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Melinda Mills

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  1. Upvote
    Melinda Mills reacted to Anna in Kingdom Songs   
    You played both songs magnificently, JW Insider. I wish I could contribute to this thread with an instrument or even song, but alas I do not play anything, and my voice is nothing special. I wish I had listened to my mum and learned to play the piano, but alas, I was more interested in running through the fields and climbing trees to read a book. HOWEVER, I do think I have some musical talent though, that was just never channeled (lol, lol) and I love singing and music of all sorts (in the classical department Mozart is my favourite, especially his operas, but then I also like many of the groups and bands from the 80' up to the present. I discovered a talented young rock band not long ago; "Greta van Fleet" sorry, I digress,  this is supposed to be about kingdom songs).
    I wish that the friends were more into singing and playing instruments, it seem that it was quite common in years past where brothers and sisters would get together to play and sing Kingdom Songs. Trying to get them to do this now is like pulling teeth. At least in America it seems. Maybe this is why the organization has introduced the "original" songs, which sound more like something younger people would like.
    I remember as a young teenager getting together with friends who played the guitar and we would sit around the campfire, cook bratwursts and sing "tramp" songs, a kind of folk genre. This original song reminds me of a "tramp" song: https://www.jw.org/en/publications/music-songs/original-songs/just-around-the-corner/
    There are a few older ones, in our hall in their late 70's and older who remember the days when they would get together to sing. One brother in particular (he is 94) could have sang professionally but he didn't chose that path. I can tell his voice was amazing at one time, because despite his age he still sounds great. I try to do a sing song gathering every other month in our house, and it's so much fun once everyone relaxes a bit. I got quite frustrated with some of the younger ones (the under 60's)  at one time, but discovered the beauty of wine or bourbon. Everyone seems much more cooperative once they've had a few. I also grow mint for Mojito. Whatever it takes!
    I apologize, I know the intention of this topic was to post music, and not my blabbings...
  2. Upvote
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Bubba Johnson Jr in Kingdom Songs   
    Excellent playing! Thanks for that.  I love that one too. That one is fairly difficult and you performed it well.  The one I was practising is No. 43 in the new song book- "A Prayer of Thanks" in key of C. 
    My favourite song though among the newer ones is "Beauty in Grayheadedness" - No. 138.  Just realized that grey is spelled 'gray' in the song heading. Maybe a US thing.
    Also thanks for the background information on the harmonica and the chromonica.  Getting an education already.  Off to a good start. 
    Also like the rules you laid down int he penultimate paragraph.  (Check messages)
  3. Haha
    Melinda Mills reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in WHAT DID YOU LEARN THAT WAS NEW AT THE 2019 "LOVE NEVER FAILS" REGIONAL CONVENTION ?   
    But then again, what are pets, but entertainment for humans?
    I once talked with a man who hated all pets, because they served no function.  I pointed out that mine were entertainers.
    Sometimes,....late  at night ... when the house gets quiet and my five dogs and 18 chickens are sleeping, I pause for a moment and wonder ...
    ... then I might have a glass of milk, have a few cookies, and go to bed.
  4. Upvote
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in WHAT DID YOU LEARN THAT WAS NEW AT THE 2019 "LOVE NEVER FAILS" REGIONAL CONVENTION ?   
    Someone wrote that for entertainment it seems. I know you had posted it some time ago.
  5. Upvote
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Anna in Kingdom Songs   
    Excellent playing! Thanks for that.  I love that one too. That one is fairly difficult and you performed it well.  The one I was practising is No. 43 in the new song book- "A Prayer of Thanks" in key of C. 
    My favourite song though among the newer ones is "Beauty in Grayheadedness" - No. 138.  Just realized that grey is spelled 'gray' in the song heading. Maybe a US thing.
    Also thanks for the background information on the harmonica and the chromonica.  Getting an education already.  Off to a good start. 
