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Carol Ann Torres

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  1. Like
    Carol Ann Torres got a reaction from Queen Esther in Stadium "Rukh" Ivano Frankivsk Romania Don't Give Up! 2017! ???   
    Hello my beautiful brothers and sisters. Love you all so much
    Riverdale, CA USA
    Riverdale English Congregation
  2. Like
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in Stadium "Rukh" Ivano Frankivsk Romania Don't Give Up! 2017! ???   
    Stadium "Rukh" Ivano Frankivsk
    Don't Give Up! 2017

  3. Like
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in Welcome to the family! – Our new young brother 92 years old , from Brindisi, Italy ??? #jw #love   
    Welcome to the family 
    Our new young brother 92 years old , from brindisi , Italy ??? #jw
    #pictures #photography #photo
    Tap on link for video______

  4. Like
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in Happy Volunteers for Warwick Pioneer School – Joy and Fun they Had! ?????   
    A small portion of the pioneers and the food service volunteers for the 2017 Warwick North congregation Pioneer School. This photo was taken after "The Best Lunch Ever."

  5. Like
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in Jehovah' s Witnesses - The Paradise train >>>>>   
    Another  POEM  I  found....
    The train to the Paradise
    On the death bed for cessation, a platform free from brawl,
    I perceive in peace my debilitating breath.
    And give off a brief one as I hear my call,
    The one from the train to the paradise.
    My soul boards it on, waving a good-bye to my body and kins.
    The journey commences, the patrons graciously welcome me with smiles.
    I gladly accept the offered window seat to witness the realm free from sins,
    Inhaling the pristine air of contentment.
    Breaching the clouds, up above the sky we go,
    The chirping of birds, the whistle of the engine a merry music to our ears.
    The spruce of blossoms of all the shades that we know,
    A pleasant company all along the path.
    The track so well embellished with assorted vines.
    The aroma of satiation by the sight of mighty green grooves,
    The breathtaking millisecond vision sends shivers down our spines,
    Of the fiery magnificent flight of the phoenix.
    Revelation of the antiquities, is more a shocking miracle than delight.
    The Unicorn's excursion although contradicts it being mystique.
    Is crystal clear to our eyes, to our intellects with dynamic energy we are forced to fight.
    Such is the greatness of the train journey.
    The train ceases and the Train-master affirms the journey concludes at the moment.
    My face dims down, I wish it would go on forever.
    My most awaited end I've reached, but a great transition is encountered by my temperament.
    Once, only for once again,
    I want to travel in 'The train to the Paradise'.
    Copyright © Nishant Patil | Year Posted 2015
  6. Like
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in Jehovah' s Witnesses - The Paradise train >>>>>   
    I hope, this poem will comfort the bereaved ones,  who read it.   ----
    I was moved to write this poem during the summer of 1998 while in the depths of grief due to the loss of my dear Mother in May, 1998. I was told about an illustration a circuit overseer related at an assembly. He said, that we are on a train destined for the new world. However, many of our friends are getting tired and going to sleep. When that happens on a literal train, you are taken to the sleep-car. They are in the sleep-car,  riding right along with us to Paradise. I felt,  this is a more comforting mental picture, than that of my Mama lying in a box at the cemetery.  Ruth Bohonsuik
    I  love  this  poem  to  our   VIDEO -  PARADISE  TRAIN....  
    written  by  our  Sister,  Ruth Bohonsuik
    By Ruth Bohonsuik
    We're on a forward moving train to Paradise,
    Whose passengers are booked for eternal life.
    However, some on that train get sick and fall asleep.
    They're sent to the sleep-car so they can rest in peace.
    They are still on our train,
    Riding with us - as we go.
    Our destination is Paradise,
    Only then will it unload.
    The Great Crowd is conducted off the train,
    Then Christ Jesus, our Master, speaks,
    To those in the sleep-car - "come on out,"
    The time has come for the end of all grief.
    Our loved ones are finally awakened,
    And received with unspeakable delight,
    Known only to those who are faithful,
    And preserved through Armageddon's fight.
    The depth of sadness and grief once known,
    As promised, is matched by joy untold.
    Never again by death will loved ones be severed.
    Together we praise, the Great Jehovah forever.
    The things we will do! Ah! The plans we will make.
    Unhindered by illness, pain, sadness, or aches.
    Fear will be gone, that enemy death is no more,
    Are some of the things our dear Father has in store.
    In the name of Christ Jesus, your Only Begotten Son,
    We prayerfully thank you Jehovah, for you are the One,
    Who lovingly arranged for us to come aboard this train,
