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  1. Like
    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Here is a new Question .........   
    Melinda, I don't believe this is speaking about Jesus, but is addressing God who lives in unapproachable light.  
    "I command you, in the sight of God who gives life to all things and Christ Jesus who testified the good confession before Pontius Pilate,  that you observe the commandment without fault, irreproachable until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ,  which he will make known in his own time, the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of those who reign as kings and Lord of those who rule as lords,  the one who alone possesses immortality, who lives in unapproachable light, whom no human being has seen nor is able to see, to whom be honor and eternal power. Amen."
    The passage is speaking about God who gives life and who will make known the time when Jesus returns.  Jesus could not be the only Sovereign when we know God is Sovereign.  
    "And when they heard it, they lifted their voices together to God and said, “Sovereign Lord, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and everything in them..."  Acts 4:24
    Deut 10:17; Ps 136:2,3; Ps 47:7
    To Moses,  - 
     "But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for man shall not see me and live.”  Exod 33:20
    But Jesus will be seen when he returns -
    "And while they were gazing into heaven as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white robes, and said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.”  Acts 1:11
    How do you account for Ananias seeing Jesus in a vision and speaking to him?  
    God is King of kings and Lord of Lords; Christ has received that title also.   Rev 17:14
  2. Like
    Witness reacted to Shiwiii in what does 1914 really teach?   
    wt and jws believe 1914 was the parousia of Jesus and His being enthroned king. After Jesus resurrection He made this statement" 18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 
    If at this time when He was with the disciples after His resurrection He had all authority, what then is there for Him to acquire in 1914? Isn't "All authority" already the qualities of a king? What more authority is there to gain if He has it all? 
  3. Upvote
    Witness got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in If the Body of Christ is united and, in your estimation, it is only the eight that have gone renegade, disfellowship them already and be done with it!   
    Wasn't it Terrence O'Brien during the Australian Royal Commission, who said something to the effect, "we (those at the Branch) have been doing  this a lot longer than the governing body has..."
    If God puts it in their hearts, it will be done.  With God, all things are possible.  Matt 19:26
  4. Confused
    Witness got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in If the Body of Christ is united and, in your estimation, it is only the eight that have gone renegade, disfellowship them already and be done with it!   
    Well…I fully expected you NOT to answer me because you said….
    Besides, I left the  comment with questions, which you seem to be ignoring.  
     No appreciable kinks in the gathering of the anointed Body of Christ, you say.  When you observe the Memorial, why is it that all JWs attend? The only ones  gathered for the last supper with Christ were God's chosen ones to be the foundation of the Temple/Body of Christ.    If all believers in Christ were to be there, Jesus would have performed a miracle to feed every one of them.   Instead, scattered among all "nations", the remnant of "living stones" of God's Temple must observe a meal signifying the New Covenant with God's priesthood, with "Gentile elders" handing them the emblems.  
    Here's a question.  Is this scriptural?
  5. Haha
    Witness got a reaction from Foreigner in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Whoops.  You said once, "who is this Allen Smith?"  I never complained about you to the Librarian, Allen, although I know you most likely turned me in for something.  
    And....this is extremely off topic.  
  6. Downvote
    Witness got a reaction from Foreigner in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    JWs tend to strive to become "star pupils" of 8 men who have gained control over "Bible teachings", a term you have used.  They have gained control over all JWs as their head; yet, only Jesus is our Head.  I would hope each JW would become a star pupil of Jesus Christ.  Matt 20:25-28; 1 Cor 1:12,13   If that was the truly the desire of a JW, it would not be long before one would realize that the "turf" he or she was once defending was based on the teachings of men other than the teachings of Christ.  Under those circumstances, one becomes a defender of truth in Jesus Christ.  
  7. Upvote
    Witness got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in If the Body of Christ is united and, in your estimation, it is only the eight that have gone renegade, disfellowship them already and be done with it!   
    I will ask you this first.  In the organization, IS the anointed Body of Christ united under the Watchtower’s regulations?
    Watchtower 16/1 pg 24:  In addition, anointed Christians do not view themselves as being part of an elite club. They do not seek out others who claim to have the same calling, hoping to bond with them or endeavoring to form private groups for Bible study. (Gal. 1:15-17) Such efforts would cause divisions within the congregation and work against the holy spirit, which promotes peace and unity. 
