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The Librarian

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    The Librarian reacted to Ann O'Maly in JW Ross on Wye Congregation in Britain witnessing to a storm trooper! ?   
    This is begging to be captioned. I'll start with a predictable one:
    "Come to the daaaark side."
  2. Like
    The Librarian reacted to Rosalie Barry in The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life   
    I also studied the truth book in 1969 and got babtised in 6 months. I was a 20 year old strong Catholic who had gone to Catholic school all through grade school & high school. I taught Catchism for several years. I had many questions for 8 years that no priest would even try to answer. I was about to give up when my husbands grandparents sent us the truth book along with a number of other ones. As soon as I read the truth book it was as if a light went on in my head. Every thing made perfect sense! All my questions were answered.
  3. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Alexa in The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life   
    1981 - The Truth That Leads To Eternal Life - revised - scanned.pdf
  4. Like
    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in A Place That Will Bring You Praise—Hyphenated On-Screen Lyrics   
    A Place That Will Bring You Praise—Chorus ?????
    1. Jehovah, the Maker of heaven,
    By heaven you can’t be contained,
    Even less an earthly dwelling place.
    But your spirit can here remain.
    Adorning this center of worship
    Are people who walk in your light.
    We rejoice to serve in unity;
    Our devotion is your delight.
    There is nothing we have
    That you haven’t provided.
    From your own hand, we’ve given
    All that we offer you.

    For all you have done, we are grateful;
    Our voices in song we now raise.
    For you’ve made our hope reality
    With this place that will bring you praise.
      2. Jehovah, you knew that we wanted
    A place that will bring to you praise
    And will serve the needs of worshippers,
    Helping others to walk your ways.
    And now may this place serve your purpose.
    There’s work needing yet to be done,
    To pick up the pace and carry on
    In the work given by your Son.
    So we offer the best
    Of our time and possessions.
    You alone are deserving —⁠
    Giver of all good things.

    For all you have done, we are grateful;
    Our voices in song we now raise.
    For you’ve made our hope reality
    With this place that will bring you praise. Tap on Video Link mp4_____Enjoy! 
  5. Like
    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in A Place That Will Bring You Praise—Hyphenated On-Screen Lyrics   

  6. Like
    The Librarian reacted to JW Insider in A Place That Will Bring You Praise—Hyphenated On-Screen Lyrics   
    I know that a few of us have probably "snuck" a listen or two to the televangelists and radio preachers who so often ask (beg) for money. This doesn't bother me as much as those who try to ask for money in more subtle ways like the way they comment on a scripture and repeatedly throw in a phrase like "showing our appreciation for Him by giving to Him in every way possible."
    Even more irritating are prayers that are supposed to be to God, but really just continue to preach and obliquely request money through similar ruses: "Oh God, I just know that everyone who can hear this prayer today through this broadcast is ready and willing to show their appreciation for you by giving, in every way possible."
    So I kind of cringe when I hear a song (or prayer) to Jehovah that gives the impression that we are bragging to Jehovah about how much money and time we are giving to the building of Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls. 
    "Jehovah . . . from your own hand, we've given all that we offer you . . . . we are grateful . . . you knew what we wanted . . . . So we offer the best of our time and possessions." I'm not saying there is anything wrong with these words. I'm as happy as anyone to give to the ministry in every way possible. It's just that I'm sensitive to the way that others might take some of our songs and see a kind of solicitation in them, in the same way that I have seen it in televangelists. The very song makes me start wondering if we are trying to emphasize "Temple" giving rather than "people" giving.
    I start thinking of what it means that we walk by faith not by sight, when I hear a song that says: "For you’ve made our hope reality With this place." And when it says: ". . . But your spirit can here remain. Adorning this center of worship are people who walk in your light." it also reminds me of:
    (John 4:21-24) . . . the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. . . . 23 Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshippers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for indeed, the Father is looking for ones like these to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit, and those worshipping him must worship with spirit and truth. Of course, this doesn't mean that any of the words are wrong. We can worship in spirit and truth inside a physical place just as we can worship in spirit and truth when we are at home or at work or on vacation. Having a physical place is wonderful, but emphasis on one as "making our hope reality" or "what we wanted" can reach a point where we begin walking by sight, not by faith.
  7. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Message from the US Branch Committee RE: Hurricane Irma   
    He quoted:

  8. Haha
    The Librarian reacted to Raquel Segovia in Insólito error en un libro escolar saudita: el maestro Yoda apareció junto a un rey de Arabia en la ONU   
    El famoso personaje de 'La guerra de las galaxias' se coló en una fotografía al lado del monarca Fáisal bin Abdulaziz durante un importante evento

    Las autoridades sauditas organizaron con prisa el retiro de un libro escolar que, accidentalmente, incluyó al maestro Yoda junto a un monarca del reino en una foto histórica, hecho que desató una catarata de burlas en las redes sociales.
    El rey Fáisal, tercer monarca de Arabia Saudita, firmó en 1945 la declaración de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas. En ese momento, por supuesto, no estaba presente el célebre jedi de la saga de Star Wars, pero los editores del libro tomaron por error el montaje y no la imagen original.
    La fotografía fue editada por Abdullah al-Shehri, un artista árabe de 26 años que ha ganado fama por insertar personajes de la cultura pop en fotos históricas.
    "El Ministerio de Educación lamenta el error inadvertido", lamentó en Twitter el titular de la cartera, Ahmed al Eissa.
        La página del libro que tenía el error Además, ordenó la reimpresión del libro con la versión corregida y abrió una investigación para determinar la fuente del error.
    El artista Al Sheri declaró a The New York Times que está sorprendido por ver dónde terminó su obra y subrayó que no intentó ofender al monarca, al que considera un arquitecto de la modernización del país.
    Sin embargo, los alumnos lo tomaron con humor e incluso señalaron que era una "venganza" por la reciente ampliación del horario escolar.
    (Con información de AFP)
  9. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in GESPRÄCHSEINSTIEGE FÜR DEN PREDIGTDIENST | Ist mit dem Tod alles vorbei?   
    Die Bibel verspricht, dass wir unsere geliebten Verstorbenen wiedersehen können, und zwar hier auf der Erde.
  10. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Alexa in Iran Stands Up to the United States   
  11. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Alexa in Iran tests two missiles ‘capable of reaching Israel’   
    Iran test-fired two ballistic missiles on Wednesday morning that it said were designed to be able to hit Israel, Reuters reported. Two Qadr missiles were fired from northern Iran which reportedly hit targets in the southeast of the country 1,400km away. The nearest point in Iran is around 1,000km from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The launches followed the test-firing of several missiles on Tuesday as part of a major military exercise, defying a threat of new sanctions from the US.
  12. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Peter Kutzer-Salm in 'Peace and Security'   
    I figured I would start a topic on "peace and security' since so much news constantly comes out regarding this theme lately:
    Paul in his letter to the Thessalonians.

    He draws attention to “Jehovah’s day.” As used here, “Jehovah’s day” refers to the period that will start with the destruction of false religion and will culminate in the war of Armageddon. However, just before that day of Jehovah begins, world leaders will be saying “Peace and security!” This may refer to one event or to a series of events. Nations may think that they are close to solving some of their big problems.
    You may want to "Follow" this thread up on the upper right hand side to get notifications.
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    The Librarian reacted to Julie Bayley in 'Peace and Security'   
    You wonder when (openly at least)  it will dawn on the UN that false religion is actually probably the biggest threat to international peace & security! ?
    * In some Bible translations 1 Thess 5:3 is translated as Peace & Safety  (instead of peace & security)
  14. Like
    The Librarian reacted to Julie Bayley in 'Peace and Security'   
    Quite amazing how the eighth King the image of the wild beast Ie. The UN is so focussed on Peace & Security & has been for some time.
    Just humbling to see prophecies written thousands of years ago coming true to the dotting of the eyes & crossing of the Ts ?????????
  15. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in 'Peace and Security'   
    I figured I would start a topic on "peace and security' since so much news constantly comes out regarding this theme lately:
    Paul in his letter to the Thessalonians.

