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Melinda Mills

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  1. Like
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Queen Esther in DO YOU REMEMBER THESE OLD, RARE DIFFERENT BOOKS ?   
    That's nice of him. Thanks to both of you.
  2. Upvote
    Melinda Mills reacted to Colin Browne in DO YOU REMEMBER THESE OLD, RARE DIFFERENT BOOKS ?   
    Yes, I do have a computer, and I'm still in the field ministry group. So, I only kept the more recent books, IE: Isaiah's prophecy, Pay attention to Daniel, God's word for us through Jeremiah, The Bible God's word or mans and the latest, Worship the only True God. I also have the 1973 Comprehensive Concordance which I consult almost daily.
    It will be nice to know how many other of our spiritual family have the latter book.
    The cover is dark red.
  3. Upvote
    Melinda Mills reacted to Queen Esther in DO YOU REMEMBER THESE OLD, RARE DIFFERENT BOOKS ?   
    Look the comment from our ARchiv@L on page 2,  @Melinda Mills ??  He posted your book there,  bec. he studied it as child ! I asked him for looking to some older books and he did it ! Thank you dear Brother @ARchiv@L    Yes, we are a good team here    GREETINGS  TO  ALL......❤️
  4. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Queen Esther in DO YOU REMEMBER THESE OLD, RARE DIFFERENT BOOKS ?   
    Thanks so much for your very nice and informative comment, dear sister Melinda????   I always appreciate your good comments in our Forum !  Sorry, my best language is German   I would like to give more comments in English here... 
    Greetings from Germany,  Agape !
  5. Upvote
    Melinda Mills reacted to David Normand in DO YOU REMEMBER THESE OLD, RARE DIFFERENT BOOKS ?   
    The problem with tablets and other electronic devices is they will eventually die without a power source. Books of course will get old and brittle with age, but it takes many years. No idea what books we will have in NW, but my goal is to be there to find out. 
    When some apostate or other opposed brings up some older publication I generally say that I am not interested in what they we believed in the past, but am interested in what we believe now. I am very thankful that Jehovah's Faithful Slave is willing to admit mistakes of the past and move forward. 
    Cheers my friends.
  6. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Cyril in JW chef refuses to serve customer 'black pudding' in supermarket restaurant   
    When you think about it, if the restaurant was willing to cooperate with the JW, they had that right because it was their restaurant, or rather cafe!  They selected what was on the menu, and if they wanted to take it off the menu for the day, that is their right!  The public shouldn't make a huge issue about it, because the public doesn't have the right to demand that a store sell some product!  Maybe they valued the JW employee enough to compromise!  And whoever dealt with the many who didn't get his pudding (sob!), they had no business telling him:  "It is because the chef is a JW", they should have just said:  "It is not available today
  7. Like
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Queen Esther in JW's in Space   
    You would first have to find them and then determine if they had sinned. Why would they need to be baptized?   Too farfetched.
  8. Like
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Queen Esther in DO YOU REMEMBER THESE OLD, RARE DIFFERENT BOOKS ?   
    I did not see the Paradise Lost to Paradise Restored book there.  My parents studied that with me as well as Let God be True and Things in which it is Impossible for God to Lie.  I came across a fairly new looking copy of the Let God be True a few years ago, an in-law left it in the house. I am treasuring it.  I have books mostly from the late sixties and 70s, and bound volumes from the 60s, as there was a special reprinting in the 90s of the sixties bound volumes.  I have stopped keeping bound volumes from last year and hope the Watchtower CD would be adequate.
  9. Upvote
    Melinda Mills reacted to Queen Esther in DO YOU REMEMBER THESE OLD, RARE DIFFERENT BOOKS ?   
