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Melinda Mills

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  1. Upvote
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Anna in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    Truly disappointing, but maybe he (the elder) is normally very good, but was trying very hard to not make (you or whoever it was) intimidated or feel uncomfortable because of his status. You never know.  The person should work with him another time and see what happens. It is best not to form an opinion on the first instance. 
    The organization has always said that if your presentation works for you, continue it.  There are so many suggested presentations that it is hard to remember them all.  But I always endeavour to try them.   Most are practical and well thought out.  But I like my presentations the best. When the presentation is truly you own, it comes alive. When one has enthusiasm and uses practical illustrations and one speaks from the heart the person is spellbound and listens well.   Last Wednesday I found myself saying to a sister, who just joined our congregation, on approaching an elderly lady:  "No don't offer the new copy, offer this one (the one on "Will we Ever Feel Safe?"), the old lady's face lit up when she saw the magazine.  (We were offering it for two months and she did not get  a copy) Then again I got the urge to tell the sister, no don't use that scripture, use this.  Micah 4:3,4.   The lady's face lit up again.  (The sister is a very good reader, you should have heard her read it.) I don't know why I did it, I don't usually do it. But it worked.  We had a good chat and the lady sent love to another Witness who is known to her.  I plan to remind the sister to go back to the lady and will go with her if she wants.  We have all ammunition in our bags, magazines of all subjects, tracts, videos, etc.  But I think we are the ones that make the presentations successful, because we can light up the day for people by our zeal and conviction, enthusiasm, our loving interest, etc.  Imagine Jesus giving the sermon on the Mount. He was not dead pan or robot--like. 
  2. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to JW Insider in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    We thought that all snakes had legs up until they were cursed to travel on their belly and eat dust.
  3. Haha
    Melinda Mills reacted to Evacuated in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    And I thought it was an Eden Iguana!     https://encircleworldphotos.photoshelter.com/image/I0000Cii27nwox5w
  4. Upvote
    Melinda Mills reacted to Evacuated in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    I suppose most of us feel that we want to make some sort of impression when we witness to people. I don't mean "impress" in the sense of "bigging ourselves up" (although, sadly, maybe some seek to do this), more in the sense that we want them to take note of what we are sharing with them.
    We do actually care about the people we talk to and the fact that the way of life we recommend  will bring them immediate benefits, let alone the promises for the future. I currently study with a former heroin user. They are almost clear of drug dependency now, on a managed program, and this will be completed by the end of summer. This is completely due to motivation from Jehovah, provided through the Bible Study program, and in the year's duration of the study there have been no relapses to the amazement of support workers. Tobacco, cannabis, and other substance abuse have also been left behind. To see the tangible benefits enjoyed by this person physically, mentally, and spiritually as they get their life back is a real joy.
    So it does not matter what method or media is used to bring a person into contact with Jehovah and the healing power of his spirit as expressed through his living word. (Heb.4:12). "True worshippers will worship the Father with spirit and truth". Remember, "the Father is looking for such like ones to worship him".John 4:24. 
    Don't underestimate the power of a tract to spark a fire in an honest heart that cannot be put out . (Compare James 3:5:  "See how small a fire it takes to set a great forest ablaze"). My first encounter with Jehovah's Witnesses was by means of a tract that got into my house. It escaped my mother's predatory Roman Catholic surveilance of all things sans Imprimatur and fell into my curious hands. The information it presented piqued my curiosity for the next 12 years until I finally sourced a contact with those who had produced it. Oh yes, it may fall into the category of literature that now embarasses the likes of John Butler, but for me it was the key to a better life with immediate benefits, and a future hope. Here is an extract from the tract. What intrigued me most was who on earth were these sheep that Jesus died for, and what was the creature in the tree with Adam and Eve?
    From the day I got that tract, I registered every media mention (and otherwise) of Jehovah's Witnesses, but I never met one until finally I sought them out over 12 years later.
    I was 8 years old when I got that first tract. 

  5. Upvote
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from JW Insider in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    Truly disappointing, but maybe he (the elder) is normally very good, but was trying very hard to not make (you or whoever it was) intimidated or feel uncomfortable because of his status. You never know.  The person should work with him another time and see what happens. It is best not to form an opinion on the first instance. 
