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Carol Ann Torres

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  1. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to The Librarian in Too cute not to share.   
    Too cute not to share.
  2. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to The Librarian in Nairobi, Kenya - Man on a camel reads JW literature Soon he...   
    Nairobi, Kenya - Man on a camel reads JW literature
    Soon he will read about the Ethiopian eunuch reading while on a camel :-)
  3. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in Will You Reflect God’s Glory?   
    Will You ReflectGod’s Glory?
    “We . . . reflect like mirrors the glory of Jehovah.”
    (2 Cor. 3:18.)
    Christians do not reflect God’s glory by means of rays that beam from their faces like Moses, their faces fairly beam as they tell others about Jehovah’s glorious personality and purposes. 
    May we ‘walk’ with those who reflect God’s glory. How pleasant it is to do so! As we gather together with our spiritual brothers and sisters at our meetings and at other times, we find encouragement in their love, their faith, their joy, and their wisdom. Such wholesome association strengthens our determination to persevere in our ministry.
    Jehovah “supplies endurance” to those who are willing to reflect his glory. He answers our prayers and gives us the wisdom to deal with trials. (Romans 15:5; James 1:5) 
    What is more, Jehovah does not allow us to be subjected to any trial that is impossible to bear. If we trust in Jehovah, he will make the way out so that we can continue to reflecthis glory.—1 Corinthians 10:13.

  4. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to The Librarian in Grand Cayman Kingdom Hall   
    Grand Cayman Kingdom Hall
  5. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to The Librarian in Pioneer School in Delta State, Nigeria.   
    Pioneer School in Delta State, Nigeria.
  6. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to The Librarian in Sharing the good news in Portugal.   
    Sharing the good news in Portugal.
  7. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to The Librarian in The only Kingdom Hall with two stories throughout Central...   
    The only Kingdom Hall with two stories throughout Central America, - Liberia, Costa Rica
  8. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to The Librarian in Circuit assembly in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma USA   
    Circuit assembly in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma USA
  9. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to The Librarian in Rain in Brazil won’t stop JW’s from preaching La...   
    Rain in Brazil won’t stop JW’s from preaching
    La lluvia no puede impedirnos predicar en el aislado territorio de la aldea de Fumaça, Brasil.
  10. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to The Librarian in Circuit assembly in Lima, Peru   
    Circuit assembly in Lima, Peru
  11. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in You Knit Me Together In My Mother's Womb   
    You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mothers womb.

    13 "For you produced 
    my kidneys; You kept me     screened  off in my mother’s womb."
           (Psalm 139:13)

  12. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in “Heavens of the Heavens.”   
    “Heavens of the heavens.” The expression “heavens of the heavens” is considered to refer to the highest heavens and would embrace the complete extent of the physical heavens, however vast, since the heavens extend out from the earth in all directions.—De 10:14; Ne 9:6.
    Solomon, the constructor of the temple at Jerusalem, stated that the “heavens, yes, the heaven of the heavens” cannot contain God. (1Ki 8:27) 
    As the Creator of the heavens, Jehovah’s position is far above them all, and “his name alone is unreachably high. His dignity is above earth and heaven.” (Ps 148:13) 
    Jehovah measures the physical heavens as easily as a man would measure an object by spreading his fingers so that the object lies between the tips of the thumb and the little finger. (Isa 40:12) 
    Solomon’s statement does not mean that God has no specific place of residence. Nor does it mean that he is omnipresent in the sense of being literally everywhere and in everything. This can be seen from the fact that Solomon also spoke of Jehovah as hearing “from the heavens, your established place of dwelling,” that is, the heavens of the spirit realm.—1Ki 8:30, 39.
    15 May you be blessed by Jehovah, The Maker of heaven and earth."
    16 As for the heavens, they belong to Jehovah, But the earth he has given to the sons of men."
    (Psalm 115:15,16)

  13. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to TrueTomHarley in Dear Tom @ LoveLine   
    Dear Tom @ LoveLine:
    There's this obnoxious brother at the Kingdom Hall making advances toward me. I want him to drop dead, but my parents are pushing him because he has a lot of dough.
    I think he's sincere but I don't know. He has 60 wives and 80 concubines. They take up the entire 2nd auditorium. But he has said many endearing things to me, like: "Only one is my dove, my flawless one." 
    This pulls at my heartstrings. What should I do?
    [There may be 60 queens 
    and 80 concubines 
    And young women without number.
    But only one is my dove,
    my flawless one.....Ca 6:8-9]
    Dear Person:
    You forgot the "young women without number."
    Tell the guy to take a hike. He's used that line on each of the 60 queens and 80 concubines.
    photo: Vincent Brassinne