    He draws attention to “Jehovah’s day.” As used here, “Jehovah’s day” refers to the period that will start with the destruction of false religion and will culminate in the war of Armageddon. However, just before that day of Jehovah begins, world leaders will be saying “Peace and security!” This may refer to one event or to a series of events. Nations may think that they are close to solving some of their big problems.
    You may want to "Follow" this thread up on the upper right hand side to get notifications.
  16. Like
    The Librarian reacted to Julie Bayley in 'Peace and Security'   
  17. Like
    The Librarian reacted to Julie Bayley in 'Peace and Security'   
  18. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Iran Stands Up to the United States   
    What they are going to do is like arguing the theology of life after death .... a million words, and a million analysis over perhaps two pages in total, do nothing except waste what precious time we have left.
    In both cases ... soon ... perhaps TOO SOON ... we will all know.
  19. Like
    The Librarian reacted to Raquel Segovia in Figuras con frutas y vegetales   
    todo un arte

  20. Like
    The Librarian reacted to bruceq in We demand an immediate end to the persecution of Dennis Christensen and other Jehovah's Witnesses who are persecuted for their religious affiliation. The case against Christensen is one of the first in the campaign to prosecute Jehovah's Witnesses in Russ   
    Human Rights Center: https://memohrc.org/news/memorial-priznal-politzaklyuchennym-veruyushchego-svidetelya-iegovy-iz-danii-dennisa
    "Memorial" recognized the political prisoner of the believing Jehovah's Witness from Denmark Dennis Christensen
    The case against Christensen is one of the first in the campaign to prosecute Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia.
    Denmark's national Dennis Ole Christensen, a believing Jehovah's Witness who lives in Orel, is charged with committing a crime under Part 1 of Art. 282.2 (organization of the activity of a religious organization in respect of which a decision was made to liquidate in connection with the implementation of extremist activities) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. According to the investigation, Christensen heads the religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Orel.
    FSB officers detained Christensen on May 25, 2017 during a meeting in a building on Zheleznodorozhnaya Street, where the Oryol Jehovah's Witnesses together read the Bible. On May 26, Svetlana Naumova, a judge of the Sovietsky District Court of Orel, decided to select a preventive measure in respect of him in the form of detention.
    The case against Christensen was one of the first in the campaign to prosecute Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, which intensified sharply after the Supreme Court on April 20, 2017 decided to recognize the Jehovah's Witnesses' Center in Russia as an extremist organization. Moreover, Christensen became the first in the modern history of Russia, a Witness of Jehovah, who was deprived of his freedom due to religious affiliation.
    The decision to select a preventive measure against Christensen states that he allegedly "committed organizational actions aimed at continuing the illegal activities of the IDPs of Jehovah's Witnesses" Eagle "and expressed in the convocation of meetings of JWO Jehovah's Witnesses" Eagle "..., the organization of preaching activities, the distribution of financial Funds of IDPs of Jehovah's Witnesses "Eagle".
    In our view, the charges against Christensen only on the basis that he is a believing Jehovah's Witness are discriminatory and violate international legal acts, in particular the right to freedom of religion. The decision of the Oryol regional court to recognize the extremist local religious organization (LRO) of Jehovah's Witnesses "Eagle" and its liquidation and the decision of the Supreme Council to recognize the Russian "Jehovah's Witnesses" as an extremist organization and ban its activities in the country do not have legal grounds and contradict Art. 28 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation guaranteeing the right to freedom of conscience and religion.
    We demand an immediate end to the persecution of Dennis Christensen and other Jehovah's Witnesses who are persecuted for their religious affiliation.
    Recognizing a person as a political prisoner or being persecuted for political reasons does not mean either the consent of HRC "Memorial" with his views and statements, nor the approval of his statements or actions.
    Yandex-purse of the Fund for Assistance to Political Prisoners of the Solidarity Union for Political Prisoners to Assist All Political Prisoners 410011205892134.
    More details about the case, see  here .
  21. Like
