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Melinda Mills

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    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Foreigner in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    (Replying to Outta Here.)
    Thanks for the observation.  It is being used loosely.
    Yes, agree it is not about the value of money per se. However,  readers of the Bible will still recall the statement "They will throw their silver into the streets..." and if and when this happens, they will say that they read it in the Bible.   We can't deny that the Bible said that.  As BillyThe Kid reminisced, "What was fascinating to me, My mother pointed it out to me in the '60s as a devout JW that would happen, and it sure the hell did. There is no photoshop on that. It's not a tale."   My mother used to quote it a lot as well.
    For other students who look deep into the Bible for guidance and more insight, they will understand it more fully.
    *** rr chap. 6 p. 70 par. 18 “The End Is Now Upon You” ***
    Do you discern a lesson for us in this part of Ezekiel’s prophecy? It is about the need to set the right priorities. Consider this: Only after the inhabitants of Jerusalem understood that the end of their city and their life was upon them and that material goods could not save them, only after that did they drastically change their priorities. They threw their possessions away and began to “seek a vision from a prophet”—but their change came too late. (Ezek. 7:26) In contrast, we are already fully aware that the end of this wicked world is upon us. Therefore, our faith in God’s promises has moved us to set the right priorities in life. As a result, we are busy pursuing spiritual riches, which have lasting value and will never be thrown “into the streets.”—Read Matthew 6:19-21, 24
    Material goods is money's worth, so it has a connection still. Some people have money in the bank, some have it in land and other possessions. All can be changed into money.
     *** w88 9/15 p. 13 par. 14 Listen—Jehovah’s Watchman Speaks! ***
    14 Jehovah and his executional forces cannot be bribed. (Read Ezekiel 7:19.) Bribery could not save the “concealed place,” the Most Holy, from being profaned as Chaldean “robbers” seized sacred utensils and left the temple in ruins. Jehovah ‘caused the pride of the strong ones to cease’ when King Zedekiah was captured and chief ones of the Levitical priesthood were killed. (2 Kings 25:4-7, 18-21) No, sinners in besieged Jerusalem could not escape adversity by bribery when God ‘judged them’ as covenant breakers. Similarly, during the imminent desecration of things Christendom holds sacred, she will not be able to bribe her way out of the execution of divine judgment upon her. It will then be too late to listen to Jehovah’s “watchman.”—Ezekiel 7:20-27.
    This is a more direct and valid application. 
    Good speech writers and politicians use Jesus' parables loosely in their speeches every day.  But we don't think they are trying to get close to God or really seeking to do his will.
  2. Upvote
    Melinda Mills reacted to JW Insider in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    That was my point, too. Further information from the Snopes article explains it this way:
    One popular posting on Facebook was captioned, “This is a street in Venezuela. That’s money in the gutter. It’s worthless. Welcome to socialism.”:  . . .
    Although hyperinflation has indeed caused the bolivar to become all but worthless, the caption on this viral photograph is a bit misleading. The money shown lying in the gutter in this picture is Venezuela’s old currency, the Bolívar Fuerte, which was replaced by a new form of currency, the Bolivar Soberano, in August 2018. When the Bolivar Soberano was introduced, Bolívar Fuerte currency in amounts less than 1,000 ceased to be legal tender, and Bolivar Fuerte currency in all amounts was completely withdrawn on 5 December 2018. . . .
    The viral photograph was likely taken on 11 March 2019 and showed the aftermath of looting at a bank in the town of Merida. Local news outlet Maduradas.com compiled several other photographs of the incident and reported that the perpetrators had discarded the old money on the streets and even lit some of it on fire (translated via Google):
    TERRIBLE! Hooded (vandals) sacked the bank Bicentenario in Merida and scattered bolivars of the old currency through the streets (+ Photos)
    On Monday, March 11, hooded (vandals) sacked the Bicentenario bank agency on Avenue 3, Glorias Patrias, in the state of Merida.
    The fact was confirmed by the deputy of the National Assembly Williams Dávila, as well as by the correspondent of El Nacional in the state of Mérida, Leonardo León.