    So, no, they are not unified.  Who stands in their way?  Who makes sure they don’t become unified? 
  8. Like
    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    I can’t located it now, but you had singled me out as one who posts disgusting slanderous videos full of lies targeting the organization; which, if you don’t listen to any of them makes me wonder how you come to that conclusion.  
    You seem to mention me frequently in your sarcastic ramblings and sadly, I fell into the same game by attaching your name to the initial post under this thread.  For that, I am disappointed in myself.  
  9. Like
    The rumor about "higher-ups" is not directly related, but it was related to the "gifts" of prime cut steaks that were sent periodically from Watchtower Farms to Brooklyn. These were never served to the Bethel family, but I knew one of the cooks who was sworn to secrecy about who got them and how often. There are always perks in any organization for those at a certain level of responsibility, and this was not a "Governing Body" thing. It was more of a long time seniority thing, which will necessarily (sometimes) overlap. Since these steaks were served semi-privately as specially cooked meals, they could be served with alcohol, but some brothers were said to have already served themselves alcohol before coming down to get their meal. Certain brothers became known for this behavior, even to the point of using very foul language to the cooks and waiters. If you want to keep a secret the last thing you want to do is curse out a cook or a waiter
    My my, it gets even better.  Imagine telling all this to a new bible study. 
    But of course everyone is equal, oh wait a minute we have 'higher ups' getting prime steak, served privately. 
    After all 'There are always perks in any organization for those at a certain level of responsibility'. 
    And brothers are all loving and kind and very spiritual at bethel, oh no there are brothers that get drunk and swear at the cooks and waiters. 
    It's shows itself as being just another big organisation with those at the top living off of those at the bottom. 
    No wonder the GB do not receive God's holy spirit. 
  10. Haha
    Witness got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Holy Spirits - Episode 22 - Watchtower In Focus   
    "On Sunday, March 31, Anthony Morris, a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, was filmed at Bottle King, a discount booze store in Ramsey, NJ, buying 12 bottles of very expensive single malt. My “Bottlegate” video sharing the footage has since accumulated tens of thousands of views, with many saying the incident represents an act of hypocrisy from a man famous for his somewhat judgmental approach to morality and Christian living. The team discusses the permutations of the remarkable footage, and the widely known culture of drinking at bethel."
    This video expresses the opinions of a past member of Bethel in Australia, and those of his wife, also Mark O'Donnell whose story under the article " A Secret Database of Child Abuse" was posted in The Atlantic, and "Covert Fade", author at JWsurvey.  
    From the comments I have seen here, JWs are measuring Anthony Morris' actions by worldly standards; yet, for someone who claims to be "faithful and discreet", worldly standards do not apply.  
    "For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven."  Matt 5:20
  11. Haha
    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Somehow these two quotes must have a connection.
  12. Thanks
    Witness reacted to JW Insider in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Nothing specific enough to be of interest to anyone looking for gossip. I think most people know that young Bethelites got in all sorts of trouble. For a few months under Knorr, there seemed to be someone sent home for 'conduct unbecoming a Bethelite' every week, sometimes two or three on the same day, and sometimes more than once in the same week. But this was when Knorr was handling the "morning worship" every day in 1976 and a bit of 1977. After Knorr was too sick, the daily text "morning worship" rotated and I never remember anyone else announcing dismissals, except maybe Milton Henschel when he wanted to make a point about the specific type of misconduct. Knorr was always very specific and it became counsel for the rest of the family, even if it took the form of a long rant that could even make you late for work.
    So what I meant was that I never remember Knorr berating anyone for drunkenness or dismissing anyone for it. The dismissals that came afterward were not announced to the whole family so I have no idea what most of them were for, unless there was a clear rumor to go with it.
    Back in those years almost everyone could still drink at age 19, and there were only a few 18 year olds on construction and painting crews mostly. It wasn't until 1984 that all states went to 21. But there was a time when it was easier to buy liquor in NJ (and they moved the age down from 19 to 18 in 1980). Some Bethelites would take trips from NY to NJ to stock up and then bring it back to share (or resell) to others.
