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The Librarian

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    The Librarian reacted to JW Insider in Early Christians Believed in the Trinity   
    When I said that not every Witness would agree, I mean that most of us would require a lot of context, and prefer to "nuance" our way around it, before ever just using the expression "Jesus is God" and leaving it at that. It would be a rare thing to hear a prayer at the Hall end like this:
    ". . . And in the name of Mighty God, Jesus, we pray. Amen!"  or even,
    ". . . We come to You in the name of the Word, who is a god, Jesus Christ. Amen!"
    I started out a talk once with John 1:1 and gave it the emphasis that appears to be intended in the context of John 1.
    ". . . and the Word was with God, and the Word WAS A GOD!!!
    And of course it widened a few eyes, because we almost always read it as a proof-text against the Trinity, saying ". . . and the Word with with God, and Word was AAAAY god."
    John wasn't trying to point out that Jesus was only A god, as opposed to THE God. He was explaining the awesome privilege that mankind had just experienced by have a gOD in our midst, one who had spent a near eternity with the unapproachable, invisible GOD himself, and one who was therefore in the best position to explain the Father to us! John adds the following just a few sentences later:
    (John 1:14,18) 14 So the Word became flesh and resided among us, and we had a view of his glory, a glory such as belongs to an only-begotten son from a father; and he was full of undeserved kindness and truth. . . . 18 No man has seen God at any time; the only-begotten god who is in the bosom [position] with the Father is the one that has explained him. (NWT)
    In the talk, I could easily explain why I had given it the emphasis like that. But even though we might "call" Jesus "God" with a capital "G" you will find very few Witnesses who will "spell" it that way. That's why I pointed out the "pains" that the German NWT went to in order to make it different in John 1:1, even though all nouns have be to capitalized according to German grammar.
  2. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to JW Insider in Early Christians Believed in the Trinity   
    It would be nice to see a discussion of Trinity or one of it's sub-topics without so much diversion into topics about the phoenix bird, war, fish, and the pope's clothes. Someone said something about the phoenix and then someone else goes off on a tangent about how the word might have been translated in the LXX???? 
    Oh wait. That was me. Sorry.
    I usually stay out of Trinity discussions lately because I'm not very good at staying on topic.
    I have seen well-organized, well-written topics started on related subjects though. Such as a topic about how the Bible writers spoke about the holy spirit, and why it appears to be treated as a person. As I recall, hardly anyone responded at all. Maybe because it wasn't worded as a question, and most people who share in discussions here already knew what the poster thought.
    Here, Cos has asked a question, and the answers and responses range from mature to childish, some points are excellent and some are completely off-topic.
    Rather than add to the discussion as it is, I would just like to clarify something I added earlier.
    I don't know whether the earliest manuscripts of Job or the earliest LXX mentioned the phoenix bird. If it did, it does not necessarily mean that it was a real animal anyway. Apparently the book of Job makes use of references to symbolic animals or uses some "poetic license" and might even reference folklore. Getting off-topic, we claim that Jesus was doing the same when he drew on the common Jewish beliefs about life-after-death when he spoke of the "rich man and Lazarus." Perhaps this was no different than making a point while telling a humorous story that starts out: "A rabbi and a priest and a beggar all die at the same time and they are all standing at the Golden Gates in front of Saint Peter . . . ."  [How's that for a diversion!]
    I personally doubt that the book of Job ever intended to refer to the phoenix bird, and I doubt that there is enough evidence to show that the LXX originally had a reference to such a bird in this place. Once something is believed to be true, it's easy enough to go searching for proof texts to support it. But we can't rely on human translators, and we can't rely even on learned rabbis from any century in history to tell us anything definitive. A lot of very good and interesting material comes out of their commentary and a lot of really stupid stuff is there too.
    I like to imagine that we fretted over certain specific lines in the Bible for years, and maybe even "spilled a ton of ink" over it, and then we have an opportunity someday to ask Job what he meant here. I imagine he might laugh and say something that we would not have thought of in a million years:
    "A 'phoenix bird'? That's what you thought I meant? No. A 'phoenix' was the name my Egyptian friend always called this big, loud annoying bug, a special kind of cicada that flew up from Egypt. We called it the Nile bug, and some people have now called it the '17-year locust.' You see, it disappears for 17 years and then keeps coming back. I wasn't talking about resurrection, anyway, just the fact that I always thought that I might live a long and comfortable life and if anyone tried to get rid of me, I'd always come back; I'd always be there.  Since the topic is really about Trinity, I'll divert my attention to that topic for a minute. I don't think it's fair to say that Arians didn't appear until the 4th century. I don't think it's fair to tie a fish symbol to Egyptian hieroglyphics (or to imply that Christians should be under Jewish laws about the use of graphics and symbols. I don't think it's fair to say that a word must appear in the Bible before we can discuss whether the teaching is there. There is no mention of the word Neutrality, yet we have a Neutrality doctrine. Someone already mentioned that the term "Governing Body" is not in the Bible. For that matter there is no "Seven Gentile Times" either, and yet some Witnesses pretty much treat some of these teachings as if they are the central doctrines of the Witnesses.
    bruceq mentions that he has no problem saying Jesus is God (with a capital G). Not every JW would agree, but this is a good starting point, since we have some potential common ground to begin a serious discussion about Trinity without just "fighting about words." A lot of Trinitarians who put too much emphasis on a specific definition of Trinity would be happy to understand that we have a lot of good, Scriptural backing for our belief. On the subject of capital letters, I wondered how the NWT in German would get around the fact that, grammatically, it MUST put a capital G on "god" or any noun, even a "falsch Gott."
    (John/Johannes 1:1, NWT German/Deutsch) Im Anfang war das WORT, und das WORT war bei GOTT, und das WORT war ein Gott.
    Anyway, I'm not disciplined enough as a poster to try to get too involved in this conversation, but for the most part I'm enjoying it. Thanks.
  3. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Has the MADNESS over Caleb and Sophia subsided?   
    I grew up with Hula Hoops being the societal crazy thing of the time ... my children grew up with Pokemon Cards, and Sonic the Hedgehog video games.
    In 2015-2016 it seemed that Caleb and Sophia Merchandise, purses, briefcases, pins, buttons, slacks, suspenders and bow ties, and pictures, back car window decals, book covers, wall posters, 3d dolls like GB Bro. Anthony Morris III has in his Bethel Office, Videos, DVDs, coloring books, decorated birthd...er... baptism cakes, stand up displays, literature bags, greeting cards, Sophia colorful tote bags for girls, and Sophia cloth shopping bags for Wal-Mart, etc., book markers, key chains, 3d Printer statues of Caleb, ball point pens, and penlights, pins and brooches for older Sisters, and cartoon wall hangings for the inside of Caleb and Sophia dioramas, or JW.ORG men's ties, lapel pins, wristwatches, aluminum military style dog tags, rings, aluminum pendants for neck chains and charm bracelets, car bumper stickers, car window decals, women's pocket mirrors, flags to tie to radio aerials, etc. . Then there is the JW.ORG blue oversized umbrellas, Unisex Hoodie Jackets, neck lanyards, hand lunch boxes with Paradise scenes, and of course Caleb and Sophia., and to contrast, from Peru, a BRIGHT Pink Caleb and Sophia Bible cover entitled New World Translation of the HOLY SCRIPTURES ... over a large picture of guess whom?
    Of course the refrigerator magnets and motivational jewelry are big sellers, not so much for the Caleb crochetable doll ..were the craze and along with the JW.ORG logo seem to suck all the air out of the room.
    It is my perception that the "crazy years" have passed, or that it has become the new standard.
    Has the MADNESS over Caleb and Sophia subsided?
  4. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to JW Insider in Luke 10:7 - How are we to understand?   
    Jesus was referring to the preaching about a specific phase of the Kingdom preaching before the "axe came down" on the current representation of God's kingdom, those who thought they were protected just by being part of the Jewish nation. So Jesus was referring to how the disciples would not even make it through the circuit of the cities of Israel before this phase of the Son of Man's "coming" to execute judgment was complete - before 70 C.E.
    (Matthew 3:9-12) 9 Do not presume to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I say to you that God is able to raise up children for Abraham from these stones. 10 The ax is already lying at the root of the trees. Every tree, then, that does not produce fine fruit is to be cut down and thrown into the fire. 11 I, for my part, baptize you with water because of your repentance, but the one coming after me is stronger than I am, whose sandals I am not worthy to take off. That one will baptize you with holy spirit and with fire. 12 His winnowing shovel is in his hand, and he will clean up his threshing floor completely and will gather his wheat into the storehouse, but the chaff he will burn up with fire that cannot be put out.”
    (Matthew 10:23) 23 When they persecute you in one city, flee to another; for truly I say to you, you will by no means complete the circuit of the cities of Israel until the Son of man arrives.
    These cities all had a similar social structure. You could walk into a city and state your case and what you wanted to do and word would get around to everyone. If someone was interested they would invite you in to discuss it further. If no one was interested, the disciples could shake the dust off their feet and move on to the next city. But Jesus knew that there would be enough interest in his message so that there would be enough hospitality. So they needn't worry about anything. Enough people would be inviting them in and feeding them and giving them a place to stay, that they wouldn't even finish their work before the "end" of that particular phase of Kingdom preaching.
    (Luke 10:8-11) 8 “Also, wherever you enter into a city and they receive you, eat what is set before you 9 and cure the sick ones in it and tell them: ‘The Kingdom of God has come near to you.’ 10 But wherever you enter into a city and they do not receive you, go out into its main streets and say: 11 ‘We wipe off against you even the dust that sticks to our feet from your city. Nevertheless, know this, that the Kingdom of God has come near.’
    Our Christianity should be flexible and adaptive to meet changing social conditions. Paul worked in different types of cities, and he said that:
    (1 Corinthians 9:20-23) 20 To the Jews I became as a Jew in order to gain Jews; to those under law I became as under law, though I myself am not under law, in order to gain those under law. . . . I have become all things to people of all sorts, so that I might by all possible means save some. 23 But I do all things for the sake of the good news, in order to share it with others.
    The way we announce our intent to study with people in their homes and tell them about the good news is not the same as when we could make an announcement at the city gate and people would spread the word for us. Today we can go to as many houses as possible, and then come back to those who are willing to have us in their homes.
    The type of hospitality that Melinda and Eoin have spoken about still happens, as was pointed out. And there are certain types of cities and social structures in the world where the preaching work takes on the same flavor as Jesus instructed the evangelizers in Luke.
    In London in 1611 under King James, there was no city square or single public forum to announce yourself, and there was absolutely no guarantee of hospitality. So the translators evidently thought that Greek terms like "κατ᾽ οἶκον" (by houses) was a match to the idea of  "ἐξ οἰκίας εἰς οἰκίαν" (from house to house) even though it produced an apparent contradiction to Jesus' instruction. Although it might be better to translate the Greek expressions at Acts 20:20 and Acts 5:42 with the term "in their houses" or "at home" it is still a distinct possibility that the expression could mean "from house to house" as it does when the context implies it. The better translation of Acts 5:42, is found in some more modern translations:
    Acts 5:42 Revised Standard Version (RSV) And every day in the temple and at home they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.
    But Acts 8:3 in the same translation, for the same Greek expression, says:
    "But Saul was ravaging the church, and entering house after house, he dragged off men and women and committed them to prison." (Acts 8:3, RSV)
    Although the KJV is inconsistent in using "house-to-house" for these expressions, it translates "κατ᾽ οἶκον" (by houses) as "from house to house" in one place where the NWT doesn't.
    And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, (Acts 2:46, KJV)
    In that place, even though it is the same expression, "κατ᾽ οἶκον," [where the NWT usually translates "from house to house."] the NWT uses another expression this time:
    (Acts 2:46) 46 And day after day they were in constant attendance in the temple with a united purpose, and they took their meals in different homes and shared their food with great rejoicing and sincerity of heart,
    Paul evidently did not go from "house to house" to do any initial preaching --it was his usual practice to go into the local synagogue or an open agora or forum-- but he did teach in people's homes, and met the believers in their homes.  But if he had preached from house to house, we know that it would have been because of the different social structure in the places he went. It would not have contradicted Jesus' instruction in Luke 10.
  5. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Benjamin Mowbray in Time In Which We Are Now Interested - Talk by Frederick W. Franz   
    by Fredrick William Franz
    Time In Which We Are Now Interested
    Los Angeles Sports Arena, Feb 5 1975
    I no longer have the version above....
    Although here is a version from Australia:

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  6. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Time In Which We Are Now Interested - Talk by Frederick W. Franz   
    by Fredrick William Franz
    Time In Which We Are Now Interested
    Los Angeles Sports Arena, Feb 5 1975
    I no longer have the version above....
    Although here is a version from Australia:

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  7. Thanks
    The Librarian got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Shun your inactive family members and report them if you suspect they are sinning    
    The outline posted online shows that there is a reference to the 07/15 1985 WT, page 19, para 14. This says:
    To be fair this is not a completely new tack. The example in the talk is taken from the WT 85 7/15 page19 para14
    In the video of the talk available online the speaker uses this almost verbatim.
  8. Upvote
  9. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to JW Insider in Early Hebrews Believed in Leviathan   
    The NWT Glossary says the following about Leviathan:
    *** nwtstg Leviathan ***
    An animal usually associated with water, apparently some form of aquatic creature. At Job 3:8 and 41:1, it seems to refer to the crocodile or some other aquatic creature of great proportions and strength. At Psalm 104:26, it may be some type of whale. Elsewhere it is used figuratively and is not identifiable with any one animal.—Ps 74:14; Isa 27:1.
    So with words like "apparently" and "seems to refer" the Watchtower publications no longer tie the word to a specific real creature, although the crocodile (or perhaps a type of whale) is still preferred in the sense that it is the only real animal we know of that comes anywhere close to the description.
    The Glossary also shows that two important uses (Psalms and Isaiah) are symbolic anyway.
    (Psalm 104:25, 26) 25 There is the sea, so great and wide, Teeming with countless living things, both small and great. 26 There the ships travel, And Le·viʹa·than, which you formed to play in it.
    This is the reference that the Glossary considers be a whale, since it is far out to sea -- not a place where crocodiles go. A careful reading of Job 41, however, also indicated the depths of the sea in the description of Job's Leviathan.
    Psalm 74:14 is quoted here with more context, so that the symbolism is clearer. The symbolism would remind the Jewish readers (and psalm-singers) about Pharoah in Egypt and Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon, because both were major "taunters." In context, the main theme seems to be that the Temple had just been burned, and Jehovah seems to have abandoned them, yet they knew Jehovah's power, the same power that could kill a Leviathan. As the book of Job had said, Jehovah had made it and only its Maker could kill it.
    (Psalm 74:1-23) 74 Why, O God, have you rejected us forever? Why does your anger burn against the flock of your pasture?  . . . Remember Mount Zion, where you have resided.  3 Direct your steps to the perpetual ruins. The enemy has devastated everything in the holy place.  4 Your foes roared inside your meeting place. They have set up their own banners as signs there.  5 They were like men wielding axes against a thick forest.  6 They broke up all its engravings with axes and iron bars.  7 They set your sanctuary on fire. They profaned the tabernacle bearing your name, casting it to the ground.  8 They and their offspring have said in their hearts: “All the meeting places of God in the land must be burned.”  9 There are no signs for us to see; There is no longer any prophet, And no one among us knows how long this will last. 10 How long, O God, will the adversary keep taunting? Will the enemy treat your name with disrespect forever? 11 Why do you hold back your hand, your right hand? Draw it out of your bosom and put an end to them. 12 But God is my King from long ago, The one performing acts of salvation on the earth. 13 You stirred up the sea with your strength; You smashed the heads of the sea monsters in the waters. 14 You crushed the heads of Le·viʹa·than; You gave it as food to the people, to those inhabiting the deserts. . . .18 Remember the enemy’s taunts, O Jehovah, How a foolish people treats your name with disrespect. 19 Do not surrender the life of your turtledove to the wild beasts. Do not forget the life of your afflicted people forever. 20 Remember the covenant, For the dark places of the earth have become full of the haunts of violence. . . . Remember how the foolish taunt you all day long. 23 Do not forget what your foes are saying. The uproar of those who defy you is ascending constantly.
    Several things I thought were notable here, not the least of which is the fact that Leviathan has multiple heads in verse 14. Leviathan therefore represents "the taunting adversary." The "wild beasts" in verse 19 wish to swallow up the afflicted people, but the prayer is that Jehovah remember his covenant, and take note that the "taunting" is against his name.
    A quick aside: The taunt-song motif, by the way, is known in ancient psalms and poetry. Isaiah 14 is a good example. The idea was also used in one of our old Kingdom Songs. Note the song titled: "The Taunt-Song Against Satan" as Song 75 in the linked songbook that we used from 1950 to 1966. It's a song we rarely sang. The year before I got baptized we got a new songbook, so I barely remember it.
    In Isaiah we have a similar reminder that Jehovah could strike the heads of Leviathan (without mentioning Leviathan) so that the Assyrians would have to let the Israelites go back home, just as Jehovah had struck at them when Pharoah trapped them at the Red Sea.
    (Isaiah 11:15, 16) 15 And Jehovah will certainly cut off the tongue of the Egyptian sea, and wave his hand at the River [Euphrates, NWT fn]  in the glow of his spirit. And he must strike it in [its] seven torrents, and he will actually cause people to walk in [their] sandals. 16 And there must come to be a highway out of As·syrʹi·a for the remnant of his people who will remain over, just as there came to be [one] for Israel in the day of his coming up out of the land of Egypt.
    Note how this same idea is carried forward in Isaiah chapter 27 to a time of full restitution:
    (Isaiah 27:1-8) 27 In that day Jehovah, with his harsh and great and strong sword, Will turn his attention to Le·viʹa·than, the gliding serpent, To Le·viʹa·than, the twisting serpent, And he will kill the monster that is in the sea.  . . .  4 There is no wrath in me. Who will confront me with thornbushes and weeds in the battle? I will trample them and set them on fire all together.  . . .  8 With a startling cry you will contend with her when sending her away. He will expel her with his fierce blast in the day of the east wind.
    I'm guessing that there might even be a connection between these multiple "heads of Leviathan" and the idea that the dragon and beast of Revelation has 7 heads.
    (Revelation 12:3, 4) 3 Another sign was seen in heaven. Look! A great fiery-colored dragon, with seven heads and ten horns and on its heads seven diadems;
    (Revelation 13:1, 2) . . .And I saw a wild beast ascending out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, and on its horns ten diadems, but on its heads blasphemous names. 2 Now the wild beast that I saw was like a leopard, but its feet were like those of a bear, and its mouth was like a lion’s mouth. And the dragon gave to the beast its power and its throne and great authority.
    The tie-in to a taunting Adversary is the same as in Psalms and the similar idea in Isaiah. Traditionally, even the old pre-Biblical fables about a "Leviathan" also showed a beast with 7 heads. The similarly described Greek "Hydra" was often shown with 7 heads. This made it a useful symbol of the power of the beastly world powers (who get their power from Satan the Adversary) and which could only be broken at a time when Jehovah sees fit for these powers to be broken.
    Note: http://jewishstudies.rutgers.edu/docman/rendsburg/56-ut-68-and-the-tell-asmar-seal/file
    The picture is of the god "Baal" killing the 7 headed "Leviathan" or its near equivalent, dated to older than 2200 BCE. (4,200 years old!)

