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  1. Downvote
    Witness got a reaction from Foreigner in "WATCHTOWER APPEALS TO THE SUPREME COURT"   
    I am not Pearl Doxsey, but I work with her.  Wow, you went to her blog, defying the rules and regulations of your organization, not to seek out, "apostates".   
  2. Haha
    Witness got a reaction from Shiwiii in "WATCHTOWER APPEALS TO THE SUPREME COURT"   
    I am not Pearl Doxsey, but I work with her.  Wow, you went to her blog, defying the rules and regulations of your organization, not to seek out, "apostates".   
  3. Upvote
    Witness got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in "WATCHTOWER APPEALS TO THE SUPREME COURT"   
    Not only do the have the Bible, but according to the Watchtower, they have been appointed by Holy Spirit:
    The "gifts in men" mentioned at Eph 4:8 are Christian elders, who are appointed by holy spirit and are given authority to care for the spiritual interests of fellow believers.  (Acts 20:28)  km 8/02 pp. 5-6
    Two lies:
    When it comes to child abuse, they must call for legal advice.  Their given authority to care for spiritual interests of fellow believers, stops there.
    The "gifts in men" do not refer to those not anointed, but to the anointed ones.  Eph 4:11-13
    Would they have Holy Spirit if this elder body from the top down, has lied about not only their false authority, but robbing the identity of who God has provided to serve under Holy Spirit's guidance?
    Would God really give these men the ability to shepherd justly if they rule behind a lie?
  4. Like
    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in TODAY'S ANTICHRIST   
    "Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” John 4:23,24
    In one publication by the organization, it uses 1 Cor 10:14 and 1 John 5:21 to explain that a true Christian would not worship God at any place of ‘special value’. Their comment is based on Jesus’ words in John 4:21-24. The publication states that doing so would incur idol worship, resulting from viewing any place as holy in itself. This article is in a public addition of the magazines, dated 2016. Search, “shrine”.
    SHRINE – “any structure or place consecrated or devoted to some saint, holy person, or deity, as an altar, chapel, church, or temple.”
    Kingdom halls and assembly halls have been referred to as “God’s House”, also the Bethels. (Bethel means “House of God”) Since the organization is taught as being “spirit-directed”, belonging to “Jehovah”, and owned buildings are included in his “earthly belongings”, they are all considered “holy”. The presence of God’s Spirit is assumed as being within a building, and within the organization as a whole. Rev 13:15 (see John 20:22) In fact, kingdom halls and assembly halls particularly, are frequently dedicated to God as the ancient temples were; dedicated to God, until men make the decision to treat it as real estate and sell it off.
    Don’t you find it an anomaly, JWs, that God’s spirit appears to be everywhere at man’s whim, except in the hearts of your leaders, who admit they are not “inspired”? 2 Tim 3:1,5,7,8
    In summarizing your leaders’ documented words, it reveals that you have been encouraged to practice idolatry by applying a special value to the organization and its earthly goods. Matt 6:19,20;19:24 Does this make JWs, “true Christians”? We are very aware that idolaters are not true Christians following the teachings and command of Christ. Isa 2:7,8; Matt 5:19,20 (The organization has a routine of speaking some truth, but putting the opposite into practice, and expecting JWs to do the same - to fall into idolatry.) (Exod 32:2-8; Isa 44:20; Rom 1:25)
    “Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.” John 4:21
    The organization is considered “mountain-like”, prophesied to be established in the last days, (Isa 2:2,3) yet it stands in defiance of Jesus’ words spoken to the woman at the well. Can we say we believe in, and know the Son, if his teachings - his admonition about how we should worship - are not followed? Luke 11:28; John 12:48; 14:24 “Antichrist” means “against” Christ; as an opponent of Christ. In action, we can see that the organization is against this teaching of Jesus, fully contradicting his words. It continues to build its holy places, and comparing them to temples. Luke 4:5-8; John 2:19-21; Acts 7:48-51; 17:24-25
    It must be confusing to believe that both an earthly organization, as well as God with His Son, can grant one salvation. Isa 46:5; 57:13; Dan 11:38; Rev 13:4 Please, sort it out in your mind and heart, JWs. You have in one hand, a counterfeit teaching that a fabricated earthly “mountain” will lead you to eternal life; that you must be baptized into “Jehovah’s organization” to receive eternal life. In the other hand, you are presented by Christ, God’s way of approved worship. His definition of Mount Zion is far different than what your leaders promote. “Daughter Zion” is not an earthly organization comprised of buildings and people. It doesn’t refer to every “Jehovah’s Witness”. It refers to chosen, faithful anointed ones who will serve the Father and Jesus eternally as “priests and kings” in God’s Kingdom. They are the spiritual descendants of Jacob, and God’s spiritual “dwelling”. This is the true Temple today; the authentic ZION. 1 Pet 2:5,9,10; 1 Cor 3:16,17;2 Cor 6:16; Eph 2:20-22; Rev 3:12
    “In the last days
    the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established
    as the highest of the mountains;
    it will be exalted above the hills,
    and all nations will stream to it.” Isa 2:2
    For those who reject the idolatrous way of worship highly promoted by the organization’s leaders, the “spirit-directed” idol “kills”/disfellowships any who desire to obey Christ’s teachings and search out the proper way to worship, as explained in the article. Luke 21:12; 9:24; John 15:21; John 16:2; Rev 13:15 When you compare the words in the article, with the subsequent actions carried out against its teaching, can you see the hypocrisy in this, JWs?
