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The Librarian

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  1. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Evacuated in Torture of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Surgut   
    @Witness @Srecko Sostar  I am an admin on here. Please don't use my news posts as launching pads for your own topic discussions.
    Be men enough to be able to start your own engaging content.
    Example 1 - 
    Example 2 -
    Learn to start NEW TOPICS! 
    What is this post about???  People being TORTURED in RUSSIA. 
    Have at least a little common decency??
  2. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from Elisabeth Dolewka in Torture of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Surgut   
    @Witness @Srecko Sostar  I am an admin on here. Please don't use my news posts as launching pads for your own topic discussions.
    Be men enough to be able to start your own engaging content.
    Example 1 - 
    Example 2 -
    Learn to start NEW TOPICS! 
    What is this post about???  People being TORTURED in RUSSIA. 
    Have at least a little common decency??
  3. Confused
    The Librarian got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Torture of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Surgut   
    @Witness @Srecko Sostar  I am an admin on here. Please don't use my news posts as launching pads for your own topic discussions.
    Be men enough to be able to start your own engaging content.
    Example 1 - 
    Example 2 -
    Learn to start NEW TOPICS! 
    What is this post about???  People being TORTURED in RUSSIA. 
    Have at least a little common decency??
  4. Sad
    The Librarian got a reaction from Anna in Torture of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Surgut   
    At least seven of Jehovah’s Witnesses were subjected to torture—electric shocks, suffocation, and cruel beatings—on the first floor of the Russian Investigative Committee’s building at ul. Ostrovskogo, d. 47, in Surgut. While being tortured, officers interrogated the Witnesses, demanding to know: “Where are meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses held? Who attends the meetings? What are the elders’ last names? What is your mobile phone password?”
    On February 15, 2019, mass searches in Surgut started in the early morning hours. Worshippers were taken to the Investigative Committee offices. Investigators began interrogating the Witnesses, who refused to disclose details about their fellow worshippers. After the only legal representative in the room left, victims report that the following occurred: agents put a bag over the victims’ heads, sealed it with tape, tied their hands behind their backs, and beat them. Then, after stripping the Witnesses naked and dousing them with water, the agents shocked them with stun guns. This sadistic torture lasted for about two hours.
    At least three Witnesses are still behind bars.
    Additionally, after the mass searches were completed, the Russian authorities initiated criminal cases against a total of 19 Witnesses for so-called “organizing an extremist organization.”
    Those who have been released have had their injuries documented by medical professionals and have filed complaints with supervisory agencies.
    The Witnesses will pursue all available legal remedies for this crime, since such an egregious abuse of authority is punishable under the Russian Criminal Code. Additionally, The Russian Federation is subject to several international bodies that protect individuals from torture.
  5. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Edvan Guerra Magalhaes Magalhaes in Пытки Свидетелей Иеговы в Сургуте   
    Ударам тока, удушению до потери сознания, изощренным избиениям подверглись не менее 7 мирных Свидетелей Иеговы. Пытки производились на первом этаже здания Следственного комитета России по ул. Островского, 47, в Сургуте. Пытками верующих заставляли отвечать на вопросы: «Где проходят собрания Свидетелей Иеговы? Кто приходит на собрания? Как фамилии старейшин? Какой пароль у тебя на телефоне?»
    Утром 15 февраля 2019 года в Сургуте начались массовые обыски в домах верующих, после чего их доставляли в здание Следственного комитета. Во время допроса они отказывались оговорить себя и своих единоверцев. После ухода дежурного адвоката их связывали скотчем руки за спиной и избивали, раздевали догола, обливали водой и применяли электрошокер. Истязания продолжались на протяжении нескольких часов.
    По меньшей мере трое верующих остаются в СИЗО.
    В отношении 19 местных жителей было возбуждено уголовное дело за так называемую «организацию экстремистской организации».
    Те из верующих, кто были отпущены, зафиксировали телесные повреждения и обратились в надзорные органы, излагая обстоятельства случившегося.
    Верующие будут добиваться тщательного расследования садистского обращения, выявления организаторов и участников пыточного конвейера. Пытки, жестокое или унижающее человеческое достоинство обращение являются уголовно наказуемым преступлением. Российская Федерация подписала конвенцию ООН против пыток и бесчеловечного обращения.