  10. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to JW Insider in Early Hebrews Believed in Leviathan   
    Me, too. We all know that the Bible refers to "beasts" and "dragons" in the apocalyptic books such as Daniel and Revelation, but I guess we just didn't want them mentioned as if they were "real" in the book of Job.
    The Librarian pointed out that someone had asked me a question about Enoch (non-canonical apocalyptic book), where Leviathan and Behemoth are mentioned together in a very curious way. To answer that question, I thought it was a good idea to set up the background comparing what we have believed about Behemoth and Leviathan compared to what some of the Bible-believers in Bible times believed about them.
  11. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from JayDubya in Aid to Bible Understanding   

    Download link here. (Large file 455MB!)

    Principal author of this book: Raymond Franz - Later member of the Governing Body and nephew of Frederick W. Franz

  12. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to JW Insider in Early Hebrews Believed in Leviathan   
    When I was a boy, I heard my father give the Society's hour talk on the book of Job about 10 times. The talk spent a good portion of the time showing that Behemoth was a hippopotamus, and Leviathan was a crocodile.
    Of course, very little time was spent on the fact that the book of Job also says the following about the Behemoth, which is not at all true of a hippo:
    (Job 40:15-20) 15 Here, now, is Be·heʹmoth, which I made as I made you. . . . 17It stiffens [or, sways] its tail like a cedar; The sinews of its thighs are woven together. 18 Its bones are tubes of copper; Its limbs are like wrought-iron rods. 19It ranks first [or, "it is the beginning" -- NWT footnote] among the works of God; Only its Maker can approach it with his sword. 20For the mountains produce food for it, Where all the wild animals play.
    The little tail of the hippopotamus does not move or sway like a cedar. It was hardly the beginning of God's creative works. The mountains do not produce food for it. Creatures much more terrifying than hippos have been caught and hunted by man for centuries. When we know what Behemoth is we can then understand why it is tied to the creation of man (cf. "which I made as I made you"), and why it is said to be "first" among God's creative works. Another curious thing about "Behemoth" is that it is a plural word. If it is a type of "plural of majesty" (as in Elohim, or "God of Gods"), then it could mean something like, "Beast of Beasts."
    The Leviathan is even less like a crocodile than Behemoth is like a hippo. Note:
    (Job 41:1-34) . . .“Can you catch Le·viʹa·than with a fishhook Or hold down its tongue with a rope?  . . . 7 Will you fill its hide with harpoons Or its head with fishing spears?  8 Lay your hand on it; You will remember the battle and never do it again!  9 Any hope of subduing it is futile. The mere sight of it would overwhelm you. 10 No one dares to stir it up. . . . 12 I will not be silent about its limbs, About its mightiness and its well-formed body. 13 Who has removed its outer covering? Who will enter its open jaws? 14 Who can pry open the doors of its mouth? Its teeth all around are fearsome. 15 Its back has rows of scales Tightly sealed together. 16 Each one fits so closely to the other That no air can come between them. 17 They are stuck to one another; They cling together and cannot be separated. 18 Its snorting flashes out light, And its eyes are like the rays of dawn. Flashes of lightning go out of its mouth; Fiery sparks escape. 20 Smoke pours out of its nostrils, Like a furnace fueled with rushes. 21 Its breath sets coals ablaze, And a flame shoots from its mouth. 22 There is great strength in its neck, And dismay runs before it. 23 The folds of its flesh are tightly joined together; They are firm, as though cast upon it and immovable. 24 Its heart is hard as stone, Yes, hard as a lower millstone. 25 When it rises up, even the mighty are frightened; Its thrashing causes bewilderment. 26 No sword that reaches it will prevail; Nor will spear, dart, or arrowhead. 27 It regards iron as straw, Copper as rotten wood. 28 An arrow does not make it flee; Slingstones turn into stubble against it. 29 It regards a club as stubble, And it laughs at the rattling of a javelin. 30 Underneath, it is like sharp fragments of pottery; It spreads itself in the mud like a threshing sledge. 31It makes the deep boil just like a pot; It stirs up the sea like an ointment pot. 32 It leaves a glistening wake in its path. One would think that the deep had white hair. 33 There is nothing like it on the earth, A creature made to have no fear. 34 It glares at everything that is haughty. It is king over all the majestic wild beasts.”
    Do crocodiles snort out fire and sparks from their nostrils? Do their eyes shine brightly? Does lightning go out of its mouth? is it like a furnace inside, so that its very breath sends a flame that can set coals ablaze? Does it really stir up the deep seas like a cauldron? Looking again at the New World Translation it's hard for me to believe, now, that I ever thought this was a crocodile.
    Of course, part of the problem is that Witnesses, like many fundamentalist religions, too, do not want to see "fabulous" creatures in the Bible. It opens up the Bible to ridicule if it refers to "real" dragons and unicorns and beasts that seem never to have existed. Yet the idea appears even more "fabulous" if we read from some other translations, or more especially, the "Septuagint" LXX era translations, which would have been based on Hebrew manuscripts from as early as 400 BCE, rather than the NWT which is based on Hebrew manuscripts from as late as 1100 CE.
    Here are some of the quotes from Job in the LXX: http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/nets/edition/28-iob-nets.pdf
    Job 40:15-23 But look now you are familiar with "monsters" [Behemoth]; they eat grass like cows. Look now its strength is in its loins, and its power in its belly's navel. It stood up its tail like a cypress, and its sinews have been interwoven. Its flanks are flanks of copper, and its spine is cast iron. . . . This is the chief of what the Lord created, made to be mocked at by his angels. But when it went up on a steep mountain, it brought its gladness to the quadrupeds in Tartarus. . . . If there is a flood, it will never take notice. {*It trusts that the Jordan will tumble into its mouth.}
    Job 40:25-41:26 [Masoretic 41:1-34] And will you catch a dragon [Leviathan] with a fish hook? . . . And do nations feed on it, and do the Phoenician races divvy it up? And a whole fleet, gathered, cannot carry the mere skin of its tail. {and its head in fisherman's boats}. But you will lay a hand on it, though you remember the battle that is waging in its body, and let it happen no more! . . . Who will uncover the front of what it is wearing? And who could enter the plate of its cuirass? Who will open the gates of its face? Fear is all around its teeth. Its inwards are bronze shields. . . . Light shines forth at its sneezing and its eyes have the look of the morning star. From its mouth proceed flaming torches, and fiery braziers are being cast forth. From its nostrils smoke of a furnace burning with the fire of coals. Its soul is coals, and a flame proceeds from its mouth. . . . Its heart is solid like stone, and it stands like an unyielding anvil. . . . It makes the deep boil like a caldron and regards the sea as a pot of ointment and Tartarus of the deep as a captive. . . . There is nothing else on earth like it, made to be mocked at by my angels. Everything high it sees, and it is king over all that are in the waters.
    The basic idea remains in modern translations, but there is some evidence that the Masoretic text (which the NWT is based upon) has often cleaned up what was thought to be embarrassing to medieval rabbis in the intervening centuries. The references to "Tartarus" [see Greek mythology] are curious, especially due to 2 Peter 2:4. But the additional references to Leviathan in the Hebrew Scriptures are just as striking.
  13. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to JayDubya in Kingdom Hall Arson Attempt   
    Arlington, VA. Falls Church Area.  This is the 2nd time this has happened.  ??
  14. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to JayDubya in Kingdom Hall Arson Attempt   
  15. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Part of a series on: Jehovah's Witnesses

