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Posts posted by Witness

  1. 14 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Read your bible again!  The one is an image of the beast.... which receives breath of life from the beast - the seventh head.


    The Beast from the earth IS a head/leader of the Beast from the Sea.  It has been given the authority to “breathe spirit” into the Beast of Rev 13:1.  Does that mean that the false prophet/leaders created a different Beast?   No.  It means that the Beast of Rev 13:1 can now project an image as “inspired”. 

    Jesus breathed spirit into his disciples, who became the “living stones” of Jesus’ body/Temple.  John 20:22

    "The second beast (Rev 13:11 - men/false prophets) was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. "

    The Beast from the earth, which is a composite Head of the sea Beast, has two horns like a lamb, as if from Christ.  “Two”, representing truth. (John 8:17) “Two”, as if its leaders are the “two witnesses” of Rev 11:3,  just as Rutherford and his associates claimed they were.    Instead of speaking truth though, these leaders speak like the Father of the Lie, Satan, the dragon.  They, as a composite, are false prophets who appear to be sent by Christ.  (Matt 7:15; 24:11,24,25)

    The inspired sea Beast, appears to be divine.  “Jehovah’s organization”.  Who labeled it as such?  Those who say they represent Christ and truth – the GB, leaders, heads, of the sea Beast – heads who direct the Wt. organization. Through deception, they have "given breath" to their organization, which has been called "spirit-directed".  Does  "Jehovah's organization" "speak" to to JWs?  All the time.  Decrees come down from "Jehovah's organization" and must be obeyed.  It is an idol that can speak.  

    "He (the false prophet) was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed."  Rev 13:15

    Okay, through direction of "Jehovah's spirit-directed organization" the anointed in Christ have been "killed" for speaking against both Beasts, the false prophet, (Rev13:11) and the beast from the sea.  Once they give testimony to truth in Jesus Christ, they are sentenced to a spiritual "death" by the elder body. (John 16:2; Rev 11:1-3,7;12:11)

    The sea Beast, the false prophet/two-horned Beast, and the dragon, exude “demonic expressions”.  Again, their targets are the “kings of the earth” – JESUS’ KINGS – the anointed, not the political rulers of the world!  (Rev 1:5; 5:9,10; Rev 16:13-16)

    This sea Beast and its image is called by the governing body, “earthly Zion”. The genuine Zion is the Temple of God, not an organization of people that thrives on money , servitude from its members, and positive legislation.  The genuine Zion is physically “represented” on earth by the inspired anointed ones. (1 Pet 2:5,9)  But that truth has been buried, as the organization and elder body has grown.  As “living stones” of Zion, the anointed are to project the image of God’s heavenly Temple. They are to be messengers of God’s word, truth in Christ – ONLY.  (Mal 2:7; 1 Cor 3:16)   The uninspired/”uncircumcised” elders who are the heart of the organization, project and represent the image of an earthly organization, that conveniently calls itself “Zion”.  They are messengers of the doctrine of men.

    This is the dichotomy of the genuine Temple of God (2 Thess 2:3,4) It is an idol that is revered.  If this weren’t true, JWs would realize they don’t need to dedicate their life to it.  They would genuinely worship “in spirit and in truth”, without glorifying any locale, or concept called  “Jehovah’s  mountainlike organization”, which bare reality shows  is just a worldly corporation....demonized. John 4:21-24

    Instead of standing for, and representing the Temple of God, the anointed “kings” belonging to Jesus, have been deceived and convinced that the “inspired”/divine organization must have their allegiance, their respect and servitude.  They have come to worship the Beast from the Sea.   (Rev 18:3)

    JWs in general have no respect for, or knowledge of, the genuine spiritual Temple of God.  (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22) And that is the work of a wicked slave and the “man of lawlessness”. (Matt 24:48-51; Rev 11:1,2; 13:5-8)

    14 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Be more concerned with reading the bible because this cleanses the entire soul. 

    Not unless the Bible's truth fills the heart.  I am astounded that you say this, yet write reams about what is happening on the political front of the world.  Hearts can be hardened, bringing ruin to the entire being.  (Prov 2:1-5; Rom 2:5)

     "A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of."  Luke 6:45





  2. 4 hours ago, Arauna said:

    False - the "image of the beast" is the UN - which is the scarlet colored beast. It is NOT the beast as you say.

    Can you provide proof from God's word?

    The Beast from the Sea and the “scarlet colored beast” are the same beast. 

    Then he carried me away in the Spirit to a wilderness. I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns.  Rev 17:3

    Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name.  Rev 13:1

    The scarlet color represents sins.  The spiritual Harlot/false prophet/Beast from the earth are the same identity.  The Harlot who is "sitting" ("exercises all the authority") on the Beast, wears scarlet.  Rev 13:11,12; Rev 17:3,4.

    "Come, let us settle this," says the LORD. "Though your sins are scarlet, they will be as white as snow; though they are crimson red, they will be like wool.  Isa 1:18

    “And you, devastated one, what are you doing that you dress yourself in scarlet, that you adorn yourself with gold jewelry, that you enhance your eyes with makeup? You beautify yourself for nothing. Your lovers reject you; they intend to take your life.”  Jer 4:30

    The “image” that is formed, is “spirit-breathed”. (Rev 13:15) So, have the world’s religions “breathed” spirit into the UN, leading the world to worship the UN, or W.H.O.?  No!  You forget that the focal point of the scriptures have been on God’s people under covenant who are regularly led astray by sin, false prophets, and idolatry, leading to God’s people falling into spiritual harlotry. (Hos 4:12; 6:10 - "Jehovah's spirit-directed organization" - an idol)

    To believe that the organization is exempt from God’s wrath is pure, blind foolishness.  In the light of false predictions, ever changing doctrine and assumed authority over God's anointed, the organization and its leaders will face the wrath of God.  (Rev 13:4-8; 2 Thess 2:9-12; Rev 19:20)






  3. On 12/12/2021 at 8:30 AM, Arauna said:

    We ALL know that it will ONLY be the intervention of Jehovah that can save those of his people who do not have the mark of the beast!  How to avoid the political mark of the beast and the mark of the image of the beast is the main question.

    Daniel told us of four beasts to arise against God’s holy people. (Dan 7:3)  The last one is “different” from all the rest, which were political nations. (Dan 7:7)
      Different!! It works with DECEIT against the “remaining ones of the woman’s seed”. (Rev13:14;19:20; 12:17)  The organization has lumped together all the political powers part of the UN, saying that it is the Beast of Rev 13:1,2, and somehow the world’s religions are directing the UN.

    This Beast IS religious, directed by a false prophet that serves spiritual food to those who are part of it. (Rev 13:11-13)   It “makes war” with the holy people, the anointed, the “saints”. It overcomes (subdues, conquers) the saints.  (Rev 13:7)   They are taken captive.  (Luke 21:24; Col 2:8; 1 Tim 4:1; Rev 13:10)  THEY are the target of the Beast which has been given power from Satan.  (Rev 13:2) 

    No one worships the UN.  (Rev 13:4)

    No one is killed for not worshiping the UN. (Rev 13:15) 

    Have any JWs been killed for not worshiping the UN?

    Have anointed saints been selected from the JW population to be “killed” for not worshiping the UN?

    Is the UN spirit-directed? (Rev 13:15)

    Because the Beast is the “man of lawlessness”, this Beast “tramples” the holy ones, anointed, “saints”.  Has the UN trampled the anointed? (2 Thess 2:3,4,9,10; Rev 11:1,2;13:18)

    Have the world’s religions directed the UN to “kill” anyone who doesn’t identify with it? (Rev 13:15,16)

    Do the world’s religions “exercise all authority” over the political entities of the UN?  (Rev 13:12)

    It is your organization, which is a different Beast from all that Daniel mentioned. It has trampled the saints, abolished the “daily sacrifice” that God’s priesthood must maintain, and a wicked slave and an elder body have assumed full authority over the anointed. (Dan 8:11-13; 1 Pet 2:5; Heb 13:15) The Beast has been allowed by the governing body,(Rev 13:11,12) to desecrate the “holy place” by replacing God’s priests WITH ELDERS NOT ANOINTED. (Ezek 44:6-9; Mark 13:14) 

    There is only one “holy place” that the scriptures speak of.   (Exod 28:29; Lev 6:26; Isa 57:15)  

    It is not found in Christendom. 

    It is not found at the UN. 

