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Carol Ann Torres

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  1. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in Listen, Obey and Be Blessed!   
    That  works  so  sweet  with  your  nice  posting ❤  Thank  you ;-)
  2. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in Bible Reading—Profitable and Pleasurable   
    Bible Reading—Profitable and Pleasurable
    “You must . . . read in it day and night.”—JOSHUA 1:8.                         The Bible’s Author, Jehovah God has preserved it through centuries of virulent opposition from its enemies, both religious and secular. Since it is his will that “all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth,” he has seen to it that his Word is made available to all humankind. (1 Timothy 2:4) It is estimated that about 80 percent of earth’s inhabitants can be reached by the use of 100 languages. The text of the entire Bible is available in 370 languages, and parts of the Scriptures can be read in a further 1,860 languages and dialects. Jehovah wants his people to read his Word. He blesses his servants who give attention to his Word, yes, who read it daily.—Psalm 1:1, 2.                          
    Notice the reasons why Jehovah required all future kings of Israel to read the book of divine law daily: (1) “in order that he may learn to fear Jehovah his God so as to keep all the words of this law and these regulations by doing them”; (2) “that his heart may not exalt itself above his brothers”; (3) “that he may not turn aside from the commandment to the right or to the left.”              

  3. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in ONLY Jehovah is credited with honor and glory ❤   
    How beautiful it is, when you are reading an article and suddenly in your mind you visualize it as if it were real and live it is exciting that experience and so you can hold even more, but as Jehovah helps us and instructs us and refines us, so that we have knowledge of  the words written in the Bible,  that is,  why only HE  is credited with honor and glory ❤
  4. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in Use Time Wisely Days Wicked   
    15 "So keep strict watch that how you walk is not as unwise but as wise persons, 16 making the best use of your time, because the days are wicked."
    (Ephesian 5:15,16.)
    Never put your time in the hands of the ungrateful. 

  5. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in DAVID AND GOLIATH......   
    David  and  Goliath...
    What  it  really  looked  like.....  it's  only  by  Jehovah's  spirit, that  any  of  us can  overcome  insurmountable  challenges...
  6. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in Awake Before Dawn I Cry for Help   
    147 "I have been awake before dawn to cry for help, For your words are my hope." (Psalm 119:147)NWT  147 "I am up in the twilight and clamorous, waiting for your word."
    (Psalm 119:147) Byington

  7. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in A REMINDER TO OUR LOVING SISTER *WHITNEY HEICHEL* ❤ Jehovah's Witness community mourns Whitney Heichel... (text, photos & video)   
    Whitney  and  Clint  Heichel...  when  they  still  were  so  happy ❤
  8. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in A REMINDER TO OUR LOVING SISTER *WHITNEY HEICHEL* ❤ Jehovah's Witness community mourns Whitney Heichel... (text, photos & video)   
    Jehovah's  Witness  community  mourns  Whitney  Heichel.....

    Whitney Heichel, 21, of Gresham was  ‘just a beautiful little person,’  her husband, Clint, said.  She was "just full of love,  and she was just a ray of light to everybody !"   ( very  sad  days  we  had  before  4 years, I  remember ) Whitney and Clint were so very happy ;-)  a wonderful  JW  couple  -  Whitney  was  so  liked  and  popular  by  all  JW  and  other  humans !
    Jehovah will call you, dear Sister Whitney...  hope, we see us in paradise !
    read  more...  http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/devastated-husband-slain-barista-grapples-agonizing-questions-article-1.1189678
    ( and  other  links...)

     The Oregonian, Ross William Hamilto/AP
    Friends and acquaintances of Whitney Heichel gather at the Starbucks, where she worked,  Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012 in Gresham, Oreg.
  9. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to The Librarian in Bicycle Witnessing Program   
    This will make the mormon's jealous. 
  10. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in A TEACHER is teaching a large class. The teacher is doing the very best job possible in teaching the students all they need to know. Suddenly, anything is happened...   
    ( Look  also  by  Illustrations...)
    A TEACHER  is teaching a large class. The teacher is doing the very best job possible in teaching the students all they need to know.
    Suddenly, an unruly student in the back of the class stands up, and shouts to everyone in the class......
    You are a liar, teacher! You have no right to be teaching this class at all. I know more about the subject than you do, and I can prove it to any fellow student who will listen to me!
    What does the teacher do? Does the teacher just call the Principal and have the unruly student evicted immediately from the class, and then continue on, as if nothing had happened?  Think about it for a moment.....If the teacher chose that course of action, then the other students may never know for sure who was correct, and who was the liar, and could be convinced to follow the unruly student.
    The teach chooses this solution to the problem....The teacher says to the unruly student: "OK, you come forward, and you teach the class for one week. At the end of the week, it will become quite clear to all onlookers who tells the truth, and who is the liar....  who has the right to teach this class,  and who does not have that right.
    Here's the point of this little illustration..... This clearly illustrates exactly what happened in the Garden of Eden, between the serpant, Satan, and Adam and Eve.