  6. Sad
    The Librarian got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Torture of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Surgut   
    At least seven of Jehovah’s Witnesses were subjected to torture—electric shocks, suffocation, and cruel beatings—on the first floor of the Russian Investigative Committee’s building at ul. Ostrovskogo, d. 47, in Surgut. While being tortured, officers interrogated the Witnesses, demanding to know: “Where are meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses held? Who attends the meetings? What are the elders’ last names? What is your mobile phone password?”
    On February 15, 2019, mass searches in Surgut started in the early morning hours. Worshippers were taken to the Investigative Committee offices. Investigators began interrogating the Witnesses, who refused to disclose details about their fellow worshippers. After the only legal representative in the room left, victims report that the following occurred: agents put a bag over the victims’ heads, sealed it with tape, tied their hands behind their backs, and beat them. Then, after stripping the Witnesses naked and dousing them with water, the agents shocked them with stun guns. This sadistic torture lasted for about two hours.
    At least three Witnesses are still behind bars.
    Additionally, after the mass searches were completed, the Russian authorities initiated criminal cases against a total of 19 Witnesses for so-called “organizing an extremist organization.”
    Those who have been released have had their injuries documented by medical professionals and have filed complaints with supervisory agencies.
    The Witnesses will pursue all available legal remedies for this crime, since such an egregious abuse of authority is punishable under the Russian Criminal Code. Additionally, The Russian Federation is subject to several international bodies that protect individuals from torture.
  7. Sad
    The Librarian got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Torture of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Surgut   
    At least seven of Jehovah’s Witnesses were subjected to torture—electric shocks, suffocation, and cruel beatings—on the first floor of the Russian Investigative Committee’s building at ul. Ostrovskogo, d. 47, in Surgut. While being tortured, officers interrogated the Witnesses, demanding to know: “Where are meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses held? Who attends the meetings? What are the elders’ last names? What is your mobile phone password?”
    On February 15, 2019, mass searches in Surgut started in the early morning hours. Worshippers were taken to the Investigative Committee offices. Investigators began interrogating the Witnesses, who refused to disclose details about their fellow worshippers. After the only legal representative in the room left, victims report that the following occurred: agents put a bag over the victims’ heads, sealed it with tape, tied their hands behind their backs, and beat them. Then, after stripping the Witnesses naked and dousing them with water, the agents shocked them with stun guns. This sadistic torture lasted for about two hours.
    At least three Witnesses are still behind bars.
    Additionally, after the mass searches were completed, the Russian authorities initiated criminal cases against a total of 19 Witnesses for so-called “organizing an extremist organization.”
    Those who have been released have had their injuries documented by medical professionals and have filed complaints with supervisory agencies.
    The Witnesses will pursue all available legal remedies for this crime, since such an egregious abuse of authority is punishable under the Russian Criminal Code. Additionally, The Russian Federation is subject to several international bodies that protect individuals from torture.
  8. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Gerrit Lösch   
    @Outta Here  Don't be so sure. There are actually quite a few @jw.org email addresses registered on this website. We would of course never reveal who they are so as to protect their identities. @admin handles all of that on the backend which I have seen.
  9. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Grazing Visit   
    A brother, who regularly attended meetings, stopped attending for no apparent reason. After a few weeks an elder visited him. It was a very cold night, and his brother found him at home alone, sitting in front of the fireplace, where a bright, warm fire burned.
    Imagining the reason for his visit, the brother invited him in, led him to a seat near the fireplace, and stood there, quiet, silent, and talked with the old man, and the old man did not even talk to him.
    There was a great silence, and they watched the dance of the burning flames, which burned around the logs.
    After a few minutes, the old man examined the coals that had formed and carefully separated the most incandescent of all, away from the others, and sat down again, remaining silent and still.
    While the host paid attention to everything, fascinated but still. After a little while, the flame of the solitary ember disappeared, until there was a faint glow, and it went out.
    In a short time, what was once a flame of heat and light, became a piece of charcoal, cold, inert and covered with ashes.
    No word had been said, between the two, since the initial greeting.
    Before leaving, the old man used his pen to carry the cold and useless piece of charcoal back to the fireplace.
    Almost immediately he rekindled an ardent flame fueled by the heat of the other ardent embers around him. The brother who was discouraged watched, without understanding.
    However, when the elder withdrew, the host told him: Thank you for your visit and beautiful lesson. Until the next meeting.
