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The Librarian

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  1. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS | International Response to Russia’s Supreme Court Decision Against Jehovah’s Witnesses   
    International government agencies and officials comment on the unjust court decision and Russia’s failure to protect the religious freedom of minority religious groups.
  2. Sad
    The Librarian got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Haiti Endures Hurricane Matthew   
    Haiti Endures Hurricane Matthew

  3. Haha
    The Librarian got a reaction from Anna in FAMOUS RUSSIAN SINGER A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS FLEES RUSSIA   
    Russian JW Punk Rock.....  Now I have heard it all. 
  4. Like
    The Librarian reacted to Abegail Sheldon in Convention 2017   
    Good morning from a wet, windy and cold Cape Town, South Africa. Trust you are all well? Thank you for the notebooks, your efforts to compile it for us, is very much appreciated. Have a lovely day.
  5. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in Convention 2017   
    I made this category for Notebooks on this forum: 
  6. Sad
    The Librarian reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Would you kill your child in order to save it from a death that would be very painful?   
    IT IS A GREAT KINDNESS and a great Merciful act, when one deliberately kills one's beloved Dog, when racked by disease. My dog Cubby, a Siberian Husky, had cancer in her left eye, and we had it removed ... but it had spread to her intestines and she was in great pain, and it would take a long time to die.
    We took her to the Vet, and with wailing tears and anguish had her executed.
    I felt it was my responsibility as a man to "pull the trigger" myself , but my wife, Susan, could not abide it.
    There comes a time when every man has to shoot his own dog ... farming it out does not make it better .. it makes it worse.
    I KNOW Cubby would never even had heard the sound. ... but it would have been messy.  Fortunately, we had the $140 to have her executed and she never knew it.
    Many people do NOT!
    It was completely painless and she died with her eyes open ... never knowing she had died.
    I lament that when my time comes... and it WILL come ... there is no one to show me the great Kindness and Mercy that I was able to do for my beloved dog.
    Jehovah God has stated many times in many different ways that he wants mercy ... and not sacrifice.
    People that are COMPLETELY divorced from reality ... as it really is ... find the idea of killing ones child abhorrent, but there is a PRINCIPLE that reality based people understand, that liberals living in a fantasy world do NOT understand ... in Latin it's " Quod est necessarium est licitum", which means "that which is necessary, is legal" .
    People of courage DO WHAT IS RIGHT, at ANY cost.
    Slaves do what is legal.
    If any of my three children had Rabies, as an example, and no medical care was available ... I would shoot him or her first ... and myself second.
    Should I treat my children with LESS MERCY than my dog?

  7. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in August 2017: Sample Teach the Truth Presentation—Ps 37:29   
    August 2017: Sample Teach the Truth Presentation—Ps 37:29

  8. Like
    The Librarian reacted to bruceq in The Supreme Court of the Democratic People's Republic of Moldova has recognized as extremist the printed materials of the sect of "Jehovah's Witnesses"   
    This actually came for Eastern Ukraine, not sure why it mentions Germany unless it is a misprint or mistranslation from Russian. Please give a" source" as to why this is not "true" however. Thanks.
  9. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Noble Berean in FAMOUS RUSSIAN SINGER A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS FLEES RUSSIA   
    Russian JW Punk Rock.....  Now I have heard it all. 
  10. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Noble Berean in New Sign Replacing Watchtower Sign in Brooklyn?   
    I think they should stick with RED personally. I could be a little biased of course. 
  11. Confused
    The Librarian got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Impatient, aren’t we?   
    List of epic fails....
    Imagine being the photographer realizing what you just captured.?
  12. Haha
    The Librarian got a reaction from Bible Speaks in New Sign Replacing Watchtower Sign in Brooklyn?   
    I think they should stick with RED personally. I could be a little biased of course. 
  13. Sad
    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in New Sign Replacing Watchtower Sign in Brooklyn?   
    The "present ideas to replace the Watchtower sign", now that the building has been sold.
    Bye Brooklyn ?? On to the Kings Drive, Warwick, New York