    Through the social network Twitter, they reported that citizens scattered piles of old money bills in the streets, which were then set on fire.
    Descifrando la Guerra @descifraguerra Replying to @descifraguerra  Ayer se produjo el saqueo de un banco bicentenario en la ciudad de Mérida, en las cercanías de la plaza Glorias Patrias. Los saqueadores incendiaron una pila de bolívares además de dejar muchos billetes por el suelo.
    Mayr 12, 2019. [Mar not May, thanks Melinda Mills] -------------- end of Twitter quote as seen as Snopes ------------
    In short, the “money in gutters” image shown above captured an older and now invalid form of currency that was tossed aside after the looting of a bank, and not usable currency discarded by citizens because it had been made next to worthless due to “socialism.”
    ------------------end of Snopes.com quote------------------
    Snopes is often wrong. But these pictures were already well known and understood in their original context on Twitter, and from various journalists on all sides of the Venezuela situation before Snopes picked up on it.
    It was still related to Maduro, and is still related to money becoming worthless. It is still supportive of the idea that people will be throwing their money (even their gold) in the streets, because money is of no value as a savior in the day of Jehovah's fury. It shows how bad things can get. A major use of these pictures, however, was to create a lie that it was all based on Maduro's mismanagement and therefore could be blamed on socialism. The masked persons who came into the bank may very well have planned the propaganda photo-op for purposes of drumming up support from outside Venezuela for the opposition parties.
    It reminds me of Russian authorities planting literature in JW KH's as a set-up to frame trouble. The opposition parties in Venezuela have been getting away with violence, riots, sabotage, even terrorism, hoping to create a big enough backlash from the government that will give the excuse for a "regime" change.
    It also reminds me of how someone can take pictures of Bro. Morris in a liquor store to try to give the impression that all this must be for him and him alone, or that it must be for the purpose of allowing him to abuse alcohol over some period of time.
  3. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to JW Insider in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Thanks for the catch. The date would not format with the rest of the Twitter pictures and text so I retyped it myself with the now-obvious typo. It should have been Mar 12, 2019.
  4. Haha
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Foreigner in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Who is living in May 12, 2019 already? Snopes?  
  5. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Evacuated in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    What is important about this text has nothing to do with money losing it's value either through obsolescence or inflation. It is more about the fact that Jehovah cannot be bought.
  6. Upvote
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from JW Insider in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Valenzuela is a popular surname in South America but note the name of the country is Venezuela.
  7. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to JW Insider in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Thanks for including this link. No one should minimize the real problems in Venezuela, but many of the particular pictures are being distributed by persons who are trying to create a lie, and then hoping they will be further redistributed (as planned) by people who don't know it is based on a lie. Here's what your source (snopes) said:
    The money shown lying in the gutter in this picture is Venezuela’s old currency, the Bolívar Fuerte, which was replaced by a new form of currency, the Bolivar Soberano, in August 2018. When the Bolivar Soberano was introduced, Bolívar Fuerte currency in amounts less than 1,000 ceased to be legal tender, and Bolivar Fuerte currency in all amounts was completely withdrawn on 5 December 2018. Hence the discarded money seen here was literally worthless not because it had no value, because it had been completely replaced by a newer currency and was no longer legal tender.
    It reminds me of the plot of the comedy "Millions" (2004) when the Bank of England is about to move from the British Pound to the Euro and the bank is shipping the old money from banks for destruction and replacement. (Spoiler alert: If you haven't seen the move, and want to, the following hidden paragraph may spoil it for you.)
    This has actually happened to large amounts of currency in several countries, including the United States in the 1860s, the Deutschmark in Germany in the 1940's. On a similar note, thousands of dollars of older paper bills are destroyed by the Federal Reserve daily to keep newer currencies in circulation.