    Drinking was much more common than I expected, but I am not trying to give the impression that there was rampant drunkenness. It's just that you could tell that some young brothers were away from their families for the first time, had a measure of independence and privacy at Bethel, and there were several obvious mistakes made. The parties in some rooms made worldly neighbors complain from a couple of the buildings nestled in between apartments that the Society did not own. I knew a Bethelite who got in trouble for this, but he was not sent home.
    The rumor about "higher-ups" is not directly related, but it was related to the "gifts" of prime cut steaks that were sent periodically from Watchtower Farms to Brooklyn. These were never served to the Bethel family, but I knew one of the cooks who was sworn to secrecy about who got them and how often. There are always perks in any organization for those at a certain level of responsibility, and this was not a "Governing Body" thing. It was more of a long time seniority thing, which will necessarily (sometimes) overlap. Since these steaks were served semi-privately as specially cooked meals, they could be served with alcohol, but some brothers were said to have already served themselves alcohol before coming down to get their meal. Certain brothers became known for this behavior, even to the point of using very foul language to the cooks and waiters. If you want to keep a secret the last thing you want to do is curse out a cook or a waiter.
    Anyway, the basic idea, which I could not say because I don't know, was that Knorr knew that some high-seniority people had been known to misbehave in this area, and it might have produced some leniency when younger ones had this trouble.
  13. Upvote
    Witness reacted to JOHN BUTLER in CSA Storm On the 'Atlantic'   
    I've just read the rest of it, it all means nothing Tom. It's just burble. Were you up all night and couldn't sleep ? Are you ill ?
    Are you just having a dig at your opposition ? What is it all about ? 
    Russia has nothing to do with Pedophilia, at least i don't think it does.. Totally different ball game.
    But to try to use Russia as a smoke screen, or for people to feel sorry for JW's regarding Pedophilia, is totally wrong.
    Le'ts look at this bit. Quote " It is one of the few things in the world today that does make sense—that is the reason that Witnesses were attracted to Bible teachings in the first place. It is the reason that they stick to it despite trials and even blunders."
    Are but there is a problem there isn't there ? The problem is that each and every Witness is brought into a different 'truth', depending on exactly when they came into the JW religion.  
    The Creative Days for instance. Many folks came into the JW Org when the 6 Creative Days were 7,000 years long, and they were in the 7th day. It all made sense. End of 6,000 years then 1,000 years of Christ's reign. Then it all would get handed back to God. 
    But now all that is gone. So bang goes half the foundation of your idea of making sense. 
    Then there was the This Generation will not pass away.  But that too has gone. Replaced by the biggest load of cr*p you can imagine. 
    So now your idea of making sense gets even less.  
    If you bought a new house and moved in, you may love it and it may be very sensible and good to live in.
    But wow,  the builder takes the roof off, what ?  Then the builder removes all the windows, yow.
    So now your new house is not the same place. You may argue with the builder, or you may just move out. You might not have a permanent place to live but you could not stay in a house that is so cold and lets the rain in. 
    Do you get this message ? Because that is exactly what your GB has done. Your GB has removed over half of the foundation, they have replaced all comfort with barbed wire and filled it with 'roaring lions' of all types. 
    It is no longer what it was. It no longer teaches Bible truth with love and mercy. 
  14. Confused
    Witness got a reaction from Queen Esther in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    The wine in Jesus’ day was mostly “peasant wine”, harvest wine.  It was barely fermented and had to be cut with water to make it palatable because of the lack of filtering.  Wine today is not the same wine as thousands of years ago.  The fermentation process has come a long way since then.   
    I wonder what the reaction would be if a JW happened to walk into a liquor store for a bottle of whatever…and found his “neighbor” from the kingdom hall buying up over $900.00 worth of whisky and other alcohol, on any day of the week.  My, how the rumors would fly. They fly if a man offers an unmarried woman a ride to the kingdom hall.  But something like this, would most likely catch the attention of the elders who would be moved to make a “shepherding call”. 
    But in this case, a GB member, who had his opinion in the creation of the opening video below, is given all sorts of excuses for his actions. 
