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The Librarian

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    The Librarian reacted to Julie Bayley in Will We See Literal "Signs" in the Sun, Moon and Stars? ???   
    @Queen Esther Sept 21 2017 is International day of Peace & Safety  apparently this year which is commemerated annually. 
    With all what's going on will the UN inspired commerative day have more meaning this year?
  2. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Nana Fofana in JW NEWS ON Hurricane Irma – ??????????   
    Wow!  Thank you for the report.

  3. Sad
    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in JW NEWS ON Hurricane Irma – ??????????   
    JUST IN: JW NEWS ON Hurricane Irma
    ??British Virgin Islands
    There are 256 Jehovah's witnesses.
    Irma caused " catastrophic damage ". thousands of homes were destroyed and the area was " absolutely devastated ". in the United States Virgin Islands there were three dead and severe damage to the island's infrastructure
    There are 70 Jehovah's witnesses.
    Irma's step left dead and damaged at the main hospital and airport; the electrical and telephone services were also damaged
    ??San Martín and san bartolome
    There are 691 Jehovah's witnesses
    9 Dead and 95 % of the island destroyed. No drinking water or energy.
    ??Antigua and barbuda
    There are 489 Jehovah's witnesses.
    Totally devastated, the whole island underwater.
    News Hurricane Irma
    Since last Sunday, all the committees responsible for the areas where the hurricane happened, advised the congregations not to wait at the last hour to be prepared.
    ??They tell us from Florida:
    It's crazy here in fl, so many cars on the street getting ready for the storm. We went to the supermarket yesterday and was flooded because they were almost out of water, managers saying that they would have to ask for an emergency supply at that rate. The Soup, crackers and good preserves were backed up, everyone having the same idea, not perishable! Long lines even though gas prices Rose 40 cents in our area, but now they're completely out of gas. My family and I have made plans to evacuate the north, but we have removed our emergency packs only in case the traffic is backed up, with first aid kits, extra food, clothing changes, multiple tools like flashlights, etc.
    The reaction to the storm has been to open your eyes. My family and I are not concerned about the damage to home that come as our lives are much more important than that, but for some people it's all they have. Material things are their God, so they're falling behind to keep their "priceless" THINGS FROM THE STORM AND LOOTERS. Some are simply not taking the warnings seriously, (sounds familiar? ), thinking that they are hard enough to ride a category 5. Hurricane makes me think of their priorities.
    I will keep you updated in the future, the storm must get to Florida on Saturday.
    (Translated from Spanish)

  4. Like
    The Librarian reacted to Queen Esther in Will We See Literal "Signs" in the Sun, Moon and Stars? ???   
    But before,  we will see still some other  SIGNS....  example,  PEACE & SECURITY !
  5. Like
    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in Will We See Literal "Signs" in the Sun, Moon and Stars? ???   
    Will We See Literal "Signs" in the Sun, Moon and Stars? ???
    NASA detects the biggest solar flare of the decade
    The Bible says:
    " there will be signs in the sun and on the moon and in the stars, and on the earth anguish of nations, for not knowing the way out because of the roar of the sea and its agitation, while men swoon by fear and expectation Of the things that come about the inhabited land; because the powers of heaven will be shaken. And then you will see the son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory " (Luc. 21:25-27)
    Although the slave does not pronounce definitively on this text, he admits the possibility of it being literal.
    The Watchtower says:
    Where will these signs occur? In the literal sky? We'll have to wait to see him. What is certain is that the enemies of God will be afraid of fear. ???
    Last Picture is a GIF from NASA tap on Picture ____

  6. Like
  7. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to JW Insider in Irma's latest forecasts to the science behind nature's biggest hurricanes - not good news! ??????   
    Spent from July 8 to July 22 this year in Anguilla. Brothers we called there yesterday are all suffering from damage to their homes and several vehicles. No reports of loss of life that they know of on the entire island yet, although injuries reported. To get to Anguilla (three times now) we fly into St. Maarten and take a ferry (although you can also switch planes in Puerto Rico or St. Maarten for a smaller plane that is able to land in Anguilla's smaller airport). Damage at both airports, and a lot of runway debris to clean up. Most homes of Witnesses there are in very low-cost housing construction: concrete walls with metal roof. Several roofs went flying, exposing the contents of home to a lot of water damage. From St. Maarten there was no report yet about the brothers, necessarily, but there are a couple of deaths and several injuries reported in both St. Maarten and St. Martin. 
    [Updated edit: 1 person dead in Anguilla, not a Witness.]
  8. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in THINK OF A WORLD AS THIS.. – ???????   
    I guess I did miss the "Esther" part. Sorry.
  9. Haha
    The Librarian reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Why Remain a Witness when Bad Things Happen?   
    Residents in one Houston, Texas neighborhood said they were swimming for their lives on Tuesday when a 4,500 pound crocodile was found wading around in their underwater neighborhood. Janice Wright, a forty-year resident of Houston, said this 21 foot crocodile is nearly missed her grandson as he was swimming away from the beast.