    Conclusion: God's congregation is like a "fire" in a blazing flame, and the burning coals are us, while we are active in the preaching service, reading the scriptures, and attending the meetings. Since experiences, comments, and presence at meetings, embraces, concern for our well-being, make our love and desire to serve God grow even more. Matthew 24:14 and Hebrews 10: 24, 25.
    However, when we stop gathering, that fire-like heat is gradually disappearing, even to the point of avoiding our brothers. And in time, we became cold, lifeless, lifeless, like a piece of coal.
    Because we are not letting Jehovah speak to us through Bible reading, we do not prepare and attend meetings, just as we do not speak to Jehovah through prayer. And so, that warmth and joy that we enjoy among our brethren fades, until we become like pieces of charcoal.
    In this system, we all experience difficulties, and we often feel discouraged, especially in these last days, that our enemy "Satan" walks around us, like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5: 8.
    Therefore, Jehovah appointed the elders to care for "His flock." For in times of difficulty "grazing visits," to encourage us not to fall into temptation, are magisterial to heal us from "discouragement," and not to miss meetings. For Jehovah looks upon his humble servants, as "a people for his pasture," and "the sheep of his hand." Hebrews 13:17, Psalms 95: 7
  10. Sad
    The Librarian reacted to JW Insider in Jehovah's Witnesses In Spain Fined 10K Euros   
    It looked to me like there was more to the government's case. Apparently the brothers assigned to do the HLC work in Spain were creating a database of doctors sympathetic to bloodless surgery. But it was done by compiling information gathered from questioning doctors, questioning staff, and questioning the experience of Witness patients with those doctors. The amount of cooperation in the way they answered questions, and the patient experiences were all used to produce a list of those assumed to respond well in situations listed. The data from both patients and doctors was used to make assumptions about how those doctors would treat cases assumed similar by the the HLC. It was being shared without permission. This had come up before and the HLC had been called out for this in 2014 and 2017. So the HLC promised to destroy the database. A followup shows that the HLC is still making use of the database that they never destroyed, and they are still collecting data.
    I think the penalty is especially for lying about the destruction and (dis)continued use of the database.
  11. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Tornado in Havana, Cuba   
    On January 27, 2019, a tornado hit Havana, the capital of Cuba. With wind gusts of up to 322 kilometers per hour (200 mph) - which makes it the strongest storm that hits the island in almost 80 years - the tornado carved a 11 km trail ( 7 miles) of destruction that damaged buildings and caused flooding. At least 4 people have died, and 195 were injured.

    No brother or sister was injured or killed by the storm. However, 26 homes of our brothers suffered damage, 3 of which are used to hold congregation meetings. Arrangements are being carried out to take care of the necessary repair work.

    Traveling Overseers have been providing spiritual support to other faithful who have endured the tornado and its side effects. We pray for the Lord to grant our brothers and sisters peace while recovering from this disaster. - numbers 6:26.
  12. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Grazing Visit   
    A brother, who regularly attended meetings, stopped attending for no apparent reason. After a few weeks an elder visited him. It was a very cold night, and his brother found him at home alone, sitting in front of the fireplace, where a bright, warm fire burned.
    Imagining the reason for his visit, the brother invited him in, led him to a seat near the fireplace, and stood there, quiet, silent, and talked with the old man, and the old man did not even talk to him.
    There was a great silence, and they watched the dance of the burning flames, which burned around the logs.
    After a few minutes, the old man examined the coals that had formed and carefully separated the most incandescent of all, away from the others, and sat down again, remaining silent and still.
    While the host paid attention to everything, fascinated but still. After a little while, the flame of the solitary ember disappeared, until there was a faint glow, and it went out.
    In a short time, what was once a flame of heat and light, became a piece of charcoal, cold, inert and covered with ashes.
    No word had been said, between the two, since the initial greeting.
    Before leaving, the old man used his pen to carry the cold and useless piece of charcoal back to the fireplace.
    Almost immediately he rekindled an ardent flame fueled by the heat of the other ardent embers around him. The brother who was discouraged watched, without understanding.
    However, when the elder withdrew, the host told him: Thank you for your visit and beautiful lesson. Until the next meeting.
    Conclusion: God's congregation is like a "fire" in a blazing flame, and the burning coals are us, while we are active in the preaching service, reading the scriptures, and attending the meetings. Since experiences, comments, and presence at meetings, embraces, concern for our well-being, make our love and desire to serve God grow even more. Matthew 24:14 and Hebrews 10: 24, 25.
