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The Librarian

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    The Librarian got a reaction from Shirley Lowery in Donald Trump officially recognises Jerusalem as the capital of Israel   
    Donald Trump has announced that the time has come for the U.S. to officially recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. There has already been a wave of criticism to the proposal across the Muslim and Arab world.
  2. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Peter Kutzer-Salm in JW.ORG WEBSITE | Wie funktioniert Singt voller Freude für Jehova auf JW.ORG?   
    Hier erfährt man, wie die digitalen Formate unseres Liederbuchs funktionieren.
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    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in Video of the Watchtower Sign ? We Will Miss!   
    Enjoy I did!
  4. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Edvan Guerra Magalhaes Magalhaes in BECOME JEHOVAH’S FRIEND | Be Humble   
    Caleb learns what it means to be humble.
  5. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Cheepcheep in How do JWs pronounce COBE?   
    The acronym is COTBOE, with a silent T, pronounced "ko-bee". 
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    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in BESONDERE LIEDER | Dein Wort besteht für immer   
    Danke Gott dafür, dass er sein Wort für die Menschheit bewahrt hat!
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    The Librarian got a reaction from Penny Corbin in Love is all-- Malcolm Roberts   
    I had never heard of this singer until this year.... He has quite the voice. I wonder how he slipped through the cracks? Didn't pay the record companies to promote his music?
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  11. Confused
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in A little HIGHLIGHT in our current, gloomy season.... ENJOY ❤   
    Albums should contain many photos rather than just 1 to 3 photos......
    if only 1-3 photos then post them without creating a new album in the Gallery
  12. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in A little HIGHLIGHT in our current, gloomy season.... ENJOY ❤   
    @Queen Esther When you just want to share photos like this ... let's try using the Gallery again. It should be fixed now.
    The ones above could be put under the Nature category 
    @Bible Speaks  When adding a photo that has an article to go with it... let's continue on as normal ... but if it is mostly just sharing a photo.... then the Gallery should work now.
    I hope this helps. 
  13. Thanks
    The Librarian reacted to Chloe Newman in Isaiah's Prophecy - Light For All Mankind   
    You can download it here:
  14. Thanks
    The Librarian reacted to Aryeh Leib in Dmitri Hvorostovsky   
    I believe that the you tube video I've posted below is a fine example of this man's dramatic and superb vocal capability.
  15. Haha
    The Librarian reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in NY Style Pizza   
    Really Good New York Style Pizza is in fact a secret recipe, especially if you are having a friend for dinner ....
    It goes well with Fava Beans, and a nice Chianti wine.

  16. Like
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    The Librarian reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in 3 very young brothers baptized ? Their smiles say it all ;-))   
    .... this makes me SO TIRED ....
    I have heard it said many times from the platform at the Kingdom Hall, and at least once at an Assembly, that getting Baptized is the most important decision a person could ever make .... and I agree with that whole heartedly.
    It takes insight, dedication, a love for Jehovah, experience, maturity and since 1985, total alignment and obedience to the  .ORG  to make that decision that will govern one's whole life.
    So the young Brothers, having exhibited maturity and responsibility and commitment FAR GREATER than what is required as a practical matter in marriage, have shown by actual recognized and approved example that they are ready for that really cute Sister whose head almost comes to the top of the seat, in front of him at the Kingdom Hall.
    To the best of my knowledge, the only place in the world that it is legal to get married at that age  ( a much LESSER important decision ... ) is in Saudi Arabia.
    The fact that he is eight years old and she is only six years old should not be a problem, what with the age difference and all ... as in 2009 the Saudi  courts ruled to NOT nullify the marriage of an eight year old girl to a man 50 years her senior.
    They have several expressions there (translated from from the Arabic) ; "Sharing is caring", which refers to their practice of polygamy under Islamic Law, and; " You know what is so great about twenty eight year old girls?  (wait for it...)
    "There are TWENTY of them!"
    However, both  bride and grooms parents will need to escort them in the Saudi Kingdom, until they get married, presumably as they cannot see over the car's dashboard.
    Besides ... now that the Governing Body has begun blessing the baptism of small children ... perhaps some GB helpers (assuming the parents have as much money as Prince...) could set up a temporary Saudi Kinder Hall, and have a GB member perform the wedding !!
    OR ... now that each of the three small brothers are now legally Ordained Ministers ... one could register with the Saudi government and get a license, as it is done in every State in the United States, to perform Weddings !
    THAT way, since the three of them would be about the same height ...  the photographer could get better photo compositions, than if the bride and groom were about 1/2 the height of the GB Member officiating.
    ( ...pause for reflection ....)
    I wonder why Jesus waited until he was about 30  years old to get baptized as a dedication to Jehovah. (?)
    I suppose he was just not blessed by the Governing Body in Jerusalem at that time, and didn't know what was a proper thing to do.