    The organization has always said that if your presentation works for you, continue it.  There are so many suggested presentations that it is hard to remember them all.  But I always endeavour to try them.   Most are practical and well thought out.  But I like my presentations the best. When the presentation is truly you own, it comes alive. When one has enthusiasm and uses practical illustrations and one speaks from the heart the person is spellbound and listens well.   Last Wednesday I found myself saying to a sister, who just joined our congregation, on approaching an elderly lady:  "No don't offer the new copy, offer this one (the one on "Will we Ever Feel Safe?"), the old lady's face lit up when she saw the magazine.  (We were offering it for two months and she did not get  a copy) Then again I got the urge to tell the sister, no don't use that scripture, use this.  Micah 4:3,4.   The lady's face lit up again.  (The sister is a very good reader, you should have heard her read it.) I don't know why I did it, I don't usually do it. But it worked.  We had a good chat and the lady sent love to another Witness who is known to her.  I plan to remind the sister to go back to the lady and will go with her if she wants.  We have all ammunition in our bags, magazines of all subjects, tracts, videos, etc.  But I think we are the ones that make the presentations successful, because we can light up the day for people by our zeal and conviction, enthusiasm, our loving interest, etc.  Imagine Jesus giving the sermon on the Mount. He was not dead pan or robot--like. 
  6. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to TrueTomHarley in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    “My territory is part of a large metro area and is apathetic and unintested. Middle class suburb that has achieved the American dream.”
    Karen, you never know. Recently my wife and friend approached people at the service station. Her friend’s first contact was dismissive. So was my wife’s first contact. But the second person her friend spoke with said, “I think you must have been sent to me.” He spoke of his  16-year-old daughter who is trying to help a friend and it is starting to take a toll on her. “Well, we do have a website that offers a lot of practical help and...” my wife’s friend began and showed the magazine online Is Life Worth Living, which greatly interested the man. It turned out that my wife had a paper copy (they were working separately) and the friend sent her niece (they were a threesome) back to see if the fellow wanted it. (He did) “I know how hard it is to be 16,” the 16-year old niece said. 
    The day prior my wife was making return visits with another sister who didn’t have any so my wife was pulling out all the stops. Being right in the area, she stopped in where a once seemingly interested woman had told her not to return because the boyfriend was opposed. “Maybe the creepy boyfriend has moved out,” my wife said. She spoke with the woman who answered the door, and got a puzzled expression on her face, and my wife realized that both of them had moved out and this was someone new. So she explained what she had been doing and the woman told her that her husband’s friend had just taken his life. This, too, made the magazine Is Life Worth Living? just the right food at the right time. 
    These experiences are many. Don’t assume that the fancy suburbs are immune to them. They are not. The facades just hide the problems inside.  Do what you are doing, friendly as can be. If it is safe, work alone from time to time, with a companion just within sight, or even all by yourself—it helps you think of your ministry and nothing else. Don’t worry about English being your second language. If anyone puts you down for not being polished, agree with them. It is ordinary people that make up the congregations. It always has been. “For you behold his calling of you, brothers,” the apostle wrote at 1 Corinthians 1:26, “that not many wise in a fleshly way were called, not many powerful, not many of noble birth.” Say to whoever you must: “It would be nice to have sent someone smoother, but they are not available, so you are stuck with me.” 
    What does Srecko or Jack have to offer on these matters? What might they reply? That there are agencies? That there are anti-depressants? People routinely fall through the cracks of sieve-like agencies, and they do not necessarily help long term (and sometimes even short) even when they are firing on all cylinders. What people need is a fresh way of thinking to help them cope, and a source of power greater than themselves. They may or may not grab hold of what we offer, but it is certainly well to offer it.
    The JW year text for the present year is Isaiah 41:10: “Do not be anxious, for I am your God.” The year text of the greater world? So far as I can tell, it is “S**t happens. Maybe we can hold someone accountable and make them take responsibility.” I like ours better.
    Last year it was “S**t happens. Maybe we can vote out these current turkeys and vote in a new crop of politicians who will fix things.” I forget what the JW one was for last year, but I do remember that I liked  it better.
