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The Librarian

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  1. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to JW Insider in Do You Appreciate God's Patience?   
    Interested. I knew him, but not very well. He was the hardest to get to know of all the 18 members of the Governing Body who were simultaneously on the Governing Body at the same time he was.
  2. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Queen Esther in Time In Which We Are Now Interested - Talk by Frederick W. Franz   
    Thank  you !  ;-)
  3. Haha
    The Librarian got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in UN Compact 2018   
    Ummm... NO.. .I won't forgive you....
    Please just start new threads when you have new, off topics ideas.
    Thank you.
    I will start moving some previously off topics conversations into different threads.
  4. Like
    The Librarian reacted to Bebe in What y'all think ?   
    President Putin is consider a hero in Christian communitys around the middle East. He's bombing have hindered Isis and other extreme religious groups from raping,killing and destroy hole nation's.  Hero or a very bad hombre?
  5. Like
    The Librarian reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in How to Prevent Cockroaches from Invading Your Apartment?   
    The best cockroach killer is instant coffee, straight out of the jar.
    Coffee is a vegetable, and is edible ... its a bean. So the cockroaches love to eat aromatic beans.
    It's the caffeine that kills them, but it does require some work on your part.
    You have to get up in the middle of the night and as fast as you can, flick the light switches on and off for at least 20 seconds.
    In the dark, all the cockroaches have come out into the center of the room, and when you rapidly switch the lights, the stroboscopic effects scare and disorient them.
      Remember ... they are ALREADY totally wired from eating the coffee.
    This gives them a heart attack, and in the morning, you will see them all in the middle of the floor, lying on their backs, with their six legs and "hands" clutching their hearts. If you look close, they may have little tiny "x"s on their eyes, with tongues hanging out.
  6. Like
    The Librarian reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in “WE’RE LOSING HER!”   
  7. Haha
    The Librarian got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in UN Compact 2018   
    Ummm... NO.. .I won't forgive you....
    Please just start new threads when you have new, off topics ideas.
    Thank you.
    I will start moving some previously off topics conversations into different threads.
  8. Like
    The Librarian reacted to JW Insider in Peace - Can it Last?   
    Nah! The dog was clearly born, and named, far back into the time of the previous leadership, which had ended only a few months prior.
    However, this dog's previously sired pups on the other hand, all being hot little dogs, half-Beagle, half Dachshund, were named "Nathan" and "Frank" and "Ernest." Nathan stuck close to his "Pappy," although Frank and Ernest were found jumping the fence to Dawn's house (in Layman's terms) having previously been raised in the "House of the Rising Sun" with some Russell Terriers.*

    [Sadly, Rutherford's phonograph players were sold to Berlitz.]

    [This doctrine was later changed to "The World Will End When The King of the North and the King of the South Try to Get Even."]
    *Perhaps the Librarian will not notice that this post has gone just a wee bit off topic.
  9. Haha
    The Librarian reacted to Evacuated in Peace - Can it Last?   
    Well well, @JW Insider, now you're going all JTR on me!!
  10. Like
    The Librarian reacted to Arauna in UN Compact 2018   
    What is all this complaint about grammar?  I thought this was a forum where one can have discussions similar to sitting in your lounge with friends.   I did not think this was a place where only the elites congregate to share their extensive scholarly inclinations and have scholarly debates while correcting the language on the contributions of others.

    At newspapers they used to have subs to correct the serious language problems and journalists where hired for their knowledge and thinking abilities while reporting on actual events accurately.  This seems to have gone astray in the modern world. 

    I have often seen people with little formal education have thinking abilities much better than those of scholars.  One just has to read the theories on theology such as “liberation theology” or the latest theories on how the New Testament was concocted…..by the Creaser’s of Rome…. Crazy stuff... to know there is a screw lose at universities.   The scholars these days really come up with unsubstantiated trash…  

    My brother (who is not a JW) had almost 50 engineers working for him – some from Harvard.  He has 5 degrees and retired at age 40.   He always said: “People who cannot make it in the real world become scholars and teach at universities.” 

    Depending on the field - I often agree with him… and seeing the level of science and education at universities at present, I totally agree with him.  I will not send my child to such an institution now to be brainwashed by them.  A vocational school is much better!
    This is why I am very careful of wiki and many other sites.  It is edited by people with a new world agenda already embedded in their thinking.  Recently a person requested permission to edit what was written about him on Wikipedia.  They refused.  It apparently means that he did not understand his own writings and his own life history is twisted. This is happening much more and is more insidious than people think.  To keep blind to its level of permeation is to deliberately ignore what is in front of you. 

