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The Librarian

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  1. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in Kingdom Hall - Poem   
    No tongue have I, nor mouth, nor lip, a speech I cannot make
    But if I could, the things I'd say, would long, long hours take!

    For I was born to fill a need, in answer to a callAnd those who brought me forth to live, have named me Kingdom Hall.

    So I've a royal name you see, and royal was my birthI'm here for service to a King, I hope I prove my worth!

    I want so much to be just right. To suit the need I fillTo aid in service of Kingdom Truth, to people of good will

    Oh give me lips and mouth and tongue, and let me tell to all,The reason why I'm standing here, why I'm called a Kingdom Hall

    But what's a Kingdom Hall you ask? You mean you haven't heard?Why I'm the place where all may come, and freely learn God's word

    No, I'm no church, don't get me wrong, I have no pews or steepleAnd never will collection plates be used to milk the people

    The things you'll hear within my walls will not be false traditionYou'll never hear that Hell is hot, for that's a contradiction!

    Nor will the pagan idea of God, who's three in oneEver be preached beneath my roof; such doctrines you should shun

    But rather, here inside my doors you'll learn things reliableBecause they'll be taken from a truthful source, God's word, the Holy Bible!

    You'll learn how Jehovah God intends to rid the earth of all it's woes;Destroy it's sorrow, sin and death; all mankind's deadly foes

    Then in their place will blossom forth, a world of truth and loveAn earth where God's will shall be done; just as in heaven above

    There'll be no sickness, pain or death, no tear to mar the smileNo one will then bring grief and strife; no Devil will beguile

    But those who live in the new system will humbly bow the kneeBefore Jehovah God who reigns in Grand Supremacy

    This is part of what you'll hear within these walls of mineBut more than that you'll learn just how to make this light to shine!

    And that's the point I want to stress, which may seem rather oddThat I'm not built just as a place in which to worship God

    So here it is you'll learn of Jehovah God; to know what is his willTo learn what he requires of you, his laws how to fulfill

    To worship God means more than sit and listen to God's wordIt means to act; to serve; to preach, to all who have not heard

    Outside my doors, amidst the world, you must hold forth the lightYou must apply what you here learn, to worship God aright

    How great my joy I want to shout; My privelege is so rareYou other buildings of the earth, cannot with me compare

    If I could speak, I'd raise my voice and make all buildings knowThat my importance excels theirs, for from me truth will flow

    So listen, All you structures proud, you giants of steel and stoneYour tops may scrape a scuddling cloud or soar where Eagles have flown

    Your cornerstone may have been laid by worldly men of fameBut you can not boast, That you've been made to praise Jehovah's name!!!
    Author: Unknown
  2. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Edvan Guerra Magalhaes Magalhaes in PRESSEMITTEILUNGEN | Jehovas Zeugen verstärken Hilfsmaßnahmen nach Hurrikans   
    Zweigbüros von Jehovas Zeugen berichten, was weiterhin unternommen wird, um Opfern der Hurrikans Irma und Maria zu helfen und geistigen Beistand zu leisten.
  3. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Dave368 in The Shocking Truth Why Pope Benedict Resigned   
    The Shocking Truth Why Pope Benedict Resigned
  4. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in JW's Dance at an International Convention in Jakarta, Indonesia   
    This trend started to shock me with this video a few years ago: 
  5. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Mona Gallman in Kenneth Cook: Newest Member Of The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Kenneth Cook was announced today at morning worship as the new member of the Governing Body. 

    He was formerly a helper on the writing committee.
    He is an anointed brother in bethel that about 3 years ago got assigned to Writing Correspondence from Bethel Office in Wallkill.
    He is not a rule oriented brother at all. Definitely a people person, a pleasurable brother. Makes people around him feel relaxed an at ease.
    Brother Cook started pioneering on September 1, 1982, and began serving at the United States branch on October 12, 1984.
    He has been in Bethel his entire life evidently. No children. 
    The Governing Body is now composed of eight anointed brothers.
    For more about the Governing Body see:
    I will update this list of members here:

  6. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Edvan Guerra Magalhaes Magalhaes in Kenneth Cook najnowszy członek Ciała Kierowniczego Świadków Jehowy   
    By? dawniej pomocnikiem w komisji pisania.
    On jest namaszczony brat w Betel, ?e oko?o 3 lat temu zosta? przydzielony do pisania korespondencji z Urz?dem w Wallkill Bethel.
    On nie jest zorientowany regu?a brat w ogóle. Zdecydowanie osoba, przyjemne brat. Sprawia, ?e ludzie wokó? niego czu? si? zrelaksowany AT ?atwo?ci?.
    Brat kucharz rozpocz?? s?u?b? pioniersk? w dniu 1 wrze?nia 1982 roku i rozpocz??a s?u??c w ameryka?skiej bran?y w dniu 12 pa?dziernika 1984 r.
    By? w Betel ca?e ?ycie widocznie. Bez dzieci. 
    Cia?o Kierownicze jest obecnie sk?ada si? z o?miu namaszczonych braci.
    Wi?cej informacji na temat Cia?a Kierowniczego zobaczy?:
  7. Sad
    The Librarian reacted to The Librarian in Joshua Ray Sigala   
    On January 22, 2018, Joshua Ray Sigala, of Houston, TX, left us with our hearts broken. He was born on December 15, 1993 in Roswell, NM. Josh was raised in Midway, NM, by not only his mother, but also his best friend, Rosella McAlpine and a very special aunt Mary Sigala, and his precious grandmother Tillie Sigala who preceded him in death. He is survived by his step-father Chris McAlpine and step-grandparents Brian and Mary-Susan Merritt, and Travis McAlpine; one step-uncle, Aaron McAlpine and wife Mariam. Family also includes nine uncles, Rumaldo Sigala and wife, SueAnn, Albert Sigala and wife Liz, Alex Sigala and wife Debbie, Andrew Sigala and wife Shirley, Shepie Sigala, Gilbert Sigala, Fermin Sigala and wife Kathy, Daniel Sigala, Robert Sigala and wife Maria; six aunts, Mary Sigala, Josie Cortez and husband Greg, Emily Mayes and husband Doug, Bernice Valenzuela and husband Albert, Andrea Conti and husband Tony, Tina Garcia and husband David. Josh was a gifted child and everyone loved him, especially his cousins.
    Joshua attended Dexter schools and then moved with his parents to Waco, TX, where he attended Rapoport High School, graduating as Valedictorian. He continued his education at University of Texas at Austin. He was proud to be a “Longhorn”. He graduated in 2016 with two degrees in Corporate Finance and English with a minor in Accounting. Josh was a humble individual, despite his many academic abilities. He was offered a job with Alight Solutions in Houston, TX, where he was currently employed. As a teen, he held the same job as a cashier at H-E-B Grocery for over 6 years.
    Joshua attended the Kingdom Hall of JehovahÂ’s Witnesses and loved Jehovah God. We all hope to see him again in paradise. The name he made for himself can only be described by all his family and friends as a humble and meek person who loved everyone. He will be greatly missed by all. So until we see him again, may Jehovah keep him in His memory.
    Service dates and times will be announced at a later date.
    This obituary was lovingly written by JoshuaÂ’s family.
  8. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in Kenneth Koch: Neuestes Mitglied des Verwaltungsrats der Zeugen Jehovas   
    Er war früher ein Helfer auf der Schreibausschuss.
    Er ist ein gesalbt Bruder in bethel , die vor etwa 3 Jahren Schreiben Korrespondenz von Bethel Büro in Wallkill zugewiesen wurde.
    Er ist keine Regel orientiert Bruder überhaupt. Auf jeden Fall ein Volk Person, ein angenehmer Bruder. Macht die Menschen um ihn herum entspannt ein wohl fühlen.
    Bruder Koch begann Pionier am 1. September 1982 und begann am 12. Oktober 1984 in den Vereinigten Staaten Zweig dient.
    Er hat offenbar sein ganzes Leben in Bethel gewesen. Keine Kinder. 
    Der Verwaltungsrat setzt sich nun aus acht gesalbt Brüder zusammen.
    Weitere Informationen über den Verwaltungsrat sehen:
    via Google Translate
  9. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from E dub in Where did the name "Jesus" come from?   
    See main topic:
    The name "Jesus" has a long, long history. The origin of this name is the Hebrew name ????? (yehoshu'a, Strong's #3091 [Latinized as Joshua]), which means "Yahweh saves." This Hebrew name is first used Exodus 17:9 where we are introduced to Yehoshu'a Ben Nun. When this Hebrew name was transliterated in the Greek Septuagint (2,000 year old Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible) it was written as ?????? (iesous). The Greek alphabet had no "Y" sound, so it used the "I" sound. The Greek alphabet has no consonant "H," or equivalent, so this sound is dropped. The Greek alphabet also had no "Sh" sound, so it used the "S" sound. Then, Greek male names end with "s," so the "s" was added. And this is how ????? (yehoshu'a) became ?????? (iesous) in the Greek. It is common for names to shift and evolve when transferred from one culture to another. For instance, the German name Ludwig is Louis in France and the Spanish name Juan is John in English speaking countries. The Hebrew name ????? (yehoshu'a, Strong's #3091) is ???? (yeshu'a, Strong's #3442 [Latinized as Jeshua]) in the Aramaic language, such as we see in Ezra 2:2. When this Aramaic name was transliterated in the Greek Septuagint, they used the same method as stated above and it comes out to ?????? (iesous), the same as it did for yehoshu'a. When we come to the New Testament period we find that the name of the Messiah is ?????? (iesous) in the Greek New Testament, but we find that it is ???? (yeshu'a) in the Aramaic New Testament. When the Greek New Testament was translated into Latin in the 4th Century this name was written as Iesus, an exact match to the Greek that it came from. The Latin letter "I" split into two letters, "I" and "J." Originally this was two different ways of writing the same letter. So the Iesus became Jesus, but they were both pronounced the same way. Years later, some cultures began using the "I" for the vowel sound and "J" for a "Y" sound. It was not until around 1500 AD that the letter J took on the "dg" sound we are familiar with today. So, the modern name "Jesus" comes from the Latin Iesus, which comes from the Greek Iesous, which comes from the Aramaic Yeshu'a and the Hebrew Yehoshu'a.
  10. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in Jehovah   
    Jehovah in the Bible, the God of Israel who dwells in an established place called heaven, a spirit realm outside the physical heavens and is not omnipresent or "residing" in a human's heart.

