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The Librarian

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  1. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from ARchiv@L in "Show yourselves thankful."   
    @Bible Speaks.. you would want to post it in this category for Spanish
    I will move this one for you.
  2. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in ‘Mostrémonos agradecidos’   
    ‘Mostrémonos agradecidos’
    “Que la paz del Cristo controle en sus corazones [...]. Y muéstrense agradecidos.” (COLOSENSES 3:15.)
    "Muéstrense agradecidos." (Col. 3:15).

  3. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Bible Speaks in "Show yourselves thankful."   
    @Bible Speaks did you mean to put your second post in the Spanish area?
  4. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in Jehovah’s Witnesses former members tell court they were subjected to ‘total control’   
    @bruceq I "like" how you show "humbleness with small "b" on your name. "q" I hope I'm not reading into it?  but I guess I "believe" in you if you are involved with Russia?  Oh, by the way? What's wrong with a woman? ?‍? ⚖️ ? To be continued....the @The Librarian lives in a rich library and "reads" day and night!  I'm sure he's got good taste, "we are chosen" to irritate him!   ?
  5. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Automobiles in 1952 Hudson   
    1952 Hudson
  6. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to ARchiv@L in Life Story — Though Weak, I Am Powerful   
    yes, I remember that there are some posts in the "archives" long time ago. (am sure Librarian knows that too). I made this 'reference' because his name appears this week's watchtower study lesson... 
    thank you very much for your comments!