  7. Upvote
    Melinda Mills reacted to TrueTomHarley in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    The suggestion to lead with a scripture is not something original on my part. From time to time it has been suggested by the theocratic organization. I have run with it as a staple more than is usually emphasized, but the idea is not mine. I mean, how can it be going off on one’s own tangent by leading with a scripture? If one finds that it works well. one tends to do it more and more, and that has been the case with me.
    Similarly, the working with the video ‘Would You Like Good News’? which leads to the ‘Good News From God’ table of contents & the invitation to the householder to choose any one he/she likes was not my idea at all. That came from the circuit overseer on his last visit. I was at almost every meeting for field service and he worked to make us all familiar with how videos could be used. Not once did he mention the current CLAM presentation of ‘Where are the Dead?’ Was he going off on his own tangent & thinking he knew better than God’s organization? No, he is just showing that there are a lot of ways to present the good news and he was putting emphasis on a method that works well.
    Q: Recently I went out with one of our elders and was a little disappointed when he was only delivering tracts. He was not trying to initiate conversation at all. 
    Q2: Different ones will often fall back on old habits, even bad ones (and even Elders).
    Q2, I am going to be very very bold here and suggest that if he is merely offering tracts and making no effort to start conversations it is because he finds the suggested presentations cumbersome and awkward, and he would benefit by trying the scripture-first or the video one. I mean, he is an elder. He wants to be seen taking the lead. Everyone varies the pace and settings vary, as does one’s mood on any given day. Yet limiting one’s ministry to offering tracts with no effort to converse is faithful, but it is not taking the lead, and unless I am very mistaken, his conscience is letting him hear about it (unless he has switched into auto-pilot, turning it off.)
    One disadvantage of some of the CLAM presentations is that they require getting one’s head around. They require preparation. One advantage of the scripture-first or the Would You Like to Hear Good News presentation is that they do not—to just read a verse with a sentence or two as to why you chose it is not hard. We all know the experience of working with a new presentation and the first householder or two becomes a lab rat while we work the bugs out. The problem is gone with scripture or video first.
    Q3: I also try to talk about something that is interesting to any person, to cite a scripture and direct the person to our website at the end of the presentation
    Yes. Whatever works. By all means give the suggested presentations a try, even a workout if you like, but don’t feel that they must be adhered to in order to be following Jehovah’s direction. 
  8. Upvote
    Melinda Mills reacted to Evacuated in Cart Witnessing   
    Yeah. I agree. This NM gig is really stupid . And what do the cops do? Distracting motorists? I mean are they standing in the intersect, trying to disrupt traffic? Bit like those unsolicited windscreen cleaners or something?
    oops...here they go....

  9. Haha
    Melinda Mills reacted to TrueTomHarley in Cart Witnessing   
    It is what a congregation is apt to do if they want to participate in cart witnessing but there is little foot traffic anywhere in their assigned territory. They always opt for foot traffic whenever it is available.  I think it is being phased out due to exactly the concerns you mentioned. It always did strike me as a little silly and not too effective.
  10. Haha
    Melinda Mills reacted to Matthew9969 in Cart Witnessing   
    So in my neck of the woods here in Rio Rancho, NM, I've been seeing carts being set up at extremely busy intersections. Traffic is high and there is no room to stop and ask questions, and actually it can be a bit distracting to motorist. Is this just a easy cop out for those jw's who are afraid to talk about their belief?
  11. Upvote
    Melinda Mills reacted to JW Insider in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    I think I just got bored that there had been less scriptural discussion of late (not counting some notable exceptions here and there, however).
    Nothing to get worked up over, but we do have an obligation to handle the word of God aright. And I don't think it is wrong to use the verse as a statement of something positive, because it is something very positive. In fact, to me, there is something very meaningful going on in this verse, and I hate to think we miss it by using the verse out of context.
    In context, it is actually amazing that God's people are being asked to stop defending their land, stop defending the Davidic Kingdom and the Temple, but to just willingly leave with Babylonian captors, pray for Babylon to let you live a peaceful life as captives, get ready to stay a long time there, get married, plant fruit trees, have kids, and then await a time when you (or at least your children) can come back to the re-promised land and start fresh. Jehovah had something truly amazing in mind for those who were willing to listen to something that really made no rational sense to most of the people listening.
