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The Librarian

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  1. Haha
    The Librarian reacted to JW Insider in Women must not instruct men, even by singing a theocratic song.   
    What if you took a stack of coupons for the book(s) and attached them to small pieces of gum, and then surreptitiously stuck them to the bottom of every chair in the hall, repeating this process in 100 or 200 Kingdom Halls in the next year? Over the following year, the gum would lose its gumminess (Mt 5:13?) and then your coupon would be picked up by hundreds of different people over time. It'd be like a silent book tour where most of your effort is spent chewing and sitting down, and shifting your seat more often than most.
  2. Haha
    The Librarian reacted to JW Insider in Women must not instruct men, even by singing a theocratic song.   
    Have you tried finding a forum where both Witnesses and non-Witnesses gather to discuss Witness-related subjects? Perhaps you could mention it there.
  3. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to David Normand in Cholera Outbreak in Zambia Causes Closure of Congregation Meetings Until Further Notice   
    Saw the same article. Thought the same thing. Government was not doing it to stamp out Jehovah's Witnesses. They were doing it in response to a public health crisis. Friends really should have taken heed of the government's action and stayed away. Oh well, time will come when the government actually ban's all religious meetings then we will have to take  a stand for true worship. Until then though let your reasonableness be known to all men. 
  4. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from Anna in 607 B.C.E. - Is it Biblically Supported?   
    @Anna I will let the @admin know. 
    I haven't experienced that warning yet though personally.
  5. Downvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from E dub in SOLDIERS BEAT UP JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES IN LUSAKA   
    Heavily armed Soldiers have beaten up Jehovah’s Witnesses over banned church services.
    CHURCH members and leaders of a JehovahÂ’s Witnesses branch n LusakaÂ’s Kamwala area were this morning beaten up by a combined team of military personell after they attempted to gather for a church service.
    Last week, the Ministry of Health banned church gatherings and other gatherings in a bid to contain the Cholera situation in the country. While some churches have complied, a few others have opted to go ahead with their worship services.
    A branch of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kamwala this morning decided to ignore the government directive. A few minutes into the church service, a Land cruiser full of military personell and police officers landed at the church premises and ordered the church leaders to stop the service— according to an eye witnesses.
    “When the leaders tried to resist the order, the soldiers just started beating up the leaders. When the members tried to protest, they were also slapped. That’s how everyone scampered in different directions,” said an eye witness.
    The church has now been closed.
  6. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in Are Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin Set to Fulfill Bible Prophecy?   
    The inventor left a text message in the first mined block which reads 'The Times 3 January 2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks'. The text refers to a headline in The Times published on 3 January 2009. It is a strong indication that the first block was mined no earlier than this date. The genesis block has a timestamp of 18:15:05 GMT on 3 January 2009. This block is unlike all other blocks in that it doesn't have a previous block to reference. This required the use of custom code to mine it. Timestamps for subsequent blocks indicate that Nakamoto did not try to mine all the early blocks solely for himself.
    I think this was released in response to the financial credit crisis. 
    Basically the financial world had a heart attack, the central banks pumped funny money like never before to revive it (the banks) diluting the $ of the savers.... hence, Satoshi Nakamoto presented Bitcoin as an alternative to the banking system.
    We are just now starting to see how powerful it might become.
  7. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in Are Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin Set to Fulfill Bible Prophecy?   
    The inventor left a text message in the first mined block which reads 'The Times 3 January 2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks'. The text refers to a headline in The Times published on 3 January 2009. It is a strong indication that the first block was mined no earlier than this date. The genesis block has a timestamp of 18:15:05 GMT on 3 January 2009. This block is unlike all other blocks in that it doesn't have a previous block to reference. This required the use of custom code to mine it. Timestamps for subsequent blocks indicate that Nakamoto did not try to mine all the early blocks solely for himself.
    I think this was released in response to the financial credit crisis. 
    Basically the financial world had a heart attack, the central banks pumped funny money like never before to revive it (the banks) diluting the $ of the savers.... hence, Satoshi Nakamoto presented Bitcoin as an alternative to the banking system.
    We are just now starting to see how powerful it might become.
  8. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Valerie Thompson in God's War is Won - Who Will Win The Battle?   
    Your browser does not support the HTML5 audio tag.
    @The Librarian
  9. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in Pele Reid: British Boxing Champion, retired and serves as a Jehovah's Witness. ~ ?   