  14. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in JEHOVAH IS COUNTING IN OTHER DIMENSIONS....   
    For  JEHOVAH   will  almost  finished  Armageddon  ;-)   WOW !!
  15. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in Overflow With Thanksgiving and Stabilized in the Faith   
    “Let your roots grow down into Christ and draw up nourishment from him. See that you go on growing in the Lord, and become strong and vigorous in the truth.”
    (Colossians 2:7). NIV            
     6 "Therefore, just as you have accepted Christ Jesus the Lord, go on walking in union with him, 7 being rooted and built up in him and being stabilized in the faith, just as you were taught, and overflowing with thanksgiving."
    (Colossians 2:6,7) NWT 

  16. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in "I am Jehovah. That is my name" ~ Isaiah 42:8 (video, 4 min.)   
    "I am  Jehovah. That  is  my  name" ~  Isaiah 42:8
    I am Jehovah. That is my name;
    I give my glory to no one else,
    Nor my praise to graven images.
    Wonderful  video  with  a  Kingdom  song...
  17. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in I Will ‘Climb Up Just as a Stag Does’   
    I Will ‘Climb Up Just as a Stag Does’
    “Why did God let this happen? Why me?” How many times I asked those questions! I couldn’t bear the idea of spending my life in a wheelchair, unable to use my arms and legs.

    I Will ‘Climb Up Just as a Stag Does’ (August 2006) Francesco Abbatemarco’s patience and humility really made me think. Not only did he try to overcome his physical disability in order to serve Jehovah but he also worked hard to overcome his negative feelings as well. His experience has helped me to keep in mind that no matter what situations we face, we can serve Jehovah to the best of our ability. I was also encouraged to see how applying God’s Word helped him to make dramatic changes in his life.
    N. G., Cambodia 

    Francesco had so many obstacles to overcome. Yet, once he found the truth, he faced them eagerly and willingly. He is such a wonderful example of determination! I hope his story will motivate others the way it has me.
    M. D., South Africa 

    I loved this article so much! I wish I could tell Francesco Abbatemarco in person how much it encouraged me to make a greater effort to do more in my service to Jehovah.
    J. B., United States 

    Thank you, Francesco, for your wonderful example of zeal and endurance. I am sure that in the new system, you will leap up like a stag. Please know that you have brothers and sisters who really love you and who pray for you.
    S. G., Russia 

  18. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in BE PROTECTED WITH JEHOVAH’S PEOPLE   
    “I will certainly magnify myself and sanctify myself and make myself known before the eyes of many nations; and they will have to know that I am Jehovah.”—Ezekiel 38:18-23.
    When Gog begins the attack, Jehovah will tell his servants: “Go, my people, enter your inner rooms, and shut your doors behind you. Hide yourself for a brief moment until the wrath has passed by.” (Isaiah 26:20) 
    During that time, Jehovah will give us instructions about what we need to do to be protected. The “inner rooms” may be connected with our local congregations.
    If we want to be protected during the great tribulation, we must accept that God has a people on earth today and that he has organized them into congregations. We must take sides with Jehovah’s people and stay close to our local congregation. 
    Just like the psalmist, may we say with all our heart: “Salvation belongs to Jehovah. Your blessing is upon your people.”—Psalm 3:8.

  19. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in Put Away Everything Injurious, Find Peace!   
    Sometimes you don't get closure, you just have to move on....
    31 "Put away from yourselves every kind of malicious bitterness, anger, wrath, screaming, and abusive speech, as well as everything injurious."
    (Ephesians 4:31)