    Also like the rules you laid down int he penultimate paragraph.  (Check messages)
  6. Upvote
    I didn't re-post the little Bach piece, but I did start a place for anyone to post some Kingdom Song performances. So far it includes two Kingdom Songs: 115 and 42. ("Gratitude for Divine Patience" and "The Prayer of God's Servant") Both in harmonica, though, not exactly an easy-listening instrument.)
  7. Upvote
    Melinda Mills reacted to JW Insider in Kingdom Songs   
    The above song 115, was played on a 10-hole Hohner "Chromatic Harmonica" sometimes called a "Chromonica." I have one that I got for $20 on eBay several years ago, and a Chromonica 64 that I played literally 50 years ago. I also bought a used one in perfect condition for replacement parts, and it must have also been nearly 40 years old.
    A Chromonica is different from a simple harmonica. A few of the notes in the exact same position are designed to play different notes on one harmonica vs the other. For a simple harmonica, I have Hohner 10-hole Blues Band harmonica. You can get them used for about $5. Each type has advantages and disadvantages for certain types of playing. If you buy a used one, be sure to clean it and dry it very well, with rubbing alcohol, cotton swab, etc. If used, I actually take mine completely apart to clean all the wood and metal. Buy them new, so you don't have to worry about cleaning them, and the terrible taste of rubbing alcohol on your lips.
    I will play another song, 42, "The Prayer of God's Servant," which is a good song for this kind of harmonica.
    For this particular song, I make both types of harmonicas sound similar, but it is easier to add rhythmic sounds and even some harmonies on the simple harmonica. One disadvantage is that the simple one will usually not have all the notes that you need, because it's usually just over two octaves of the standard 8 notes in the octave -- no sharps or flats. The chromonica has about the same range of octaves but with ALL the sharps and flats that you might need, too.

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  8. Upvote
    Melinda Mills reacted to JW Insider in Kingdom Songs   
    Under another topic, someone ( @Melinda Mills) spoke about some of her favorites from the 1984 Songbook (with 225 songs), and the more recent versions of the songbooks, like the gray 2017 printing, which adds songs and renumbers the songs from the 2009 update. One of those songs was song 115 in the new, which is "Gratitude for Divine Patience."
    I'll add a simple harmonica version of it here:

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  9. Upvote
    Melinda Mills reacted to JW Insider in Kingdom Songs   
    It's quite possible that people who play a little on a piano, guitar, harmonica, flute/recorder, etc., might want to share their recordings of Kingdom Songs. This might encourage more people to pick up a new (or used) instrument and play a song. Of course, there will be no rule that someone can't also just sing, hum, or whistle. 
    Amateurs, like me, posting their performances here could attract other amateurs who might not otherwise think it's OK to post, just because a piece has mistakes. But we could also focus on the less complex songs, and perhaps give some pointers we've learned that might help others. (For example, the places you can safely skip a hard chord on the guitar, or invert a piano chord to make it easier.)
    On that note, I'll start soon by picking out the "Top 40" easy songs in the Songbook: "Sing Out Joyfully To Jehovah" and I'll first highlight the ones that are already in the Key of C.
    I'll play them on harmonica, and then perhaps on recorder (a simple kind of "flute") and later hopefully, others will follow on guitar, or keyboard/piano, or ocarina. If anyone wants to join in to add their own favorite Kingdom Songs, that would be great.
    Of course, this assumes that there will be enough interest in this section/topic/thread.
    None. It makes sense that more people would find a section like this entertaining if it were not used as a place to make fun of anyone's particular performances. Of course, no one should really expect this idea to be followed. There's always a critic somewhere; some with worthwhile criticism, and some worthless. After all, this is the Internet, where even YouTube comments about a cute, innocent puppy can get downright mean and nasty. Hopefully a "Kingdom Song" topic will fare a little better.
    Also, it's more appealing when we do not waste space in this section with comments, rants, or diatribes about Kingdom Songs in general, JW doctrines. Anecdotes about Kingdom Songs themselves might be interesting, but that's not the main idea of this topic. If things get too out of hand, or off-topic, I might be able to move those posts to a new section. It's a forum superpower I've been granted, and I'm not afraid to use it.