     It is the sanctuary/Temple of which the anointed are “living stones” of. (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22) 

    And that is what is being “blasphemed” by the Beast from the Sea – which has emerged from the “sea” of the wicked. (Isa 57:20)

    Isn't it true that the only spiritual food that is available, and that can be “bought” with the servitude of a JW, is what the governing leaders/false prophets and their “helpers” produce?  (Rev 13:17)  No other spiritual food offered by an anointed priest, is even considered.  (Matt 24:48-51)

     “New light” given to you by your GB, tells us that apparently ALL the anointed will be in heaven before Armageddon breaks out!  Wow, so how does the Beast “make war” with the saints if they are in heaven? When will they be captured? How will they be conquered?  When will they worship the Beast?   How can it “kill” (disfellowship) those who give testimony of Christ, and for rejecting the identity of the Beast/organization? (Rev 11:7; 6:9) I thought that the “coalition of nations” appeared DURING Armageddon.  Is this warring coalition a different warring machine than the Beast  who “makes war with the saints”?  How many wars using deceit are predicted to come upon the unsealed anointed?  ONE, where the players against Christ’s “kings”, (Rev 1:5; 16:13-16; Rev 17:18) bear many descriptions through symbolic illustrations.  (Rev 8:10,11; 9:1-5; Rev 13:1,2,11,12; Rev 17:1,5,15; 20:7-9)

    If JWs only knew how many exjws can easily now see the idolatry that is rife in the organization. (Dan 11:36-38; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rom 1:25; Rev 13:4) The Beast/Watchtower/organization is the idol, whose “image” as spirit-directed, must be worshiped. (Rev 13:15)  JWs believe that without siding with, accepting the identity – MARK –of this organization, they will not receive salvation. (“who is like the Beast, who is able to make war with him?” Rev 13:4) And any in the organization that rejects it, is disfellowshipped – spiritually considered DEAD/KILLED.  (John 16:2; Rev 13:15)

    There is total confusion in the Wt teachings, and yours.  You believe in focusing on the earthly things, contrary to what the scriptures tell us. This is a spiritual war, already at work in the organization between anointed ones and powers of the spirit realm. (Eph 6:10-13)  As far as the signs Jesus gave us in Matt 24 which JWs say are literal and not spiritual, Jesus also said, “Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”  (Luke 21:36)

    Can anyone escape a literal earthquake?  Matt 24:7

    Did JWs do a good job through prayer, of escaping Covid?  A. Morris said this is what the GB had been waiting for, another literal sign of the last days being fulfilled. Yet, how many JWs died of Covid?  How many contracted Covid?  Were the JWs who suffered, not counted worthy to escape “all these things”? 

    And JWs already suffer a spiritual famine by remaining under a wicked slave/spiritual Harlot who has poisoned the waters of truth. They are recycling/regurgitating old articles with updated illustrations.   (Jer 9:13-16; Rev 8:10,11; 18:4-8) (Amos 8:11; Isa 28:7,8)

    "For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: 19 whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame—who set their mind on earthly things."  Phil 3:18,19


    Wormwood/The False Prophet/Armageddon



  4. A good park or backcountry trail could be compared to a smooth highway accessible for every vehicle’s use.  Over the years, my husband shared with me the necessary building techniques needed to create a user-friendly hiking trail. His skills enhanced the user’s experience with nature; balancing the need to care for the environment, while also keeping in mind the goal of the hiker.  He had the ability to deftly and carefully merge what nature had to offer, by creating a trail that would lead one to experience it.

    Good techniques limit the need for maintenance, yet maintenance is ultimately scheduled, to check erosion, for the removal of downed trees, and removal of any cause for stumbling that would detract from the hiker’s view of his surroundings, while on the trail. The goal is not to worry about possible obstacles ahead, but to ensure that the experience that the path provides, remains top-notch.

    These trails that we enjoy are created by men, and they could never be perfect.  However, the Bible tells us of a way, a path of Holiness, built by God and Jesus.  It describes it as a lofty, exalted highway leading to eternal life.  The Hebrew word for “holiness” means “apartness, sacredness, the divinity and holiness of God”. The highway would be flawless, with no maintenance needed on this perfect path.  (Isa.35:8; 40:3; Ps.118:20; Isa.57:14; 62:10)

    The way of Holiness is illuminated with the light of Christ – the wisdom of God found in His decrees and the teachings of Jesus. (Ps 119:130; 27:11; Isa 2:3)  He prepared the way for salvation and the receiving of righteousness from God. (2 Cor 5:21; Titus 3:5; Eph 2:8; Heb 7:25; Rev 5:9,10) The person who steps onto this path, experiences the light and truth of Christ by following in his footsteps; which ultimately leads to the joy of eternal life in the Kingdom of God.  (1 Pet 2:21; 1 John 2:6; Luke 22:28,29)  

    However, this isn’t what a governing body member will have you believe.  At the Annual Meeting of this year, David Splane stated that the highway of holiness “was opened for travelers” in 1919, when the “testing and refinement of God’s people foretold at Mal 3:1-4, was complete.”  Keep in mind that after 1919, there were many false predictions established, and changed doctrine initially laid out as truth; failed “light” later discarded over the years. (Isa 5:20;8:20; 50:10,11; John 15:5-7; James 1:17)  

    Such motivation to teach illusions from the minds of men, is not a sign that the organization and its leaders ever reached refinement from sin. (Jer 23:26,27; Ps 119:118; Matt 7:15-20) It is a sign that its leadership persisted in the actions of their predecessors, gradually raising a figurative siege ramp and walls of lies precariously set on the shaky foundation their predecessors laid. (Ps 119:150; Ezel 13:4-7,14; Hab 1:9,10; Dan 11:15; Rev 11:1,2)

    The words of these men have polluted the teachings of Jesus Christ. (Matt 15:9; 2 Cor 11:3,4; 2 Tim 4:3; Gal 1:6-9)  As evident from the governing leader’s talk, they continue in this vein down to today. (Jer 18:15; Isa 59:8)

    A siege ramp? (Ezek 4:1-3)  Yes. This is a spiritual war. (2 Cor 10:3-5;Eph 6:11-14) God’s anointed under covenant are held captive and “tested” by these lying teachings (Luke 22:31; Lam 3:7,9; 4:20; Col 2:8; Rev 13:10,5-7; Rev 16:13-16; 12:1-4; 20:7-9).

    Unless they reach out for refinement with Jesus’ help, they will remain in a climate of cold darkness and spiritual famine, with the eventuality of the house falling down around them.  (Lam 2:14; Rev 2:4,5,20,21; Lam 3:1,2; John 8:12;12:46; Lam 5:4;3:19; Rev 8:10,11;13:11,12,16,17; Lam 5:9; Rev 13:10; John 4:10; 6:35; Rev 22:17) (Lam 4:11; Matt 7:24-27)

    According to the organization, 1919 was the end of religious captivity, and Babylon the Great “fell” that year.  How confusing, when JWs are said to still be leaving Babylon when entering the organization; and they regularly prophesy that Babylon the Great, “the empire of false religion” is yet to fall.  The world’s religions were not affected in the least when the small number of Rutherford’s followers began their preaching work; most religions have grown, exponentially.   Within 2 years after 1919, it is said that a “faithful and discreet slave”, industriously produced the publication, the Harp of God.  Let’s just say, this book is chock full of visions from a false prophet’s mind. (Jer 23:16,21; Luke 6:45; Matt 7:15-20; 1 John 4:1; 1 Tim 4:1; 2 Cor 11:13-15)  What brazen boldness to mention it to the leader’s audience, placing it on a pedestal by boasting that before it ceased printing, 6 million plus copies were circulated. (Ps 52:1-4)  It is a book of incredible falsehoods, baited with a small sprinkling of truth. (Eccl 9:12; Ps 64:5; 66:11) This means that lies infiltrated the hearts and minds of the innocent, throughout the realm of Wt’s preaching at the time.  He didn’t dare quote from its pages and face embarrassment, but why not share just one of its many infamous remarks:

    “In Nahum 2:1-6 the Prophet records his vision of a railway train traveling at a high rate of speed, as another evidence of the day of preparation for the establishment of Christ’s kingdom.” P. 124  

    The speaker described it as a “simple” book for beginners “to come into the truth”. It is undoubtedly, a way of confusion, leading one far from the straight path of truth in Jesus Christ. (Isa 40:3; 42:16; Prov 16:17) Instead, JWs follow a crooked road of twisted teachings and unfulfilled promises, that the organization’s leaders are experts at envisioning. If the Harp of God was “simple truth”, would it not be placed on the shelf and referred to today?   This signifies that when one enters the organization by stepping onto their counterfeit “highway of holiness”, that person has sunk deep into the mire of “Babylon”, the promised broad road leading to death.  (Eccl 10:3; Ps. 1:1; Prov 4:14; Isa 57:20; 28:7,8,14,15; Rev 13:1,11,12;17:1,3,5,6; 18:4-8; Matt 7:13)

    D. Splane stated, “every good road needs ongoing maintenance”. He mentioned that although CT Russel died in 1916, he takes part in the maintenance on the road. He claimed that Russell and his associates have looked down from heaven since 1919; apparently not missing the inauguration of the highway’s opening.  From heaven, Russell helps ensure that all future offerings of spiritual food provide the clear path out of Babylon the Great and onto their counterfeit “highway of holiness”.  Can a false prophet, as Russell was, ensure a clear path to truth?  (Ps 119:118; John 8:44; Matt 24:11,24;1 John 4:1)

    Their concept of this road is of course, one fabricated by false teachers, and not by God and Jesus Christ.  It is full of potholes, lies, rotten teachings, discarded doctrine; all are stumbling blocks that detract the traveler from any progressive spiritual experience in truth, that one should have in their relationship with God and Jesus Christ.  (Ps 119:105; John 1:1,4,5; John 14:6) This governing leader has blasphemed the holiness of God with his fantasies.  It’s interesting, but when he mentioned his version of the path of holiness and the perpetual maintenance needed, I immediately envisioned a hot, black, sticky asphalt road, each year needing a new coat of tar and gravel, to fill its holes and cracks. No cognizant person walking this road, would be anxious to use it again.  (Prov 1:15,16; 4:26)

    He says, “The way of holiness is open, but maintenance on that way of holiness goes on and what’s the goal?  It’s to make it as easy as possible for people to identify Babylon the Great, and to leave Babylon the Great, that is the goal”.

