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Carol Ann Torres

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  1. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to The Librarian in Preaching in a market in Tanjung Morawa, Indonesia   
    Preaching in a market in Tanjung Morawa, Indonesia
  2. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to The Librarian in A Bible study with grandmother in Nepal.   
    A Bible study with grandmother in Nepal.
  3. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to The Librarian in Pioneers in the Spanish congregation Bulverde in San Antonio,...   
    Pioneers in the Spanish congregation Bulverde in San Antonio, Texas, United States gather for their annual meeting
  4. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in Jehovah's Witnesses Convention, at graduation, class of 120 missionaries from Witness bible school... USA   
    Jehovah's Witnesses Convention, at graduation, class of 120 missionaries
    from Witness bible school, heard seven speeches before receiving diplomas.
    ( The  Sisters  looking  a  little  like  white  brides )
    NY, US   -   August 1950
  5. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in Love Your Enemies   
    Lesson for today. (Matt 5:44, 45)  
    Love your enemies. Jehovah has always taught us to love our enemies.
    In Jesus’ time, some taught that people should hate their enemies. But Jesus counseled: “Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you.” (Matthew 5:43-45)
    Paul gave similar counsel when he said: “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.” (Romans 12:20; Proverbs 25:21)
    In ancient Israel, Jehovah gave his people laws instructing them to help their enemies and even their enemies’ animals. (Exodus 23:5) By applying that counsel, some people who once hated one another might have become good friends.
    As Christians, showing love for our enemies may change the way they feel about us. Some of them may even become servants of Jehovah. By working together in such a way, former enemies might become good friends.
    Because Christians show love, many of our enemies have softened their heart toward us. If we show love for our enemies—even rabid persecutors—how happy we will be if some of them embrace true Christianity!
    Our enemies are in a very precarious position. They are fighting against God. Thus, in harmony with Jesus’ command, rather than fear them, we pray for those persecuting us. (Matthew 5:44)
    We pray that if any are opposing God out of ignorance, as Saul of Tarsus was, Jehovah will graciously open their eyes to the truth. (2 Corinthians 4:4) Saul became the Christian apostle Paul and suffered greatly at the hands of the authorities of his day.
    Still, he kept reminding fellow believers “to be in subjection and be obedient to governments and authorities as rulers, to be ready for every good work, to speak injuriously of no one [no, not even of their most ardent persecutors], not to be belligerent, to be reasonable, exhibiting all mildness toward all men.” “If you love those loving you, what reward do you have?” asked Jesus. “Are not also the tax collectors doing the same thing? And if you greet your brothers only, what extraordinary thing are you doing? Are not also the people of the nations doing the same thing?” (Matt. 5:46, 47)
    True Christians do not show partiality toward people of certain educational or ethnic backgrounds; nor do they extend love only to those who are able to reciprocate.
    Rather, they help the poor and the sick, the young and the old. In such ways, Christians can imitate Jehovah’s love and thus be perfect in a relative sense. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2010846?q=pray+for+enemies&p=par#h=6

  6. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in I Do Not Associate With Deceitful Or Those That Hide Who They Are   
    Be careful who you            associate with...people 
    at war with themselves 
    will always cause collateral 
    damage in the lives of 
    those around them.....
    4 "I do not associate 
    with deceitful men,
    And I avoid those who 
    hide what they are."
            (Psalm 26:4)
  7. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to The Librarian in Jehovah’s Witnesses Public Talk Watchtower Study Meeting 8...   
    Jehovah’s Witnesses Public Talk Watchtower Study Meeting 8 January 2017
  8. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to The Librarian in Preaching in a boat on the Amazon River.   
    Preaching in a boat on the Amazon River.