    WOW,  thats  so  nice,  study  together  as  couple    I  couldn't  do  that,  bec. my  husband  didn't  want  it   So  I  did  it  step by step  alone,  first  with  my  girlfriend.  But  he  was  very  cooperative, friendly  &  loving   Nice  books  you  got  for  study  the  truth  with  the  Bible...  Yes,  some  older  books  are  very  valuable  too !  But  the  most  JW  maybe  have  NO  place  at  home  for  many  books  -  today,  all  is  saved  in  their  tablets.  I  don't  know,  which  books  we  all  will  have  in  the  NW  and  paradise...   what  do  you  think  Brother  David ?@David Normand   -   With  the  apostates,  its  a  special  problem  -  they  like  it,  bring  us  in  conflict  with  Jehovah  and  always  working  against  to  bring  us  in  confusion !  We're  firm  in  the  truth  with  many  or  less  books...  Many  JW  on  little  islands  or  poor  countries,  have  of  sure  only  less  books  at  home.  The  heart  is  deciding  for  Jehovah  and  thats  perfect  I  think ❤      Greetings  rom  Germany !
  10. Upvote
    Melinda Mills reacted to David Normand in DO YOU REMEMBER THESE OLD, RARE DIFFERENT BOOKS ?   
    My wife and I studied in the Paradise book and the United in Worship book. We also studied for a time the Truth book, but allowed family pressure to dissuade us from studying for a time. We have added some of the older books to our collection over the years just for the novelty of it. Sadly though, some apostates love to take what was spiritual truth at the time when the older publications were published and trash talk the society for some of their beliefs. It is time for friends to have these in their personal library, but there is a reason they are no longer in print and many are no longer cited in current articles at all. 
  11. Upvote
    Melinda Mills reacted to Evacuated in Animals in Paradise - What Will They Eat?   
    Interesting article and very carefully reasoned through. However, I couldn't commmit to his conclusions any more than agreeing that he raised some interesting possibilities.
    The author quotes Ewin Monsma: 'Reformed scholars have generally been of the opinion that the Bible gives no evidence of death among animals before the fall.’ He does not seem to refute this idea, so appears to share it.  I believe there is controversy on this matter amongst those who call themselves (or are called) "creationists", but was surprised recently to find that some Jehovah's Witnesses also adhere to the view that animals only die as a consequence (somehow) of the rebellion in Eden, and that this will not always be the case. (There seemed to be an element of pet bereavement in this).
    I haven't met any (yet) who extend the resurrection hope to animals that have died however. Interestingly, this does appear to be a Mormon belief:  "The animals, the fishes of the sea, the fowls of the air, as well as man, are to be recreated, or renewed, through the resurrection, for they too are living souls.” Joseph Fielding Smith. Conference Report, October 1928, p. 100. The mind boggles on the logistics of this!
    There is an obvious difference of opinion between Jehovah's Witnesses on animal diet and behaviour, both historic and future as shown in the discussion here. It is pretty clear that a literal interpretation of popularly referenced scriptures such as Isaiah 11:6-9; 65:25, Mic.2:4 is encouraged both in the text and illustrations in Watchtower publications, and there is no denying the appeal of this view. However, the view is open to considerable extrapolation and it is this I think that polarises opinion.
    Early on in my theocratic education, it was clearly pointed out to me that paradise promises in the Hebrew Scriptures relating to Israelite restoration should not be interpreted out of their historic context. For example, they should not be used as an authority for concluding that lions will begin roaming the entire earth so that each child can have a lion as a pet. Nor should we think that, regardless of climate conditions, grapes and figs wiIl flourish everywhere. However, they do provide a basis for believing that peaceful and paradisaic conditions will prevail amongst the entire creation here on earth, under Jehovah's Kingdom rule. The relative peace between members of the true Christian congregation as "animalistic" behaviour is replaced by the "fruitage of the spirit" can be seen as a token of what is to come.
    This allows for a wide variety in the personal visions individuals may cherish on what conditions will prevail in the paradise earth to come, but in no way allows for an imposition of such views on others where there is no clear Scriptural basis. By the same token, the relatively harmless views of others should be respected, regardless of any perceived naivety on the part of those who feel their more educated perceptions deserve higher credence.
