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Posts posted by Witness

  1. 28 minutes ago, Witness said:

    Will the Kingdom arrive if the Temple is incomplete?  Will any anointed one be sealed into it, if they obey men over Christ? 

    Then the captain went with the officers and brought them without violence, for they feared the people, lest they should be stoned. 27 And when they had brought them, they set them before the council. And the high priest asked them, 28 saying, “Did we not strictly command you not to teach in this name? And look, you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this Man’s blood on us!”

    29 But Peter and the other apostles answered and said: “We ought to obey God rather than men.   Acts 5:26-29

    Jesus is our High Priest, and the Head over His anointed Body of priests.  Scripture does not support their obedience to 8 men pretending to be "faithful and discreet",  or to a "Gentile" army that God has not declared as his priests.  

  2. 47 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    This is true of anyone running any sort of substantial organization 

    ...in Satan's realm.  Phil 3:19

    48 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    This is because ‘you must not muzzle the ox while it is threshing’

    You are saying they are inspired and are receiving nourishing guidance from the Holy Spirit, in order to teach others truth?  1 John 2:20

    48 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    This is because you have to go see work that you are overseeing

    Yes, to take care of their earthly treasures.  Col 3:2

    51 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    This is because they may not know their way around. It will hardly do to arrive late at the meeting to direct kingdom interests because you took a wrong turn at the Seven Eleven.

    Humorous.  "kingdom interests".   Again, you are referring to earthly treasures.  Matt 6:19-21

    1 John 2:15 -  Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

  3. 2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Any remark about the worldwide united preaching campaign that the GB has organized and coordinated prompts nothing but derision from you, so that one wonders whether you think proclaiming the kingdom is even a good thing—maybe the kingdom is in our hearts

    Such clarity.  You speak truth - this preaching campaign has been organized by men.  If it was from God, wouldn't you give Him the credit?  One hundred years, that's it.  Before that, the faithful anointed "preached" by following Christ's sole direction for whatever time period they lived in - in "spirit and in truth".  John 4:23,24  

    2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    I don’t even mention that a tiny number of humans will one day be part of the heavenly government. Few care. It is not a primary concern for most people. For you it appears to be the ONLY concern, but for most people the hope of everlasting life on earth is what grabs them. That there will be some humans to rule as kings with Christ in heaven is a detail for most people to be filled in later. 

    It is not as small as the organization claims it is.  It is clear that the number “144,000” is symbolic, represented by “24” elders Rev 4:10,11  The word “thousand” in Hebrew specifies a large, innumerable amount. We can’t put a definite amount on “144,000” when this number has deep symbolic meaning; standing primarily as truth.    The completion of God’s Temple requires the last “stones” to be sealed.  Zech 4:9,10

     “New Jerusalem” “coming down out of heaven means the completed Temple of God made of “living stones” will walk among all of Gods children.  And so will Christ.  Rev 21:1-4; Heb 1:6; Gen 28:12; John 1:51 

    Will the Kingdom arrive if the Temple is incomplete?  Will any anointed one be sealed into it, if they obey men over Christ? 


    2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Few people are overly concerned about the intricacies of government. 

    Rev 11:1-3:  Then I was given a reed like a measuring rod. And the angel stood, saying, “Rise and measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who worship there. But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles.

    The “Gentile” elder body rules over the anointed temple/holy city of God.  1 Cor 3:16,17; 2 Thess 2:3,4

    “ And they will tread the holy city underfoot for forty-two months. And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.”

    “Two” represents truth.  John 8:17 What do they prophesy about?  The “Gentiles” ruling over/trampling down the anointed priesthood. Matt 24:15  This is their focus, and what they reveal by the power of Holy Spirit.

    And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming.  2 Thess 2:8 

    It is unfortunate that your eyes are not open to see the sins of God’s people. Many do see it, and have left the organization. Many seek out the authentic Zion.   They understand the warning of Matt 24:15,16 to flee.  They understand that “my people” referred to in Rev 18:4-8 are God’s anointed living stones (Isa 43:10; Hos 2:23; 1 Pet 2:5,9), and recognize God’s wrath is about to be seen.  All who reside within the "city,  are in peril. 

     I suppose you may comprehend something is going on, once the governing body is removed by the organization in an effort to save their reputation as a “clean” organization.  Rev 17:12,13,15-17   Hopefully, all who yearn for truth will have left by then.  

    This declaration by the “two witnesses” is the end time preaching given to “Israel”, God’s chosen people, before the Son of Man returns.  Matt 10:23


    2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Plus, your incessant condemnation of the GB for any problems encountered today gives the impression that you think the Lord’s words are wrong—

     Jesus gave two possible outcomes in his parable of Matt 24:45-51.  His words are never wrong. 





  4. 4 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    I get the sense of of eavesdropping on a family feud,

    “Family feud” is a crude way to express it, but you are not far off base. 

    In Revelation, the “kings of the earth” who battle against each other, are Christ’s anointed kings. (Rev 1:5; 5:9,10)

     It is a spiritual battle, with spiritual weapons  – truth against lies. 2 Cor 10:3-6; Eph 6:11-17;Rom 12:21

    And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet14 For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.  Rev 16:13-14

    Where are the anointed kings of the earth gathered?  In an organization (beast), under the direction of a false prophet (GB).