    On the contrary; the goal behind the existence of the organization and its leadership, is to make it “easy” to enter and remain in “Babylon”, without one realizing it. False prophets have deceived their listeners who set foot on their fabricated “highway”, and the spiritually blind grope their way along it. (Lam 4:14; Isa 59:10) Those who follow this dark path are at the mercy of Satan’s “Beasts”.  They are at the mercy of spiritual “harlots” who have left their covenant in Christ; and, they are at the mercy of thieves. (Prov 7:24-27; John 10:7-10)  These are the deceptions that have overcome the holy ones.  (Rev 13:7; Dan 8:11,12; Matt 24:24,25; Rev 13:14,15; 2:20)  

    “But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disreputeIn their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.” 1 Pet 2:1-3

    There are two definitions for the word, “fabricator”.   

    #1 – a person who devises or invents something, especially a lie or a fictional narrative or character:

    #2 – a person or company that produces a product, especially in an industrial process.

    The organization’s false prophets/teachers have fulfilled both meanings.  They have manufactured a “highway” of lies, leading to a fabricated and destructive…industrial…“Gentile” giant, the iron Beast that has trampled down God’s Temple in the anointed.  (Dan 2:40-42; 7:19; Matt 24:15,16; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1,2; 9:1-4,9-11)

    To walk on the path of Holiness, we analyze our personal spiritual obstacles, avoiding teachings that defy the word of God. (Prov 2:10-16; Ps 119:127,128) This requires wariness of Satan’s schemes; it requires redemption from sin, and the shedding of false doctrine found in the publications that litter the organization’s highway. (Luke 22:31; 1 Pet 5:8; Ps 119:134; Matt 9:17; 1 Pet 1:6-9; Eph 5:6-11)

    It requires courage, obedience and faith in the decrees of God in Christ. (1 Cor 16:13; Ps 119:138; John 5:24)  Our eyes are then opened to the distinct, clear difference of what is truth in Jesus Christ, and what is a lie called truth, taught by deceitful men. (Jer 31:8; Isa 42:16; Heb 12:13; Prov 4:18)  

    The scriptures in Nahum 2 that the book quotes, not only sheds light on today’s Harlot, her Beast/organization that she directs, and its coming destruction, but it promises the “restoration of Jacob”, the restoration of the spiritual Temple of truth, when the trampling of God’s holy people comes to an end.   (Isa 49:6; Dan. 7:25; 8:11-14; Rev 11:2,3; Mal 3:1-3) (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22)

    Jesus clearly knew his path. One of his fellows tried to dissuade him (Matt 16:22,23).

    The path of holiness is also clear during this time of great test and sorting (Amos 9:8-13; Isa 54:8,11,9,10; Rev 6:14; Heb 12:27; 1 Cor 3:13,14; Ps 102:26).

    Will we hide our "talent of gold" and shrink back to destruction? (John 12:42; Matt 25:25,30; Heb 10:38,39; Rom 1:17) 

    Spirit and scripture, make the path of life clear; along with the requirements to be on it. 

    (Matt 7:14; Isa 35:8; 40:3; 62:10; Matt 24:16; Ezek 36:8; Isa 49:11; Jer 50:5; Ps 118:20; Rev 19:8) (Ezek 17:23; Matt: 31,32)

    Pearl Doxsey Hide or Herald, Stay or Flee?

    wisdom 3.jpg

  5. 2 hours ago, BroRando said:

    Can we assume the Christ is not Jesus? 

    I don't assume that.  Do you?

    2 hours ago, BroRando said:

    Are there no Jews?

    Are you saying there are no Jews?

    Honestly, you come up with the strangest strawman arguments that aren't strawman arguments.  

  6. On 12/9/2021 at 9:29 PM, Pudgy said:

    You are conflating two different things


    On 12/9/2021 at 9:29 PM, Pudgy said:

    ut that is not the point, and your points really have no points because they are MERELY the result of your fantasy driven obsession .

    We all have an agenda and God does also.  The GB have the agenda to mislead.  To counter that, God "sends" his messengers, who tell the truth about their deceit.  It was always that way with Israel, and now with spiritual "Israel".  Jer 5:14; Rev 1:1; 11:1-3; Jer 23:29


  7. 7 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    The fact remains that neither T'MOOG, or ABNER EASTWOOD can do Anything about any of it.

    Nothing whatsoever.

    In a war, if you knew that the enemy was targeting your friend, wouldn’t you tell that friend it was time to get the heck out of the line of fire?  On the surface, the organization appears to be full of good intent, with good leaders.  But that is where the holy ones are found, and the elder “shepherds” who have taken their place as priests, have been given the authority to tell them not to seek out other anointed, and not to study the Bible, as a group. To any reasonable Christian, this should sound tyrannical. (2 Cor 11:20; Gal 1:10)  These “shepherds” have the authority to judge the holy ones as unworthy of God’s spirit.  By representing the royal priesthood, they have as “Gentiles”, “entered” the Temple of God, trampling down a people with a flood of lies sourced from a false prophet’s mouth.   (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22) (Matt 24:24,25; Col 2:8; 1 Tim 4:1; Rev 8:10,11; 13:11,12,15)

    Under the surface of what appears as righteous, the organization (Magog) is the deceitful enemy against the holy ones.  (Rev 13:1,2,5-7,11,12)  In light of this, we are told to do one thing - FLEE, and take as many as you can with you.  (Matt 24:15,16; Mark 13:14; 2 Thess 2:3,4,8; Rev 11:1,2; Luke 17:26-30; Rev 18:4-8)

    That, is what you can do about it.

  8. 2 hours ago, BroRando said:

    Gog and Magog comes about, as It is Post- Millennial. The conquest of Jesus Christ isn't over just yet, the War of Almighty God continues: "Now as soon as the 1,000 years have ended, Satan will be released from his prison, and he will go out to mislead those nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Maʹgog, to gather them together for the war. The number of these is as the sand of the sea." (Rev 20:7-8)

    "And they advanced over the whole earth and encircled the camp of the holy ones and the beloved city. But fire came down out of heaven and consumed them." (Rev 20:9)

    Use your critical thinking skills.

    Who are the “holy ones”? 

    From your Insight Book, p. 1132

    Christian Holy Ones. Persons brought into relationship with God by means of the new covenant are sanctified, cleansed, and set apart for God’s exclusive service by “the blood of the covenant,” the shed blood of Jesus Christ. (Heb 10:29; 13:20) They are thereby constituted “holy ones” (“saints” in KJ and some other versions). Consequently, they do not become “holy ones,” or “saints,” by decree of a man or an organization, but by God, who brings them into covenant relationship with himself through the blood of Jesus Christ. The term “holy ones” applies to all those thus brought into union and joint heirship with Christ, not to a mere few considered to have exceptional holiness. It is also applied in the Bible to them from the beginning of their sanctified course on earth, not being deferred until after their death. Peter says they must be holy because God is holy. (1Pe 1:15, 16; Le 11:44) All the spiritual brothers of Christ in the congregations are frequently called “holy ones.”Ac 9:13; 26:10; Ro 1:7; 12:13; 2Co 1:1; 13:13.

    As the “wife” of Christ, the entire congregation is represented as wearing bright, clean, fine linen, which stands for “the righteous acts of the holy ones.” (Re 19:7, 8) Against these, while they are on earth, Satan the Devil’s symbolic political “wild beast” is seen in vision waging war. (Re 13:3, 7) Thereby the endurance of the holy ones is severely tested, but they conquer by observing the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.—Re 13:10; 14:12.

    Where do you believe the “holy ones”, the anointed “144,000”,  will be after Armageddon, and a thousand years into it?  The Wt depicts them as being here:

    Who Goes to Heaven? | Bible Questions


    Do you really believe that God and Jesus will allow Gog and Magog to enter “heaven” and “surround the camp of the holy ones?”

    When the enemy surrounds a camp of people, it usually signifies some sort of battle going on, or war.  Will that war be fought in heaven?  Again?  (Rev 12:7-9)  No, the scriptures make it clear that the camp of the holy ones are surrounded on earth.  Do you see this?  Can you analyze these scriptures with open eyes?

    "Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name.