    The Librarian reacted to bruceq in We demand an immediate end to the persecution of Dennis Christensen and other Jehovah's Witnesses who are persecuted for their religious affiliation. The case against Christensen is one of the first in the campaign to prosecute Jehovah's Witnesses in Russ   
    Danish Jehovah's Witness to stay in Russian jail for 6 months
    Website of Soviet district court of Orel, 20 July 2017
    On 20 July 2017, the Soviet district court of the city of Orel extended the term of detention of a member of the Orel religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses and citizen of Denmark, D.O. Christensen, who is accused of committing a serious crime, provided by part 1 of article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian federation.
    The term of detention of D.O.Christensen was extended by 4 months, until 23 November 2017.
    The order has not taken legal effect and may be appealed in the Judicial College for Criminal Affairs of the Orel provincial court. (tr. by PDS, posted 21July 2017)
    SMNews, 21 July 2017
    On 20 July 2017, the Soviet district court of the city of Orel extended the term of detention of a member of the Orel religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, until 23 November 2017.
    The order has not taken legal effect and may be appealed in the Judicial College for Criminal Affairs of the Orel provincial court.
    Earlier, D.O. Christensen stated that he resides permanently in Orel and he has family and real estate here and therefore he does not intend to flee from the investigation, while complaining about the conditions of detention in the SIZO. The Dane's attorney asked for the selection for him of a measure of prevention that does not entail incarceration. However the prosecutor's office spoke against cancellation of the current measure of prevention, and the court did not find grounds for releasing the preacher from custody.
    We recall that in late May 2017, the UFSB of Russia for Orel province conducted investigation actions within the framework of opening a criminal case on the basis of part 1 of article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the RF with respect to the leader of the local Orel religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, a citizen of Denmark, D.O. Christensen. As a result of questioning about 50 members of the local congregation, siloviki received evidence for the criminal case against the person of his participation in illegal activity.
    On the basis of the decision of the Soviet district court of the city of Orel of 26 May 2017, the person was held in custody in SIZO-1 [pretrial detention cell], which was the first instance in Russia. (tr. by PDS, posted 21 July 2017)
    Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, 19 July 2017
    On 20 July 2017 at 10:30 will begin in the city of Orel a hearing on the future measure of prevention for a Jehovah's Witness who is guilty of nothing. He is a citizen of Denmark who has been languishing in an Orel SIZO since 25 May, simply because he read the Bible along with fellow believers. He is charged with violation of article 282.2 (Arranging the activity of an extremist organization).
    The case of the Dane Dennis Christensen, who has already lived more than 10 years in the city of Orel, will be heard by the same judge, Svetlana Naumova, who earlier concluded that the only possible pretrial measure for the law-abiding Dennis was detention. The F.S.B. investigator who is conducting the case will ask the judge for the same harsh measure of prevention.
    There is something strange in this case. Special bewilderment is provoked by the circumstances of the appeal hearing on the decision about detention, which was supposed to have occurred on 7 June 2017 in the Orel provincial court with Judge Igor Paukov presiding. The hearing was unexpectedly postponed until 21 June because of the lack of a Danish translator, although an article suddenly appeared in the official newspaper which said that "the Orel provincial court left without change the decision of the district court about detention of the citizen of Denmark." Such a "false start" leads to the suspicion that the decision had already been made and communicated to journalists of the official newspaper back before the court hearing with the participation of a translator, which occurred more than 10 days later, on 21 June 2017.
    Yet another strange things is that the investigators continue to convince the court that the Danish subject allegedly was the leader of the forbidden local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the city of Orel. Actually not only was he not ever the leader but he was not even a member of that organization, of which one can be persuaded by consulting official information.
    Attorneys are continuing to work actively to prove the complete innocence of the believer. (tr. by PDS, posted 21 July 2017)