  18. Like
    The Librarian reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in 3 very young brothers baptized ? Their smiles say it all ;-))   
    The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.          Marcus Aurelius
  19. Like
    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in The rise of bloodless medicine: how we treat those who cannot receive blood products for religious reasons or others   
    Important article
    The rise of bloodless medicine: how we treat those who cannot receive blood products for religious reasons or others
    To Carlton D. Mill, Joseph J. Shatzel and Thomas G. Deloughery
    The Discovery of the characterization of blood and the subsequent ability to infused blood safely has revolutionized medicine and has allowed people to survive lethal bleeding complications related to surgery, traumatic and non-traumatic injuries and even pregnancy.
    While the transfusion has been beneficial to many patients, there are persons who, for religious or other reasons, reject blood products. This, in addition to the growing knowledge of certain risks associated with transfusion, has led to innovative approaches to the handling of blood loss.
    As a result, among the health institutions, there is an increasing number of "Non-blood medicine" programmes that focus primarily on the best way to pay attention to patients who reject blood-derived products, the most common of which They're Jehovah's witnesses. Our group of medicine recently published our own best practices in several areas relevant to the care of these patients, including and intraoperative management, acute blood loss, trauma, pregnancy and malignancy.
    Focus on non-blood
    One of the central principles of medicine without bloodshed is to establish the individual beliefs of a person before he enters a situation related to blood loss, more commonly the surgery. However, establishing what a person is willing or unwilling to accept can be difficult. In Modern medical practice, human blood components (including red blood cells, platelets and coagulation proteins) are separated using laboratory techniques in what is known as "fractions" of blood, either of which can be transfused Of a particular patient needs
    While there may be general rules regarding transfusion within a given religion, individual members may accept different fractions of blood depending on their own specific beliefs. However, some patients may have little or no knowledge of the blood fractions or the transfusion alternatives available to them. For this reason, patients in our institution can meet with a member of our medical program and an associate member of the religious community (as a representative of Jehovah's witnesses of the local hospital liaison committee) to help analyze the Transfusion. And their alternatives in detail and to help make decisions about acceptable treatments that align with the objectives of that patient.
    We and others have suggested that this meeting be conducted in private with the patient only to avoid any coercion from third parties, including family members (patients may also opt to receive transfusions in private). This information on patient preferences can be used to facilitate discussions with surgical equipment, anesthesiology and in order to create a strategy for surgery and post-operative care.
    Medical optimisation is also critical. Before surgery, we examine all patients to detect anemia and treat any underlying iron or vitamin deficiency that could be contributing to the decrease in the production of blood cells. If the patient is ready, we can also provide a hormone called erythropoietin (EPO) to help increase red blood cell levels, a treatment that is currently approved by the FDA for anaemic patients undergoing certain types of high-risk elective surgery. During surgery, a number of medical, surgical and anesthetic techniques may be implemented which relate to the reduction of bleeding.
    What to do during the acute blood loss?
    However, it remains particularly challenging when significant acute blood loss occurs, including bleeding that emerges after the operation, as well as traumatic and non-traumatic injuries. As the bleeding progresses, it decreases hemoglobin (a vital protein in red blood cells transporting oxygen to body tissues) and increases the risk of mortality.
    Although the minimum haemoglobin required to maintain life is unclear, a Jehovah's witness study that rejected blood products after surgery showed that some patients were able to survive with the least amount of hemoglobin of 2.1-3.0 GRAMS PER DECILITER, which It's about 15-25 % normal. This suggests that even in the context of deep blood loss, transfusions are not the only option for survival.
    In Case of acute bleeding, medical care providers must simultaneously search for what blood products they want and do not want to receive a patient (if not known or documented), provide resuscitation (such as intravenous fluids or other medicines to improve blood pressure) , reduce the additional blood loss (including the reduction of blood thinners and investigate the source of bleeding through surgery, images or endoscopy) and reverse any deterioration of the underlying coagulation (such as those related to the use of anticoagulants).
    If a patient is willing, we can also provide other products to help stop bleeding, including medicines that inhibit the breakdown of the clot (such as acid, which is particularly beneficial in trauma-related bleeding) as well as derived coagulation factors Of the laboratory (as recombinant factor viia, which is produced from modified hamster cells containing the human coagulation gene, factor vii). Although it has not yet been approved by the FDA, our center also has experience in the use of "Oxygen-based oxygen transporters", which is an artificial blood substitute using hemoglobin derived from bovine animals to help transport the oxygen by the Body.
    Pregnancy is another common area where non-blood drugs can provide benefits. Post-partum haemorrhage occurs in about 11 per cent of pregnancies worldwide, and is the main cause of maternal death worldwide, with studies showing that the risk of bleeding mortality is significantly higher for witnesses From Jehovah. Given the increased risk of complications, adequate prenatal preparation is essential at the beginning of pregnancy (generally under the care of an obstetrician familiar with high-risk pregnancies) to help ensure safe birth. This preparation includes appropriate advice, treatment of underlying anaemia and active collaboration with anesthesiologist and haematological.