    “three” – 666

    666 – the “Man of Lawlessness”, which is the Beast. 

    “The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 

    Not only is the Great Tribulation and  Armageddon a spiritual war being fought now  between the “kings of the earth”, it is a time of restoration and cleansing for God’s priests who submit to Christ.  Mal 3:1-3; Matt 17:11; 25:6; Rev 3:8; 11:1-3

    4 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    There is something very strange about these constant vitriolic complaints with intermittent warnings that ”JWs, this means your lives.”

     For instance, we need to guard against succumbing to apostasy, a sin that would make us unfit to glorify God. (Deut. 13:6-9) Let us therefore have nothing to do with apostates or anyone who claims to be a brother but who is dishonoring God. This should be the case even if he is a family member. (1 Cor. 5:11) We are not benefited by trying to refute the arguments of apostates or those who are critical of Jehovah’s organization. In fact, it is spiritually dangerous and improper to peruse their information, whether it appears in written form or it is found on the Internet.— WT 12/5/15

    Apostates and other deceivers may attack the organization. (Titus 1:10) Even if what they say seems to be true, do not be “quickly shaken from your reason.” (2 Thessalonians 2:2) Follow the advice Paul gave to Timothy: “Continue in the things that you learned,” and remember “from whom you learned them.” (2 Timothy 3:14, 15) Think about all the evidence that proves that you can trust the faithful slave whom Jehovah has used for almost a hundred years now to teach us the truth.Matthew 24:45-47; Hebrews 13:7, 17. Wt 17/7 p. 31,32

    "truth"...excluding, "Beliefs Clarified"

    Yes it is a battle between the "kings of the earth" who speak either (authentic) truth...or lies.  





  5. 15 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    All things being equal, the present GB members are just as likely as anyone else to be mistaken in their belief that they are anointed. But all things are not equal, and this is why the present arrangement of the GB comprising the slave in its totality is such a good one. They have been tested for decades prior to being invited as a GB members. They have spent a life-time in full-time service to God. Most of them have served in settings more lowly than those of the ones they are later to lead. They have proven their humility and their ability to get along, working shoulder to shoulder with Christians from all backgrounds.

    There are two aspects that an anointed one must face.

    As “Ambassadors of Christ”, they are submitted to the same testing by Satan, with the same offers presented to Jesus.

    Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded [permission] to sift you like wheat  Luke 22:31

    He has control over the world and its influential abilities to mislead all of us.  What are the offers he places before God’s priests?

    Here’s one:

    Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.”  Luke 4:7-5

    Authority, and glory; and along with that, the riches that come with it.  From a “high mountain”, Satan showed his dominance over everything that could be seen. From the pinnacle of the “mountainlike organization”, who show their dominance above their brothers?

    How would we know if an anointed one “falls” for that offer; falling away from their place in the Temple of God?  (1 Cor 3:16,17)

    “Then he brought Him to Jerusalem, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down from here.” Luke 4:9

    Jesus refused the offers and the challenge; and made it clear through his teachings that his kingdom is no part of this world.  This means, no part of commerce, of building an earthly organization, of any aspect of authority over others.  All of those features are sourced in Satan’s domain.

    The GB teaches that Jesus and the Father have worldly possessions, called “valuable things”; which to the typical JW, is every perspective that comes with “organization”.  Yet, where did Jesus say our “treasure”, our heart’s desire, should lie?  In Satan’s world? Luke 12:34  If “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above”, coming DOWN from God, why does the GB praise what they have accomplished with their hands in this world?  Why do they say these are gifts from God?  James 1:17 

    Can’t you see the contradiction?  Maintaining and building "earthly things" have become the "god of the belly" for WT's leaders.  Phil 3:19  

    God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands.  Acts 17:24

    He dwells in the hearts of the anointed ones.  1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22

    Have these men conquered “the world” as Jesus did?  Or, are they wrapped up in every feature of it, and on securing the life of their kingdom?  What do they spend their day doing?  A large part of it is dealing with lawsuits, investments, building, changing doctrine, and now dealing with repairing Anthony Morris’ perceived “worldly” reputation.  Did Jesus need body guards? Or, did he stand on his own, declaring truth to his people?   It has been documented that Samuel Herd has shown up at a convention with body guards. 

    Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.”  John 18:36

    Who was Samuel Herd ready to fight off?  Was he protecting his position over his earthly kingdom?  Was he worried over the safety of his physical life?  Was Jesus?  John 12:25; 6:27

    Can you really believe that these “Ambassadors of Christ” have been victorious over rejecting Satan’s worldly offers?  Can they actually say they were successful at it, and personally ‘threw him down’?

    Then I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, "Now the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, he who accuses them before our God day and night. Rev 12:10

    Whose “ambassadors” have they become?  Rev 8:10,11; 13:11

     You say that GB members have each been tested by faithfulness to years of service…to?  God?  Christ?  Or, the worldly organization?  Have their own people persecuted them as Jesus was persecuted?  Have they actually carried the cross (stake) of Christ? 


    Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. 25 For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. 26 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?  Matt 16:24-26

    To gain the “whole world” ( an apt and harmonious arrangement or constitution, order, government”)  is to accept the offer of authority, power and riches that come with the arrangement you have put your trust in.   Can you picture what it is, how excruciatingly difficult it is, to accept the persecuting path of Christ?  Remember, he died because his people wanted him dead. 

