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The Librarian

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  1. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in QUEBEC, CANADA A judge orders a 14-Year-old witness to be baptized with blood.   
    @Bible Speaks Did you proofread your headline? 
  2. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Jehovah’s Witnesses applaud 10 year old girl for shunning her sister   
    The JW's in the auditorium wouldn't have applauded if they knew the entire world was watching. This is video taken inside a JW only world.
    Of course the rest of humanity cannot be expected to understand.
    The perception is that we are a cold, cruel and heartless people. Perception is a tricky thing.
  3. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in ORIGINAL SONGS | Your Word Endures Forever   
    Check out the Italiano version 

  4. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from Alexa in Hurricane Maria: Whole of Puerto Rico without power as storm devastates island   
    Wouldn't it make sense to pay the cost to bury the cables and avoid these scenarios going forward?
  5. Haha
    The Librarian got a reaction from Alexa in Student   
    That is a very popular OS isn't it....
  6. Haha
    The Librarian got a reaction from Alexa in US - At United Nations, Rouhani defends Iran nuclear deal against 'rogue newcomers'   
    'rogue newcomer"???
    They really do not understand US Governance or Politics do they?
    And if I were to call anyone "rogue"....... I don't know..... but he doesn't look so calm himself.
    I would say he looks rather smug and sanctimonious. Dangerous qualities historically speaking.
  7. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from Alexa in HORROR CONTINUES FOR KHABUR CHRISTIANS   
    I thought this had subsided???
  8. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Alexa in Brexit and the city: Paris, Frankfurt, Dublin vying for new business   
    Wanna bet London stays on top after this all washes out?
  9. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Alexa in "The Spanish government is violating fundamental rights"   
    I imagine the US government would do the same if New England tried to secede. 
  10. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Peter Kutzer-Salm in 'Peace and Security'   
    I figured I would start a topic on "peace and security' since so much news constantly comes out regarding this theme lately:
    Paul in his letter to the Thessalonians.

    He draws attention to “Jehovah’s day.” As used here, “Jehovah’s day” refers to the period that will start with the destruction of false religion and will culminate in the war of Armageddon. However, just before that day of Jehovah begins, world leaders will be saying “Peace and security!” This may refer to one event or to a series of events. Nations may think that they are close to solving some of their big problems.
    You may want to "Follow" this thread up on the upper right hand side to get notifications.
  11. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Alexa in ORIGINAL SONGS | Your Word Endures Forever   
    Check out the Italiano version 

  12. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in ORIGINAL SONGS | Your Word Endures Forever   
    Praise God for preserving his Word for mankind!
  13. Like
    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in “The Boiler” - an awesome spot on San Benedicto Island in the Archipelago Revillagigedo, 250 nautical miles off the coast of Mexico. There is no place on earth that will not be reached by JW.ORG ?????   
    Tobi - Helmut (@dunkel_feig )myself - diving at “The Boiler” - an awesome spot on San Benedicto Island in the Archipelago Revillagigedo, 250 nautical miles off the coast of Mexico. There is no place on earth that will not be reached by JW.ORG Â…we were trying to do our share.
    P.S. noticed the manta in the picture ?
    Shared by @markus_

  14. Sad
    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in Puerto Rico a Total Disaster! ???????   
    Puerto Rico a Total Disaster!
    A dog looks out of a house flooded by Hurricane Maria, in Catano town, Juana Matos, Puerto Rico, on September 21, 2017. 
    Puerto Rico braced for potentially calamitous flash flooding after being pummeled by Hurricane Maria which devastated the island and knocked out the entire electricity grid. 
    The hurricane, which Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello called "the most devastating storm in a century," had battered the island of 3.4 million people after roaring ashore early Wednesday with deadly winds and heavy rain. 
    ?: Hector Retamal/AFP/Getty Images

  15. Like
    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in With his baptism, Anselmo is the newest member of the Alausi Quichua Congregation. – ???   
    With his baptism, Anselmo is the newest member of the Alausi Quichua Congregation.  ???
    He lives in a village quite a distance from our Kingdom Hall.  It's about an hour of travel time each way with a long walk and then a half hour bus ride.
    Congratulations Anselmo! ???