    Quote from the article above:
    “Most boxers donÂ’t know when to give up,” said Reid, now 44 years old and a dedicated JehovahÂ’s Witness. “They always think they can do better, prove everybody wrong and make a fortune and you do need that mentality to be a boxer.”
    The McDermott and Sexton defeats forced Reid to accept he wasnÂ’t going to prove everybody wrong and make a fortune from boxing. But he did have one last fight, surviving a wobble or two to outpoint Dave Ingleby over 10 rounds for the vacant British Masters title in Birmingham in March, 2009.
    “I retired at the right time for me,” said Reid, who bowed out with a 20-6-2 (17) record. “You look at my record and it shows that in my last fight, I won a title. Not many people can say that. People ask me if I miss boxing, but I don’t. I retired at the right time. I laid it to rest. I still meet people who are journeymen at my age. They don’t know what to do apart from box.
    “They gave their life to boxing and can’t move on. They have nothing to replace it so they hang on for as long as they can. They are used to it and it pays the bills. I was so happy to close the door on boxing.
    “Boxing didn’t close the door on me and I achieved more than a lot of people. I’m happy I did enough to make a mark.”
    I have added him to my list of celebrity JW's
  10. Haha
    The Librarian reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in YOUNG PEOPLE ASK | How Can I Prevent Burnout?   
    Is there really a "young person", anywhere in the world, at any time in the history of civilization ... that has looked at someone else and uttered the phrase "How can I prevent Burnout?'
    I can imagine a LOT of weird stuff .... but not that.
    That is so "cornball" it is almost a perfect sphere.
    It would be like a sailor getting his hand caught in a piece of machinery and exclaiming "Oh, Golly Gee!  it appears I have had my fingers severed ! Whatever shall I do?"
    cornball adj. Of a cheesy, corny, and otherwise over-the-top feelgood nature. Virtually any inspirational quote that makes you shudder.  
  11. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Video ~ Sing ??? to Jehovah in Dance ?and Song! - Don’t Give Up Convention 2017   
    I'm guessing this was in Korea.....
    Someone else may know better.
  12. Upvote
  13. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from Bible Speaks in “Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage; be not affrighted, neither be thou dismayed: for Jehovah thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.“ ~ Joshua 1:9, ASV   
    @Bible Speaks... notice how I simplified the ASV part.....
    We don't need all the links back to them... or to know that they are public domain....
    But nice posting ;-)
  14. Like
    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in Jehovah’s Witness actively do their part in American Fork   
    The congregation gets up and joins in a song. They take turns sharing thoughts and answering questions from "The Watchtower". They enthusiastically help visitors by helping them find the Scriptures, songs and passages of their journals.
    Members of the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Utah County are few, but they live their faith devoutly. In fact, the congregation is small, but the Witnesses still spend time trying to spread their beliefs. The American Fork congregation is one of four listed by denomination in Utah County. Others are found in Provo, Orem and Spanish Fork.
    Jehovah's Witnesses honor Jehovah, whom they believe is the God of the Bible and the creator of all things. Because they "testify" or talk about Jehovah God and his Kingdom, they are known as Jehovah's Witnesses, according to the faith website.
    Of course, there is a need for help in the ministry, so church leaders send volunteers to American Fork to help the church grow. Peggy Wilkerson and her husband, Tom, are two of those volunteers.
    "At American Fork, we have a large territory and it continues to grow," said Peggy Wilkerson. "Then, we need help."
    According to Peggy Wilkerson, the Witnesses send time sheets from their ministry to their headquarters in Warwick, New York. Church leaders can see if they cover their area well enough or if they need more people to help.
    These people come from areas with larger concentrations of Jehovah's Witnesses, such as Colorado and California. The Wilkersons come from Wyoming.
    Before the Wilkersons came to Utah, they served in Mexico for a couple of years. Like all volunteers, they had to make the trip and stay on their own. Then, the Wilkersons made a big decision when Tom retired after years of working for the oil and natural gas industry.
    When I retired at the age of 62 and a half, I sold (our house), I packed everything we had and went to Mexico where the need was great, "he said.
    Unlike the Wilkersons, Tirzah Fellows has lived in Utah most of her life, but her father moved to Spanish Fork from Kansas before she was born. Before that, he was serving as an elder in Kansas and moved to Utah to help the church grow, like the Wilkersons.
    Fellows is used to the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints after all their years in Utah. She was the only Witness at her school in Utah, but she has appreciated it.