    Righteous are You, O Lord, when I plead with You;
    Yet let me talk with You about Your judgments.
    Why does the way of the wicked prosper?
    Why are those happy who deal so treacherously?

    You have planted them, yes, they have taken root;
    They grow, yes, they bear fruit.
    You are near in their mouth
    But far from their mind
    .  Jer 12:1,2

    How long has it been that the doctrine of who comprise “faithful and discreet slave” is now down to 8 men?  It was obviously established for their convenience, since they no longer feel obligated (if they ever did) to read any of the hundreds of letters written by anointed ones over the years, who may question their teachings.    Clearly, since Satan’s ministers appear as “ministers of light”, they have sealed themselves as the “wicked slave” of Matt 24:48-51

    The persecution suffered by Christ was the result of rejection by his people of that “world”. He warned his disciples that the day would come when they would lose their loved ones on account of his name, on account of truth; that they would be “thrown out of the synagogues” (congregations of “Jews”, Rom 2:28,29). John 16:2; Matt 10:35; Luke 12:53; Matt 5:11,12  The basis? For proclaiming Jesus, the teachings of Christ.  If the GB hasn’t been persecuted has Christ has, then they believe in their heart they are “greater” than Christ.  John 15:20  That appears to be Satan’s same thoughts.  Gen 3:15

    The GB has not experienced walking in the path of Christ.  The Beast/organization that the GB say is the UN, spiritually “kills” those who refuse to “worship”, bow down, to its authority over them. Rev 13:15 Will the day come that the UN will accomplish this to the anointed who speak in the name of Jesus?  That day is here, but it is through the “operation of error”/WT, which consistently disfellowships those who follow Christ. Although you speak of Christ as do your leaders,  why would anyone be labeled as “dead” from a disfellowshipping on behalf of the name of Christ?  Rev 12:11 It is for the refusal to revere an organization built in the realm of Satan, and for accepting the truth that Jesus’ kingdom is “no part of this world”. God’s Kingdom is no part of this world. 

    "But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.  For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the Spirit you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough."  2 Cor 11:3-4

    JWs have their "different gospel, and their kingdom, that they physical admire it and work with their hands and donations to support, as their leaders remind to do so; to live up to their dedication to “Jehovah’s organization”. Rev 13:1,2,4,7,8

     Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation;

    What does that mean to you?

     21 nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.”  Luke 17:20-21

    Just as you question my anointing as a temple priest in the Kingdom of God, you must question your “ministers of light” and their observable kingdom they have built in Satan’s world.  2 Cor 11:13-15



    Pearl Doxsey - "Labor Pains", 4womaninthewilderness









  6. 2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Or will it be an earth carved up into 144000 fiefdoms, with each anointed overseer ever sensitive to his fellow anointed trying to pull rank, trying to demonstrate that they are the greatest.

    You mean, like the Governing Body, who are assured of their "heavenly hope"?  Paul saw that in his time also.

    Now, brothers and sisters, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying, “Do not go beyond what is written.” Then you will not be puffed up in being a follower of one of us over against the other. 7 For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?

    8 Already you have all you want! Already you have become rich! You have begun to reign—and that without us! How I wish that you really had begun to reign so that we also might reign with you!  1 Cor 4:6-8

  7. 2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    It is entirely different from simply partaking in the Boise, Idaho congregation and then expecting that everyone will begin deferring to you on that account. 

    (In the event that there are any anointed in the Boise Idaho congregation, rest assured that I just pulled that location out of my hat.)

    Are you sure?  You've mentioned "Idaho" twice now.  Well, almost. 

  8. 56 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    The appeal would be with understanding scripture and not allowing our own understanding taint or cloud our own mind.

    I agree.  This is one reason why I brought up Korah's example and the GB's determination to wiggle around scripture:  


    58 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    Therefore, there is NO anointed one, present. Regardless how passionate one feels.

    Really, this doesn't surprise me, Allen.  I would not expect anything different from you.   We choose the "fruit" that appeals to the condition of our heart.  Matt 7:15-20; Luke 6:45

    "Let God be true, and every human being a liar.  As it is written:  "So that you may be proved right when you speak and prevail when you judge".  Rom 3:4

    "For do I now persuade men, or God?  Or do I seek to please men?  For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ".  Gal 1:10






    @TrueTomHarley  "Focus on the purpose of the anointing. They have a lot of work to do, if this verse is any indication."


    He's referring to 1 Pet 2:9:

    But you are “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation,+ a people for special possession,+ that you should declare abroad the excellencies”*+ of the One who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light - 1. Peter 2:9

    Srecko provided this quote:

    WTJWORG quote: Such adopted state brings benefits of freedom from “a spirit of slavery causing fear,” replacing it with the confidence of sons; of hope of a heavenly inheritance assured by the witness of God’s spirit. At the same time these spiritual sons are reminded by their adoption that such position is by God’s undeserved kindness and selection rather than by their inherent right.  https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/pc/r1/lp-e/1200271355/1/0

    “…of the One who called you out of darkness and into His wonderful light”

    “Such adopted state brings benefits of freedom from a “spirit of slavery causing fear”, replacing it with the confidence of sons; of hope of a heavenly inheritance assured by the witness of God’s spirit.