  20. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in WHO Named the Earth? WHO Owns it?   
    New World Translation Genesis 1:1 1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
    The earth was brought into existence because of Jehovah’s will (“pleasure,” KJ). (Re 4:11) It was created to remain forever. (Ps 78:69; 104:5; 119:90; Ec 1:4) 
    God speaks of himself as a God of purpose and declares that his purposes are certain to come to fruition. (Isa 46:10; 55:11) 
    He made his purpose for the earth very clear when he said to the first human pair: “Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth.” (Ge 1:28) 
    There were no flaws in earth or the things on it. Having created all necessary things, Jehovah saw that they were “very good” and “proceeded to rest” or desist from other earthly creative works.—Ge 1:31–2:2.
    Man’s habitation on earth is also permanent. When God gave man the law regarding the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, he implied that man could live on earth forever. (Ge 2:17) 
    We are assured by Jehovah’s own words that “all the days the earth continues, seed sowing and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night, will never cease” (Ge 8:22) and that he will never destroy all flesh again by a flood. (Ge 9:12-16) 
    Jehovah says that he did not make the earth for nothing but, rather, that he has given it to men as a home and that death will eventually be done away with. God’s purpose, therefore, is for the earth to be the habitation of man in perfection and happiness with eternal life.—Ps 37:11; 115:16; Isa 45:18; Re 21:3, 4.
    The Bible’s Harmony With Scientific Facts. The Bible, at Job 26:7, speaks of God as “hanging the earth upon nothing.” Science says that the earth remains in its orbit in space primarily because of the interaction of gravity and centrifugal force. 
    These forces, of course, are invisible. Therefore the earth, like other heavenly bodies, is suspended in space as if hanging on nothing. Speaking from Jehovah’s viewpoint, the prophet Isaiah wrote under inspiration: “There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth, the dwellers in which are as grasshoppers.” (Isa 40:22) 
    The Bible says: “He [God] has described a circle upon the face of the waters.” (Job 26:10) 
    The waters are limited by his decree to their proper place. They do not come up and inundate the land; neither do they fly off into space. (Job 38:8-11) 
    From the viewpoint of Jehovah, the earth’s face, or the surface of the waters, would, of course, have a circular form, just as the edge of the moon presents a circular appearance to us. Before land surfaces appeared, the surface of the entire globe was one circular (spherical) mass of surging waters.—Ge 1:2.

  21. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to The Librarian in Mother, Father and Son all just Appointed as Regular Pioneers   
    The face of the son is priceless ;-)
  22. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in Death Will Be No More! No Pain, No Sorrow!   
    4 "And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”
    (Revelation 21:4)
    “Death will be no more.” (Revelation 21:4) 
    What has caused more unwanted tears than the enemy death? Jehovah will release obedient humans from the grip of death. 
    How? By eliminating the real cause of death: sin inherited from Adam. (Romans 5:12) 
    Jehovah will lift obedient humans to perfection on the basis of Jesus’ ransom sacrifice.* Then the last enemy, death, will be “brought to nothing.” (1 Corinthians 15:26) 
    Faithful humans will be able to live as God purposed for them to live—forever in perfect health.
    “Neither will . . . pain be anymore.” (Revelation 21:4) 
    What kind of pain will be no more? All the mental, emotional, and physical pain that has resulted from sin and imperfection and made life miserable for countless millions will be no more.
    A life without tears, death, and pain will soon be a reality. ‘But where?’ you may ask. ‘Is God’s promise perhaps about life in heaven?’ No. Consider why not. First, the promise is introduced with the words “the tent of God is with mankind,” and mankind lives on earth. (Revelation 21:3) Second, the promise describes a world where “death will be nomore”—a world where deathonce existed but will cease to exist. Death has never existed in heaven, but it has had a long existence here on earth. Clearly, then, God’s promise of a better life will be fulfilled right here on earth.
    God will dry up the rivers of tears that have flowed because of suffering and sorrow
    Jehovah wants us to believe his promise of a righteous new world. Right after describing the blessings to come, he guarantees his promise, saying: “Look! I am making all things new.” Then he adds: “These words are faithful and true.” (Revelation 21:5) 
    Why not learn more about how you and your loved ones can be among the happy worshippers who will see God’s promise become a glorious reality?
    Suggested Bible reading:
    1 Peter 1-5; 2 Peter 1-3; 1 John 1-5; 2 John 1-13; 3 John 1-14; Jude 1-25–Revelation 1-22

  23. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in What is the WHOLE Obligation of man?   
    A ship is always safe at the shore....but that is not what it's nbuilt for. 

    13 "The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole obligation of man."

  24. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in Jehovah Will Rule as King Forever!   
    18 "Jehovah will rule as king forever and ever."
    (Exodus 15:18) NWT 
    *  Reference Bible Ex 15:18        
    18 "Jehovah will rule as king to time indefinite, even forever."
    * King James Version Ex 15:18        18 "The LORD shall reign for ever and ever."
    *  American Standard                  Version Ex 15:18
    * 18 "Jehovah shall reign for ever and ever."
    *  Byington Ex 15:18
    * 18 "Jehovah shall reign forever and ever.”

  25. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in Jehovah by His Power Stirs Up the Sea ?   
    15 "But I am Jehovah your God, Who stirs up the sea and makes its waves boisterous—Jehovah of armies is his name."
          (Isaiah 51:15)
    *  Reference Bible Job 26:12        
    12 "By his power he has stirred up the sea, And by his understanding he has broken the stormer to pieces."

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