    "Jehovah" at Exodus 6:3(1611 King James Version)
    Jehovah /dʒɨˈhoʊvə/ is a Latinization of the Hebrew יְהֹוָה, a vocalization of the Tetragrammaton יהוה (YHWH), the proper name of the God of Israel in the Hebrew Bible, which has also been transcribed as "Yehowah" or "Yahweh". יְהֹוָה appears 6,518 times in the traditional Masoretic Text, in addition to 305 instances of יֱהֹוִה (Jehovih).The earliest available Latin text to use a vocalization similar to Jehovah dates from the 13th century. 
    Relationship of Jehovah with the rest of the Universe
    Think of Jehovah as the Architect of the Universe and Jesus Christ as his "Master Builder" (Proverbs chapter 😎 through whom everything else was created. His first Creation was Jesus Christ himself Billions of years ago before the physical universe ever existed.

    Michael the Archangel (later called Jesus Christ) used God's Holy Spirit in order to create our Universe and later perform miracles related in the Gospels. All energy in the Universe sources with Jehovah God's Holy Spirit and later the exalted and enthroned Jesus Christ enthroned as King would be given "Life within himself" thereby also being given immortality and having his own spirit. (source needed) See also
    Where does God reside? Jehovah's Witnesses Jehovah in various languages around the world / Jehovah in Sign Language
    "Jehovah" by Judge Rutherford  
  11. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in Jehovah   
    See also:
    The Divine Name That Will Endure Forever
    The Divine Name in the Hebrew Scriptures The Divine Name in Ancient Greek Versions The Divine Name in the Christian Greek Scriptures
    “Iehovah” nel primo libro stampato in America!
    Il nome di Dio nella forma “Jeova” nella chiesa di Vezzo, frazione di Stresa (Novara)
    Dio ha un nome personale? La risposta della Bibbia e dell’archeologia
    Related Items
    Recall Notice
    Walk in the Name of Jehovah our God Forever
  12. Thanks
  13. Haha
    The Librarian got a reaction from DefenderOTT in If the Anointed Ones Were to Wake Up   
    Your comment was referencing an entire group of Anointed ones and not just Kenneth Cook so I felt it should go on it's own thread.
    Thank @admin .... not me. ;-)
  14. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in The Most Famous Jehovah’s Witnesses ~ ??????   
    Here is the list I am compiling over time with @Kurt's help:
  15. Sad
    The Librarian reacted to Raquel Segovia in Las impactantes fotos del río Sena desbordado en París   
    Los niveles del agua aumentaron cerca de 3,3 metros por encima del nivel normal y se prevé que sigan aumentando en los próximos días. Para el viernes el Sena podría alcanzar su nivel más alto desde junio de 2016