    The organization makes the enlightening statement that the “antichrist” can refer to a false “christ”, as well as any group as an organization, or group of people that makes the claim to represent Christ; but instead, oppose him. The identity of the Antichrist today has pertinent characteristics to help pinpoint that it is for certain, the organization and its leaders.
    1 John 4:1-3 addresses the spirit of false prophet/false “christs”:
    “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but prove the spirits, if they are of God; because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
    2 Hereby ye know the Spirit of God: every spirit which confesses Jesus Christ come in flesh is of God;
    3 and every spirit which does not confess Jesus Christ come in flesh is not of God: and this is that [power] of the antichrist, [of] which ye have heard that it comes, and now it is already in the world.
     “A true Prophet believes and preaches the physical incarnation of the Word, into Jesus Christ. He will preach Jesus as came to Earth and put on humanity in order to redeem us all. This previous incarnation would precede the next one (Heb 1:6; Acts 3:21; Matt 17:11; Acts 1:11). Any who deny this future earthy materialization of Christ and his co-rulers (Rev 5:10; Rom 8:19; John 1:51; Rev 21:2), essentially deny the first one (John 1:14). The very concept of an exclusive "heavenly hope", promotes the "spirit of the anti-Christ" (1 John 4:2,3; 2 John 1:7).”
    2 John 2:7 – “ For many deceivers have gone out into the world, they who do not confess Jesus Christ coming in flesh—this is the deceiver and the antichrist.”
    Pearl Doxsey, “Prophets Within Christ’s Body/Temple Foundation”  4womaninthewilderness
    Clearly, a false prophet that directs a “mountain-like” organization can be considered “anti-christ” and which was also prophesied to appear in the last days. Rev 13:1,2,5-7,11,14-17 This two-fold powerful rule, advertised as led by Christ, is “lawlessness”. 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 13:18 It is a counterfeit mountain which preaches a message of worship contrary to Christ’s teaching of worshiping in the Spirit and in truth.
    2 John 2 continues: “Anyone who does not remain in Christ’s teaching but goes beyond it, does not have God. The one who remains in that teaching, this one has both the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your home, and don’t say, 'Welcome,' to him; 11 for the one who says, “Welcome,” to him shares in his evil works."
    "God is spirit, and His worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” John 4:24
    “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’" Matt 7:21-23 
    The “Man of Lawlessness” is determined to destroy God’s true way we are to worship. How? By “trampling” the authentic Temple of God; by appearing to be higher and mightier than God’s spiritual dwelling in the anointed ones; even more powerful than Christ himself.
    2 Thess 2:4 - "He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God (divinity) or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God/divine.
    Dan 8:11 - "It even magnified itself to be equal with the Commander of the host; and it removed the regular sacrifice from Him, and the place of His sanctuary (Temple) was thrown down." 
    The organization’s perceived divinity is fueled by the men who operate it; the elder body, who are spiritual “Gentiles”. 
    Pearl Doxsey coments:
    Mark called the Man of Lawlessness, a "disgusting thing standing where it does not belong" (Mark  13:14).
    It does not belong to Gentiles/nations (Rev 11:2), to be in the midst of God's Temple (2 Chron 23:6; Num 3:10).
    Even worse, to rule over it and trample it down.
    Yet we see in the time of the end, God's Temple priesthood is trespassed and taken over, by the Gentiles... the Man of Lawlessness.
    It is important to know what God's Temple is today, or else, how will we recognize when it is being trampled?
    1 Cor 3:16 shows that God's Temple, is the hearts of his anointed and faithful priests...
    "you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives within you?" (1Cor.3:16)
    "Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and anointed us is God, who also sealed us and gave us the Spirit in our hearts as a pledge of what is to come." (2 Cor 1:21,22)
    So when we are looking for the man of lawlessness setting himself over God's Temple, we should be looking for that one, setting himself up over the anointed priests belonging to God's Temple, and those under-priests of Christ, accepting domination in their heart.
    From “Christs Return – When?” 4womaninthewilderness
    What about the true Mount Zion to be established in the last days? Worshiping in spirit and truth requires recognizing the given authority of Christ over his Temple “stones”. (1 Pet 2:5,9) Man’s authority that regulates all activity and oppresses the anointed in the organization, is as Pearl brought out, “lawlessness”. Rev 13:8; 19:20; Ezek 14:10
    JWs, lawlessness exists in the absence of LOVE. Analyze your way of worship, coupled with the organization’s grandiose attempt to hide its blasphemous idolatry, by capping it off with this summer’s convention theme.
    John 5:41-43 “I do not accept glory from human beings, 42 but I know you. I know that you do not have the love of God in your hearts. 43 I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him.
