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Melinda Mills

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    Melinda Mills reacted to Evacuated in My Weekend at the Watchtower Society's HQ: Warwick and Walkill   
    No you're not!!!!!
  2. Thanks
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Automobiles in Is Cod Liver Oil Truly Good for You?   
    Funny! My eldest brother and I are taller than our parents and the other children.   Got cod liver oil and shark oil regularly (with orange or lemon juice). If it's a fish, can't say which fish did it.
  3. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Jehovah's Witnesses Financial Downsizing Video   
    The copyright has probably expired for Deputy Dawg .......... or there is nobody to enforce it ... uh... since Deputy Dawg retired.

  4. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Anna in Jehovah's Witnesses Financial Downsizing Video   
    I see @TrueTomHarley is getting very bored so called on his alter egos to mix things up a bit. I don't like vomit dog though. Never have.
  5. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Anna in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    1. This topic is not by Anna
    2. Whoever put the title of this topic here needs to know Anna never started exploring "deep state" after reading a question on the 1%. Anna started exploring this way before.
    Here is a suggestion: 
    1. Don't start a topic on my behalf unless you ask my permission
    2. Get your facts right
    Thank you.
  6. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to JW Insider in Warwick Open House: Interview With William Hoppe   
    In the spirit of non-competitive one-extra-man-ship I always like to respond as follows:
    First person: See ya later, Alligator! Second person: After a while, Crocodile! Me: Mañana, Iguana!
  7. Like
  8. Haha
    Melinda Mills reacted to TrueTomHarley in Warwick Open House: Interview With William Hoppe   
    I, too, have decided to visit there again soon. If anyone wishes to speak with me, I will be dressed in an oversized crocodile suit topped with a blue frumpy Dr. Seuss hat, munching popcorn, with my tail hanging over the edge onto the ground floor.
    Please be discreet and don't make a scene. Do not worry--I will be wearing a tie so as to blend in.
  9. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to JW Insider in Warwick Open House: Interview With William Hoppe   
    FWIW, I have a tour of Warwick scheduled for 11:00am on Friday 12/7, and will also be in Mahwah and Wallkill over the weekend, touring Wallkill soon after 10am on Monday. If anyone else from here wants to meet up I'll be wearing black slacks, black shoes, a white shirt, and a mostly black tie.
    That probably won't help, will it? So I will wear a mostly white shirt that is actually blue striped (an LLBean style) if you look at it closely, and I will wear a black tie with blue geometric designs (small diamonds in gray, lt.blue, dk.blue, black). Also the black shoes are really "sneakers" just made to look like dress shoes, not very shiny.
    (Also, I'm 61, married, 6'3'', 245lbs, have some gray on the sides of my short brown hair, and I like long walks around the lake.)
    Anyway, for real, if anyone wants to meet up, I'll answer to "JWI" or something similar, or even my real name. That goes for anyone who works in Warwick or Wallkill, too, who might be following along.
  10. Upvote
    Melinda Mills reacted to TrueTomHarley in Warwick Open House: Interview With William Hoppe   
    I actually did have somone approach me once, on a Woman and the Seed tour at the NYMet, and ask “Are you Sheepandgoats?”I had just related a story that I had also related online. It much surprised me, for while I like to think, like any blogger, that my readership is huge, I know that it is not so.
    He and his wife are from overseas. We have kept in touch since.
  11. Upvote
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from JW Insider in Warwick Open House: Interview With William Hoppe   
    Hope ye three meet up.
  12. Haha
  13. Haha
    Melinda Mills reacted to TrueTomHarley in Warwick Open House: Interview With William Hoppe   
    When you do either of the two Bible museums, you will at first be discouraged at how everyone bunches up at the first few exhibits. But their eyes are bigger than their stomachs. Four or five exhibits in, they decide they will have to speed up the pace, leaving large gaps and an opportunity to take it all in easily if you do not insist upon doing it it order. 
    We came by way of route 17, an endlessly winding highway. Taking a break at Livingston Manor, we came across this sign, which I photographed because of the name; there was a Motts Applesauce plant near where we live.
    Is it the spirit of the times to hide religion, or what? I think no way would this fellow describe himself as a “humanitarian.” Look him up.

    Now, what did you say? Black shoes, mostly black tie. Got it. Should I change my plans and return so soon, I’ll be on the watch.