    El río Sena se desbordó en París el martes, lo que condujo a las autoridades a cerrar varios caminos y a cancelar los paseos en bote.
    El Ayuntamiento de París cerró los caminos que se encuentran a lo largo de las orillas del Sena, desde el este de la capital hasta el área alrededor de la Torre Eiffel en el oeste, debido a que los niveles del agua aumentaron cerca de 3,3 metros (casi 11 pies) por encima del nivel normal.
    Los meteorólogos indicaron que se prevé que los niveles del agua sigan aumentando durante los próximos días.
    La compañía ferroviaria SNCF dijo que seis estaciones de tren en París ubicadas junto al Sena estarán cerradas a partir del miércoles y permanecerán así por varios días.
    Cerca de algunos botes amarrados en las riberas del río, había carteles en francés, inglés y español en los que se leía: "Debido al alto nivel del agua y a las inundaciones, nuestros cruceros están completamente comprometidos".
    Costanza Della Cananea, una turista italiana que se encuentra de visita en París, expresó: "Estamos decepcionados porque pensabamos que íbamos a navegar por el Sena. Era la primera vez que lo íbamos a hacer".
    "Haremos otra cosa", agregó.
    Marina Franchi, una visitante de la ciudad de Marsella, en el sur de Francia, lamentó no haber podido cenar en un bote sobre el Sena.
    "Es parte de nuestro patrimonio. Habría sido bonito visitar París en la noche sobre el Sena", comentó.
    Los meteorólogos dijeron que para el viernes el Sena podría alcanzar su nivel más alto desde junio de 2016, cuando las autoridades fueron forzadas a cerrar varios monumentos parisinos, incluido el Museo del Louvre.
    Las autoridades también advirtieron acerca del riesgo de inundaciones en varios ríos en el este de Francia por las fuertes lluvias que se han registrado en las últimas semanas.
    (Con información de AP)
    (Fotos: AFP, AP, Reuters)
  16. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Sam Anya in The 'Anointed'   
    Jehovah's Witnesses believe salvation is a free gift from God attained by being part of "God's organization" and putting faith in Jesus' ransom sacrifice. They do not believe in predestination or eternal security. They believe in different forms of resurrection for two groups of Christians. One group, the anointed, go to heaven while the other group, "the other sheep" or "the great crowd" will live forever on earth. 
    Jehovah's Witnesses teach that salvation is possible only through Christ’s ransom sacrifice[1] and that individuals cannot be saved until they repent of their sins and call on the name of Jehovah.[2] Salvation is described as a free gift from God, but is said to be unattainable without good works that are prompted by faith. The works prove faith is genuine.[3][4] Preaching is said to be one of the works necessary for salvation, both of themselves and those to whom they preach.[5] They believe that people can be "saved" by identifying God's organization and serving God as a part of it.[6]
    The Witnesses reject the doctrine of universal salvation,[7] as well as that of predestination or fate. They believe that all intelligent creatures are endowed with free will. They regard salvation to be a result of a person's own decisions, not of fate.[8] They also reject the concept of "once saved, always saved" (or "eternal security"), instead believing that one must remain faithful until the end to be saved.[9]
    Regarding whether non-Witnesses will be "saved", they believe that Jesus has the responsibility of judging such ones, and that no human can judge for themselves who will be saved. Based on their interpretation of Acts 24:15, they believe there will be a resurrection of righteous and unrighteous people. They believe that non-Witnesses alive now may attain salvation if they "begin to serve God".[10][11] 
    The 'anointed'
    Based on their understanding of scriptures such as Revelation 14:1-4, Jehovah's Witnesses believe that exactly 144,000 faithful Christians go to heaven to rule with Christ in the kingdom of God. They, with Jesus, will also perform priestly duties that will bring faithful mankind to perfect health and 'everlasting life'.[12]They believe that most of those are already in heaven, and that the "remnant" at Revelation 12:17 (KJV) refers to those remaining alive on earth who will be immediately resurrected to heaven when they die. The Witnesses understand Jesus’ words at John 3:3—"except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God"—to apply to the 144,000 who are "born again" as "anointed" sons of God in heaven.[13] They teach that the New Testament, which they refer to as the Christian Greek Scriptures, is primarily directed to the 144,000, and by extension, to those associated with them.[14] They believe that the terms "Israel of God" (Galatians 6:16), "little flock" (Luke 12:32), "New Jerusalem," and "the bride, the Lamb's wife" (Revelation 21:2,9) in the New Testament also refer to the same group of "anointed" Christians.[15][16][17]
    Jehovah's Witnesses believe that being 'anointed' involves a personal revelation by God's spirit which "gives positive assurance of adoption" to the individual alone.[18] Members who claim to be anointed are not given special treatment by other congregation members.[19] However, only those in the anointed class partake of the unleavened bread and wine at the yearly commemoration of Christ's death, or Memorial.