    Does this freedom from darkness, slavery and fear happen when a present or future anointed one has either just embraced the organization or been a seasoned member of it? 

    Or, like myself does it happen when one steps out of the organization, receiving confidence in Holy Spirit’s ability to aid me in doing God’ will?  I could still be in the organization, timidly denying and deliberately forgetting my anointing over the initial fear of unworthiness, and what those in charge may judge me as. Matt 10:28; Mark 8:35   After all, what elder would have been convinced that a young 25 year-old woman was anointed upon just entering the organization?   For over 30 years, the “token” of Holy Spirit that I and all anointed receive, was never appreciated. Where would that have put me when Jesus returns?  Would I have received eternal life for squandering away what should have been the start of the progression of knowledge and faith in God? Eph 2:8-10  How could I have imitated Christ when I rejected his Headship over me and substituted men to be that head, instead?  Eph 4:20,21; Prov 22:19; 2 Thess 3:5

    How many more in the organization are like me?

    “What is the spirit doing to a heart during anointment? (See Rom.2:29)
    The heart is being circumcised by spirit...being cleansed and inducted.
    The token in the heart is direct contact with Holy Spirit. It is like God touching you directly.
    What heart-felt emotion does this cause....What does that token in the heart feel like?
    That feeling highlights the truth of 1John4:8
    The token in the heart is an overwhelming flood of love as never experienced before...directly from God, as He chooses and cleanses your heart.
    This is separate from the progressive learning through Christ (imparted due to one's anointed identity)...also by virtue of the anointed designation and Holy Spirit.
    Those who are chosen, come under Christ's progressive teaching (Eph.4:20,21; Matt.13:12; John15:5; Rom.11:17). (Pearl Doxsey, “Holy Spirit at Work, The Token”)

    I did feel that overwhelming love; but I remained lost and oblivious to God’s purpose; not only for me personally, but ignorant of His full purpose for all anointed ones.  1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:19-22; Rev 5:9,10; Rev 22:1,2,17  Not far behind my experience, are the rest of the anointed priests in the organization.   Each one has received a special spiritual gift from God. Eph 4:11-13  Are these gifts used, or does God’s priesthood remain in the dark about their individual purpose God had set out for them?  Under both the GB and the “uncircumcised” elder body’s rule, they are to ignore what God has placed in their hearts. Rom 2:28,29; Dan 8:12; 12:7  The GB has no need of them, since a great counterfeit priesthood has taken their place. Matt 24:15; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1,2; Dan 11:31 The elders uphold the GB’s direction to insure the anointed are working individually, separate from each other; not to bond, not to join together as one body; which totally contradicts scripture. 1 Cor 12:24-26 They have perverted God’s Word to satisfy their lust for power.   Micah 3:9; Rev 13:11; 8:10,11    Cutting, sarcastic remarks such as the following, help herd them in the direction the GB want them to go…one of oblivion and servitude to what the leaders have devised and cherish, an earthly organization; a Beast with great power over God’s chosen ones.    Rev 13:1,2, 5-8

     All that I say, are not new points.  I’ve written them many times here; nothing has changed. If a person’s heart loves the organization built by men, over the organization of God,  built upon His Son (His Temple priesthood of “living stones” 1 Pet 2:5,9), nothing that I speak will make a difference in changing one’s heart to “see” the blasphemies committed by the Watchtower and its Harlot leaders.  Rev 13:6; 2:20 

    So anointed ones do not think that they are better than others. They know that Jehovah does not necessarily give anointed ones more holy spirit than he gives his other servants. And they do not feel that they can understand Bible truths more deeply than anyone else. Wt 16/11 p. 22

    They know and feel these things, do they?  Or, are they spoon-fed lies by a wicked slave who prefers to silence their opinion and any truth they may have in their heart? Matt 24:48-51

    IF they worked as one anointed Body directly following their only Head, Jesus Christ, what would they know?   Prov 4:18; 1 Cor 13:9,10; Rom 12:6; 1 Cor 12:12,13

    Each one would learn their purpose as GOD outlined for them; not the purpose of men, not as a “human message”.  2 Thess 2:13; Phil 1:6; Eph 4:13

    They would teach God’s laws to the people, “for the healing of the nations”.  Jer 23:32; 31:33;Ezek 44:23; Mal 2:7; Heb 8:10

    They would freely offer up sacrifices of praise to the one true God, not to the “mountainlike organization”.  Rev 13:4

    As one Body, they would come to “know all things”.  1 Thess 5:19; 1 John 2:27

    They would bear only good fruit “that remains”, sourced in the nourishing sap of the vine, Jesus Christ.  John 15:1-5,8,16; James 1:17; 1 John 4:1

    They would each shine the light of truth and love of Christ, for all in God’s spiritual House to benefit from, including all lovers of truth in Christ.  Ps 43:3; Matt 5:14-16; John 14:6 

    “…who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light” 

    The organization cannot emit the “wonderful light” from the Father and Christ, since it is a well-cloaked mechanism of slavery to men – a spiritual, strong, psychological attempt to win over the minds of it’s adherers, backed by evil intentions.  2 Thess 2:9-12; Rev 16:13,14  What is taught may sound so pleasing, so “nutritious”, but if one digs underneath the surface teaching; the very opposite is found.  If truth is spoken, what is practiced is not the truth that may have be verbalized.  Luke 12:1,2

    What are the “abc’s” of a psychological – in this case, spiritual – trap?  I’ve referred to this before:

    To grasp psychological entrapment we must first comprehend the simplest traps of all physical traps for animals. Animal traps are ingenious devices devilishly clever and efficient, and utterly sinister in their effect on their victims. What properties then make animal traps work?

