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The Librarian

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  1. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Abel Castro in DEIXE JEOVÁ MOLDAR SUA FORMA DE PENSAR E DE AGIR!   
    VOCÊ SABIA que... 
    Nos tempos bíblicos, muitos objetos eram feitos de barro, ou argila?
    Quando o barro está úmido, ele é mole e fácil de moldar. Mas, mesmo depois de endurecer no forno, objetos feitos de barro continuam frágeis.

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    The Librarian reacted to ARchiv@L in Angels - are they real ?   
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    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in How to Age Gracefully ?????   
    "Gird yourselves with lowliness of mind toward one another, because God opposes the haughty ones, but he gives undeserved kindness to the humble ones."—1 Pet. 5:5.
    How to Age Gracefully
    HOW do you feel when the thought of aging comes up? It fills many with concern, anxiety, and even dread. This is because aging is usually associated with negatives, such as diminished looks, a frail body, memory loss, and chronic diseases.
    However, the fact is that people differ greatly in the way they age. Some enjoy relatively good health, physically and mentally, in their later years. Advances in medicine have enabled others to treat or control chronic illnesses. As a result, in some lands more and more people are living longer and healthier lives.
    Nevertheless, whether confronted with age-related problems or not, most people wish to be able to age gracefully. How can this be done? In part, doing so depends on our attitude and our willingness and ability to adapt to this new phase in life. To help in these areas, let us consider some simple and practical Bible principles.
    BE MODEST: “Wisdom is with the modest ones.” (Proverbs 11:2) In this context, “the modest ones” can refer to elderly ones who recognize and come to terms with the limitations of their age, not trying to deny or ignore them. Charles, 93, in Brazil, is realistic when he says: “If you live long, you will have to age. There is no way to turn back the clock.”
    BEING MODEST, however, in no way means adopting the defeatist attitude “I am old, and there is nothing more for me.” Such an attitude can sap one of enthusiasm. “If you become discouraged in the day of distress, your strength will be meager,” says Proverbs 24:10. Instead, a modest person shows wisdom, making the best of a situation.
    BE BALANCED: “Women should adorn themselves in appropriate dress, with modesty and soundness of mind.” (1 Timothy 2:9) The expression “appropriate dress” denotes balance and good taste. 
    BE POSITIVE: “All the days of the afflicted one are bad, but the one with a cheerful heart has a continual feast.” (Proverbs 15:15) As you age, you may experience negative feelings when you remember your youthful vigor and the many things you were once able to do. This is understandable. However, make an effort not to be overcome by those negative feelings. Dwelling on the past can make your days gloomy and discourage you from doing what you are still able to do. Joseph, 79, in Canada, thinks positively: “I try to enjoy doing the things I can do and not cry over the things that I used to do but can’t do now.”
    Reading and learning can also make you feel more positive, broadening your horizons. Thus, to the extent possible, be alert for opportunities to read and learn new things. 
    BE GENEROUS: “Practice giving, and people will give to you.” (Luke 6:38) Make it a practice to share some of your time and resources with others. This will give you a feeling of accomplishment and happiness.  Yes, a generous person creates an atmosphere of warmth and appreciation that others find enjoyable.
    BE FRIENDLY: “Whoever isolates himself pursues his own selfish desires; he rejects all practical wisdom.” (Proverbs 18:1) While there are times when you may want to be alone, avoid becoming isolated and withdrawn.  Take the initiative to invite friends over occasionally. 
    BE THANKFUL: “Show yourselves thankful.” (Colossians 3:15) When receiving help, show appreciation for the attention. Expressions of thankfulness help to cultivate good relationships. 
    Above all, be thankful for life itself. “A live dog is better off than a dead lion,” wise King Solomon reminded us. (Ecclesiastes 9:4) Yes, with the right attitude coupled with willingness to adapt, it is possible to age gracefully.
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    The Librarian got a reaction from fengyes csillag in The Ancient Hebrew Alphabet - Lesson 20 – Resh   
    The history and evolution of the 20th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the letter ר (resh).
  6. Sad
  7. Sad
    The Librarian got a reaction from vandenbusschevanoostjosett in Brother Philip Ryan Fatally Stabbed at a UK Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Detectives have charged Keith Beviss, aged 54 from Honiton with the murder of Philip Ryan aged 55 who was from Westward Ho Detectives have charged Keith Beviss, aged 54 from Honiton with the murder of Philip Ryan aged 55 who was from Westward Ho. This development follows the police discovering the body of Mr Ryan at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Dowell Street in Honiton at around 3.50pm on June 6. "Philip was a very kind, gentle and loving husband who will be greatly missed by all his family and friends.
  8. Haha
    The Librarian reacted to A Nice Guy in Vow of Poverty   
    It is very discouraging to see some resort to ad hominem attacks here. Either address the asinine point or let it pass.
    Too, it is wrong to log in under an alias. As a new member, I promise I will never do that. For example, I am not TrueTomHarley. No. I am someone else. 
    Let me express my great appreciation for @The Librarian. Surely her hard work and appreciation for institutions of learning benefit us all. Who cannot admire the many tomes of wisdom that sag the shelves of her institution? Who cannot admire her encouragement of new authors, even some who may be on this forum? We all do well to imitate her devotion to research and knowledge. (the old hen)
    Who cannot admire how she nurtures people, encouraging shy ones like JTR to come out of his shell?
  9. Haha
    The Librarian reacted to Evacuated in Vow of Poverty   
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  11. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Arauna in 140 Million Year-Old Hammer?   
  12. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from E dub in 140 Million Year-Old Hammer?   
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    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in 2017 regional convention videos   
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    The Librarian reacted to biddy2331@gmail.com in 2017 regional convention videos   
    does anyone have these videos yet
  15. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Organizational Accomplishments - Remote Volunteers Begin Used by...   
    Organizational Accomplishments - Remote Volunteers Begin Used by Jehovah