    That safely transported us, 'From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained'.
  7. Like
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in Jehovah' s Witnesses - The Paradise train >>>>>   
    Jehovah' s  Witnesses  -  The  Paradise  train  >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
    We  all  will  meet  us  in  the  NEW  WORLD !  ❤
  8. Like
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Alzasior Lutor in SOMETHING STRANGE IN THIS PHOTO ? Regional Assembly in Denton, USA 2 baptized ❤ and 1400 attendees!   
    (Haggai 2:7) 7 “‘And I will rock all the nations, and the desirable things of all the nations must come in; and I will fill this house with glory,’ Jehovah of armies has said.
    ....... The end is near....
  9. Like
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in SOMETHING STRANGE IN THIS PHOTO ? Regional Assembly in Denton, USA 2 baptized ❤ and 1400 attendees!   
    YES...   THE  END  IS  NEAR  !!!!     AND  THE  NATION'S  WARNED  --
  10. Like
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in SOMETHING STRANGE IN THIS PHOTO ? Regional Assembly in Denton, USA 2 baptized ❤ and 1400 attendees!   
    Regional  Assembly  in  Denton,  USA   2 baptized   the photo...  and  1400 attendees! 
    May  Jehovah  bless  you,  our  dear  sister's    A  young  and  an  older  sister,  GREAT
  11. Like
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in Jehovah Witnesses - 91 year old man gets baptized ❤   
    Jehovah Witnesses -  91 year old man gets baptized
    At any age - Once a person gets to know the truth and loves Jehovah, they will get baptized out of love for him and dedication ❤   JEHOVAH'S  BLESSING  OUR  DEAR  BROTHER !
  12. Like
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in Have you heard of Sir Issac Newton? Amazing information for us to see how he knew Truths in the Bible! – ?Ⓜ️?Ⓜ️?   
    Have you heard of Sir Issac Newton? Amazing information for us to see how he knew Truths in the Bible! 
    The famous mathematician Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) also had a keen interest in the Bible. He understood that the holy ones will be raised to heavenly life and will rule invisibly with Christ. (Rev. 5:9, 10) As for the subjects of the Kingdom, he wrote: “The earth shall continue to be inhabited by mortals after the day of judgment and that not only for a 1000 years but even for ever.”
    Newton considered Christ’s presence to be centuries away. “One reason why Newton saw the Kingdom of God so far in the future was because he was profoundly pessimistic about the deep Trinitarian apostasy he saw around him,” said historian Stephen Snobelen. The good news was still veiled. And Newton saw no Christian movement that could preach it. He wrote: “These prophecies of Daniel and John [the latter recorded in the book of Revelation] should not be understood till the time of the end.” Newton explained: “‘Then,’ saith Daniel, ‘many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.’ For the Gospel must be preached in all nations before the great tribulation, and end of the world. The palm-bearing multitude, which come out of this great tribulation, cannot be innumerable out of all nations, unless they be made so by the preaching of the Gospel before it comes.”—Dan. 12:4; Matt. 24:14; Rev. 7:9, 10.
    Why did mankind’s hope remain obscure for most people in the days of Milton and Newton?
    In the days of Milton and Newton, to express ideas contrary to official doctrine of the church was dangerous. Therefore, much of their Bible scholarship remained unpublished until after their deaths. The Reformation of the 16th century failed to reform the teaching about inherent immortality, and mainstream Protestant churches continued to teach Augustine’s idea that the Millennium was past, not future. 
    You may have read about the incident involving Sir Isaac Newton and a model of the solar system. Reportedly, a visiting atheist asked: “Who made it?” When Newton answered, “Nobody!” the atheist replied, “You must think I am a fool!” Newton is then said to have told the atheist that his puny imitation of the much grander solar system proves that there has to be a designer or maker. As appealing as this account may be, historical sources, as well as Newton scholars and biographers, cannot provide evidence that this conversation really occurred. Interestingly, the earliest references to this incident appeared in the early 1800’s using, not Newton’s name, but the name of German scholar Athanasius Kircher.
    account about model of solar system: yb11 12
    belief in earthly paradise to come: w09 8/15 14
    comments on—
    Bible: it-1 311; ba 14; g96 2/8 9; pr 13; Lmn 5
    blood: it-1 345-346; g86 9/8 25
    Christ’s return: g 4/08 8; jv 46
    God’s existence: g92 3/22 10; g88 6/8 6
    “great crowd” (Re 7:9): jv 160
    preaching “good news of the kingdom” (Mt 24:14): w09 8/15 14; jv 160
    time for understanding Daniel and Revelation: w09 8/15 14; jv 160
    law of gravitation: g89 10/8 16-17
    pursuits: w15 6/1 6
    relationship with—
    scholar William Whiston: g 8/14 12; w94 3/15 26-27
    scientist Robert Hooke: g 7/06 28
    Trinity rejected by: jv 124