    The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses is the ruling council of Jehovah's Witnesses[1] based in Brooklyn, New York. The body assumes responsibility for formulating policy and doctrines, producing material for publications and conventions, and administering its worldwide branch office staff.[2][3] Members of the Governing Body say they are followers of Christ rather than religious leaders.[4] One member explained the Governing Body as being "Guardians of the Doctrine" when under oath in Australia in 2015.[119]
    Its size has varied, from seven (2010–2012)[5] to eighteen (1974–1980)[6]members.[7][8] As of October 2012, there are eight members.[5] Members of the Governing Body are not elected; membership is only possible by invitation of existing members.[9]Updated: Current list of the Governing Body as of October 2014

    The Governing Body in 1975
    Since its incorporation in 1884, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania has been directed by a president and board of directors. Until January 1976, the president exercised complete control of doctrines, publications and activity of the Watch Tower Society and the religious denominations with which it was connected—the Bible Students and Jehovah's Witnesses.[10][11][12]
    When the Society's second president, J.F. Rutherford, encountered opposition from directors in 1917, he dismissed them; in 1925 he overruled the Watch Tower Society's editorial committee—selected by Charles Taze Russell to have editorial control of The Watch Tower after his death—when it opposed publication of an article that altered doctrines on Bible chronology related to 1914. In 1931, the editorial committee was dissolved.[13][14] 
    as of 2013
    In 1943 The Watchtower described the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society as the "legal governing body" of anointed Jehovah's Witnesses.[15] A year later, in an article opposing the democratic election of congregation elders, the magazine said the appointment of congregation servants was the duty of "a visible governing body under Jehovah God and his Christ."[16] For several years, the role and specific identity of the governing body remained otherwise undefined. A 1955 organizational handbook stated that "the visible governing body has been closely identified with the board of directors of this corporation."[17] Referring to events related to their 1957 convention, a 1959 publication said "the spiritual governing body of Jehovah’s witnesses watched the developments [then] the president of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society [acted]."[18] The 1970 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses noted that the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania was the organization used to plan the activity of Jehovah's Witnesses and provide them with "spiritual food", then declared: "So really the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses is the board of directors of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania."[19]
    On October 1, 1971, Watch Tower Society vice-president Frederick Franz addressed the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania corporation in Buckingham, Pennsylvania, stating that the legal corporation of the Watch Tower Society was an "agency" or "temporary instrument" used by the Governing Body on behalf of the"faithful and discreet slave".[20] Three weeks later, on October 20, four additional men joined the seven members of the Society's board of directors on what became known as a separate, expanded Governing Body.[21] The board of directors had until then met only sporadically, usually only to discuss the purchase of property or new equipment, leaving decisions concerning material to be published in Watch Tower Society publications to the president and vice-president, Nathan Knorr and Fred Franz.[20][22] The Watchtower of December 15, 1971 was the first to unambiguously capitalize the term "Governing Body of Jehovah's witnesses" as the defined group leading the religion, with a series of articles explaining its role and its relationship with the Watch Tower Society.[2][23]
    The focus on the new concept of "theocratic" leadership was accompanied by statements that the structure was not actually new: The Watch Tower declared that "a governing body made its appearance" some time after the formation of Zion's Watch Tower Society in 1884,[24] though it had not beenreferred to as such at the time.[10]
    The article claimed that Watch Tower Society president Charles Taze Russell had been a member of the governing body.[24] The 1972 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses stated that following Rutherford's death in 1942 "one of the first things that the governing body decided upon was the inauguration of the Theocratic Ministry School" and added that the "governing body" had published millions of books and Bibles in the previous thirty years.[25] Raymond Franz has disputed those claims, stating that the actions of presidents Russell, Rutherford and Knorr in overriding and failing to consult with directors proved the Bible Students and Jehovah's Witnesses had been under a monarchical rule until 1976, leaving no decisions to a "governing body".[26]
    In 1972, a Question From Readers article in The Watchtower further reinforced the concept of the "Governing Body"; the magazine said the term referred to an agency that administers policy and provides organizational direction, guidance and regulation and was therefore "appropriate, fitting and Scriptural."[23][27]Organizational changes at the highest levels of the Watch Tower Society in 1976 significantly increased the powers and authority of the Governing Body.[28] The body has never had a legal corporate existence and operates through the Watch Tower Society and its board of directors.[29]

    After its formal establishment in 1971, the Governing Body met regularly but, according to Raymond Franz, only briefly; Franz claims meetings were sometimes as short as seven minutes,[30] to make decisions about branch appointments and conduct that should be considered disfellowshipping offenses.[31][32] Franz claims that in 1971 and again in 1975, the Governing Body debated the extent of the authority it should be given.[33]
    Headquarters purge

    Raymond Franz claimed that in 1980, unease with doctrines surrounding the significance of 1914 surfaced within the Governing Body. In February of that year, three Governing Body members—aware that those who had been alive in 1914 were dying out despite the teaching that their generation would live to see Armageddon—proposed a doctrinal change to identify the "generation" who would see Armageddon as those who witnessed the 1957 launch of the Russian satellite Sputnik, which would be considered a 'sign in heaven'.The proposal, which would have extended the deadline for Armageddon by 43 years, failed to gain a majority vote.[36][37] Former Witnesses James Penton and Heather and Gary Botting claimed that internal dissatisfaction with official doctrines continued to grow, leading to a series of secret investigations and judicial hearings. As a result, the Governing Body led a purge of dissenting Brooklyn headquarters staff in April and May 1980.[38][39][40] Raymond Franz claimed he was forced to resign from the Governing Body, and he was later disfellowshipped from the religion. The Watch Tower Society responded with a new, hardened attitude towards the treatment of expelled Witnesses.[38][39][41] In his 1997 study of the religion, Penton concluded that since Raymond Franz's expulsion in 1980, the Governing Body displayed an increased level of conservatism, sturdy resistance to changes of policy and doctrines, and an increased tendency to isolate dissidents within the organization by means of disfellowshipping.[42]
    The April 15, 1992 issue of The Watchtower carried an article entitled Jehovah’s Provision, the “Given Ones” which drew a parallel between ancient non-Israelites who had been assigned temple duties (the "Nethinim" and "sons of the servants of Solomon") and Witness elders in positions of responsibility immediately under the oversight of the Governing Body who did not profess to be "anointed".[43]Both that issue of The Watchtower and the 1993 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses carried the same announcement:
    In view of the tremendous increase worldwide, it seems appropriate at this time to provide the Governing Body with some additional assistance. Therefore it has been decided to invite several helpers, mainly from among the great crowd, to share in the meetings of each of the Governing Body Committees, that is, the Personnel, Publishing, Service, Teaching, and Writing Committees. Thus, the number attending the meetings of each of these committees will be increased to seven or eight. Under the direction of the Governing Body committee members, these assistants will take part in discussions and will carry out various assignments given them by the committee. This new arrangement goes into effect May 1, 1992. For many years now, the number of the remnant of anointed Witnesses has been decreasing, while the number of the great crowd has increased beyond our grandest expectations.[44][45]
    Each of the current Governing Body members served as a committee "helper" before being appointed to the Governing Body itself.[46][47][48] The appointment of helpers to the Governing Body committees was described in 2006 as "still another refinement."[49]