    The case against Christensen is one of the first in the campaign for persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia.
    Website of Memorial, 21 July 2017
    A citizen of the kingdom of Denmark, Dennis Ole Christensen, a Jehovah's Witness believer living in Orel, is charged with committing the crime provided by part 1 of article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the RF (arranging the activity of a religious organization with respect to which a decision has been made for liquidation because of conduct of extremist activity). According to the account of the investigation, Christensen was the head of a religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Orel.
    Personnel of the F.S.B. arrested Christensen on 25 May 2017 during a meeting in a building on Zheleznodorozhnaia Street where Orel Jehovah's Witnesses were reading the Bible together. On 26 May Judge Svetlana Naumova of the Soviet district court of Orel ordered to choose for him a pretrial measure in the form of detention in custody.
    The case against Christensen is one of the first in a campaign for persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, which sharply intensified after the Supreme Court on 20 April 2017 issued a decision recognizing the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia as an extremist organization. Moreover, Christensen was the first Jehovah's Witness in the modern history of Russia to be deprived of liberty because of his religious affiliation.
    The order for the choice of the measure of prevention with respect to Christensen points out that he allegedly "conducted actions of an organizational nature aimed at continuation of the illegal activity of the Orel local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses and expressed in the calling of meetings of the Orel local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses . . . , arranging preaching activity, and disbursement of funds of the Orel local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses.
    From our point of view, the charges presented to Christensen only on the basis of the fact that he is a Jehovah's Witnesses believer are discriminatory and they violate international legal acts, in particular the right to freedom of religious confession. The decision of the Orel provincial court finding the Orel local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses to be extremist and the decision of the Supreme Court finding Russian Jehovah's Witnesses to be an extremist organization and banning its activity in the country do not have legal bases and they violate article 28 of the constitution of the Russian federation that guarantees the right to freedom of conscience and religious confession.
    We demand that the persecution of Dennis Christensen and other Jehovah' Witnesses who are subjected to persecution for religious affiliation be immediately stopped.
    Recognition of a person as a political prisoner or as persecuted for political reasons does not mean that "Memorial" agrees with his views and statements nor approves of his statements or actions. (tr. by PDS, posted 21 July 2017)
    Background articles: Danish citizen arrested in connection with raid on Jehovah's WitnessesMay 26, 2017 Severe treatment of foreign Jehovah's Witness in heart of RussiaMay 27, 2017 
    Harsh measure against Jehovah's Witness unjustified
    May 31, 2017 Danish Jehovah's Witness remains in Russian jailJune 13, 2017 Imprisoned and not convicted Jehovah's Witness loses appeal for releaseJune 21, 2017 Court refuses to grant habeas corpus to Danish Jehovah's WitnessJune 22, 2017
  22. Like
    The Librarian reacted to bruceq in We demand an immediate end to the persecution of Dennis Christensen and other Jehovah's Witnesses who are persecuted for their religious affiliation. The case against Christensen is one of the first in the campaign to prosecute Jehovah's Witnesses in Russ   
    BY ADMIN_HRWF ON JUNE 22, 2017  
    Forum for Religious Freedom-Europe and Human Rights Without Frontiers (23.06.2017)
    Full name: Dennis Ole Christensen
    Birthdate: 1972, December 18
    Citizenship: Danish
    Residency: He has resided in Russia for about 17 years
    Civil state: Married to Irina Christensen (Russian citizen) on August 3, 2002 – no children.
    Occupation: Works as a carpenter. His wife has no resource or financial support. Their banks accounts have been frozen and their bank card confiscated.
    Circumstances of the arrest: On the evening of May 25, 2017, Dennis Christensen – a baptized Jehovah’s Witnesses since July 25, 1989 – was arrested along with 15 Russian citizens at a peaceful worship service held in a privately owned building in Oryol. The valid rental contract was presented to the investigation leader during the raid. At least 15 masked and armed police together with Federal Security Service (FSB) officers disrupted the religious service. The police collected copies of the identification documents of the 70-80 people in attendance and seized their electronic devices. Mr. Christensen was immediately taken to the detention in Oryol.