    “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.” John 4:23
    JWs, Jesus has spelled out quite clearly, the criteria for worshiping the Father in the Spirit and in truth. Are you adhering to that criteria, evaluating Jesus’ words against those your leaders expect you to follow? Mark 13:21-33
    Whose words, carry eternal life? Matt 7:13,14; John 10:7-10; John 3:16; Matt 19:29  
    Pearl Doxsey, from “FAINT OUT OF FEAR”:
    God DOES have a "mountain"....a spiritual one.
    It is ZION, and IT is the place of proper worship "in spirit and truth", just as prophesied at Isa 2:2,3 and Rev 14:1.
    It is organized, according to the divine arrangement, of Eph 2:20-22,10; 4:11,12 and 1 Cor 12:12,14,18,27,28.
    It is God's spiritual Temple (Isa 2:2), established in the heavens (Heb 8:5;9:24; 12:22,23; 1 Cor 3:16,9).
    That temple...
    [from it's founding "cornerstone" (Ps 118:22; Eph 2:20) to it's "capstone" (Zech 4:7,9-11,14; Rev 11:3,4)]
    ...is made of chosen, living stones (1 Pet 2:5,9) who worship in spirit and truth.
    There is where you can find living waters, contained within their "fruit" (Luke 6:44,45)
    (John 7:38,39; 14:17; 16:13; 1 Cor 2:12,13; Rev 22:17,1-3; Matt 7:20.
    "So we say with confidence, 'The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?'" (Heb 13:6)
    Isa 2:22
    I pulled out my tattered Living Bible given to me when I was a young girl, to quote Zech 4:1-14:
    Then the angel who had been talking with me woke me, as though I had been asleep.
    2. What do you see now?” he asked.
    I answered, “I see a golden lampstand holding seven lamps, and at the top there is a reservoir for the olive oil that feeds the lamps, flowing into them through seven tubes. 3 And I see two olive trees carved upon the lampstand, one on each side of the reservoir. 4 What is it, sir? I asked. “What does this mean?” 5 Don’t you really know?” the angel asked. “No sir, I said, “I don’t.”
    6 Then he said, “This is God’s message to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts—you will succeed because of my Spirit, though you are few and weak’.
    7 Therefore no mountain, however high, can stand before Zerubbabel! For it will flatten out before him! And Zerubbabel will finish building this Temple with mighty shouts of thanksgiving for God’s mercy, declaring that all was done by grace alone.”
    8 Another message that I received from the Lord said: 9 Zerubbabel laid the foundation of this Temple, and he will complete it. (Then you will know these messages are from God, the Lord of Hosts.) 10 Do not despise this small beginning, for the eyes of the Lord rejoice to see the work begin, to see the plumbline in the hand of Zerubbabel. For these seven lamps represent the eyes of the Lord that see everywhere around the world.”
    11 Then I asked him about the two olive trees on each side of the lampstand, 12 and about the two olive branches that emptied oil into the golden bowls through two golden tubes.
    13 “Don’t you know?” he asked. “No, sir,” I said.
    14 Then he told me, “They represent the two anointed ones who assist the Lord in all the earth.”
    Consider - “The Rise of Mount Zion” 4womaninthewilderness

  5. Upvote
    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in "WATCHTOWER APPEALS TO THE SUPREME COURT"   
    Not only do the have the Bible, but according to the Watchtower, they have been appointed by Holy Spirit:
    The "gifts in men" mentioned at Eph 4:8 are Christian elders, who are appointed by holy spirit and are given authority to care for the spiritual interests of fellow believers.  (Acts 20:28)  km 8/02 pp. 5-6
    Two lies:
    When it comes to child abuse, they must call for legal advice.  Their given authority to care for spiritual interests of fellow believers, stops there.
    The "gifts in men" do not refer to those not anointed, but to the anointed ones.  Eph 4:11-13
    Would they have Holy Spirit if this elder body from the top down, has lied about not only their false authority, but robbing the identity of who God has provided to serve under Holy Spirit's guidance?
    Would God really give these men the ability to shepherd justly if they rule behind a lie?
  6. Upvote
    Witness reacted to Srecko Sostar in "WATCHTOWER APPEALS TO THE SUPREME COURT"   
    If, then, the clergy-laity distinction is not based on the model set by Jesus’ apostles and other early Christians, does that make it wrong? According to the Bible, yes.......
    Spiritually older men did, of course, serve as overseers, which included being shepherds and teachers. (Acts 20:28) However, these men were not paid clerics........
    Sadly, when people disregard that divinely inspired directive, spiritual harm usually results, and that is true of the clergy-laity arrangement. How so? Please consider the following six points.
    1. The separation of a clergy class implies that one must have a special calling to be a minister of God. 
    2. The clergy-laity distinction exalts the clergy class, an evidence being adulatory religious titles.
    3. A paid clergy class can impose a heavy financial burden on the laity, especially when the former have lavish lifestyles.
    4. Because a clergyman may depend on others for financial support, he might be tempted to dilute the Bible’s message in order to please parishioners. 
