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Melinda Mills

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    Melinda Mills reacted to David Normand in Bethel of Venezuela. The government prevents them from receiving any humanitarian aid from abroad, medicines, food and hygiene. ?♀️???   
    Sad, but not unexpected. Government is more interested in its image instead of having to accept humanitarian aid from somebody else. 
  2. Haha
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Women must not instruct men, even by singing a theocratic song.   
    Effect of the braids?
  3. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Queen Esther in How do Jehovah’s Witnesses explain the dinosaurs?   
    They  came  and  before  the  humans  coming,  these  giant  animals  had  to  go  again !  I  hope  and  not  believe,  the  Dinosaurs  living  together  with  us !   We  will  see,  how  Jehovah  decided.   Now  its  all  only  conjectures,  not  more.   HUMAN - THINKING
  4. Haha
    Melinda Mills reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in How do Jehovah’s Witnesses explain the dinosaurs?   
    We hope for the "New System" ... all the Dinosaurs
    could ever hope for was to come back as WD-40.
  5. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Noble Berean in How do Jehovah’s Witnesses explain the dinosaurs?   
    Well, Jehovah's Witnesses are not young earth creationists. JWs believe that animals could have lived on the earth for millions of years before humans ever came onto the scene. It is entirely possible that humans and dinosaurs never coexisted and weren't meant to coexist by the Creator. Dinosaurs performed a necessary function in keeping the ecosystem stable when the earth was tropical and covered in plants. We benefit now from that era of tropical plant cover with oil deposits in the earth.
  6. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Srecko Sostar in Women must not instruct men, even by singing a theocratic song.   
    Now when they have only few magazines per year they need to have some extra, additional material to write about. And because all important theme they were already told and wrote, now they must invent some new clear, hot water to talk about and to make deeper spiritual knowledge, insight in the bible for the flock that still stayed inside. :))) 
  7. Upvote
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Cheepcheep in Women Being Used To Do Roving Microphones ?   
    This might sound surprising but in the early sixties when I was a teenager I was asked to conduct the Tuesday night Book study about two or three times when the conductor did not show up.  There were a few men there but they asked me to do it because I appeared to be qualified to do it.  Laugh.
    The Book Study was at my home and my head was covered, of course.
  8. Upvote
    Melinda Mills reacted to JW Insider in What if the future already happened?   
    I already replied to this topic.
  9. Like
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Queen Esther in Women Being Used To Do Roving Microphones ?   
    When I was little, my mother used to be literature servant.  That was in the supposed day of small things.  Another sister was the accounts servant.  She used to step on he platform and read the accounts and step back down - head uncovered.  They were men in the congregation but they did not have the relevant education to do these things.  But we had to listen to them teach, and some of them had not much ability but they were willing to do their parts.
    Seems like those were progressive days, then.  
  10. Thanks
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Women Being Used To Do Roving Microphones ?   
    When I was little, my mother used to be literature servant.  That was in the supposed day of small things.  Another sister was the accounts servant.  She used to step on he platform and read the accounts and step back down - head uncovered.  They were men in the congregation but they did not have the relevant education to do these things.  But we had to listen to them teach, and some of them had not much ability but they were willing to do their parts.
    Seems like those were progressive days, then.  
  11. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to David Normand in Women Being Used To Do Roving Microphones ?   
    This entire position of not using sisters because they might be put in a position to give brothers direction and violate scripture is just silly. When Paul commented about women instructing brothers he was specifically talking about in the meeting where brothers were supposed to take the lead. I mean really, what is wrong with sisters working behind the literature counter, handling microphones, directing traffic, or even directing friends to their seats. Oh well, times are changing. 
  12. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Srecko Sostar in Women Being Used To Do Roving Microphones ?   
    In those times cell phones not existed and regular home telephone was very rare, too.  He can not made a call, or forget to do that ... 2-3 times :)))))) 
  13. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Bible Speaks in Women Being Used To Do Roving Microphones ?   
    @Melinda Mills
    We had meeting for Cart Witnessing yesterday and now Women will be called: KEY MAN if no Brother qualifies but SHE DOES! Chuckle! It’s time! The Chariot is moving so fast my Son says from Bethel, no worrying just keep pace! Soon it will so fast ? it will be done ✅ before our eyes! Thank you for your support! 
