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Melinda Mills

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  1. Haha
    Melinda Mills reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in The range of political beliefs among Jehovah's Witnesses   
    I was raised in Richmond, Virginia, the former Capitol of the Confederacy, and was taught that Yankees had pointed teeth, and ate babies.
    I knew this was not true ... but suspected it MIGHT be.
  2. Upvote
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in The range of political beliefs among Jehovah's Witnesses   
    We should consider the below advice before we go further on this.
    *** w89 5/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***
    We should find in this a caution for all of us. Ethnic or national prejudice may abound around us. (Compare John 7:47-52.) We likely hear neighbors, schoolmates, or fellow workers make categorical remarks about another people, such as, ‘Oh, those northerners are all cold and unfeeling’; ‘Well, you know how proud those southerners are’; or, ‘It’s risky to trust those people from across the border.’
    We must strive to avoid giving in to broad characterizations that are probably unfounded or greatly exaggerated. Some may be more outgoing and expressive, others more reserved or slow to warm up to strangers. Yet, we should remember that some of our Christian brothers are no doubt to be found among the people of that ethnic group or nationality, as well as many others who have not yet become true Christians but who have admirable traits and who hunger for righteousness.
    The apostle Peter stressed the fact that “God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.” (Acts 10:34, 35) We can be absolutely sure that Paul agreed with that, reflecting the same outlook in his writings and speech. So should we.
  3. Upvote
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in The range of political beliefs among Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Nice to hear from you.  You could probably start by explaining what is politics and what is partisan politics. But I still expect you to be neutral.
  4. Upvote
    Melinda Mills reacted to Anna in The range of political beliefs among Jehovah's Witnesses   
    It was political opinion, (although based on scriptures in his mind), that got Rutherford and his associates in trouble and throw in prison in 1918 on charges of sedition....
    Yes, it always surprises me when I read snippets from publications of that period. The other day I was clearing up some stuff in the garage and found some more old books that belong to my mother in law. As always I can't resist reading a few pages. It's obvious that Rutherford was very in the know as regards politics. And so was Russel (from reading old 1913 WT). It's evident though that the reason they were discussing politics was not because they somehow wanted to be a part of the world as @4Jah2me insinuates, but because the political scene convinced them of the fulfillment of Bible prophecies, and also that we are living in the time of the end.
  5. Upvote
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Anna in The range of political beliefs among Jehovah's Witnesses   
    OK, let me start.
    Politics is the set of activities associated with the governance of a country, state or an area. It involves making decisions that apply to groups of members. It refers to achieving and exercising positions of governance—organized control over a human community, particularly a state. Wikipedia
    (Romans 13:1, 2) Let every person be in subjection to the superior authorities, for there is no authority except by God; the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God. 2 Therefore, whoever opposes the authority has taken a stand against the arrangement of God; those who have taken a stand against it will bring judgment against themselves.
  6. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to JW Insider in The range of political beliefs among Jehovah's Witnesses   
    It was much less common with Russell to get political. And his statements about people of color were mostly better than his contemporaries. Somewhat progressive for his time. But Rutherford had been a political person before becoming a Bible Student. He even worked on a U.S. presidential campaign.
  7. Upvote
    Melinda Mills reacted to JW Insider in The range of political beliefs among Jehovah's Witnesses   
    I didn't want to give the impression that there is a need, only that we probably have a general expectation that politics can show just how bad things are in the world and therefore we all have some interest. Some of the details can be used when trying to get other persons interested in the message about the Kingdom. It is rather rare, I think, for most Witnesses to take much of a specific interest in a political issue, except where something might effect us personally -- in countries where a ban on Witnesses might be in the works, or formal recognition, for that matter.
    The level of interest of Kosonen or Arauna or myself is not typical at all in my experience. I can discuss politics with no one except my own family and even here there are obvious practical limits.
    But you might not believe the level of politics in the 1910s through the 1940's among Bible Students and early Jehovah's Witnesses. It was driven by hundreds of articles that delved into political matters at great length and great depth. Russell wrote a letter to the U.S. President to tell him that Filipinos are lazy and the Japanese are hardworking. The articles on Hitler even before he took power were already taking up pages of the Golden Age. There are densely packed articles on Germany and Hitler that went on for several pages with a level of detail and quotations from secular sources that would be unheard of today.
    @Melinda I am not referring to politics in its most practical sense, about getting things done in a state, or city, or community. I am referring more to the divisive ideologies of national politics that keep people arguing about foreign policy, drive prejudices, create conflicts between nations, produce nationalism, etc.
  8. Upvote
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from JW Insider in The range of political beliefs among Jehovah's Witnesses   
    OK, let me start.