    "There is nothing that would change," said Fellows. "Just because of how I grew up and how I raise my daughter."
    Still, there are certain misconceptions that Fellows and other Witnesses should explain to their neighbors, schoolmates and co-workers. They do not celebrate parties, or salute the flag, or serve in the army or vote.
    "Tessa (daughter of Fellows) knows why we do not celebrate the holidays, she knows why we do not wave at the flag," Fellows said. "It's not just because I told her, there's a reasoning behind this."
    The fellows said their daughter is very proud to defend her faith in school and elsewhere. Fellows is the same way and refers to the Bible to explain why Jehovah's Witnesses do and do not do certain things.
    Costco Pharmacy, where Fellows works, is one of the places where you have the opportunity to explain your beliefs to your co-workers from time to time. She feels that she has a good understanding of the beliefs of Latter-day Saints, which has helped her choose her words wisely with LDS partners.
    She does not always bring out what is in the Bible to Latter-day Saints, but she loves when they ask questions.
    "It strengthens my faith by talking about that," said Fellows.
    However, he has realized that people ask less questions than in recent years about their beliefs.
    "The ergent used to be fascinated (about my faith)," Fellows said. "They would say, 'You're not a Mormon ?! Well, what does that mean?'"
    Despite all this, Fellows and Witnesses in American Fork continue to preach to their neighbors. It does not matter if it is one hour a week or 100, if you are doing your best.
    "We know that Jehovah sees what we do," said Peggy Wilkerson. "(The ministry) is not for our glory."
    According to Tom Wilkerson, Jehovah's Witnesses grow nationwide by some 250,000 people a year. There are currently 8.3 million members worldwide, and these members are counted only if they are active in their ministry. If they are not active for six months, then they are not counted as Jehovah's Witnesses.
    For Jehovah's Witnesses in Utah, a growth of up to 1 percent is a great victory. It is difficult to find people who are interested in joining, but as long as they find people interested in having a discussion (not in a discussion), they believe they are doing their part in the growth of their congregation.

  15. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Pele Reid: British Boxing Champion, retired and serves as a Jehovah's Witness. ~ ?   
    Quote from the article above:
    “Most boxers donÂ’t know when to give up,” said Reid, now 44 years old and a dedicated JehovahÂ’s Witness. “They always think they can do better, prove everybody wrong and make a fortune and you do need that mentality to be a boxer.”
    The McDermott and Sexton defeats forced Reid to accept he wasnÂ’t going to prove everybody wrong and make a fortune from boxing. But he did have one last fight, surviving a wobble or two to outpoint Dave Ingleby over 10 rounds for the vacant British Masters title in Birmingham in March, 2009.
    “I retired at the right time for me,” said Reid, who bowed out with a 20-6-2 (17) record. “You look at my record and it shows that in my last fight, I won a title. Not many people can say that. People ask me if I miss boxing, but I don’t. I retired at the right time. I laid it to rest. I still meet people who are journeymen at my age. They don’t know what to do apart from box.
    “They gave their life to boxing and can’t move on. They have nothing to replace it so they hang on for as long as they can. They are used to it and it pays the bills. I was so happy to close the door on boxing.
    “Boxing didn’t close the door on me and I achieved more than a lot of people. I’m happy I did enough to make a mark.”
    I have added him to my list of celebrity JW's
  16. Thanks
    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in Pele Reid: British Boxing Champion, retired and serves as a Jehovah's Witness. ~ ?   
    British Boxing Champion, retired and serves as a Jehovah's Witness.

  17. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Monika Arnett in You Will Be With Me in Paradise   

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    @The Librarian
  18. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Israeli Bar Avaddhon in Let us prepare ourselves for the machinations of Satan!   
    Let's start with a logical assumption.
    Satan is much smarter and more powerful and has much more experience than us.
    He is our main adversary and his purpose is to "devour us" - 1 Peter 5: 8
    To do this, as we all know, he uses every means at his disposal and one of his "favorite" weapons is lying, deception - Hebrews 2:14; John 8:44
    It 'easy to expect that, as he nears the end of his activity, he intensifies his efforts to mislead us - Revelation 20: 2, 3
    As we have seen from the previous articles which spoke of the false prophet, Satan is about to prepare his best weapon for his expulsion to the earth - Revelation 13:11
    We know that religion will not disappear as many of us have imagined (as it is not Babylon the Great) but will undergo a remarkable "skin change" - compare 2 Corinthians 11: 13-15
    If this is correct, we can hypothesize what could happen in the near future also by comparing what has already happened, in the past, that has diverted many of us.