  14. Thanks
    The Librarian reacted to bruceq in The Supreme Court of the Democratic People's Republic of Moldova has recognized as extremist the printed materials of the sect of "Jehovah's Witnesses"   
    The Supreme Court of the Democratic People's Republic of Moldova has recognized as extremist the printed materials of the sect of "Jehovah's Witnesses" The Supreme Court of the People's Democratic Republic of Germany adopted a decision on the recognition of extremist printed materials as "The Point of View of the Bible. Has Christianity crashed? "And" Will you follow the loving leadership of Jehovah? ", Published by the sect of" Jehovah's Witnesses ". This today, July 28, reported the press service of the Supreme Court of the People's Democratic Republic of France. According to experts of the National Center of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of the DNI, the texts contain information inciting religious hatred, and promotes excellence in the contextual level, "Jehovah's Witnesses" in relation to other Christians. At the request of the General Prosecutor's Office of the People's Democratic Republic of Germany, with representation in defense of the interests of the Republic, the court decided to satisfy the submission and to recognize the materials as extremist, banning their publication in the territory of the People's Republic of China. It should be noted that today the organization "Jehovah's Witnesses" is not banned in the territory of the People's Democratic Republic, but some of the materials it distributes are recognized by the court as extremist.
    Source: http://dnr-online.ru/verxovnyj-sud-dnr-priznal-ekstremistskimi-pechatnye-materialy-sekty-svidetelej-iegovy/ | Официальный сайт Донецкой Народной Республики ©
  15. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Bible Speaks in FAMOUS RUSSIAN SINGER A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS FLEES RUSSIA   
    Thank you. Interesting.
    I have added a link to this page on my:
  16. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from E dub in Appreciating the Benefits of Kingdom Rule    
    Appreciating the Benefits of Kingdom Rule 

