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Melinda Mills

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Everything posted by Melinda Mills

  1. Just saw the September presentations on Youtube - both the main presentation about Comfort and the one on the back cover.
  2. This is what Reddit.com said: "Most modern popular music has an alternating structure, where verses with different lyrics alternate with a chorus (or refrain) that has substantially the same lyrics each time. Often, after a few verses and choruses, there will be a new section called the bridge, which will have a new, contrasting melody and often a new key. Then, there will usually be another verse and chorus."
  3. It has a verse called "Bridge". Will have to look up that one.
  4. Jehovah is still going to be supreme. See text below which was cited in Janice's comment. "(1 Cor 15:28) 28 But when all things will have been subjected to him, then the Son himself will also subject himself to the One who subjected all things to him, that God may be all things to everyone." None of Jehovah's creations can ever be master over him. His name means "He Causes to Become". He becomes and also causes others to become whatever is necessary to fulfill his purposes and protect his servants. To believe that he is not or cannot become whatever he has to to protect himself is ludicrous; and shows a lack of knowledge of Jehovah. 1 Cor 1:19  "19 For it is written: “I will make the wisdom of the wise men perish, and the intelligence of the intellectuals I will reject.” 20 Where is the wise man? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this system of things? Has not God made the wisdom of the world foolish? 21 For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not get to know God through its wisdom, God was pleased through the foolishness of what is preached to save those believing."
  5. Used in everyday life as synonyms. But from dictionary definitions and commentary, it seems eternal goes back in time as well as it goes forward indefinitely; whereas everlasting has a starting point and goes forward indefinitely.
  6. Didn't see any research on it. Maybe it was thought that when they took off the purple cloak (representative of kingly wear) they also took off the crown of thorns. See Matthew 27. (Accounts by Mark and John said it was a purple cloak.) (Matthew 27:28-31) . . .8 And disrobing him, they draped him with a scarlet cloak, 29 and they braided a crown out of thorns and put it on his head and put a reed in his right hand. And kneeling before him, they mocked him, saying: “Greetings, you King of the Jews!” 30 And they spat on him and took the reed and began hitting him on his head. 31 Finally, after they had mocked him, they stripped him of the cloak and put his outer garments on him and led him off to be nailed to the stake. No need to quarrel about this. Everyone has perceptive powers including the artists. (See what JWInsider thinks.)
  7. This might be the answer to the threat of driverless cars.
  8. Head a lot about that at work, too. I believe there is another category because I love talking, commenting, approaching people, writing on a forum or on Facebook, but I like my own space. I like the richness of a one-on-one communication and I also enjoy my own company and hobbies that I can pursue on my own (art, piano, etc). I can and do still contribute to the team spirit without any problems.
  9. Agree there is not a neat fit. Some food for thought in these excerpts. Of course I am a sister and have never seen a manuscript but I would still like to help. *** w15 6/15 pp. 6-7 pars. 15-16 Christ—The Power of God *** 15 The Source of Christ’s power is Jehovah himself, so we have reason to believe that Almighty God is fully capable of controlling the forces of nature. Consider a few examples. Before the Flood, Jehovah stated: “In just seven days, I will make it rain on the earth for 40 days and 40 nights.” (Gen. 7:4) Similarly, at Exodus 14:21, we read: “Jehovah drove the sea back with a strong east wind.” And we read at Jonah 1:4: “Jehovah hurled a strong wind at the sea, and there was such a violent storm on the sea that the ship was about to be wrecked.” It is encouraging to know that Jehovah can control the elements. Clearly, planet Earth’s future is in good hands. 