    I can’t believe JWs do not see the hypocrisy. JWs don't WANT to see it.
  15. Thanks
    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in ANTHONY MORRIS AT THE LIQUOR STORE   
    Here's another one,  @TrueTomHarley
    He snuck out on Sunday morning to go to a liquor store (bypassing many others stores close by) out of state to spend almost $1000 bucks on whiskey. He should have been doing 'pastoral' duties that Sunday morning in the Headquarters where he lives and runs the place.
    Instead he dressed up in disguise; a trenchcoat, tennis shoes, and a low billed hat to go out of state at a special 'spiritual' time to get his liquor instead of dressing up in a suit with other brothers and going like normal, or having those under him purchase it.
    Many critical thinkers here believe that it belies a dishonesty. He could have picked a better time and place, and manner of dress to get his 12 bottles of high end scotch, at the least. Also, the manner of his purchase suggests a bigger problem, not only with him, but within the compound itself, if this is allowed, while they preach the opposite to the masses.
  16. Upvote
    Witness reacted to JOHN BUTLER in THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY   
    To quote " In the book "The Nations Shall Know that I am Jehovah"- How ?, one of the many reasons given for Jehovah's wrath against Christendom is: "Jehovah hates being treated by religious hypocrites like a God who can be fooled." "
    Oh how that is definitely a good description of the JW Org. 'religious hypocrites' treating God as if he cannot see everything and know everything.
    CHILD ABUSE committed by ELDERS in the JW ORG for over 50 YEARS EARTHWIDE. 
    Shunning of people that should not be shunned.
    Misusing scriptures such as Superior Authorities' and 'This Generation' to deliberately mislead people and so that the GB down to the Elders can 'Lord it over the congregation' Earthwide. 
    Yes the JW Org certainly does treat God 'like a God who can be fooled'.  So when the Judgement Day arrives, oh dear,  GB and JW Org down the pan i think  
  17. Confused
    Witness got a reaction from Foreigner in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    I caught my breath when reading this one.  I know I’ve mentioned this before, but it bears repeating to any JW that would pay attention to scriptures. The anointed are compared to stars.  These stars – “angels” do not symbolize the elder body, as the WT teaches regarding Rev 1:20; 2:1; Rev 12:1; (Gal 4:24,26) Angels are messengers, the anointed are messengers.   Mal 2:7; John 1:51; Matt 22:29,30; 1 Pet 3:22; Heb 12:22,23; Luke 10:20, etc. 
     “Do everything without grumbling or arguing, 15 so that you may become blameless and pure, (Rev 14:3-5; 2 Cor 11:2; Heb 7:26); “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky (Matt 5:16) as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain. Phil 2:14-16
    These anointed “stars” can fall from their stable “heavenly” position. 
    “Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position.”  2 Pet 3:17
    During the last days, there are anointed ones “carried away by the error of the lawless”, who fall from God's grace.
    “See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.” Heb 12:15
    In order to defile many, one must lead many, into iniquity. 
    Revelation 12:4 speaks of anointed who fall by swallowing deceptive teachings/water from a false prophet. 
    Wormwood is a bitter root.*
    ·       *bitter gall; extreme wickedness, a bitter root, and so producing a bitter fruit. Matt 7:15-20
    Wormwood represents fallen anointed leaders who produce spiritual bad “fruit” that defiles many.  Rev 13:11,14  When one falls from God’s grace by breaking the covenant with God, he or she commits spiritual adultery.   
    “The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— 11 the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.”  Rev 8:10,11
    Truly, Jehovah’s people do not hunger spiritually or thirst for truth. Neither does the scorching heat of God’s fiery judgments fall upon us. We know how good the spiritual provisions taste and how nourishing they are. Km 5/88 p. 5,6
    There is nothing nourishing about falsehoods, no matter how they are dressed with ‘side dishes’; but as the quote says, lies poison slowly, cautiously,  and I will add, deliberately.  The cup that Wormwood offers, is brimming with lies. Micah 2:11; Eph 5:18; Rev 17:1-4  Accepting this Harlot’s cup induces numbness; and the distinction of what is a lie and what is truth is impossible to determine, unless one sincerely turns to God, and asks for His help.    Jonah 2:1-9; Lam 3:19-25 
  18. Upvote
    Witness got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in The Secret Jehovah’s Witness Database of Child Molesters - The Atlantic today   
    The Society admits that the Beast of Revelation 13:1 is an “organization”, which according to Rev 13:12 is directed by a false prophet. 