    Many of us fail to accept the change of identity of Babylon the Great mainly for two reasons.
    To begin with it is one of the doctrines taught with more conviction by the WTS and then, let's face it, it is an almost romantic figure.
    Knowing many details of what religion has done over the centuries, including torture and burnings, wars, the killing of many sincere scholars of the Bible, the immorality of its exponents, the bonfires of the translated Bibles ... in short, each of us wondered when Jehovah would ask for the bill.
    To come to know that these organizations could be compared to a prostitute who would have been mauled and burned ... well ... this have filled our hearts with a just sense of righteous justice - Matthew 5: 6
    In fact, the end that will make "the man of illegality", in the role of the false prophet, will not be very different even if the subject and the performer change drastically - Revelation 19:20
    The point is that to break away now from this emblematic and strong figure is difficult because it touches our emotional part.
    We pay attention to this.
    If the scriptural references used to derive the identity of Babylon the Great are incorrect or their application is incorrect, then it is right to re-discuss and see if there is another possibility.
    If anyone is able to disprove with logic and the Scriptures all the steps to identify Babylon as Great as the modern nation of Israel, let it be - Proverbs 15:22; 1 Thessalonians 5:21
    It should interest us only the biblical message - compare Matthew 10:37
    If, on the other hand, the scriptural references are clear and specific, they do not contradict each other and somehow disprove or cast a shadow over the old understanding, instead of doing somersaults to try and prove our preconceived ideas ( in practice, forcing the Scriptures) we should simply abandon our "affections" and embrace the Truth of God's Word - John 17:17
    Let's do an honest self-examination and evaluate the Scriptural reasons that prevent us from accepting a change of vision (whatever it is).
    Satan could exploit our desires, including our preconceived ideas, to completely mislead us - Genesis 3: 6
    The apostle Paul said that Satan would use the man of lawlessness with every powerful work, signs and portents of lies and "every unjust deception" - 2 Thessalonians 2: 9. 10
    Satan could use our preconceptions, not only our desires?
    We have already seen how Satan could do this through the false prophet (ie the man of the illegality of the end time, after the expulsion of Satan on earth) but now we will see how he could do it before, leaving for a moment the portents and concentrating on the concept of "every unjust deception".
    Obviously we can not know in detail what Satan will invent soon because of the assumptions made at the beginning.
    The warnings of the Lord, in fact, are generic.
    Although He has spoken of false Christs and false prophets and great signs, he does not specify what will actually combine our arch-enemy.
    The point is that we must be ready and have the means to do so: the Bible, our mental faculties and the help of the Holy Spirit - 1 Peter 5: 9; Romans 12: 1; Ecclesiastes 7:12; Luke 11:13
    1 Peter 5: 9 says that in order to resist Satan, we must be solid in faith, and how can we be solid in faith if we do not carefully study the Word of God?
    Romans 12: 1 explains that our sacred service includes our faculty of reasoning and Ecclesiastes adds that knowledge is a protection that can keep us alive.
    Thus we see that understanding the prophecies (like the rest of the Bible) is not a race between human beings; it's not something to be taken lightly and to be able to say "let's wait and see who's right" because it's about life.
    Even the usual phrase, which often turns between brothers, who says that "the prophecies will understand them only when they are fulfilled" is superficial and dangerous.
    Meanwhile, we debunk a common place: Daniel understood before their expiry the duration of the years of Babylonian exile by carefully studying the scriptures - Daniel 9: 1, 2 (see footnote *)
    So the prophecy, to define itself as "prophecy", must be understood before its coming true otherwise it would make no sense; it would be a prophecy without the dignity of prophecy - Amos 3: 7
    And besides, things "do not fall from above", we will not be stopped by an angel who will tell us what will happen if what happens is already written in the Bible.
    Jehovah has already revealed His purpose; we must study the Word of God, in the likeness of the prophet Daniel, if we at least hope to understand something.
    Having established this we try to make a series of hypotheses on what Satan could actually invent to mislead God's people.
    In a previous article we discussed chapters 7 and 8 of Daniel and we saw how one might come to think that these are two completely different subjects, times and prophecies (the article is titled "Four armageddon or one only?").