    This probably didn't make much sense that an enemy who would be starving people to death in a siege on Jerusalem was going to be someone they should compromise with. It might even look like treason to their fellow Judean brethren. And yet, we have actual physical evidence among tens of thousands of neo-Babylonian documents that the Jews very quickly formed peaceful communities in Babylon. Jeremiah was right, even though it seemed to be against all the odds. Neither the upper or the lower classes generally believed him; other prophets were claiming something else. Jeremiah was imprisoned for such talk. All the while some Jews were fleeing to Egypt or in other directions for protection, or with the thought that they could regroup and fight Babylon. Jeremiah said they shouldn't do that either. The royal family was sure that it should defy Babylon and make its stand against it. The land was being decimated of all its people. At the time, who'd have thought that Jeremiah was giving good inspired advice?
    If there is a "type-antitype" lesson here, it's probably not that we should compromise with some antitypical Babylon.  It's more likely that the point is that God's people today might have to be willing to give up our comfortable reliance on the physical, visible "Temple" and our authoritative "governors." God's people will have to understand that each one of us will stand spiritually on our own. We are temporary residents (alien residents) in a world that we should not get too attached to. We are not judged for what our earthly or spiritual "fathers" have done, but the law will be written on our own hearts. We won't be reliant on what our neighbors or brothers tell us about how to know Jehovah, for each of us will know Jehovah on our own. I think all those points are found in the next couple of chapters, especially Jeremiah 31:28-34:
    (Jeremiah 31:28-34) 28 “And just as I watched over them to uproot, to pull down, to tear down, to destroy, and to do harm, so I will watch over them to build up and to plant,” declares Jehovah. 29 “In those days they will no longer say, ‘The fathers ate sour grapes, but the teeth of the sons were set on edge.’ 30 But then each one will die for his own error. Any man eating sour grapes will have his own teeth set on edge.” 31 “Look! The days are coming,” declares Jehovah, “when I will make with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah a new covenant. 32 It will not be like the covenant that I made with their forefathers on the day I took hold of their hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, ‘my covenant that they broke, although I was their true master,’ declares Jehovah.” 33 “For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days,” declares Jehovah. “I will put my law within them, and in their heart I will write it. And I will become their God, and they will become my people.” 34 “And they will no longer teach each one his neighbor and each one his brother, saying, ‘Know Jehovah!’ for they will all know me, from the least to the greatest of them,” declares Jehovah. “For I will forgive their error, and I will no longer remember their sin.”
  12. Haha
    Melinda Mills reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    Flying mechanical Drones witnessing, instead of Cart Witnessing!
    Whata GREAT idea !
    Not to be confused with existing witnessing drones.

  13. Haha
    Melinda Mills reacted to Srecko Sostar in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    Considering that the spirit drives your organization, and in regard what you say, we can assume that Preaching service with Drones (aka Advanced model of Mobile Cart :)))) will be introduced, soon.
  14. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to TrueTomHarley in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    I can out-nit-pick you any day of the week. Not if it is about something in which you actually have to know something, such as the subjects that you used to bring up during your reign of terror, but on something like this.....
    Those silhouetted presentations that we see? Rarely do I like any of them.Sometimes I ask myself what in the world are they thinking? That is not to say that they are wrong. But I so seldom see them work in the field that I just can’t get too enthusiastic.
    If I am the companion at the door, I do not act even close to what is portrayed at the demos. I stand back a few steps, stare alternately off into space, and seemingly am hardly paying attention. I do this because otherwise it is two against one—ganging up on the householder, many of them will think. There are many circumstances that will vary this, gender and age-difference, for example, but I do not crowd the householder if I am the 2nd person (or even the first).