    5. The clergy-laity distinction tends to cause lay people to relegate religion to the clergy, while the laity just turn up for weekly services.
    6. When the laity are Biblically uninformed, they can easily be misled by clerics, even exploited by them.
    source: https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102009288
    When GB, Elders and WT Lawyers defend themselves before Courts how in JW Congregations Worldwide existing clergy penitence as answer to Judges why they not want to give verbal or written testimony to Court, than all this what was said in Awake is worth NOTHING. We can also discuss some other claims here about this 6 points and found it problematic.   
    Dear @Anna answer would not come by WT Society loud public claim how clergy penitence WILL STOP TO exist in congregations. Well, according to Awake that same THING doesn't exist at all in WT Society or JW Church. :))))..... because JW have not CLERGY :)))) ... only on Courts cases when millions of $ are at stake.
  7. Upvote
    Quote @Anna If that's how you look at it. I thought our every thought and motivation comes from following the Bible.
    Are you really that naive ? 
    But please tell all of us here, who do you mean by OUR in your sentence ? 
    You obviously can't be including the GB, or the Lawyers, or any other top administration, or the Elders. 
    That only leaves the basic congregants in each congregation................... 
    As for your second comment there, it is a bit dumb. 
    if elders became mandated reporters, every time they phoned Legal for advice, they would be dictated by "central command" to report. 
    They would not need to phone Legal for advice, just report it directly to Police or Authorities. And if congregants knew beforehand that it would be reported to those authorities then it would be up to the conscience of the person that had the information or up to the victim to tell the Elders or not. 
    As it is now the Elders are protecting the GB and Its Org and hiding the pedophile from the Police and authorities if they do not report it immediately. But you know that anyway, because that's what this whole problem is all about.  
  8. Upvote
    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in "WATCHTOWER APPEALS TO THE SUPREME COURT"   
    You have deflected to the Boy Scouts.  In your mind, you are desperately trying to preserve a corrupt leadership/organization that claims to represent the Almighty God.  Is it not more important to preserve our relationship with God, rather than with men who fail deliberately and repeatedly, to protect their "sheep"?  
    I am more "vested" in the prophetic outcome of this organization, of which this matter only contributes to.  
    When it is in your power,
    don’t withhold good from the one it belongs to.
    28 Don’t say to your neighbor, “Go away! Come back later.
    I’ll give it tomorrow”—when it is there with you.
    29 Don’t plan any harm against your neighbor,
    for he trusts you and lives near you.
    30 Don’t accuse anyone without cause,
    when he has done you no harm.
    31 Don’t envy a violent man
    or choose any of his ways;
    32 for the devious are detestable to the Lord,
    but He is a friend to the upright.
    33 The Lord’s curse is on the household of the wicked,
    but He blesses the home of the righteous;
    34 He mocks those who mock,
    but gives grace to the humble.
    35 The wise will inherit honor,
    but He holds up fools to dishonor.  Prov 3:27-35
  9. Upvote
    Witness got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in "WATCHTOWER APPEALS TO THE SUPREME COURT"   
    You have deflected to the Boy Scouts.  In your mind, you are desperately trying to preserve a corrupt leadership/organization that claims to represent the Almighty God.  Is it not more important to preserve our relationship with God, rather than with men who fail deliberately and repeatedly, to protect their "sheep"?  
    I am more "vested" in the prophetic outcome of this organization, of which this matter only contributes to.  
    When it is in your power,
    don’t withhold good from the one it belongs to.
    28 Don’t say to your neighbor, “Go away! Come back later.
    I’ll give it tomorrow”—when it is there with you.
    29 Don’t plan any harm against your neighbor,
    for he trusts you and lives near you.
    30 Don’t accuse anyone without cause,
    when he has done you no harm.
    31 Don’t envy a violent man
    or choose any of his ways;
    32 for the devious are detestable to the Lord,
    but He is a friend to the upright.
    33 The Lord’s curse is on the household of the wicked,
    but He blesses the home of the righteous;
    34 He mocks those who mock,
    but gives grace to the humble.
    35 The wise will inherit honor,
    but He holds up fools to dishonor.  Prov 3:27-35
  10. Sad
    Witness reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in "WATCHTOWER APPEALS TO THE SUPREME COURT"   
    John Butler:
    This is what happens when you pervert Justice,  by even having the ABILITY to destroy whole families, when someone does not "tow the line" of Company Policy, by those who invoke the authority of Jehovah God to excuse their methods.
    If we disciplined a baby .... by cutting off it's head, and exiling the parents and relatives, and cutting out their tongues .... human civilization would cease.
    In the times of the Crusaders, they actually DID cut out peoples' tongues, to keep them from speaking , but just as in the case of our shunning policy and practices ... the  REAL reason is to generate  FEAR AND OBEDIENCE to the exercise of man-made authority ... to consolidate power, and not have the income stream disrupted.
    This is nothing new ... it is a story as old as human existence.
    What is new, is that the brutality is wrapped in silken words, loving tones,  soft voices, , and the claws are concealed by a silk and velvet glove.