  17. Thanks
    The Librarian reacted to bruceq in FAMOUS RUSSIAN SINGER A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS FLEES RUSSIA   
    He called me from New York and said: "I'm probably staying here." The news is shocking. The last thing you could expect from a person who sang (and sings): "I was born and grew up on Lenin Street". It's hard to imagine music more Russian than the one that Zero played, and Chistyakov continues to play. A brilliant album "No fools" and a few very strong singles have just come out, he has traveled around the country with concerts, he is at the peak of his form, he is finally all right after twenty years of depression and setbacks. So from what to run (and this is the escape)?
    Photo from the archive of Fedor Chistyakov ... The fact that Chistyakov is a member of Jehovah's Witnesses, an organization that has just been recognized as extremist, knew everything, but did not attach importance. It was believed that the rock star has such a fad. Prince was also a Witness. And Madonna is a Kabbalist. And Tom Cruise is a Scientologist ... However, Fedor, although he never spoke about his religion at concerts and very rarely in an interview, takes her seriously. This is not a fad, this is something for which he is ready to fight.
    "Witnesses" appeared in his life in the 90's, during the most difficult period. He just served an assassination attempt, went through a psychiatric hospital and was in a terrible state, on the verge of suicide. Now he does not drink, does not smoke and does not sing his old songs, where drugs are mentioned. But at the same time he did not lose the rock-n-roll drive, at the concerts he ignites in a way that few people can now. You can treat the Witnesses differently, but they rescued him, Fedor Chistyakov.
    Pressure on the "Witnesses" went for a long time. In 2004, the Moscow court dismissed the Moscow community. In 2011, several criminal cases were opened. And in 2009, the NTV channel showed the film: "Watch out: Jehovah's Witnesses". In addition to the attack on the Witnesses, there was a run-in and personally on Chistyakov. Televischiki represented him in the image of a zombified and seduced sectarian, which is not true by one percent. This can be confirmed by anyone who has been to Fedor's concerts and listened to his recent recordings. The zombies do not sing like that.
    The conclusion from the program was clear: look, the murderer and the addict preach the Bible! They, probably, are all like that.
    The act is sneaky, whatever one may say, but Chistyakov then restrained himself. He is generally patient, his life has been broken and continues to break, like few people, one must have a strong character in order to survive and not go insane in his circumstances. As the campaign around the Witnesses unfolded, he became gloomy, nervous, but he waited. There were weak chances that it would cost. Now there are no such chances. Since July, his co-religionists and he is outside the law.
    "You can regard this interview as my official statement on leaving the country," Fyodor said. "I just had no choice."
    - I was not going to emigrate. There are people who for years try to get a green card or somehow get to America. And I never had any thoughts of such, nor of the possibilities. I firmly settled in place, I am already fifty, where to go? Besides, right now everything is developing very well, as a musician I am on the rise: a good band, an established tour system, one after the other albums are out. And so we flew with a tour in the US. And on the eve of the trial, the result of which was the ban of the Witnesses. For me it was a shock. The likelihood that I will not return from the American tour started to increase strongly. And on July 17, when they rejected the appeal, I made the final decision.
    - What does this prohibition mean to you personally?
    - First and foremost: I can not openly profess my religion. This in itself is a trauma, even if you are not being put, but there are already plantings. In Orel, for example, they took and imprisoned a citizen of Denmark. Russians are not enough for them, they decided to wet it so that the ears rang. There are options for punishment: prison, forced labor, fine. If a person is fined 100,000, and he has a salary of 20, what should he do? After that, by the way, they can plant.
    "Such a situation makes any creative activity meaningless. What's the point, if tomorrow can come for you? "
    And musical activity is connected with long-term investments. I invest my personal funds in the project, my colleagues and investors are investing. I take on very serious obligations. Concerts are planned for six months, and I have no right to even get sick, I have to play live or dead. But how to work if you can be picked up at any moment? Then you have to change your profession, but I do not want to, I still have many plans.
    Last year, my spies were visited by searches of special services. Laptops, computers, hard disks were taken to find evidence of extremism. I was very worried about my home studio. It is absolutely inconceivable that my achievements are carried to an unknown place. So my move is not connected with the fact that I allegedly do not like Russia and sold to the Americans. This is a forced measure aimed at preventing me from disappearing as a creative unit. There was no other way out.
    "And so you left." What will happen to the band "Fedor Chistyakov Band"? Is the project closed?
    - In no case. Only the place of my physical stay has changed, nothing changes anymore. At least, I hope so. Now we are reshaping the schedules of tours taking into account the fact that I'm flying to them from America. In the near future the bandback of the group "Zero" - November 18, Moscow, "Izvestia Hall." If there is no force majeure, everything will be done. And then the recording of the new album, the material is written, you have to work with it. In addition, an American project is planned, with which I will be speaking, a contract has already been signed.
    - Do you plan on singing in English?
    "I'm afraid I will not succeed." Russian language, Russian thinking, Russian mentality with the move does not disappear anywhere. This is not the clothes that he took off, put on another and everything is okay. I remain the same as I was, I am still worried about things that are happening in Russia. And of course, I'm focused on the Russian public. But there is still an emigrant audience, it is not very large, but it is. I live in the area of New York, where on the street constantly hear Russian speech. And it's not even Brighton.
    - The song from your new single "Time to Live" begins with the words: "There is nothing to do, nothing to do, nothing to do, only to run ..." Just about running away. Coincidence or did you plan?
    - Coincidence, I was surprised to him. This is an old song "Zero", it did not have time to finish it in 1992, I do not remember what I meant at the time. Probably, flight from a difficult life situation, but not emigration exactly. We recorded it now together with Nichols, with whom "Zero" started sometime, it is possible with good conscience to consider this record as the new work of "Zero".
  18. Like
    The Librarian reacted to Jack Ryan in Bethel Brazil inside - TV Reportage by Gilberto Barros   
    Published on Jul 21, 2017 How the witnesses of Jehovah live at Bethel. 40-minutes reportage by Gilberto Barros of bethel Brazil. Special scenes of JW working in the laundry and as hairdressers at Bethel, literature dispatch and library. What a wonderful service these sisters and brothers do at Bethel. What a wonderful community, friendly and willing to work.