    Similar to Venezuela, Brazil ran through hyperinflation in recent decades (unrelated to socialism) and replaced many paper currencies one right after another:
    Hyperinflation in Brazil was a fourteen-year period of three-to-four-digit annual inflation rates from 1980 until 1994.[1] It coincided with the period of economic crisis and political turmoil triggered by the 1970s energy crisis during the Brazilian military dictatorship until the conclusion of the main processes of the democratic transition in the country in the late-1980s/early 1990s.
    The republic went through several short-lived currencies, including the cruzado, cruzado novo, cruzeiro, and cruzeiro real, before introducing the Brazilian real in 1994 which proved to be a stable currency.
  8. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    I personally do not trust a Brother who does not drink alcohol.
    He may be COMPLETELY and absolutely trustworthy, as most are ... but I have found that alcohol makes a person more uninhibited, and it is then that their CURRENT "true colors" are more likely to be shown.
    To be fair ... I have scared off quite a few people when I drink.
    It saves BOTH of us a lot of wasted time and effort.
    It's a "sword that cuts both ways".
    ( I no longer drink alcohol because it interferes with my heart medications ... but I am STILL a Grumpy Old Man.)
  9. Haha
    Melinda Mills reacted to TrueTomHarley in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Frustrating job you have there
  10. Thanks
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from SuziQ1513 in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Buying alcohol is not abuse of alcohol. 
  11. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Judith Sweeney in Tony Morris at the liquor store   
    It is no big deal.  At least he knows the best Scotches....:)    Nothing wrong with having a couple of drinks.   I imagine that he could use some relaxation from all of the pressure.     Geesh, people need to Get Busy....yeah, the new "GB"  get busy!  Clean the yard...mop the floor...better yet...LOOK IN THE MIRROR!
  12. Like
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Foreigner in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Here is a picture of it:
  13. Upvote
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Queen Esther in Here is a new Question .........   
    Those of you who don't like to read and study,  and are only asking questions, please note.
    *** w09 5/15 p. 9 Press On to Maturity—“The Great Day of Jehovah Is Near” ***
    Press On to Maturity—“The Great Day of Jehovah Is Near”
    “Let us press on to maturity.”—HEB. 6:1.
    WHEN Jesus was on earth, his disciples approached him and asked: “What will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?” The initial fulfillment of the prophecy that Jesus gave them in answer to their question took place in the first century. Jesus spoke of an unusual development that would signal that the end was imminent. Upon observing that development, “those in Judea [were to] begin fleeing to the mountains.” (Matt. 24:1-3, 15-22) Would Jesus’ disciples recognize the sign and act on his instructions?
    2 Nearly three decades later, in 61 C.E., the apostle Paul penned a strong, sobering message to Hebrew Christians living in Jerusalem and its surroundings. Unknown to both Paul and his fellow believers, the signal marking the opening stage of a “great tribulation” was only about five years away. (Matt. 24:21) In 66 C.E., Cestius Gallus led Roman troops in a nearly successful attack on Jerusalem. But then he suddenly withdrew, leaving open a window of opportunity for endangered ones to escape to safety.
    3 Those Christians needed keen discernment and spiritual perception to recognize the turn of events and flee. However, some had become “dull in [their] hearing.” They were like spiritual babes needing “milk.” (Read Hebrews 5:11-13.) Even some of those who had walked in the way of the truth for decades were showing signs of “drawing away from the living God.” (Heb. 3:12) Some had “the custom” of missing Christian meetings at a time when this calamitous “day [was] drawing near.” (Heb. 10:24, 25) Paul gave them timely exhortation, saying: “Now that we have left the primary doctrine about the Christ, let us press on to maturity.”—Heb. 6:1.
    4 We are living during the time of the final fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy. “The great day of Jehovah”—the day that will bring the end of Satan’s entire system—“is near.” (Zeph. 1:14) As never before, we must remain spiritually keen and alert. (1 Pet. 5:8) Are we really doing that? Christian maturity will help us to stay focused on where we are in the stream of time.               End Quote
    Babes cannot tolerate solid food, they need milk. We need to study and digest spiritual food, not ask others to digest it for us.