    ... and millions and millions of hypnotic, well chosen words, continually repeated.
    Every real problem we have in the Truth, is DIRECTLY because of the policies of HOW disfellowshipping is done.
    Disfellowshipping is a necessary surgery to cut out cancer that will spread.
    Mutilating the spectators and family  is evil.
    From that fountain flows compounded injustice, fear,  bitter cold, and unnecessary heavy, heavy load of EVERY sort.
    It is a cascading avalanche  that turns good men of conscience into cowardly minions of EXPERTLY and COMPETENTLY disguised evil.
    There is a word for this ......
  11. Upvote
    Witness got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in "WATCHTOWER APPEALS TO THE SUPREME COURT"   
    With Anna's help I believe you are now aware that John Redwood wrote this.  He is the same man who, with his wife, told their story in the Atlantic.    
  12. Upvote
    Witness got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in "WATCHTOWER APPEALS TO THE SUPREME COURT"   
    You have deflected to the Boy Scouts.  In your mind, you are desperately trying to preserve a corrupt leadership/organization that claims to represent the Almighty God.  Is it not more important to preserve our relationship with God, rather than with men who fail deliberately and repeatedly, to protect their "sheep"?  
    I am more "vested" in the prophetic outcome of this organization, of which this matter only contributes to.  
    When it is in your power,
    don’t withhold good from the one it belongs to.
    28 Don’t say to your neighbor, “Go away! Come back later.
    I’ll give it tomorrow”—when it is there with you.
    29 Don’t plan any harm against your neighbor,
    for he trusts you and lives near you.
    30 Don’t accuse anyone without cause,
    when he has done you no harm.
    31 Don’t envy a violent man
    or choose any of his ways;
    32 for the devious are detestable to the Lord,
    but He is a friend to the upright.
    33 The Lord’s curse is on the household of the wicked,
    but He blesses the home of the righteous;
    34 He mocks those who mock,
    but gives grace to the humble.
    35 The wise will inherit honor,
    but He holds up fools to dishonor.  Prov 3:27-35
  13. Thanks
    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in "WATCHTOWER APPEALS TO THE SUPREME COURT"   
    With Anna's help I believe you are now aware that John Redwood wrote this.  He is the same man who, with his wife, told their story in the Atlantic.    
  14. Like
    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in "WATCHTOWER APPEALS TO THE SUPREME COURT"   
    I do hope you will get your questions answered as this develops.  
  15. Upvote
    Witness got a reaction from JayDubya in "WATCHTOWER APPEALS TO THE SUPREME COURT"   
    From John Redwood...
    A preview of upcoming news:
    Jehovah's Witnesses are appealing to the Supreme Court of the United States, but this time it has nothing to do with preaching or saluting the flag.
    It's all about child abuse.
    Specifically, the protection (or cover-up) of information, documents, and testimony of persons involved in cases of child abuse.
    I will be covering this story in the coming weeks and months, but I thought I would share some of this news and try to distill it down as simply as I can.
    I'd like to point out first that Watchtower has appealed to the Supreme Court in connection with their loss of yet another California child abuse case. The chance that Watchtower's appeal being will be heard by the Supreme Court is slim, but anything is possible.
    What brought this about?
    There are many ongoing civil child abuse cases in California. One such case is J.W. versus Watchtower. J.W. happens to be the initials for the victim of former JW elder Gilbert Simental, who went on a spree of molestation which touched the lives of numerous victims.
    As with other cases, the plaintiff demanded that Watchtower turn over to the court a database of child abuse cases known to be maintained by Watchtower of New York.
    In this particular case, because Watchtower failed to turn over the documents in a timely manner, attorneys asked for a default judgment of just over 4 million dollars.
    The court agreed with the plaintiff and entered a default judgment in that amount. Watchtower was required to post a bond of more than 6 million dollars while their appeal was pending.
    Watchtower lost their appeal, and the decision of the court was upheld. This decision is final- with one exception.
    Watchtower has decided to appeal to the United States Supreme court on the basis that their judicial hearings related to child abuse matters are "confidential intra-faith communications" and that they do not, and should not, reveal those communications or documents to anyone, including civil courts.
    I'd like to make it very clear what Watchtower is doing here. They are fighting for their right NOT to allow civil authorities to dictate what is confidential, and what is not confidential.
    All of this is in relation to their claim that elders do not have the right or duty to report child abuse to the authorities.
    Watchtower overtly lies to their members by claiming that they obey secular laws, except when they conflict with God's laws.
    Yet they break the law every single time by advising elders NOT to report child abuse to the authorities.
    It does NOT matter whether child abuse occurs in a mandatory reporting state- elders STILL do not report to the police because Watchtower has told them that ALL of their communications are protected by clergy-penitent privilege.
    This is false- and it is exactly why they are losing tens of millions of dollars in child abuse civil cases. Watchtower advises elders to break the law.
    And now they want the Supreme Court of the United States to agree with them.
    The claim that the state of California has unfairly targeted Jehovah's Witnesses and "intruded upon matters of church governance."
