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Posts posted by Witness

  1. 7 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    Christians in the first century met in houses, and in synagogues, and in available rooms, but soon built their own places of worship, too.

    I can see the joy you must have experienced in developing such a congregation.  What you describe is how the early faithful ones worshiped, desiring to love each individual, but the difference is the teachings which filtered down from above, according to men. 

    It can’t be dismissed that a “centralized authority” existed then, as you followed its guidelines in setting it up the new congregation, and today this is even more pronounced over all congregations, down to the ownership of kingdom halls.

    These videos are well worth watching on the development of “centralized authority” that appeared once the early apostles were gone. 

    Intro - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ybMMZVqhIE&t=8s

    Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TLbffsuyz0&t=2s

    Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTL2CFl7434

    Part 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpEHVaMn9Ok&t=5s




  2. On 12/9/2016 at 1:34 AM, Diakonos said:

    Do mistaken ideas such as these cast doubt on whether Jesus was guiding those faithful ones by means of holy spirit?

    6 Not at all! Think again of our opening illustration. Would the premature ideas and eager questions of the tourists cast doubt on the reliability of their guide? Hardly! Similarly, although God’s people sometimes try to work out details of Jehovah’s purpose before it is time for the holy spirit to guide them to such truths, it is clear that Jesus is leading them.

    Has God changed?   Would the decrees that are represented and fulfilled by his Son, change?  

    The GB, genuine anointed ones, have stepped in as head over the anointed Body of Christ - God's priesthood.  God's entire sanctuary/ priesthood of anointed ones are to defend the Truth in Christ; if they waver from Truth, they "bear the iniquity" of defiled teachings to the congregations. 1 Pet 2:5-10; Num 18:1; Exod 28:38; Heb 13:15,16; Mal 2:7

    On 12/9/2016 at 1:34 AM, Diakonos said:

    It is also upsetting that the governing body, in instances like this, always speak in the third person. How much more humble would it be for them to say ; "Similarly, although we, the faithful and discreet slave sometimes try to work out details of Jehovah’s purpose before it is time for the holy spirit to guide us to such truths..."

    "If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.

    " If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us." 1 John 6:8-10

    "I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran, I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied" Jer 23:15-32; Rev 8:11; Jude 1:11-13; 17:1-6; 1 Cor 4:7,8; Rev 13:11,14-17; 


    "Where is the true religion?"  http://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/2012/05/where-is-true-religion.html


  3. On 12/9/2016 at 1:34 AM, Diakonos said:

    I really didn't know whether to laugh, cry or throw my hands up in despair when we discussed this at last night's meeting. The answers that were given during these paragraphs and the response of the study conductor really showed to me how, as a general rule, we are such a non-thinking and illogical group of people.

    1874 - "Christ came in the character of a Bridegroom in 1874.... at the beginning of the Gospel harvest." (Watchtower, Oct 1879, p. 4)

    This wasn’t presented as conjecture, but as fact. 

    (1889) "Be not surprised, then, when in subsequent chapters we present proofs that the setting up of the Kingdom of God is already begun, that it is pointed out in prophecy as due to begin the exercise of power in A.D. 1878, and that the 'battle of the great day of God Almighty (Rev. 16:14) which will end in A.D. 1914 with the complete overthrow of earth's present rulership, is already commenced. The gathering of the armies is plainly visible from the standpoint of God's word."

    Presented as fact, but notice - (Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. 2, The Time Is At Hand, 1889 Ed., p. 101. The 1915 Edition of this texts changed "A.D. 1914" to read 'A.D. 1915')

    How many ‘facts’ make a wrong?

    Here is a ‘fact’ that supports 1915 –

    (1889) - "In the coming 26 years, all present governments will be overthrown and dissolved." (C.T. Russell, Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. 2, p. 98-99, 1889)  1889+26=1915

    (1889) Again in the same year, 1914 re-emerges as the conclusion of the harvest:

    "Remember that the forty years' Jewish Harvest ended October A.D. 69, and was followed by the complete overthrow of that nation; and that likewise the forty years of the Gospel age harvest will end October, 1914, and that likewise the overthrow of 'Christendom,' so-called, must be expected to immediately follow." (Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. 2, p. 245)

    1902 - "In view of this strong Bible evidence concerning the Times of the Gentiles, we consider it an established truth that the final end of the kingdoms of this world, and the full establishment of the kingdom of God, will be accomplished by the end of A.D. 1914." (The Time Is At Hand, 1902 edition, p. 99)

    "Do mistaken ideas such as these cast doubt on whether Jesus was guiding those faithful ones by means of holy spirit?"

    Christ is Truth.  “Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.  And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32

    Certainly, the question should be asked, are these teachers Christ’s disciples? 

    Or false prophets?

    “And it shall be that whoever will not hear My words, which He speaks in My name, I will require it of him. 

    Similarly, although God’s people sometimes try to work out details of Jehovah’s purpose before it is time for the holy spirit to guide them to such truths, it is clear that Jesus is leading them.

    No, rather, scripture shows clearly that Jesus is NOT leading them.

     But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in My name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die.

      And if you say in your heart, ‘How shall we know the word which the Lord has not spoken?’—  when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him.”  Deut 18:19-22







  4. Eoin Joyce, I am sorry for appearing presumptuous over your circumstances.  It wasn’t my intention, and this is a genuine apology.  Considering the margin of error that this chart may have, how do you perceive the accuracy of the other charts?  As I looked over them, they seemed to represent a fairly accurate slice of JWs. 

     Still, I cannot dismiss the amount of poverty throughout the entire organization, even if there are those who choose less paying jobs in this country.  In developing countries, generation after generation remain in poverty.  I remember seeing an article in the Awake on hygiene, where a woman, in perhaps Africa, was drawing water from a community source.  These are the type of JWs I am referring to, who live from hand to mouth.

    Your words are in green.

    JWs spent $45 Million on supporting the work of 3,279,270 in the same period.

    Unless I’m mistaken, this appears to be a generalized statement.  Are the use of these funds, transparent?  Or could they be lumped into one category called “preaching work”?  Could you direct me to a complete breakdown of donation use that happens at the top?  I could correct my view if one is available.

    I found it interesting that a video once on the website has been removed. It was on the making of a movie for the summer convention (I believe).  It appeared quite boastful in its efforts to produce it, as any video presentation of the making of a movie appears; also it was quite revealing on where donations must go.  Why would it have been removed if not for these exact reasons?  Couldn’t the woman who was obtaining water from a source other than her own home use even a small amount of the money spent on such a prideful effort by the Watchtower?

     For example, The Journal of Contemporary Religion (Vol. 12, No2, 1997) noted that in the year 1993, the combined efforts of the Protestant Churches of US and Canada spent in excess of $2 Billion to support the work of 41,142 overseas missionaries

    Do you notice that you are comparing the Watchtower to other earthly religions? Ezek 20:32 If we were worshiping God correctly, in spirit and in truth, we would have no reason do to such a thing.  By doing so, it is clear that JWs have their eyes on earthly things pertaining to the “flesh”.  1 John 2:16

    As for results, which religious group would first come to mind as associated with God's name "Jehovah" or the biblical term "the kingdom of God"?

    Here a few comparisons of kingdom preaching within Satan’s “world”.

    The Catholics pray three times a day for God’s Kingdom to come.  I grew up doing this.  There were 1.272 billion Catholics in 2012 (Wikipedia)  “We are living seeds of the Kingdom of God in the garden of the world and we are called to bear the fruits of the Kingdom.”  http://www.catholic.org/homily/yearoffaith/story.php?id=53255

    “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the kingdom of God on the earth, but it is at present limited to an ecclesiastical kingdom. During the Millennium, the kingdom of God will be both political and ecclesiastical.”  https://www.lds.org/scriptures/gs/kingdom-of-god-or-kingdom-of-heaven?lang=eng

    2012 – 14.8 million Mormons in the world (Wikipedia)

    Meaning of what is behind the name, “Jehovah” – (“hovah” –ho-vaw'; another form for H1942; ruin:—mischief.  Mischief is deceit, a lie, and who deceives but Satan, the Father of the Lie. )


    Calling on the name of God - http://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/2014/02/calling-on-name-of-god.html

     Then Moses said to God, “Indeed, when I come to the children of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they say to me, ‘What is His name?’ what shall I say to them?”

    And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”  Exod 3:13,14

    “I AM”   הָיָה hâyâh, haw-yaw; a primitive root (compare H1933); to exist, i.e. be or become, come to pass (always emphatic, and not a mere copula or auxiliary):—beacon, × altogether, be(-come), accomplished, committed, like), break, cause, come (to pass), do, faint, fall, follow, happen, × have, last, pertain, quit (one-) self, require, × use.

    “THAT I AM” - same

    From a primitive root -  הָוָא hâvâʼ, haw-vaw'; or הָוָה hâvâh; a primitive root (compare H183H1961) supposed to mean properly, to breathe; to be (in the sense of existence):—be, have.

    What have Jehovah’s Witnesses accomplished by carrying a corrupted form of a name eluding to a ruin, a disaster and touted to represent the Father -  to many nations throughout the world?  God is gracious with us, to give us time to learn truth. 

    The only difference with the organization from other religions is that true anointed ones fell into it when they recognized and grabbed hold of spiritual truth.  Along with these grains of truth, come lies, a wicked house steward, evil slave, and changing doctrine, and now admittance to blundering in ‘organizational direction.’  Nonetheless, obedience is paramount no matter what the direction may be.

    “because false messiahsand false prophets will have arisen and will produce great signs and startling demonstrations so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect. Remember, I’ve told you beforehand.”  Matt 24:24,25

    Babylon has been revisited. Rev 17:5,1,15; 16:13-16

    Just think about it, Eion, think of how life-threatening it is to be deceived by ministers that appear as angels of light – genuine anointed ones.  Revelation is concerning God’s people trapped by Satan’s tools,  fallen anointed ones, and those who do their bidding – an elder body. (Rev 9:7)

     But what I do, I will also continue to do, that I may cut off the opportunity from those who desire an opportunity to be regarded just as we are in the things of which they boast.  For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.  Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works. 2 Cor 11:12-15

    For Satan to deceive, he uses what we wish for, truth.  While Christ is Truth, the organization takes on the role as truth.  Look at the contrasts:

    The body of Christ, God’s true priesthood, is invisible, whereas the Body of Elders, a false priesthood, is prominent.  

    The GB “represents” Christ, and although all anointed must do this, the GB expects obedience to their doctrine,(Rev 8:11) whereas Christ expects obedience to his teachings. John 14:23  Since these ones must be obeyed, they have replaced Christ as the Head over the anointed Body.

     Zion, which is God’s Chosen people – his Temple and “Daughter Zion” -  has taken on an earthly slant – an organization. 2 Cor 4:18  

    While salvation is only through Christ, the organization teaches it is salvation.  Idols are not always seen by the naked eye, but perceived through discernment.

    I can’t make either you or JW Insider “see” the injustices in various forms.  I can only pray that you do, and heed Christ’s words to “flee” before it’s too late.  Rev 18:4-8


  5. JW Insider, thank you for your thoughts.  Your words are in green.  

    When the Watchtower speaks of the earthly part, or visible part of Jehovah's organization, it still does not specifically refer to the Watchtower itself, but to those who associate with and live their lives as sincere Christians. 

    I understand your view, but look closer.   Notice the comparison of the organization to the early temple.