  14. Like
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from 서기문 in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Well he is not shoplifting - just selecting carefully what somebody might drink.
  15. Confused
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Queen Esther in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Here is a picture of it:
  16. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Evacuated in Here is a new Question .........   
    Plenty quotations etc above dealing with this, but nothing really specific.
    My understanding is that whilst there are true anointed Christians with a heavenly hope still on earth, in the flesh, they will celebrate the Lords evening meal, regardless of the stream of time or the relative position of Jesus Christ in the heavens. The only time this specific celebration will end is when there are no more anointed Christians left here on earth to celebrate it.
    The scriptural basis for this is at :  Matt.24:31;  2Thess.4:14-17;  1Cor.11:26.
    Although Jesus is ruling from the heavens as Jehovah's Messianic king, there are several executive actions he will be taking in the near future, one of which includes the transference of the full number of his 144,000 companions to where he is, in the heavens, to share with him in his heavenly rule. Once that is accomplished, the last Memorial (as we know it) will have been celebrated. As that transference has yet to take place, the Memorial is still being celebrated..
  17. Thanks
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Here is a picture of it:
  18. Like
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Spirits can form part of preparedness, as antibiotics and other medicines might be non-existent or scarce.  However, true spiritual preparedness is what will save us. However, we won't want to dull our senses with too much alcohol. Jesus refused the drugged wine when he was going through his most severe test.
    Then again, wine and other luxuries will be scarce in the great tribulation.  Note what is going on in Venezuela now.  Money blowing around in the streets.
    (Revelation 6:6) 6 And I heard a voice as if in the midst of the four living creatures say: “A quart of wheat for a de·narʹi·us, and three quarts of barley for a de·narʹi·us; and do not harm the olive oil and the wine.”
    (Ezekiel 7:19) 19 “‘They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will become abhorrent to them. Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to save them in the day of Jehovah’s fury. They will not be satisfied, nor will they fill their stomachs, for it has become a stumbling block causing their error. 
  19. Upvote
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from JW Insider in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    The word proof came about in the 18th century when sailors, unloading their ships of cargo and whiskey, had only one way to tell the strength of the liquor they were carrying: they would mix a little bit of whiskey with a pinch of gunpowder and drop a lighted match into the mixture. If it ignited with an audible “proof!”, the sailors knew at least half the content was alcohol.
    Alcohol needs no lawyer – it has proof.   Audible, visible and  otherwise!
    They want to say he is an alcoholic without 100% proof?   
  20. Like
  21. Haha
    Melinda Mills reacted to Jiminy Cricket in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    I swear that stuff is only $23 per bottle at my local supermarket.
  22. Like
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Judith Sweeney in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Well he is not shoplifting - just selecting carefully what somebody might drink.
  23. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Tennyson Naidoo in Un hermano, que es taxista comparte las buenas nuevas en su medio de vida.   
    Nice  preaching work,, thank you for sharing  sister Nicole
  24. Haha
    And  I used to think that people invited to Bethel were spiritually mature. Now it's a kindergarten is it ? 
  25. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Queen Esther in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Holy spirit is God’s free gift to those who sincerely seek it. It can enhance not only your abilities but also your desire to do your best in his service. “God is the one that, for the sake of his good pleasure, is acting within you in order for you both to will and to act.” The precious gift of holy spirit, coupled with our earnest efforts to keep “a tight grip on the word of life,” will allow us to “keep working out [our] own salvation with fear and trembling.”—Phil. 2:12, 13, 16.
    With complete confidence in God’s spirit, then, pour your heart into every assignment, become skilled at what you are given to do, and look to Jehovah for assistance. (Jas. 1:5) He will give you what you need to understand his Word, cope with life’s problems, and preach the good news. “Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you,” and this includes receiving holy spirit. (Luke 11:9, 13) Indeed, keep on supplicating Jehovah that you may be like faithful ones—both ancient and modern—who were guided by God’s holy spirit.
    SATAN does a good job and most people succumb to his sly traps anyway.
    Give away so much time for a trivial topic ....??
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