    When someone posts a "video" people are more likely to watch than to just listen to a sound file. But when people watch a video, remember that you might accidentally be including personal information about yourself that you didn't intend. (My piano is next to a bookcase with dozens of personal pictures of brothers, sisters, friends, and family.) If this is a concern, you might want to post a sound file. I discovered that I can get a good recording on my smartphone voice recorder app, then email it, and post the attached file directly to this forum through Safari or other browser apps on the phone. It's an m4a file.
  10. Upvote
    They are outlines at the assemblies and conventions, but they are so tightly packed that it is barely possible to deviate or ramble. Most convention talks these days are but 10 minutes in length, and that often includes a video.
    Public talks at the Kingdom Hall are 30 minutes in length. The aim is to follow the outline supplied, but there is more room for expounding, illustrating, personalization, etc.
    Mess up a Kingdom Hall talk and you may live to do another one. Mess up an assembly talk and you are not likely to be assigned another.
  11. Upvote
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Anna in WHAT DID YOU LEARN THAT WAS NEW AT THE 2019 "LOVE NEVER FAILS" REGIONAL CONVENTION ?   
    He performed well so it can't be performance fears I was talking about.  He probably wanted me only to hear it and he achieved that.
  12. Upvote
    As far as I know, there are strict outlines that are closely adhered to, and from my experience of conventions, the same talks by different brothers sound pretty much alike. Not word for word of course, otherwise it wouldn't be an outline but a script. But the likely hood of them sounding completely different is unlikely. That is not to say some elder couldn't slip in his own ideas, something he maybe feels passionately about.  Especially at a KH.  This happens very rarely now though, and especially not at conventions. I remember one elder years ago, had something against Teenage Ninja Turtles, and counseled parents in his talk about how it was not appropriate for a Christian to allow their children to play with those toys. You know that was NOT in the outline. Nevertheless, there were parents that made their kids throw away all their treasured Ninja Turtles.... talk about imposing your own conscience on others! This is one reason why the outlines now have become very specific, and have to be strictly followed, so that this kind of thing does not happen.
  13. Like
    (Thanks for the upvote M.M., but I deleted the post as it was just an experiment. Perhaps I'll add a few K.S. to the mix in the near future under another topic. I think this topic was only supposed to be about shaggy and not so shaggy dogs.)
  14. Upvote
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from JW Insider in WHAT DID YOU LEARN THAT WAS NEW AT THE 2019 "LOVE NEVER FAILS" REGIONAL CONVENTION ?   
    He performed well so it can't be performance fears I was talking about.  He probably wanted me only to hear it and he achieved that.
  15. Upvote
    Ha ha! I should repost it, just to prove how much you are exaggerating. Harmonica starts to become second nature to breathing if you play it enough, but I hadn't played in literally years, and I noticed that it was no longer second nature.
    Hungarian Rhapsody, I've heard, very nice. The polka I didn't know until looking it up just now. Looks like a polka that could easily be used in old western movies, in a honky-tonk tavern, especially by adding in a bit more "stride" style to it.
    I'm thinking we should add a topic called Kingdom Songs, and we could attract more people to add their own keyboard, violin, harmonica, ocarina, recorder/flute, guitar, etc., just to focus on the simple ones at first. Maybe more people, young ones especially, would take more of an interest in the music. I notice a lot less singing coming from the young ones (and everyone) these days.
    Absolutely. Although with a chromonica, you can just play as you normally would in C and keep a single button pressed in for the key of C#/Db. It sharps every note a half step.
    LOL! I can't remember the words from the 1950 version of that song anymore. But I did have trouble with the transition to fewer measures in '66. And it was not the only song that changed a bit, mostly words. But we also lost some nice songs from the '50 that still stick with me. But, then again, I was only 9 in '66 and I suspect you were already 10. 😉
  16. Like
    Awww I missed that! I would have liked to hear it. I wonder if he will send it in a PM @JW Insider ? Pretty please?