    Politics is the set of activities associated with the governance of a country, state or an area. It involves making decisions that apply to groups of members. It refers to achieving and exercising positions of governance—organized control over a human community, particularly a state. Wikipedia
    (Romans 13:1, 2) Let every person be in subjection to the superior authorities, for there is no authority except by God; the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God. 2 Therefore, whoever opposes the authority has taken a stand against the arrangement of God; those who have taken a stand against it will bring judgment against themselves.
  9. Upvote
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in The range of political beliefs among Jehovah's Witnesses   
    OK, let me start.
    Politics is the set of activities associated with the governance of a country, state or an area. It involves making decisions that apply to groups of members. It refers to achieving and exercising positions of governance—organized control over a human community, particularly a state. Wikipedia
    (Romans 13:1, 2) Let every person be in subjection to the superior authorities, for there is no authority except by God; the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God. 2 Therefore, whoever opposes the authority has taken a stand against the arrangement of God; those who have taken a stand against it will bring judgment against themselves.
  10. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Srecko Sostar in The range of political beliefs among Jehovah's Witnesses   
    also: the relationships within a group or organization that allow particular people to have power over others: I don't like to get involved in office politics. - https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/politics    
  11. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in The range of political beliefs among Jehovah's Witnesses   
    I think American JW's get more wound up with politics that here in the UK. For all the time I was a JW we never spoke about politics, apart from one single brother that I will mention later, but that was just his personal 'theory'...
    For my part I have no interest in politicians or political parties. I don't vote for any of them. But I did vote to leave the EU. My feelings were that leaving the EU was an action. It wasn't about the political party or the PM, it was about an action that the UK could take. A bit like the W/t outlook on climate change. Do your bit to make things better whilst still being 'no part of the world'
    But sorry @Arauna  I do think you get very 'involved' in worldly affairs. Your own business of course. To me it does not take such a deep look to see how bad the 'world' is getting, and we know it's Satan's world anyway. 
    @JW Insider Maybe you could start off by saying why JWs actually need to look into world politics and worldly affairs ? 
    OK, now this one brother that has a 'theory'. He is a young man, single, probably has too much spare time to think on things. His idea is that the Russians have the remains of Noah's Ark. He has some video footage of what he says are Russian troops breaking up the remains and transporting it to Russia. His idea is that the remains would make more people believe in God and that Russia as a whole wants to remove all beliefs from people. Is that political ? Is it even important ?  I only mentioned it as you were writing about folks having crazy thoughts and beliefs. 
  12. Upvote
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from JW Insider in The range of political beliefs among Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Nice to hear from you.  You could probably start by explaining what is politics and what is partisan politics. But I still expect you to be neutral.
  13. Upvote
    Melinda Mills reacted to Arauna in JW Russia: Russian Jehovah's Witness gets suspended sentence for extremism - spokesman   
    Jesus was on the podium as a political "subverter"......so we know that we will be called the same.
  14. Like
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from SuzA in Funerals set for victims of Pickens County tornado   
    Sad to hear of this event. Jehovah will remember them in his new system, when his Son will speak to the wind and say "Be still". Nothing like that will ever occur again.
    Accept sincere condolences and deep regret. 
  15. Like
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Isabella in Funerals set for victims of Pickens County tornado   
    Sad to hear of this event. Jehovah will remember them in his new system, when his Son will speak to the wind and say "Be still". Nothing like that will ever occur again.
    Accept sincere condolences and deep regret. 
  16. Like
    Always remember them in your prayers.
  17. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Arauna in Revelation: Babylon the Great, etc.   
    Just wanted to add this: ancient Nineveh was started at time of Nimrod..... and it followed the same religion ( away from jehovah) as Babylon.  
    At the time of Peleg as mentioned in a scripture quoted earlier,  the world became divided in worship for jehovah , or against.
    Gen 10: "Just like Nimʹrod, a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah.”  10 The beginning of his kingdom was Baʹbel, Eʹrech, Acʹcad, and Calʹneh, in the land of Shiʹnar.  11 From that land he went into As·syrʹi·a and built Ninʹe·veh......."  and other cities in what later became Assyria.  Apart from being a warlike place, Nineveh had  it in common that it was a city which rebelled against worship of jehovah in time of Nimrod.  
    This city was established AGAINST instructions of Jehovah to spread over the earth after the flood.
    Nineveh was a spiritual prostitute.  God would not call someone a spiritual prostitute if they were unfaithful to Satan. They must have strayed from Jehovahs worship.
