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The Librarian

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    The Librarian reacted to Elya Kartika in Sisters. Please. We don't want accidents at the convention   
    Hahaha....the heel isn't sharp than a knife...
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    The Librarian got a reaction from Elisabeth Dolewka in Father's Day and Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Please see this post:
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    The Librarian got a reaction from Johnny Paulick in Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrate Father's Day?   
    If someone asked you this question at the door this morning how would you answer?
    Jehovah’s Witnesses treat Father’s Day as any other, and will love their Fathers just as much that day as any other day.
    Jehovah’s Witnesses base all of their beliefs, their standards for conduct, and organizational procedures on the Bible.
    Yes, the Bible does command children to honor, obey and respect their parents. (Eph. 6:1, 2) But nowhere does it advocate the commemoration of a special “Father’s Day”.True Christians follow Jesus Christ as their Exemplar and realize that to Jesus, every day was Father’s Day. He did not set aside only one particular day out of the year to bring praise to his Father. He did so every day.
    It is also worthy to note that the main purpose for the creation of Father’s Day was to complement Mother’s Day. Jehovah’s Witnesses do not formally celebrate Mother’s Day - mostly for the same reasons as stated for Father’s Day above. But they also do not celebrate it because Jehovah’s Witnesses avoid participating in any celebrations with non-Christian religious origins. Some may counter that by saying that Mother’s Day does not have roots in ancient paganism and that it is presently considered a largely secular event. But the earliest Mother’s Day celebrations can be traced back to the spring celebrations of ancient Greece in honor of Rhea, the mother of the gods. The Bible makes it clear that if a holiday or custom is being deliberately participated in by a Christian, it must have absolutely no known pagan religion associations. (Exodus 20:3; Luke 4:8; 2 Cor. 6:17) Via Elijah
    See also: List of World Holidays
  6. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Are Jehovah's Witnesses a Religion?   
    Judge J.F. Rutherford created many ideas in his tenure as President of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.one of those is this one:
    RELIGION is a SNARE and a RACKET 1939 
    When, in WWI, the brothers sought exemptions on religious conscience grounds, they could not convince local draft boards they had any formal religion or coherent beliefs because Pastor Russell had been totally against ORGANIZATION.There was no formal statement of orthodoxy and all I.B.S.A. (International Bible Students Association) members were democratic in believing whatever they pleasedlater, in 1929, Romans 13.1 was cited for refusing civilian service.Jehovah’s Witnesses claimed they were not a religion; just a bible society and they further decried their label as pacifist because they were total advocates of War of the great day of God the Almighty.In 1937 in the book Enemies, J.F. Rutherford made his position clear:“ Strange as it may seem, the two words "Christian" and "religion" are diametrically opposed one to the other. ”The greatest racket ever invented and practiced is that of religion.Clearly this was a tactical mistake that could cost the Society three kinds of important exemptions.
    Religious exemption in time of war for JW ministers whether full or part-time. Tax exemption for Watch Tower corporations. Real estate exemption for Watch Tower property holdings (including Kingdom Halls) A reversal of position was vitally necessary.President Rutherford died in 1942. Now it would not directly embarrass brother Rutherford if tax exemptions were sought.To avoid loss of exemption it had become necessary to finesse the absolute statements of President Rutherford when applying for the above exemptions although none of it was made public until 1950 in a book written by the former Vice-President of the Society and Attorney, Hayden C. Covington. In his book, “Defending and legally establishing the Good News”:
    “The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Inc., is incorporated under the laws of the State of New York for charitable, religious, and scientific purposes.The unincorporated bodies of persons known as Jehovah’s witnesses hold in common certain religious tenets and beliefs and recognize as their terrestrial governing organization the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Inc.By their adherence to the organization of this religious corporation, the unincorporated body of Jehovah's Witnesses are considered to constitute a recognized religious sect.” --Vol.II Opinion No.14, National Headquarters, Selective Service System, November 2, 1942.
    “The fact is, they have been recognized by the Selective Service System as a religious organization and are entitled to the same treatment as the members of any other religious organization...” - United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, in Hull v Stalter, 151F. 2d 633 (1945), said:
    It should also be noted: for the record that as early as 1934, the Society's corporations sought Tax Exemption as charitable and benevolent societies.
    "By orders of the commissioner of Internal Revenue, United States Treasurey Department, under dates of November 9, 1934, March 22, 1935, April 24, 1935, April 23, 1938, September 1, 1942, and June 17, 1946, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Inc. (a New Yourk corporation) and Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society (a Pennsylvania corporation), were held to be entitled to exemption from the making of income tax returns under the Federal Internal Revenue Act because such societies were charitable corporations engaged in religious activity. ...have been declared exempt also from the payment of taxes on real estate owned and used by the for carrying out the chartered purposes of the societies because such societies are benevolent and engaged in religious activity."
  7. Thanks
    The Librarian reacted to JW Insider in The Judge of the Entire Earth Will Always Do What is Right   
    I don't remember where it might be, although I'd guess it would have been with the comments regarding the late sister, Audrey [Mock] Knorr.
    The story was known by my "table head" at Bethel. (I was the "table foot," for what it's worth.) By 1976, I only heard it "whispered" by this long-time Bethelite, and his younger wife kept trying to get him to keep his voice down about it. But she was also the one feeding him details of the story, as if she was the source. (She worked with Sister Knorr.) But that was while Brother Nathan Knorr was still alive. After Brother Knorr died, 1977, it was talked about more openly. It was talked about again, around 1990, when Brother Richard Wheelock committed suicide by jumping from a window of the Towers Hotel. The person who called me from Bethel to tell me about Brother Wheelock also tied it to the story of his past troubles, although he said he had just learned about those troubles. (BTW: Many people have said that Brother Wheelock jumped from the 8th floor of factory building where he worked. This isn't true.)
    So the story goes that Richard Wheelock was engaged to Audrey Mock. In those days Brother Wheelock knew that marriage meant leaving Bethel, probably to become a "circuit servant" in his case. But Brother Knorr really liked her and made it known to her that he was also interested in marriage. Audrey Mock had to tell Brother Wheelock that she was breaking off the engagement in favor of Knorr, and Brother Wheelock was so distraught that he threatened to kill himself if she did. The threat was "jarring" she said, but perhaps should have been taken more seriously. Brother Wheelock had ongoing problems with depression that might have been completely unrelated to what happened with Audrey Mock. Of course, she might have realized that she needed to get away from him as soon as he made the threat. It was not a common thing for a man to say and might have tipped her off that he wasn't a stable man. Richard was the factory overseer for the entire time I was at Bethel, and never seemed "off" or "depressed" to me. He did stay to himself, closed up in his office a lot, but this wasn't an unusual practice.
  8. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from ARchiv@L in Jehovah’s Witnesses - Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom   
    Click here to view
    Scrabble necklace with this cover on it / purchase link 
    See also:
    Earlier official history book in 1959 called Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose
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    The Librarian got a reaction from ARchiv@L in Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose   