  17. Thanks
    Not much change. It's now 61. It's had a long history, and used to have a few extra measures in it (1950 Songbook) that were considered too repetitive for the 1966 Songbook, and it made it much harder to sing back then.
  18. Upvote
    I agree. My mum plays the piano, well, I should say played. She and her husband moved to a small more manageable flat (they had a big house before) but she couldn't take her piano with her as it would never fit. I am trying to encourage her to at least get a keyboard so she keeps her hand/brain coordination fresh, and all the other things you mention. I will bring it up again!
  19. Like
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from SuzA in WHAT DID YOU LEARN THAT WAS NEW AT THE 2019 "LOVE NEVER FAILS" REGIONAL CONVENTION ?   
    You are world class!  I performed for the adults in the little piano school I go to, but you performed for the world!  It pleased me mightily! The teacher is a young woman about 30,  but she is  professionally trained and has the insight of a 60 year old. She was helping us to get over our fear of performing. That was my second performance. The first one was at a nice new school on a new piano. It was held in February. Audience of about 200.  I played Hungarian Rhapsody Theme.  Yesterday  was just an end of term performance so we could help our peers get over performance fears.  I played Black Forest Polka and a piece I used to play when I was eleven in key of G. They were astounded I could still remember it although I never had the book with it. It was owned by the teacher. She would let me play from that book for a change. 
    "If you don't recognize the tune, it never made the cut for Kingdom Songs."  Too funny!  I enjoyed it so much that although I know the piece, I can't  write the  name of it.   Sounds like Bach.  My preferred kind of music is classical, so you did well.
    Hi JWI, Funny but I am still playing Kingdom Songs from the big brown 1984 book. (And my copy still looks new) They are about seven songs in there that I used to play well  (13, 14,15 , 17 and 201) and I have just continued where I left off. In the new book I am working on  No 43 - A Prayer of Thanks and 115 Gratitude for Divine Patience which I also used to play before. I pick the ones where the music is simpler. I rather play in C than with four flats or sharps. The best one is 15 Life without End - At Last! No. 15 in the old book in the key of C.   In the new book it is in Aflat major I think with four flats.  I sometimes turn the function key from piano to Pipe (Church) Organ and pretend to be an organist. Some brothers are prejudiced to the organ, so I play it for myself. These new electric pianos can sound like almost any instrument by just the touch of a switch.  Love of music is God-given and he is not against music, but everything must be put in its place. 
    I decided to continue my music as it is said to help the brain. If you don't use it you lose it.   Music helps us to use a part of the brain that is not frequently used.  It also helps to build a high level of discipline, listening ability, appreciation, tolerance and other good qualities.  Look up the benefits.  They have also come across quite a few Alzheimers persons who can still play although they are not very functional otherwise. So that says something. It helps one also to be able to enjoy oneself when alone. So don't put the harmonica back into the case, do a little practise every day.  Hope to post something if I get it recorded. Like you and Anna,  I like Bible study, language, fine art and music. 
    If they put me in prison rest assured I will sing not Dee Dum Bum Bum  , but "Firm and Determined in this Time of the End... from "Forward You Witnesses!" 29 in 1984 book. Was singing it since  the 1950s, so don't think that is coming out of my brain now. I will simply read  and sing the new words but the old words are etched there for good.  (Let Rook know)
  20. Upvote
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from JW Insider in WHAT DID YOU LEARN THAT WAS NEW AT THE 2019 "LOVE NEVER FAILS" REGIONAL CONVENTION ?   
    You are world class!  I performed for the adults in the little piano school I go to, but you performed for the world!  It pleased me mightily! The teacher is a young woman about 30,  but she is  professionally trained and has the insight of a 60 year old. She was helping us to get over our fear of performing. That was my second performance. The first one was at a nice new school on a new piano. It was held in February. Audience of about 200.  I played Hungarian Rhapsody Theme.  Yesterday  was just an end of term performance so we could help our peers get over performance fears.  I played Black Forest Polka and a piece I used to play when I was eleven in key of G. They were astounded I could still remember it although I never had the book with it. It was owned by the teacher. She would let me play from that book for a change. 