    (Activate subtitles with auto-translation from Portoguese to English in case you cant understand portoguese.)
  19. Like
  20. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from gabriela cabrera in Reference Book: "What To Say At School"   
    A group of sisters in the Winfield, Kansas congregation made these reference books “What To Say At School” for families with kids in school to help bolster them for the new school year. Photo shared by @jessieanchris 
    Original post
    Anyone have a PDF copy of this around to share?
  21. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in Why is Jose Antonio Gutierrez so famous?   
    He is a brother out of Spain who is famous for denouncing apostates.
    He does not claim to be one of the anointed.
    You can actually message him via his profile on this forum as well:
    I have just added him to my list:
  22. Like
    The Librarian reacted to Melinda Mills in Pillion driver somersaults through the air after motorbike smashes into the back of a stationary car...   
    "Pillion" = a seat for a passenger behind a motorcyclist.
    It is not customary to say  "driver" for the one on the pillion.   One says "motorclyclist" for the one in front steering and "rider" for the one behind. So it is pillion rider, not driver.  "Driver" is technically correct for the one in front , but not often used.  Of course the proper use of the English Language is no longer in vogue.
    See usage here in heading:  https://www.towardszero.vic.gov.au/campaign/driver-think-rider-rider-think-driver
  23. Like
    The Librarian reacted to JW Insider in Matthew 24. Is the INVISIBLE PAROUSIA doctrine based on less likely, special definitions of SIGN, PAROUSIA, CONCLUSION, LIGHTNING, GENERATION, and "GENTILE TIMES"?   
    Sure, I'll be happy to start out.
    By the end of this discussion we should be able to go through the whole chapter and give a kind of evaluation score to whether we think we have a more likely doctrine or a less likely doctrine. This isn't about whether the meaning we have given a certain idea is impossible, just a way of measuring if the idea is more or less likely.
    I'd propose that we have currently been driven to accept a LESS LIKELY definition of the word GENERATION. (Example: "the 1914 generation refers to two groups, where the first group included those whose lifespans overlapped with a second group quite possibly around a point in 1992 or even later, such that we can now add the lifespan of the oldest persons in the second group to the 1914 generation until they might die off in the near future, or perhaps much later, such that the 1914 generation can now include a reference to people born, say in the 1970's or later, living nearly until the year 2050, or even closer to the year 2100.") This has already been discussed elsewhere.
    I don't think the definition we give it in the latest Watchtower articles and JW Broadcasting videos is impossible, but it seems very  unlikely. In my experience very few WItnesses will attempt to defend it Biblically. The ones who do make the attempt, have offered scriptures that actually make a much better fit the more common definitions of "generation."  (Exodus 1:6, Genesis 50:23; etc)
    Without belaboring the possibility that the current understanding is somehow POSSIBLE, I think almost everyone in the world would agree that it is a LESS LIKELY definition that we are using, than any of the common definitions. (Especially since it can be found in no Bibles, no Bible dictionaries, and no dictionaries.)
  24. Like
    The Librarian reacted to JW Insider in Matthew 24. Is the INVISIBLE PAROUSIA doctrine based on less likely, special definitions of SIGN, PAROUSIA, CONCLUSION, LIGHTNING, GENERATION, and "GENTILE TIMES"?   
    There seems to be be several ways to read Matthew 24 (and parallel accounts in Mark 13 and Luke 21). This has been noted by many Bible commentaries through the years, and even C. T. Russell admits some things about Matthew 24 that might surprise a lot of Witnesses today.
    The primary discussions about Matthew 24 revolve around the question of whether it was ONLY about the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 C.E., or primarily about the final Great Tribulation on the whole earth, or was it about BOTH judgment events.  (Even if this were primarily about 70 C.E., of course, it would still provide principles to guide Christians in every era and generation, especially about the expectation of the judgment event. -- 2 Tim 3:16; 1 Cor 10:11)
    Over the years, the Watchtower has proposed slightly different ways to read Matthew 24, including splitting it up into two and sometimes three parts, where the first part referred pretty much equally to both a "minor" fulfillment on the first-century generation and a "major" fulfillment on the "final" generation that sees the final judgment event. Then, a middle portion of the chapter was often said to be primarily for the first century without direct application to the "final" generation. Then, later parts of the chapter were said to be meant primarily or sometimes ONLY for the final judgment event on the whole world. None of the differences in these variations was very significant in the overall picture, because in general the Watchtower has seen the greater "major" important fulfillment of almost all of Matthew 24 to be tied to the final generation that sees that "parousia" or "presence."
    If we assume that the primarily fulfillment of Matthew 24 was intended for the final generation, then the secondary discussion is about whether we have correctly understood what Jesus meant with respect to the sign, the parousia, the conclusion, the generation, etc. So, that's the basic discussion being proposed here: that we look carefully at Matthew 24 and see if we have not perhaps tried to fit unlikely definitions of words so that we could make our specific doctrine fit.
    Of course, it is quite proper to look at unlikely definitions of words if the meaning derived becomes the only possible way to understand a passage and the only way in which it properly fits the context and related scriptures. But what if the more likely definitions of each of the words also produces an overall meaning that fits just as well with the context and other scripture? What if accepting the more likely definitions of words in the chapter resulted in an even BETTER fit overall for the rest of the scriptures? What if it were seen that trying to make a doctrine out of the unlikely definitions actually created scriptural contradictions?
    What I'd propose is that we try to let scripture explain scripture wherever possible and then try to give an honest appraisal of whether or not our "special definitions" we have infused into the meaning of several words in the chapter really makes more sense than the more common definitions of these words.  We could start with general ideas that we can all agree on (hopefully) and then check those ideas as either more or less likely to fit the ideas created from other parts of the chapter that depend on special definitions. I think this will help us evaluate whether we have built a doctrine upon the more likely or the less likely meaning of the words that Jesus used.
  25. Like
    The Librarian reacted to Raquel Segovia in Zapallo relleno   
    Aprendi a preparar zapallo relleno y ahora es mi especialidad

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