    If one was going to charge JWs with being a cult, (not that anyone here ever would) the strange choreography of some of these presentations strike me as exactly what they might offer as Exhibit A. They come across to me as somewhat weird. “Mr. Companion, would you read such-and-such for me?” “Yes, of course, Mr. Taking-the-Lead” “Thank you for that, Mr. Companion.” If someone asks me to read without clearing it with me beforehand, I decline. If someone does try to clear it with me beforehand, I decline at that time (unless there is some overriding reason for it) I am just there to get the person out of a jam or to put in my two cents if it truly seems necessary.
    Even in training a new one, I would not be comfortable doing it as I see demonstrated. When I trained Alex for the first time in the ministry, I took several doors while he just watched. Walking up the next driveway, we saw there was a young man in the garage working on his motorcycle. Since Alex also rode, I floated that maybe he would like to take this door. I wasn’t even serious about it—it was just a light suggestion. But Alex began speaking to him!
    He covered a few verses that he remembered and overall did very well, but then he began to taper off and hesitate—it was his first door, after all. The kid said, “Don’t stop now! This is really interesting!” What was with THAT?! Nobody had given ME the time of day up to that point!
    Even with young children, I have not done it as on the videos but have said “If you want to take a door, I will introduce you. This is mostly for me, not they, since if a waist-high child does all the talking from the start, I fear the householder will look at me as though to say “Cat got your tongue, dummy?”
    Willy, also in Tom Irregardless and Me, soon said that he didn’t want to be introduced. (My own kids had said it too) So I said that he could introduce me, or take all the doors himself. That is how it had gone all morning, save for a few awkward situations that I handled. As long as he remained comfortable, it had remained his turn. Sometimes a householder would say something to me, and I would reply (within reason) “Sorry—it’s his turn.”
  15. Haha
    Melinda Mills reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in A CIRCUIT OVERSEER STATES, "YOUR FAITH IS GARBAGE AND NEEDS TO BE TORN DOWN"   
    Noaw that the GB is no longer preaching types/antitypes out the Wazoo, prophesys that never come true out the Kazoo,  and juggling Gog of Magog and King of the North like live chain saws, the 85% drivel is slowly evaporating ... but the 15% core truths that are valuable and irreplaceable can be stated in two pages.
    That includes our ENTIRE theology.
    The part that is not clueless pontification anyway.
    I would include some imogis (emojis?), but I did not download the worksheet from the Society's web site of how to decide which one to use, and I do not want anyone to think I am flirting with you
  16. Haha
    This is so only if you are spiritually impervious and the bulk of what is offered bounces off you like skipping stones on a stagnant pond.
    (I am being very mean to JTR lately. I want to apologize to him for a previous mean reply and I am just about fixing myself up to do it when he posts some crass &.attacking remark that recalls to my mind why I insulted him in the first place>)
  17. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Powerful life lesson.   
    Famed actor Arnold Schwarzenegger posted a photo of him sleeping on the street under his famous bronze statue, and sadly wrote "how times have changed".
    The reason he wrote the phrase was not only because he was old, but because when he was governor of California he inaugurated a hotel with his statue. Hotel staff told Arnold, "at any moment you can come and have a room reserved for you." when Arnold stepped down as governor and went to the hotel, the administration refused to give him a room arguing that he should pay for it, since they were in great demand.
    He brought a sleeping bag and stood underneath the statue and explained what he wanted to convey: "When I was in an important position, they always complimented me, and when I lost this position, they forgot about me and did not keep their promise.
    Do not trust your position or the amount of money you have, nor your power, nor your intelligence, it will not last. " Trying to teach everyone that when you're "Important" in the people's eyes , everyone is your "Friend" But once you don't benefit their interests , you won't matter.
    "Nothing lasts forever."

  18. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Arauna in Arnold Schwarzenegger Attacked At South Africa Charity Event   
    Law and order has been deteriorating but has reached fearful proportions of instability in South Africa.  The criminal element is rampant and police stand by and do nothing. Transportation trucks are being burnt and looted on highways and black foreign workers are murdered daily in xenophobia while farm owners are seen as fair game for torture and murder due to them being viewed as "colonizers". 
    The infrastructure,  which has not been maintained for 20 years, is soon to collapse.  It is said that soon there will only be 4 hours of electricity per day. Most water sources are now contaminated by sewerage. This will affect all business.  Rioting is already rampant and it is not a safe country any more, especially if you are a white tourist.