16 How reassuring it is to contemplate the awesome power of our Creator and his “master worker.” When their full attention is directed toward the earth for the 1,000 years, all people will dwell in security. Terrifying natural disasters will be a thing of the past. There will be no reason to fear being harmed by typhoons, tsunamis, volcanoes, or earthquakes in the new world. How wonderful it is to think of the time when no natural forces will kill or maim, for “the tent of God [will be] with mankind”! (Rev. 21:3, 4) We can be assured that the power of God exercised through Christ will control the forces of nature during the Millennium. End quote If in the Talk you use the scripture at Revelation 21:3,4 you can use the Song, “All Things New” No.14 to stress they will be no more dying (due to natural disasters among other things). ======= Alternatively, if you approach it from the standpoint of the use of Jehovah’s power you can use Song No.1 speaks of Jehovah’s “power so great; More your great day will still relate”. If you think of Job 38 and the use of the storehouses of snow and hail you can stress destructive forces which Jehovah will use in the future. *** w05 11/15 p. 14 Wonders of Creation Exalt Jehovah *** Who Has Storehouses of Snow and Hail? No man has escorted either light or darkness to its home or has entered the storehouses of snow and hail that God keeps back for “the day of fight and war.” (Job 38:19-23) When Jehovah used hail against his foes at Gibeon, “there were more who died from the hailstones than those whom the sons of Israel killed with the sword.” (Joshua 10:11) He may use hailstones of undisclosed size to destroy wicked humans led by Gog, or Satan.—Ezekiel 38:18, 22. Egg-size hailstones killed 25 people and injured 200 others in central Henan Province, China, in July 2002. Regarding a hailstorm in 1545, Italian sculptor Benvenuto Cellini wrote: “We were one day distant from Lyons . . . when the heavens began to thunder with sharp rattling claps. . . . After the thunder the heavens made a noise so great and horrible that I thought the last day had come; so I reined in for a moment, while a shower of hail began to fall without a drop of water. . . . The hail now grew to the size of big lemons. . . . The storm raged for some while, but at last it stopped . . . We showed our scratches and bruises to each other; but about a mile farther on we came upon a scene of devastation which surpassed what we had suffered, and defies description. All the trees were stripped of their leaves and shattered; the beasts in the field lay dead; many of the herdsmen had also been killed; we observed large quantities of hailstones which could not have been grasped with two hands.”—Autobiography (Book II, 50), Harvard Classics, Volume 31, pages 352-3. What will happen when Jehovah opens his storehouses of snow and hail against his enemies? They cannot possibly survive when snow or hail is used to carry out his will. End quote Of course Jehovah and his son Christ Jesus can harness all of the natural elements and use them to suit his purpose. Why they become unruly at times we don’t exactly know, as Jesus himself was in danger once in a boat on the sea of Galilee. But he showed power over these forces and saved himself and the disciples. Power in nature and in wild creatures also bring glory to Jehovah as they are his creation and reflect his power. See also Song No. 131 –“ Provider of Escape”; Song No. 15 - Creation Reveals Jehovah’s Glory”
  10. Only yesterday I noticed that the computer was updating information, but I didn't know what was planned. Thanks again.
  11. Answer for Queen Esther Jesus as a man on earth was equal to Adam in all respects. (1 Timothy 2:5, 6) 5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all. . . (Ever studied corresponding angles in Geometry? ) See comment below from Watchtower. *** w14 9/15 p. 26 par. 12 The Last Enemy, Death, Brought to Nothing *** 12 As a perfect man, Jesus had prospects similar to those of Adam before he sinned. Jehovah’s purpose was to fill the earth with Adam’s perfect offspring. Hence, with deep love for his Father and for Adam’s descendants, Jesus gave up his human life in sacrifice. Yes, Jesus gave up a perfect human life that corresponded to what Adam had lost. Thereafter, Jehovah restored his Son to life as a spirit. (1 Pet. 3:18) Jehovah could justly accept the sacrifice of that one perfect man, Jesus, as a ransom, or purchase price, to buy back Adam’s family and give them the life prospects that Adam had forfeited. In a sense, Jesus took the place of Adam. Paul explains: “So it is written: ‘The first man Adam became a living person.’ The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.”—1 Cor. 15:45.
  12. God made asses but I am sure he doesn't sit on any. Poor sentence structure and word choice.
  13. It might be humorous but some might think he was not really a Witness, if you size him up with Mormons. By the way, whatever record he might have had is with Jehovah now. He did what he could.