    Rome is quoted in Islam in its eschatology. It symbolizes the western "infidelity."  (Islam also uses this symbolism because Mohammad had the bible read to him and spoke to Talmudic Jews all the time while he was a merchant.)
    This is why I find the alliance between Islam (part of harlot and Babylon the great)  and Russia so interesting. Alliances in Iran, Turkey, assyria..... and Turkey sees itself as a power in the Mediterranean. Religious (theocracies) with Russia.  
    As matter of fact Arabia, Israel and US is another interesting alliance.... because of the incompatibility of the religions. So when the image of beast turns against religion, will we see these alliances suddenly break up?  ..... Or will the power of UNand its allies  be so strong to keep them together for a while so they will be able to call out peace and security?
  18. Upvote
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in WT: Harmful effects from character development   
    At some point over the years they got both character development and the need to be zealous out of balance, emphasing one to the detriment of the other, whereas the scriptures clearly show we need them both. Jesus was zealous and he was gentle.  Zeal for God' house "ate him up".
    (John 2:16, 17) 16 And he said to those selling the doves: “Take these things away from here! Stop making the house of my Father a house of commerce!” 17 His disciples recalled that it is written: “The zeal for your house will consume me.”

    This scripture shows he was gentle and considerate. We know hundreds of other instances where he showed gentleness,  consideration and deep love for people. For example when he healed the death man, when he healed the woman with the flow of blood, and he said he felt love for the righteous man who wanted to know what else he had to do to please God.
    (Matthew 12:18-21) 18 “Look! My servant whom I chose, my beloved, whom I have approved! I will put my spirit upon him, and what justice is he will make clear to the nations. 19 He will not quarrel nor cry aloud, nor will anyone hear his voice in the main streets. 20 No bruised reed will he crush, and no smoldering wick will he extinguish, until he brings justice with success. 21 Indeed, in his name nations will hope.”
    ** w99 7/1 p. 5 How Can Jesus Change Your Life? ***
    Not only did Jesus teach profound truths about how to show love but he also practiced what he taught. For example, he put the interests of others ahead of his own. One day Jesus and his disciples were so busy helping people that they had no time even to eat a meal. Jesus saw the need for his disciples to rest up a bit, and he took them to a lonely place. But when they got there, they found a crowd waiting for them. How would you have responded upon seeing a crowd who expected you to work when you felt that you needed a little break? Well, Jesus “was moved with pity for them” and “started to teach them many things.” (Mark 6:34) This concern for others always moved Jesus to assist them.
    That is the spirit that moves us to go to our Bible studies even when something special comes up that we want to do.  We must work with the angels and assist those who need the good news.
    Paul, the best example of a person who followed Jesus in an exemplary way and was used by Jesus to write instructions for us, said he was completely spent in doing God's will. We was not wishy washy.
    (Philippians 2:17) 17 However, even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and the holy service to which your faith has led you, I am glad and I rejoice with all of you. 
    Read Romans 14 and see he had a good conscience in everything. Numerous other scriptures show his parent-like qualities, e.g. like a nursing mother, etc.  These qualities are easy to find throughout his letters. The fact that he was beloved by the brothers shows he had a beautiful Christ-like personality (nevermind that false brothers were jealous and lied about it).
    It is all easy to understand and research.
  19. Thanks
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Kosonen in WT: Harmful effects from character development   
    At some point over the years they got both character development and the need to be zealous out of balance, emphasing one to the detriment of the other, whereas the scriptures clearly show we need them both. Jesus was zealous and he was gentle.  Zeal for God' house "ate him up".
    (John 2:16, 17) 16 And he said to those selling the doves: “Take these things away from here! Stop making the house of my Father a house of commerce!” 17 His disciples recalled that it is written: “The zeal for your house will consume me.”

    This scripture shows he was gentle and considerate. We know hundreds of other instances where he showed gentleness,  consideration and deep love for people. For example when he healed the death man, when he healed the woman with the flow of blood, and he said he felt love for the righteous man who wanted to know what else he had to do to please God.
    (Matthew 12:18-21) 18 “Look! My servant whom I chose, my beloved, whom I have approved! I will put my spirit upon him, and what justice is he will make clear to the nations. 19 He will not quarrel nor cry aloud, nor will anyone hear his voice in the main streets. 20 No bruised reed will he crush, and no smoldering wick will he extinguish, until he brings justice with success. 21 Indeed, in his name nations will hope.”