    2000 and beyond
    Until 2000, the directors and officers of the Watch Tower Society were members of the Governing Body. Since then, members of the ecclesiastical Governing Body have not served as directors of any of the various corporations used by Jehovah's Witnesses, and the Governing Body has delegated such administrative responsibilities to other members of the religion.[50] The current president of the Watch Tower Society, Don A. Adams, is not a member of the Governing Body. As of October 2012, the Governing Body comprises eight members, as shown below.
    Governing Body 2003 

    Photo shot prior to the death of Guy Pierce in the 2014 release "God's Kingdom Rules!"
    One of our favorite moments of Annual Meeting…when all 7 of the Governing Body came out and sang with the Watchtower Chorus the last and newest song called: “Jehovah Is Your Name”….what a powerful and moving 100 Year Celebration! @stephendianna
    See also
    Organizational structure of Jehovah's Witnesses Letters from the Governing Body Funeral (Memorial) Programs for late **Governing Body** Members How to remember Governing Body Members' names Governing Body signing Bibles for public officials Residences of the Governing Body David H Splane: The Slave Is Not 1900 Years Old - Matt 24v45 - Frederick W. Franz was against the formation of a Governing Body References
    Penton, M. James (1997). Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. p. 216. ISBN 0-8020-7973-3. "Questions From Readers". The Watchtower: 703. November 15, 1972. "Our active leader today", The Watchtower, September 15, 2010, page 27, "They recognize, however, that Christ is using a small group of anointed Christian men as a Governing Body to lead and direct his disciples on earth." "Bearing Thorough Witness" About God's Kingdom. Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. 2009. p. 110. As of September 2005, twelve members listed (See The Watchtower, March 15, 2006, page 26)
    Schroeder died March 8, 2006. (See The Watchtower, September 15, 2006, page 31)
    Sydlik died April 18, 2006. (See The Watchtower, January 1, 2007, page 8)
    Barber died April 8, 2007. (See The Watchtower, October 15, 2007, page 31)
    Jaracz died June 9, 2010. (See The Watchtower, November 15, 2010, page 23)
    Barr died December 4, 2010. (See The Watchtower, May 15, 2011, page 6)
    Mark Sanderson appointed in September 2012 "A New Member of the Governing Body", The Watchtower, July 15, 2013, page 26.[1] Penton, M. James (1997). Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. p. 217. ISBN 0-8020-7973-3. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania (2007). Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses. pp. 4, 6. Botting, Heather & Gary (1984). The Orwellian World of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. p. 178. ISBN 0-8020-6545-7. Franz, Raymond (2007). In Search of Christian Freedom. Commentary Press. p. 123. ISBN 0-914675-17-6. Franz, Raymond (2007). Crisis of Conscience. Commentary Press. p. 58.ISBN 0-914675-23-0. Franz, Raymond (2007). In Search of Christian Freedom. Commentary Press. pp. 186, footnote. ISBN 0-914675-17-6. Penton, M. James (1997). Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. pp. 162–163, 214. ISBN 0-8020-7973-3. Franz, Raymond (2007). Crisis of Conscience. Commentary Press. pp. 61–62. ISBN 0-914675-23-0. Penton, M. James (1997). Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. p. 59. ISBN 0-8020-7973-3. The Watchtower. July 15, 1943. page 216, paragraph 24. The Watchtower. November 1, 1944. page 328, paragraph 32. Qualified to be Ministers. Watch Tower Society. 1955. p. 381. cited by Raymond Franz, Crisis of Conscience, page 74 "Divine Will International Assembly of Jehovah’s Witnesses", The Watchtower, February 15, 1959, page 115, "So with intense interest the spiritual governing body of Jehovah’s witnesses watched the developments... Without delay the president of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society closed a contract with the owners to use the Polo Grounds simultaneously with Yankee Stadium." Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses. Watch Tower Society. 1970. p. 65. Franz, Raymond (2007). Crisis of Conscience. Commentary Press. p. 57.ISBN 0-914675-23-0. Franz, Raymond. Crisis of Conscience. p. 44. The seven directors at October 20 were Nathan Knorr, Fred Franz, Grant Suiter, Thomas Sullivan, Milton Henschel, Lyman Swingle and John Groh. The additional four to form the Governing Body were William Jackson, Leo Greenlees, George Gangas and Raymond Franz. Testimony by Fred Franz, Lord Strachan vs. Douglas Walsh Transcript, Lord Strachan vs. Douglas Walsh, 1954, as cited by Raymond Franz, Crisis of Conscience, 2007, page 75-76. "Theocratic Organization with Which to Move Forward Now; A Governing Body as Different from a Legal Corporation". The Watchtower. December 15, 1971. "A Governing Body as Different from a Legal Corporation". The Watchtower: 761. December 15, 1971. Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses. 1972. pp. 254–257. Franz, Raymond (2007). Crisis of Conscience. Commentary Press. p. 78.ISBN 0-914675-23-0. "Questions From Readers". The Watchtower: 703. November 15, 1972. Franz, Raymond (2007). Crisis of Conscience. Commentary Press. pp. 44–110. ISBN 0-914675-23-0. Penton, M. James (1997). Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. p. 228. ISBN 0-8020-7973-3. Franz, Raymond (2007). Crisis of Conscience. Commentary Press. p. 45.ISBN 0-914675-23-0. Franz, Raymond (2007). Crisis of Conscience. Commentary Press. p. 46.ISBN 0-914675-23-0. Penton, M. James (1997). Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. p. 215. ISBN 0-8020-7973-3. Franz, Raymond (2007). Crisis of Conscience. Commentary Press. pp. 81–105. ISBN 0-914675-23-0. Franz, Raymond (2007). Crisis of Conscience. Commentary Press. pp. 80–107. ISBN 0-914675-23-0. Jehovah's Witnesses–Proclaimers of God's Kingdom. Watch Tower Society. 1993. pp. 108–109. Penton, M. James (1997). Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. p. 218. ISBN 0-8020-7973-3. Franz, Raymond (1997). Crisis of Conscience. p. 262. Penton, M. James (1997). Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. pp. 117–123. ISBN 0-8020-7973-3. Botting, Heather & Gary (1984). The Orwellian World of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. pp. 158–165. ISBN 0-8020-6545-7. "Witness Under Prosecution", Richard H. Ostling, Anne Constable,//Time// Magazine, February 22, 1982. Franz, Raymond (2007). "11-12". Crisis of Conscience. Commentary Press. Penton, M. James (1997). Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. pp. 219, 297–302, 319. ISBN 0-8020-7973-3. "Jehovah’s Provision, the “Given Ones”", The Watchtower, April 15, 1992, pages 16-17 "Announcement", The Watchtower, April 15, 1992, page 31 "Organizing for Further Expansion", 1993 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, ©Watch Tower, page 253-254 "Governing Body Addition", The Watchtower, November 1, 1994, page 29, "The new member is Gerrit Lösch. ... Lösch has served in the Executive Offices and as an assistant to the Service Committee." "New Members of the Governing Body", The Watchtower, January 1, 2000, page 29, "The new members, all anointed Christians, are Samuel F. Herd; M. Stephen Lett; Guy H. Pierce; and David H. Splane. Samuel Herd ... was also serving as a helper to the Service Committee. Stephen Lett ... was a helper to the Teaching Committee. Guy Pierce ... had been serving as a helper to the Personnel Committee. David Splane ... had been a helper to the Writing Committee." "New Members of the Governing Body", The Watchtower, March 15, 2006, page 26, "Geoffrey W. Jackson and Anthony Morris III—would be added to the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. ... In April 2003, [Jackson] became part of the United States Bethel family and began to work in the Translation Services Department. Soon thereafter, Brother Jackson was made a helper to the Teaching Committee of the Governing Body ... 2002 [Morris] worked in the Service Department at Patterson and later as a helper to the Service Committee of the Governing Body." "Walking in the Path of Increasing Light", The Watchtower, February 15, 2006, page 28 "How the Governing Body Differs From a Legal Corporation". The Watchtower: 29. 