    The onlookers were the billions of angelic servants of Jehovah God.

    The week mentioned for Satan and his demons is not quite over,  but today,  just a little time is left.
    In the meantime, whose side do you choose to be on ?
    The teacher....   or the unruly student ?
  11. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to The Librarian in Sing Praises to Jehovah - Song 58: Jehovah, The God of All Comfort   
    Jehovah. The God of all Comfort
  12. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in WE SEND GREETINGS FROM VENEZUELA ❤ A little, smiling Brother / Sister group by outdoor - meeting...   
    A  little, smiling  Brother / Sister  group  by  outdoor - meeting....
  13. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in PREACHING IN SCOTLAND, UNITED KINGDOM - Colored & atmospheric pictures !   
    Colored  and  atmospheric  pictures !
  14. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in BEAUTIFUL BROTHERS / SISTERS, GATHERED IN NIGERIA, AFRICA ( very special )   
    ( very  special )  ;-)
  15. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in "Trust in Jehovah and do what is good."   
    "Trust in Jehovah and do what is good; Find exquisite delight in Jehovah, And he will grant you the desires of your heart."

  16. Upvote
  17. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in POLAND. BIBLE STUDY OF *109* YEARS OF AGE!   
    May  Jehovah  bless  you❤  dear  Bible student  granny ;-)
  18. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in "The great day of Jehovah is near!"   
    "The great day of Jehovah is near!
    It is near and it is approaching very quickly!
    The sound of the day of Jehovah is bitter.
    There a warrior cries out...
    A day of storm and desolation."
    (Zeph. 1:14,15.). “Take Refuge in the Name of Jehovah”
    “I shall certainly let remain . . . a people humble and lowly, and they will actually take refuge in the name of Jehovah.”—ZEPH. 3:12.  A different type of storm is approaching—one that threatens the very existence of the human race. It is a figurative “day of storm.” This “great day of Jehovah” will affect all mankind. “Everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.” (Rom. 10:13) Physical salvation is promised for God’s people. Jehovah’s Witnesses honor and glorify the divine name. They sanctify it by using it in a dignified way. Jehovah takes pleasure in those who trust in him, and he becomes whatever is necessary to bless and protect his people. “He is cognizant of those seeking refuge in him.”—Nah. 1:7; Acts 15:14. JW.ORG

  19. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in “Send out your light and your truth."   
    “Send out your light and your truth. May these themselves lead me.” Psalm 43:3.  JEHOVAH is very considerate in the way he makes his purposes known to his servants. Instead of revealing the truth all at once in one blinding flash of light, he enlightens us progressively. Our trek along life’s pathway might be compared to a walk that a hiker takes down a long trail. He starts out early in the morning and sees little. As the sun begins to rise slowly over the horizon, the hiker is able to distinguish a few features of his surroundings. The rest he sees in hazy outline. But as the sun continues its ascent, he can see farther and farther into the distance. So it is with the spiritual light that God provides. He allows us to discern a few things at a time. God’s Son, Jesus Christ, provided spiritual enlightenment in a similar manner. Let us learn how Jehovah enlightened his people in ancient times and how he does so today.

  20. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in LOOK... I made my BEST decision ever, dedicating my life to Jehovah ❤ The best we can do !   
    LOOK...  I  made  my  BEST  decision  ever,  dedicating  my  life  to  Jehovah ❤   The  best  we  can  do !
    ( Shared by @jw_ella  on  November  14, 2015 )
  21. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in Smiling sisters preaching in Thailand... in a very funny car ! I would like to be with them ;-)   
    Smiling  sisters  preaching  in  Thailand....   in  a  very  funny  car !
    I  would  like  to  be  with  them ;-)
  22. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump go into a bakery shop...   
    We  need  to  laugh  daily...  hahaha  ;-) 
  23. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in Does God Exist ? did God Create Evil ? Albert Einstein True Story ! (video)   
    Does God Exist ? did God Create Evil ?   Albert Einstein True Story
  24. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Joan Kennedy in Vienna, Austria   
    Kunsthistorisches (Art History) Museum
  25. Upvote
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in Stuttgart, Germany   
    Yes, in Germany we have alot spass  ;-)) ?? 
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