    To complicate the understanding of the prophecy we have thought "the secular history" because if we read the events related to Antiochus IV Epiphanes many details emerge that could make us think that the description made by Daniel applies to him and his period of action.
    In this way even a good part of chapter 11 would be fulfilled with the Maccabees, "the people who know their God" and so on.
    We know that these arguments are forced and absolutely false and we can say this in the light of the Scriptures that clearly identify the Prince of the army, also known as Prince of the Princes, as the one to whom sacrifices were made and made - Compare Daniel 8:25 with Daniel 8:11
    There are also other reasons that lead us to reject in the strongest terms Judah Maccabee and Antiochus IV Epiphanes, as many details of the prophecy that would fall simply into thin air, but including those who had turned the sacrifices should be more than enough for a careful scholar of the Bible.
    The question we should ask ourselves, however, is quite different.
    Why have so many similar things happened in the past that have led many sincere Jews to believe that Daniel's words applied to them in the past?
    Obviously we can not know if Satan was behind all this but we can not even exclude it.
    Recall that Satan has existed for thousands of years so he can afford to make long-term plans.
    The repercussions of this understanding come to us because they influence the time in which we are living and that we risk not recognizing.
    Let's see if there is a prior or are simply outlandish hypothesis.
    These articles have re-discussed, among others, the understanding related to 1914 and to do so we simply used the Scripture (one of these posts is titled "Chronology, interpretation, speculation").
    Many sites and blogs, also of a polemical nature, have re-discussed 1914 as the date when Christ would have been crowned as King, but in general the arguments relate to secular dates, historical relics, etc.
    These sites have emphasized that the date of departure from which to count these fateful "seven times" is wrong because it is not supported or just denied by history.
    First of all, we must acknowledge that these discussions can have a certain value among historians, but between us, Christians, these things has a relative value.
    To begin with, history is not an "exact science" as mathematics could be because it is based on findings that are often incomplete and to which we must also give an interpretation (just think of what the scholars say about the age of man) .
    In fact, on the same "find" different scientists give different interpretations and it is certainly not the majority or the most "noble" to establish the truth.
    For absurd, for how many tests can come to light proving that the date used as a starting point to calculate the seven times is wrong, the WTS could be right.
    We can speak of a reasonable conclusion, of numerous proofs in favor of ... but not of certainty.
    We take note of an inconvenient truth: we were not there.
    We Christians, however, have something more than the historical findings or a team of scientists in tow: we have the Word of God.
    So we can say that 1914 is wrong not because the date from which to start the calculation is wrong (which would simply move the question of twenty years or so) but because the Bible does not talk about that.
    Having said this, however, here too we must take note that many things that have happened since 1914 onwards are very similar to the description that the Bible makes of the last days (meaning just the last few).
    That year, the greatest war that humanity had known until then broke out - Matthew 24: 6
    As a consequence of the war, hunger, disease and despair are spreading everywhere - Luke 9:11
    Big bombs like the two atomic bombs, which were seen hundreds of kilometers away, are actually "scary visions from the sky and great signs".
    Jehovah's Witnesses are being persecuted practically under all the Communist, Fascist and "democratic" regimes - Matthew 24: 9
    Moral values suffer a sharp decline in all sectors of society - 2 Timothy 3: 1-5
    Besides these things happens even more that almost "obliges" Christians to believe and to confirm 1914.
    The League of Nations (1920) is born.
    Let's stop for a moment.
    If the League of Nations is the scarlet savage beast described in Revelation, then there is very little to discuss.
    Since in Revelation this beast falls into the abyss only one time and then ascend, there is no other possibility than to apply and start the prophecies of Revelation from 1914 or from a date close to 1914.
    The book of Revelation is clear: the scarlet beast falls into the abyss and then goes up again. There are no other falls before its final destruction - see Revelation 17: 8
    Let us imagine living in that period and let us honestly ask ourselves how many of us would not have believed we were living in the "last days" and to receive the reward shortly thereafter.
    This experiment is born, a political-military agglomeration as never had been tried in the history and the brothers observe.
    It really looks like the scarlet beast of Revelation!
    If it is that, however ... it must fall into the abyss after a certain period.
    Among other things, it is understood that the reason why this beast falls into the abyss is precisely the outbreak of war.
    What happens?
    Less than two decades after war breaks out such an extensive and violent to pass the 1914 absolutely secondary.
    And the League of Nations, because of its nature, can be said to fall ** (see footnote).