    "If you don't recognize the tune, it never made the cut for Kingdom Songs."  Too funny!  I enjoyed it so much that although I know the piece, I can't  write the  name of it.   Sounds like Bach.  My preferred kind of music is classical, so you did well.
    Hi JWI, Funny but I am still playing Kingdom Songs from the big brown 1984 book. (And my copy still looks new) They are about seven songs in there that I used to play well  (13, 14,15 , 17 and 201) and I have just continued where I left off. In the new book I am working on  No 43 - A Prayer of Thanks and 115 Gratitude for Divine Patience which I also used to play before. I pick the ones where the music is simpler. I rather play in C than with four flats or sharps. The best one is 15 Life without End - At Last! No. 15 in the old book in the key of C.   In the new book it is in Aflat major I think with four flats.  I sometimes turn the function key from piano to Pipe (Church) Organ and pretend to be an organist. Some brothers are prejudiced to the organ, so I play it for myself. These new electric pianos can sound like almost any instrument by just the touch of a switch.  Love of music is God-given and he is not against music, but everything must be put in its place. 
    I decided to continue my music as it is said to help the brain. If you don't use it you lose it.   Music helps us to use a part of the brain that is not frequently used.  It also helps to build a high level of discipline, listening ability, appreciation, tolerance and other good qualities.  Look up the benefits.  They have also come across quite a few Alzheimers persons who can still play although they are not very functional otherwise. So that says something. It helps one also to be able to enjoy oneself when alone. So don't put the harmonica back into the case, do a little practise every day.  Hope to post something if I get it recorded. Like you and Anna,  I like Bible study, language, fine art and music. 
    If they put me in prison rest assured I will sing not Dee Dum Bum Bum  , but "Firm and Determined in this Time of the End... from "Forward You Witnesses!" 29 in 1984 book. Was singing it since  the 1950s, so don't think that is coming out of my brain now. I will simply read  and sing the new words but the old words are etched there for good.  (Let Rook know)
  21. Upvote
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Anna in WHAT DID YOU LEARN THAT WAS NEW AT THE 2019 "LOVE NEVER FAILS" REGIONAL CONVENTION ?   
    Too funny! Could still be a theme, but for a blog or a book.
    The righteous must take care of  everything that is his, especially souls - human or animal.  God sets the example. Taking care is not worshipping, though.
  22. Like
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from biddy2331@gmail.com in WHAT DID YOU LEARN THAT WAS NEW AT THE 2019 "LOVE NEVER FAILS" REGIONAL CONVENTION ?   
    Next week DV I will know, and will tell you.   
    Maybe this time your children will learn something that will show them the need to visit more often and to process information so they practice godly devotion more fully which includes checking on your parents. (mentioned somewhere in 1 Timothy.) Work in progress.
  23. Like
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from SuzA in WHAT DID YOU LEARN THAT WAS NEW AT THE 2019 "LOVE NEVER FAILS" REGIONAL CONVENTION ?   
    Law of diminishing returns is also a fundamental principle in Economics, not only Engineering.  And you talking money already.
    But remember you go to meeting every week and you don't  necessarily learn anything new, it costs clothes, gas, tyres, road tax, etc.  The Convention is just a bigger meeting.  You don't complain for regular meeting, so why complain for a more exciting, bigger meeting, even if you are eating ordinary spiritual food served in prettier plates or settings.   Where did you meet your wife?  Put yourself in the place of those who are new to the spiritual food, are now meeting other Witnesses/Christians or are even looking for mates, all these are normal things Jesus mentioned in Matthew 24.  But he said some would take no note of the spiritual things until they are swept away. 
    So what can you/I do to show more  appreciation for what may begin to look ordinary?  Form a longing for the ordinary food (milk) - it is necessary to grow from infancy to maturity both literally and spiritually; it will help you to grow to salvation.  You know a year in advance and you prepare with anticipation. When it comes you show appreciation.  I already have three sets of clothes put out and a bag packed. My convention is next week. I got my lapel card today.