    Jehovah Bless! ?????
  14. Haha
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Women Being Used To Do Roving Microphones ?   
    This might sound surprising but in the early sixties when I was a teenager I was asked to conduct the Tuesday night Book study about two or three times when the conductor did not show up.  There were a few men there but they asked me to do it because I appeared to be qualified to do it.  Laugh.
    The Book Study was at my home and my head was covered, of course.
  15. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to David Normand in Women Being Used To Do Roving Microphones ?   
    Why not? I don't see any reason for sisters to  be excluded from this assignment any way. 
  16. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Cheepcheep in Women Being Used To Do Roving Microphones ?   
    In times past, the sisters were left to look after the congregations as the men were imprisoned. Sisters took the roles of the then "congregation servant" until the roles could be filled by a brother. During the Tribulation it may be that the brothers are incarcerated leaving the sisters to fill those roles until some younger brothers are able to fill those roles.
    Here sisters may act as attendants of the contribution boxes, or they have at times been used on the roving microphones.
    In a local sign language group, the interpreters are sisters. The direction from the brothers shows some things need a head covering while other things do not, but it may be more practical to wear one right through a meeting. There they will normally have one sister sign each half of the meeting, rather than have several smaller parts. These ones sign all the talks by the brothers, but these are not considered teaching roles but translation.
    Some difficulties they can face are talks about sexual matters, as sign language is explicit, or the memorial talk. Prayers may also be a difficulty for some sisters, but they are filling a need, a role, where no capable brothers are able to fill them. There are fewer brothers learning sign language than sisters. But for a time, it's nice to see the sisters filling a vital need for deaf.
  17. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Bible Speaks in Women Being Used To Do Roving Microphones ?   
    What can a woman do? Sometimes it is needed. The women telling the Good News are a large army! Jehovah will use us women to further is purpose if no men are available. Many accounts in the Bible where women were used by Jehovah and were blessed! We are all unified to Our Heavenly Father and Our Lord Christ Jesus. 
    Be Blessed,
  18. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Bible Speaks in Women Being Used To Do Roving Microphones ?   
    @James Thomas Rook Jr.
    Your a good man. 
    Charlie Brown 
  19. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Women Being Used To Do Roving Microphones ?   
    As Muppet Ralph the Dog sez:
    "Can't live with 'em ... can't live without 'em ..."
  20. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Anna in Women must not instruct men, even by singing a theocratic song.   
    Better marketing maybe, but you must understand that you are addressing a VERY limited audience. Although 8 million could be considered a fair number, many of those are skeptical and won't read anything published by a brother unless it comes with Bethel's blessing. Maybe that's who you need to talk to! Just kidding. But you must admit, I do have a point. (I still want to order a book for my mother in law, which one would you recommend?) 
  21. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to JW Insider in Women must not instruct men, even by singing a theocratic song.   
    To be fair, the original version of this hymn was written by Frances Ridley Havergal (1836-1879) and originally played with music by Henri Abraham Cesar Malan (1787-1864). The original version also included the words "Take my silver and my gold." In 1966, we were still singing this song at the Hall with the words: "Take my silver and my gold."
    (Frances Havergal was the wife of an Anglican preacher [Church of England] and her brother was a priest in the Anglican church.)
    Our penultimate version included "take my:" heart, mind, feet, hands, voice, life, myself. Our current version now includes "take my:" heart, voice, feet, hands, silver, gold, life, myself.
    So we had to lose "my mind" and raise "my voice" to accommodate "my silver and my gold."
    As you can see below, the original Anglican version (right) had "take my:" life, moments, days, hands, feet, voice, lips, silver, gold, mind(intellect), will, heart, love, and myself. The ones we still include are highlighted in red, so we are now at 9 of 14. Starting in 1905 (Hymns of the Millennial Dawn) we sang it almost exactly as it is in the original. The 1905 version (left) was the way Russellites sang it and was very much like other versions of the original as sung in other churches.