  13. Like
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in How about this one... A combination of both, the *Milky Way galaxy* and the *Aurora Borealis* in one picture!   
    How  about  this  one....
    A  combination  of  both,  the  *Milky Way galaxy*  and the  *Aurora Borealis*  in  one  picture !

    The  awesome  Aurora  Borealis !

    Always  stunning....  the  POLAR - LIGHTS !!
  14. Like
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in CAN WE SPOT A LOST SHEEP ?......   
    CAN  WE  SPOT  A  LOST  SHEEP ?......
    When she comes on Sunday, she is usually quite late. Is she baptized or inactive is the question for debate. Few people try to know her and some wonder and stare. No one tries to dig down deep to see who's really there. In her purse is a funeral program that is ragged around the ears. It is yellow and quite wrinkled and has been soaked with many tears. She's looked at it quite often and knows the resurrection hope. But she still mourns her daughter, and sometimes she can't cope. Many people wonder but no one ever made the call. She's one of the lost sheep sitting there, right in  YOUR  Kingdom Hall. * Her uncle molested her when she was just a child. Her mother didn't believe her and said she was just wild. Jehovah God has blessed her and now she has the Truth. But she still lives with all the scars of a stolen youth. They say she's moody and she's mean, so no one bothers to call. She's one of the lost sheep sitting there, right in  YOUR  Kingdom Hall. * She comes to all the meetings, to the field and mingles with the friends. But once she goes back home again, the heartache soon begins. She grew up in the Truth, has served Jehovah all her life. All she ever wanted was to be a Christian wife. Now she's past the bloom of youth. Her dreams have not come true. She's tempted and frustrated and scared of what she might do. You probably think she's strong and she doesn't need a call. But she's one of the lost sheep sitting there, right in  YOUR  Kingdom Hall. * When searching from door to door and bringing more sheep in, don't forget all the sheep who are already in the pen. All of these are true stories of people at the Hall. Take some time and look closely and see who needs a call. * We always remember the sick, the single parents and the old, but can we try to include still others in our fold ?  Remember,  that Jehovah doesn't want anyone to fall.
    And that there might be a lost sheep sitting there in  YOUR  Kingdom Hall