  14. Upvote
    Melinda Mills reacted to Bebe in Why do the elders have to announce when a publisher decides to spend 70 hours a month in service?   
    . “When you give … do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing” (Matthew 6:3)
    Matthew 6:1 (BBE) Take care not to do your good works before men, to be seen by them
    Matthew 6:4 so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
    Personaly i think IF you seeking for blessings its bettet to do hours with out telling anyone.
  15. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to TrueTomHarley in STATE OF THE 'WORLD' HOW NEAR IS THE END TIMES ?   
    Three years ago the expression Fake News was absolutely unheard of. Today it is ubiquitous.
    Gays took decades to enter into the mainstream. Transgenders took mere months.
    I wrote in Tom Irregardless and Me that VR porn promises sex so steamy that it is feared persons will lose interest in the real thing. It was half in jest. The reality has become that sex robots will do the trick. Both genders have become so leery of the other & the rapidly changing dynamics, so as to lean into this latest craze.
    In many quarters, and expect it to increase, you will be identified as a CIS male, that is, a male who identifies with the sex that was assigned to you. Perhaps it will be your grandchildren, in the hands of today's educators, who will tell you this.
    What is all the rage among the young today? Suicide, upping several-fold in but a few years, by youngsters sending the strongest message they can send that they don't buy the offerings of Hotel World and decide that they can indeed leave.
    Autism, which once claimed one in a thousand, now claims one in forty. 
    Anxiety has replaced depression as the #1 mental health malady. It cannot be because there is nothing to worry about. Previous generations, wartime aside, have laid down economic rules so as to enable success of their young. This generation eats them.
    The Church of Satan didn't command much ground until recently.
  16. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to JW Insider in STATE OF THE 'WORLD' HOW NEAR IS THE END TIMES ?   
    Interesting point. From about 1914 through 1948, there was so much bad stuff affecting so many people and very large population groups (India-Pakistan, etc) that it would have been difficult to argue against the Watchtower's message that Jesus had been present since 1874 (changed to 1914 in 1943) and that "Babylon had fallen" and that the "Great Tribulation" had actually started in 1914, with a short reprieve for the chosen ones, only to start up again "shortly." The "tribulation" was expected to start up again in the few "remaining months" remaining in this system. That expression about only a few months, not years, was used in the 1940's, 1950's, and then again about the 1970's.
    It was easy to explain that Satan was angry and knew he had only a short period of time when looking at the world from 1914 through 1945, especially in Western terms. But the great wars grew mostly cold after 1945, and even though millions have died since in smaller wars, these have not really reached levels reported in the 1914-1945 era, or even the few hundred years prior to that. Pestilence and plague even famine have reached the lowest levels in hundreds of years due to soap and the end of the age of exploration.
    Of course, the "outbreak" of human population is now due in large part due to lack of pestilence, plague, war and famine. This means another reckoning when the population of this "outbreak" reaches the ends of the terrestrial Petri dish. This means war, famine (and thirst) all over again.
    But for the moment, it takes a bit of extra fearmongering to convince people that Satan's anger is at its highest peak, because his short period of time is even shorter now than it was in 1916 and 1941. Even as Witnesses, we may no longer be growing in population relative to the rest of the earth, but we still enjoy the greatest levels of peace and security. We can only assume that Satan changed his tactics, and that the end will just as likely come during a period of peace and security. To keep us on our toes, however, showing a few videos anticipating armed forces against us might be useful, too.
  17. Upvote
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Space Merchant in If men were created before women why did he create men to have nipples?   
    Nipples and navels - we had a lot of discussion on that in the past. Are they trying to say God did not make Adam with nipples?
  18. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Revengeful Dogs? Watch out next time you kick a dog.   
    It is an adult's job to judge EVERYTHING.
    That's why we work hard to become adults .... to develop those skills.
    Those bad at judging EVERYTHING, often have very short lifetimes, full of drama and hardship, filled with bad, destructive "friends".
  19. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Watch your children. Monsters do exist.   
    What is a 'helicopter parent' please ? and do you really carry a loaded gun around ? Please be honest as i will believe your answers. 
  20. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Evacuated in Sister Sandra "Sandy" Melgar   
    This beggars belief. Has anyone heard of other cases where prosecution has factored religious belief on the condition of the dead as a component of a "guilty" verdict? I mean are all the Catholic, Protestant, Evangelical, Jewish, Muslim,  etc. folk who get accused of murder said to be emboldened because they believed their alleged victims are actually alive after death?
  21. Thanks
    Melinda Mills reacted to Evacuated in How can I get comments for watchtower study pictures?   
    If you are using a PC and you want to see the intended caption for the picture rather than the speculative interpretations commonly voiced at KHalls, then Right Click on the picture and choose Inspect from the menu. The caption will appear in the code window on the right, highlighted. Like this:

    Although from the January 2019 study edition, these captions will will appear as footnotes for each study article, the method holds good for most illustrations in recent electronic publications.
  22. Thanks
    Melinda Mills reacted to Josué2 in Are Jehovah's Witnesses allowed to vote?   
    À l’époque des apôtres. Les disciples de Jésus utilisèrent les sorts, conjointement avec leurs prières, pour déterminer qui, à la place de Judas Iscariote, serait un des 12 qui avaient été témoins des activités de Jésus et de sa résurrection ; Matthias fut choisi (Ac 1:21-26). Le mot grec employé ici est klêros, qui est apparenté à klêronomia (“ héritage ”). Klêros figure en Colossiens 1:12 et en 1 Pierre 5:3 où il désigne l’héritage, ou part, que Dieu a donné aux chrétiens.
    Toutefois, il n’est plus question d’utilisation de sorts après la Pentecôte 33 de n. è. pour choisir les surveillants et leurs assistants ou régler des questions importantes. Le choix des surveillants et de leurs assistants devait être fondé sur la façon dont ils manifestaient le fruit de l’esprit saint dans leur vie (1Tm 3 ; Tt 1), tandis que d’autres décisions s’appuyaient sur l’accomplissement des prophéties, l’aide des anges, les principes de la Parole de Dieu et des enseignements de Jésus et, enfin, la direction de l’esprit saint (Ac 5:19-21 ; 13:2, 3 ; 14:23 ; 15:15-19, 28). L’apôtre Paul écrit : “ Toute Écriture est inspirée de Dieu et utile [...] pour remettre les choses en ordre. ” — 2Tm 3:16.
    Ceci dit le sujet et un vrais foutoir car il question de tout et de n'importe quoi.🙁
  23. Upvote
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from JW Insider in Are Jehovah's Witnesses allowed to vote?   
    Question asked by Josue2.
    The early Christians cast lots to make decisions, after Pentecost they were assisted by the holy spirit. 
    *** it-1 p. 129 Apostle ***
    At that particular time before Pentecost, however, there were men meeting these requirements, and two were put forth as suitable for replacing unfaithful Judas. Doubtless having in mind Proverbs 16:33, lots were cast, and Matthias was selected and was thereafter “reckoned along with the eleven apostles.” (Ac 1:23-26) 
    (Proverbs 16:33) The lot is cast into the lap, But every decision by it is from Jehovah.

    After a lively discussion and a summary by James, the chairman, they came to this decision aided by holy spirit.
    (Acts 15:28, 29) For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you except these necessary things: 29 to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from what is strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!”
  24. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to JW Insider in Is it inappropriate for a Christian to participate in Black Friday?   
    Spot on! Bingo! Good point. I've always felt the same way about treating one day as all others vs treating one day as more important than others.
    (Romans 14:5) . . .One man judges one day as above another; another judges one day the same as all others;. . . But not so much worse than the way Black Friday has already intruded on Thanksgiving dinners by starting it at 5:00pm on Thursday and going until 1AM, so that our local "Best Buy" didn't open up again until 8AM on Friday. (Which also reminds me that "Best Buy" was playing Christmas music for persons on hold as early as October 30th this year.)
  25. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Is it inappropriate for a Christian to participate in Black Friday?   
    Looks to me like JW's have anti -holidays, so it's just as bad.  I've known JW's that will not eat a roast dinner on 25th December because they are frightened it will look like a Christmas dinner.   
    As for pushing for a special effort on a stupid day, well it seems like a way of actually celebrating that day to me. It's like saying they know that day is special to people. 
    And the Christmas day door to door witnessing is not a good thing. It's intrusive and rude. It's not wanted by people outside the JW org.  I did it once just to prove that i wasn't scared to do it, but it does not show love to people, it's just being 'pushy' to the extreme. 
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