    To me, these descriptions slide perfectly in place with the WT and the GB leaders, since the anointed are involved.  Already we see God’s “tabernacle”/Temple blasphemed and the saints overcome by “Jehovah’s spiritual temple”.    Rev 13:5-7
    What will cement the deal, is when we see the organization disfellowship the GB.  Rev 17:16,17
  19. Upvote
    Witness reacted to JOHN BUTLER in The Secret Jehovah’s Witness Database of Child Molesters - The Atlantic today   
    That link is just fantastic. Very straight, no hype.
    Sorry but I cannot stand videos from USA about child abuse as they always seem hyped up, but this link is just so down to earth.
    I suppose I prefer to read it rather than listen to or watch it. I was moved by the straight forward way in which it was written.
    Of course that cowboy BTK and probably TTH and others will say it's not true and apostate lies, but we cannot expect anything better from those that worship the GB and the JW Org. Anyway a man that pretends to be a cowboy, and an author looking to earn money are hardly people we need to take notice of are they ?   
    I do honestly hope that this year will see some positive outcome from all the investigations Earthwide. Hopefully the GB will get punished in someway, either by God / Jesus Christ, or by the US legal system, or both. 
    It is so good that some people take the risk of stealing documents to give proof of the crimes of the GB and JW Org. 
    I'm sure in some way this would relate to things from Bible times, where true servants of God risked their lives for God's true purpose. I'm thinking of the 'spies' that went in to Jericho. 
    But now we have a question. Where does it go from here ?  it's like politics, it's all too easy to remove a political party or to protest against same, but the more difficult task is to replace it. 
    What does God / Jesus Christ intend to follow up with, that is the question we should all be asking ? 
  20. Like
    Witness reacted to Srecko Sostar in The Secret Jehovah’s Witness Database of Child Molesters - The Atlantic today   
    It can be said how JW members generally reject the possibility that abuse occurs within the organization, and if that is a very rare case. 
    On the other hand, they believe that the JHVH spirit will purify the organization in a way that will reveal to the elders the secret sins of such people and then they will expelled such from the congregation to remain congregation "clean".
    If the spirit of JHVH God reveals sins in WTJWORG, than the question arises as to, which spirit reveals the same sort of sins of people in the Catholic Church?
  21. Thanks
    Witness got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in The Secret Jehovah’s Witness Database of Child Molesters - The Atlantic today   
    In an organization, what sort of prevailing spirit would enable and encourage its people to hide its dirty business?  The spirit of God, who always exposed the sins of His people?
    What spiritual atmosphere promotes child abuse by ignoring a child’s call for help and justice, from their own parents? 
    What sort of spirit promotes parents to threaten their children using disgusting ‘weaponry’ against them, and at the same time, teaching them of “Jehovah’s paradise” as a promise if they were good? 
    What spirit resides in the heart of an elder who would ask a child suffering from parental abuse, “If her mother did end up killing her, could that prevent Jehovah from resurrecting her at Armageddon? “Of course, I said no,” Kimmy said, rolling her eyes. “They told me, ‘Go home and obey your mother.’”
    How can the Watchtower call itself “Jehovah’s theocratic organization”, or “Jehovah’s spiritual temple” when at the inner core of its “whitewashed tomb”, “the bones of the dead and everything unclean” exists?  Matt 23:27
    Child abuse is everywhere, but it is a rampant evil sickness in an organization that proudly claims to belong to “Jehovah”, to be a protection in times of distress, and an ark of salvation.  What hypocrisy.    Has it ever occurred to a JW that God sees the sins of His people?  And when God sees His people sinning, He refuses to aid them in times of crisis?
    Remind yourself again of what is happening in Russia.  Since the organization obviously hides its sins; yet, blatantly practices idolatry by ignoring the true temple of God in the anointed ones, (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22; 2 Thess 2:3,4) God has no interest in coming to  Watchtower’s aid in times of distress. 