      1  Take my life and may it be
    Lord, acceptable to thee;
    Take my hands, and let them move
    At the impulse of thy love.   Take my life, and let it be
    Consecrated, Lord, to Thee;
    Take my moments and my days,
    Let them flow in ceaseless praise,
    Let them flow in ceaseless praise. 2 Take my feet and let them be
    Swift on errands, Lord for thee;
    Take my voice and let it bring
    Honor always to my King.
        Take my hands, and let them move
    At the impulse of Thy love;
    Take my feet and let them be
    Swift and beautiful for Thee,
    Swift and beautiful for Thee. 3 Take my lips and let them be
    Moved with messages from thee;
    Take my silver and my gold;
    Nothing, Lord, would I withhold.
        Take my voice, and let me sing
    Always, only, for my King;
    Take my lips, and let them be
    Filled with messages from Thee,
    Filled with messages from Thee. 4 Take my moments and my days;
    Let them flow in constant praise;
    Take my intellect and use
    Ev'ry pow'r as thou shalt choose.
      Take my silver and my gold;
    Not a mite would I withhold;
    Take my intellect, and use
    Every power as Thou shalt choose,
    Every power as Thou shalt choose. 5 Take my will and make it thine;
    It shall be no longer mine;
    Take my heart, it is thine own;
    Thus in me thyself enthrone.     Take my will, and make it Thine;
    It shall be no longer mine.
    Take my heart; it is Thine own;
    It shall be Thy royal throne,
    It shall be Thy royal throne. 6 Take my love, my God; I pour
    At thy feet its treasure store;
    Take myself-- I wish to be
    Ever, only, all for thee.     Take my love; my Lord, I pour
    At Thy feet its treasure-store.
    Take myself, and I will be
    Ever, only, all for Thee,
    Ever, only, all for Thee. We began singing a very pretty, shortened version of this song a couple decades later. We changed the name from Consecration to Dedication in 1950, and this was the way we were singing it up until 1966 (pictured below) -- with "take my:" life, voice, feet, hands, mind[intellect], moments, silver, gold, heart, myself -- still managing to fit 10 out of 14 points from the original.

  22. Haha
    Melinda Mills reacted to JayDubya in Women must not instruct men, even by singing a theocratic song.   
    It’s okay.  Your comments made me think of myself and my own experiences.  I take it all in stride now.  Thanks for sharing!!! 
    ... now my problem is makeup.  LOLOLOLOL #itsgoodtolaugh
  23. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to JW Insider in Women must not instruct men, even by singing a theocratic song.   
    This could not merely be about being considerate of the new ones or interested ones. It appears to be more about being considerate to the 'rest of us' who might feel offended being told what to do by a 'new one.' It's pretty much the opposite of what Jesus said about 'out of the mouths of babes.'
  24. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to JayDubya in Women must not instruct men, even by singing a theocratic song.   
    @TrueTomHarley I agree.  My own situation was a bit different.  Being that I lived in a predominately African American community with modesty being of great concern to me (as it was not my dress but hair) it NOW seems laughable.  Modest braids are on WT and AWAKE! covers and they are beautiful.   Sisters are now participating on Assemblies with modest ‘sisterlocks’! Yes- dreadlocks! Brothers wearing beards. ?Things have changed and a focus is on the inner not the outter.  I adjusted ofcourse ... but I also know that I should have been considered too.  It is well.  I follow the chariot wherever it goes. 
    P.S.  I pay close attention when singing to prevent me from belting out the wrong words to ‘old songs’ I think I know.  ??‍♀️
  25. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to JayDubya in Women must not instruct men, even by singing a theocratic song.   
    Back in the day... I used to be a ‘letter of the law’ kinda gal.  One day, someone had problems with my braids.  They spoke to my ‘head’ at the time and I took the braids out on my way home from the meeting.  I looked at the scripture referenced- 1Pet. 3:3.  I decided I’d go to the next meeting naked.   Well, almost. I’d be wearing shoes.  I started heading to the door and my husband looked at me like I was crazy.  Before he parted his lips, I said, ‘I’m following the scriptures.  That’s what you wanted right? Do not let the your adornment be... the wearing of... outer garments.’  I’m safe now since the new translation says, ‘...fine clothing’. But  I do alright if you ask me. My second hand clothing is mighty fine.  Mighty fine! 
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