  7. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to TrueTomHarley in Jehovah’s Witnesses former members tell court they were subjected to ‘total control’   
    I think they're all crazy here, myself included. Well - if not crazy, at least they all have some special reasons for writing. Actually, some of them I like, and I may even cut myself a tiny bit of slack, but there's no getting around the fact that - this isn't the type of hangout the Watchtower has in mind when in speaks of associations, is it? Perhaps you could most charitably describe the atmosphere as avant-guard.
    Do you belong here, Nicola? You come across as a very good person, a trusting person, who expected something very different than the exchange of remarks here. Even with your exchange with so and so, I suspect you would be fine friends in the congregation where you would work shoulder to shoulder, interact face to face, along with the other friends, and readily get to know where each other is coming from.
    On the internet, there is no way to determine anything about anyone other than their comments themselves, and that takes a while and can never be known for sure. There's no point in asking someone if he is a brother or not. How would you know if he is being truthful? You don't even know if the profile picture he uses is genuine. The internet is not the congregation.
    After an initial skirmish, I have carried on at great length about the ignorant, disgusting, controlling battleaxe of a Librarian, who I'm not afraid of one bit. My DESCRIPTION fooled even HIS LOUDNESS. In fact, she is a he.
  8. Like
    The Librarian got a reaction from Annie Abbott in Do Not Be Afraid - A song for our brothers in Russia   
    (( Dear brothers and sisters, a request, we need the lyrics of the written music, so that the Russian brothers and other languages, can understand. Can someone send us? Grateful.)) 
    Do Not Be Afraid (A Song For Russian Jehovah's Witnesses)
    This song I now dedicate to Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, who have been under attack by the Orthadox Church and russian officials for many years. they have Outlawed Jehovah's Witnesses, calling them as extreme as Groups like ISIS. This original song, is based off The bible scripture found at Isaiah 41:9,10
    ( Photos are newspaper articles and website jw)
    Music James Jury
  9. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Do Not Be Afraid - A song for our brothers in Russia   
    (( Dear brothers and sisters, a request, we need the lyrics of the written music, so that the Russian brothers and other languages, can understand. Can someone send us? Grateful.)) 
    Do Not Be Afraid (A Song For Russian Jehovah's Witnesses)
    This song I now dedicate to Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, who have been under attack by the Orthadox Church and russian officials for many years. they have Outlawed Jehovah's Witnesses, calling them as extreme as Groups like ISIS. This original song, is based off The bible scripture found at Isaiah 41:9,10
    ( Photos are newspaper articles and website jw)
    Music James Jury
  10. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to ARchiv@L in Do Not Be Afraid - A song for our brothers in Russia   
    Do Not Be Afraid (a song For Russian Jehovah's Witnesses)
  11. Upvote
  12. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Arauna in Bombay Sapphire gin is under nationwide recall in Canada after some bottles were found to contain...   
    Some unexpected consequences!  Like Noah had when he underestimated the sugar in the grapes and it had more alcohol than he expected - that is what I think happened - LOL.  The canapé was gone and the sun more strong and the grapes must have been picked when the sugar was at its highest!
  13. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to bruceq in One of the most influential religious organizations in the world has now fallen under a ban in Russia WHAT DO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES OWN IN ST. PETERSBURG?   
    The last post was from from another city. The ban has not taken legal effect until after the appeal process in June although as seen here some cities are enacting it and the brothers are clearing out before the legal ban takes effect just in case.
  14. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to bruceq in One of the most influential religious organizations in the world has now fallen under a ban in Russia WHAT DO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES OWN IN ST. PETERSBURG?   
    Jehovah's Witnesses clear out their property
    One of the most influential religious organizations in the world has now fallen under a ban in Russia
    Moskovskii Komsomolets, 5 May 2017
    The Supreme Court has actually ruled that the Jehovah's Witnesses conducted extremist activity. Now they are required to cease their work immediately, which they have already done. Further, apparently, there will be new owners of their property. And these believers' property is good, especially in St. Petersburg.
    People left in tears
    In the northern capital, which has traditionally been considered to be multi-confessional, a place was found for the Jehovists also. Here they own a dozen hectares of land in Kurort district in the village of Solnechnoe, with dwellings and office buildings. They also own a congress hall with 2,500 seats on Kolomyazh Prospect, building 21, with a hectare of land. And several smaller buildings.
    The central office of the Russian Jehovists is located in Solnechnoe. In the plan of its  arrangement it may be compared with a monastery. Families of clergy worked and lived there. In all, about 300 persons worked in the settlement of the Administrative Center.
    Now the buildings on the shore of the Finnish Gulf are empty. The inhabitants began leaving with their things as soon as they learned of decision of the court. Many had lived and worked here for years and therefore they departed in tears.
    "We will challenge the decision, but we do not want to create in the authorities the impression that we are not obeying the court," one of the former leaders of the center explains.
    Instead of a dump they built a palace
    There existed the myth that back in the early 1990s Mayor Anatoly Sobchak presented the Witnesses a parcel of 10.5 hectares in Solnechnoe and a hectare on Komomyazh. However, as it turned out, according to documents the religious organization acquired the territory of a former Pioneer Camp in Solnechnoe, which included residences, buildings, and a boiler house, from a construction company for 150 million rubles. According to representatives of the Jehovists, the camp had been completely ruined and they rebuilt it and turned it into a well landscaped lot.
    At the time, fellow Jehovist believers from Finland, Sweden, and Norway worked on the construction. They brought a Finnish architect. The Scandinavians brought construction materials and hired workers. The construction began in 1992 and by 2002 the entire "camp" was ready. And all of this belonged to citizens of other countries, the Witnesses aver, and therefore it cannot be confiscated.