     (If humans can devise such traps, how much more sinister would a trap devised by Satan turn out to be? Would it be perceived as a trap at first sight? Amos 3:5; 2 Cor 11:13-15)

    First of all an effective animal trap must be able to lure or to distract the quarry into behaving in ways which threaten its self-preservation.

    …A dedication to the organization on the premise of the false belief that salvation is obtained through such a commitment; while simultaneously convincing one that he is serving God whole-souled.  Deut 8:10; 30:17,181 Kings 12:28-31; Matt 6:24

    “Loyalty to God also includes loyalty to his organization.” 01/10/1 pg 20-23

    Can any JW provide a scripture to validate this claim?

    They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. Rom 1:25

    Second, an effective animal trap permits traffic in one direction only.

    …Just as a “live” trap secures the animal, any effort to escape the Watchtower can result in a spiritual “killing” – disfellowshipping. Rev 13:15  In essence, the comfortable cage that surrounds JWs, becomes the organization.   Col 2:8; Rev 13:10

    Incredibly, James 4:8a, Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

    translates into…”As we approach the universal war of Armageddon it is vital to stay close to Jehovah’s mighty organization. w72 6/1 p. 333

    “While Satan’s organization crumbles, the organization of Jehovah prospers marvelously under his protection and guidance.” w71 9/15 pp. 559-564 

    Well then, that is enough of a boast to keep a JW inside; to regulate the traffic flow going in and not out, of the organization.  Yet, are these statements really true?  The organization has crumbled in Russia, and is threatened with extinction in other countries as well. Numbers world-wide are decreasing.   Again, which organization is it, that belongs to Satan?  It is the one pretending to belong to God; the one promising you will prosper, while it crumbles around you.  This “mountain” will continue to reduce in size, while the true Mount Zion/God’s Temple of “144,000” will “fill the earth”.  Zech 4:7; Dan 2:35; (Rev 13:4,15); Rev 8;8 

    “When you see (“New”) Jerusalem (Rev 21:1,2) being surrounded by armies, (elder body/"man of lawlessness") (2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:2) you will know that its desolation is near. 21 Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those in the city get out, and let those in the country not enter the city. 22 For this is the time of punishment in fulfillment of all that has been written." Luke 21:20-22

    Third, an effective trap is often engineered so the quarry's very efforts to escape, entrap it all the more.

    …by using the threat of losing all knowledge of life one has known when rejecting the organization. This limits the range of one’s spiritual mobility, just the opposite of spiritual freedom necessary to “test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” 1 John 4:1

    For those anointed who reject this threat in order to bond with Christ and the Body, they are blessed with his protection; which is much stronger than any organization on earth can provide - no matter how large, how beautiful, how successful it appears in producing a “preaching work”, of their own making.  Zech 4:6,7; John 10:9,10

     Finally, an effective trap must be suited to the particular attributes of the quarry it is designed to capture.

    …by baiting it with true teachings, followed by a vow of exclusive devotion to the organization, regardless of what false doctrine develops over time.  Satan knows the anointed ones recognize truth aided by the Holy Spirit “deposit” given them when anointed.  He uses this knowledge to entrap the remaining ones of the woman’s seed during the last days, and eventually flood them with lies. Rev 12:15

    Some types of personal interactions are psychological traps for capturing people; they are remarkably similar to self-entrapment. Like animal traps, their effectiveness lies in the trapper's ability to lure the quarry into a course of action that leads to entrapment.

    The course of action taken by anointed and others, is dedication to the organization that requires whole-souled service. You must agree, your entire life is devoted to “Jehovah’s organization”   God does not have a share in the world’s endeavors. John 4:23,24  Simply, Satan has spearheaded his campaign of deceit against God’s saints, using his access and authority over the world.  Luke 4:7,8  God focuses on the faithfulness expected of His priests to serve Him and His Son. 1 John 5:1-5  However, He backs away and allows the demands of Satan to sift us as “wheat”, by presenting us with this ultimate deception. Matt 4:1; Luke 22:31;  2 Thess 2:9-12 To be found worthy, each anointed must be tested as Jesus was. How do you see this happening JW?   As you peer into the world for Armageddon to come and go as Satan desires you to do; from his other hand, he has placed the test right in yours , and right in the palm of the anointed priests.  We are either victorious in combating his deception and lies; or, we succumb to the power of men over us to support their counterfeit “Zion”.    It is the essence of the Great Tribulation and Armageddon. 

    The human motives leading to entrapment include greed, excessive ambition and the need to save face or to punish an adversary. Similarly, when our personal or professional life disappoints us and our efforts to achieve a turn-around do not pay off quickly enough, we may decide to justify the high cost by renewing our commitment and remain on the treadmill.

    What is the high cost of remaining on Watchtower’s treadmill?  Dear JWs, it can mean your life.