15 January 2001. The Watchtower, May 15, 2008, page 29 "How the Governing Body is Organized", The Watchtower, May 15, 2008, page 29. Franz, Raymond (2007). Crisis of Conscience. Commentary Press. pp. 85, 115. ISBN 0-914675-23-0. "A History-Making Meeting", The Watchtower, Aug. 15, 2011, page 21. "Schools That Teach Jehovah's Ways", //2012 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses//, page 13-17. "Theocratic Schools-Evidence of Jehovah's Love", //The Watchtower//, September 15, 2012, page 13-17. "A “Body of Elders” with Rotating Chairmanship", The Watchtower, November 15, 1971, pages 699,700, "how will the “body of elders” in each congregation be selected? The governing body through the Watch Tower Society will send out a letter asking the committee that now looks after each congregation’s activity to...prayerfully consider who within your congregation really meets the qualifications of an elder or overseer. ...Then recommendations will be made to the governing body. ...After the governing body receives recommendations from the congregation, then proper appointments will be made. The governing body will do the appointing of elders in every congregation and this information will be sent out by the governing body through the various offices of the Society throughout the world." Hope Based on the Unfolding Purpose of God", The Watchtower, February 1, 1975, page 86 "Overseers and Ministerial Servants Theocratically Appointed", The Watchtower, January 15, 2001, page 15 "Overseers and Ministerial Servants Theocratically Appointed", The Watchtower, January 15, 2001, page 15, "In addition to appointing Branch Committee members, the Governing Body appoints Bethel elders and traveling overseers. However, they do commission responsible brothers to act for them in making certain other appointments." "“Keep Holding Men of That Sort Dear”", The Watchtower, October 1, 1988, page 18-19, "[The] traveling overseers sent forth by the Governing Body to preach the good news and help the congregations should be received hospitably and with respect. ...Elders, in particular, should show proper respect for these visiting representatives of the Governing Body. They are sent to the congregations because of their spiritual qualities and their experience, which is usually more extensive than that of many local elders." [emph added] "Cooperating With the Governing Body Today", The Watchtower, March 15, 1990, pages 19-20, "Since February 1, 1976, each of the branches of the Watch Tower Society has had a Branch Committee made up of capable men appointed by the Governing Body. As representatives of the Governing Bodyfor the country or countries under the supervision of their branch, these brothers must be faithful, loyal men. ...Branch Committees recommend mature, spiritual men to serve as circuit and district overseers. After being appointed directly by the Governing Body, they serve as traveling overseers. These brothers visit circuits and congregations in order to build them up spiritually and help them apply instructions received from the Governing Body." [emph added] "Humbly Submitting to Loving Shepherds", The Watchtower, April 1, 2007, page 27 "The Watchtower and Awake!—Timely Journals of Truth". The Watchtower: 21. January 1, 1994. "Building for an Eternal Future". The Watchtower: 25. January 1, 1986. 2012 Annual Meeting Program (Gov. Body is "Faithful & Discreet Slave" explained in 8 minute clip) "Seek God's guidance in all things", The Watchtower, April 15, 2008, page 11. "‘They Shall Know that a Prophet Was Among Them’". The Watchtower: 200. April 1, 1972. "the modern-day “prophet,” the spirit-begotten, anointed ones who are the nucleus of Jehovah’s witnesses today" "The Things Revealed Belong to Us", The Watchtower, May 15, 1986, page 13. Franz, Raymond (2007). In Search of Christian Freedom. Commentary Press. p. 153. ISBN 0-914675-17-6. The Faithful Steward and Its Governing Body, The Watchtower, June 15, 2009, page 24 ¶18 Penton, M. James (1997). Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. p. 211. ISBN 0-8020-7973-3. "The faithful slave and its governing body", The Watchtower, June 15, 2009, pages 23-24, "They do not believe that their being of the anointed gives them special insights beyond what even some experienced members of the "great crowd" may have. They do not believe that they necessarily have more holy spirit than their companions of the 'other sheep' have. They do not expect special treatment; nor do they claim that their partaking of the emblems places them above the appointed elders in the congregation." "A Secret Christians Dare Not Keep!", The Watchtower, June 1, 1997, page 14. "Insight That Jehovah Has Given", The Watchtower, March 15, 1989, page 22, "It is through the columns of The Watchtower that explanations of vital Scriptural truths have been provided for us by Jehovah’s 'faithful and discreet slave.' The Watchtower is the principal instrument used by the 'slave' class for dispensing spiritual food." "The faithful slave and its governing body", The Watchtower, June 15, 2009, pages 23-24. "The Spirit Searches into the Deep Things of God", The Watchtower, July 15, 2010, page 23, "When the time comes to clarify a spiritual matter in our day, holy spirit helps responsible representatives of 'the faithful and discreet slave' at world headquarters to discern deep truths that were not previously understood. The Governing Body as a whole considers adjusted explanations. What they learn, they publish for the benefit of all." "Question From Readers", "The Watchtower", August 15, 2011, page 22 "Annual Meeting Report". "A Governing Body as Different from a Legal Corporation", The Watchtower, December 15, 1971, page 762 "The Governing Body", 1973 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, ©Watch Tower, page 257, "The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses consists of eleven brothers, all anointed of God. They are as follows: Frederick W. Franz, Raymond V. Franz, George D. Gangas, Leo K. Greenlees, John O. Groh, Milton G. Henschel, William K. Jackson, Nathan H. Knorr, Grant Suiter, Thomas J. Sullivan and Lyman A. Swingle." "New Members of the Governing Body", The Watchtower, January 1, 2000, page 29 "New Members of the Governing Body", The Watchtower, March 15, 2006, page 26 "Governing Body Addition", The Watchtower, November 1, 1994, page 29 "A New Member of the Governing Body", //The Watchtower//, July 15, 2013, page 26. Interviews - 133rd Gilead Class (stated at video b. Mark Sanderson of Gov. Body) "Rejoicing Over "Victory With the Lamb", The Watchtower, October 15, 2007, page 31. "Britain", 2000 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, ©Watch Tower, page 130 "New Members of the Governing Body", The Watchtower, November 15, 1977, page 680 "Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses Enlarged", The Watchtower, January 15, 1975, page 60 "We Were a Team", The Watchtower, April 1, 2001, page 24. "He Humbly Served Jehovah", The Watchtower, June 15, 1996, page 32. "A Joyful Perseverer in Good Work", The Watchtower, July 1, 1977, page 399. "Service Assembly and Annual Meeting—Pittsburg", The Watchtower, November 1, 1944, page 334. "How the Governing Body Differs From a Legal Corporation", The Watchtower, January 15, 2001, page 28. "His Deeds Follow Him", The Watchtower, December 1, 1994, page 31. Franz, Raymond (2007). Crisis of Conscience. Commentary Press. pp. 273–336. ISBN 0-914675-23-0. "Gilead Sends Missionaries “to the Most Distant Part of the Earth”", The Watchtower, December 15, 1999, page 28, "Theodore Jaracz, a member of the Governing Body, who himself graduated with Gilead’s seventh class in 1946" "Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses Enlarged", The Watchtower, January 15, 1975, page 60 Theodore Jaracz Memorial Service Brochure (1.4MB) "Jehovah Has Dealt Rewardingly With Me", The Watchtower, October 1, 1984, page 21. Jehovah's Witnesses Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, "Background of N. H. Knorr", page 91: "On June 10, 1940, he became the vice-president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society (Pennsylvania corporation)." The Watchtower, July 15,1977, "Firm to the End", page 441. "A Staunch Fighter for the Truth", The Watchtower, September 15, 1988, page 31. "His Delight Was in the Law of Jehovah", The Watchtower, September 15, 2006, page 31. "The corporation, the WATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY, pursuant to its charter and by-laws, and the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, held its annual meeting at Pittsburgh, North Side, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, on the first day of October, A.D. 1938, at which annual meeting a Board of Directors was elected as follows, to wit: J. F. Rutherford, C. A. Wise, W. E. Van Amburgh, H. H. Riemer, T. J. Sullivan, Wm. P. Heath, Jr., and Grant Suiter, to hold office for a period of three years, or until their successors are duly elected." - 1939 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, "Election", page 195 "A Loyal Fighter Passes On", The Watchtower, February 1, 1984, page 9. "He Ran for “The Prize of the Upward Call” and Won!", The Watchtower, September 15, 1974, page 554, "On October 31, 1932, he [Sullivan] was made a member of the board of directors of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania; he was also one of the eleven-member governing body of Jehovah’s witnesses." "A Time of Testing (1914-1918)", Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, ©1993 Watch Tower, page 71, "Thomas (Bud) Sullivan, who later served as a member of the Governing Body, recalled: “It was my privilege to visit Brooklyn Bethel in the late summer of 1918 during the brothers’ incarceration." Jehovah's Witnesses–Proclaimers of God's Kingdom. Watch Tower Society. 1993. p. 91. "How Priceless Your Friendship, O God!", The Watchtower, June 1, 1985, page 27. "Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses Enlarged", 1975 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, ©Watch Tower, page 60 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses. 1980. pp. 257–258. "Announcements", Our Kingdom Ministry, August 1980, page 2, "Raymond Victor Franz is no longer a member of the Governing Body and of the Brooklyn Bethel family as of May 22, 1980." Penton, M. James (1997). Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. p. 120. ISBN 0-8020-7973-3. Beverley, James A. (1986). Crisis of Allegiance. Burlington, Ontario: Welch Publishing Company. p. 71. ISBN 0-920413-37-4. 1986 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, ©Watch Tower, page 255 Penton, M. James (1997). Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. pp. 322, 393. ISBN 0-8020-7973-3. Geoffrey Jackson testifies before the Australian Royal Commission 2015  
  16. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from ARchiv@L in Upcoming 2017-18 Circuit Assemblies   
    Upcoming 2017-18 Circuit Assemblies
  17. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from ARchiv@L in Aid to Bible Understanding   

    Download link here. (Large file 455MB!)