    Were all the anointed resurrected to heavenly life in 1918?
    Jesus Christ is their mediator

    "CONGREGATION OF GOD" Also called:
    Body of Christ
    Bride of Christ
    Chosen Ones
    Holy Nation
    Israel of God
    Kingdom Class
    Members of the Household of God
    Little Flock
    New Creation
    New Nation
    Royal House
    Royal Priesthood
    Sanctuary Class
    Sons of Levi
    Spirit Begotten
    Spiritual Israel
    Spiritual Sons
    Rebekah Class
    Elisha Class
    Elijah Class 
    New Jerusalem
    Little Flock 
    Lamb's Wife 
    The 'other sheep' and the 'great crowd'
    Watch Tower Society literature states that Jesus' use of the term "other sheep" at John 10:16 was intended to indicate that the majority of his followers were not part of the 144,000 and would have an earthly, rather than heavenly, hope.[20][21] In the resurrection, those who died faithful to God are included in the 'other sheep' and will receive the "resurrection of the righteous" ("just" KJV) mentioned in Acts 24:15.[22] Those who died without faithfully serving God will receive the "resurrection of the ... unrighteous" ("unjust" KJV). They will be given an opportunity to gain God's favor and join Jesus' 'other sheep' and live forever in an earthly paradise.[23][24] Individuals unfavorably judged by God are not resurrected, and are said to be in Gehenna, which they consider to be a metaphor for eternal destruction.[25] Those of the 'other sheep' who are alive today, some of whom survive through Armageddon without needing a resurrection, are referred to as the 'great crowd'.[26][27]
    Jesus is not the mediator for the other sheep.
    The word ‘remnant’ is used to indicate the living members of the 144,000.
    List of title variants given to the living ‘anointed ones’ in the book: Revelation. Its Grand Climax At Hand! (1988)
    Anointed Christians.
    God’s zealous slaves on earth.
    Remnant of the 144,000 integrity keepers.
    Those of the little flock that have been begotten by God’s spirit. His congregation of anointed ones.
    Anointed remnant.
    Anointed conquerors.
    Genuine anointed Christians.
    Anointed brothers.
    Anointed over-comers.
    Remnant of the completed bride of 144,000.
    Remnant of the 24 elders enthroned and crowned like kings.
    God’s anointed people.
    Remnant of the 144,000 under-priests.
    Remaining ones of the son’s of spiritual Israel.
    Remnant of a kingdom of priests - to rule as kings over the earth.
    Chosen anointed ones.
    World-wide congregation of anointed Christians that in time would number 144,000. The remaining ones of the 144,000.
    The anointed heirs to the heavenly kingdom.
    Remnant of the sealed 144,000 still remaining in the flesh.
    The kingdom class.
    The holy ones on earth.
    Remnant on earth of the 144,000 anointed ones.
    The remaining holy ones.
    The anointed witnesses on earth.
    Remnant of the woman’s seed.
    Remnant of the anointed ones.
    The remaining ones of the woman’s seed.
    The remaining ones of the seed of God’s woman.
    The remaining ones of the 144,000 anointed ones.
    The remaining ones of the 144,000 fellow heirs of the heavenly kingdom.
    The loyal ones.
    The remaining ones of the chosen heirs of God’s kingdom.
    A new creation, serving God with heavenly life in view.
    Those from the 144,000 who live on earth during the last days.
    Congregation of anointed Christians on earth.
    Jesus’ brothers, the remaining ones of the woman’s seed.
    Anointed followers still on earth.
    Remnant of the 144,000 of spiritual Israel.
    Remnant of the 144,000 of the bride class.
    Remaining ones on earth of the 144,000.
    Anointed ones who survive on earth.
    Anointed ones of the heavenly bride.
    Remnant of the anointed bridal company.
    Remnant of the 144,000 followers here on earth.
    Remnant of the 144,000 royal brides.
    Anointed remnant of the 144,000.
    Anointed remnant of the spiritually adopted sons of God.
    Remnant of Jesus’ 144,000 under-priests.
    Remnant of the 144,000 members of the Lamb’s wife.
    Remnant of the anointed Christians still alive on earth today.
    Anointed fellow slaves.
    Anointed bride class.
    See also:
    How Does One Know if They Are of the Anointed Or Called to Heavenly Life?
    How is it that Anointed Christians judge angels?
    "Appointed" = "Anointed"?
    If Disfellowshipped and then reinstated, are they still "Anointed" by Jehovah?
    Are the Kings and prophets of old have the same heavenly hope as the anointed of today? They were anointed by Jehovah directly.