    My grandson was helping us rescue a group of people outside their homes, when he said the large beast appeared in the water,” said Wright. “ThatÂ’s when he saw this giant crocodile eat a stranded puppy and then it lunged toward my grandson. All I heard was screaming and yelling! It almost killed my him!”
    Scientists who receive the alligator after its capture say the animal is around 80 years old. They also say that he was looking to eat humans because he was too slow and old to catch animals. The crocodile was tranquilized and captured by Army personnel Tuesday afternoon and the animal is being held by local scientists for further evaluation.

  10. Confused
    The Librarian reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Reflection ??? The time of the end is close ???????   
    The news is just FILLED with things  thought impossible just 10 years ago!
    A five-year-old boy is being consoled by his family after his missing hamster, Teddy Bear, was found dead in the back-fat of his 700 pound mother. Michelle Wiggins, 31, was hauled to the emergency room by her sister when complaints of a foul smell had them concerned that one of her bedsores may have been of infected.
    However, when examined by the emergency room doctor, Wiggins bedsores were the least of her family’s problems. With her 5 year-old son present, Dr. Timothy Murphy examined the obese woman, feeling an odd “lump” within the folds of her back-fat. When the doctor lifted the skin to examine the area, he was astonished to find a dead rodent decomposing on her skin. According to the doctor, the hamster had been there so long, one of Wiggins sores began to heal around the rodent, sealing it into her skin. This created the foul smell that was emanating from her body.
    Unfortunately for the little boy, he witnessed the entire incident of Teddy Bear being removed from his mother’s back fat. According to the nurse on duty, the young man began crying “Not Teddy, please not Teddy!” Wiggins told the doctor the hamster had escaped nearly 3 weeks ago, but they were unable to find him. Wiggins infected area was treated and she was released. Her sister said she was headed to PetSmart to get the little boy a new hamster. “He didn’t deserve this terrifying incident to happen to him.”

  11. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from Bible Speaks in THINK OF A WORLD AS THIS.. – ???????   
    @David Mahlangu and @Harry Dewith and @Bible Speaks
    To get her posts via email automatically.... just go to this profile page: @Bible Speaks and select the "Follow" button.
  12. Thanks
    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in Germany. Arson of a kingdom hall A person who had been arrested in addition to the fire ???   
    Germany. Arson of a kingdom hall
    A person who had been arrested in addition to the fire had doused the living room with white powder, forcing the fire department to wear chemical protection suits. Sorry no links available from a reputable source.

  13. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in JW Broadcasting September 2017   
  14. Like
    The Librarian reacted to TrueTomHarley in Joel Osteen has not opened the doors of his megachurch to help the people of Houston!   
    Possibly God allows him to hang around so as to test us, for it does have that effect.
  15. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from Dee Gordon in Penny Green: It Was Like Coming Home   
  16. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Don't Give Up Convention in Visakhapatnam, India ???   
    @Bible Speaks I will move this to the Post a Photo category for you.
  17. Sad
    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in New brutal attack in Russia to a Jehovah's witness. Our 56-Year-old brother is hospitalized.   
    New brutal attack in Russia to a Jehovah's witness.Our 56-Year-old brother is hospitalized.
    At 18 hours, 3 witnesses were sitting in a bank dialogue and one was holding a Bible. In the back, a neighbor was approached screaming outside, you're banned!!
    The brother in question hit his head with a glass bottle with such a force that the neighbors believed the sound was a shot. He continued screaming religious insults and threats.
    A team of emergency doctors stopped the bleeding and the brother was hospitalized with a trauma diagnosis with concussion.
    Mr Putin has sown hatred and now collects storms.

