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The Librarian

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    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in Wonderful year text for 2018..??? - Isa 40:31.   
    Wonderful year text for 2018..???
    Isaiah 40:31
    31 But those hoping in Jehovah will regain power. They will soar on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary; They will walk and not tire out.”  
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    The Librarian reacted to g@gmail.com in Jehovah’s Witnesses in Vietnam Welcome Trump on Sunday   
    I went to Vietnam in early 2017. I kept some contacts so I'm waiting for a response from Vietnam to check this news
  3. Confused
    The Librarian reacted to The Librarian in Teacher suspended after calling trans student ‘girl’… despite immediate apology   
    Christian high school teacher Joshua Sutcliffe has told RT that he believes he is being bullied by the school that suspended him for ‘misgenderingÂ’ a student. Sutcliffe says he has been singled out due to his religion.
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    The Librarian got a reaction from Edvan Guerra Magalhaes Magalhaes in PRESSEMITTEILUNGEN | Jehovas Zeugen verkaufen historisches Towers-Gebäude   
    Ein weiteres geschichtsträchtiges Gebäude in Brooklyn (New York) wurde von Jehovas Zeugen verkauft.
  5. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Edvan Guerra Magalhaes Magalhaes in VIDEOS ZUR EINFÜHRUNG IN DIE BIBELBÜCHER | Einführung in Micha   
    Diese göttliche Prophezeiung kann unsere Zuversicht stärken, dass Jehova nur das von uns fordert, was gut und vernünftig ist.
  6. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Naked people terrorize Missouri town, synthetic drug flakka suspected   
    via TheWorldNewsOrgWorld News
  7. Like
    Heading should be "...refusal to take blood".   
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    The Librarian got a reaction from Jean Luc DESSONS in Comment devenir un Témoin de Jéhovah ?   
    Matthieu 28:19, 20 définit les trois étapes nécessaires.
    la source
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    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in Keep On Doing Good – ?❤️?❤️?   
    Luke 6:35
    35 On the contrary, continue to love your enemies and to do good and to lend without hoping for anything back; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind toward the unthankful and wicked.”
    Keep On Doing Good
    DOING good to others can be a challenge. Those to whom we show love may not reciprocate. Although we seek the spiritual welfare of people by endeavoring to share with them “the glorious good news of the happy God” and his Son, they may be apathetic or ungrateful. (1 Tim. 1:11) Others prove to be hateful “enemies of the torture stake of the Christ.” (Phil. 3:18) As Christians, how should we treat them?
    Jesus Christ told his disciples: “Continue to love your enemies and to do good.” (Luke 6:35) Let us now take a close look at this admonition. We will also benefit from other points Jesus made about doing good to others.
    Why show love for our enemies? “That you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens,” said Jesus. (Matt. 5:45) If we heed that counsel, we become “sons” of God in that we imitate Jehovah, who “makes his sun rise upon wicked people and good and makes it rain upon righteous people and unrighteous.” As Luke’s account puts matters, God “is kind toward the unthankful and wicked.”—Luke 6:35.
    Stressing how important it was for his disciples to ‘continue loving their enemies,’ Jesus said: “If you love those loving you, what reward do you have? Are not also the tax collectors doing the same thing? And if you greet your brothers only, what extraordinary thing are you doing? Are not also the people of the nations doing the same thing?” (Matt. 5:46, 47) 
    If we were to limit our love to those who reciprocate, this would not merit any “reward,” or favor, from God. Even tax collectors, who were generally despised, showed love for people who loved them.—Luke 5:30; 7:34.
    Always Do Good to Others
    “Now when Jesus finished these sayings, the effect was that the crowds were astounded at his way of teaching; for he was teaching them as a person having authority, and not as their scribes.”—Matt. 7:28, 29.