    How does compliance with mandatory child abuse reporting laws conflict with God's laws? It doesn't. This is a fabrication of Watchtower attorneys working for the Governing Body, and it's become quite clear that they feel that compliance with these civil laws will spell disaster for their religion.
    And they might be right.
    If Jehovah's Witnesses did the right thing and complied with the law, they would lose the tight grip of control over their elder bodies in ways which frighten the hell out of them.
    There is a whole lot more to this story as well as the underlying cases involved, but I wanted to let you know what's going on.
    Attorneys for J.W. (the abuse victim) will be filing an opposition to Watchtower's appeal in August, and we should have a decision from the Supreme Court by October on whether they will accept Jehovah's Witnesses appeal for review.
    Stay tuned!!
  16. Upvote
    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in "WATCHTOWER APPEALS TO THE SUPREME COURT"   
    From John Redwood...
    A preview of upcoming news:
    Jehovah's Witnesses are appealing to the Supreme Court of the United States, but this time it has nothing to do with preaching or saluting the flag.
    It's all about child abuse.
    Specifically, the protection (or cover-up) of information, documents, and testimony of persons involved in cases of child abuse.
    I will be covering this story in the coming weeks and months, but I thought I would share some of this news and try to distill it down as simply as I can.
    I'd like to point out first that Watchtower has appealed to the Supreme Court in connection with their loss of yet another California child abuse case. The chance that Watchtower's appeal being will be heard by the Supreme Court is slim, but anything is possible.
    What brought this about?
    There are many ongoing civil child abuse cases in California. One such case is J.W. versus Watchtower. J.W. happens to be the initials for the victim of former JW elder Gilbert Simental, who went on a spree of molestation which touched the lives of numerous victims.
    As with other cases, the plaintiff demanded that Watchtower turn over to the court a database of child abuse cases known to be maintained by Watchtower of New York.
    In this particular case, because Watchtower failed to turn over the documents in a timely manner, attorneys asked for a default judgment of just over 4 million dollars.
    The court agreed with the plaintiff and entered a default judgment in that amount. Watchtower was required to post a bond of more than 6 million dollars while their appeal was pending.
    Watchtower lost their appeal, and the decision of the court was upheld. This decision is final- with one exception.
    Watchtower has decided to appeal to the United States Supreme court on the basis that their judicial hearings related to child abuse matters are "confidential intra-faith communications" and that they do not, and should not, reveal those communications or documents to anyone, including civil courts.
    I'd like to make it very clear what Watchtower is doing here. They are fighting for their right NOT to allow civil authorities to dictate what is confidential, and what is not confidential.
    All of this is in relation to their claim that elders do not have the right or duty to report child abuse to the authorities.
    Watchtower overtly lies to their members by claiming that they obey secular laws, except when they conflict with God's laws.
    Yet they break the law every single time by advising elders NOT to report child abuse to the authorities.
    It does NOT matter whether child abuse occurs in a mandatory reporting state- elders STILL do not report to the police because Watchtower has told them that ALL of their communications are protected by clergy-penitent privilege.
    This is false- and it is exactly why they are losing tens of millions of dollars in child abuse civil cases. Watchtower advises elders to break the law.
    And now they want the Supreme Court of the United States to agree with them.
    The claim that the state of California has unfairly targeted Jehovah's Witnesses and "intruded upon matters of church governance."
    How does compliance with mandatory child abuse reporting laws conflict with God's laws? It doesn't. This is a fabrication of Watchtower attorneys working for the Governing Body, and it's become quite clear that they feel that compliance with these civil laws will spell disaster for their religion.
    And they might be right.
    If Jehovah's Witnesses did the right thing and complied with the law, they would lose the tight grip of control over their elder bodies in ways which frighten the hell out of them.
    There is a whole lot more to this story as well as the underlying cases involved, but I wanted to let you know what's going on.
    Attorneys for J.W. (the abuse victim) will be filing an opposition to Watchtower's appeal in August, and we should have a decision from the Supreme Court by October on whether they will accept Jehovah's Witnesses appeal for review.
    Stay tuned!!
  17. Upvote
    Witness got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in "WATCHTOWER APPEALS TO THE SUPREME COURT"   
    From John Redwood...
    A preview of upcoming news:
    Jehovah's Witnesses are appealing to the Supreme Court of the United States, but this time it has nothing to do with preaching or saluting the flag.
    It's all about child abuse.
    Specifically, the protection (or cover-up) of information, documents, and testimony of persons involved in cases of child abuse.
    I will be covering this story in the coming weeks and months, but I thought I would share some of this news and try to distill it down as simply as I can.
    I'd like to point out first that Watchtower has appealed to the Supreme Court in connection with their loss of yet another California child abuse case. The chance that Watchtower's appeal being will be heard by the Supreme Court is slim, but anything is possible.
    What brought this about?
    There are many ongoing civil child abuse cases in California. One such case is J.W. versus Watchtower. J.W. happens to be the initials for the victim of former JW elder Gilbert Simental, who went on a spree of molestation which touched the lives of numerous victims.