    Principal author of this book: Raymond Franz - Later member of the Governing Body and nephew of Frederick W. Franz

  18. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in Aid to Bible Understanding   

    Download link here. (Large file 455MB!)

    Principal author of this book: Raymond Franz - Later member of the Governing Body and nephew of Frederick W. Franz

  19. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Annie Abbott in Original Kingdom Songs Lyrics – JW Broadcasting, JW.org   
    The Best Life Ever 
    JW Broadcasting - October 2014 
    This world would like to make me lonely 
    But I got my friends with me 
    We're trying hard to help others find friends eternally (Huh ah ah...) 
    When I would worry about me 
    Uh... This world would bring me down (Mmmm, mmmm, mmm... Huh ah ah...) 
    I'm feeling better liftin' others off the ground (Hmm, mmm...) 
    Look what I found 
    I- I wanna know what I can do 
    I wanna give what I can give 
    That is the best feeling ever 
    I- I know this'll last forever 
    I'm where I wanna be 
    This is the best life ever 
    So many good things yet to be done 
    With these two hands of mine 
    I'll take some love and build us a bridge 
    Connect your heart to mine (Huh ah ah...) 
    When I would worry about me 
    Uh... This world would bring me down (Mmm, mmm... Huh huh huh huh huh huh...) 
    I'm feeling better liftin' others off the ground (Mmm, mmm...) 
    Look what I found  
    I- I wanna know what I can do 
    I wanna give what I can give 
    That is the best feeling ever 
    I- I know this'll last forever 
    It's better than a dream 
    This is the best life... (Hmmm...) 
    I'm not afraid come what may (Uh hu...) 
    This kind of life gets better every day, every day, every way 
    Oh, oh, oh, oh... 
    I- I wanna live for more than me 
    I wanna give till I feel free 
    That is the best feeling ever 
    I- I know this'll last forever 
    Come with me you'll see 
    This is the best life ever 
    This is the best life ever 
    This is the best life ever 
    We Wont Forget You 
    JW Broadcasting - November 2014 
    When the wind blows 
    When the rain comes 
    When the ground beneath you starts to slip away 
    God is always near 
    And he cares for you 
    You're not alone 
    Your friends are here 
    We'll help you find your way 
    We won't forget you 
    We are your family 
    We won't ignore you 
    We will not fail to see 
    We'll take your hand 
    We'll help you stand 
    We'll help you carry on 
    We won't forget you 
    We are your family. 
    When the storms gone 
    And the day breaks 
    When our love surrounds you like a warm embrace 
    When you come to know 
    That it's really so 
    Love is a part 
    A perfect bond 
    That time will not erase. 
    We won't forget you 
    We are your family 
    We won't ignore you 
    We will not fail to see 
    We'll take your hand 
    We'll help you stand 
    We'll help you carry on. 
    We won't forget you, 
    We are your world-wide family, 
    We won't forget you, 
    We are your family. 
    What Means the Most to Me 
    JW Broadcasting - March 2015 
    What are the things that I value? 
    The things that mean the most to me. 
    What are the things that will help me to be, 
    To be the person I want to be? 
    With each new day there are choices to be made. 
    Sometimes the choice will mean to be a trade. 
    The times I have can never be replaced. 
    The steps I take can never be retraced. 
    That’s why I want to choose carefully. 
    And choose what really means the most to me. 
    How will I honor Jehovah, the One who means the most to me? 
    I'll give the best I can offer to Him, and He deserves the best I can be. 
    Never Give Up 
    JW Broadcasting - April 2015 
    Father for me the time has now come. 
    Fulfilling the words that were said by your son. 
    If they persecuted me then they’ll do it to you. 
    It’s not a surprise really nothing that’s new. 
    Jehovah I pray please let me be strong. 
    My life and devotion to you they belong. 
    My record of faith will never be lost. 
    I’ll be loyal to you no matter the cost. 
    I’ll never give in to taunts and to threats. 
    Enduring in faith I’ll have no regrets. 
    To suffer these things for the sake of your name. 
    I count as an honor I won’t be ashamed. 
    I won’t give up, won’t turn aside. 
    I won’t give up and I won’t run and hide. 
    Let me be strong, let me be true. 
    Carrying on, trusting in you. 
    I won’t give up. 
    You’ve trusted in me, I’ve trusted in you. 
    Each trial I face you help me get through. 
    No king and no ruler no family or friend. 
    Can make me lose sight of the path at the end. 
    I won’t give up, won’t turn aside. 
    I won’t give up and I won’t run and hide. 
    Let me be strong, let me be true. 
    Carrying on, trusting in you. 
    I won’t give up, won’t turn aside. 
    I won’t give up and I won’t run and hide. 
    Let me be strong, let me be true. 
    Carrying on, trusting in you. 
    I won’t give up.
    Honor Jehovah with Your Valuable Things 
    JW Broadcasting - May 2015 
    There’s nothing Jehovah could possibly need, 
    He made everything from the start. 
    So what can I give Him, more how can I live 
    In a way that brings joy to His heart? 
    Now I know what it takes so with each day that breaks, 
    Here’s what I will do: 
    I’ll give to you Jehovah the best I have to give. 
    I’ll live for you Jehovah as long as I may live. 
    No matter what life brings. 
    I’ll honor You with my valuable things. 
    With love in Your heart, You have given us life, 
    And I treasure the joy that it brings. 
    What more can I do to give honor to you, 
    Than to give you my valuable things. 
    Yes, I know what it takes so with each day that breaks, 
    I know what I will do. 
    I’ll give to you Jehovah the best I have to give. 
    I’ll live for you Jehovah as long as I may live. 
    No matter what life brings. 
    I’ll honor You with my valuable things. 
    Glad I've Passed the Test 
    JW Broadcasting - July 2015 
    Seems like there's something every day, 
    Some new test that comes my way. (Something every day...) 
    I never know what it might be, 
    But whatever it might be, 
    I know I have the key. 
    Coz’ I can face it if I'm steady, 
    And prepare so I'll be ready. 
    How to act and what to say, 
    When a challenge comes my way. 
    At times it's tough for me out there. 
    And so I turn to God in prayer. 
    I pray I'll pass each test. 
    Everyone that comes my way. 
    I pray I'll pass each test. 
    And be faithful through the day. 
    Some things I know I'll face again, 
    Like the pressure to fit in. (Face it once again...) 
    There will be times when other kids, 
    Do the things that God forbids. (The things that God forbids...) 
    And pressure need to go along with, 
    Kids I know I don't belong with. 
    That's the time I call to mind, 
    I don't want to be that kind. 
    Coz' I'm a witness for God's name. 
    So there's no cause to be ashamed. 
    I'm glad I've passed the test, 
    I was faithful all day long. 
    I'm glad I've passed the test, 
    I'm glad that I was strong. 
    Give You My All 
    JW Broadcasting - June 2015 
    So many choices that I could make, 
    So many pathways that I could take. 
    I know that someday I'll make my vow, 
    How will I know if the time is now? 
    I've seen the blessing that come to those who take their stand for You. 
    This isn't something somebody chose for me. 
    It's something I wanna do. 
    I wanna stand up on my two feet. 
    I wanna answer the call. 
    I wanna have Your help when I am weak. 
    I wanna give You my all. 
    I wanna give You my all. 
    I wanna know You and be Your friend. 
    I want a life that will never end. 
    I know You're real, it's plain to see. 
    No other God can there be for me. 
    Life's not a party, not just for fun, 
    Journey's just begun. 
    I wanna give you my best while I'm still young. 
    To side with You and Your son. 
    I wanna stand up on my two feet. 
    I wanna answer the call. 
    I wanna have Your help when I am weak. 
    I wanna give You my all. 
    I wanna give You my all. 
    I wanna give You my all. 
    I wanna give You my all.
    These Words... Must Be on Your Heart 
    Movie Soundtrack 
    Caught up in circles. 
    I don't know which way to turn. 
    My heart rules; Had my head fooled. 
    Too late, I've fallen in love. 
    To do what's right is a constant fight. 
    Don't want to let my heart decide. 
    I want God's Word to be my guide. 
    It's so hard to break free. 
    This desperate heart inside of me. 
    Makes wrong feel right and right feel wrong, 
    But Jehovah makes me strong. 
    He says, "Know that I love you 
    "I don't want to lose you. 
    Trust in me in all you do. 
    I'll be here to help you through." 