    What should we deduce from these reflections?
    All these events do not seem a bit 'too much to be pointed to the case?
    There are many, too many elements and they all seem to fit together.
    What to say, then?
    Are we still convinced that the 1914 date is wrong?
    The only way to understand it is by studying the Word of God with dedication and without preconceptions.
    By studying the Bible it is understood that if it is true that many things seemed to fit together, it is equally true that many others did not.
    At the time of the resurrection of the scarlet colored beast there had to be only one dominant power (compare Revelation 13: 3, 4, Daniel 11:39, 40, 45) but after the Second World War there were still so many powers.
    When would there have been this proclamation or a hint of "peace and security" if the cold war began immediately afterwards?
    These and other details should have made the brothers of the time reflect that "something did not return" but, as mentioned, considering such remarkable events and apparently in harmony with the Scriptures, we would probably have fallen for all.
    It is not difficult to imagine who has been behind all this or we can not exclude it.
    If all these events have not been random, our ability to reason allows us to hypothesize what could happen in the near future.
    In the article dedicated to the trumpets of Revelation (it is called "Jehovah's Wounds Against False Prophets and Trouble for the Earth") we have seen that Jehovah's judgment will be directed principally against His own people but could also include exponents and organizations of Christendom .
    We pay attention to this.
    Can Satan use this situation to implement his umpteenth "unjust deception"?
    Absolutely, because this fits perfectly with the "style" of its past deceptions - compare 1 Corinthians 15:12
    Let's think for a moment: what is the event that the vast majority of us are waiting with trepidation?
    The destruction of "Babylon the Great" is not it?
    For "Babylon the Great", obviously, the majority of Jehovah's Witnesses mean the worldwide empire of false religion.
    Imagine that the United Nations (or the king of the north or Islamic extremists or anyone else) now initiates a targeted persecution of all religions by blowing up many famous places of worship *** (see footnote) ).
    What would the majority of us think?
    It's obvious. The great tribulation has begun!
    We must not even make a big effort of imagination because this is exactly what happened during the first and then the Second World War.
    The brothers imagined that these wars would "culminate" in Armageddon.
    We pay close attention and try to understand the profound reasons why we believe in what we believe in - 2 Corinthians 13: 5; 1 Thessalonians 5:21
    Let us not be caught up in events.
    The war that is about to break out (because it is about to break out) will not lead to Armageddon and any generalized persecution of religions will have nothing to do with Babylon the Great.
    Let us also ask ourselves this question: if we can not re-discuss the identity of Babylon the Great now, will we succeed in doing so when the scriptures seem to fulfill according to our preconceptions? - Jeremiah 23: 21-23
    Let's make sure, then, of what we believe in because understanding prophecy is not a secondary question, it is of our life exactly as it was of the life of the first Christians.
    Satan is certainly able to turn us around like socks and turn around as and when he wants but we have the Bible and the help of Jehovah himself - Proverbs 18:10
    Let us not allow our emotionality or our desires to have the upper hand over our faculties of reasoning.
    We must study the Bible! - compare Matthew 4: 5-7
    The only possibility that Satan can use such a method to continue to mislead the majority of us should put us at attention and make us feel a serious responsibility.
    All those, many or few, who have conscientiously shared the articles of "attentioelaprofezia", that is to say those who have passed the articles to the scrutiny of Scripture and have found them in harmony with it, have a moral obligation to make the possible to warn their brothers about what is going to happen and about what could happen.
    What happened in the first and second world war can constitute a precedent to help each of us to be prepared and ready - Ephesians 6: 14-18; 2 Kings 6:16, 17
    * Some, to show that the posthumous understanding of the prophecies is a scriptural evidence, point to the event that occurred to the early Christians at the time when the Roman armies surrounded Jerusalem.
    Since they could not understand how to "escape the mountains", they reason, the prophecy must be understood only after its fulfillment.
    Things are not like that and we see why.
    When we talk about "understanding the prophecies" it is obvious that we refer to those prophecies written in signs.
    Otherwise there would be nothing to understand, but only to obey.
    It is evident that the Bible contains many prophecies (ie descriptions of future events) that were not written in signs.
    When Jonah preaches to the ninevites saying that their city would be destroyed he mentions a prophecy.
    If the ninevites had not repented, Jehovah's words spoken through Jonah would simply be fulfilled. The ninevites did not have to make any effort to understand those words. They did not have to study or meditate to understand. They simply had to take the warning to heart his words and, in fact, repent.