  10. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Menrov in JW Tattoos?   
    To consider Isa. 49:16 Look, I have inscribed your name40  on my palms; (it is about Zion). Or:
    ISA.44:5  One will say: “I belong to Jehovah.”+Another will call himself by the name of Jacob, And yet another will write on his hand: “Belonging to Jehovah.”And he will adopt the name of Israel.’
    None of the Greek / OT scriptures make any reference to writing on bodies. I surely believe it is a personal choice. Like with clothes, hair dress, jewelry, or anything else one can use as a means to dress or decorate him/herself.
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    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in I Keep Your Reminders   
    I Keep Your Reminders

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    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in A Gift in Hand to Jehovah   
    A Gift in Hand to Jehovah

  13. Thanks
    The Librarian reacted to Evacuated in Watch Russian Special Forces (FSB) storm a JW meeting in Orel, Russia, and detain Dennis Christensen   
    Could you comment please on when and where this ocurred and who made the video? Ugent info please!
  14. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to TrueTomHarley in Jehovah's Witnesses are being honored again in Russia for benefiting the community while being oppressed   
    The next day, ISIS, too, went out to clean up a park. City leaders showed up to give them an award. As they got close, a bomb went off and killed them all, and ISIS staff ran snickering to the bushes.
    This happened because ISIS is an extremist organization.
  15. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to bruceq in Jehovah's Witnesses are being honored again in Russia for benefiting the community while being oppressed   
    Languishing in jail Dennis Christensen and his co-religionists have gained appreciation from the local authorities
    June 14, 2017   Photo collage: cleaning of the territory in the city of Eagle and Dennis Christensen
    The City of Eagle was awarded the local Jehovah's Witnesses for their active participation in cleaning the city from garbage. Believers have been nice to get appreciation from the city and a gift from the administration's signature: "In gratitude for a good deed - garbage collection for the benefit of people and nature."
    Signature on a gift from the city administration Jehovah's Witnesses, wherever they live, tend to benefit neighbors not only the spread of Bible knowledge, but also participation in various forms of socially useful activity. The same is citizenship and Dennis Christensen - one of the Oryol Jehovah's Witnesses, who were actively involved in cleaning.Standing foot in cold water Orlik River, it pulled out of a net river trash. All work was carried out free of charge.
    In view of this particularly ironic look that Christensen had almost three weeks languishing in the city jail on false charges of organizing an extremist community. Believers are in disbelief, because, according to city officials, this is the community benefit the city. Garbage collection was the last good thing Dennis that he had to do, while at liberty.
    It is noteworthy that the representative of the administration of the Eagle was sympathetic to Jehovah's Witnesses because of religious persecution in the country and wished them not to lose the power of the spirit.
  16. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to John Houston in 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Regional Convention Videos   
    No audio? Yes, the audio is there, so very sorry. Thanks.
  17. Thanks
    The Librarian reacted to ARchiv@L in Proudly Flying The Flag of Chile at a Kingdom Hall - Tell me about JW Neutrality again please?   
    I see also that the society allows different internet pages, facebooks, and “closed” facebooks to operate. Something that was not done some years ago. Seems there is a need for that.

    …. To All those “internet experts”, please Do not forget that, it was a Librarian that started collected news in English (and other languages too) some years ago. Thank you.
  18. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Amazon is paying $13.7 billion for Whole Foods Market.   
    via TheWorldNewsOrgWorld News
  19. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from Margaret Burlingham in RUSSIA’S BAN: TRUMP, PENCE ATTEND MEETING OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESS IN US   
    Sorry @Jay Witness
    This is another fake news story. 
    I have added the tag to it above "Fake News"
    The same conclusion and related story you found here as well:
  20. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from HollyW in Revelation Climax commentary   
    Albert Schroeder
    The Book of Revelation, Its Grand Climax At Hand
    About illustrations in Revelation Climax Book
    Fall 1988

    Your browser does not support the HTML5 audio tag.
  21. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from Anna in Revelation Climax commentary   
    Revelation; It's Grand Climax at Hand! - 2006 version

    1988_Revelation--It's Grand Climax At Hand! (2).pdf
    2006 - Revelation book Adjustments.pdf
  22. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to El Bibliotecario in Trailer de la Conmemoración 2018   
    Trailer de la Conmemoración 2018

    via El Bibliotecario
  23. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to HollyW in Revelation Climax commentary   
    Is this book out of date then?
  24. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to HollyW in Revelation Climax commentary   
    Has the Revelation Climax book been updated or replaced recently?
  25. Thanks
    The Librarian reacted to Ann O'Maly in Revelation Climax commentary   
    The book has been discontinued. There was a congregation notice back in November 2015 which said it was among those that "will no longer be available once stock has been depleted at the branch."
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