  15. Like
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in Coping With “a Thorn in the Flesh” – ?????   
    Coping With “a Thorn in the Flesh”
    How to Cope With a Thorn ???
    The apostle Paul begged God to remove the thorn from his flesh. “In this behalf I three times entreated the Lord that it might depart from me.” What was Jehovah’s reply to Paul’s ardent request? “My undeserved kindness is sufficient for you; for my power is being made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:8, 9) Let us analyze this response and see how it can help us to cope with any thornlike problems that pain us.
    God encouraged Paul to appreciate the undeserved kindness that had already been extended to him through Christ. Indeed, Paul had been greatly blessed in many ways. Jehovah lovingly granted him the privilege of discipleship, though he had been a fanatic opposer of Jesus’ followers. (Acts 7:58; 8:3; 9:1-4) Jehovah thereafter kindly gave Paul many thrilling assignments and privileges. The lesson for us is clear. Even in the worst of times, we still have many blessings for which to be grateful. Never should our trials make us forget the abundant goodness of Jehovah.—Psalm 31:19.
    Today, Jehovah empowers faithful Christians by means of his holy spirit, his Word, and our Christian brotherhood. Like the apostle Paul, we can throw our burdens on Jehovah in prayer. (Psalm 55:22) Although God may not remove our trials, he can grant us the wisdom to cope with them, even with those that are especially hard to bear. Jehovah can also supply us with fortitude—giving us “power beyond what is normal”—to help us endure.—2 Corinthians 4:7.
    How do we receive such help? We must diligently study God’s Word, for therein we will find his sure consolations. (Psalm 94:19) In the Bible, we read the poignant words of God’s servants as they begged for divine help. Jehovah’s responses, which often include the use of comforting words, are food for meditation. Study will fortify us so that “the power beyond what is normal may be God’s and not that out of ourselves.” Just as we need to eat physical food every day for nourishment and strength, so we must feed on God’s words regularly. Do we do this? If we do, then we will see that our receiving “power beyond what is normal” helps us to endure whatever figurative thorns may afflict us now.
    By enduring whatever figurative thorn is in our flesh, we can find great happiness in showing everyone that Jehovah’s power is being made perfect in our weakness. Paul wrote: “We do not give up . . . Certainly the man we are inside is being renewed from day to day. For though the tribulation is momentary and light, it works out for us a glory that is of more and more surpassing weight and is everlasting; while we keep our eyes . . . on the things unseen. For the things . . . unseen are everlasting.”—2 Corinthians 4:16-18.
    Learn more on this subject at:


  16. Like
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in Bermuda – Don't Give Up! – Convention ???   
    The organization publicly responds to the press
    The Christian name hopes that those who feel discouraged or lost will attend the free event and go with the hope of a brighter future.
    The theme of our 2017 convention is " do not give up ". it is based on the words of encouragement of the Apostle Paul, which are found in Galatians 6: 9. The Bible says: " let us not get tired of doing Good, because at the right time we shall reap if we do not surrender ". Attendees can expect three full days of practical instruction from the bible presented through talks, symposia, interviews [and] video segments, as well as a three-part drama. This varied form of presentation has a wide attraction, especially for those with children or who find it difficult to sit for long periods of time, as each individual part is not long-term. As a result, many attendees have commented that the sessions appear to be " flying " and that they felt " renewed " after.
    Since 2014, our conventions have made an increasing use of visual media as an educational tool, and this year is no exception. More video segments have been added and this will undoubtedly strengthen the spoken word and serve as memory help
    The objective of the convention do not give up is to convey the biblical message of hope in a better world under the government of the promised agreement of God, which will bring relief and true justice for all lovers of righteousness. I hope that everyone who attends will see why the quality of resistance is essential to meet the complex challenges of the world in which we live and how to preserve and maintain it daily.
    We trust that everyone will come out of our convention with a renewed sense of trust in the future.