  14. You don't seem to get anything, do you. Your eyes are blinded. Why are you working so hard on this site.
  15. Try to learn something. The Bible shows that the first human pair were perfect. (Genesis 1:27-31) And God went on to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them. 28 Further, God blessed them, and God said to them: “Be fruitful and become many, fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving on the earth.” 29 Then God said: “Here I have given to you every seed-bearing plant that is on the entire earth and every tree with seed-bearing fruit. Let them serve as food for you. 30 And to every wild animal of the earth and to every flying creature of the heavens and to everything moving on the earth in which there is life, I have given all green vegetation for food.” And it was so. 31 After that God saw everything he had made, and look! it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, a sixth day. (Deuteronomy 32:4) 4 The Rock, perfect is his activity, For all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness who is never unjust; Righteous and upright is he. Since Jehovah God is perfect, how could his creation not be perfect? If someone who creates says he is happy and satisfied that his work is good, who in their right mind would want to argue with that? (1 Corinthians 15:45) So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living person.” The last Adam became a life-giving spirit. This scripture alludes to the first perfect man Adam (who did not stay perfect) and it also refers to the last perfect man to walk the earth, Jesus, who was resurrected as a perfect life-giving spirit . (1 Peter 3:18) For Christ died once for all time for sins, a righteous person for unrighteous ones, in order to lead you to God. He was put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit. We must pray for understanding of God's Word, as Satan seeks to blind us. (2 Corinthians 4:4) We must apply what we learn to ourselves. Use the time to learn God's will, get close to him and not just to confound others. Time is flying. Apply John 17:3 - Jesus prayed about its importance. Time for humility.
  16. Since he might be impressed by power, he should be introduced to the passage that's used in the convention drama; the one where one of Jehovah's angels put 185,000 soldiers of King Sennacherib of Assyria to death in a split second. (See passage below) Then the could eventually be introduced to Jesus, the Logos, the beginning of the creation by God; the exact representation of His Glory; then to Jehovah the Most High, the Source of all power and continue to learn about real power. (2 Kings 19:35-37) 35 On that very night the angel of Jehovah went out and struck down 185,000 men in the camp of the As·syrʹi·ans. When people rose up early in the morning, they saw all the dead bodies. 36 So King Sen·nachʹer·ib of As·syrʹi·a departed and returned to Ninʹe·veh and stayed there. 37 And as he was bowing down at the house of his god Nisʹroch, his own sons A·dramʹme·lech and Shar·eʹzer struck him down with the sword and then escaped to the land of Arʹa·rat. And his son Eʹsar-hadʹdon became king in his place. He might wish also to ponder some of the questions Elihu asked Job in the Bible. *** w01 4/15 pp. 10-11 Give Attention to God’s Wonderful Works *** What Effect on You? 10 Imagine yourself in Job’s place, being questioned by Almighty God. You will likely agree that most people give little attention to God’s wonderful works. Jehovah asks us the questions we read at Job 38:33-38. “Have you come to know the statutes of the heavens, or could you put its authority in the earth? Can you raise your voice even to the cloud, so that a heaving mass of water itself may cover you? Can you send forth lightnings that they may go and say to you, ‘Here we are!’? Who put wisdom in the cloud layers, or who gave understanding to the sky phenomenon? Who can exactly number the clouds in wisdom, or the water jars of heaven—who can tip them over, when the dust pours out as into a molten mass, and the clods of earth themselves get stuck together?” 11 We have touched on only a few of the points that Elihu raised with Job, and we have noted some questions that Jehovah called on Job to answer “like an able-bodied man.” (Job 38:3) We say “some” because in chapters 38 and 39, God focused attention on other notable aspects of creation. For example, the constellations of the heavens. Who knows all their laws, or statutes? (Job 38:31-33) Jehovah directed Job’s attention to some of the animals—the lion and the raven, the mountain goat and the zebra, the wild bull and the ostrich, the mighty horse and the eagle. In effect, God asked Job if he had given these varied animals their characteristics, allowing them to live and to thrive. You may enjoy studying these chapters, especially if you like horses or other animals.