    Most of the ANC leaders have stolen the wealth if the country and put it in foreign off-shore accounts.  Individuals in government are constantly exposed for theft of hundreds of millions but no court cases ensue, and if they do, the perpetrators get away with it. 
    Who has suffered the most in all of this?  The poor who cannot get jobs.  Whites cannot get jobs because of BEE (black economic empowerment). And blacks cannot get jobs because of BEE. Whites who start a business with staff must have a black partner who (by law) has to own 51% of the business and the staff must reflect an inordinately high quota of black people.  Hence very little new businesses are started because the business is not your own and you cannot choose skilled workers because of the color quota. 
    With so much rioting at universities where students pass with 30%..... the accreditation is non-existent and one cannot employ a worker knowing they have the skills for the job.
    South Africa is in chaos yet the news in the West is censored to downplay the bad news about SA  (South Africa). China is buying up a lot of the key resources in Africa and may buy the electricity grid in SA. The ANC leaders will pocket the money (as with all underground mineral rights) and China will annex and protect their assets with Chinese police on the ground - as they have done also in other African countries.
    My son got a job offer in New Zealand but the new (anti-emigration) laws cause terrible delay for leaving the country. He has not received his last month's salary and must wait 8 weeks for it. His pension which should pay out (hopefully he will get it)  is so highly taxed that it will be hard to make up for the loss in a new country...... and to crown it all..... if he does manage to keep the job offer and leave the country - he will have to pay taxes in SA until he becomes a citizen of the new country.  
    Have you seen any of this in the foreign press?
  19. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in A CIRCUIT OVERSEER STATES, "YOUR FAITH IS GARBAGE AND NEEDS TO BE TORN DOWN"   
    I would just like to remind you that until Jehovah God "overthrew" and replaced the old Jewish System, Jesus HIMSELF commended the unnamed widow for supporting the corrupt system that they all had to endure.
    Jehovah had his Son fully submissive to the "old system" of governance ... and until Jehovah overthrows the CURRENT system (and there is nobody on Earth that can disfellowship the Governing Body) ... Jehovah's Witnesses are "The Only Game In Town".
    Jehovah set the example of doing what he could... with what he had to work with.
  20. Like
    That experience could be used at the next convention. Of course, it could be for other reasons. I know some Witnesses here who don't want other Witnesses doing their lawns and landscaping out of concern for privacy among the friends, or just to avoid business dealings and potential misunderstandings. We also had a brother in our congregation who ran a gas station only a quarter mile from the KH, and he was so taken advantage of that an announcement had to be made from the platform that brothers should pay their debts and not expect credit when doing business with fellow Witnesses.
  21. Haha
    Melinda Mills reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in A CIRCUIT OVERSEER STATES, "YOUR FAITH IS GARBAGE AND NEEDS TO BE TORN DOWN"   
    I had a Brother call me up at 7:30 in the morning, many years ago, asking in desperate need if I had any money I could lend him.  I checked my resources, and told him I had $4.00, which I was planning to use for lunch money that day, but he was welcome to that.
    ...... and he hung up on me.
    That hamburger at lunch was especially delicious !
  22. Like
    It really is not about rejecting the organization, it's because not everyone who has faith in God qualifies to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses. It's about rejecting God's standards. For example, you may have faith in God, but believe the Trinity. Or you may have faith in God but see nothing wrong with celebrating Christmas, or practicing homosexuality, or living an immoral life style, or smoking......etc.
  23. Haha
    Someone has to take out the trash.
  24. Upvote
    Melinda Mills reacted to SuzA in The last photo of Hachikō, the dog who waited for his master's return each day for 9 years until he too passed away.   
    Anybody heard of poetic licence? 
    Def.  "The freedom to depart from the facts of a matter or from the conventional rules of language when speaking or writing in order to create an effect."
  25. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Srecko Sostar in The last photo of Hachikō, the dog who waited for his master's return each day for 9 years until he too passed away.   
    There exists a reason why - making doctrines from poetry - is bad idea.
    Another thing what is good to remember from time to time is: word forever, eternal in Bible not necessary holding idea of something that will never stop. :))
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