    At the end of the symbolic “thousand years”, which is now, Satan uses deceit to mislead the “saints” and those with them, into idolatry and submission to the rule of men.  This trap is an ‘ingenious device devilishly clever and efficient, and utterly sinister in its effect on the victim’.   The Watchtower even uses the term “deceit” to describe Satan’s tactics when he is let loose from the abyss; but naturally, they lead you to believe it is still to come. 

    Very clever. 

    For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.  Col 1:13


    Pearl Doxsey - "When are the full "144,000" completed?"  - 4womaninthewilderness blogspot






  10. 6 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    It’s a little difficult to partake of a meal when it is doused in vinegar. If she didn’t continually malign those taking the lead she might find me more receptive to her words.

    You really are a good writer.  I mean that sincerely.

    Here, is a meal doused with vinegar which your GB has a steady hand at applying, enough to cause a questioning heart to squirm. For the anointed, it should put their teeth on edge.


    W 02/8/1 “Loyally Submitting to Godly Authority”

    Who make up this royal priesthood today? The apostle Peter answers that question in his first inspired letter. To anointed members of the body of Christ, Peter wrote: “You are ‘a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession, that you should declare abroad the excellencies’ of the one that called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” (1 Peter 2:9) From these words it is clear that, as a group, the anointed footstep followers of Jesus make up this “royal priesthood,” which Peter also called “a holy nation.” They constitute the channel (old news, no longer) that Jehovah uses to provide his people with instruction and spiritual direction.—Matthew 24:45-47.

    They gave you 1 Pet 2:9 but not 1 Pet 2:5:
    you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

    Eph 2:20-22 describes the “spiritual house” as God’s Temple:

    “having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, 21 in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, 22 in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.”

    God is consistent in His ways.  The early temple only provided access to His priests. Ezek 44:6-9 No one was to replace them, no foreigner “uncircumcised” was allowed to enter God’s temple.

    When Korah tried to accomplish it, which the article speaks of, he, his comrades and family were killed.  If your leaders were serious about “loyally submitting to God’s authority”, they would not replace God’s priesthood, who are also the sacred Temple…with “foreigners” – the spiritually “uncircumcised” "Gentile" elder body, who also have the power to judge God’s Temple members as “dead”.   Rom 2:28,29; John 16:2; Rev 13:15

    This is vinegar poured out on God’s Word. 

    “Representing the royal priesthood are appointed elders, who serve in positions of responsibility in congregations of Jehovah’s people around the earth. These men deserve our respect and wholehearted support, whether they are of the anointed or not. Why? Because, through his holy spirit, Jehovah has appointed the older men to their positions.”

     Rather than challenge their authority, we truly appreciate our hardworking elders! Their record of faithful service, often over many decades, inspires our trust.”

    Would God suddenly change His mind about His established decrees concerning His “special possession”?  Or, would Satan try to influence God's priesthood to be ruled under a "lawless" decree obviously not based on scripture?  2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1,2

    Mount Zion is built with God’s living stones; not with the elder body, which have built the “temple” of men.  Rev 13:1,2,5-7; 14:1 

    "Didn't you banish the priests of the LORD, the descendants of Aaron and the Levites, and make your own priests like the peoples of other lands do? Whoever comes to ordain himself with a young bull and seven rams may become a priest of what are not gods.”  2 Chron 13:9



    Pearl Doxsey - "The Disgusting Thing Standing in a Holy Place"  Matt 24:15


  11. 4 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    It is still jumbled & incomplete. Are we to take from this that men not anointed cannot be highly spiritual & upright? 

    What? How would you hear of it other than whether they have partaken of the emblems? If others have witnessed it, do you doubt their reports? 

    Are you seriously suggesting that, in an organization that makes such a big deal about being anointed, the ones taking “control” of the worldwide organization would not partake of the emblems?

    And if they have, is there reason to doubt their calling any more than yours? I have never witnessed you partaking, either.

    I'll try to explain what I mean about who are "highly spiritual men" among the anointed.  

    Gerrit Losch, governing body member speaks on JW Broadcast, March 2018: 

    “So whom do you trust?  You fully trust in Jehovah, Jesus, and the “faithful slave”. 

    “This is not to say that the slave is perfect and never makes mistakes, but Jehovah and Jesus trust the imperfect slave who cares for things to the best of his ability AND WITH THE BEST OF MOTIVES.  Shouldn’t we then trust the imperfect slave as well?”

    “To appreciate the extent of Jehovah’s and Jesus’ trust in the faithful slave reflect on what he has promised its members. He has promised them immortality and incorruption. Soon, just before Armageddon the remaining members of the slave will be taken to heaven.

     “Since Jehovah God and Jesus Christ COMPLETELY trust the faithful and discreet slave, should we not do the same?”

    The rest of the anointed are  not considered part of the “faithful and discreet slave” as a result of “new light”.   How do you feel after reading this?  Do you trust the “faithful and discreet slave” aka “wicked slave” who believe they are most definitely going to heaven to rule with Christ, WHO WILL NOT  REVEAL THIS DECISION UNTIL HE RETURNS? Can uninspired men be given spiritual insight of their own destiny? Matt 25:21  What gives the GB the confidence to say they will “be taken to heaven”?  Prov 16:18   They have judged themselves as “righteous” and they easily judge their “brothers” under them as possibly not righteous. Rom 14:4

    “Do the other sheep need to know the names of all anointed ones still on earth today? No. Why not? Because it is not possible for anyone to know for sure that these ones will get their reward.  Wt 16/1 pp. 20-26

    Because of men’s doctrinal change, all anointed are not referred to as “faithful” and “discreet”, which is a twist of scripture to gain power over the anointed ones.  Matt 24:48-51   It has helped put doubts in the anointed mind of their calling, as well as anyone who may know them. 