  16. Confused
    The Librarian got a reaction from peaches60 in US - Trump calls North Korea's regime "a band of criminals", Kim Jong-un "Rocket man"   
    Rocket man.... LOL.... that is a good one. 
  17. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Sherrill Szumik in Think of Life in this order....   
  18. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from E dub in Katherine Jackson Receives Temporary Restraining Order against Nephew   
    -by Laura Tucker, Staff Writer; Image: Katherine Jackson (Image Source: Screenshot)
    The 86-year-old Katherine Jackson has lived through a lot in her years. And while she put up with much of it, including her husband's infidelity, it appears that she may have finally reached her limit.
    She has been granted a temporary restraining order against her nephew, Trent Lamar Jackson.
    It's alleged in court documents that Trent, who is also a longtime driver for Katherine, has been accessing her bank accounts without her knowledge, using her credit cards for his personal use without her approval and also emotionally abusing her.
    The claims of abuse state that "Trent has manipulated Mrs. Jackson so much and preyed on her known kindness, that whenever the police arrive or efforts to press elder abuse charges have been undertaken, she ultimately recants or changes her mind."
    It wouldn't be the first time she changed her mind when looking for a better life for herself. She twice filed for divorce from the family patriarch Joe Jackson. She was tired of his affairs and filed in 1973, but her Jehovah's Witnesses church persuaded her to drop the divorce. She then tried to divorce him again in 1979 but was again urged to drop it. He went on to have a long-term affair with another woman and had another child with her. While Katherine and Joe remain married, they live in different states.
    The current paperwork also stated, "Mrs. Jackson does not want to hurt anyone and has always erred on the side of enduring abuse to save everyone else."
    Her lawyers speaking on her behalf say that she "will have moments of strength and tell her kids that Trent is abusing her, and by the time they get Adult Protections Services to the house, he has convinced her by crying or begging not to report him, and the cycle starts all over."
    Trent has not spoken publicly about the restraining order or the claims in the court documents.
    It's not known why Trent was given such previous power in his aunt's life. She has plenty of adult children and grandchildren to take care of her needs. She and 66-year-old daughter Rebbie went to go visit youngest sibling Janet recently to see her newborn son Eissa for the first time in London.
    "It seems like her family is staying close to help and support Janet," said a source, but it seems like maybe they need to stay close and help and support the family matriarch as well.
  19. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in 'Peace and Security'   
    I figured I would start a topic on "peace and security' since so much news constantly comes out regarding this theme lately:
    Paul in his letter to the Thessalonians.

    He draws attention to “Jehovah’s day.” As used here, “Jehovah’s day” refers to the period that will start with the destruction of false religion and will culminate in the war of Armageddon. However, just before that day of Jehovah begins, world leaders will be saying “Peace and security!” This may refer to one event or to a series of events. Nations may think that they are close to solving some of their big problems.
    You may want to "Follow" this thread up on the upper right hand side to get notifications.
  20. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in "The Spanish government is violating fundamental rights"   
    I imagine the US government would do the same if New England tried to secede. 
  21. Thanks
    The Librarian reacted to Julie Bayley in 'Peace and Security'   
    Donald Trump talking about NK being a threat to Peace & Security earlier 
    Amazing how often peace & security or safety is being mentioned by world leaders again lately.
    Sept 21 2017 International Day of Peace - theme this year was Peace, safety & dignity.
  22. Thanks
    The Librarian reacted to Julie Bayley in US President Donald Trump's First Address at the U.N. General Assembly   
    @The Librarian
    Here is the link to POTUS Mr DT ratcheting up the situation with North Korea announcing more sanctions at the UN 
    Trump clearly mentions NK sanctions being necessary as they pose a threat to international peace & security too
  23. Like
    The Librarian reacted to Queen Esther in CANZONI | La tua Parola è per sempre   
  24. Confused
    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in The Leader of the "Christian State", which threatens to burn theaters and kill directors, was detained and released the next day. Orel's Jehovah's Witness Dennis Kristensen, who did absolutely nothing Is arrested and detained?? ?   
    The Leader of the "Christian state", which threatens to burn theaters and kill directors, was detained and released the next day. Orel's Jehovah's Witness Dennis Kristensen, who did absolutely nothing, and the prosecutor's office does not even know what to blame, is arrested and imprisoned without trial for four months.////

  25. Like
    The Librarian reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Brexit and the city: Paris, Frankfurt, Dublin vying for new business   
    Brexit and the city: Paris, Frankfurt, Dublin vying for new business
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