    Tell me why He would.    Judges 2:6-23; Rom 1:18-25
     We have a deliverer, and it isn’t the GB or the organization who has refused to offer any aid to thousands who have suffered from abusive individuals residing in the “spiritual paradise”.  Our deliverer is the Father and Jesus Christ.  Judges 3:7-9; Rev 2:2-6,19-22; 3:17-21
    From The Atlantic:  https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2019/03/the-secret-jehovahs-witness-database-of-child-molesters/584311/
  22. Upvote
    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in The Secret Jehovah’s Witness Database of Child Molesters - The Atlantic today   
    In an organization, what sort of prevailing spirit would enable and encourage its people to hide its dirty business?  The spirit of God, who always exposed the sins of His people?
    What spiritual atmosphere promotes child abuse by ignoring a child’s call for help and justice, from their own parents? 
    What sort of spirit promotes parents to threaten their children using disgusting ‘weaponry’ against them, and at the same time, teaching them of “Jehovah’s paradise” as a promise if they were good? 
    What spirit resides in the heart of an elder who would ask a child suffering from parental abuse, “If her mother did end up killing her, could that prevent Jehovah from resurrecting her at Armageddon? “Of course, I said no,” Kimmy said, rolling her eyes. “They told me, ‘Go home and obey your mother.’”
    How can the Watchtower call itself “Jehovah’s theocratic organization”, or “Jehovah’s spiritual temple” when at the inner core of its “whitewashed tomb”, “the bones of the dead and everything unclean” exists?  Matt 23:27
    Child abuse is everywhere, but it is a rampant evil sickness in an organization that proudly claims to belong to “Jehovah”, to be a protection in times of distress, and an ark of salvation.  What hypocrisy.    Has it ever occurred to a JW that God sees the sins of His people?  And when God sees His people sinning, He refuses to aid them in times of crisis?
    Remind yourself again of what is happening in Russia.  Since the organization obviously hides its sins; yet, blatantly practices idolatry by ignoring the true temple of God in the anointed ones, (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22; 2 Thess 2:3,4) God has no interest in coming to  Watchtower’s aid in times of distress. 
    Tell me why He would.    Judges 2:6-23; Rom 1:18-25
     We have a deliverer, and it isn’t the GB or the organization who has refused to offer any aid to thousands who have suffered from abusive individuals residing in the “spiritual paradise”.  Our deliverer is the Father and Jesus Christ.  Judges 3:7-9; Rev 2:2-6,19-22; 3:17-21
    From The Atlantic:  https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2019/03/the-secret-jehovahs-witness-database-of-child-molesters/584311/
  23. Upvote
    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    I caught my breath when reading this one.  I know I’ve mentioned this before, but it bears repeating to any JW that would pay attention to scriptures. The anointed are compared to stars.  These stars – “angels” do not symbolize the elder body, as the WT teaches regarding Rev 1:20; 2:1; Rev 12:1; (Gal 4:24,26) Angels are messengers, the anointed are messengers.   Mal 2:7; John 1:51; Matt 22:29,30; 1 Pet 3:22; Heb 12:22,23; Luke 10:20, etc. 
     “Do everything without grumbling or arguing, 15 so that you may become blameless and pure, (Rev 14:3-5; 2 Cor 11:2; Heb 7:26); “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky (Matt 5:16) as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain. Phil 2:14-16
    These anointed “stars” can fall from their stable “heavenly” position. 
    “Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position.”  2 Pet 3:17
    During the last days, there are anointed ones “carried away by the error of the lawless”, who fall from God's grace.
    “See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.” Heb 12:15
    In order to defile many, one must lead many, into iniquity. 
    Revelation 12:4 speaks of anointed who fall by swallowing deceptive teachings/water from a false prophet. 
    Wormwood is a bitter root.*
    ·       *bitter gall; extreme wickedness, a bitter root, and so producing a bitter fruit. Matt 7:15-20
    Wormwood represents fallen anointed leaders who produce spiritual bad “fruit” that defiles many.  Rev 13:11,14  When one falls from God’s grace by breaking the covenant with God, he or she commits spiritual adultery.   