     And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months. 6 Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven. 7 It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation."  Rev 13:1,5-7

    The war of Armageddon is a battle of truth against lies.  Your organization and you, fight against the truth in God’s word.  I don’t think you realize your GB and elders would rather see all “holy ones” trampled into silence, than speaking for Christ. (Matt 24:15,16; 2 Thess 2:3,4; 1 Cor 3:16,17) Gog and Magog, aka the GB and the organization, are at “war” against truth in God’s word. Your GB member Davis Splane mentioned that JWs are at war.   They prefer to see the anointed who stand up against their organization (yes, just as Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused to bow down to Nebuchadnezzar’s idol) “killed” and silenced – which is the trademark of war; this one, is a spiritual war. (Rev 13:15,16; 11:1-3,7)

    But, as hard as your leadership tries, we will not stay silent.  Rev 18:4-8

    There is no uprising after the organization is destroyed at the coming of Jesus Christ.  (2 Thess 2:8; Rev 13:18; 19:20; Dan 7:11; Rev 20:9,10)





  9. 8 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    Yes, I would be surprised.

    ..... surprise me!

    Check out exjw and jw reddit for the other recent post; and the fb group, if you are a member, for this one. - "JWs, come out of her my people".

    Exjw reddit has over 60,000 members and growing.  The "big villain" and its sins are being exposed.  Not even "Jehovah's organization"  can stop the progress leading to its downfall. 

    Hab 2:6-14

    “Will not all of them taunt him with ridicule and scorn, saying,

    “‘Woe to him who piles up stolen goods
        and makes himself wealthy by extortion!
        How long must this go on?’
    7 Will not your creditors suddenly arise?
        Will they not wake up and make you tremble?
        Then you will become their prey.
    8 Because you have plundered many nations,
        the peoples who are left will plunder you.
    For you have shed human blood;
        you have destroyed lands and cities and everyone in them.

    9 “Woe to him who builds his house by unjust gain,
        setting his nest on high
        to escape the clutches of ruin!
    10 You have plotted the ruin of many peoples,
        shaming your own house and forfeiting your life.
    11 The stones of the wall will cry out,
        and the beams of the woodwork will echo it.

    12 “Woe to him who builds a city with bloodshed
        and establishes a town by injustice!
    13 Has not the Lord Almighty determined
        that the people’s labor is only fuel for the fire,
        that the nations exhaust themselves for nothing?
    14 For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord
        as the waters cover the sea."


  10. 48 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    and like Witness, his/her long tomes

    Hey, this one is shorter than most!  But, you'd be surprised how many people elsewhere actually read them...and most importantly...the scriptures!

    You don't have to reply "point by point".  One point will do.  

  11. From the book, “Judgment Day Must Wait”, by Poul Bregninge, comes this comment from an active elder at the time of his interview:      

    “For me it is the organization itself that is the big villain.  It has quietly, through 125 years, had its own independent life.  In its pure youth, we could perhaps connect the activities with a degree of sincerity, but it has since grown too big and strong, and all humility is gone.  It has been immensely self-satisfied and even forgotten to serve its supporters.  Instead, it sits on a throne, from which it requires unconditional obedience of its often fanatically loyal subjects.  Most Jehovah’s Witnesses have quietly become accustomed to it, and they do not even see it.  I still have a strong belief in God and I am indignant at the fact that an organization has put itself in God’s place and can get away with it.  It is tragic!  You can secretly hope that God will open people’s eyes, but he seems sadly silent.  Yet the organization is alive and well.  There are plenty of members who willingly support it and bring it nourishment; it’s really an excellent system in that respect.  The Witnesses slave away for it their entire lives, without getting especially much in return, and the organization just shows more and more greed.  But as long as its leaders can maintain the illusion that they are installed by God, as Jehovah’s “channel”, it works, apparently”. 

    Unless this elder has come to realize it since his comment was written on paper, he has described the “man of lawlessness” that has risen over the years, and taken its “throne”, its “seat”, in the Temple of God.  It has replaced His anointed priesthood, with the elder body. (2 Chron 23:6,7) This “big villain” was prophesied to trample down God’s priests, the “living stones” and dwelling of His spirit. (Num 18:7; 1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22) (Dan 7:7,8,21; Mark 13:14; 2 Thess 2:4; Rev 11:1,2)

    It has cast God’s laws in Christ aside, disregarding the reverence of the Body of Christ  - His spiritual Temple.   (Neh 1:7; 9:26; Lev 19:30; 1 Cor 3:16,17; 1 Cor 12:12,27; Eph 4:11-13)

    It is one of three villains or “Beasts” to “make war with the saints”, God’s holy people under covenant, through the practice of deceit.  (Luke 22:31; Matt 24:24,25; 1 Tim 4:1; Col 2:8; Rev 13:1,2,7,10-15; 16:13-16; 20:7,8; 12:3,4,15,17)

    2 Thess 2:1-4 – “Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, regarding the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, that you not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit, or a message, or a letter as if from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. No one is to deceive you in any way! For it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.”

    In the shadow of 1914, known as the “day of the Lord”, the “man of lawlessness” thrives in the praise it receives from those “marked” as its slaves.  (Rom 6:16; 1 Cor 7:23; Gal 1:10; 2 Pet 2:19; Rev 13:16,17)

    It is the machinery, the inner workings of the organization depicted in the “Gentile” elder body. Its image as spirit-directed, requires “worship” and full obedience, in exchange for protection and salvation.  (Exod 20:3,4; Rom 1:25; Rev 13:15,16,4; Judges 10:14; 1 Thess 5:3)

    He is a rare elder indeed, to recognize that the organization has “put itself in God’s place”. (Exod 23:13; Hos 4:12; Isa 46:5)

    However, it has been guided to accomplish this, through its governing leaders.  (Eccl 5:8; Dan 11:31,36-38; 8:11,24;Luke 22:25-27; Matt 24:48,49; Rev 8:10,11; 13:12; 9:1-4,7,8; 12:17; 9:9; Joel 1:4-6; Rev 17:3)


    Pearl Doxsey -

    Clearly, it is the chosen priests who are to "re-adjust" sinners in a spirit of gentleness. This is their job as symbolic incense burners within God's Temple of anointed (1 Cor 3:16).
    So we see that the symbolic prophecies in Ezekiel regarding the "elders of Israel" burning incense within the temple, is certainly considered by God as an abomination, as well as the rebellion of the governing priests who dare to place them there (Ezek 43:6-9; 2 Chron 13:9

    This offense is alive and well today, as the governing body of the Watchtower has arranged for not - anointed elders to usurp God's chosen priests, perform their exclusive duties, and throw out any of them that protest this abominable disrespect toward God and His Holy Temple. (Heb 12:22-25,21,28,29; 1 Cor 3:17)

    The Disgusting Thing


    If the elder only understood that his ability to “see” the organization for what it is, an idol and an enemy particularly against the anointed, (Rev 13:7; 20:9) he may perceive that it is by the grace of God that our eyes are opened to both the deceit and the idolatry practiced in the organization. (Isa 42:5-9) Perhaps he may then discern that God is listening to the prayers of those who question the false authority, of not only the Wild Beast from the Sea, but that of the Beast/false prophet that directs it. (Rev 13: 11-14) When God’s ancient nation of Israel sinned against His commandments, He removed His protection, allowing them to suffer the consequences of their choices, but not without warning them beforehand, of these consequences. (Neh 1:5-9; 2 Thess 2:9,10; Rev 13:8)

    Upon their frequent fall into sin, including abominations against His sanctuary, God’s prophets declared the need for Israel’s repentance. (Ps 74:1-3) Always, only a remnant submitted to repentance, turned away from their idols, and returned to God.  (Neh 9:13,26, 16-18,27; Lev 26:38,44; Isa 10:22; Zech 13:9; Rev 9:18; 11:3,7;13:15; Rev 12:11; 9:20,21)

    God has been patient with us. (Neh 9:30,31,33)  He hears the outcries of those oppressed, who are held spiritually captive to lies. (Ps 74:21)  (Col 2:8; Rev 13:10; Ps 10:12; 72:4; 146:7-9; Matt 17:11; Mal 4:5,6; 3:1-3)

    The Father and Jesus are responding to the repentant hearts who desire to know truth, by healing their spiritual blindness. (Deut 32:36; Isa 49:24,25; Luke 4:18; Rev 2:20; 3:18; John 9:6)

    Jesus is right here to lead us to the bountiful Marriage Feast – of feast of truth. (Isa 55:1,2; John 6:35; 14:6; Matt 22:8-10; Rev 22:17)

     The earth already shakes with the voice of God in judgment against these villains, through His servants Jesus sends. (Neh 9:29; Matt 13:41-43; Heb 12:25-27; Rev 11:1-3;6:7;22:12-16) 

    Soon, this judgment through God’s word, will culminate with their end.  (Eccl 3:17; Neh 9:34,35; Isa 42:1-4; Dan 7:21,22,11; 2 Thess 2:8,9; Rev 19:20; 20:10,15; Jer 23:29) (Rev 18:4-8; 10:5-7) 

    Christ's Return - When?