    In the same way, the warning that Jesus gave his disciples were clear and strong instructions: “However, when you see Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies,+ then know that the desolating of her has drawn near.+ 21  Then let those in Ju·deʹa begin fleeing to the mountains,+ let those in the midst of her leave, and let those in the countryside not enter into her" – Luke 21:20, 21
    This is the prophecy and they understood it well.
    The fact that, when it began to come true, Christians found themselves imprisoned and so they obviously asked "how they would have escaped to the mountains", this has nothing to do with understanding it.
    Jehovah made sure that the armies withdrew, thus creating the opportunity for true Christians to escape.
    On the contrary this prophecy should make us reflect on our commonplaces.
    We hypothesize that the Lord's words had not been so clear, if he had actually used a symbolic language for which they would have to study and commit themselves to understand His words.
    We also imagine that they were called "understand his words only after their fulfillment" what would have happened?
    The answer is obvious: everyone would have died.
    ** Although we use to say that the League of Nations fell at the outbreak of the second war this is to be considered true only on the basis of the stated objectives.
    If the League of Nations was born to prevent war, it is clear that failing to prevent the Axis powers' aggression this proved all its limitations and for this reason we can say that it "fell".
    However, it did not fall literally because it was only dissolved in April 1946 and that is, it continued to exist until the end of the war.
    Then League of Nations and United Nations (the latter established in October 1945) coexisted for almost six months and in fact it was decided to continue the activity of the League of Nations parallel to that of the United Nations, a project that obviously failed.
    Moreover, the League of Nations was more sanctionary and political, but it did not have armies, and this too could have made one think that it could not have been the scarlet beast of Revelation.
    *** Since we know that Satan is about to give life to the false prophet, or an evolution of the man of illegality, he may not have any interest in keeping old religions and old places of worship alive.
    Let us not be amazed, then, if the world events should resemble those described by the scarlet-colored wild beast as it shatters, devours and burns completely in the fire.
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    The Librarian reacted to TrueTomHarley in Is it time for this forum to close its doors?   
    I cannot speak to this. I really don't know. I did see a link you posted that no longer is there. Why it disappeared I do not know. 
    But I do know that @The Librarian favors original content. She doesn't like it when people are just lazy and link to some sorehead who they think will do their dirty work for them - especially when it is same-old same-old - something that has been discussed many times before and addressed, but a whiner just wants to repackage it and run it through again.
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    The Librarian reacted to JW Insider in Is it time for this forum to close its doors?   
    I suspect that this is it. I've noticed that if a person repeatedly points to their own blogs and links to their own books that there is a limit to how much of this is allowed. If you link to a single place at a time and discuss a specific piece of evidence from that site, then the link becomes a 'source' for reference for what is being discussed here and it's usually acceptable. But if the source is just to a bunch of things that we are supposed to read on another site and use that site for its own sake, then that's not considered to be a good use of this discussion forum -- just to push people over to another site or forum or blog, etc.
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    The Librarian got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Will You Survive Until the End of This System?   
    I assume Timothy Antonio made the title himself?
    Maybe @JW Insider knows of him? 
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    The Librarian reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Friday, January 5. 2018   
    Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, and he will make your paths straight.—Prov. 3:5, 6.
    To acquaint ourselves with Jehovah’s thinking, we need to make personal study a priority. When reading or studying God’s Word, we might ask ourselves, ‘What does this material reveal about Jehovah, his righteous ways, and his thinking?’ We need to have an attitude like that of the psalmist David, who sang: “Make me know your ways, O Jehovah; teach me your paths. Cause me to walk in your truth and teach me, for you are my God of salvation. In you I hope all day long.” (Ps. 25:4, 5) As you meditate on a Bible passage, you might consider questions like these: ‘How can I apply this information in my family? Where can I apply it? At home? At work? At school? In the ministry?’ Once we have determined where the material can be applied, it may become easier to perceive how we can put it to work. w16.05 3:9, 11
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    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in Never Forget Jehovah's Heavenly Organization   
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    The Librarian got a reaction from Joanne Williams in Is it Proper to Have Doubts?   
    Talk by Charles Sinutko
    His life story
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    The Librarian got a reaction from Sean Felder in Bible Principles: Can They Help Us to Cope With Life's Problems - 2011 Special Talk   
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    @The Librarian
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