—Psalm 50:10, 11. 12 You could also examine Job chapters 40 and 41, where Jehovah again asked Job to respond to questions about two particular creatures. We understand these to be the hippopotamus (Behemoth), prodigious in size and strong in body, and the formidable Nile crocodile (Leviathan). Each in its own way is a marvel of creation worthy of attention. Let us now see what conclusions we should reach. 13 Job chapter 42 shows us what effect God’s questioning had on Job. Earlier Job gave too much attention to himself and others. But accepting the correction implicit in God’s questions, Job changed his thinking. He confessed: “I have come to know that you [Jehovah] are able to do all things, and there is no idea that is unattainable for you. ‘Who is this that is obscuring counsel without knowledge?’ Therefore I talked, but I was not understanding things too wonderful for me, which I do not know.” (Job 42:2, 3) Yes, after giving attention to God’s works, Job said that these things were too wonderful for him. After reviewing these creative marvels, we should likewise be impressed with God’s wisdom and power. To what end? Is it simply a matter of being impressed with Jehovah’s enormous power and ability? Or should we be moved beyond that? 14 Well, in Psalm 86, we find related expressions made by David, who in an earlier psalm said: “The heavens are declaring the glory of God; and of the work of his hands the expanse is telling. One day after another day causes speech to bubble forth, and one night after another night shows forth knowledge.” (Psalm 19:1, 2) But David went further. At Psalm 86:10, 11, we read: “You are great and are doing wondrous things; you are God, you alone. Instruct me, O Jehovah, about your way. I shall walk in your truth. Unify my heart to fear your name.” David’s awe of the Creator for all His wondrous works included a due measure of reverential fear. You can appreciate why. David did not want to displease the One who is able to perform these wonderful works. Neither should we.
  17. Agree with 1 Cor 9:17 used by Eoin Joyce. The stewardship is to do the work Jesus left to be done – Preach the good news of the Kingdom of God, which is a real government that will correct forever the affairs of sinful mankind. People need to know of this solution as it gives them hope and the promise of everlasting life. Christians must live their lives worthy of the kingdom as well (1 Cor 6: 9,10) They must live up to Kingdom standards and requirements as well as preach it. “(1 Corinthians 9:17) If I do this willingly, I have a reward; but even if I do it against my will, I still have a stewardship entrusted to me.” (Matthew 21:28-32) 28 “What do you think? A man had two children. Going up to the first, he said, ‘Child, go work today in the vineyard.’ 29 In answer this one said, ‘I will not,’ but afterward, he felt regret and went out. 30 Approaching the second, he said the same. This one replied, ‘I will, Sir,’ but did not go out. 31 Which of the two did the will of his father?” They said: “The first.” Jesus said to them: “Truly I say to you that the tax collectors and the prostitutes are going ahead of you into the Kingdom of God. Even if they have issues that need clarifying and they obey the clear instructions of Jesus to preach the good news they will get their reward. Job did not understand where his hardship was coming from (he thought it was from God) but he still got his reward back then and was assured of a resurrection in the new system. Daniel did not understand what he wrote – the book was sealed up for the last days – he was also assured he would stand up (be resurrected) for his lot (reward) in the new system. ======= Any who made unauthorized pronouncements about dates and timing will have had to eat their words. Romans 3: 4: … Let God be found true, even if every man be found a liar. ======== WHAT IS BEING PREACHED IS STILL TRUE, AND THE END IS STILL COMING Acts 1:6-8 – Time of intervention in human affairs is in God’s jurisdiction Luke 12: 35-44 – Do the work faithfully Matthew 24:36 - No one knows when he is coming Matthew 24:43;44 - Coming as a thief in the night Genesis 3:15, Ps 72, Isa 65, Dan 2:44, Rev 21:3-5; 1 John 3:8 Intervention by God’s Kingdom; Kingdom of God is only solution to mankind’s problems Matt 10:7 Preach the good news of the kingdom Matthew 24:14 Preach the good news of the kingdom of God Matt 28:19,20 Make disciples and send them out to preach message also. 1 Cor 10:11; Romans 15:4 Prophecies apply to us in end times 1 Peter 3:8 One thousand years is a day to Jehovah (Jesus left the earth approx 2000 years ago. Prophecies applied to first century as well as our time) 2 Tim 3:1-5 - Signs of last days Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13 Signs of last days Matthew 24 - Be ready and stay ready Zephaniah 2:3 - Seek Jehovah now John 17:3 - Seek knowledge – important for everlasting life Habbakuk 2:3 - End still for the time appointed by God. It will not be late. Jesus allowed for human misunderstanding. (Proverbs 4:18) But the path of the righteous is like the bright morning light That grows brighter and brighter until full daylight. (John 16:12) 12 “I still have many things to say to you, but you are not able to bear them now. ======= God always used imperfect persons like us to do his work on earth. (James 5:17) E·liʹjah was a man with feelings like ours, and yet when he prayed earnestly for it not to rain, it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. (Hebrews 6: 10) For God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name by ministering and continuing to minister to the holy ones. (Matthew 10:40-42) 40 “Whoever receives you receives me also, and whoever receives me receives also the One who sent me. 41 Whoever receives a prophet because he is a prophet will get a prophet’s reward, and whoever receives a righteous man because he is a righteous man will get a righteous man’s reward. 42 And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water to drink because he is a disciple, I tell you truly, he will by no means lose his reward.”
  18. Can perceive what I have to do in the circumstances from knowledge of the scriptures. (Hebrews 5:14; Ephesians 5:17) But I looked it up some time recently and couldn't find any discussion at all on it in WT resources. Strange that I didn't find anything. Make your own decision based on what you know about Jehovah's likes and dislikes.
  19. Death by wild beast of the earth (Bold and italics – mine) *** w88 10/15 pp. 11-12 pars. 5-9 “This Is the Day of All Days” *** 5 There follow in the vision three grim figures: a fiery-colored horse symbolizing war, a black horse symbolizing famine, and a pale horse whose rider was named “Death.” Of this fourth horse, we read: “I saw, and, look! a pale horse; and the one seated upon it had the name Death. And Hades was closely following him. And authority was given them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with a long sword and with food shortage and with deadly plague and by the wild beasts of the earth.”—Revelation 6:3-8; Matthew 24:3, 7, 8; Luke 21:10, 11. 6 True to the prophecy, mankind has suffered terribly from war, famine, and disease since 1914. But the fourth horseman also kills by means of “the wild beasts of the earth.” Has this been a notable feature since 1914? Consideration of a similar prophecy by Ezekiel helps to put this aspect of the prophecy into perspective. … 8 What about today? In the developed lands, wild animals are not the dangerous problem that they once were. In other countries, however, wild animals continue to claim victims, especially if we include snakes and crocodiles among “the wild beasts of the earth.” Such tragic deaths are seldom reported in the international press, but they are notable. The book Planet Earth—Flood speaks of the many in India and Pakistan who “have died in agony from the bites of venomous snakes” while trying to escape from floods. India Today reported on one village in West Bengal where an estimated 60 women have lost their husbands because of tiger attacks. Such tragedies may become even more common in the future when human society breaks down and when famine increases. 9… So humans can act like animals too, and how mankind has suffered from such predators during our century! Many have died at the hands of animalistic criminals and terrorists. Yes, in more than one way death has claimed a rich harvest of victims from “the wild beasts of the earth.”
  20. Hi Holly, I endorse the statements of Eion above. I don't have time now to go into detail. I am dressing now to attend the convention. Eion, the following statement is Holly's and not mine. "Not so with the rest of JWs. Their faith in Jesus evidently doesn't give Jehovah the confidence to grant them immortality and he isn't so sure that they won't ever sin again ". What I was glad to see is that Holly and Shiwii have the ability to research the online research to get opinions from the Watchtower but I don't think they are getting the correct understanding still from what they are quoting. Thanks for answering. Kind regards and Agape Melinda
  21. Yes, it mentioned the points we made in our own words. Thanks for researching it. Hope you gained something from it as well. It is good to do research, as it helps us to learn more and know the mind of Jehovah. Jesus said knowledge leads to everlasting life. John 17:3.
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