    ** w99 7/1 p. 5 How Can Jesus Change Your Life? ***
    Not only did Jesus teach profound truths about how to show love but he also practiced what he taught. For example, he put the interests of others ahead of his own. One day Jesus and his disciples were so busy helping people that they had no time even to eat a meal. Jesus saw the need for his disciples to rest up a bit, and he took them to a lonely place. But when they got there, they found a crowd waiting for them. How would you have responded upon seeing a crowd who expected you to work when you felt that you needed a little break? Well, Jesus “was moved with pity for them” and “started to teach them many things.” (Mark 6:34) This concern for others always moved Jesus to assist them.
    That is the spirit that moves us to go to our Bible studies even when something special comes up that we want to do.  We must work with the angels and assist those who need the good news.
    Paul, the best example of a person who followed Jesus in an exemplary way and was used by Jesus to write instructions for us, said he was completely spent in doing God's will. We was not wishy washy.
    (Philippians 2:17) 17 However, even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and the holy service to which your faith has led you, I am glad and I rejoice with all of you. 
    Read Romans 14 and see he had a good conscience in everything. Numerous other scriptures show his parent-like qualities, e.g. like a nursing mother, etc.  These qualities are easy to find throughout his letters. The fact that he was beloved by the brothers shows he had a beautiful Christ-like personality (nevermind that false brothers were jealous and lied about it).
    It is all easy to understand and research.
  20. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Arauna in Revelation: Babylon the Great, etc.   
    Jesus gave them signs to recognize when the Roman's would be there in the holy place.......they had to be aware of the first Roman invasion to know they must flee before the second invasion would come..... but both if you believe we must not look at signs...... it is all spiritual...
    Just take the first one : Babylon the great -  I researched it years ago.  
    Read book if Hosea - I quote just  a verses from Hosea 1 & 2:
    " Jehovah said to Ho·seʹa: “Go, marry a woman of prostitution and have children of prostitution, because by prostitution the land has turned completely away from following Jehovah."  (Then jehovah speaks of Israel as his wife who was not faithful to him).
    Hosea 2: "Accuse your mother; accuse her,For she is not my wife and I am not her husband. She should remove her prostitution from herselfAnd her adultery from between her breasts," 
    And to her sons I will not show mercy,For they are the sons of prostitution.  5 For their mother has committed prostitution.She who was pregnant with them has acted shamefully, for she said,‘I will go after my passionate lovers,
    Then she will say, ‘I will go back to my first husband,For I was better off at that time than I am now.’  8 She did not recognize that it was I who had given her the grain, the new wine, and the oil,And I who had given her silver in abundanceAnd gold, which they used for Baʹal
    I will put an end to all her joy,Her festivals, her new moons, her sabbaths, and all her festive seasons.
    will hold an accounting against her for the days when she offered sacrifices to the Baʹal images,When she would adorn herself with her rings and ornaments and would chase after her passionate lovers,And I was the one she forgot,’ declares Jehovah
    From the above scriptures it is clear that Israel committed religious prostitution. She was supposed to represent the true God (be faithful to jehovah like a wife to a husband) but went after lovers.
    In Revelation 17 we see a great prostitute who says she represents God but also has lovers, amongst others - the kings of the earth.  This, marriage between religion and politics started in ancient Babylon. 
    There are many places in the bible that a  prostitute symbolises those who profess to represent God but are like a prostitute. 
    So what about this can you not accept? 
  21. Upvote
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in The downloadable research guide is going to add much to the current cycle of Bible reading.   
    My sister's congregation has mid-week meeting starting on Monday.  Four congregations there.
  22. Haha
    Melinda Mills reacted to TrueTomHarley in The downloadable research guide is going to add much to the current cycle of Bible reading.   
    Rats. So much for home-baked prophesies.
  23. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Kosonen in More emphasis on good news about Jesus Christ   
    Very simply put, for Jehovah's witnesses 'good news' is about the everlasting life on earth in a coming paradise. That is the first thing Jehovah's witnesses tell people while preaching. And then secondly that Jesus will rule the earth under 1000 years. That is also what Jehovah's witnesses usually think of very much and they wait eagerly for Armageddon and wish that this would come as soon as possible. I know that, I used to think like that, just waiting for those blessings to come. 
    But I had for a long time not fully understood nor appreciated what the 'good news', the gospel is about. Based on one scripture Matthew 24:14 it seemed to be only about God's kingdom, a new government for the earth from God. That is the impression you easily get if you only read Matthew 24:14. 
    But to really understand what is God's kingdom we have to almost equate that with Jesus. That is evident from for example the following scriptures:
    Jesus said referring to himself in Luke 17:21 For look! the Kingdom of God is in your midst.”