  18. Like
    The Librarian reacted to USASister in ISIS Kills a JW Sister in Finland Terror Attack   
    Kurt, thank you again!  I love my photo of this! I printed it out to show my friends at the hall.  I also shared it with my husband who is not of my faith.  This is a strong statement that the community and government are not on the side of hurting those practicing our faith. I know we would all prefer it never happened. But it did. I told my husband, if permitted the witnesses will be back right at that spot to preach.  And here they are. Jehovah, will bless the preaching efforts in Finland. This story has saddened yet encouraged us here to keep preaching "the Good News of God's Kingdom!"   We will meet Krista someday, and we will be able to tell her the aftermath of this terrible event.  This little building will truly bring more to the knowledge of Jehovah. Our thanks to the government of Turku, Finland for this memorial and kindness to our brothers and sisters!  We in the USA have taking notice of all of you.  Kristy Quail 
  19. Like
    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in Hurricane Harvey - JW Relief Response   
    Help us after the hurricane in Houston, Texas, USA
    Images Of Relief work
    Hot meals are being served to the brothers.

  20. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Edvan Guerra Magalhaes Magalhaes in Ezekiel's Temple Vision - Chapter 41   
    Ezekiel chapter 41.mp4
  21. Like
  22. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in Matthew 24:34 "this generation"   
  23. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in Matthew 24:34 "this generation"   
    David Splane explains the overlapping generation again via JW Broadcasting September 2015 
    The cutoff date for this generation has now moved to 1992 (was once 1935), the year that Fred Franz died. Therefore now is not the time to become weary - the end is right around the corner.
    sources below:
    We understand that in mentioning “this generation,” Jesus was referring to two groups of anointed Christians. The first group was on hand in 1914, and they readily discerned the sign of Christ’s presence in that year. Those who made up this group were not merely alive in 1914, but they were spirit-anointed as sons of God in or before that year.
    w14 1/15 p. 31 par. 15
    16 The second group included in “this generation” are anointed contemporaries of the first group. They were not simply alive during the lifetime of those in the first group, but they were anointed with holy spirit during the time that those of the first group were still on earth. Thus, not every anointed person today is included in “this generation” of whom Jesus spoke. Today, those in this second group are themselves advancing in years.
    w14 1/15 p. 31 par. 16
    See previous explanations on the page for Matthew 24.  ( @JW Insider)
    Here is a more detailed chart

    Overlapping Generation Mathematical Formula
    This was sent to me in an email by a brother from Germany. Has anyone tried plugging in different dates to see the results? Is it a fair representation of what David Splane explained? 
    It is now literally possible to explain the potential length of the “overlapping generation” with a formula like the following one where X? and X? represent two different (overlapping) groups of anointed persons.
    Generation (X?+X?) <= 1914+?[A?]-?[A?]+?[A?]-?[A?]-x
    This formula is applicable where A? and A? are symbols referring to anointed persons qualified to be in group one and two, respectively. ?[A?] (lambda of A?) refers to the lifespan of the person in the first group, and ?[A?] (alpha of A?) refers to the age at which A? is said to have been anointed. A person qualifying for inclusion in the second group (A?), must not only be born, but must already be anointed, in or before the year A? dies. We must also consider the following two limiting factors: First, the maximum length of a lifespan (?) usually put in a range from 99 to 119 years. Second, the minimum age at which one may be considered to be anointed (?), put in a range from 10 to 20 years. And, finally, we must subtract x, the number of full years that the lifespan of A? overlapped with A?. If A? happened to be born in the same year that A? died, then this x=0.
  24. Like
    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in Do you have a Guardian Angel? ????   
    Do you have a Guardian Angel? ????
    The Bible does not teach that each individual has a guardian angel. True, Jesus once said: “See that you do not despise one of these little ones [ChristÂ’s disciples], for I tell you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 18:10) However, rather than implying that each person has a guardian angel, Jesus was simply saying that angels take an active interest in each of his disciples. Hence, true worshippers do not take unwise and careless risks, presuming that GodÂ’s angels will protect them.
    Does that mean that angels do not help humans? No. (Psalm 91:11) Some feel quite strongly that God has provided them with angelic protection many feel that way. Though we cannot be dogmatic, it may be correct.
    Jehovah’s Witnesses frequently see evidence of angelic intervention as they engage in their preaching work. However, because angels are invisible, we cannot say to what extent God uses them in helping individuals with various matters. Nevertheless, we cannot go wrong by thanking the Almighty for whatever support he may have provided.—Colossians 3:15; James 1:17, 18. 

  25. Like
    The Librarian reacted to TrueTomHarley in Germany-Turkey: Tensions are after TV Debate between Merkel and Schulz   
    I know this does not help, but as the narrator states people have criticized the campaign as dull, the logo displays: DAS TV DEULL. 
    The English speaking person hones in on the last word and sees only DULL.
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