    "So the number includes those who think that they are anointed but are not. For example, some who used to eat the bread and drink the wine later stopped. Others may have mental or emotional problems and believe that they will rule with Christ in heaven."  WT 1/16

     You must trust the GB, because you trust God and Jesus, but don’t trust any other anointed one as worthy of their “heavenly calling”. 

    Only spiritual unstable wicked men relishing power over others would expect us to place our trust in them, as we would trust God and Jesus.  

    Who then is "faithful and discreet"?  Who is spiritually stable?  Who receives their "heavenly reward"?  At this time, it appears only to be 8 men in power over Christ's slaves.  To make this claim proves they are head over the anointed congregation.  Only Christ is the Head of his Body and determines one's salvation.  Col 1:18

    “A lie is a false statement deliberately presented as being true – a falsehood.  A lie is the opposite of the truth.  Lying involves saying something incorrect to a person who is entitled to know the truth about a matter.  But there is also something called a half-truth.  The bible tells Christians to be honest with each other. Now that you have put away deceit, “speak truth”, wrote the apostle Paul at Eph 4:25.  LIES AND HALF TRUTH UNDERMINE TRUST”  Gerrit Losch




  12. 11 hours ago, Witness said:

    This is what baffles me.  Those anointed who rub shoulders with others in the congregation, can be scrutinized for their behavior. Their every action may be watched and judged.  However, concerning the GB, I have not heard of their anointing, ( maybe other people have); but it is assumed that they are because they have taken headship over the anointed Body.  

    What a jumbled, incomplete thought. 

    This is what baffles me.  Those anointed who rub shoulders with others in the congregation, can be scrutinized for their behavior, or whether they are really anointed. Their every action may be watched and judged.  However, concerning the GB, I have not heard of their anointing, ( maybe other people have); but it is assumed that they are  anointed because they have taken headship over the anointed Body; thus, It is also assumed that they are highly spiritual, upright men. 

  13. 9 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    I can agree that you, or someone else, may/should has some expectations. We all have some expectations from others, don't we? I guess that you have some expectations from GB too? Or from God himself? Surely, i guess, that you have some doubts about them/that too?! It is normal.

    This is what baffles me.  Those anointed who rub shoulders with others in the congregation, can be scrutinized for their behavior. Their every action may be watched and judged.  However, concerning the GB, I have not heard of their anointing, ( maybe other people have); but it is assumed that they are because they have taken headship over the anointed Body.  

  14. 12 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Fred, from the group home, would hug complete strangers in public. I

    I must add to that, dancing.  We went to a car show once, where Elvis tunes blared from the speakers, his favorite singer.  He danced and sung his way to each car and gained a hundred or so new friends, who hugged him in return. 

  15. 12 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    The question that a more humble person might ask is: “Are you questioning that I am anointed?”

    I said, "Are you questioning God's reason for anointing me?  I did, for my entire time as a JW."  

    As humility goes, I don’t see the difference, since I followed with, "I did"; but I must adjust what I said.  I questioned the anointing by reasoning that it couldn’t be; and eventually repressed the event for the many years I was in the organization.  I appreciate your examples, but I never lived those years as an anointed one.  I don’t know where you intend to place me among your examples.    I didn’t partake, ever.  I was a wallflower, very quiet and obedient to…the leadership, and my responsibilities as a servant’s wife.  After giving one talk on the school, I asked to be only a householder, which I can count only on one hand.  When at the door with another JW, I always asked that they take it.  I preferred to speak one on one with the householder and had no problem in doing so.  Once "awake", things changed.  It was not my intention to follow this course. It is God's.   What I have to say is not about me, as I've made clear before, but about the peril God's "saints" and those with them. are presently in.  Enough of what I've written here should make it clear.   



  16. 2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    I also worked with people with special needs. It was the most emotionally rewarding job that I have ever had,


    I enjoyed your account, Tom.  A “mentally retarded” individual came into my life when I was four years old.  As I grew older, I became his guardian, saving him from ignorant comments of bullies and searching the alleyways when he would wander off as a free-spirit.  As an adult, he never took to the meetings at the kingdom hall because no one used the sign of the cross.  He did though, love to give unexpected hugs to those who were not afraid of saying hello.  JWs generally gave him a wide berth, pretending that they didn’t see him.  I could never understand why.    Dementia can settle in when those with Downs get older.  His cognitive days are numbered now.


    This is way off topic, which is about the chief cornerstone of God's Temple.  I noticed that David Splane mentioned Christ as the chief cornerstone in his "promotion" talk, but never explained what it meant.  