    Most of the attendees were detained for some hours. Then the older ones and families with children were allowed to leave. The remaining (about 20) persons were detained in the Hall the whole night or were released about 9:00 a.m. the following morning. Several felt ill during the night, had nothing to eat, one even had an epileptic seizure and was taken to the hospital. An ambulance arrived and the paramedics were ordered to stay during the night. None got any sleep or something to eat.
    Charges: Mr Christensen has been charged with organizing an illegal religious activity under article 282.2 of the Russian Criminal code and he faces up to 10 years of imprisonment. It is unclear at this stage on which factors the judge relied to consider that Mr Christensen was organizing the meeting.
    Current place of detention: His postal address to the detention is Krasnoarmeiskaja 10, SIZO-1, City of Orel, 302040, Russia.
    Conditions of detention: According to his lawyer, Mr. Christensen was not given any food during the 36 first hours following his arrest, with the exception of some water. He was kept awake and constantly interrogated during the first night, and appeared at a hearing in the afternoon the following day before the court that decided over his pre-trial detention. Mr. Christensen was exhausted (he had been kept awake for almost 40 hours) when he appeared before judge Svetlana Naumova in Soviet District Court of Oryol. The court ruled to keep Mr. Christensen in detention until July 23 pending the investigation for fear that he being a foreigner would flee the country. He is now kept in detention in a cell he shares with 2 criminals. Only his lawyer and the consul from the Denmark Embassy in Moscow have been able to visit him. Despite repeated requests, the wife of Mr. Christensen could not exercise her right to visit him since his arrest until now. The representatives of the Danish Embassy reported him being in good health.
    For more information and/or interviews:
    Aaron Rhodes (President, FOREF)Peter Zoehrer (Executive Director, FOREF)Phone: +49-170-323-8314 / +43 664-523-8794Email: foref.office@gmail.comBlog: foref-europe.org
    Willy Fautré (Executive Director, HRWF)Phone: +32478202069Email: international.secretariat.brussels@hrwf.netWebsite: www.hrwf.eu
    Or contact Dominic Zoehrer, HRWF representative at the OSCE meeting in Vienna
  23. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from tromboneck in Is it Dangerous to Call a Fellow Christian an "Apostate"   
    In light of Gehenna being the result of simply calling someone a "despicable fool" wouldn't it be dangerous to ones eternal life to call another person an "apostate"?
    Should only men be allowed to do so in the congregation?
    Or should any woman anywhere be allowed to call anybody an "apostate" without incurring the wrath of Jesus / Jehovah?
    What sort of limitations are there on rebuking another person?
    Jesus himself refrained from rebuking the Devil. Should Christians follow His example?
  24. Sad
    The Librarian reacted to Raquel Segovia in La tormenta Pilar se formó frente a la costa de México en el Pacífico y golpea con fuertes lluvias   
    El Centro Nacional de Huracanes estadounidense pronosticó que la tormenta permanecerá muy cerca de la zona costera en los próximos días, pero no llegaría al nivel de huracán. Azota con vientos de 75 kilómetros por hora

    a recién formada tormenta tropical Pilar comenzó a golpear la costa de México en el Pacífico con lluvias fuertes y se espera que su vórtice pase relativamente cerca el lunes del balneario de Puerto Vallarta.
    El Centro Nacional de Huracanes de Estados Unidos informó que Pilar registraba vientos máximos sostenidos de 75 km/h el domingo por la mañana. Su centro se encontraba a unos 95 kilómetros al sur de Cabo Corrientes, la punta de tierra en un extremo de la bahía donde se encuentra Puerto Vallarta. El fenómeno se movía hacia el noroeste a unos 10 km/h.
        El Centro de Huracanes prevé que la tormenta permanezca muy cerca de la costa durante los próximos días, pero sin ganar fuerza de huracán.
      El reporte pronostica tormentas intensas con puntuales torrenciales (150 a 250 milímetros) en los estados de Jalisco y Nayarit. También prevé tormentas muy fuertes con puntuales intensas (75 a 150 milímetros) en el estado de Sinaloa y tormentas fuertes con puntuales muy fuertes (50 a 75 milímetros) en Colima y Michoacán, explicó en un boletín
  25. Like
    The Librarian reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Beer   
    The following Meme shows how beer ACTUALLY makes people SMARTER!

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