  12. Hello John,

    I think we were both surprised at who was on the other end of the call a few days back.  I believe it is very sad that the elders’ decision to mark a person as spiritually dead according to rejection of doctrine devised by men, is a divisive point, dictating whether JWs can speak to another who has left the organization. ( Matt 15:9;Eph 4:14; Heb 13:9; 2 John 1:9)  I don’t know if you are aware that I was disfellowshipped, not because I left God or Jesus Christ, or even because I had sinned; but for rejecting the doctrine of men – 1914 is one of them -  and I rejected an earthly organization as the way to salvation. (Acts 4:12; John 16:2,3; Heb 13:13; Rev 6:9-11; 11:1-3,7;13:15; 12:11) 

    Although, in a sense, I did sin for which I have asked for forgiveness.  I revered a man-made organization – an idol and rival against God Himself.  (Deut 4:23; Exod 20:1-5; 23:13; Isa 40:25; Rom 1:21-25; Acts 17:24,25, 29,30; Rev 13:1,2,4) I have learned since then, that the true “organization” of God is spiritual, and built on the Body of His Son, with anointed “living stones”.  (John 2:19-22; Matt 16:18; John 4:21-24; 1 Pet 2:4-10; 1 Cor 3:16; Rev 5:9,10)  Anything else, is a counterfeit.

    I have been told by a JW that in the 70’s/80’s, the leadership wanted to drop the doctrine of 1914, but they felt it would “shake the faith” of JWs in the organization. I was rather appalled at hearing this.  Your leaders are fully aware that 1914 is a lie, yet today they disfellowship those who reject this lie, that they must continue to promote.   Is this type of behavior for a servant of Christ, considered a righteous act? Should any wrong teachings be hidden from the members, just to save numbers, just to save the face of the organization, of an idol? (Jer 23:16; Matt 23:25-26; Luke 8:17)

     God’s word tells us that Jesus began ruling over his anointed Christian congregation in the first century, when he sat down at the right hand of God.  (Acts 7:55; 2:33; Luke 22:69; Heb 2:8; 8:1,2; Rev 3:21; Ps 110:1,2; 1 Cor 15:25) In fact the “Happiness” book, chapter 16, paragraph 13 agrees with this; yes, a little known fact that is overshadowed by a great big lie, that Jesus did not begin ruling until 1914. Each faithful anointed one must conquer Satan during their lifetime, as their fleshly life follows in the footsteps of Christ. Those that fail, those that reject Christ’s teachings, become the enemies put at the feet of Christ.  (Luke 22:31; 1 Thess 3:3,4; 2 Tim 4:5; Rev 12:10,11; 1 Cor 15:24-26)  

    Under the circumstances of our call, did you notice how quickly you felt the need to end it?  You could not speak the scriptures with me, without feeling inhibited. You could not hear me out, nor could you give your opinion.  Did we feel inhibited in proving to ourselves what was true when we first studied?  Why would it end now? Defending our belief based on truth, should never end, yet you and I could not have a normal conversation because you were aware that by doing so, your good standing in the organization and before its leadership, could be in jeopardy.    (John 8:31; 2 Cor 2:14-17;1 Pet 3:15; 2 Cor 10:3-6; Acts 17:11)  

    If something seems amiss spoken by an anointed “teacher”, we use God’s word to prove whether what is said, is from Jesus Christ, or whether it is from the hearts of men.  (Matt 7:15-20; John 15:1-8,16; Luke 6:45)  We are required by God and Jesus Christ, to do our research.  (Jer 5:31)  This is why Jesus asked the question, “who really is”, among his faithful slaves, the one slave whom he chooses – not someone chosen by men, or voted in  - to dispense spiritual food at the proper time. (Matt 24:45-51) This “slave” would be “inspired”, which your GB admit they are not.  This slave would produce food that “remains”, that never rots, never needing to be replaced with what is called, “new light”; which in actuality, is the discarding of failed teachings.  (Eccl 12:11-14; Jer 13:15,16; Isa 5:20; 50:10,11; Eph 4:14)

     As a steward or manager of God’s spiritual anointed house, this “slave” would gather provisions from all slaves in the house, since that is the job of any house steward. (Luke 12:42; 16:1,2; 1 Cor 12:28)  This isn’t done by the GB, is it?  Your “slave”, gathers “food” from their unanointed elder helpers and ignores the anointed servants of Christ, because their appointment is spiritual.  It cannot be discerned by men who rely on the physical. There is no faith in God’s spiritual choice, but only in the physical choice made by men.  (1 Cor 2:14)  Although,  JWs “trust” that the GB are anointed.  It is interesting where the trust must lie, and where the trust must end.  It ends will all other anointed ones.

    In the time of the end, the “man of lawlessness” “sets itself up” in the Temple of God. (2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1,2) You might want to refer to your “Insight” book, vol. 1 pp. 513-514, to comprehend who represent the spiritual Temple of God.  Doing some research should show you that it is God’s “living stones”, His called, chosen anointed priests.  (Isa 43:10; 1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; 2 Cor; Eph 2:20-22; Rev 5:9,10)  They, are the spiritual house of God, built on the foundation of Jesus Christ, the chief cornerstone, and the apostles and prophets. (Eph 4:1-16) It is a Temple of truth and wisdom from God. (Prov 9:1; Matt 11:19; John 17:17; Gal 2:9; Eph 1:17; 1 Tim 3:15)

    They only, are chosen as God’s holy people, His “saints”, not all JWs who join them, as the Wt. will have you believe.   But in 2017, “new light” by GB G. Loesch, is now saying that all JWs are part of God’s spiritual Temple. This sounds like Christendom, doesn’t it?   Are all JWs, priests and kings? (Mal 2:7; 1 Pet 2:5,9; Rev 5:9,10)  Will all JWs serve God and Jesus in “heaven”, and “on earth”?  (Gen 28:10-17; John 1:51; Rev 5:9,10)  Are they under the new Covenant promise, “Jerusalem above”? Are all JWs, the Bride of Christ?  (Gal 4:26; 2 Cor 11:2; Rev 22:17; 21:2,3)

    Why the need to change this seldom witnessed truth, after so many years?  Well, the elders now have full authority to rule and judge God’s anointed priests, even though elders are not anointed with Holy Spirit. (Rom 14:4) This should raise some red flags according to God’s word.   There is an article that describes Korah’s rebellious attitude when he tried to “secure the priesthood”, in Moses’ day.  w02 8/1 p. 10

    The Wt. explains what happened during that time period, and how many were killed for rejecting God’s choice of priests.  Then, the article continues to say,

    Representing the royal priesthood are appointed elders, who serve in positions of responsibility in congregations of Jehovah’s people around the earth. These men deserve our respect and wholehearted support, whether they are of the anointed or not. Why? Because, through his holy spirit, Jehovah has appointed the older men to their positions. (Hebrews 13:7, 17) How can that be? Paragraph 18

    Yes, how can that be?   Can you imagine Jesus telling his called priests of “Israel”, who have received the “circumcision of the heart”, to remove their symbolic royal garments and step down from being his priests?  Would Jesus say, “hand your royal robes over to the elder body” –  to “uncircumcised” spiritual “Gentiles”. God has never poured out His spirit into the hearts of men who desire to “secure the priesthood” and remove their daily sacrifices.  (Dan 8:12; 12:11; Rev 11:2)  (Rom 2:28,29; 5:5; 1 John 2:27)  Can you imagine Jesus saying, ‘listen to these unanointed men, they have been given authority over you with the ability to judge your spiritual stand, before me.’ (Rom 6:16)  It sounds blasphemous, and never would have occurred in the first century.   (Gal 1:10)  (Isa 63:18; Dan 8:24)

    There is no time in the history of God’s people where His anointed priests were to be replaced or removed.  This was an abomination, a “disgusting thing” to occur in God’s sanctuary, if anyone but His priests were to enter it. And if any unauthorized person did, they were to be killed. ( 1 Samuel 13:9,10,11,13,14; 2 Chronicles 23:6,7; Numbers 3:10; 18:7; Ezek 44:5-9,16; 2 Chron 13:9) (Jer 7:30; Matthew 24:15; Isa.63:18; Daniel 11:31; 2Thess.2:4; Rev.11:2-3; Joel 1:13,15; Eze.33:29)

     But, notice what the article continues to say -  

    Rather than challenge their authority, we truly appreciate our hardworking elders! Their record of faithful service, often over many decades, inspires our trust.”  Paragraph 20

    Where does this authority come from?  Do you really believe it comes from God? Why give the example of Korah, only to turn around and commit the same abomination, making it clear that the organization’s stand “cannot be challenged”?  Is the organization, on the same level as God? Is it superior to God? Are the words of false teachers more important than God’s word? (Matt 24:24,25; 1 John 4:1)

    “He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power.”  Dan 8:25

    If we read the scriptures, we see that the abomination standing in the “holy place”, which is God’s Temple, is where the anointed are found, in the organization. (Matt 24:15,16)  Every JW should question why the GB allow this. Yet, the power of men, and their word is much stronger in the JW mind, than the power of God’s word. 

    Is this how you feel?