    Did the first million or so professed "Anointed Christians" really just end up in Gehenna?
    Albert Schroeder's 1968 talk regarding the Spiritual Temple and the Anointed
    Is it true that some of the 144 000 are already in heaven?
    The Watchtower 6/1/00 p. 11 par. 6 Keep Your “Hope of Salvation” Bright! The Watchtower, March 15, 1989, p. 31 Call on Jehovah’s Name and Get Away Safe! “The Way of Salvation” "James Urges Clean and Active Worship,", The Watchtower 3/1/83 p. 13, "Faith that does not prompt us to do good works is not genuine and will not result in our salvation." "Meetings to Help Us Make Disciples", Our Kingdom Ministry, January 1979, p. 2. The Watchtower, May 15, 2006 pp. 28-29 par. 12 The Watchtower 2/15/83 p. 12 You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth—But How? The Watchtower 4/15/60 p. 229 Does the Bible Teach What You Believe? Awake! 5/07 p. 13 Is Your Life Predestined? You Can Endure to the End The Watchtower October 1, 1999, p. 17. Do You Feel That You Are the Only People Who Will Be Saved?. "Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Believe That They Are the Only Ones Who Will Be Saved?". The Watchtower: 28. 1 November 2008. Revelation—Its Grand Climax at Hand! chap. 29 p. 200 par. 8 "Singing the Triumphal New Song " The Watchtower 11/1/96 p. 10 Look to Jehovah for Comfort: “One of the main operations of God’s spirit upon first-century Christians was to anoint them as adopted spiritual sons of God and brothers of Jesus. (2 Corinthians 1:21, 22) This is reserved for only 144,000 disciples of Christ. (Revelation 14:1, 3)” Worldwide Security Under the “Prince of Peace” chap. 13 p. 110 par. 10 The “Prince of Peace” Turns to Those Outside the New Covenant Survivors Out of All the Nations, ©1984 Watch Tower, page 65 "Congregation of God", Watchtower Publications Index 1930–1985, "CONGREGATION OF GOD (Also called 144,000; Anointed; Body of Christ; Bride of Christ; Chosen Ones; Elect; Holy Nation; Israel of God; Kingdom Class; Little Flock; New Creation; New Nation; Royal House; Royal Priesthood; Sanctuary Class; Sons of Levi; Spirit Begotten; Spiritual Israel; Spiritual Sons)" Chryssides, George D (2008). Historical Dictionary Of Jehovah's Witnesses. Scarecrow Press. pp. 3, 122,. ISBN 9780810860742. “United In Worship Of The Only True God” chap. 14 pp. 112-113 ‘I Make a Covenant With You for a Kingdom’: “Spiritual Sons—How Do They Know? ... God’s spirit gives positive assurance of adoption as spiritual sons to baptized Christians who have received the heavenly calling. The Watchtower 5/1/07 p. 31: “They do not believe that they necessarily have more holy spirit than their companions of the other sheep have; nor do they expect special treatment or claim that their partaking of the emblems places them above the appointed elders in the congregation” The Watchtower 2/1/98 p. 20 par. 7 The Other Sheep and the New Covenant "Awake" 1/8/95 p. 27 Who Go to Heaven? The Watchtower 2/15/95 p. 11 par. 12 'There Will Be a Resurrection of the Righteous: “Men and women of old who exercised strong faith in Jehovah and his promises and remained faithful to the death were declared righteous by Jehovah on the basis of their faith, and they will without doubt share in the ‘resurrection of the righteous.’ The Watchtower 6/15/06 p. 6 A Sure Guide to Happiness: “Acts 24:15 ... “There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.” So even “the unrighteous,” many individuals who did not know and serve Jehovah, will get a future opportunity to gain God’s favor.” You Can Believe in a Paradise Earth The Watchtower November 15, 2003, p. 4. The Watchtower 3/15/06 p. 6 The Only Remedy!: “Some committed sins for which there is no forgiveness. They are not in Hades (mankind’s common grave) but in Gehenna, a symbolic place of eternal destruction. (Matthew 23:33) The Watchtower 4/15/95 p. 31 Questions From Readers: “In summary, we might remember “other sheep” as the broader term, encompassing all of God’s servants having the hope of living forever on earth. It includes the more limited category of sheeplike ones today who are being gathered as a “great crowd” with the hope of living right through the impending great tribulation”. Ankerberg, John (2003). Fast Facts on Jehovah's Witnesses. Harvest House Publisher. pp. 51–53. ISBN 9780736910811.  
  17. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Kenneth Cook: Newest Member Of The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Kenneth Cook was announced today at morning worship as the new member of the Governing Body. 