    "In the first fulfillment of these words back in the days of the return from Babylonian exile, kings and others from the nations did actually help in the rebuilding of the temple and the city of Jerusalem. (Ezra 3:7; Nehemiah 3:26) In the modern fulfillment, the great crowd has supported the anointed remnant in building up true worship. They have helped to build up Christian congregations and thus strengthen the citylike “walls” of Jehovah’s organization. They also share in a literal building work—the construction of Kingdom Halls, Assembly Halls, and Bethel facilities. In all these ways, they support their anointed brothers in caring for the needs of Jehovah’s expanding organization! w/02/7/1 par 16

    Aside from the fact that “true worship” cannot be built on a foundation of false teachings, and false prophesy, (Deut 18:19-22) an organization and all aspects of it, is considered God’s ‘House’ even down to the kingdom hall.  Not one JW (are you the exception?) can separate their spiritual worship from the established, defined organization.

     In truth, God’s house is God’s Temple  Acts 7:49,50

     God’s true mountain is God’s Temple.

    God’s Temple ARE/INCLUDES the anointed ones. 1 Pet 2:5; 1 Cor 3:16; Eph 2:20-22,10  During the last days, at the completion of the “144,000”, all will then stream to this mountain. 

    “Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
    To the house of the God of Jacob;
    He will teach us His ways,
    And we shall walk in His paths.” Isa 2:3

    Is the temple, the house of God, completed yet?  No, thus this is not referring to the organization, but to the Body of Christ.

    Now it shall come to pass in the latter days
    That the mountain of the Lord’s house
    Shall be established on the top of the mountains,
    And shall be exalted above the hills;
    And all nations shall flow to it.  Isa 2:1

    The organization cannot be the earthly part of Mount Zion, since Zion is represented on earth by God’s spirit within God’s Chosen ones – spiritual Israel, spiritual “Jerusalem”.   

    "Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads."  Rev 14:1

    “And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?  And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said:

    “I will dwell in them
    And walk among them.
    I will be their God,
    And they shall be My people.”2 Cor 6:15,16

    Who make up the organization that calls itself earthly Zion?  The large majority are NOT God’s Chosen anointed ones; they are NOT spiritual “Jews”, but spiritual “Gentiles”.

    For out of Zion shall go forth the law,
    And the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. Isa 2:3

    This law is written on the hearts of God’s anointed/Chosen ones. Heb 8:10; 2 Cor 5:20; Rom 2:29; 1 Cor 6:2,3

    Within the organization, spiritual “food” is produced primarily by those not anointed, while God’s Chosen ones who carry His laws somewhere in their suppressed heart, lay dormant.

    There is nothing in principle about the anointed that cannot be equally applied to all Christians.

    This is true, until we go against God’s arrangement of the “administration” that Paul spoke of, the Body of Christ. 2 Cor 9:10-15 The priests are required to teach truth from the knowledge given them. (Mal 2:7) The early temple priesthood foreshadowed the priesthood in God’s Kingdom.  Heb 7:11,12; 8:1,2,5-10; 9:11; 2 Cor 5:17; 1 Pet 2:10,9; Acts 7:48; 1 Cor 3:16; 6:19; Acts 17:24; Col 2:17; Eph 2:20-22; 1 Pet 2:5,9; Rev 5:9,10

    Under the New Covenant we must recognize this administration, now. Heb 9:8-12, 15,23,24

    Our glimpse of God’s heavenly Mt Zion is found in Matt 17:1,5,9.  Peter describes this vision:

     “For we did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His majesty.  For He received from God the Father honor and glory when such a voice came to Him from the Excellent Glory: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”  And we heard this voice which came from heaven when we were with Him on the holy mountain.  And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts” 2 Pet 1:16-19

    There is no prophesy of any other “holy mountain” in the scriptures to be found in the latter days called, “earthly Zion”, “Jehovah’s organization”, or the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. 

    They have been asked to take a step back and allow themselves to be represented by a smaller group of anointed.

    Who asked them?  God?  Christ?  Uninspired men?

    1 Pet 4:10 -  As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.

    First and foremost, each anointed one is appointed as a steward of God’s word. They are to “look after” the truth they have received from Christ. This does not include any deviation of those teachings.  If another teaches a crooked path to Christ, should they accept this over the words of their Master? 2 Cor 11:2-4; Matt 24:4; 2 Cor 11:20

     A true steward or manager over a household gathers from all sources and provides it to those in need.  The GB who rules over the Body of Christ uses those not anointed , “Gentiles”, to write this “food”, while any suggestions written by anointed ones are discarded by the GB, thrown out, along with God’s priest. With the anointing comes knowledge (1 John 2:20,27). If one is not a Chosen priest to direct the people, there is no blessed direction in knowledge. (Rev.1:5-6; 5:9-10).  Since the anointed GB refuses to recognize this, they too, lack direction of Holy Spirit.  God’s will on these matters is ignored. 

    This is the situation of oppression, the trampling, and the symbolic captivity spoken of in Revelation (Rev 13:10), to overcome the anointed ones during the time of the end, as well as the measuring, the scrutinizing,  of God’s “Temple” (each anointed one) within scripture.  Isa 5:13; Isa 46:2; Col 2:8; Luke 21:24; Rev 11:1; 1 Cor 3:16; 1 Pet 2:5; Eph 2:20-22; Rev 6:9-11

    “ But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles. And they will tread the holy city underfoot for forty-two months.”  Rev 11:2 (Matt 24:15)

    The GB will tell you that there have been no faithful slaves until now.   Jesus asks,  “Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household, to give them food in due season?  Blessed is that servant whom his master, when he comes, will find so doing.

    This household has been ongoing since Christ ascended into heaven.  Christ isn’t saying that there is only one historical group that will be found faithful, but is saying that among all “faithful and discreet slaves” (Matt 25:21) during any time period, which faithful one is appointed over the domestics?  BUT, the GB has come to the conclusion that from all of the thousands of anointed ones since Christ, THEY are the   only faithful and discreet slave among all of God’s Chosen slaves.  Thus, such a lie brings conclusive evidence from scripture, (Matt 24:48-50) they must also fulfill the wicked slave beating down their brothers in Christ into submission to teachings gleaned from those other than the members of the Body. (Ezek 44:6-8)

    Since this Temple is built on Christ, surely one can see how precious God’s own Zion is to become – superior to any temple built by man. 

    Just because some feel they will be sons of God and therefore Christ's brothers in heaven does not discount the scriptures that speak of everyone who has faith being sons of God and therefore Christ's brothers. Heaven and earth do not constitute two different hopes.

    I agree.  JW Insider, my attempt is not to pump up a presumed superiority of Chosen ones, but to relate the realities of the importance of this priesthood, as well as the prophetic condition of God’s anointed ones in the organization.  So many lies have been told about them and their role, that it sickens me.  They are the “firstfruits” (James 1:18) of God’s children.  They give their lives as a sacrifice in the same manner as Christ– both this Bride and Christ will bring the promise of life to all who have faith.  To teach that the “144,000 “are not allowed to enjoy their inheritance of the earth from the earth, is blasphemy. John 1:51   Christ, the very firstfruit, received this inheritance; he, in turn gives it to his faithful brothers, and the Kingdom blessings bring this inheritance to all of God’s children who accept God’s arrangement. Matt 25:34-36; Gal 3:16; Ps 2:8; Heb 1:2 This means that God’s children will work together in respective roles; his kingly priesthood will work under their glorious High Priest, attending to the needs of the rest of Abraham’s seed, in servitude to the Father and Christ.  The Chosen one’s role is a blessing of sacrifice to mankind, not one of superiority that Anthony Morris so pompously boasted of.  No wonder no one cares to consider the role of the anointed ones.  Christ suffered and died for all of mankind, his brothers must do the same – for all of mankind. 

    It is in God’s Kingdom where all faithful sons of God receive its blessings, when Mount Zion, God’s spiritual “Holy City”, comes down from heaven with the “144,000”.  Rev 21:2  They are the “new creation”, in imitation of Christ, who appeared in fleshly form to the disciples after his resurrection. 

    I know I’ve posted much of this before, but this is the time when truth becomes abundant, not through erring doctrine, but through the blessings of the Marriage Feast.  Matt 24:27,28; 22:4; Rev 19:9; John 16:13; Rev 1:1; 22:6; 10:7

    We are not free in Christ until we let go of all and everything that goes against God’s will.  Among His people, wolves in sheep’s clothing would not preach that we must turn to Christ, who is our salvation, but would preach we must be part of the work of man’s hands in order to obtain it.  Rev 9:20

    “Do not trust in deceptive words and say, “This is the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord!”  Jer 7:4

    The Presence of the Chosen Ones - http://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/2012/10/here-is-letter-from-reader-who-wants-to.html


  6. I appreciate both of your comments – Eoin Joyce and JW Insider.  I can surmise that both of you have within your heart, a desire to help those in need.

    Eion, In the situation with the woman I had mentioned, there were a few members who came to her aid.  If they were to have “taken the lead” in organizing a charity drive for her, the elders would have squashed such an action since their initial decision had already been made – a judgment of unworthiness, because of the father’s failure at obtaining work and providing for his family. With a few of us doing what we could considering our own family circumstances, this family still lived in a tent for almost a year, until the father was able to get work, save, and find suitable housing, which he eventually did.  This happened in California. 

    I feel that perhaps you need to get out more, Eoin, although you mentioned you have been in more than one congregation.  There are several parts of the country that live in poverty, and this country I am speaking of, is the U.S.  Have you seen the chart that I am attaching from Pew Research?

     And after seeing this, surely all of us can magnify this frightful reality of poverty that exists in the organization, to other countries, and where other congregations have been formed. 

    The opulence of Warwick could feed many.  I would hope that the scriptures posted earlier were acknowledged. If we don’t hear their impact, to whom are we listening to?

    JW Insider, you appear to be somewhat of a rogue within the organization, a fish who on occasion, swims against the current, but then turns quickly back around.   I feel you endeavor to detach the congregation from the organization, but we both know this can’t happen.

    While I see you grasp the proper mindset in serving God, unless we break free of the concept that the Watchtower is “Jehovah’s organization”, which is the greatest form of idolatry against God; as you say, the “perfect” congregation remains unreachable.

    Although 1 Corinthians 12:14-13:1; Matt 7:20-23; 25:34-40  can be applied to all in the congregation in a sense, these scriptures specifically refer to the anointed ones. 

    Paul, part of the foundation of the Body of Christ, was speaking to the Chosen ones who were part of that Body.  Today, we may not see apostles, but we see anointed ones, who are also part of Christ’s Body. Matt 16:18; Eph 2:20; 1 Pet 2:5,9; Rom 12:1; Eph 2:21,22; 1 Cor 3:16,17

    They have become so obscured through Watchtower admonitions to remain anonymous, that they are forgotten.

     As far as prophets - “‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”  Acts 2:17

    And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.” Rev 11:3

    If we both agree that this Body is not perfect, how will it reach the point of perfection?  Certainly, not under any influence of a GB that rules over them, or obedience to elders who do not allow each anointed individual to proclaim Christ as their Head, and their only judge. Matt 24:48; 24:15; Dan 9:27; Rom 14:4,10   God’s anointed ones must shun any form of idolatry; ironically when they do so in the organization, they are then shunned. 