    Have you noticed how elders must be “honored” in the congregations?  What is said about the anointed?  Are you aware that they must not “bond” together to study the Bible as a group?  Notice how they use cutting, sarcastic language in the magazine, about their meeting as one body under their Head, Jesus Christ: 

    “In addition, anointed Christians do not view themselves as being part of an elite club. They do not seek out others who claim to have the same calling, hoping to bond with them or endeavoring to form private groups for Bible study. (Gal. 1:15-17) Such efforts would cause divisions within the congregation and work against the holy spirit, which promotes peace and unity”  Wt 16/1/24, pp. 22-27

    I implore you to read what the apostle Paul admonished Christ’s members to do. (Matt 18:20; 1 Cor chapter 12; Eph 4:3-13) He stated it would be working against the Holy Spirit if there was no union between the anointed priestly members of Christ’s Body.  Do you see how your leaders have lied to promote the elder body, over the anointed “living stones” of Jesus’ Body?

    Does anyone stop elders from gathering, or the GB?  They do so on a regular basis, but it isn’t allowed for God’s anointed priesthood – the dwelling of His Holy Spirit. (1 Cor 3:16; 17; Heb 8:10) This is evidence that the “man of lawlessness”, with the direction of the GB, has trampled down God’s holy people in the last days. (2 Thess 2:1-4) It is not the UN, or a “coalition of nations” to come, because Jesus said the coming of the Kingdom does not come with observation played out among the nations of the world; it involves his anointed under covenant with him.  (Luke 7:20,21)  Daniel and Revelation speak of an arrogant, deceiving Beast that “makes war” with the “saints” in the last days. This war is a war of words, promoted by false teachers/prophets whose demonic intent is to “deceive the elect”. (Matt 24:24,25; Col 2:8; 1 Tim 4:1; Rev 13:10, 5-7)   This is “inhouse”, where a great army of “Gentile” elders have wiped out/overcome a spiritual people – God’s chosen “Israel”, with a “flood” of lies.  (Rev 12:15; 16:13-16)

    If you perceive how the anointed have been downtrodden, if you can see that God’s spiritual temple has been polluted by “Gentiles”, you are to flee. (Matt 24:15,16)   Within each anointed heart, a token of Holy Spirit was given them. (Matt 25:14-30)  As a united body under Jesus Christ, they are to teach the people truth, just as they were assigned to do in the early temple arrangement and just as they did in the first century. (1 Pet 2:5,9,10; Heb 13:15)  They are to teach God’s word in Christ. (Mal 2:7) Instead, they regurgitate what a wicked slave demands, which are lies about God’s word, and about them.  (Rev 13:16,17)  The token of truth, given at their anointing, has been thrown to the ground in the organization.   (Dan. 8:11,12,24)  Evidence already shows a spiritual famine exists in the Watchtower.  (Amos 8:11; Rev 18:8)

    We have another yet spiritual fulfillment of Luke 21 –

    “As for what you see here, the time will come when not one (“living”) stone will be left on another; every one of them will be thrown down.”

    “Teacher,” they asked, “when will these things happen? And what will be the sign that they are about to take place?”

    He replied: “Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is near.Do not follow themWhen you hear of wars and uprisings, do not be frightened. These things must happen first, but the end will not come right away.  “But before all this, they will seize you and persecute you. They will hand you over to synagogues and put you in prison, and you will be brought before kings and governors, and all on account of my name13 And so you will bear testimony to me14 But make up your mind not to worry beforehand how you will defend yourselves. 15 For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict. 16 You will be betrayed even by parents, brothers and sisters, relatives and friends, and they will put some of you to death. (disfellowshipping) 17 Everyone will hate you because of me. 18 But not a hair of your head will perish. 19 Stand firm, and you will win life.”

    I work with anointed ones who have been spiritually “killed”/disfellowshipped for exposing the GB’s lies, false predictions and sins. (Rev 11:1-3)  Because I have a connection with you and XXX, I send this letter and another written by an anointed one.  Her letters are being circulated world-wide.  I hope that you will research the scriptures I have given you, (I apologize if I have written some down in error) and I hope you take it to heart that JWs and God’s holy priesthood are in peril.  Rev 18:4-8 can apply to those who are with the anointed in the organization.   Your “harlot” leaders will pay for their sins, their lies, and for allowing the Temple of God to be trampled. (Rev 17:1-6; 19:20) But before this, the Governing Body will be removed by its own organization. (Rev 17:12,13,15-18)   These spiritual Harlots who have left their covenant in Christ, and who “beat” their fellow slaves, will be disfellowshipped.  (Matt 24:48-51)  Know then, that there is only one symbolic “hour” left, before the eighth king/organization will go down.  I pray that you are not part of it, when that day comes.  (2 Thess 2:3,4,8)

  13. 3 hours ago, BroRando said:

    So the pummeling of pestilences we SEE  today, 

    Now when he was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, he answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with things that can be observed"     Luke 17:20

    "with observation".  You are observing the physical easy to SEE, signs.  

    3 hours ago, BroRando said:

    This is Really Good News for the obedient and the faithful in rejoicing, for Jesus adds the words: “But as these things start to occur, raise yourselves erect and lift your heads up, because your deliverance is getting near.” (Luke 21:28)


     Rev. 6:8 - "And I looked, and behold, a pale green horse, and the one seated on it was named Death, and Hades followed after him. And authority was granted to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill by the sword and by famine and by pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth."

    Sword - God's inspired word.  Eph 6:7; Heb 4:12  

    Famine - the absence of spiritual food.   Amos 8:11 - Look, the days are coming,” declares my Lord Yahweh, “when I will send a famine in the land, not a famine for bread and not a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of Yahweh!"

    Pestilence - that word represents "death".  Without the food that Christ provides, we die.  John 6:51

    None of the signs of the end will be literally "observed" as declaring the coming of the Kingdom of God.  They must be spiritually discerned as Jesus said.  Satan's world provides the literal. 1 John 5:19  And the Kingdom will not be born from whatever happens in his unclean world, whatever show Satan will distract us with.  Job 14:4

     nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.”  Luke 17:21

    "So he answered and said to them, “When evening comes you say, ‘It will be fair weather because the sky is red,’ 3 and early in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy weather, because the sky is red and darkening.’ You know how to evaluate correctly the appearance of the sky, but you are not able to evaluate the signs of the times. 4 An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, and a sign will not be given to it except the sign of Jonah!” And he left them and went away."  Matt 16:2-4

    Any of us can "evaluate" what's happening in the world as  earthquakes, wars, famines and pestilences, take place; but only those who are the "spiritual man", have the ability to evaluate the signs of the times.  (1 Cor 2:14)

    A Hidden Famine, A Hidden Feast



  14. 13 minutes ago, Matthew9969 said:

    And God separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night.


    19 minutes ago, Matthew9969 said:

    And I can't help but wonder if this is in any way related to the importance of water throughout the bible.

    How right you are!

    So Jesus said to them, “Yet a little time the light is with you! Walk while you have the light, so that the darkness does not overtake you! And the one who walks in the darkness does not know where he is going.  While you have the light, believe in the light, in order that you may become sons of light.” Jesus said these things, and then he went away and was hidden from them.  John 12:35,36

    Those scriptures are just some that can be compared!  We have the separation of the light and darkness in this time period of the end.  The Spirit of God hovers over the water - living water from Christ.  Yet, there is also a poisoned water offered by false teachers of darkness,  inspired by the spirit of demons.  1 Tim 4:1; Rev 8:10,11.  This same fallen star has the key to the abyss/darkness and allows her army out to harm, to torture those unsealed ones with lies.  Rev 9:1-4

    I suppose one could write pages on what you are proposing.  We have the spiritual fulfillment of "creation", and a spiritual "new heavens and new earth" coming.  2 Pet 2:13  It involves people and their spiritual hearts.  


  15. 40 minutes ago, BroRando said:

    Because hyprocites use his Name while they deny the meaning of his name to decieive others.  Even trinitarians do this. They claim Jehovah is a made up name, all the while claiming to beleive in Jesus.  The Bible is filled with Names that bear witness to Jehovah.

    You must not have read the "Divine Name" Brochure printed by your organization.


    How Is God's Name Pronounced?

    The truth is, nobody knows for sure how the name of God was originally pronounced. Why not? Well, the first language used in writing the Bible was Hebrew, and when the Hebrew language was written down, the writers wrote only consonants, not vowels. Hence, when the inspired writers wrote God's name, they naturally did the same thing and wrote only the consonants.

    While ancient Hebrew was an everyday spoken language, this presented no problem. The pronunciation of the Name was familiar to the Israelites and when they saw it in writing they supplied the vowels without thinking (just as, for an English reader, the abbreviation "Ltd." represents "Limited" and "bldg." represents "building").

    Two things happened to change this situation. First, a superstitious idea arose among the Jews that it was wrong to say the divine name out loud; so when they came to it in their Bible reading they uttered the Hebrew word 'Adho·nai' ("Sovereign Lord"). Further, as time went by, the ancient Hebrew language itself ceased to be spoken in everyday conversation, and in this way the original Hebrew pronunciation of God's name was eventually forgotten.

    In order to ensure that the pronunciation of the Hebrew language as a whole would not be lost, Jewish scholars of the second half of the first millennium C.E. invented a system of points to represent the missing vowels, and they placed these around the consonants in the Hebrew Bible. Thus, both vowels and consonants were written down, and the pronunciation as it was at that time was preserved.