  17. 56 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Never have I seen anyone so in love with the notion of instructing others, 

     Only two people have called me a teacher, (which by the way is a "gift" within the Body of Christ) - Pearl Doxsey, another anointed one, and you.  I, on the other hand, feel very IN-adequate at fulfilling my calling, if indeed, it is as a teacher; always questioning my accuracy in the scriptures and clarity.  I have never boldly told anyone that I was a "teacher" in the Body.   Holy Spirit compels an anointed one to do the Father's will, and in my case, it is to sound the truth and reveal the lies.    Rev 11:1-3; Zech 4:6 

    Perhaps, just perhaps there is a little bit of natural inclination to teach, after raising three sons, teaching special needs children and kindergartners.  :)   

  18. 55 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    And only after a single year in the JW organization! It took but a single year to claim the heavenly calling & to shortly thereafter know that everyone else was doing it wrong & that YOU could instruct the sheep better than they! It’s unbelievable!

    You have it all wrong. Yes, I was anointed that first year.  Are you questioning God's reason for anointing me?  I did, for my entire time as a JW.    Please go back to the link I provided you, to understand.  Please, this time read it.  And my last post was not lengthy in comparison to the initial post, keeping your impatience (no, you are not patient when it comes to reading scriptures) in mind.   Shouldn't you make sure you get your facts straight?

    55 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    I’m asking the questions here, ma’m. 

    Yes, you are.  But no one has told me I'm not allowed.  Remember, you were telling me that a "good teacher" uses questions....and doesn't provide the answer.  I await your comment.  

  19. 2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    “A patient man am I, down to my fingertips.

    The sort who never would,

    ever could 

    let an insulting remark escape his lips.”


    Really? An ordinary man, who desires nothing more than an ordinary chance, 
    to live exactly as you like, and do precisely what you want... 
    An average man you are, of no eccentric whim, 
    Who likes to live your life, free of strife, 
    doing whatever you think is best, for you

    I do see that in you.

    So, will you contemplate and meditate on the questions I asked and get back to me?

  20. 44 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    I didn’t say that.

    However, I have no such plans at present. Interaction on this thread is all that I have in mind right now. 

    Maybe something on my own blog as well, but if so, names will be changed.

    And possibly a few hundred million flyers printed up and dropped by blimp over major metropolitan areas. 

    Other than that, nothing at all.

    As you know, I am never mean-spirited. And whenever there are exceptions to that rule, it is only like tribulation that lasts ten days.

    Oh dear.  Watchtower blood is pulsing through your veins.  They also regularly contradict themselves.

    The speaker of your “special talk” asks,

    “What is the real life?  It’s life everlasting

    He quotes from the “What can the Bible teach us” book, page 203:

    In the future, we will live forever; not just for 70 or 80 years, we will enjoy everlasting life, in perfect health, peace and happiness in a beautiful paradise. 

    This is called bait, to draw new listeners in, get them baptized into the organization and then hit them hard with…

    Those misled by Satan the Devil after the millennial Judgment Day is over will follow this invisible chieftain who has just been released by Jehovah God from the abyss for the very purpose of letting him make an attack upon restored mankind.  
    ka chap. 9 pp. 147-162

    A “restored mankind”… who would be following God’s ways that He has taught them through the blessings of the Kingdom; everlasting blessings. 

    When has God ever sent affliction on His people when they were FOLLOWING His decrees; and that occurring while Satan has authority over the earth? Lev 26:14-16; Deut 6:3; Ps 86:11

    If you have a child with a good, obedient heart, who willingly listens and follows your direction, are you going to deceive him with a dangerous fabrication just to see if he disobeys you? Is it not our intention to give our obedient child the best life we can, never wanting to deliberately send him into a trap?

    I also must ask you the same question the speaker asked, “why make the “real life” your goal”…if there is a large chance that you will suffer death a thousand years into your “real life”?

    All of this is preposterous. Satan is behind this “real life” theory.  Judgment day is now.  If anyone believes it is both, that one is listening to men and not Christ, nor are they obedient to his teachings.

    John 12:48; Ps 96:13; 1 Cor 4:5; John 12:31


    So, dear Tom, what do you think about this? Are we not being judged for everlasting life at this moment?  What does “everlasting”, uninterrupted eternal life mean to you?  Are there exceptions to the rule?

    I've seen you mean-spirited, but I didn't count the days.


  21. 1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    If you do know then you are doing better than I.

    Ok, so you’re not writing some e-pamphlet about a crazy anointed woman apostate.  That’s good to hear.  I'll accept that as truth.

    1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    You are very critical of the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Is there anything about organization that you like?

    What is the value in answering that question?  There are people whom I love inside, and there are some good aspects of “organization”; but, as a whole, the organization does not serve the Father and Jesus properly by not following Jesus’ teachings and God’s commandments fulfilled in him...and I’ve given many reasons here, why this is so.   John 4:23

    It is an “operation of error”.    2 Thess 2:3,4,8-12   It is a counterfeit of God's true "organization", the anointed Body of Christ.  Rom 12:3-5; 1 Cor 12:4-31; Eph 4:4-8,11-13; 2:19-22


  22. 38 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    I gleaned that I ought to ask you the question I just did.

    Did you, by any chance, get your anointing before coming to join the Witnesses?

    38 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    I gleaned that I ought to ask you the question I just did.

    Did you, by any chance, get your anointing before coming to join the Witnesses?

    It was in the same year that I was studying and was baptized. And what are you doing with all this information?  As if I don't already know 🤨

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