  16. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Ann O'Maly in JW chef refuses to serve customer 'black pudding' in supermarket restaurant   
    Sainsbury's apologises after a customer was told he could not have black pudding in his Full English breakfast because the Jehovah's Witness chef would not prepare it
    Alan MacKay told he could not enjoy black pudding at Nottingham store He was offered a full refund and instead made his own breakfast at home Supermarket giant said its chef had no issue serving bloodied sausage  Chef took object to dish as Jehovah's Witness believe blood is sacrosanct  By Alex Matthews For Mailonline
    Published: 09:16, 24 March 2016 | Updated: 15:56, 24 March 2016
    Sainsbury's has been forced to apologise after its Jehovah's Witness chef refused to serve a customer black pudding with his Full English breakfast.
    Alan MacKay was stunned when he was told he could not enjoy the staple, made up of animal fat, blood and oatmeal, with his meal at the branch in Arnold, Nottingham.
    After receiving his incomplete dish the former police officer was told the black pudding would not be served because it was against the religious beliefs of the chef to do so.
      Missing: This is the Full English Alan MacKay should have received while dining at Sainsbury's in Nottingham
    Jehovah’s Witness regard blood as sacrosanct and if an animal hasn’t been bled to their standards they won’t eat it. 
    Mr MacKay, who had popped into the store after dropping his wife off at work at 9am, said:  'I know it sounds trivial, but it's the principal behind it that's ridiculous.
    'If she refuses to cook black pudding because of her religion, what is she doing working in a kitchen that sells it? She shouldn't be employed if she won't cook the menu.
      'I was really looking forward to my black pudding. You get a good breakfast in there.
    'But when I went into the cafe to order my black pudding, like as I have done before, I went away hungry. I was really cheesed off.
    'I came home and had my breakfast at 11.30am. I had crumpets, a poached egg and beans. I didn't buy black pudding because it's quite fatty so I only have it once a week or so.
    'Sainsbury's does a wonderful black pudding, so that's why I was so disappointed. It's one of the few big stores that sells black pudding. Morrison's doesn't.'
       Mistake: A spokeswoman said Mr MacKay was forced to go without due to a mix up between the kitchen team
    Mr MacKay said he was 'cheesed off' when he was not served his full meal at this Sainsbury's cafe because it usually serves up 'wonderful black pudding'
    Mr MacKay was offered a refund by Sainsbury's who explained the error was down to a mix up between the kitchen team on duty.
    A spokeswoman said a member of staff had misunderstood that the chef had asked them to prepare the black pudding, not that black pudding could not be served.
    'We have apologised to the customer for the misunderstanding.' she added. 
    Jehovah's Witnesses are a worldwide brotherhood amounting to over eight million members.
    Jehovah's say that as Jesus Christ did not limit his kingdom to a certain part of the world, they do not allow themselves to be attached to a country, ethnicity or political belief system.
    Members believe that the bible was inspired by God or 'Jehovah' and is completely historically accurate. As a result, if a theory clashes with the bible they believe it to be wrong.
    Jehovah's do believe in Jesus, but they think he died on a stake rather than a cross. This is because of the Greek word used for cross in the bible which translates to 'stake' or 'tree'.
    Members say that when someone dies their existence stops completely and as a result they do not believe in Hell. Their other reasoning for this is that God would not want to punish humans for eternity.
    Members do not accept blood transfusions because they believe God has forbidden this in the bible (In particular making reference Genesis 9:3-4 and Acts 15:19-21).
    Jehovah's say that God believes blood represents life, so out of respect and obedience they do not tamper with it.
    Source: Jehovah’s Witnesses