  11. Like
    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in Video – Dance today! Keep Smiling! ☺️?????☺️   
    Dance today! Keep Smiling!
    Tap on Video Link mp4 _____Enjoy! ??
  12. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Shunning the Disassociated   
    My two posts on this thread will explain why we currently are doing this since the early 1950's:
  13. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Shun your inactive family members and report them if you suspect they are sinning    
    The outline posted online shows that there is a reference to the 07/15 1985 WT, page 19, para 14. This says:
    To be fair this is not a completely new tack. The example in the talk is taken from the WT 85 7/15 page19 para14
    In the video of the talk available online the speaker uses this almost verbatim.
  14. Like
    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in No More Crying or Pain! ?????   
    No More Crying or Pain! 
    All Things Made New
    Song 14 (Sing to Jehovah)
    (Revelation 21:1-5) 
    1. “The signs of the times” prove God’s rule has begun.
    In glory enthroned sits JehovahÂ’s Son.
    The battle in heaven heÂ’s fought and won,
    And soon on the earth shall God’s will be done. (CHORUS) 
    Rejoice! For GodÂ’s tent is with men,
    And he himself resides with them.
    No more will there be pain or crying,
    No sorrowing nor any dying;
    For God has said: ‘I’m making all things new.’ These words faithful are and true. 
    2. Let all men the chaste New Jerusalem see,
    The bride of the Lamb shining radiantly.
    Adorned now with most precious gems is she,
    And only Jehovah her light will be. (CHORUS) 
    Rejoice! For GodÂ’s tent is with men,
    And he himself resides with them.
    No more will there be pain or crying,
    No sorrowing nor any dying;
    For God has said: ‘I’m making all things new.’ These words faithful are and true. 
    3. This city so fair will be all menÂ’s delight.
    Its gates will be open both day and night.
    All nations will walk in her glory bright;
    O servants of God, now reflect that light. (CHORUS) 
    Rejoice! For GodÂ’s tent is with men,
    And he himself resides with them.
    No more will there be pain or crying,
    No sorrowing nor any dying;
    For God has said: ‘I’m making all things new.’ These words faithful are and true. (See also Matt. 16:3; Rev. 12:7-9; 21:23-25.) Read this in the Bible at:

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    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in ~♥ Is Your Love so Great You Would Die for Someone?~♥   
    ~? Is Your Love so Great You Would Die for Someone?~?
    God Loved Us So Much First~ “Love can be known only from the actions it prompts. GodÂ’s love is seen in the gift of His Son, I John 4:9, 10. But obviously this is not the love of complacency, or affection, that is, it was not drawn out by any excellency in its objects, Rom. 5:8.
    It was an exercise of the Divine will in deliberate choice, made without assignable cause save that which lies in the nature of God Himself, cp. Deut. 7:7, 8.”
    A·ga?pe, therefore, carries the meaning of love guided, or governed, by principle. It may or may not include affection and fondness. That a·ga?pe may include affection and warmth is evident in many passages.
    At John 3:35, Jesus said: “The Father loves [a·ga·pai?] the Son.” At John 5:20, he said: “The Father has affection for [phi·lei?] the Son.” Certainly God’s love for Jesus Christ is coupled with much affection. Also Jesus explained: “He that loves [a·ga·pon?] me will be loved [a·ga·pe·the?se·tai] by my Father, and I will love [a·ga·pe?so] him.” (Joh 14:21) 
    This love of the Father and of the Son is accompanied by tender affection for such loving persons. Jehovah’s worshipers must love him and his Son, as well as one another, in the same way.—John 21:15-17. - Bible Speaks

  16. Like
    The Librarian reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Which countries and companies are poised to win the electric car race?   
    I would like to have the long extension cord franchise ....
  17. Like
    The Librarian reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Which countries and companies are poised to win the electric car race?   
    I understand that Microsoft is coming out with an electric car that is fueled by radioactive plutonium, and it will run for 72 years before the core has to be replaced.   Of course, not many people keep a car for 72 years, and there is some concern that based on Microsoft's history, (like Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 10) every other thing they put out is a bomb.
  18. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in ORIGINAL SONGS | Just Around the Corner   
    Looking forward to the future Paradise can help us endure.
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    The Librarian got a reaction from Annie Abbott in ORIGINAL SONGS | Just Around the Corner   
    Looking forward to the future Paradise can help us endure.
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    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in The Office of the Prosecutor presented official apologies to Sergiev Posad's Elders   
    @Bible Speaks I do not remember deleting anything of the sort. Sorry.
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    The Librarian got a reaction from Elisabeth Dolewka in Priest Slapping Children   
  22. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Glenn Leider in Where do Jehovah´s Witnesses Live?   
    These are the worldwide percentages of Jehovah´s Witnesses and where they live. A whopping 50% live in the Americas, and a whopping 35% live in the US, or Mexico, or Brazil. (The percentages shown on the right pie graph are of the worldwide total, so if it says 15% for the US it means that 15% of all JW´s worldwide live in the US, not 15% of the ones that live in the Americas).

    For example the data below is from the 2017 Year Book, pages 47 to 76 - "Preaching and Teaching Earth Wide" 

    Learn more about Jehovah's Witnesses
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