    Matt 7:20-23 is also related to the teachings of anointed ones, (John 21:17; Mal 2:7; Heb 13:15) that each one of us must scrutinize.  Matt 25:34-40, which is recognizing these “little ones”, is impossible to do under required obedience to false shepherds.  Luke 17:2; Matt 23:13

    They are each, a member of the Body of Christ, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’

    Do you see?  In the organization, all of this is impossible since a theocratic authority rules. The road to  perfection begins for each Chosen one when leaving the teachings of bad fruit, oppression, “trampling”, and turning directly to Christ.  It is then that they find other brothers in Christ -  those who are also members of the Body.  This is where love is nurtured, through the blessing of Holy Spirit. In Christ's light, is where the Temple/sanctuary will be restored and finished – outside of “earthly things” which equates to idolatry. Phil 3:19; Isa 58; Zech 4:7

    2 Thess 2:1-12





  7. On 11/28/2016 at 1:36 PM, JW Insider said:


    but I think the point was to make a beautiful and comfortable environment for the working brothers and sisters, and also visitors and those who stay for training or temporary assignments. I believe that the basic idea is to create something that is practical but also gives "homage" to the goals of the earthly hope.

    I can defend it in another way, too, where I see the Organization as a practical business that operates efficiently in the world through its ability to gain economies of scale in purchasing power, and gaining respectability from governments as a legal and business entity through its size and appearance and "clout." In the world, this kind of respect is gained through sheer size, expenditures, purchasing arrangements, lawyers, property, etc.





    A short comment to Eoin Joyce first -  your example of an entire congregation working together to help someone in need is truly rare.  What happens in entire congregations that are poor and can barely feed their own family?

    Many years ago, I remember a family so poor that the couple lived in a tent with their five children.  The sister begged the elders for help, stating her family was hungry because her husband (not a ministerial servant at the time) was having trouble getting work.  This area was very depressed economically, but the elders turned her away saying it was her husband’s job to provide food.  I would not have known any of this if she had not come to my house in tears.  How many actually knew her desperate situation in the congregation?  If the word had been made known to all in the congregation, surely her family would have received the needed food, possibly even a place to live. 

    We know this isn’t an isolated incident.  Both of your comments in defense of Warwick, show where the treasure is placed -  in the organization.  It appears that the workers at Warwick are more valued than those, say in Africa, who out of their want, serve the organization by donations and ‘field service’.  Do we really give homage to the goals of an earthly hope by building in Satan’s world, as the world does? 

    I am not sure who you are defending JW Insider, God, or the organization.

    How can those in the organization who are dedicated to this business, honestly say they follow in Christ’s footsteps when he explicitly said these words:

     Stop storing up treasures for yourselves on earth, where moths and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But keep on storing up treasures for yourselves in heaven, where moths and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal, because where your treasure is, there your HEART will be also.  Matt 6:19-21

    This dissolves homage to the goals of an earthly hope.  Receiving the earthly hope comes in time, but to reach that goal, Christ said we give homage to God, by worshiping in the spirit and the truth.  The Watchtower has created a mountain, after Christ clearly said our worship (homage) is only in spirit and truth!

    We can’t take this scripture…  Jesus told her, ‘Believe me, dear lady, the hour is coming when you Samaritans will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.’”

    …and surmise, “Oh, well, worship may not be in Jerusalem or Samaria, but it’s okay to build a corporation and call it the mountainlike organization – earthly Zion”  (nowhere in scripture is there such an identity)

    He follows his words with, “Yet the time is coming, and is now here, when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth. Indeed, the Father is looking for people like that to worship him God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”  John 4:23-24

    Where are those true worshipers?  Are they in Warwick, slaving for earthly things?  How can they possible set their sights on “things above” while laboring on another ‘mountain’, a reasoning that is contrary to Christ’s teachings?

    “The Devil also took him to a high placeand showed him all the kingdoms of the world in an instant.  He told Jesus, “I will give you all this authority, along with their glory, because it has been given to me, and I give it to anyone I please.  So if you will worship me, all this will be yours.”

     But Jesus answered him, “It is written, You must worship the Lord your God and serve only him.’” Luke 4:5-8

    Serving God only….NOT serving the needs of a corporation.  They can’t be blended together to make it acceptable to God.

    “To whom, then, will you compare me, the One who isGod?
        Or to what image will you liken me?”  Isa 40:18

    The concern that Diakonos has, can’t be explained away with such reasoning that you presented.  While those in Warwick live comfortably, the poor who believe they are serving God, live in discomfort.  Should they strive to work in Warwick and be relieved of their discomfort? Is it held out like a carrot as a privilege?  Why, yes it is.

    Some Christians have the privilege to do building work, as did Noah and Moses. Some may help build Assembly Halls, Kingdom Halls, and branch offices. Whether you are renovating a local Kingdom  Hall or building the world headquarters at Warwick, New York, cherish your privilege!  It is sacred service. W 10/2014 par. 7 

     Shouldn’t “our sacred service” be to love God with the whole soul, mind and heart, and “our neighbor as ourself”, by following Christ’s example in the appropriate way?  Matt 22:37-40  By following this path, the concentration of love would focus on the needs of each individual sheep – not on building a business.

    “Therefore, if you have been raised with the Messiah, keep focusing on the things that are above, where the Messiah is seated at the right hand of God.  Keep your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on the earth.”  Col 3:1,2

    You used James 1:27 - The form of worship that is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation, and to keep oneself without spot from the world.

    This undefiled worship, is undefiled only because it isn’t shared with ANYTHING earthly, built within the world. 

    Now, unless JWs feel that the organization is built on air, surely…surely… all must realize it is exists because of the advantages of Satan’s world.  As the organization buys, sells, and makes profits on their investments, are they truly “no part of the world”?  Are they really hated by those buyers and those with whom they invest their money into?

    “If the world hates you, you should realize that it hated me before you.  If you belonged to the world, the world would love you as one of its own. But because you do not belong to the world and I have chosen you out of it, the world hates you.”  John 15:18,19

    JWs, can’t you see that you are in the world just as much as any other centralized authoritative religion? Those today who are persecuted as Jesus was, are the anointed ones and all who leave the organization to follow him, and serve God whole souled.  They are those who worship in spirit and in truth.  They are hated by those “in the world”.  If they remained in the organization, they would be loved as one of their own. They strive to follow in Christ’s path by suffering persecution brought upon them for doing so, as Christ experienced at the hands of his own people.  Christ now calls everyone out; those who respond, are hated by family, friends, the entire congregation.  John 16:2; Rev 18:4-8; Matt 10:21-22

    But, these particular outcasts have this hope:

    Then Peter spoke up, “We have left everything to follow you!”

     “Truly I tell you,” Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—along with persecutions—and in the age to come eternal life.”  Mark 10:28-30

    Submitting oneself to share in building an earthly empire, which rightly describes the organization, and identified as blessed by God, is idolatry; a fact supported by scripture that can’t be dismissed.  Matt 6:24; Ezek 14:4-8

    “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else.”  Act 17:24-25

    YHWH's Genuine Mountain - http://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/2013/02/jehovahs-genuine-mountain.html





  8. So…how does God feel about the decision to use "Eternal flame" from the album "epica" of audiomachine for the final video at the 2016 summer convention?

    Was it a wise choice?  Did the “wise in heart” apply bible principles when selecting it?

    Questions raised in choices of music “outside of the Kingdom music”:

    “Can you think about Jehovah as you listen to this song? And can you do so without any pain, of conscience?”

  9. Hello Anna,

    On 11/9/2016 at 11:52 PM, Anna said:

    I understand. There are a few ex-witnesses like Pearl Doxey (is that you?) who are convinced that WT is a false prophet and anti Christ etc. etc. and is convinced of various conspiracies etc. etc. I’m sorry to disappoint you but I don’t see anything that such ones believe has any relevance to the JW org.

    I am sorry that you cannot see how this organization has mislead thousands through failed prophesies and ideas of men.

    "The Watchtower is a magazine without equal in the earth …. This is not giving any credit to the magazine's publishers, but is due to the great Author of the Bible with it truths and prophecies, and who now interprets its prophecies." Watchtower1943 Apr 15 p.127

    1922 "We have no doubt whatever in regard to the chronology relating to the dates of 1874, 1914, 1918, and 1925. It was on this line of reckoning that the dates 1874, 1914, and 1918 were located; and the Lord has placed the stamp of his seal upon 1914 and 1918 beyond any possibility of erasure. What further evidence do we need? Using this same measuring line.... it is an easy matter to locate 1925, probably in the fall, for the beginning of the antitypical jubilee. There can be no more question about 1925 than there was about 1914." (Watchtower, p. 150, May 15, 1922)

    It was considered a “certainty” that the Lord blessed the above prophesy.  But whose fault was it for believing such teachings when it failed?

    1975 "The year 1925 came and went. Jesus' anointed followers were still on earth as a class. The faithful men of old time - Abraham, David and others - had not been resurrected to become princes in the earth. (Ps. 45:16) So, as Anna MacDonald recalls: '1925 was a sad year for many brothers. Some of them were stumbled; their hopes were dashed...Instead of it's being considered a 'probability,' they read into it that it was a 'certainty.' and some prepared for their loved ones with expectations of their resurrection." (Yearbook, 1975, p. 146)

    The blame for believing such false teaching was put on the listeners, not on the teachers.

    1968 "True, there have been those in times past who predicted an "end" to the world, even announcing a specific date. Yet nothing happened. The 'end' did not come. They were guilty of false prophesying. Why? What was missing? Missing from such people were God's truths and the evidence that He was using and guiding them.'' (Awake, Oct. 8, 1968)

    Derive from these words, what you will.

    On 11/9/2016 at 11:52 PM, Anna said:

    A couple of things I will mention though, One,  you said “Christ is the source of Spirit, Truth and Salvation, and where our worship lies” and  “God’s arrangement of teaching and leadership among “Jews” and “proselytes” (Zech 8:23; John 4:22; Rom 2:28,29) are the “living stones” built upon Christ, the cornerstone and the foundation of apostles and prophets”  and “God explains that his “footstool” is his own anointed chosen FAITHFUL people within the Body of Christ – who become part of heavenly Zion, His Temple, through their sacrifice to God, to their Master, and to mankind”  ---- That is all well and good, but on their own, they are merely words. But what do these words actually mean? And what do they mean in practice? (the Bible give us these answers). Similarly, anyone can say “I believe in Christ”, but those are just words too and many so called Christians will quote them and be content that this is the be all and end all to the question of salvation; that they will be saved. But there is much more to it than that.  Matthew 7:21-27, James 1:25.

    I could say the same about the GB teaching they are the “faithful and discreet slave”.  Jesus said, “who really is…” and the GB says, we are! They recognize this decision isn’t made until Christ appears, but they have labeled themselves as such anyway, convincing millions that this decision is now, and will be, Christ’s, and is set in stone because they say so.    How self-assuming and haughty for uninspired men.  Matt 25:19-30

    Within the organization are genuine anointed ones.  Do you find them in any other church/religion where a people professing to be truly anointed are found?  There is a reason for this, of which I will mention later.  An anointing by God is an unmistakable event.  We take the person’s word for it, really; but the individual cannot deny that they have been “chosen”.  1 Pet 2:9,10  They are God’s true “witnesses” in covenant with him to declare praises of Truth.  Isa 43:10,21 They are “formed” by Him to do his will – Isa 43:21. 