    However, when we stop gathering, that fire-like heat is gradually disappearing, even to the point of avoiding our brothers. And in time, we became cold, lifeless, lifeless, like a piece of coal.
    Because we are not letting Jehovah speak to us through Bible reading, we do not prepare and attend meetings, just as we do not speak to Jehovah through prayer. And so, that warmth and joy that we enjoy among our brethren fades, until we become like pieces of charcoal.
    In this system, we all experience difficulties, and we often feel discouraged, especially in these last days, that our enemy "Satan" walks around us, like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5: 8.
    Therefore, Jehovah appointed the elders to care for "His flock." For in times of difficulty "grazing visits," to encourage us not to fall into temptation, are magisterial to heal us from "discouragement," and not to miss meetings. For Jehovah looks upon his humble servants, as "a people for his pasture," and "the sheep of his hand." Hebrews 13:17, Psalms 95: 7
  13. Like
    The Librarian reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in "Every American in every community and from every walk of life has a right to live in security and to live in peace. That is my highest priority as President."   
    Actually, the sentiment is not accurate.
    We all have the right to TRY to live in security and peace.
    This NATURAL RIGHT is sometimes protected by whatever laws a country has .... sometimes not ....  but the right itself is a NATURAL right, that precedes all human law .... and sometimes needs  valor, a sharp knife, and a fully loaded handgun to be able to actually have that NATURAL right become what really happens.
    The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled ( If memory serves...) that the Government has no obligation to protect your peace and security.  Their obligation, having police power,  is to enforce the laws .... whatever they are.
    The President's highest priority is to preserve, protect, and enforce the Constitution of the United States..
    That is the oath of office that he took.
    There are subtle, but very real differences.
  14. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Edvan Guerra Magalhaes Magalhaes in Excerpts of the 2018 Regional Convention   
    Your browser does not support the HTML5 video tag.
  15. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from admin in Invision Power Board IPS 4.x   
    @admin it would be nice here on your IPS 4.x forum for us to see on each post when opened just how many people have viewed it. Currently we have to find the listing on the forum list to see the number of views.
    Thanks for the great sharing tool however. I can see where stuff is getting shared from this forum all over the world.
  16. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to ARchiv@L in Ρωσία: έφοδος της Αστυνομίας σε Αίθουσα των Μαρτύρων του Ιεχωβά !   
    Dennis Christensen during the cleaning of the territory in Orel. 
    Photo by: jw-russia.org
    Деннис Кристенсен во время уборки территории в Орле. 
    Фото: jw-russia.org

  17. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to ARchiv@L in Ρωσία: έφοδος της Αστυνομίας σε Αίθουσα των Μαρτύρων του Ιεχωβά !   
    Ρωσία: έφοδος της Αστυνομίας σε Αίθουσα των Μαρτύρων του Ιεχωβά!
    Ρωσία έφοδος της Αστυνομίας σε Αίθουσα των Μαρτύρων του Ιεχωβά!.pdf

  18. Upvote
  19. Upvote
  20. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Preaching in California   
  21. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in Hello, all our dear Brothers/Sisters, around the Earth❤   
    Please add images posts like these to the Images tab in the group instead.  
  22. Confused
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in Jehovahs witnesses and higher education   
    Jehovahs witnesses and higher education by Gerritt Loesch
    Talk by Gerrit Lösch, member of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s witnesses, given in Italian during a special JW convention on May 22, 2005 in the city of Monza, near Milan, Italy. He expresses the official JW view on higher education.
    I posted this in response to a previous question where I gave a quick summary of the changes in our viewpoint on University Education over the years. Thanks to Ann O’Mally for finding it.
  23. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from John Houston in Communication Within the Family and With God   
    Your browser does not support the HTML5 audio tag.
  24. Like
    The Librarian reacted to Queen Esther in NEKATA Our Brother From Japan   
    Jehovah Witnesses -  NEVER TAKE THE TRUTH FOR GRANTED.....
    I love this touching  JW - story    A very good example for us all ❤
                                       ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•. ❤
  25. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Inspired Choices? Jesus Picked Judas; Governing Body Picked Raymond Franz;   
    This is a whole new thread that spun out of the Raymond Franz article.... not BY JOHN BUTLER... but a group of members.... just for clarity
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