    And of course there are people here on this forum who still have OCD – obsessive compulsive disorder – to twist any opportunity to hit back at the GB.

    They are the ones hitting back at their brothers and it shows in their writings.

  11. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in If God created the animals before Adam & Eve....and death and disease weren’t introduced to the world until Adam & Eve disobeyed God them please explain how this dinosaur had a tumor?   
    According to our understanding of the bible, humans were the ONLY beings created in God’s image. Adam and Eve were the only “perfect” creation and therefore the only beings immune from sickness and death. Animals were always subject to sickness, disease, and death, so Dino-cancer does not conflict with JW doctrine at all.
  12. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in UN Compact 2018   
    Ok... I am beginning to believe that modern people are no longer able to understand the concept of a topic.
    Has social media caused this? 
    Have native apps with one long scrollable feed with zero context (easy) made this happen?
    I am wondering if I should just design a whole new website where people are supposed to just post random stuff with zero context and where nothing is linked to anything else because Google will link everything for us. Oh wait... that is Facebook and Instagram. (And Twitter... although at least they have hashtags)
    Your thoughts.
    Oh... I now love tacos.
  13. Upvote
  14. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from admin in Reba McEntire - Whoever's In New England   
  15. Confused
    The Librarian reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Alcohol and the United Nations (WHO)   
    via .ORGWorld News
  16. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Sister Sandra "Sandy" Melgar   
    I sent this out on a bunch of social media sites. Anyone know if there is a way people can support her defense fund? Or if one even exists?
    Public Defenders paid by the states are notorious for being terrible defenders.
  17. Haha
    The Librarian got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in GOG = GOOGLE = אֶל־גֹּוג   
    And ironically... their motto is "Don't be Evil"?!?!?!    This is just too good to be true.
  18. Like
    The Librarian reacted to Anna in GOG = GOOGLE = אֶל־גֹּוג   
    Ha! That explains everything! No wonder I had problems with Google translating some words (as I posted in a topic on the "JW's Only" club) it didn't want me to find the truth!!!!!
  19. Like
    The Librarian reacted to JW Insider in GOG = GOOGLE = אֶל־גֹּוג   
    Of course, I don't really believe this in the slightest. But I thought I would put it out here just to raise some interest in the actual meaning of Gog and Magog.
    I looked on Google and could not find any places where anyone had made the connection yet between GOOGLE and GOG. This surprised me, because in Hebrew the verse at Ezekiel 38:2 actually says the following in the Masoretic text:
    See it here: https://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/eze/38/2/t_conc_840002
      בֶּן־אָדָם שִׂים פָּנֶיךָ אֶל־גֹּוג אֶרֶץ הַמָּגֹוג נְשִׂיא רֹאשׁ מֶשֶׁךְ וְתֻבָל וְהִנָּבֵא עָלָֽיו׃
    אֶל־גֹּוג means when transliterated EL-GOG.
    But the O between the two G's is actually a 'vav' which when used as a vowel (as it is here) is not just used for O, but also for U, pronounced OO. Therefore:
    אֶל־גֹּוג can also be transliterated as EL-GOOG.
    Transliterated left to right as it appears on paper, this is אֶל־גֹּוג or GOOG-LE.
    Quite a coincidence for a word that has a curious prophetic meaning in Scripture, and a word that is so ubiquitous on the Internet that it transcends translation. It is a trademark, a mark of that wild, beastly thing we call the Internet.
    Of course, that particular "wild beast" connection has already been done:

  20. Downvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Traci in Subject Bible Reading - One Year   
    Bible Reading by Subject.pdf
  21. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in JW Kindergarten   
    This is the kindergarten 2 classroom of the Favor Kingdom Primary Institute. Here in this classroom learning is conducive for all children.

  22. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from Joan Kennedy in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    @JOHN BUTLER  Yes. This post is off in another orbit.
    I would encourage everyone to learn to make their PERSONAL COMMENTS on the profile page of the person they are referring to....
    and NOT on some random topic.
    So.. for example I will go make one on your page ....
  23. Haha
    The Librarian got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    @JOHN BUTLER  Yes. This post is off in another orbit.
    I would encourage everyone to learn to make their PERSONAL COMMENTS on the profile page of the person they are referring to....
    and NOT on some random topic.
    So.. for example I will go make one on your page ....
  24. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Arauna in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    @Arauna I was thinking about the frustrations you expressed earlier.
    I will create a club on here for JW's that feel as you do. I too sometimes feel frustration when conversations are constantly being turned back into pedophilia etc. on unrelated topics.
  25. Haha
    The Librarian got a reaction from Anna in Let us not underestimate JWI   
    Words cannot express how much I love this thread. 
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