  9. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in Assembly in Oregon, USA - Another happy photo with our SO funny smiling GB. Bro. Stephen LETT   
    Assembly  in  Oregon,  USA
    Another  happy  photo  with  our  SO  funny  smiling  GB. Brother Stephen  LETT !  
    Beside  him,  2 little  girls...  smiling  too  ;o)
  10. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in "I Am Coming to You in the Name of Jehovah of Armies"   
    David and Goliath
    THE Phi·lisʹtines again come to fight against Israel. David’s three oldest brothers are now in Saul’s army. So one day Jesʹse tells David: ‘Take some grain and loaves of bread to your brothers. Find out how they are getting along.’
    When David arrives at the army camp, he runs to the battle line to look for his brothers. The Phi·lisʹtine giant Go·liʹath comes out to make fun of the Israelites. He has been doing this every morning and evening for 40 days. He yells: ‘Choose one of your men to fight me. If he wins and kills me, we will be your slaves. But if I win and kill him, you will be our slaves. I dare you to pick someone to fight me.’
    David asks some of the soldiers: ‘What will the man get who kills this Phi·lisʹtine and frees Israel from this shame?’
    ‘Saul will give the man many riches,’ the soldier says. ‘And he will give him his own daughter to be his wife.’
    But all the Israelites are afraid of Go·liʹath because he is so big. He is more than 9 feet (about 3 meters) tall, and he has another soldier carrying his shield for him.
    Some soldiers go and tell King Saul that David wants to fight Go·liʹath. But Saul tells David: ‘You can’t fight this Phi·lisʹtine. You are just a boy, and he has been a soldier all his life.’ David answers: ‘I killed a bear and a lion that carried off my father’s sheep. Andthis Phi·lisʹtine will become like one of them. Jehovah will help me.’ So Saul says: ‘Go, and may Jehovah be with you.’
    David goes down by a stream and gets five smooth stones, andputs them into his bag. Then he takes his sling and goes out to meet the giant. When Go·liʹathsees him, he can’t believe it. He thinks it will be so easy to kill David.
    ‘Just come to me,’ Go·liʹath says, ‘and I will give your body to the birds and animals to eat.’ But David says: ‘You come to me with a sword, a spear and a javelin, but I am coming to you with the name of Jehovah. This day Jehovah will give you into my hands and I will strike you down.’
    At that David runs toward Go·liʹath. He takes a stone from his bag, puts it into his sling, andthrows it with all his might. The stone flies straight into Go·liʹath’s head, and he falls down dead! When the Phi·lisʹtines see that their champion has fallen, they all turn and run. The Israelites run after them and win the battle.
    1 Samuel 17:1-54.
    We today show courage and faith in Jehovah of Armies he will help us to fight all our battles. 

  11. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in Great is His Loyal Love and Mercy Towards Us   
    11 "For as the Heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him."
    (Psalm 103:11) KJV
    11 "For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
    So great is his loyal love toward those who fear him."
           (Psalm 103:11) NWT

  12. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in Who Can Understand His Mighty Thunder?   
    "Look! These are just the fringes of his ways;
    Only a faint whisper has been heard of him!
    So who can understand his mighty thunder?”
    (Job 26:14.)      jw.org

  13. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to David Normand in Crazy Samoan Preacher vs Jehovah’s Witnesses   
    What was that crazy guy saying? I did make out, "Read your Bible," a couple of times, but most of what he said was unintelligible to me. I would give the brother and sister high marks for maintaining their composure during the verbal onslaught. 
  14. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in The One Accepting Discipline Will Be Glorified   
    Don't cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it....
    18 "Whoever neglects discipline comes to poverty and disgrace, But the one accepting correction will be glorified."
            ( Prov.13:18). NWT jw.org

  15. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in Change and Do Good Not the Will of the Nations, But God's Will   
    The past is a place of reference not a place of residence...

    3 "For the time that has passed   by is sufficient for you to have done the will of the nations when you carried on in acts of brazen conduct, unbridled passions, overdrinking, wild parties,
    drinking bouts, and lawless idolatries."
    ( 1 Peter 4:3) 

  16. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in Woman - "the Feminine One"   
                "the feminine one "
    - Be Careful How You Treat Her -
    7 "You husbands, in the same way, continue dwelling with them according to knowledge.
    Assign them honor as to a weaker vessel, the feminine one, since they are also heirs with you of the undeserved favor of life, in order for your prayers not to be hindered."
    (1 Peter 3:7) NWT jw.org

  17. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to The Librarian in "new 2015 “tour” BROCHURE available:"   
    “new 2015 “tour” BROCHURE available:”


    made available in 3 languages.

    (additionaly, the Russia “tour” broshure, is NO Longer active)
  18. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to The Librarian in Pay Attention at the Meetings   
    Pay Attention at the Meetings
  19. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in A beautiful wall in the NEW WARWICK - BETHEL, USA !   
    A  beautiful  wall  in  the  NEW  WARWICK - BETHEL,  USA !
  20. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to The Librarian in True Hollywood Stars in California   
    True Hollywood Stars in California
  21. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres got a reaction from Margaret Burlingham in JW Child Labor for Jehovah   
    It is very good for the young ones to get involved. shows that they are part of the congrgation
  22. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to The Librarian in Barefoot children in Timor each receive a brochure about the...   
    Barefoot children in Timor each receive a brochure about the Bible from Jehovah’s Witnesses and then have their picture taken as a group.
  23. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to The Librarian in Looking for Italian speaking people to preach to in Tulum,...   
    Looking for Italian speaking people to preach to in Tulum, Mexico
    Notice the bicycles and no ties!!! ;-).   Coming soon to service in the USA and UK.
  24. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to The Librarian in Food provisions for the 5th class of the School for Kingdom...   
    Food provisions for the 5th class of the School for Kingdom Evangelizers in Johannesburg, South Africa
  25. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to The Librarian in Jehovah’s Witnesses Public Talk Watchtower Study Meeting 1...   
    Jehovah’s Witnesses Public Talk Watchtower Study Meeting 1 January 2017
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