    “The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— 11 the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.”  Rev 8:10,11
    Truly, Jehovah’s people do not hunger spiritually or thirst for truth. Neither does the scorching heat of God’s fiery judgments fall upon us. We know how good the spiritual provisions taste and how nourishing they are. Km 5/88 p. 5,6
    There is nothing nourishing about falsehoods, no matter how they are dressed with ‘side dishes’; but as the quote says, lies poison slowly, cautiously,  and I will add, deliberately.  The cup that Wormwood offers, is brimming with lies. Micah 2:11; Eph 5:18; Rev 17:1-4  Accepting this Harlot’s cup induces numbness; and the distinction of what is a lie and what is truth is impossible to determine, unless one sincerely turns to God, and asks for His help.    Jonah 2:1-9; Lam 3:19-25 
  24. Upvote
    Witness got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    I caught my breath when reading this one.  I know I’ve mentioned this before, but it bears repeating to any JW that would pay attention to scriptures. The anointed are compared to stars.  These stars – “angels” do not symbolize the elder body, as the WT teaches regarding Rev 1:20; 2:1; Rev 12:1; (Gal 4:24,26) Angels are messengers, the anointed are messengers.   Mal 2:7; John 1:51; Matt 22:29,30; 1 Pet 3:22; Heb 12:22,23; Luke 10:20, etc. 
     “Do everything without grumbling or arguing, 15 so that you may become blameless and pure, (Rev 14:3-5; 2 Cor 11:2; Heb 7:26); “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky (Matt 5:16) as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain. Phil 2:14-16
    These anointed “stars” can fall from their stable “heavenly” position. 
    “Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position.”  2 Pet 3:17
    During the last days, there are anointed ones “carried away by the error of the lawless”, who fall from God's grace.
    “See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.” Heb 12:15
    In order to defile many, one must lead many, into iniquity. 
    Revelation 12:4 speaks of anointed who fall by swallowing deceptive teachings/water from a false prophet. 
    Wormwood is a bitter root.*
    ·       *bitter gall; extreme wickedness, a bitter root, and so producing a bitter fruit. Matt 7:15-20
    Wormwood represents fallen anointed leaders who produce spiritual bad “fruit” that defiles many.  Rev 13:11,14  When one falls from God’s grace by breaking the covenant with God, he or she commits spiritual adultery.   
    “The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— 11 the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.”  Rev 8:10,11
    Truly, Jehovah’s people do not hunger spiritually or thirst for truth. Neither does the scorching heat of God’s fiery judgments fall upon us. We know how good the spiritual provisions taste and how nourishing they are. Km 5/88 p. 5,6
    There is nothing nourishing about falsehoods, no matter how they are dressed with ‘side dishes’; but as the quote says, lies poison slowly, cautiously,  and I will add, deliberately.  The cup that Wormwood offers, is brimming with lies. Micah 2:11; Eph 5:18; Rev 17:1-4  Accepting this Harlot’s cup induces numbness; and the distinction of what is a lie and what is truth is impossible to determine, unless one sincerely turns to God, and asks for His help.    Jonah 2:1-9; Lam 3:19-25 
  25. Upvote
    It seems than that the Kid is trying to run the show, and give orders to others. He seems to have learnt his ways from the GB and the Elders. 
    I do wish people would fully understand the word Apostate though. And isn't this the OPEN forum for all of us.
    Don't JW's have a private/ closed forum for themselves ? So where is the problem for that poor child Kid. Can't he just go to the Private forum and be happy there ? 
    @JW Insider Quote "The only comments allowed in a congregational setting must be completely supportive even if the paragraph contained information that was clearly unscriptural. "
    Thank you JWI, this is so true and so wrong. And it's a form of brainwashing, a ritual by parrot fashion answering. Basically just repeating what the W/t article states as 'fact' when in truth it is not fact. 
    When you think of it that's how they teach evolution in schools. If it's in the text book it has to be right.  Just as if it's in the W/t it has to be right. 
    Can people not see the hypocracy of it all. And that is what the Kid wants here, indoctrination. No thanks. 
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