    As with other cases, the plaintiff demanded that Watchtower turn over to the court a database of child abuse cases known to be maintained by Watchtower of New York.
    In this particular case, because Watchtower failed to turn over the documents in a timely manner, attorneys asked for a default judgment of just over 4 million dollars.
    The court agreed with the plaintiff and entered a default judgment in that amount. Watchtower was required to post a bond of more than 6 million dollars while their appeal was pending.
    Watchtower lost their appeal, and the decision of the court was upheld. This decision is final- with one exception.
    Watchtower has decided to appeal to the United States Supreme court on the basis that their judicial hearings related to child abuse matters are "confidential intra-faith communications" and that they do not, and should not, reveal those communications or documents to anyone, including civil courts.
    I'd like to make it very clear what Watchtower is doing here. They are fighting for their right NOT to allow civil authorities to dictate what is confidential, and what is not confidential.
    All of this is in relation to their claim that elders do not have the right or duty to report child abuse to the authorities.
    Watchtower overtly lies to their members by claiming that they obey secular laws, except when they conflict with God's laws.
    Yet they break the law every single time by advising elders NOT to report child abuse to the authorities.
    It does NOT matter whether child abuse occurs in a mandatory reporting state- elders STILL do not report to the police because Watchtower has told them that ALL of their communications are protected by clergy-penitent privilege.
    This is false- and it is exactly why they are losing tens of millions of dollars in child abuse civil cases. Watchtower advises elders to break the law.
    And now they want the Supreme Court of the United States to agree with them.
    The claim that the state of California has unfairly targeted Jehovah's Witnesses and "intruded upon matters of church governance."
    How does compliance with mandatory child abuse reporting laws conflict with God's laws? It doesn't. This is a fabrication of Watchtower attorneys working for the Governing Body, and it's become quite clear that they feel that compliance with these civil laws will spell disaster for their religion.
    And they might be right.
    If Jehovah's Witnesses did the right thing and complied with the law, they would lose the tight grip of control over their elder bodies in ways which frighten the hell out of them.
    There is a whole lot more to this story as well as the underlying cases involved, but I wanted to let you know what's going on.
    Attorneys for J.W. (the abuse victim) will be filing an opposition to Watchtower's appeal in August, and we should have a decision from the Supreme Court by October on whether they will accept Jehovah's Witnesses appeal for review.
    Stay tuned!!
  18. Like
    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in WHITEWASH   
    @Space Merchant :  Another point is, you claim that there is no biblical and or scriptural support concerning the New Covenant, and yet it is there in the Bible, mentioned in the Old Testament, and mentioned again as well as set in motion in the New Testament, which shows here, you truly do not know 100% what the New Covenant even is, resulting in what I stated to you earlier before you deviated from the question at hand.
      I am done with your rambling and lies.  
  19. Like
    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JW’s are now allowed to have beards and publicly preach....   
    @Shiwiii was right when he said,  "That's quite a stretch for Romans 6 to apply to smoking, don't you think?" 
    And..."It is NOT buy the direction of men who sit in WT headquarters."
    The entire Rom 6:16:
    "Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey—either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness?"
     "You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men."  1 Cor 7:23
    If we are to love our neighbor as our-self, would we expect them to follow commandments of men that go beyond Christ's teachings? Extra rules and regulations that are not in the Bible?   It is true that our body should be cared for, as the marvelous gift it is.  But, a person smoking or not smoking doesn't give claim to being a "Christian".  What is more important is identifying false Christians who easily judge another as unworthy, because they choose to become a slave of Christ, and not of men and their organization.  Luke 6:42; Rom 3:23; Prov 16:2 
    Disfellowshipping another because of a smoking habit that they struggle with, is not an act of love, but an act of arrogance and coldness; and a judgment made by "human standards".    Rom 3:8; John 8:15; 1 Sam 16:7
    They, who do this, are the guilty ones, who hold back any spiritual compassion and sustenance, that could be given them.  
    "Those who mock the poor insult their Maker; those who rejoice at the misfortune of others will be punished."  Prov 17:5
  20. Upvote
    Witness got a reaction from Shiwiii in JW's: How do you feel about being told that you MUST wear your badge even when out to dinner at night with your family after a convention?   
    Does wearing a badge determine if one is on the path of righteousness?  Do you remember the cross and crown on the early Watchtower magazines?  It is a Masonic symbol that can be worn as a pin.  Would wearing it show you were on the path of righteousness when it was used by the Watchtower; and, would you wear it today, or is it not acceptable jewelry  for those who desire to remain on the path of righteousness?  If not, who is the apostate?  Wouldn't the apostates be your brothers and sisters from years past, who treasured this symbol as representing their "organization"?
    You say, "those who leave Jehovah's organization..."  Is God and the organization inseparably linked?   Isa 46:5


  21. Upvote
    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JW's: How do you feel about being told that you MUST wear your badge even when out to dinner at night with your family after a convention?   