    Through their lips, they are to offer “sacrifices of praise”, teach the people, and in God Kingdom, will work right among all people on earth (Rev 21:2) with Christ, and as his Bride.  Mal 2:7; Heb 13:15; 2 Cor 11:2; Rev 22:17

    The early apostles were chosen as the foundation stones of God’s spiritual “Temple”, Mt. Zion, New Jerusalem, the Holy City.  (All, are the same).  (Heb 8:5) We are aware of why and how they were chosen and we must realize that this “choosing” has been going on since then, on God’s timetable, until His Temple reaches an acceptable finish.  Eph 2:10; 1:4; 1 Cor 3:16; 6:19; Heb 11:10; Titus 2:14; 2 Tim 2:21; Isa 66:1

    The “capstone” (Zech 4:7) of the Temple are those anointed ones who are the “remaining ones of the woman’s seed”, (New Jerusalem covenant/promise, Gal 4:26), (Rev 12:17) coming out of the great tribulation, and joining a kingly priesthood of the “144,000” who are found worthy, through each one’s testing by Satan, a persecution and refinement during their lifetime.  This is by following in Jesus’ footsteps, suffering as he had suffered.  Although all of us are faced with this refinement when turning to the Christ; this potential Bride (the firstfruits) is hit the hardest by Satan’s tactics.  John 15:20; Rev 19:7; 7:13,14

    A side point – the organization has lied about God’s true intentions for this “administration” (2 Cor 9:12,13), God’s Kingdom.  The early priesthood were expected to teach God’s laws to all Israel, as well as serve them through the offering of sacrifices for sins. We know Christ, our High Priest, became the ultimate sacrifice for all; but firstly, for his “brothers, those part of his Body.  The lives of these firstfruits must be lived in imitation of their Master. Heb 8:10; 1 Pet 2:5; James 1:18; Rev 14:4  Through the completed covenant, Abraham’s further “seed” results from the union of Christ and his Bride  bringing life and nourishment to all faithful mankind by serving to their needs. Isa 66:7-13 (they are the symbolic trees - Zech 4:3; Ezek 36:30; Ezek 47:12; Rev 22:2; Matt 12:33) They are a new creation, allowing them access to heaven and earth - both in spirit and as humans, as was Christ after his resurrection.  John 1:51; Gen 28:12; Mark 16:12

    During the end times, scripture speaks of a delusion set in place at the hands of Satan, and allowed by God, as a final test for the last of the “living stones” of God’s Temple.  Satan knows that once the Temple is completed, he is ousted; so his best plan of attack is to bring down the chosen ones, by using, and persuading, chosen ones to join his side, by offering the same thing he did to Christ –earthly power.  Matt 4:8,9  They appear as God’s faithful ‘house steward’ (Luke 16) over all other chosen ones and all sheep, by offering tidbits of authentic Truth... initially. John 8:32; Rev 8:11 (With the outpouring of Holy Spirit on anointed ones, truth from scripture, is recognized.) 1 John 2:20

    So, what is behind the delusion?

    It is the man of lawlessness, the elder body representing the organization, set over God’s Temple/sanctuary/priesthood.   2 Thess 2:1-12 God’s choice of a holy priesthood (1 Pet 2:5) is ignored; an elder body stands over them expecting obedience to them.

    “Elders today have also been appointed by holy spirit. Why can we say that? Because they have been appointed based on requirements written in God’s inspired Word. So when we obey the elders, we show respect for Jehovah and Jesus, the two greatest Shepherds.” ws13 11/15 pp. 21-26

    These spiritual “Gentiles” have successfully “trampled” God’s Temple. Ezek 44:7; Luke 21:24; Dan 8:13 (Rom 2:28,29; Heb 8:10)

    A “wicked slave” “beats his brothers” into submission of obedience to it, and an elder body; disfellowshipping ensues for questioning their teachings, and for their “testimony of Christ”.  Rev 12:17

    It is the fourth beast of Daniel, “different” from the preceding beasts, changing God’s set times (2 Thess 2:2) and trampling his “holy people”.  Matt 24:15; Dan 7:21-25; 8:13; 9:26; 2 Pet 2:4-10

    It is a false sense of security, an organization touted as earthly Zion. Ezek 13:10-12; 1 Thess 5:3; Matt 24:38,39

    I won’t quote from the Wt here, but consider recent comments about the anointed ones in the organization.  They have no voice. Their power as God’s priesthood has been “brought to nothing”, while a false priesthood has been formed to rule over them.    They have become slaves of men. Rom 6:16  Jesus’ words, spoken through the apostles, are no longer adhered to:  1 Cor 12:12-26; 1 John 3:10-12

    You made a comment somewhere here that in the end, God’s people come together.  It is the “firstfruits”, spiritual “Jews”, who are scattered among the nations, having no power over a “Gentile” army. Rev 2:9; 3:9 The anointed “come together” spiritually outside of this delusion by giving their testimony of Jesus, thrown “out of the synagogue”, suffering persecution “outside the camp”, and cut off from family and friends through disfellowshipping.  Rev 12:17; John 16:2; Heb 13:13; Luke 12:51-53; Matt 5:10,11

    The GB is so intent on themselves as they perpetuate the lie of the organization being “truth”, and that they are the “faithful and discreet slave”, they have chosen to ignore their own brothers – members of Christ’s body.  Paul taught unity and love in that regard, but how easily this slave persecutes and “kills” its own members, contradictory to what the apostles taught. 

     Many will fail this sifting. Jude 1:12,13; 1 John 2:19 which gives prudence to “narrow is the gate”.  Who wants to lose their family members?  Who wants to leave a sense of security? 

    Look at the picture below that has hazed out Christ’s face.  Ask yourself, where does the eye focus?  Shouldn’t it be on Jesus, with the GB in the background?

     Why would Jesus’ Bride allow men to rule over them, when their only head is their Master, Christ? 

    Because they,

    1.      Choose to love the lie and its benefits.  2 Thess 2:11,12; Luke 4:6

    2.      Will not give up everything to follow Christ, the only one they are to obey, which takes humility and sacrifice.  Mark 13:12; Luke 12:53

    3.      Have fear over men. 2 Cor 11:4,20

    4.      Are expecting improvement, that God will “fix” the problems by waiting on “Jehovah”.  Jer 27:16; 23:32

    The GB reacts with vengeance when anyone refuses to buy in to their teachings:

    This is what the Lord says: “As for the prophets who lead my people astray, they proclaim ‘peace’ if they have something to eat, but prepare to wage war against anyone who refuses to feed them.  Micah 3:5

    As for tithing; in the organization I call it “pressured donations”.   Remember the form passed out to each individual publisher asking for a commitment of a regular amount of donation, or a one time gift?  Also, each congregation must donate monthly at least the amount of an excused loan - indefinitely.   

    No, I am not Pearl Doxsey, who is a member of the Body of Christ, as am I. 




  10. On 11/7/2016 at 3:13 PM, Eoin Joyce said:

    Can you show Scripturally that whenever direction is provided for God's people it always comes directly from God?

    “ Moses said to the Lord, “O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither before nor since You have spoken to Your servant; but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.”

     So the Lord said to him, “Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing, or the blind? Have not I, the Lord?  Now therefore, go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall say.” Exod 4:10-12

     “Surely I have taught you statutes and judgments, just as the Lord my God commanded me, that you should act according to them in the land which you go to possess.  Therefore be careful to observe them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all these statutes, and say, ‘Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.’  Deut 4:5,6

    “Then Moses and the priests, the Levites, spoke to all Israel, saying, “Take heed and listen, O Israel: This day you have become the people of the Lord your God. Therefore you shall obey the voice of the Lord your God, and observe His commandments and His statutes which I command you today.”  Deut 27:9,10

    A true prophet speaks God’s words, and there are many examples of true prophets in the bible.  Whether a leader chose to follow God's words, is another story.  These were sent to lead God’s people in ways of righteousness, as well as to declare their iniquities... 

    “And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.”  Rev 11:3

     Then I answered and said to him, “What are these two olive trees—at the right of the lampstand and at its left?” 12 And I further answered and said to him, “What are these two olive branches that drip into the receptacles of the two gold pipes from which the golden oil drains?”13 Then he answered me and said, “Do you not know what these are?” And I said, “No, my lord.”14 So he said, “These are the two anointed ones, who stand beside the Lord of the whole earth.” Zech 4:11-14




  11. Hello Anna, you did challenge one to “prove me wrong”, and I accepted the challenge.  I am sorry it leads to the “same old questions”, but perhaps there is a reason.

    22 hours ago, Anna said:

    Worshiping in spirit and truth does not negate the need for organization. Also the scriptures you cited have nothing to do with there not being a need for organization. The first century Christians were organized to accomplish their ministry. The JWs are organized to accomplish their ministry also.


    Did Christ have in mind a hierarchical power of organization to accomplish his will?  The scriptures in John 4:21-24 do negate the need for man’s desire to “organize”.  Jesus was explaining that no physical entity was needed to worship God in Truth. The Watchtower, ironically, says this also by saying, “ true Christian worship would not be centered in or dependent on any material structure or physical location”. (W 16 #2, pp. 8-10).  Stephen said the same, when proclaiming the Most High does not live in man-made houses.  Acts 7:44-56  Out of the other side of the mouth,the organization teaches each Kingdom Hall is “God’s House”, as well as a physical Bethel – all built in Satan’s realm!  Acts 17:14  It is self-assuming by men that God will put his authority over what men build as sanctioned by Him, above the spiritual Temple He has built through His Son. Heb 3:6

    What is organized by God, is the Body of Christ, made up of anointed ones. Eph 2:20-21 Anything earthly is derived by men.  Mount Zion would not be “earthly” when we are to be “no part of this world”.  Zion is God’s Temple – spiritual in meaning and construction.  Ps 132:7-9; 13,14; 2 Pet 1:18; Matt 17:1-3; Rev 14:1



    22 hours ago, Anna said:

    Acts 4:12 says it. So no, JWs do not feel it's through an organization. And please don't come back to me with quotes from the WT like "in order to survive the great tribulation we must stick to the organization". These and similar quotes are not replacing salvation being through Jesus, they are merely reminders that sticking closely together and encouraging one another will help us to remain faithful to Jesus.




    Anna, (I do appreciate your name) Acts 4:12 states there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.  If an elder body felt it wasn’t necessary for every JW to receive salvation through the existence of an organization, would those who choose to serve God and Christ without it, be disfellowshipped?  Of course they would, because although the WT teaches our worship is not dependent on any structure, one is considered “inactive” for not attending one, and ultimately, shunned.  Hypocrisy.  If one was to recite Acts 4:12 in a judicial committee, would it be respected? 

    W ‘81/11/15   “Come to Jehovah’s organization for salvation”

    22 hours ago, Anna said:

    No, JWs do not baptize in the name of an organization. I don't ever remember hearing that. The second part of the question is a public affirmation that the person being baptized in the name of the Father and the son, and the holy spirit will identify themselves with Jehovah's Witnesses. Nothing unscriptural about that.


    I am amazed that you do not see how connecting such a statement at the time of baptism is blasphemous.  This is a dedication that should be only to whom we worship.  We can discern what is important to the organization in these questions to the candidate, and compare them with earlier questions.

    “On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will?” 

    “Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization? Having answered yes to these questions, candidates are in a right heart condition to undergo Christian baptism."

    Holy Spirit is not mentioned – barely, is Christ.

    1973 - (1) Have you repented of your sins and turned around, recognizing yourself before Jehovah God as a condemned sinner who needs salvation, and have you acknowledged to him that this salvation proceeds from him, the Father, through his Son Jesus Christ? 

    (2) On the basis of this faith in God and in his provision for salvation, have you dedicated yourself unreservedly to God to do his will henceforth as he reveals it to you through Jesus Christ and through the Bible under the enlightening power of the holy spirit?