    A couple of Scriptural principles that moderate my grip on personal views that can only be termed as benign speculation regarding  the exact detail and logistics of many aspects of life in the coming paradise earth are contained in these texts:
    "For the Kingdom of God does not mean eating and drinking, but means righteousness and peace and joy with holy spirit." Rom.14:17
    "But just as it is written: “Eye has not seen and ear has not heard, nor have there been conceived in the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those who love him.” 1Cor.2:9

  12. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Queen Esther in Animals in Paradise - What Will They Eat?   
    We  don't  have  the  answer  today....  sorry   await  &  drinking  tea  ~~~~~
  13. Haha
    Melinda Mills reacted to TrueTomHarley in Why does Jehovah God forbid tattoos?   
    He needn't worry. I nudged him over the edge.
    If someone would pay for advertising tattoos, I would get several. It is an area in which I would be able to beat out the kids, since older people tend to aggregate more space over time.
  14. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Shiwiii in Why does Jehovah God forbid tattoos?   
    lol, superstitious much?
  15. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Shiwiii in Why does Jehovah God forbid tattoos?   
    I love this answer, not because I have tattoo's ( I don't) but because when it boils down to it EVERYTHING you do or do not do is between you and God. Each should make up his/her own mind on the things they choose in life and not let "man" decide for you. 
  16. Like
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from Shiwiii in Why does Jehovah God forbid tattoos?   
    (Romans 14:19-23) “19 So, then, let us pursue the things making for peace and the things that build one another up. 20 Stop tearing down the work of God just for the sake of food. True, all things are clean, but it is detrimental for a man to eat when it will cause stumbling. 21 It is best not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything over which your brother stumbles. 22 The faith that you have, keep it to yourself before God. Happy is the man who does not judge himself by what he approves. 23 But if he has doubts, he is already condemned if he eats, because he does not eat based on faith. Indeed, everything that is not based on faith is sin.”
    (1 Corinthians 6:12) 12 All things are lawful for me, but not all things are advantageous. All things are lawful for me, but I will not let myself be controlled by anything.
    Why do we wish a tattoo?
    It can cause stumbling.
    Do we wish to conform to the world?
    (Romans 12:1, 2) Therefore, I appeal to you by the compassions of God, brothers, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, a sacred service with your power of reason. 2 And stop being molded by this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, so that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
    Why has it become popular?
    Why did only certain persons of questionable repute wear tattoos decades ago?
    Is it something required? Or would it make people think twice about your judgement? Would you get the job wearing one?
    How do we know we or a significant other would like it years down the road?
    What does it say of the world of today? (Think about degradation and the slippery slope.)
    What do we think of God’s creation? God’s art? Do we agree with God or the Psalmist?
    (Genesis 1:31) After that God saw everything he had made, and look! it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, a sixth day.
    (Psalm 139:14) I praise you because in an awe-inspiring way I am wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, I know this very well.
    Graffiti is usually cleaned off; true art stays and becomes more valuable.
    Why can’t we be thankful Jehovah told us something he does not like?
    Do we think Jehovah likes murder, adultery, incest, stealing, war, etc. because we are no longer under the Mosaic Law?
    He said he cleansed foods that were not permitted for Israel under the Law but he has not cleansed any of these things.
    Do we have to ask others or are we convinced?
    (Romans 14:22 22 The faith that you have, keep it to yourself before God. Happy is the man who does not judge himself by what he approves.
    Make your own decision based on your faith and what you know about the God YOU serve.
  17. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Anna in Animals in Paradise - What Will They Eat?   
    Don't get me wrong, I am not one of those who insist carnivores will only vegetation, as that is clearly physically impossible for some of them. However, my problem is, how would there be peace among animals if some were going to be eaten? And why would a big cat, for example, need claws, if all it was to do is eat carrion? Everything about a big cat spells predatory hunter. Chase and kill, not eat something that has already died...
    Perhaps the best solution is as True Tom says "Be there, and you'll find out".
  18. Upvote
    Melinda Mills reacted to Bible Speaks in Peace Will Prevail Between Humans and Animals   
    Very soon, peace will prevail between humans and animals.
     6 "The wolf will reside for a while with the lamb,
    And with the young goat the leopard will lie down,
    And the calf and the lion and the fattened animal will all be together;
    And a little boy will lead them.