    While the construction of the camp was underway, the Witnesses found the land for the Hall of Congresses. Mayor Anatoly Sobchak signed an order to transfer to the Jehovah's Witnesses one hectare on Kolomyazh Prospect. It was leased for 49 years under the condition that for each square meter they were supposed to pay 10 rubles as their contribution to the development of the city. It turned out that the land was not without a surprise—under the future building was found a hazardous waste dump. But the Jehovists paid for the complete disposal of harmful waste.
    Despite the rumors about the foreign imprint in the immovable property of the Jehovists, according to information of Rosreestr [Russian Register] both the land in Solnechnoe and the hectare on Kolomyazh today are registered to the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia. The foreign owners, who might have been able to protect the property of their Russian fellow believers, could not be found. (tr. by PDS, posted 5 May 2017)
  15. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in When I click on the site to see the topic it says. Forbidden. Why?   
    @admin when I have no wifi they can't track me. So can't use then. I also have a iPhone ? it's says forbidden ? also. Oh well..,
  16. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to admin in When I click on the site to see the topic it says. Forbidden. Why?   
    Because when our site was supposedly experiencing a DDoS attack during a very heavily trafficked day our hosting company decided to block ALL AT&T phones. My phone still shows “forbidden” as well.   Invision Power Services seems to think it is not them though but rather another service that is preventing ALL AT&T phones from accessing their website.   I wonder if this has blocked ALL AT&T phones from EVERY IPS 4.x website out there?   Are there any other admins experiencing the same problem?
  17. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Alexa in When I click on the site to see the topic it says. Forbidden. Why?   
    I cant open this site in opera browsers back then but it works now, admin  
  18. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Tracey Anne Smith in HOW DO DEMONS TRICK PEOPLE ?   
    The new remake of beauty & the beast has dark side.witch craft etc & makes it ok
  19. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Tracey Anne Smith in HOW DO DEMONS TRICK PEOPLE ?   
    I have a niece 17 who wanted to watch cinderellla dvd with my 7 year old granddaughter. My granddaughter has Autism & Caleb says Magic is wrong. We dont watch Disney dvds. Although years ago we all did. But its hard to tell some witnesses even dvds are wrong if magic in.
  20. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Arauna in HOW DO DEMONS TRICK PEOPLE ?   
    In Africa, they put spells on each other or bury things at other peoples houses to bring bad spirits on them.  For example: a woman (Ana)  goes to the witch doctor to know why she has a problem (her husband does not love her any more or some other issue with her children).  The witch doctor may throw the bones and then say that it is Ana's neighbor who is jealous and she previously had buried something at Ana's  house to put her under a nasty spell. Ana will then go to the witch doctor to have the spell removed and then put a nasty spell back on her neighbor's children.   This turns into a never ending hate game of power and control - and the witch doctor gets rich. 
    What is seriously sad about all of this is that people display all the satanic qualities of hate, jealousy, suspicion and murder and all kinds of other wicked qualities - stirred up by contact with the demons - who want to see us suffer and eventually blame the creator for it. It could be family members hating each other and all these things are done in secret.  The other person does not know you are secretly working against them or they are suspicious. These are all wicked qualities that come from being under control of satanic forces who get to control your thinking. 
    Most of these people who practice these traditions have had contact with some form of Christianity but are still ignorant of the workings of satan (never been taught) or choose to ignore the warnings.  Imagine living your whole life under fear of a spell/ spells by different people.
    Africa is seeing a great escalation of this as many of the ancient traditions are returning. People are rejecting the teachings of the bible. When I visited my son last year in December he told me that these evil practices are all some of the people talk about at work.  The local newspapers also shocked me as there are so many stories of sorcery and spells in the news.  Twenty five years ago this was not the case. 
    It seems to me - in general - as if the mentality of society is deteriorating everywhere on earth.  Twenty five years ago logic and good reasoning kept people sane.  There were more good people who kept back the full power of Satan - but now- the influence of Satan is seen everywhere in the qualities people are displaying. As the time of the end gets closer the evil powers of satan are getting more open and prevalent - so it seems to me.  And it is reflected in the different societies in different ways of behavior. It is no surprise to me to see the number of people who are just randomly killing others in first world countries as well as third world countries - they are all in some form or other under influence of satanic religions or other satanic forces.
    In the middle east most religions teach that you are not allowed to be a witch. Unfortunately there are so much other superstitions that this becomes a very good vehicle for satan to work with.  The insidious practices of suspicion, the evil eye, reading the future in coffee leaves and also the Islamic teaching of the "jinn" contribute to spiritism.  Read up about the jinn.  They are evil spirits with a will of their own and are around all people - this is what they believe.  Many exorcisms take place in islam and there are also some "sexual" encounters.  But I do not read too much about this because I do not really want to get into the dark evil things of satan.  It is just enough for me to know about it so I can recognize it when I encounter it - and I have in very unexpected places.
    I was studying with a young woman for quite some time when I realized I had not done a good job because I realized that she still believed in the Jinn.  The Jinn are (according to them) made from fire so they are not the same as the evil spiritis we encounter in the bible.... well now I know better....look out for different kind of superstitions when you study with people!
  21. Upvote
    The Librarian reacted to Bible Speaks in HOW DO DEMONS TRICK PEOPLE ?   
    New World Translation
    Deuteronomy 18:10, 11