    In today’s questions, do you see that more emphasis is given to devotion to the organization and one’s identity to it?  And yes, it is unscriptural.  For God’s Chosen ones, their identity and dedication is to be given to God and Christ alone.  1 Cor 16:19-20  That is the true mark that determines our actions and thoughts as a Christian. Deut 6:8  Any other mark is through the demands of men.  Rev 13:16,17; 14:9



    22 hours ago, Anna said:

    Yup. And don't come back to me with quotes from the WT talking about obedience to the elders and GB. No JW should ever obey anyone if they come to them with something contrary to the scriptures





     Although the GB admits it makes mistakes in organizational direction and doctrine (Feb 2017 Wt), obedience is expected to them, and the elder body, throughout their history of mistakes.  If every JW followed your advice, there would be more disfellowshippings than there already are.

    At that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. w13 11/15 pp. 16-20 –

    “By word or action, may we never challenge the channel of communication that Jehovah is using today.” (w09 11/15 p. 14 par. 5 Treasure Your Place in the Congregation)

    When we loyally obey the elders and other brothers appointed by “the faithful and discreet slave,” we show that we want to help Christ’s brothers. ws15 3/15 pp. 24-29

    22 hours ago, Anna said:

    Being seated at the right hand of God does not mean he is already ruling but is king designate


    Dan 2:44 speaks of God’s eternal Kingdom.  Christ’s Kingdom rule of a thousand years is a time of “bringing nothing to Satan’s world” – ruling “in the midst of his enemies”.  Ps 110:1,2; Heb 2:14; John 5:24  At the same time, he is gathering his kingly administration, to share his own inheritance given to him from the Father, once God’s Kingdom is established.  Eph 1:9-14; 1 Cor 3:13,14; 1 Pet 1:7; 2 Cor 5:10.  Each chosen one must be proven worthy of receiving it during their lifetime.  Matt 25:23; Luke 16:11,12

    This began in the first century.  1 Cor 15:25,24,28

    And culminates when Satan’s world is brought to nothing and God’s Kingdom reign through Christ and his faithful brothers begins.  Dan 7:13,14,18,27; Heb 12:28; Rev 1:6; 11:15; Isa 14:2; 60:12; John 3:35; Matt 25:23; 24:45-47; Luke 16:10; Dan 4:17

    A thousand year period is on God’s timetable, not on man’s.  2 Pet 3:8



    22 hours ago, Anna said:

    Riches is relative. My home, which is modest by western standards will be viewed as luxury by someone living in a mud hut in Africa. The buildings we owned were very well taken care of. As for opulence, have you ever been in a Catholic church?



    I was a Catholic for a long while growing up.  You are comparing an earthly place of worship with another earthly place of worship, when God explains that his “footstool” is his own anointed chosen FAITHFUL people within the Body of Christ – who become part of heavenly Zion, His Temple, through their sacrifice to God, to their Master, and to mankind.  Isa 66:1,2; Ps 132:7-9; Ps 15; 2 Pet 1:18; Matt 17:1-3; Rev 14:1

    Christ is the source of Spirit, Truth and Salvation, and where our worship lies.  Centralized authority by men is man’s fabrication, not God’s.  The heavenly treasure we store up for ourselves cannot be acquired through membership in an organization, the work of man’s hands.  Christ tried to tell us this, as did the apostles. Matt 6:19-20; James 5:1-6   Caring for a corporation, which the Watchtower is, removes one’s spiritual concentration on the heavenly, by redirecting it to what the physical eye sees.  Matt 6:24; Col 3:1,2

    We can’t have it both ways, since God expects devotion to be given exclusively to Him – and His Son.  For men to call the organization “earthly Zion”, as well as expect loyalty and devotion to it, is blasphemous to the Father.  

     “You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, (Zion) or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth;  you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me,  but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.”  Exod 20:4-6

    This is the downfall of men, and what God dealt with many times over with His people.  Their devotion to Him was diverted to created things, or they combined their worship using His name while serving an idol. 1 Kings 18:21

    “For they had bartered the reality of God for what is unreal, and had offered divine honours and religious service to created things, rather than to the Creator--He who is for ever blessed. Amen.”  Rom 1:25

    It is no different today.  Truly, the organization expects the bartering of devotion – worship – to be given to the Watchtower.  It is expected that one serve the needs of the organization, evident through baptism questions and pressure to serve, as elders, pioneers, ministerial servants.  We cannot serve two masters.  Rev 9:20



    22 hours ago, Anna said:

    Of course I will tell you all this is necessary to preach the good news of the Kingdom. How else are you going to do it? 



    Firstly, JWs easily forget the power of God’s Holy Spirit, as if He is a weak God depending on mere humans to carry out His will, instead of us depending on Him.   Judges 7:2,4,7; Exod 6:6; 15:16; Deut 9:29; Leviticus Chapter 26; Zech 4:6; Ps 89:21; Luke 1:51

    The preaching of the “good news” during the end times, is the restoration of “Jacob”, the scattered Temple of Christ. Isa 41:8; 43:1; 2:3  It is scattered within the deception called the Watchtower.  God is gathering His people through Christ, during the end from this deception. Rev 18:4-8; 3:18  The anointed languish under the fist of an elder body, and a “wicked slave” thought to have God-given power over Christ’s chosen priesthood.  This is an “abomination of desolation standing in the holy place” - the only holy place that matters to God that would be written in the scriptures needing any sort of mentioning.  Matt 24:15  God’s people face a deceptive delusion that will sift each anointed heart as worthy to serve Him in the Kingdom.  Luke 22:31; 2 Thess 2:1-12

    God’s arrangement of teaching and leadership among “Jews” and “proselytes” (Zech 8:23; John 4:22; Rom 2:28,29) are the “living stones” built upon Christ, the cornerstone and the foundation of apostles and prophets.  Eph.4:11-14; 2:20-22; 3:5; Luke12:42; Heb.13:17; 1Cor.3:16; 1Pet.2:5,9-10; Rev.21:14; 1Cor.3:9-10; 1Tim.3:15; Rev.3:12; Prov.9:1; Rev.1:20

    A “showy display of one’s means of life” is pronounced in the organization, (James 4:4; 1 John 2:15-17) and the GB’s attempt to rule over Christ’s brothers with the use of a false priesthood holding rule over God’s sanctuary.  Luke 11:43; John 8:44; Luke 4:5-7; Rev.9:1,11; 13:4; 17:3

    This deception outlined to happen during the end times is Satan’s worldly power over Christ’s seed – a form of slavery to a false image of divinity, Rev 13:15,8,7; 19:20, by means of a false prophet and wicked slave, who “plays the Harlot”.   Ps 106:39



    22 hours ago, Anna said:

    Let me tell you something else. I have had this discussion about this sort of thing with your buddies, and in the end they ALL admitted that the organization is not in it for the money and that the "7 men" at the "top" were not living in any more of "plush" surroundings than many other brothers and sisters. They also admitted that if those at the top were in it for the money, then they would be making sure all rank and file got a good education and job because more money for the rank and file would mean bigger contributions. Anyway, this is a ridiculous discussion as I have not seen any flaunting of material riches, merely well presented and taken care of premises, and neatly dressed and clean occupants.



    Anna, Satan and his Sons transform themselves into an angel of light. “Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works”.  2 Cor 11:13-15; Gen 3:15

    Deceitfulness and deception can be hidden through glitter, godly devotion, and smooth words hiding true intentions under the surface.  2 Tim 3:5; Matt 23:25; 1 Tim 6:3-5; Ps 55:21

    Think how easily it is for JWs to accept new books, and discard the old.  If they contained truth to begin with, they would not be discarded; but the “new and improved”, sell – not the old.  This is made on money from people who have little education.  To keep the trap in good working order, new bait is always set.  Rev 13:10; Rev 21:24  If education was highly esteemed by the organization, and one pursued it freely, time spent in the trap would end, or be minimal, allowing one to think independently or develop an independent spirit beyond what is fed an individual through the pages of the Watchtower.  We are well aware of teaching guarding against this.   Perhaps through doing so, in individual would realize serving God and Christ outside of the organization is the proper way to worship.  Power is the primary drive behind the organization; money, in any amount, is a side benefit; but to cover for those who give little, brochures are produced to carefully outlined ALL the ways to give money to the organization.

    Ingenious, isn’t it?  The organization touts itself as a haven for “peace” and “safety” – nothing will take it down, since it is taught it has God’s backing.  The most efficient trap is the most unsuspecting one, to house the lion.  If we care not to do our research to "see" it, and we desire what we physically see instead, it can be too late to get out.    1 Thess 5:3; Jer 8:11; Amos 3:5; Prov 7:21-27; 1 Pet 5:8; Rev 13:4

     See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.  Col 2:8


  12. On 10/24/2016 at 1:10 PM, Anna said:

    There is no modern church except for Jehovah’s Witnesses’ which adhere to the same principles as the first century Christian congregations. Other Churches may have some aspects that are the same, but never ALL of them like Jehovah’s Witnesses do. Prove me wrong.

    Hello Anna,

    The early Christians worshiped in the “Spirit and the Truth”, without the need of any temple or “organization”.

    Do Jehovah’s Witnesses?  John 4:21-24; 1 John 5:6; Rom 8:9

    Early Christians taught salvation was through Jesus Christ. 

    Do Jehovah’s Witnesses, or do they feel it is through an organization?  Acts 4:12

    Early Christians baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

    Do Jehovah’s Witnesses, or do they baptize in the name of an organization?  Matt 28:19

    Early Christians believed in obedience to Jesus Christ and the Father; not to any man.

    Is this what Jehovah’s Witnesses teach?  Gal 1:10; Acts 5:29

    Early Christians taught Christ would return to the earth in the same manner as he ascended to heaven. 

    Do Jehovah’s Witnesses?  Acts 1:11

    Early Christians were aware that Christ, already crowned as King while on earth, began reigning as King upon his ascension into heaven.

    Do Jehovah’s Witnesses?   Eph 1:19-23; Matt 28:18; Ps 110:1,2; 1 Pet 3:22; 1 Cor 15:24-27

    Early Christians believed it was imperative not to be “conformed to the pattern of the world.” Rom 12:2

    Can you truly say Jehovah’s Witnesses do this, when hierarchy of authority is enforced in the organization, and the building (as well as flaunting) of material riches is predominant?  Matt 4:8-10  Think of JWs in underdeveloped countries who live on the bare necessities, donating whatever they have toward building a stately headquarters to house the GB, etc…in comfort?  Matt 6:21

    Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”  Mar 10:21

    Truly, the organization expects the poor to give to an earthly treasure built by men.  1 Cor 7:23  This teaching principle contrasts Christ’s principle to love one’s neighbor as oneself, as well as worship in the Spirit and the Truth. Mark 12:31;James 2:8  As most are well aware, Pew Research shows 48% of Jehovah’s Witnesses live on a yearly income of $30,000 or less.  As most JWs are also well aware, the photos of real estate holdings sold off by the organization recently, were not lacking in décor or comfort; but revealed the opulence of the organization. 

    Please, do not tell me this is all necessary to “preach the good news of the kingdom”, (Zech 4:6) that it is necessary for 7 men at the top of the hierarchy to live in such plush surroundings when many of their own anointed  brothers and sisters in Christ, as well as the majority of all sheep, live hand to mouth.  Eph 5:29,30

    For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the Spirit you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough.  2 Cor 11:4

    For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?  1 Pet 4:17

  13. 9 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    Doesn't Isaiah 8:11-15 identify this rock that the Israelite's would stumble over, Jehovah? I mean verse 11 tells us clearly that Jehovah is the one speaking and declaring these things. 