    He was formerly a helper on the writing committee.
    He is an anointed brother in bethel that about 3 years ago got assigned to Writing Correspondence from Bethel Office in Wallkill.
    He is not a rule oriented brother at all. Definitely a people person, a pleasurable brother. Makes people around him feel relaxed an at ease.
    Brother Cook started pioneering on September 1, 1982, and began serving at the United States branch on October 12, 1984.
    He has been in Bethel his entire life evidently. No children. 
    The Governing Body is now composed of eight anointed brothers.
    For more about the Governing Body see:
    I will update this list of members here:

  18. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in The 'Anointed'   
    One of the anointed was just appointed to the Governing Body:
  19. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in Kenneth Cook: Newest Member Of The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Kenneth Cook was announced today at morning worship as the new member of the Governing Body. 

    He was formerly a helper on the writing committee.
    He is an anointed brother in bethel that about 3 years ago got assigned to Writing Correspondence from Bethel Office in Wallkill.
    He is not a rule oriented brother at all. Definitely a people person, a pleasurable brother. Makes people around him feel relaxed an at ease.
    Brother Cook started pioneering on September 1, 1982, and began serving at the United States branch on October 12, 1984.
    He has been in Bethel his entire life evidently. No children. 
    The Governing Body is now composed of eight anointed brothers.
    For more about the Governing Body see:
    I will update this list of members here:

  20. Thanks
    The Librarian reacted to JW Insider in Kenneth Cook: Newest Member Of The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses   
    I don't think he's quite as young as Brother Sanderson was when he was appointed, I think in his early 50's. Probably 53 to 55.
  21. Sad
    The Librarian got a reaction from Rahsa Celades in Woman Attacks Three Jehovah's Witnesses With a Hammer   
    A Tunbridge Wells woman attacked three Jehovah’s Witnesses with a hammer when they knocked on her door
    Mitchell made contact with two of the victims, with "one hit in the face and another caught on the shoulder"
    A woman from Tunbridge Wells has pleaded guilty to beating three Jehovah's Witnesses with a hammer when they knocked on her door to talk about the bible.
    Kerry Mitchell, 44, of Lott Close in Southborough, pleaded guilty to three counts of assault by beating, one count of possessing an offensive weapon in a public place and one count of racially or religiously aggravated harassment.
    She was also charged with using "threatening or abusive words and behaviour likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress".
    But this charge was made redundant when she admitted to the "racially or religiously aggravated".
    Mitchell appeared at Sevenoaks Magistrates court on Tuesday, January 23 but her case will be heard at Maidstone Crown court due to its severity.
    James Nichols, prosecuting, described how Mitchell made contact with two of the victims,
    One was "hit in the face and another caught on the shoulder".
    The defence and the magistrates were in agreement that she should be sentenced at crown court.
    Chairman Mrs Hissey said: "The bench considers this to be unsuitable for magistrates and therefore we are sending it to crown court".
    Mitchell was released on unconditional bail until her sentencing hearing but no date has been set.
    Maidstone Crown court will notify Mitchell when she is due to appear.
  22. Sad
    The Librarian got a reaction from E dub in Woman Attacks Three Jehovah's Witnesses With a Hammer   
    A Tunbridge Wells woman attacked three Jehovah’s Witnesses with a hammer when they knocked on her door
    Mitchell made contact with two of the victims, with "one hit in the face and another caught on the shoulder"
    A woman from Tunbridge Wells has pleaded guilty to beating three Jehovah's Witnesses with a hammer when they knocked on her door to talk about the bible.
    Kerry Mitchell, 44, of Lott Close in Southborough, pleaded guilty to three counts of assault by beating, one count of possessing an offensive weapon in a public place and one count of racially or religiously aggravated harassment.
    She was also charged with using "threatening or abusive words and behaviour likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress".
    But this charge was made redundant when she admitted to the "racially or religiously aggravated".
    Mitchell appeared at Sevenoaks Magistrates court on Tuesday, January 23 but her case will be heard at Maidstone Crown court due to its severity.
    James Nichols, prosecuting, described how Mitchell made contact with two of the victims,
    One was "hit in the face and another caught on the shoulder".
    The defence and the magistrates were in agreement that she should be sentenced at crown court.
    Chairman Mrs Hissey said: "The bench considers this to be unsuitable for magistrates and therefore we are sending it to crown court".
    Mitchell was released on unconditional bail until her sentencing hearing but no date has been set.
    Maidstone Crown court will notify Mitchell when she is due to appear.
  23. Like
    The Librarian reacted to JW Insider in 1914 (and 607) - Where did the WTS get the idea?   
    Why another topic about 1914 and 607?
    Because we could use a topic where we can all agree a little more easily. Seriously. In this topic, we don't need to worry about whether 607 is correct, or 1914 is correct. No one needs to say why it does or doesn't make sense to them. Let's just see if we can review the possible and probable sources that were influential, and ultimately resulted in 607 and 1914 being accepted as a Bible-based fulfillment of prophecy.
    No one needs to jump from another thread about 607 and Biblical evidence over to this one. In fact, I just read a couple of books last night for the first time, and I had some questions that I couldn't find an answer to, and hoped that someone from that other thread, or anyone really, might have run across the resources that might have answered the questions. I'm reading one more book first, and don't think I'll finish it tonight, so consider this topic to be kind of a placeholder for a couple days.
    So this is the purpose of the three current threads:
    https://www.theworldnewsmedia.org/topic/5510-607-bce-is-it-biblically-supported/ a place to discuss mostly the Scriptural evidence for or against the 607 portion of the 1914 doctrine. https://www.theworldnewsmedia.org/topic/51655-607-bce-is-there-any-secular-support-for-the-watch-towers-view/ a place to discuss mostly the Secular evidence for or against the 607 portion of the 1914 doctrine. And this current one: a place to discuss the sources that were influential in the WTS accepting the 607 date as part of the 1914 doctrine. One place to start is with a couple sentences in the "Proclaimers" book (next post). I personally intend to avoid a certain book by COJ for this topic, to avoid unnecessary controversy, although anyone should feel free to use any resources from anywhere they wish, as long as it appears to be a statement of fact. Again, this is not about questioning the correctness of the doctrine.
  24. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from lentaylor71 in 1921 - The Harp of God   
    I doubt many of you have ever had the chance to read this Watchtower Publication. However it is in the archive under 1921.
    The Harp of God was the instrument David played, and each chapter represents a string in the harp, and together they convey the melody of the truth.

  25. Like
    The Librarian reacted to ScreenSA in Archive of Watch Tower Publications (By Year Published)   
    Does anyone have a recording of Bro. Rutherford's talk: "Millions now living will never die" or even an excerpt or a pdf of it? 
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