    Mark 9:1 Furthermore, he said to them: “Truly I say to you that there are some of those standing here who will not taste death at all until first they see the Kingdom of God already having come in power.”+ 2  Six days later Jesus took Peter and James and John along and led them up into a lofty mountain by themselves. And he was transfigured before them;
    And apostle Paul declared the Good news about God's kingdom like this on one occasion
    Acts 17:30,31.”True, God has overlooked the times of such ignorance; but now he is declaring to all people everywhere that they should repent.  Because he has set a day on which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed, and he has provided a guarantee to all men by resurrecting him from the dead.”
    And the following scriptures give more evidence about the fact that the 'good news' that would be preached to the most distant part of the earth would be very much about Jesus personally, that he died as a sacrifice for people's sins and that people could now be forgiven their sins and get the gift of eternal life from God and that Jesus was resurrected and would come back to judge the wicked and be king over the whole earth. 
    So here is a compilation of scriptures that tell how much the preaching message was about Jesus.
    Acts 1:8 "But you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you, and you will be witnesses of me in Jerusalem, in all Ju·deʹa and Sa·marʹi·a, and to the most distant part* of the earth.”
    Mark 1:1 The beginning of the good news about Jesus Christ, the Son of God:
    2 Cor 1;19 For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was preached among you through us
    2 Thess 1:8 the good news about our Lord Jesus.
    1 Thess 3:2 and we sent Timothy, our brother and God’s minister* in the good news about the Christ
    Eph 3:8  so that I should declare to the nations the good news about the unfathomable riches of the Christ
    Col 4:3 3  At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open a door for the word so that we can declare the sacred secret about the Christ, for which I am in prison bonds,
    1 Cor 1:23 but we preach Christ executed on the stake, to the Jews a cause for stumbling but to the nations foolishness.
    1 Tim 2:5  For there is one God,  and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus, 6  who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all*—this is what is to be witnessed to in its own due time. 7  For the purpose of this witness I was appointed a preacher and an apostle—I am telling the truth, I am not lying—a teacher of nations in the matter of faith and truth.
    Phil 1:15,16  True, some are preaching the Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. 16  The latter are proclaiming the Christ out of love, for they know that I have been appointed to defend the good news;
    2 Cor 4:4,5  the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God,...For we are preaching, not about ourselves, but about Jesus Christ as Lord 
    2 Cor 5:18,19 But all things are from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of the reconciliation, 19  namely, that God was by means of Christ reconciling a world to himself, not counting their offenses against them, and he entrusted to us the message of the reconciliation.
    2 Cor 10:14 Really, we are not overextending ourselves as if we did not reach you, for we were the first to reach as far as you with the good news about the Christ.
    1 Cor 9:12 but we are enduring all things so that we might not in any way hinder the good news about the Christ
    Rom 1:1 Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus and called to be an apostle, set apart for God’s good news, 2  which he promised beforehand through his prophets in the holy Scriptures, 3 concerning his Son…9 For God, to whom I render sacred service with my spirit in connection with the good news about his Son,
    Rom 15:19 I have thoroughly preached the good news about the Christ.
    Rom 16:25  Now to Him who can make you firm according to the good news I declare and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the sacred secret that has been kept in silence for long-lasting times 26  but has now been made manifest* and has been made known through the prophetic Scriptures among all the nations according to the command of the everlasting God to promote obedience by faith; 
    Acts 5:42 And every day in the temple and from house to house they continued without letup teaching and declaring the good news about the Christ, Jesus.
    Acts 11:20 and began talking to the Greek-speaking people, declaring the good news of the Lord Jesus.
    Revelation 19:10 ….. I am only a fellow slave of you and of your brothers who have the work of witnessing concerning Jesus. Worship God! For the witness concerning Jesus is what inspires prophecy.”
    Revelation 12:17 ...who observe the commandments of God and have the work of bearing witness concerning Jesus.
    Revelation 20:4 Yes, I saw the souls* of those executed* for the witness they gave about Jesus and for speaking about God,

  24. Haha
    Melinda Mills reacted to TrueTomHarley in What job do you want in the new system?   
    Dirge leader for Matthew457845 no longer being around
  25. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to the Sower of Seed in Is Daniel 7:26 the 1st action of Jehovah beginning Armageddon?   
    I thank you both for your input. I too, have read the Daniel book many times and enjoying speaking of such things with fellow witnesses.
    Though, they at that time did not know the day or hour, they must have realized the hour was drawing near as the ark neared completion. Jesus gave those living in the Last Days a work to watch and meter it's completeness and culmination. He said Keep on the Watch and again Keep in Expectation!
    We have seen and heard a cry of peace & security from the NATO meeting in 2018, Trump himself has cried peace twice after meetings with heads of state. I am encouraged by the resolution for 2020 before the U.N. "A year without war" Who will stand up to make this a reality?
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