    11 With his strong hand on me, this is what Jehovah said to me to warn me away from following the course of this people: 12 “You should not call a conspiracy what this people calls a conspiracy!
    Do not fear what they fear; Do not tremble at it.
    13 Jehovah of armies—he is the One you should regard as holy, He is the One you should fear, And he is the One who
    should cause you to tremble.”
    14 He will become as a sanctuary, But as a stone to strike against And as a rock to stumble over To both houses of Israel,
    As a trap and a snare To the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

    15 Many of them will stumble and fall and be broken; They will be ensnared and caught.

    The cross references in these verses point to verses like Matt 21:42-44, 1 Cor 1:23 and 1 Peter 2:6-8 Which I presented above. 



    Hi Shiwii,

    Personally, when I read Isa 8:11-15, it initially speaks of God, but verse 14 just says “He” – “He will become a sanctuary”, referring to a temple.  

    “Jesus answered and said to them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” Then the Jews said, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?” But He was speaking of the temple of His body.”  John 2:19-21

    Jesus did become a sanctuary, and also as the cornerstone of this Temple, built on the completed foundation of the apostles, prophets, and then all faithful Chosen anointed ones down through the ages.    

    After verse 14, Yahweh is then referenced again.  I think many times in the Hebrew scriptures there are references to Christ that one must discern.  This is my opinion. 

    Of course, the Israelites did stumble over Christ, but Yahweh had always been acknowledged as God.  Their trap and snare was their own sinful haughtiness, hypocrisy, and lack of faith, by rejecting God’s Son as the fulfillment of the law and salvation to all men.  1 Pet 2:8

    "What shall we say then? That Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness of faith;  but Israel, pursuing the law of righteousness, has not attained to the law of righteousness.   Why? Because they did not seek it by faith, but as it were, by the works of the law.   For they stumbled at that stumbling stone. As it is written:

    “Behold, I lay in Zion a stumbling stone and rock of offense,
    And whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.”  Rom 9:30-33

    A thought also, God and Christ are both the Temple, according to Rev 21:22-24

    Yet also are those “living stones”, who are built on the cornerstone.  1 Pet 2:4,5; Rev 3:12; Eph 2:19-22

    “And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one” John 17:22

    Are the Temple, or In the Temple?


  14. 19 hours ago, Anna said:

    Moses was inspired, because he wrote several Bible books, but he was not infallible and made mistakes. The GB are not inspired (the Bible is complete) and make mistakes, but they do rely on God's holy spirit through the Scriptures. As we all should.

    Anna, what are the mistakes of Moses, the man whom God spoke directly to?  I know of only one in the bible, and a serious one.  It was for not saying the water that burst forth from the rock was a provision from God; but due to his dissatisfaction and bitterness over the people’s actions, he gave the credit to himself and Aaron. 

    How many times does the GB give itself credit for serving “spiritual food” to the flock?  


    "Like a mother who makes sure that her child is well-fed and cared for, “the faithful and discreet slave” provides an abundance of timely spiritual food for our spiritual advancement.” (w 06/4/1)

    The only leader to fully meet God's approval, to lead His people today, is Jesus.  Eph 1:22



  15. 10 hours ago, ThePraeceptor said:

    @Witness As you probably already know Queen Esther doesn't want arguments under her posts. So please move your lies to a more suitable place of the forum or here.

    You know Praeceptor, I was unaware that there were other marked areas on this forum beside the Examining the Daily Text, that are especially under Queen Esther, and where only certain responses are allowed.  If she had sent me a note as she did earlier about commenting on the Daily Text, this would have been greatly appreciated. 

    I am sorry that resorting to your crude manner of informing me was an acceptable solution to both you, and Queen Esther, when sending a private note would have been well respected.  





    Considering baptism, if the organization truly is not viewed equal to God, why is one baptized into the organization?  This is where the problem arises not only with children, but with everyone who is baptized into it. 


    Referring to the baptism of children, the Insight Vol 1 says,

    It is true that Jesus said: “Stop hindering [the young children] from coming to me, for the kingdom of the heavens belongs to suchlike ones.” (Mt 19:13-15; Mr 10:13-16) But they were not baptized. Jesus blessed them, and there is nothing to indicate that his laying his hands upon them was a religious ceremony. He further showed that the reason ‘the kingdom of God belongs to such’ was not because they were baptized but because they were teachable and trusting. Christians are commanded to be “babes as to badness,” yet “full-grown in powers of understanding.”Mt 18:4; Lu 18:16, 17; 1Co 14:20. 


    Can anyone make judgment that a child has reached this point when each one of us should strive continually to reach and remain full-grown in powers of understanding? To be full-grown in powers of understanding takes diligent effort on the part of an adult.

    “The second question asks the candidate, first of all, if he understands that his baptism serves to identify him as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. After undergoing immersion, he becomes an ordained minister who bears Jehovah’s name. This is both a great privilege and a serious responsibility. It also puts the one baptized in line for eternal salvation, provided he remains faithful to Jehovah.—Matthew 24:13.

    Bearing God’s name is not literal, but through one’s actions in imitation of Christ’s loyalty and love toward God’s will in Truth, not through man’s doctrine.   The identity as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses is thought as bearing God’s name, when in reality one bears the name of an organization.   Would a child of 7,8 even up to 14 or so, understand what lies behind this statement, or the serious responsibility this dedication involves?

    The second question also reminds the candidate of his responsibility to work with Jehovah’s spirit-directed organization..”  ‘Go and Make Disciples, Baptizing Them’ - The Watchtower—2006

    It cannot be dismissed that the reason for changing the second baptism question asked on the day of baptism is to protect, not the individual, but the organization; thus, whether a child is baptized, matters little. The organization’s interests are paramount. 

    “Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with God’s spirit-directed organization?”

    What does an organization have to do with following Jesus’ command, which is to baptized in the names of those we are to worship?  Dedication – our vow - to God cannot be shared with anything. (Isa 40:25; Exod 20:4)  If a parent is encouraging a child toward baptism within the organization, they are teaching a message contrary to God’s will. Isa 2:22; Ps 146:3; Rev 13:8 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isa+2%3A22%3B+Ps+146%3A3%3B+Rev+13%3A8++&version=NKJV

     If dedication and loyalty were not expected toward the organization, the baptism vows would never have received an adjustment from this:

    Have you recognized yourself as a sinner and needing salvation from Jehovah God? And have you acknowledged that this salvation proceeds from him and through his ransomer, Christ Jesus?

    On the basis of this faith in God and in his provision for redemption have you dedicated yourself unreservedly to Jehovah God, to do his will henceforth as that will is revealed to you through Christ Jesus and through God's Word as his holy spirit makes it plain? May 15, 1970 Watchtower, p. 309

    But, they have been scaled down in a most corporate way to cover the basics – slam, dunk and you’re done.  On the other hand, the disfellowshipping procedure is quite involved.  After a seven day appeal period previous to one announced as disfellowshipped,

    ”The coordinator of the body of elders should check the announcement (disfellowship) to make sure that it conforms to the guidelines outlined by the organization.  An elder should read the announcement.  The wording should be as follows:  “(Name of person) is no longer one of Jehovah’s Witnesses”  

    The judicial committee should promptly inform the branch office of the disfellowshipping using the appropriate forms. When making the report, read and carefully follow the instructions on the form.

      Upon conclusion of the case, the chairman should place only necessary notes and documents, a detailed summary of the case, and the S-77 forms in a sealed envelope for the congregation’s confidential file.  Elders on the committee should preserve nothing outside of this sealed envelope (including personal notes).  On the outside of the envelope should be written the wrongdoer’s name, the names of those who served on the judicial committee (with the chairman indicated), the actions take, and the date of the action.”  Page 101  Shepherding the Flock of God

    How much more corporate, without compassion and sterile, can one get?

    From an article entitled “An Aspect of the Legalism of Jehovah's Witnesses”:

    "Note that the above legalese (please read from the link below) says that once a person joins the Witnesses, he has only two choices if he wants to leave: disfellowshipping and disassociation. These two choices are enforced by American law. However, even if the Watchtower lawyer has correctly stated matters, he has neglected the case of the child who gets baptized and submits to "ecclesiastical law." By law minors cannot enter into legally binding contracts. Therefore by law, people who got baptized when they were children have a third legally enforceable option when they leave: to simply quit, without disassociating and without submitting to a judicial committee, or "ecclesiastical tribunal." Of course, the Society will not tell people about this."  http://corior.blogspot.com/2006/02/aspect-of-legalism-of-jehovahs.html

    An identity to any affiliation is a mental and emotional mark that one bears. The early apostles and believers of Christ bore only the identity required by God and in imitation of His Son, and for that, they were persecuted.  Deut 6:8; 1 Pet 2:21; Mark 8:35; Rom 6:5; Heb 13:13 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deut+6%3A8%3B+1+Pet+2%3A21%3B+Mark+8%3A35%3B+Rom+6%3A5%3B+Heb+13%3A13+&version=NKJV

    Any other spiritual identity one agrees to accept, is idolatry and a spiritual commerce, based on slavery.  Rom 6:16; Gal 1:10; Rev 13:16,8,17; Isa 55:1 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Rom+6%3A16%3B+Gal+1%3A10%3B+Rev+13%3A16%2C8%2C17%3B+Isa+55%3A1 &version=NKJV

    No man is given authority to judge our hearts, but an earthly organization boasts that it can, under the illusion that it belongs to God.  Ps 139:23; Jer 17:10; Acts 1:24; Rom 8:27; Deut 8:2; 1 Chron 29:17; Micah 7:18; Ezek 3:21; 33:14-16; 2 Chron 7:14; Ezek 18:23; 33:19  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ps+139%3A23%3B+Jer+17%3A10%3B+Acts+1%3A24%3B+Rom+8%3A27%3B+Deut+8%3A2%3B+1+Chron+29%3A17%3B+Micah+7%3A18%3B+Ezek+3%3A21%3B+33%3A14-16%3B+2+Chron+7%3A14%3B+Ezek+18%3A23%3B+33%3A19++&version=NKJV

     When one rejects this man given authority, and instead chooses to imitate Christ fully; they, too, are persecuted. Matt 5:11,12; Rev 13:15-17 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matt+5%3A11%2C12%3B+Rev+13%3A15-17&version=NKJV

    “God’s organization plays a vital role in our spiritual growth.  Like a mother who makes sure that her child is well-fed and cared for, “the faithful and discreet slave” provides an abundance of timely spiritual food for our spiritual advancement.” (w 06/4/1)

    The king (FDS 1 Cor 4:8) is not saved by his great army (“The shepherds and dukes (or, “princes,” NEB) in this implausible army are the congregation elders.”)
        a warrior is not delivered by his great strength. (Zech 4:6)
    17 The war horse (organization)is a false hope for salvation,
        and by its great might it cannot rescue.

    18 Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him,
        on those who hope in his steadfast love,
    19 that he may deliver their soul from death
        and keep them alive in famine.

    20 Our soul waits for the Lord;
        he is our help and our shield.
    21 For our heart is glad in him,
        because we trust in his holy name.
    22 Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us,
        even as we hope in you. Ps 33:16-22

    Baptism vows changing






















  17. On 10/29/2016 at 7:38 PM, Queen Esther said:

    Right, there was a generational change in 2010, as there was Moses to Joshua Elias or Elisha. Both Joshua and Elisha continued the same work.

    So there was also an OVERLAP in the governing body.

    Again the GB and their teaching is compared to the inspired prophet, Moses.  The Feb 2017 Wt study, “Jehovah Leads His People” and “Who Is Leading God’s People Today?” attempt to use Moses’ example of leading the Israelites, to weekly compare this powerful man’s role with the GB’s role; implying they, too, are empowered by God’s Holy Spirit. 