    When it came to God's name, instead of putting the proper vowel signs around it, in most cases they put other vowel signs to remind the reader that he should say 'Adho·nai'. From this came the spelling Iehouah, and, eventually, Jehovah became the accepted pronunciation of the divine name in English. This retains the essential elements of God's name from the Hebrew original.

    Different scholars have different ideas about how the name YHWH was originally pronounced.

    In The Mysterious Name of Y.H.W.H., page 74, Dr. M. Reisel said that the "vocalisation of the Tetragrammaton must originally have been Y e HuàH or YaHuàH."

    Canon D. D. Williams of Cambridge held that the "evidence indicates, nay almost proves, that Jahwéh was not the true pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton . . . The Name itself was probably JAHÔH."?Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (Periodical for Old Testament Knowledge), 1936, Volume 54, page 269.

    In the glossary of the French Revised Segond Version, page 9, the following comment is made: "The pronunciation Yahvé used in some recent translations is based on a few ancient witnesses, but they are not conclusive. If one takes into account personal names that include the divine name, such as the Hebrew name of the prophet Elijah (Eliyahou) the pronunciation might just as well be Yaho or Yahou."

    In 1749 the German Bible scholar Teller told of some different pronunciations of God's name he had read: "Diodorus from Sicily, Macrobius, Clemens Alexandrinus, Saint Jerome and Origenes wrote Jao; the Samaritans, Epiphanius, Theodoretus, Jahe, or Jave; Ludwig Cappel reads Javoh; Drusius, Jahve; Hottinger, Jehva; Mercerus, Jehovah; Castellio, Jovah; and le Clerc, Jawoh, or Javoh."

    Thus it is evident that the original pronunciation of God's name is no longer known. Nor is it really important. If it were, then God himself would have made sure that it was preserved for us to use. The important thing is to use God's name according to its conventional pronunciation in our own language.



    It is very hypocritical for you to say that anyone who doesn’t use the name “Jehovah” when speaking of the Almighty God our Father, that they are not showing reverence for Him or Jesus Christ...when no one knows the original pronunciation of God’s name, as your own organization tells us.



  16. 4 hours ago, BroRando said:

    I guess since Jesus means 'Jehovah is Salvation' yo must also claim Jesus is a fraud also?

    If I thought Jesus was a fraud, why would I continually refer to his teachings?

    4 hours ago, Witness said:

    What is more important, God's word - the doctrine of Jesus Christ -  or the words of men who don't seem to know the importance of the sound doctrine of Jesus Christ, and the necessity to adhere to only his doctrine.  


  17. 3 hours ago, Witness said:

    At that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not ....


    This appears to be valuable information, more valuable than the word of God.  

    Titus 2:21 - "You, however, must teach what is appropriate to sound doctrine."

    Titus 1:9 - "He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it."

    Looks like the GB is opposing sound doctrine with their dictatorial scare tactic.  They are essentially, opposing the word of God.  

    1 Tim 6:2-5 "This is the sort of thing you should teach, and if anyone tries to teach some doctrinal novelty which is not compatible with sound teaching (which we base on Christ’s own words and which leads to Christ-like living), then he is a conceited idiot! His mind is a morbid jumble of disputation and argument, things which lead to nothing but jealousy, quarrelling, insults and malicious innuendoes—continual wrangling, in fact, among men of warped minds who have lost their real hold on the truth but hope to make some profit out of the Christian religion."

    There it is.  What is more important, God's word - the doctrine of Jesus Christ -  or the words of men who don't seem to know the importance of the sound doctrine of Jesus Christ, and the necessity to adhere to only his doctrine.  

    At the end of the day in Wt. land, the words of men out rule the words of God and Jesus Christ.  Just watch, the majority of JWs will follow the impractical, when told to.  

  18. On 11/30/2021 at 8:22 PM, Pudgy said:




      16. Who today are represented by (a) Jerusalem’s citizens (b) “the Assyrian” (c) the seven shepherds and eight dukes?

      16 .... (2) When “the Assyrian” attacks, the elders must be absolutely convinced that Jehovah will deliver us. (3) At that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not ....



    Notice that this "life-saving direction" comes from the organization, and not from God.

  19. 18 hours ago, Witness said:

    Daniel 7 talks about the fourth Beast, which is Revelation’s Wild Beast of the Sea.

    I just read over this.  I apologize for the punctuation errors.  

  20. 2 hours ago, BroRando said:

    Like your girl squad who tries to seize the priesthood by slaming Jehovah and his Christ.

    When Hebrew was transliterated into Latin, it was transliterated Iehouáh because there is no J, Y, or V in Latin.  

    You yourself claim "The use of (J) and or (Y) is most appropriate"

    Those who reject and insult the use of Jehovah, also do the same to the names that bear witness to Jehovah. For instance, Jesus means 'Jehovah is Salvation.' Yet many oppose the name of 'Jesus' who is Jehovah's Christ. 


    "Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah." Deuteronomy 6:4

    "Look! My servant, whom I support! My chosen one, whom I have approved! I have put my spirit in him; He will bring justice to the nations." Isaiah 42:1

    • Jesus is Jehovah's Servant
    • Jesus was Chosen by Jehovah
    • Jesus was Approved by Jehovah
    • Jehovah put his spirit into Jesus
    • Jesus as King of God's Kingdom will bring justice to the nations


    I think you've got your people and which topic your commenting on, a little confused.

  21. On 6/20/2021 at 11:40 PM, BroRando said:

    The conquest of Jesus Christ isn't over just yet, the War of Almighty God continues: "Now as soon as the 1,000 years have ended, Satan will be released from his prison, and he will go out to mislead those nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Maʹgog, to gather them together for the war. The number of these is as the sand of the sea." (Rev 20:7-8)


    On 6/20/2021 at 11:40 PM, BroRando said:

    'Next, the end, when he hands over the Kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power.' (1 Corinthians 15:24) It's at this point that, Jesus Christ can once again make the claim, "It has been accomplished!" He will have finished his conquest to the full, bringing mankind back to perfection as to the time of Adam and Eve's perfect condition prior to their willful sinning....

    Daniel 7 talks about the fourth Beast, which is Revelation’s Wild Beast of the Sea. (Rev 13:1,2)  Both accounts mention that it (as an organization, according to the Wt), “makes war with the saints”, with the anointed.  How? Through deceit, by a false prophet  demanding allegiance to it, and through the trampling of God’s temple by “Gentiles”, which the anointed are that Temple.  (Rev 16:13-16)  This false prophet directs/guides/rules over this Beast.  (Rev 13:11-14,7,18;11:1,2; 2 Thess 2:3,4; 1 Cor 3:16,17; 1 Pet 2:5:Eph 2:20-22) 

    It has made the decree that this Beast organization is “spirit directed”. (Rev 13:15)  No political organization in the world touts that it is spirit directed, except for one.  Eventually, the Beast removes the false prophet/spiritual Harlot. It can’t stand her sins any longer.  It will ‘hate the harlot, 'make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire’; which pretty much means the organization’s governing leaders will be ripped up one side and down the other.  Once the Harlot is gone, a symbolic “10 kings” (those anointed who should be following Jesus Christ, Rev 1:5; 5:9,10) “receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast.” (Rev 17:12)  Who else is part of this development, the “eighth” horn/king?  Well, who rules over the anointed?  Who “represent the royal priesthood”?  Who have the authority to judge the anointed? (Rev 17:11; Dan 8:9,11,12)

    So, at this point the "horn" is still waging war with the saints.  (Rev 17:14; Dan 8:23,24)

    Daniel 7:

    “I watched till thrones were put in place,
    And the Ancient of Days was seated;
    His garment was white as snow,
    And the hair of His head was like pure wool.
    His throne was a fiery flame,
    Its wheels a burning fire;
    10 A fiery stream issued
    And came forth from before Him.
    A thousand thousands ministered to Him;

    Ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him. (The sealed “144,000” )
    The court was seated,
    And the books were opened.”

    Time for judgment to come upon the Beast, and those within it, which includes the anointed who relinquished their royal heavenly authority, by giving it to the Beast.  They “worship” the Beast.  They have accepted its “mark”. The organization means everything to them, as their idol.   (Rev 13:4,16,17) They are the “foolish virgins” who continue to “buy” their oil/spirit/food from the false prophet.  (Matt 25:6-13; Rev 3:15-19; 13:17)

    “I watched then because of the sound of the pompous words which the horn was speaking; I watched till the beast was slain, and its body destroyed and given to the burning flame.”  Dan 7:11

    This is how Revelation reads it:

    “Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone.”  Rev 19:20

    Who captured the Beast?  We know that the Beast is the man of lawlessness (which “set itself up” in God’s Temple/"living stones", “standing where it doesn’t belong”.   (Rev 13:18; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Mark 13:14; 1 Pet 2:5,9)  We know that Jesus is the one who captures and destroys the Beast.

    “And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming.” 2 Thess 2:8

    At his return, the Beast and false prophet are thrown into the “lake of fire”, representing judgment by God’s word, which is compared to fire.  Jer 23:29  The lake of fire is not a literal place of burning.  It is judgment.