    (1 Peter 2:2) "As newborn infants, form a longing for the unadulterated milk of the word, so that by means of it you may grow to salvation,"
    Even if we really knew everything that we need to know, we are all works in progress, we need to work on what we know.  There is always room for improvement in putting on the complete suit of armour and the new personality; in setting spiritual goals.
    (Ephesians 4:23, 24) And you should continue to be made new in your dominant mental attitude, 24 and should put on the new personality that was created according to God’s will in true righteousness and loyalty.
    Always remember that the Israelites complained about the manna, then God send the bird with lots of flesh and while they were still eating they were punished.  (Someone can enlarge on the reasons why he gave them meat and then punished them.)
    (Numbers 11:31-34) 31 Then a wind from Jehovah sprang up and began driving quail from the sea and causing them to fall around the camp, about a day’s journey on this side and a day’s journey on the other side, all around the camp, and they were about two cubits deep on the ground. 32 So all that day and all night and all the next day, the people stayed up and gathered the quail. No one gathered less than ten hoʹmers, and they kept spreading them all around the camp for themselves. 33 But while the meat was still between their teeth, before it could be chewed, Jehovah’s anger blazed against the people, and Jehovah began striking the people with a very great slaughter. 34 So they gave that place the name Kibʹroth-hat·taʹa·vah, because there they buried the people who showed selfish craving. 
    Let's appreciate the spiritual manna.  Fancy a dish prepared by God himself and people were complaining about it!
    If we were starving and someone gave us plain rice and water,  it would help us to survive, though it might not satisfy us completely. While we are excited about new information, we still need the milk of the word as it would help us to live to salvation. It would help us renew our goals, remind us of what we already know,  and keep us on the path to salvation as the apostle Peter said. We need manna and milk to live, grow and mature.  People would be there who are at different stages of Christian development; some still need milk, some would be there who need solid food, some would be there who need the deeper things of God to satisfy them, but we all need spiritual food.   "Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need". Matt 5:3.
    If and when we get into the Kingdom of God, we will be learning about love forever, as there will always be Jehovah, Jesus, and people to love.  Love (Agape) never fails. (1 Cor 13:8)
  24. Upvote
    I don't remember anything being said about animals as was insinuated by some. I do have a recording of the convention though so when I get around to it I will see if I can find it. There is a lot of information to sift through though, so I am wondering if anywhere, it could be in the symposium: "Creation reveals God's love"; Animals.
  25. Like
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from SuzA in WHAT DID YOU LEARN THAT WAS NEW AT THE 2019 "LOVE NEVER FAILS" REGIONAL CONVENTION ?   
    I am trying to find out what was really said about animals, but it seems I will have to wait, if it is really on the programme. So far what was hinted at or rumoured according to Witness does not sound plausible.   But  I know many people, especially women, seem to love animals better than people.  God made man/people in his image, not animals. People will live forever, if they are loyal to Jehovah and pass the final test (which would entail true love for Jehovah) but animals were never promised everlasting life, and Jesus did not die for them. Animals are captivating and truly beautiful but humans are really lovable, that's why Jesus was fond of them even before he came to earth.   (Proverbs 8: 31)  The other angels find them to be lovable and interesting too, they are intrigued by the things men are doing connected to God's will.
    (1 Peter 1:12) 12 It was revealed to them that they were ministering, not to themselves, but to you, regarding what has now been announced to you by those who declared the good news to you with holy spirit sent from heaven. Into these very things, angels are desiring to peer.
    But Jesus wants us to imitate him and practise the real love that Anna is talking about.  Principled, unselfish love, Agape.  
    Sentiment can cause people (even high officials) to make wrong decisions. All the other forms of love are basically selfish, even of they are enjoyable like Eros, but Agape is the force that puts everything back onto the right track. Agape is first, then other forms fall into place.
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