    Since “both articles will consider three lines of evidence that Jehovah has indeed been behind those men, proving that he was—and still is—the true Leader of his people”.

    One line of evidence used is,

    “Holy spirit empowered God’s representatives. Consider Moses, who was commissioned to be the leader of the Israelites.  What equipped him to care for that weighty assignment? Jehovah “put within him His holy spirit.” (Read Isaiah 63:11-14.) By empowering Moses with holy spirit, Jehovah continued to lead His people.”

    Ah, but….

    “The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction.

    To be inspired, Holy Spirit is “put within” one by the breath of God, as God did to Moses.   It is “divinely breathed in” and settled within the heart.  John 20:22; 2 Cor 1:22

    Did Moses err in any direction that God wanted His people to go?  Considering Moses and his blessing of Holy Spirit proves little that the GB is the true leader of God’s people.  It is quite evident that the generation teaching has gone through many changes…since the organization’s inception.  Since the GB is not inspired, how does any JW now know that the present teaching is accurate?  

    When David was persecuted by Saul, mighty men came to his side.  It was an inspiring, courageous effort on the part of these men to bring David aid; a great effort made in defense of their God. 

    “Then the Spirit clothed Amasai, chief of the thirty, and he said, “We are yours, O David, And with you, O son of Jessse! Peace peace to you, and peace to your helpers! For your God helps you”.  Then David received them and made them officers of his troops.”  1 Chron 12:18

    Among the divisions of armed troops were those of Issachar, men “who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, 200 chiefs, and all their kinsmen under their command”.  1 Chron 12:32

    These men had God’s Holy Spirit, in the understanding of the times and in giving necessary direction.

    We see it is possible to receive true understanding when one has the blessing of Holy Spirit. Can the same be said for the Governing Body as it leads the army of Jehovah’s Witnesses, when they admit they ‘err in doctrinal matters and organizational direction’?  Mark 7:7; 1 Thess 2:13; Col 2:20-23



  18. 49 minutes ago, Witness said:

     its length.”is its width and what isSo I said, “Where are you going?” And he said to me, “To measure Jerusalem, to see what "Then I raised my eyes and looked, and behold, a man with a measuring line in his hand. 

     (Jer 23:29 – fire/word)  .’”will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midstFor I,’ says the Lord, ‘  because of the multitude of men and livestock in it., without walls towns as shall be inhabited Jerusalemwho said to him, “Run, speak to this young man, saying: ‘ the angel who talked with me, going out; and another angel was coming out to meet him, wasAnd there 

    Then I raised my eyes and looked, and behold, a man with a measuring line in his hand. So I said, “Where are you going?” And he said to me, “To measure Jerusalem, to see what is its width and what is its length.”

     And there was the angel who talked with me, going out; and another angel was coming out to meet him, who said to him, “Run, speak to this young man, saying: ‘Jerusalem shall be inhabited as towns without walls, because of the multitude of men and livestock in it.  For I,’ says the Lord, ‘will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.’”  (Jer 23:29 – fire/word)

  19.  its length.”is its width and what isSo I said, “Where are you going?” And he said to me, “To measure Jerusalem, to see what "Then I raised my eyes and looked, and behold, a man with a measuring line in his hand. 

     (Jer 23:29 – fire/word)  .’”will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midstFor I,’ says the Lord, ‘  because of the multitude of men and livestock in it., without walls towns as shall be inhabited Jerusalemwho said to him, “Run, speak to this young man, saying: ‘ the angel who talked with me, going out; and another angel was coming out to meet him, wasAnd there 

    There are other places in the scripture that speak of the Temple being measured:

    “Thus He showed me: Behold, the Lord stood on a wall made with a plumb line, with a plumb line in His hand.  And the Lord said to me, “Amos, what do you see?” And I said, “A plumb line.” Then the Lord said:

    “Behold, I am setting a plumb line
    In the midst of My people Israel;
    I will not pass by them anymore.  Amos 7:7,8 (Zech 10:3)

    The Lord has purposed to destroy
    The wall of the daughter of Zion.
    He has stretched out a line;
    He has not withdrawn His hand from destroying;
    Therefore He has caused the rampart and wall to lament;  
    They languished together.  Lam 2:8

    For who has despised the day of small things?
    For these seven rejoice to see (Josh 6:4; Jer 6:17; Hos 8:1)
    The plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel.
    They are the eyes of the Lord, (Rev 5:6)
    Which scan to and fro throughout the whole earth.” Zech 4:10 – Zech 1:16


    In Rev 11, John is handed a reed, a measuring rod/plumb line. 

    Then I was given a reed like a measuring rod. And the angel stood, saying, “Rise and measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who worship there.  But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles. And they will tread the holy city underfoot for forty-two months.  And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.”  Rev 11:1,2

    “leave” out - ἐκβάλλω ekbállō, ek-bal'-lo; to eject (literally or figuratively):—bring forth, cast (forth, out), drive (out), expel, leave, pluck (pull, take, thrust) out, put forth (out), send away (forth, out).

    This abomination of HIS SANCTUARY moves God to jealousy, and what does this but, idolatry to an image.  Ezek 5:11; 8:5,6; 23:38; 33:11; Rev 13:14,15,8; Ezek 44:7; 30:3; Jer 13:20,21 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Eze.5%3A11%3B+8%3A5%2C6%3B+23%3A38%3B+33%3A11%3B+Rev.13%3A14%2C15%2C8%3B+Eze.44%3A7%3B+30%3A3%3B+Jer.13%3A20%2C21&version=NKJV 

    Also, in Rev 21:15 we see -  Now the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.  And he who talked with me had a gold reed to measure the city, its gates, and its wall.

    Scriptures give us an entire picture of who is holding the measuring line in Zech 2:2 and why. 

    Identifying factors:

    -          It is found within the midst of spiritual “Israel” 

    -          Spiritual “Israel” are the anointed ones of God’s Temple under Christ.  

    -          God’s Temple walls are ‘languishing’ – anointed ones are “trampled” down like a heavy stone that the people want ‘heaved’ away.  Zech 12:3;1 Pet 2:5,9; Rom 2:29; 1 Cor 6:19,20; 3:16,17;9; Eph 2:20-22; Matt 16:18


    This fulfillment is happening in the organization, among the anointed ones:

     “ Do those of the other sheep need to know the names of all those who are anointed today? The short answer is no. Why not? Because even if someone has received the heavenly calling, that person has received only an invitation, not a final confirmation of the reward. That is why Satan raises up “false prophets . . . to mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones.” w16 January pp. 22-27

    So anointed ones do not think that they are better than others. They know that Jehovah does not necessarily give anointed ones more holy spirit than he gives his other servants. And they do not feel that they can understand Bible truths more deeply than anyone else. Pp. 20-26

    Anointed Christians do not feel that they should spend time only with other anointed ones, as if they were members of a club. They do not try to find other anointed ones so that they can talk about being anointed or meet in groups to study the Bible. Pp. 20-26

    Members of Christ’s body are admonished to feed and care for one other; to be one, which can only be done by being aware of their bodily “members”. 1 Cor 12:12-26; Eph 5:29   In the organization, they are scattered “throughout the nations”; broken down and trampled by the elder body, under the direction of the GB; obtaining control over them, as a spiritual “Gentile” army who demands obedience. 2 Chron 23:6,7; Ezek 44:6-9; Matt 24:15


    WT 13 11/15 pp. 21-26 - “The elders are wise Christians who have experience in life. They were appointed as elders because they have shown that they clearly understand the Scriptures and are qualified to teach the truth from the Bible. “
    “Elders today have also been appointed by holy spirit. Why can we say that? Because they have been appointed based on requirements written in God’s inspired Word. So when we obey the elders, we show respect for Jehovah and Jesus, the two greatest Shepherds.”

    Thus, God’s holy place, HIS appointed priesthood and Temple, is desolated by a “disgusting thing”.  Matt 24:15; Dan 11:31; 12:11  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matt+24%3A15%3B+Dan+11%3A31%3B+12%3A11&version=NKJV

    The enforcement of an elder body to disfellowship, cut off, when an anointed one responds to his Master’s call to obey only him, is further validation of the “Gentile army” – the disgusting thing, standing in the holy place. John 16:2; Isa 66:5; Rev 13:7,15; 11:7  The holy place, where the abomination is found, is not any “holy place” in Satan’s realm, but is among his own people.  Nothing found in Satan’s realm that is considered holy, is holy to God, thus this prophesy of Matt 24:15 has its fulfillment within God’s own people. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+16%3A2%3B+Isa+66%3A5%3B+Rev+13%3A7%2C15%3B+11%3A7+&version=NKJV

    Further identifying factors show us more of the one holding the measuring line of Zech 2:2 -

    -          This man is carrying the voice of God, as the “two witnesses” of Revelation, who are the plumb line, the measuring line of truth that restores the walls of God’s broken and scattered Temple – God’s holy priesthood, who ARE the Temple.  1 Cor 3:16; 1 Pet 2:5; Eph 2:20-22; Rev 6:9,10,11


    -          God stands on this wall, bringing fiery Truth to the priesthood through the trumpeting of the two symbolic witnesses who are assigned to serve the Lord as His messengers, the “eyes of the Lord”. Rev 11:3,4; 1:13; Zech 4:11-14; Matt 178:3; Num 10:2 

    -          Each anointed priest is to be a “stone” of truth in the Temple of Christ’s body, in imitation of the Master; the wall that is built represents these teachings of Christ. If the wall needs restoration, it is the teachings that have crumbled; desolation comes to the Temple.  Faith that should be based on the Word of Christ, becomes eroded, as true knowledge from the lips of God’s genuine priesthood, is silenced.  Mal 2:7; Ezek 44:23: Dan 8:12 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mal+2%3A7%3B+Ezek+44%3A23%3B+Dan+8%3A12&version=NKJV      

    Those who take on the call of the “two witnesses” in this restoration of the Temple, represent the man in Zech 2:2. They are the “capstone” of the Temple, (Zech 4:6,7) the remnant to come out of  “confusion” – Babylon - , and the measuring line of Truth.  This capstone is settled on the cornerstone, Jesus Christ, completing God’s Temple.   John 17:17-19; Ps 119:160; John 14:6; Rom 8:19


    Zech 4:7 “capstone” -   eh'-ben; from the root of H1129 through the meaning to build; A STONE:— carbuncle, mason, plummet, (chalk-, hail-, head-, sling-) stone(-ny), (divers) weight(-s).

    ‘Thus says the Lord God: “When I have gathered the house of Israel from the peoples among whom they are scattered, and am hallowed in them in the sight of the Gentiles, then they will dwell in their own land which I gave to My servant Jacob.  Ezek 28:25; (Rev 2:9)


    Matt 24:15,16; Isa 44:23; Micah 4:2; Luke 17:32-37; Rom 12:5


    So he answered and said to me:

    “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel:
    ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’
    Says the Lord of hosts.

     ‘Who are you, O great mountain? (W 11/1/15 p. 4 par 8)
    Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain!
    And he shall bring forth the capstone
    With shouts of “Grace, grace to it!”’” 
    Zech 4:6,7

    First the Wall, Then the Entire Temple









  20. On 10/15/2016 at 10:04 PM, Jay Witness said:

    The WT teaches that there's no part of a human being that survives the death of the body. If the anointed do not have an immortal soul/ some immaterial part of them that survives death, then whoever will be in heaven won't be the original anointed person but their CLONE since once a person dies, according to WT theology, they cease to exist; so God will have to create a spirit body FROM NOTHING for that person and that created body by definition will therefore NOT be the original person but their CLONE.