    Daniel tells us more of what happens during this time:

    “I was watching in the night visions,
    And behold, One like the Son of Man,
    Coming with the clouds of heaven! (the faithful heavenly anointed, Heb 12:1-3)
    He came to the Ancient of Days,
    And they brought Him near before Him.
    14 Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom,
    That all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him.
    His dominion is an everlasting dominion,
    Which shall not pass away,
    And His kingdom the one
    Which shall not be destroyed

    You are saying that Jesus doesn’t receivean everlasting dominion and glory and kingdom this kingdom, until a thousand years after Armageddon.  Not so according to Daniel.  He receives this after the Beast has been captured and thrown into the lake of fire. 

    “I was watching; and the same horn was making war against the saints, and prevailing against them, 22 until the Ancient of Days came, and a judgment was made in favor of the saints of the Most High, and the time came for the saints to possess the kingdom.

    “Thus he said:

    ‘The fourth beast shall be
    A fourth kingdom on earth,
    Which shall be different from all other kingdoms, 
    And shall devour the whole earth,

    (God’s “inhabited earth” referring to the anointed dwelling of God.  (John 14:23; Rom 8:9; 1 Cor 3:16; 6:19; 3:9; Eph 2:19)

    Trample it and break it in pieces. (Matt 24:15,16; 2 Thess 2:3,4)
    24 The ten horns are ten kings
    Who shall arise from this kingdom.
    And another shall rise after them;
    He shall be different from the first ones,
    And shall subdue (abase) three kings. (the same “three” kings that were “plucked out”/disfellowshipped by this beast/ organization (Dan 7:8; Rev 11:1-3,7;13:15)
    25 He shall speak pompous words against the Most High,
    Shall persecute the saints of the Most High,  Rev 13:5-7
    And shall intend to change times and law. (1914! 2034!)

    Then the saints shall be given into his hand
    For a time and times and half a time.

    26 ‘But the court shall be seated,
    And they shall take away his dominion,
    To consume and destroy it forever.
    27 Then the kingdom and dominion,
    And the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven,
    Shall be given to the people, the saints of the Most High.
    His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
    And all dominions shall serve and obey Him.

    These two Beasts, Gog and Magog, will not appear after Armageddon.  There is no more war after Armageddon, there is no chance these “saints” will be surrounded when they have received their kingdoms through this verdict, that happens when the Beast is captured and thrown into the lake of fire.  This is the end of all war.  (Rev 20:7-9) (Rev 21:4,5)  Do you see that all dominions shall serve and obey Him”?  There will not be a time of deceit (Rev 20:7,8) a thousand years into the Kingdom, when people will not serve and obey Him, even though your leaders teach it will happen. It teaches that many will fall, that they will be destroyed with Satan. They will have been deceived.  How can that be in a righteous  setting when the sheep and the goats have already been judged - ALL who have lived on this earth?   I remember being taught about the thousand years after Armageddon, and thinking, where did the promise of no more tears or suffering or pain go? 

    This is a prophesy in Daniel 7 after Revelation’s Beast is conquered;  and prophesies hold true: “ But the saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom, and possess the kingdom forever, even forever and ever.’  Dan. 7:18

    Again, this is when the Beast organization has been slain at the time of Armageddon. So, tell me, if these words are true, what good would it do to have Satan show up a thousand years later to “surround the saints” and deceive them?  They’ve already been proven faithful and victorious over Satan and his Beast. (Rev 15:2; 7:9,13-15)  They did not love their lives more than giving testimony of Christ in front of the Beast organization/elder body. (John 12:25; 16:1,2; Rev 11:7; 13:15; 6:9-11)  They will have already possessed the kingdom - forever.  (Rev 12:10,11). 

    The “thousand years” ended with the emergence of this deceitful Beast and the false prophet that propagated it.  (2 Pet 3:17; 1 Tim 4:1; Rev 8:10,11; 9:1-4; 20:3,7)

    You took 1 Cor 15 and cut it up to suit a false teaching. 

    1 Cor 15:23 - But each one in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, (all previous faithful anointed, James 1:18) afterward those who are Christ’s at His coming. > Those who gained victory over the Beast, are with Christ at his coming.

    1 Cor 15:24 - “Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power. “

    What is that kingdom that he delivers to God?  Look in the Happiness book, chapter 16, par. 13.   It truthfully states that Jesus began reigning over his anointed congregation/body since the first century.  (Ps 110:1,2)  He formulated his “kingdom” of faithful, sealed anointed “144,000” since then.    His “enemies” are the unfaithful “kings” who defied his teachings.

    That authority and rule that he puts an end to, also has to do with Jesus slaying the powerful Beast and his enemy the “false prophet”, that held authority and power over God’s holy people; the Beast from the Sea was slain “by the breath of his mouth”.  2 Thess 2:8

    1 Cor 15:25 – “For He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet. 26 The last enemy that will be destroyed is death.”   

    How does that occur?  Satan is thrown into the lake of fire where the beast and the false prophet are.  Rev 20:10

    But also, look what is happening further in Rev 20:11-14 after “Gog and Magog”/the false prophet and the beast organization of Rev. 13, have been thrown into the lake of fire:

    Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them.” Rev 20:11

    Compare this to Dan. 7:9 which speaks of the Ancient of Days sitting on His throne; and remember that Daniel tells us that this happens after the Beast is conquered at the time of Armageddon – not a thousand years into the Kingdom. 

    Rev 20:12,13 speaks of books being opened.  Compare this to Dan. 7:10 – books were opened. 

    1 Cor 15:26 - The last enemy that will be destroyed is death. 

    Compare:  Rev 20:13-15 - The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works. 14 Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death15 And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.”

    Gog and Magog are very active at “surrounding the saints” now.  Gog – an Israelite/ a fallen anointed of “Israel” – your GB.  Magog – the organization/man of lawlessness/Beast/elder body/army that “surrounds the saints” through deceit.  They “make war” using blasphemous words against God’s anointed holy people.    They judge them through disfellowshipping.   Remember, the elder body’s position as (counterfeit) priests “cannot be challenged”. 

    One more thing for any JWs who have read this far.  Since you comfortably accept the elder body’s role, without concerning yourself with Jesus’ feeling on the matter, consider this.  Can you imagine Jesus telling his called priests of “Israel”, who have received the “circumcision of the heart”, to remove their symbolic royal garments and step down from being his priests?  Would Jesus say, “hand your royal robes over to the elder body” –  to “uncircumcised” spiritual “Gentiles”. God has never poured out His spirit into the hearts of men who desire to “secure the priesthood” and remove their daily sacrifices.  (Dan 8:12; 12:11; Rev 11:2)  (Rom 2:28,29; 5:5; 1 John 2:27)  Can you imagine Jesus saying, ‘listen to these unanointed men, they have been given authority over you with the ability to judge your spiritual stand, before me.’ (Rom 6:16)  It is blasphemous, and never would have occurred in the first century.   (Gal 1:10)  (Isa 63:18; Dan 8:24)

    For this reason, the Beast organization is destroyed. 








  22. On 11/23/2021 at 7:33 PM, BroRando said:

    Why are you speeding up your own Destruction?  


    I thought of you when reading about this book, with the newest copy now available. I plan to buy it, and noticed it has your date on the cover, 2034.  You might be interested in reading it also, since it is about the history of the organization and its leadership.   What I noticed is the author's use of the word, "deceit" describing the organization as a whole.  We know that Jesus warned of false prophets/teachers in the last days that would deceive the "elect", the chosen priests of God. ( Matt.24:10,11; 1 Tim.4:1; Matt 7:15-20; Mark 13:5) Every date on the cover of this book misled the people who put trust in it.  And that is only a handful of dates that your organization projected with promise.  They are lies.  Shouldn't we question the honesty of those who tell such lies?  (John 8:44)

    We know that an organization was predicted to "make war" with God's holy peopled through the use of deceit. (Rev 13:5-7)  It is directed by false prophets who expect allegiance to the their "spirit-directed organization".  (Rev 13:4,11,12,15,16; 19:20)

    The aspects of war happens when one is taken captive by empty philosophy - deceit.  (Ezek 22:23-29; Acts 20:29-31; Col 2:8; Rev 13:10)  It continues when one rejects the deceit and speaks out against it. And then, that person is disfellowshipped - considered spiritually  dead.  (Rev 13:15;11:1-3,7)  Jesus said those who are excommunicated from the "synagogues"/congregations, don't know the Father and the Son. (John 16:1-3)  So you see, you are stuck, totally immobile on a word created by men, and how it sounds - "Jehovah".  And for that, you feel anyone who doesn't use it, who doesn't verbalize it, is to be destroyed.  That is not how God or Christ judges people.  He judges them on the truth in His Word. (John 17:17)   If one truly knew God and His Son, would he dare follow in the footsteps of leaders who have a history of false predictions?  

    False prophets, men who set dates for the destruction of the world, have much to answer for, when Christ returns.  (Matt 7:26; 12:37)  I am not your judge, as you appear to be mine.  I only hope that you wake up and realize the error of your way, before Christ returns.  (Jer 17:10; Joel 3:12; James 4:12)

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