    10 There should not be found in you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire,+ anyone who employs divination,+ anyone practicing magic,+ anyone who looks for omens,+ a sorcerer,+11 anyone binding others with a spell, anyone who consults a spirit medium+ or a fortune-teller,+ or anyone who inquires of the dead."

    How do the demons trick people?
    The demons trick people in many ways. When people contact the demons they do it either directly or through someone else, such as a witch doctor or a psychic. Contact with the demons is called demonism or spiritism. But the Bible commands us to stay far away from anything that has to do with the demons. (Galatians 5:19-21) 
    Why? Just as a hunter uses a trap to catch animals, the demons use tricks to trap and control people.
    What is divination, and why should we avoid it?
    One of their tricks is called divination. That is the use of supernatural powers to try to find out about the future or the unknown. Someone might try to do this by looking at the stars, searching for omens, reading tarot cards, using a crystal ball, or reading the palm of a person’s hand. 
    Many people think that these practices are harmless, but they are not. They are very dangerous. For example, the Bible shows that demons and fortune-tellers work together. At Acts 16:16-18, we read about “a demon of divination” who helped a girl to do “fortune-telling.” After the apostle Paul sent the demon away, the girl lost her ability to foretell the future.
    (a) Why is it dangerous to try to communicate with the dead? (b) Why do God’s servants never get involved in demonic customs?
     The demons use another trick to trap people. They try to make us believe that it’s possible to talk to the dead and that those who have died are actually still alive somewhere and can communicate with us or hurt us. For example, someone whose friend or relative has died may go to a person, such as a spirit medium, who says he or she can talk to the dead. The medium may tell the person something interesting about the dead friend or relative and even imitate the dead person’s voice. (1 Samuel 28:3-19) 
    Many funeral customs are also based on the belief that the dead are still alive somewhere. These may include funeral celebrations, funeral anniversaries, sacrifices for the dead, widowhood rites, or some wake rituals. 
    When Christians refuse to take part in these customs, their families or village communities may criticize them, insult them, or refuse to have anything to do with them. But Christians know that the dead are not alive somewhere else. It’s impossible to communicate with them, and they cannot harm us. (Psalm 115:17) 
    Be very careful. Never try to communicate with the dead or the demons and never get involved in demonic customs.—Read Deuteronomy 18:10, 11; Isaiah 8:19.
    What have many people who once lived in fear of the demons been able to do?
    The demons not only trick people but also frighten them. Today, Satan and his demons know that they have only “a short period of time” before God removes them from the earth, so they are more violent and aggressive than ever. (Revelation 12:12, 17) 
    However, thousands of people who once lived in fear of the demons don’t fear them anymore. How did they break free from their fear of the demons?
    Get rid of everything that has to do with magic, the demons, or the supernatural Study the Bible ask for help at jw.org free Pray to Jehovah God https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1102015150?q=deut18%3A10&p=par

  22. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Queen Esther in WERDE JEHOVAS FREUND | Mache dir die Wahrheit zu eigen (Lied 64)   
    Hast du dich schon für Jehova entschieden?
  23. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from ARchiv@L in animalitos   
    Try posting these in the gallery. Although they do appear somewhat small.
    Gallery should work better for photo albums
  24. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from Martha Braun Amistadi in Remove the Rafter   
    Remove the Rafter

  25. Upvote
    The Librarian got a reaction from vandenbusschevanoostjosett in Thai girl, 7, ‘sweats’ blood from her eyes, nose, ears and skin every time she gets a...   
    "And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground." - Luke 22:44
    Jesus Christ experienced hematohidrosis while praying in the garden of Gethsemane before his crucification as mentioned in the Defenders Bible by Physician Luke as “and being in anguish he prayed more earnestly and his sweatwas like drops of blood falling to the ground.”
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