    We know that when Jesus appeared to the disciples on the road and after his resurrection, they didn’t recognize him at first, until he opened their eyes showing them who he was.  We can see by his appearance in flesh after receiving a spirit form that this is the essence of the “new creation” of both spirit and flesh.  I believe with our open eyes we will recognize who these ones of the Bride are also, at Christ’s return. 

    And He said to them, “What kind of conversation is this that you have with one another as you walk and are sad?” Then the one whose name was Cleopas answered and said to Him, “Are You the only stranger in Jerusalem, and have You not known the things which happened there in these days?”  And He said to them, “What things?”

    Then they drew near to the village where they were going, and He indicated that He would have gone farther.  But they constrained Him, saying, “Abide with us, for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent.” And He went in to stay with them.  Luke 24:17-19

     Now it came to pass, as He sat at the table with them, that He took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them.  Then their eyes were opened and they knew Him; and He vanished from their sight. Luke 24:28-31

    In human appearance did he look any different than before his death?  It sounds like that is the case, as he is a “new creation”.  If these disciples were only viewing the man in human terms, human wisdom, it took Christ to open their spiritual eyes of discernment to recognize Jesus in the spirit, and then assigning that understanding to the flesh. 

    Nathanael was cognizant of who Christ was by looking beyond the human flesh – only possible with the blessing of Holy Spirit given through his faith in the coming Messiah. 

    Paul said something interesting in 1 Cor 3:1-3: 

    “But I, brothers, could not address you as spiritual people, but as people of the flesh, as infants in Christ.  I fed you with milk, not solid food, for you were not ready for it. And even now you are not yet ready, for you are still of the flesh. For while there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not of the flesh and behaving only in a human way?” 

    He also said spiritual wisdom,

    “is not a wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are doomed to pass away.  But we impart a secret and hidden wisdom of God, which God decreed before the ages for our glory.  None of the rulers of this age understood this, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.  But, as it is written,

    “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard,
        nor the heart of man imagined,
    what God has prepared for those who love him”  1 Cor 2:6-9

    The faithful chosen priests of Christ are also a “new creation” of the mother New Covenant, that will manifest this characteristic of the ascended Christ in the same way.  1 Pet 1:23; Gal 4:26

    Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.  2 Cor 5:17

    These messenger priests (Mal 2:7) (angels are messengers) will “ascend” and descend” upon the Christ in God’s Kingdom. John 1:49-51; John 3:5; 1 Cor 15:44; Heb 8:5; 1 Cor 3:16; Ezek 41:18,19 

    As Jesus has the capability of both human form and spirit, so too, will these.  Those blessed among mankind to be in the Kingdom will, with the spiritual eye of wisdom, discern who the “144,000” are. 

    No, they are not stuck in “heaven” and neither is Jesus as scriptures have already proven.  This is the whole reason for a “new creation”, and Zion “coming down from heaven”.  Rev 21:1-4;22-27  Jesus inherited the earth first as Abraham’s promised seed, sharing this inheritance with the “firstfruits”, then with all of subsequent faithful seed of Abraham. Rev 2:26; Luke 22:29; Rom 15:8; Gal 3:28,29;  Heb 6:12; Ps 37:29; Gen 22:17,18; 28:13,14

     And he said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”  John 1:51

    So, the faithful priests are not clones, but a new creation and one that will enable us to know who each of them are, in both human flesh and spirit.  If the demons now can appear as a lost loved one, how much more so can God’s spirit fully assure our recognizing just who Christ’s Bride members are, when they are revealed.

    Jesus said,  

    “But who do you say that I am?”  Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”  And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven.” Matt 16:16,17

    So, whatever fleshly form Jesus took when appearing to the disciples on the road, it didn’t matter; accordingly, in whatever form the “new creation” of faithful, serving priests appear in both heaven and on earth, all of God’s children will know who they are, since their spiritual eyes will be opened. 

    Jacob's Ladder




  21. 1 hour ago, Shiwiii said:

    I do not take credit/responsibility for those statements. These are actually quotes from Melinda from the WT and not me. 

    I hope I haven't confused you, Shiwii.  I was addressing Melinda's quote from the Watchtower.

    17 hours ago, Witness said:

    Believe me, Melinda, I’m not picking on you, since these are not your words.  I do have thoughts on this Wt 08.

    Hope it's cleared up (?)

  22. On 9/22/2016 at 4:08 PM, Melinda Mills said:

    *** w08 1/1 p. 13 Is God’s Kingdom in Your Heart? *** Our Readers Ask Is God’s Kingdom in Your Heart? Many today believe that the answer to the above question is yes. For example, The Catholic Encyclopedia asserts: “The kingdom of God means . . . the ruling of God in our hearts.” The clergy commonly teach this idea. Does the Bible really teach that God’s Kingdom resides in human hearts?

    Believe me, Melinda, I’m not picking on you, since these are not your words.  I do have thoughts on this Wt 08.

    On 9/23/2016 at 0:51 PM, Shiwiii said:

    Really, the human heart could no more produce God’s Kingdom than a thistle could produce figs.

    According to scripture, the heart can be purged of “thistles” through the power of Holy Spirit,  James 4:8; (Prov 20;30); 1 John 1:9; Heb 8:10; Rom 5:5 (Heb 3:12), and by shedding the carnal mind and adopting the mind of Christ.   1 Cor 2:16; Phil 4:7

    “let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.”  Heb 10:22

    On 9/23/2016 at 0:51 PM, Shiwiii said:

    Some translations here say: “The kingdom of God is within you” or even “inside you.” Are those accurate renderings of Jesus’ expression? Did he really mean that God’s Kingdom is found in human hearts?

    They must have forgotten their own Kingdom Interlinear Greek which says, “neither will they say Look! Here or There; look! For the kingdom of the God inside of you is.”

    On 9/23/2016 at 0:51 PM, Shiwiii said:

    As the King-Designate, Jesus was right in the midst of those people. He taught about the Kingdom of God and even performed miracles, giving them a preview of what that Kingdom would accomplish. In a very real sense, then, the Kingdom was in their midst. Clearly, there is no Scriptural support for the notion that the Kingdom of God is in the hearts of humans. 

    I agree with the reasoning that the Kingdom was “in your midst” because of Jesus’ presence among the people.  Also, though, if Christ is truly King over our lives (in our heart, mind, soul Matt 22:37) he governs our footsteps deciding what is best for us; we follow the laws he has outlined that give life.   Should we equate his Kingship with our earthly understanding of kings and kingdoms, or broaden our spiritual understanding to view it with the mind of Christ as something not of this world?  Heb 8:2

    Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.”  John 18:36

    Although God’s “tent” or house was always been with His faithful ones, it is no longer also a stationary physical place, but within each chosen heart that accepts it. 

    In 2 Sam, God made the point to David that he moved with the people from “place to place” with “a tent as my dwelling”.  2 Sam 7:5-7  His choice was not to build a “house of cedar” but man’s desire that he conceded to.  2 Sam 7:7; Acts 7:49; 17:24

    “To David he said, “When your days are over and you rest with your ancestors, I will raise up your offspring to succeed you, your own flesh and blood, and I will establish his kingdom.  He is the one who will build a house for my Name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.” 2 Sam 7:12-13

    God’s new house or tent is built on Christ, he as the corner stone and his subsequent chosen “living stones.”  1 Pet 2:5,6; Heb 3:6; 11:10; Eph 2:10, 20-22; Rev 3:12; 21:14

    John 14:2 – “In My Father’s house there are many dwelling places (homes) (G3438). If it were not so, I would have told you; for I am going away to prepare a place for you.” AMPC

     G3438 - monḗ (from 3306 /ménō, "to remain, abide") – an abiding dwelling-place (i.e. not transitory). 3438 /monḗ ("an individual dwelling")

    This word is also found in John 14:23: “Jesus answered, If a person [really] loves Me, he will keep My word [obey My teaching]; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home (abode, special dwelling place) with him. “AMPC

    On 9/23/2016 at 0:51 PM, Shiwiii said:

    Rather, it is an actual government, one that will effect dramatic changes on the earth, just as the prophets foretold.

     In a sense, it is both, but not with a central physical location.  We can allow ourselves to worship in spirit and in truth, filling our heart, mind and soul with truthful words, which leads to the gift of God’s spirit upon us; a spiritual government we choose to submit to, to guide our lives, directed by the laws written on the heart. Heb 8:10

    The “firstfruits” or firstborn “living stones” of the Temple, offer themselves as sacrifices for all of the Kingdom’s children in imitation of their Master. John 17:19;  When God’s Temple/tabernacle “comes down from heaven”, it is with His presence in Spirit, Christ, and his Bride, as God’s “tent”. This “tent” nourishes all of His children who then make their “home” with Him.  Isa 49:18; Rev 22:17; Isa 55:1; Rev 22:2; Ezek 47:12

    “I also saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared like a bride adorned for her husband.

    “See, the tent of God is among humans!

    skay-nay'; apparently akin to G4632 and G4639; a tent or cloth hut (literally or figuratively):—habitation, tabernacle.
        He will make his home with them,  John 14:23
            and they will be his people. John 17:6; Isa 43:10,21
    God himself will be with them,  Rom 2:29; John 14:17
        and he will be their God.
     He will wipe every tear from their eyes
        There won’t be death anymore.
    There won’t be any grief, crying, or pain,
        because the first things have disappeared.” Rev 21:3,4

    “None of them shall teach his neighbor, and none his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them”.  Heb 8:11

    The Kingdom in its fullness, arrives when the Temple is completed by the revealing of the capstone of the Temple, which joins the Bride, the remaining “144,000”.  Rom 8:12-14; Zech 4:7; Col 3:1-4

    Psalm 19 gives us an idea of the tabernacle of God to be extended throughout the earth in the Kingdom.

    “He has set up a tent (H168 – tabernacle(s) (198x), tent(s) (141x), dwelling (2x), place(s) (2x), covering (1x),home (1x).

     for the sun (the Messiah Matt 17:2; Rev 1:16; Rev 22:16)

     which is like a bridegroom (John 3:29; Rev 21:2;22:17) coming out of his chamber,
    or like a champion who rejoices at the beginning of a race. (Rev 12:10)
     Its circuit  (H8622 - tek-oo-faw'; or תְּקֻפָה tᵉquphâh; from H5362; a revolution, i.e. (of the sun) course, (of time) lapse:—circuit, come about, end.)

     is from one end of the sky to the other, and nothing is hidden from its heat .  [Isa 30:26 references this word as “sun”, with the “moon”, (the woman, New Covenant/Bride, Rev 12:1) reflecting this light.]

    This dwelling place of God’s spirit where he resides in each faithful chosen heart is also considered God’s “footstool”.   
    “Let us go to his dwelling place,
        let us worship at his footstool,
    (Isa 66:1) saying,
    ‘Arise, Lord, and come to your resting place,
        you and the ark of your might.
    May your priests be clothed with your righteousness;
        may your faithful people sing for joy.’”For the Lord has chosen ZION,
    desiring it as his dwelling place.

    “This is my resting place forever.
    Here I will live,
    because I desire to do so."  Ps 132:7-9,13,14

    God’s dwelling place, sanctuary, His “footstool”, is Zion.  He dwells within the hearts of those who belong there, where His spirit resides.  2 Cor 1:22; 5:5; 1 John 4:13, Rom 8:9. 

    Within these hearts, “the kingdom of God inside of you is” (Kingdom Interlinear Greek)

    Who are the "fine trees" Matt 7:20








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