.wordpress.com/2013/08/03/fatwa-number-41409-surah-654-mufa-khathat-thighing-of-infants/
  14. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to JW Insider in WikiLeaks refers to the US 'deep state' in some of its publications. What is the US 'deep state'?   
    Some current musings about it, that might all change tomorrow.
    Interesting and prescient now that Trump is being pushed around by the CIA.  The Snowden paragraph (16th) was not as bad as I'd feared, if anything I would say it doesn't go far enough.  HUGE chunks of Silicon Valley are currently government contractors or crucially depended on being government contractors at their inception, and the CIA has been intertwined with the Internet from its foundation.  Silicon Valley is not only "complicit" with the surveillance state, it literally IS part of the surveillance state (for example see this https://surveillancevalley.com/blog/why-is-thcia-protecting-google).  My beef with Snowden is that his libertarian ideology prevented him from fully grasping the magnitude of his own revelations, (even now https://surveillancevalley.com/blog/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-tor-project) which is that the private "free-market" spying is a bigger and more pervasive problem in most people's daily lives than government spying on terrorists and criminals.  The libertarian notion of "internet freedom" is a tool used by the USA State Department for regime change around the world.  (Again, Tor is a perfect example https://surveillancevalley.com/blog/tor-project-the-super-secure-anonymity-network-built-on-deception-false-promises-and-heaps-of-libertarian-bullshit)  

    Ultimately the term "deep state" is not well defined enough even here.  This article, to me does a good job of describing the circumstances of why the term is popular, but the nailing down a precise and useful meaning is tricky.  Was Alexander Hamilton an agent of the "deep state" when he established military sovereignty violently against the native nations and Whiskey Rebellion in the 1790s?  Or did he and George Washington form the USA's "deep state" through western land speculation/conquest?  When did USA's "deep state" take form?  Under what possible circumstances could any society advanced enough to have an intelligence apparatus NOT have a "deep state"?  The spies of any nation are usually fanatical supporters of that nation, but that alone doesn't prove that they can actually control what that nation does.  

    Yes, evidence has piled up since the 1970's that the USA's spies are a "class unto themselves" in the sense that spying is an industry autonomous from the government (https://www.thenation.com/article/five-corporations-now-dominate-our-privatized-intelligence-industry/) but ... so what?  You could say that about all defense contracting in general (see: the F-35).  Is the network of capitalist interests behind the building and maintenance of firepower really so important in the decision-making process of the deployment of that firepower?  Or are they merely loyal servants of politicians who are just greedy careless murder-happy imperialists?  This is the crucial question posed by the term "deep state" and the article doesn't directly answer it.  If anything, I'm leaning towards the latter hypothesis, and if that's true, then there is no deep state, just a plain old classical Marxist ruling class.

    To argue by analogy, Hollywood is an industry autonomous from the government too (even though, just like Silicon Valley, it grew out of the machinery of war - early WWI-era propaganda techniques laid the material basis for the modern advertising, movie and recording industries), controlled by interlocking rings of capital who profit from it.  These capitalists make similar products, and the industry has become dominated by monopoly and oligopoly over time.  Do we need the concept of "deep script" to explain why the new Star Wars movie is basically Al Qaeda propaganda?  I don't think so, at least not necessarily.  Seems to me that media act as state propaganda because that's what's materially profitable (Like Chomsky and Herman said https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_model), as plain and simple as that.  When private actors work in concert to serve state ends, it can be explained by shared material class interests... the question is what exactly are those interests?

    Since inception the USA's spy-state it has served the interests of capital around the world by systematically attacking and destroying secular multi-ethnic nationalism and communism everywhere.  The CIA's very first job was overthrowing the 1948 Italian election results.  The entire purpose of NATO was to prevent the spread of communism west, and the CIA immediately picked up on anti-communist counter-insurgency techniques from the Nazis, and recruited collaborators into the highest positions of government (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip).  NATO has never had a problem with working with terrorists whether the Islamic Jihadist or the European Fascist.  We (US) invaded Iraq and destroyed Libya for the same reasons we (US) helped destroy Yugoslavia and pressured the Soviet Union to fall apart - our ruling class WANTS large secular non-racist governments to fall into chaos so they can buy off the remains after the collapse for cheap.  No need for a "deep state" explanation; it's simple class interest.  Same goes for our cooperation with Arabian oligarchies, Central and Latin American juntas, Turkey, Israel, criminal militias in the Congo, etc.  Class interests, and a material need for cheap resources.
  15. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Queen Esther in Melania Trump opens her remarks with the Lord’s Prayer.   
    @The Librarian  Particulary  with  regard  to  some  special  video's  I  saw...  about  her  &  Mr. Trump  -  I  must  say,  I'm  getting  to  like  Melania,  yes !  She  is  a  wonderful  woman...  and  it  seems,  her  deep  heart  inside  feeling  is  far  away  from  her  weird  Donald !  I  was  so  shocked, about  the  doings  of  TRUMP,  just  now  the  president  of  the  US. -  handle  in  the  public  SO  to  his  lovely  wife...  shame  of  him !  All  video's  now  around  the  world !  Thats  my  opinion  to  that.  We  shall  see  what  will  come  soon...
  16. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Penny Corbin in Family With JW.org T-Shirts   
  17. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Abel Castro in Rafael Correa, President of Ecuador receives a JW Brochure from...   
    Rafael Correa, President of Ecuador receives a JW Brochure from a sister
    Read more
  18. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Queen Esther in The 5 year old Bella enjoying the ministry, she wanted ringing at every door... in Aberaeron, Wales.   
    5 year old Bella enjoying the ministry,  she wanted ringing  at  every door; in  Aberaeron, Wales.
    Brave  little  girl,  Jehovah  has  blessed  you❤
  19. Upvote
  20. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to El Bibliotecario in El presidente del Ecuador, Rafael Correa, recibiendo una...   
    El presidente del Ecuador, Rafael Correa, recibiendo una publicación de parte de nuestra hermana.

    Lee mas
    via El Bibliotecario
  21. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Joan Kennedy in Family With JW.org T-Shirts   
  22. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Dominican Republic Branch Office of Jehovah’s Witnesses with...   
    Dominican Republic Branch Office of Jehovah’s Witnesses with their JW.org trucks
  23. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Saving Children in Poor Countries One Cartoon at a Time   

  24. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Saving Children in Poor Countries One Cartoon at a Time   
    South Africa

  25. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to El Bibliotecario in BETEL DE ESPAÑA   
    Van a ser reanudadas las obras de remodelacion que habían sido paralizadas.
    Un cambio drástico de toda la fisonomía de esta Betel de Madrid, evidencia que el cuerpo gobernante ha considerado que puede usarse para actividad teocratica, acallando las bocas que la daban por cerrada.
    Iremos viendo los planes que le tienen reservados.
    via El Bibliotecario
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