  17. Like
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in WHAT DO ELEPHANTS DO FOR FUN? – ???????   
    Elephants are the largest animals on Earth, and they love to engage in big fun. Elephants can live 60 to 70 years, and they develop deep and remarkably close bonds with their families. With a lifespan that long and close social ties, this means lots of time for fun and closeness. Just like people, elephants love to engage in good old-fashioned play.
    Mud Baths ?????
    Mud baths are an all-time favorite of elephants. They not only romp and play with their friends in mud baths, they also enjoy the cooling sensation and relief that mud provides from the very hot temperatures of Africa and Asia, their native homelands. Elephants in captivity also enjoy mud baths and can be seen giving their friends a helpful shove and rolling around to play in the mud.
    Elephants enjoy socializing with one another, as they are highly intelligent and social animals. Elephants are often seen caressing one another. They enjoy entwining trunks as if to say hello or offer a tender hug. Biologists believe that trunks may be used to greet other elephants because, through them, they can also smell the other elephant and find out more about them.
    Water Games?????
    Elephants appreciate cooling off in bodies of water and may enjoy a good romp in the water with their pals. Elephants are strong swimmers, so being in the water is not unfamiliar to them. In the water, they can enjoy cooling down while "wrestling" with their friends and members of their herd. An elephant's ears also work to cool their bodies down in the heat. Elephants can be seen flapping their ears -- this works as a built-in cooling mechanism.
    Football and Fun with Friends 
    Elephants in captivity have often been seen playing with toys that are provided to them, such as soccer balls and large beach balls. They enjoy batting the ball around with their trunks. This can prove to be hours of fun. From a young age, elephant calves enjoy running around with their friends. Literally from their calfhoods, they start down the path of forming deep bonds that will last a lifetime.
     A baby elephant takes a splash in the cooling mud at Reteti Elephant Sanctuary (@r.e.s.c.u.e) in Northern Kenya. Elephants cover themselves in mud as a shield against the harsh sun and the rescued elephants being cared for at Reteti are instinctively teaching each other many of these useful skills
    Video by @amivitale
    Tap on Video link to watch! Enjoyable!!
    Thank you Jehovah God your Creation and Animals are Amazing! 
  18. Like
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in BREAKING NEWS | Russian Supreme Court to Hear Appeal on Monday, 17. JULY 2017   
    I know, our special Brother, all okay !  Best wishes from Germany ?
  19. Like
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in BREAKING NEWS | Russian Supreme Court to Hear Appeal on Monday, 17. JULY 2017   
    It would be nice that .......  since the Brotherhood has invested millions of hours, and somewhere around Eighty Million Dollars in postage ... the Brotherhood could AT LEAST ......  get some accurate actual translations of court transcripts .
    But hey ... that's just me, thinking out loud ....
  20. Like
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in BREAKING NEWS | Russian Supreme Court to Hear Appeal on Monday, 17. JULY 2017   
    More patience, our Brother @James Thomas Rook Jr.    I think, the  "LIVE BLOG"  by The Librarian is a good idea for that theme  - or the original JW.ORG website !  Thats enough information for us. Some of us have direct contact to Brothers in the US. Bethel.
  21. Like
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in BREAKING NEWS | Russian Supreme Court to Hear Appeal on Monday, 17. JULY 2017   
    The only thing I have seen SO FAR  is glossed over summaries.
    I want to know WHAT REALLY HAPPENED !
    Everyone has a different definition of what "good" is .....
    for many. a paraphrased summary is "good enough"
    It was for the Thessalonians.
  22. Like
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Bible Speaks in BREAKING NEWS | Russian Supreme Court to Hear Appeal on Monday, 17. JULY 2017   
    @James Thomas Rook Jr. @bruceq Does a good job! Watch how you see what he des for us! LIVE BLOG IS GOOD! JW NEWS is good! Have Faith. 
  23. Like
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to Queen Esther in BREAKING NEWS | Russian Supreme Court to Hear Appeal on Monday, 17. JULY 2017   
    By  JW.ORG  we  will  get  the  right  report  in  their  Newsroom  next  week  and  you  must  accept  it,  @James Thomas Rook Jr.....  I  don't  know  how  long  or  detailed ?
  24. Like
    Carol Ann Torres reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in BREAKING NEWS | Russian Supreme Court to Hear Appeal on Monday, 17. JULY 2017   
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