    If a post-partum haemorrhage occurs, it can be treated with intravenous fluids, medicines, repair of lacerations and manoeuvres such as uterine massage. If these measures do not control bleeding, invasive procedures or surgeries may be performed, including hysterectomy as a measure of last resort. Of particular interest, the recently completed woman study, which is a clinical trial of more than 20,000 women with postpartum haemorrhage, found that acid significantly reduces mortality, particularly if it is administered within 3 hours of the start of Bleeding.
    Although not associated with the obvious loss of blood, cancer patients can also benefit significantly from drugs without bloodshed. Modern chemotherapy can have impressive healing rates in some cancers if it is aggressively treated. However, this often results in side effects related to chemotherapy, as well as severe anaemia and low platelets, of which patients may require significant transfusions to survive their treatment.
    This poses a challenge to those who can potentially be cured but who reject blood products, because modifications to chemotherapy (such as dose reduction), although more tolerable, can compromise the ability to achieve healing; handling these Patients are extremely complex and should be considered on a case-by-Case basis. In patients for whom the purpose of treatment is not curative (i.e. a "palliative" Strategy), we recommend adjusting chemotherapy in such a way that it does not require transfusions. Notably, small studies and reports of patients with cancer of Jehovah's witnesses have reported a favourable response to treatment when they are supplemented by aggressive support measures and tolerance to the court of significant anaemia.
    While patients who reject blood products may present significant ethical and medical challenges for health care providers, the risks of harm and death can be significantly reduced with careful and extensive planning. Ideally, this takes place long before an early event related to blood loss or anaemia, including elective surgery, pregnancy and cancer treatment. With progress in our understanding of anaemia and the advent of new medicines, surgical techniques and support support measures (including early detection and careful handling of anaemia), these patients can be successfully treated in a "No-spill" way Of blood ". although some of these novel treatments only have limited data to support their use, these interventions should still be considered if the bleeding threatening life persists despite other measures.
    This study, treatment of individuals who cannot receive blood products for religious or other reasons, was recently published by Carlton D. Mill, Joseph J. Shatzel, Thomas G. Deloughery in the American Journal of hematology.

  20. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Penny Corbin in EL PASO by MARTY ROBBINS   
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    The Librarian got a reaction from Penny Corbin in Brooks & Dunn - My Maria   
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    The Librarian got a reaction from gabriela cabrera in Reference Book: "What To Say At School"   
    A group of sisters in the Winfield, Kansas congregation made these reference books “What To Say At School” for families with kids in school to help bolster them for the new school year. Photo shared by @jessieanchris 
    Original post
    Anyone have a PDF copy of this around to share?
  24. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Recruiting Agencies   
    I used to work as a Recruiter for Craig Employment Agency in Los Angeles part of 1969, and found that to be true.
    Years later, I would call and find out about a job, get as much information as I could, and research it in professional magazines.  
    I even applied BY MAIL for a Job from Atlanta Georgia in Kananga, Zaire, AND GOT THE JOB!, WITHOUT AN iNTERVIEW OF ANY KIND.   Somebody sent somebody a message "Hire Him".
    No longer is a cover letter required. and I have gotten many a job by finding out who in a company is the head of what I do, and his fax number ... and faxing him DIRECTLY a resume.   I would also fax one to "Human Resources", and call and tell the head guy what I did.
    Many a time, he would walk into HR and TELL them to hire me ... and that they ALREADY had my resume. It helps HR to "save face" if the paperwork is already in their hands.
    Later on everything switched to email, and I WOULD send a generic cover letter with attached resume.
    I would often send out a thousand resumes at a time from  a purchased database , over two days, as back then email limits were very, very low.
    For over 40 years I never had to go in for a personal interview, or if I did, it was at THEIR expense, and merely a formality.
    SOMEBODY, right now, wants to hire YOU!
    Adapt and Improvise!
  25. Like
    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in Do You Care For Elderly Parents? Note How Abraham Cared For His Father ~   
    It is written: “the Abrahamic covenant went into effect in 1943 B.C.E., when 75-year-old Abraham left Haran and crossed the Euphrates River.”
    However, Abraham had already left his home in Ur out of obedience to Jehovah. Why did it not start at that time? The Bible tells us Abraham postponed the arduous trip out of consideration for his father’s poor health and remain in Haran until his father’s death. 
    Many Christians today likewise have the privilege of caring for aging or sick parents, some even having to make an adjustment in order to do so.
    When that is necessary, such ones can be assured that their loving sacrifices are “acceptable in God’s sight.”—1 Timothy 5:4. Lev. 19:32. -
    Bible Speaks

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