    Does wearing a badge determine if one is on the path of righteousness?  Do you remember the cross and crown on the early Watchtower magazines?  It is a Masonic symbol that can be worn as a pin.  Would wearing it show you were on the path of righteousness when it was used by the Watchtower; and, would you wear it today, or is it not acceptable jewelry  for those who desire to remain on the path of righteousness?  If not, who is the apostate?  Wouldn't the apostates be your brothers and sisters from years past, who treasured this symbol as representing their "organization"?
    You say, "those who leave Jehovah's organization..."  Is God and the organization inseparably linked?   Isa 46:5


  22. Downvote
    Witness got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in JW's: How do you feel about being told that you MUST wear your badge even when out to dinner at night with your family after a convention?   
    Does wearing a badge determine if one is on the path of righteousness?  Do you remember the cross and crown on the early Watchtower magazines?  It is a Masonic symbol that can be worn as a pin.  Would wearing it show you were on the path of righteousness when it was used by the Watchtower; and, would you wear it today, or is it not acceptable jewelry  for those who desire to remain on the path of righteousness?  If not, who is the apostate?  Wouldn't the apostates be your brothers and sisters from years past, who treasured this symbol as representing their "organization"?
    You say, "those who leave Jehovah's organization..."  Is God and the organization inseparably linked?   Isa 46:5


  23. Upvote
    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in WHITEWASH   
    Should I spell it out for you?  According to you, I am ignorant, foolish and stupid;  very unchristian-like.  Should I call you ignorant, foolish and stupid because you cannot see that I have indeed, told you who the Destroyer is, using the scriptures to prove it?
    Those who are spiritual "Israel" are outlined in scripture:
    Gal.6:15,16:  "For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God."

    Rom 2:28,29:   "For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God."

    Rom 4:13:   "For the promise that he would be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith."

    Gal 3:7: "Therefore know that only those who are of faith of Abraham, are sons of Abraham."

    John 8:39:   "Jesus said to them, “If you were Abraham’s children, you would do the works of Abraham."

    Rom 4: 11:  "And Abraham received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had while still uncircumcised, that he might be the father of all those who believe, though they are uncircumcised, that righteousness might be imputed to them also"

    Those who are "Israel" share the faith of righteous Abraham, receiving the circumcision of the heart, by Jesus Christ.
    Col  2:11: "In Him you were also circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ".
    This comes upon a person, through an anointing.  With that circumcision of the heart, God's laws are written upon it. 
    Heb 8:10:  "This is the covenant I will establish with the people of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people."
    1 Pet 2:9,10 - "But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; 10 who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy."
    They are the anointed priesthood.  They are "Israel". 
    1 Pet 2:5 -  "Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, 5 you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ."
    As I said and which you have successfully twisted, the Great Crowd are the anointed, "called, chosen and faithful" remnant - a segment of the total "144,000" who come out of the Tribulation, upholding Truth.  If you would like to know any more (although you appear to be exceedingly confident in knowing the scriptures backwards and forward;  the invitation is to all)  go here: http://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/2013/07/who-are-144000.html
    (Thank you, Librarian, for allowing me to post the link)
  24. Upvote
    Witness reacted to JOHN BUTLER in JW’s are now allowed to have beards and publicly preach....   
    This had become a kind of cliche for experiences given from the assemblies. You would always hear someone say that they were learning about the truth, but that they had a beard and didn't like to dress in a suit and tie . . . and then . . . voila! . . . one day this person will show up at the Hall, and to everyone's surprise . . . he will be clean-shaven. The audience would even clap at this point, as if it were a bigger turning point than their baptism.
    Wow brainwashing at its best. 
    Um, Jesus said about cleaning the inside of the bowl or dish first. Shaving and putting on a suit and tie mean nothing, it just impresses naive people.
    It matter not if a person wears and open neck shirt and casual smart trousers. And it matters not if a man has a beard. And in fact it matters not if a lady wears trousers designed for ladies, because they are not men's clothing. Lots of ladies here in UK congregations now wear leggings under dresses in fact.   
    But in the JW Org its all about dictatorship. It's not about showing God, as God sees into your heart. It's all about pleasing the Elders and the higher ups.. 
  25. Like
    Witness reacted to JOHN BUTLER in JW’s are now allowed to have beards and publicly preach....   
    @TrueTomHarley  They could always do it, but they might come in for counsel and be kept from what Witnesses call “privileges”—MS, elder, pioneer, and so forth.
    OK, let's look at this one sentence which Tom seems to think is casually funny. 
    Let's start with the problem of Elders withholding 'privileges' due to their personal preferences. This is not in order of importance. 
    1. It is not showing Christian love.
    2. it is going beyond the things written, as there is NO scriptural basis for it. .
    3. It is a cause for stumbling. 
    4. It would be restricting the Preaching of the Good News for No good reason. 
    5. It would be taking over the conscience of another person, dictating to them though for no good reason.
    6. It would be ignoring scripture, such as the one about the  straw and the rafter. And the oneat Luke 17 v 1&2 
    Now you may say that the Edler is acting on instructions from higher up, in which case it becomes more serious because those higher up should be more spiritually mature and able to see things with a good Christian attitude and conscience. 
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