     7  The cow and the bear will feed together,
    And their young will lie down together.
    The lion will eat straw like the bull.
     8 The nursing child will play over the lair of a cobra,And a weaned child will put his hand over the den of a poisonous snake.
    9 They will not cause any harm
    Or any ruin in all my holy mountain,
    Because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah
    As the waters cover the sea."
    (Isa. 11:6-9)

  19. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Anna in Animals in Paradise - What Will They Eat?   
    In that case, what with scriptures such as Isaiah 11:6, 7?
    Does that mean the wolf will reside with the lamb in peace, until the wolf gets hungry and gobbles up the lamb? Peacefully though of course?
    Is that your congregation?
  20. Upvote
    Melinda Mills reacted to Evacuated in Why does Jehovah God forbid tattoos?   
    Now that wasn't so difficult actually was it?
    I'll overlook the offensive bluster. I know you are capable of an entirely rational response (as in the first quote) when you are in a better frame of mind.
    You should try and get a handle on what stresses you out so much 'though. It can't be healthy! Are you holding a grudge or something??
    Anyway, take it easy mate!  
    PS. Could you like my comment please. I've just noticed my reputation figure stands at 666 and I don't like liking my own posts!!
  21. Like
    Melinda Mills got a reaction from SuzA in Why does Jehovah God forbid tattoos?   
    I suggest you too leave the room artfully.
  22. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to TrueTomHarley in Animals in Paradise - What Will They Eat?   
    You could easily be right. I sometimes think it is possible that 'eating straw' will go the way of the heart, once thought literal, later conceded as figurative. I will hunt you up in the new system to shake your hand if it turns out you are right. (and I will ride my giraffe to find you)
    For that is the ultimate answer to many a question: 'Be there, and you will find out.'
  23. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Evacuated in Why does Jehovah God forbid tattoos?   
    As already stated, the only answer to your question Why....does Jehovah God forbid tattoos? is : Jehovah God does not forbid tattoos.  
    The question could have been asked: 
    "Why did Jehovah forbid the Jewish nation to tattoo themslves?" Or "Does Jehovah God forbid Christians to have tattoos? If Yes, Why?"
    Different, more informative answers may then have ensued.
    Another variation could have been Why....doesn't Jehovah God forbid tattoos? To which a JTR type response such as "Because He couldn't care less about tattoos" might have been suggested. 
    As it is, those questions were not asked, and as the question that was asked is basically invalid, the answer given.....remains as: Jehovah God does not forbid tattoos.  
  24. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Evacuated in Why does Jehovah God forbid tattoos?   
    Now, now me old china! You're getting a bit hoighty-toighty yourself here.
    For those unable to follow the links to jw.org, what these posts include (my bold) follows:
    "The Bible mentions tattoos just once, at Leviticus 19:28, which says: “You must not put tattoo marking upon yourselves.” God gave this command to the nation of Israel, thus setting them apart from the neighboring peoples who marked their skin with the names or symbols of their gods. (Deuteronomy 14:2) While the Law given to Israel is not binding on Christians, the principle underpinning this law is worth serious consideration."
    "What questions should I ask?
    "What are the health risks? How would it affect your reputation? Will you always like it?  What Bible principles apply?
    Colossians 3:20 1 Peter 3:3, 4 1 Timothy 2:9 Romans 12:1 In view of these factors, many people have decided against getting a tattoo."
    So, before you start firing off insulting accusations about who is presuming to speak for GOD, please notice that there is no prohibition on tattoos binding on a Christian. However, there are several thought provoking questions and some well chosen scripture texts to enable those who value their Christian freedom to make a well-considered, personal, and conscientious (moral) choice in this matter.
    Cheers mate!  
  25. Like
    Melinda Mills reacted to Evacuated in Why does Jehovah God forbid tattoos?   
    Maybe my earlier answer wasn't clearly stated.
    No. He does not.
    If anyone wants to explore the matter further and to get some guidance on how appropriate the modern (secular) fashion for tattoos would be for Christians then try:
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