    (But are you making the right sacrifices?) 
    Our life is shaped by the choice we make. 
    We have to realize what's at stake. 
    Right from the start, It's a war for our heart, 
    But it's ours to give away. 
    To safeguard it means our life. 
    Looking back, the choice I made 
    To do things Jehovah's way, 
    Seemed so hard, emotion's strong, 
    But Jehovah helped me along. 
    Now Is The Time 
    JW Broadcasting - August 2015 
    With our days forever darkening, and the signs so very clear. 
    We must keep our sense of urgency, as the end is drawing near. 
    We will seize this opportunity, to declare Jehovah’s name. 
    And the blessings of His kingdom, is the message we’ll proclaim. 
    Now is the time for preaching with zeal. 
    We’ll never give up or give way to fear. 
    And now is the time, to show how we feel. 
    Now that the final days are here. 
    There will never be another time, for this preaching to be done. 
    So we want to have a part in it, and reach out to everyone. 
    When we look back in some future time at these days at which we live, 
    Then we’ll say that for Jehovah, we gave all that we could give! 
    Now is the time for preaching with zeal. 
    I’ll never give up or give way to fear. 
    And now is the time, to show how we feel. 
    Now that the final days are here. 
    With all loyal ones, surrounding us, we will run with all our might. 
    Then we turn the final corner, and a new world is insight. 
    Now is the time for preaching with zeal. 
    I’ll never give up or give way to fear. 
    And now is the time, to show how we feel. 
    Now that the final days are here. 
    Just A Smile 
    JW Broadcasting - September 2015 
    We can tell a hundred stories; we can speak a million words. 
    We can paint a thousand pictures, but will our heart be stirred. 
    We can often make a difference, with a kindly word or deed. 
    But sometimes just a smile is all we really need. 
    Just a smile… can lift a weary heart. 
    Just a smile… can help us make a start. 
    When you’ve done your best, praying you’ll succeed. 
    Then you will see, a smile is what we need. 
    This world is unforgiving, full of coldness and despair. 
    Many hopes are disappointed, by a world that doesn’t care. 
    And we see it in their faces, as they passes on the street. 
    So we offer a hope and comfort, to the people that we meet. 
    Just a smile… can lift a weary heart. 
    Just a smile… can help us make a start. 
    When you’ve done your best, praying you’ll succeed. 
    Then you will see, a smile is what we need. 
    At times we feel downhearted, when no one seems to care. 
    About the hope we offer, or the message that we bear. 
    For some hearts that’s just too hardened, to receive the Kingdom seed. 
    But could it be a friendly smile, is what they really need. 
    Just a smile… can lift a weary heart. 
    Just a smile… can help us make a start. 
    When you’ve done your best, praying you’ll succeed. 
    Then you will see, a smile is what we need. 
    Finding Treasures 
    JW Broadcasting - October 2015 
    In my reading and my study, 
    There are treasures that I find. 
    When I'm searching, digging deeper, 
    When I take a little time. 
    In my imagination I am in the scene. 
    It helps me understand just what the Bible means 
    Imagination and meditation, 
    These are the things that help me see. 
    They give me insight to help me do right, 
    And be the person I should be. 
    The person I should be. 
    I can ponder on the people, 
    Some were faithful, some were not. 
    Their example gives me insight 
    To God's feelings and his thoughts. 
    Sometimes my meditation makes me realize, 
    How I can be more pleasing in Jehovah's eyes. 
    Imagination and meditation, 
    These are the things that help us see. 
    They give me insight to help us do right, 
    And be the persons we should be. 
    The persons we should be. 
    Imagination and meditation... 
    Imagination and meditation... 
    Imagination and meditation... 
    Jehovah Welcomes You Home 
    JW Broadcasting - November 2015 
    It doesn't seem so long ago, 
    When My name you've come to know. 
    And it touched your heart, 
    But you lost your way. 
    Although you managed for a while, 
    And some memories made you smile. 
    It was in your heart to return one day. 
    Welcome home my friend. 
    Your life can start again. 
    Stay beneath my wings. 
    And know the lasting peace only I can bring. 
    And I desire that you should know, 
    What to do to come back home. 
    As a ray of sun on a weary heart. 
    Now here I stand with open arms, 
    I'm your shelter from the storm. 
    You can feel the joy of a brand new start. 
    Welcome home my friend. 
    Your life can start again. 
    Stay beneath my wings. 
    And know the lasting peace only I can bring. 
    Now you're home. 
    Joy of Conventions 
    JW Broadcasting - December 2015 
    Before the music start some right beside you, 
    The fire is growing, the fire is growing. 
    The world in chaos but here we got peace. 
    And we just started, we just started in. 
    Yeah, yeah... 
    We are sisters, we are brothers, sons and daughters and more. 
    And I love you even though I’ve never met you before. Yeah… 
    We are sisters, we are brothers, sons and daughters and more. 
    And I love you even though I’ve never met you before. 
    I’m on the edge of a human sea, and the tide is in. 
    My eyes are surfing on unfamiliar faces, 
    Still I know them, we’re family. 
    You wave to me from across the stadium. 
    What a beautiful sight. 
    I feel refreshed like a new-born baby. 
    If I’m not careful, I’ll start to cry. 
    We are sisters, we are brothers, sons and daughters and more. 
    And I love you even though I’ve never met you before. Yeah… 
    We are sisters, we are brothers, sons and daughters and more. 
    And I love you even though I’ve never met you before. 
    Give me your hand, 
    We’re in the same fight. 
    You give me strength, 
    To carry on towards eternal life. 
    We are sisters, we are brothers, sons and daughters and more. 
    And I love you even though I’ve never met you before. Yeah… 
    We are sisters, we are brothers, sons and daughters and more. 
    And I love you even though I’ve never met you before. 
    And I love you even though I’ve never met you before.
  20. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Queen Esther in Russia: Citizen Razes JW Property   
    A villager from the Moscow area threw a Molotov cocktail (incendiary bomb) at the home of Jehovah's Witnesses. Two houses and cars burned. The villager says he did it because he does not like the beliefs of his neighbors.
    That same day a guy broke the window of a kingdom hall. The brothers were gathered and told to stop doing that and the cry that will continue to do so until the whole room is destroyed.
    It has unleashed a witch hunt against the witnesses and people feel supported by the government.
    THINKING & PRAYING  to  all  our  Brothers ❤
  21. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to JW Insider in The Book of Enoch   
    I'd LOVE to answer these questions!!!
    But I have no idea where this question came from. I had to give far less attention here for a few days and found that I had more notifications than I could review. I'll try to find the original thread where this came from when I get a chance.
    But, yes, I have read the book of Enoch, and I'm pretty sure I know exactly why Leviathan is female and Behemoth is male. Also, I have a pretty good idea about why Enoch mentions the 14th day of the seventh month, but nothing as definitive on that count. 
    If you or anyone else knows where this question first came up, please let me know. This way I'll put the answer in the right place.
  22. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Sorry, but Jehovah's Witnesses are not Protestant   
    I once knew a sad little Lizard that INSISTED it was derived from a Tyrannosaurus Rex ( ... on it's mother's side...). Lizards are rather sad little creatures, and I did not argue with him or her, as the case may be .... It made the little Lizard HAPPY to believe it had that ancestry ... in a world in which reptile happiness is in short supply.
    ... apologies to RAH, and Lazarus Long ...
  23. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to derek1956 in Sorry, but Jehovah's Witnesses are not Protestant   
    Jehovah`s witnesses began with Adam & Eve, then came Abel, and then Seth and it grew from there
    Truth started before these other religions
  24. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from ARchiv@L in Caring for Our Places of Worship   
    Caring for Our Places of Worship

  25. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Shon-tee Adabs in Jehovah’s Witnesses new world headquarters 68   
    Jehovah’s Witnesses new world headquarters
    68 Via
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