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3507433/Sainsbury-s-apologises-customer-told-not-black-pudding-English-breakfast-Jehovah-s-Witness-chef-not-prepare-it.html#ixzz43qzjk9F2 
  17. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Alzasior Lutor in Organizational Accomplishments - Remote Volunteers Begin Used by...   
    Organizational Accomplishments - Remote Volunteers Begin Used by Jehovah

  18. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from E dub in Ancient Egyptian amulet depicting a ram-headed falcon, made from...   
    Ancient Egyptian amulet depicting a ram-headed falcon, made from gold, lapis lazuli, turquoise, and carnelian.  Artist unknown; 26th regnal year of Ramesses II “the Great” = 1254 BCE.  Found in the tomb of an Apis bull in the Serapeum of Memphis, Saqqara; now in the Louvre.  Photo credit: Guillaume Blanchard/Wikimedia Commons.

  19. Haha
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  23. Haha
    The Librarian reacted to TrueTomHarley in Piñatas   
    My BOOKS, you old hen! You know it very well.
    My BOOKS, written by the most astute mind of our times, a person who, despite being undeniably brilliant, is unfailingly respectful of all persons and scrupulously  avoids ad hominem attacks!
    My BOOKS, you disgusting and ignorant, diuretec dinosaur! The ones you will not let me hawk in your library! They don't exactly fly off the shelf, you know, as they should, and as they WOULD but for not your petty rules!
    My BOOKS, which I pluralize because there are two, soon to be three. The third would come even sooner if I did not piddle away so much of my time here! It must be conceded, however, that I am also writing much of it here, so the relationship is symbiotic.
    My BOOKS, which you will only let me display on my profile page! My BOOKs, which ought to be required reading at your pathetic library, instead of the shelves upon shelves of the great philosophers down through the ages! If any of the thoughts they thunk were worth the paper they were printed on, it would be a much better world today, wouldn't it?
  24. Thanks
    The Librarian reacted to Evacuated in What is the difference between and oath and a vow?   
    For starters:
    *** Insight-2 p. 1162 Vow ***
    A solemn promise made to God to perform some act, make some offering or gift, enter some service or condition, or abstain from certain things not unlawful in themselves. A vow was a voluntary expression made of one’s own free will. Being a solemn promise, a vow carried the force of an oath or a swearing, and at times the two expressions accompany each other in the Bible. (Nu 30:2; Mt 5:33) “Vow” is more the declaration of intent, while “oath” denotes the appeal made to a higher authority attesting to the truthfulness or binding nature of the declaration. Oaths often accompanied attestation to a covenant.—Ge 26:28; 31:44, 53.
  25. Haha
    The Librarian reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Piñatas   
    I think he needs to chill a bit, and take a handful of Blamitol (tm).

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