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    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in WHY would Jehovah's Witnesses reject Government calls for Independent Inquiry into sexual abuse?   
    Because like Edom, Esau’s progeny, Watchtower’s leaders have no fear of God.
    “The terror you inspire
        and the pride of your heart have deceived you,
    you who live in the clefts of the rocks,
        who occupy the heights of the hill.
    Though you build your nest as high as the eagle’s,
        from there I will bring you down,”
    declares the Lord.  Jer 49:16
    These are the last words of David:
    “The inspired utterance of David son of Jesse,
        the utterance of the man exalted by the Most High,
    the man anointed by the God of Jacob,
        the hero of Israel’s songs:
    2 “The Spirit of the Lord spoke through me;
        his word was on my tongue.
    3 The God of Israel spoke,
        the Rock of Israel said to me:
    ‘When one rules over people in righteousness,
        when he rules in the fear of God,
    4 he is like the light of morning at sunrise
        on a cloudless morning,
    like the brightness after rain
        that brings grass from the earth.’
    “If my house were not right with God,
        surely he would not have made with me an everlasting covenant,
        arranged and secured in every part;
    surely he would not bring to fruition my salvation
        and grant me my every desire.
    6 But evil men are all to be cast aside like thorns,
        which are not gathered with the hand.
    7 Whoever touches thorns
        uses a tool of iron or the shaft of a spear;
        they are burned up where they lie.” 2 Sam 23:1-7
    Is the Watchtower "right with God"?  I see only darkness emanating from the Watchtower, its leaders, and its choice to ignore their own sins. 
  2. Upvote
    Witness got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in "Nourishing Spiritual Food"?   
    All that you are pointing out were quotes from the organization.  But you know that, right?  Matthew's words are:
  3. Upvote
    Witness got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in "Nourishing Spiritual Food"?   
    “Nourishing Spiritual Food”? 
    I cannot advocate the website listed at the end of this short video, as I haven’t gone there.  Also I do not see verification that the money from the sale of houses, properties and goods was given to the Watchtower at that time period.  But I will not dismiss the large possibility.  What is important about this video, is hearing how 1975 was truly proclaimed from the source; quite contrary to how the 2017 convention presented it: 
    “…you see, back then, some were looking to a certain date as signifying the end of this old system of things. A few, even went so far as selling their homes and quitting their jobs. (km 5/1974)"
    “But the prophet who speaks a word presumptuously in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.” 
     You may say in your heart, “How shall we know the word which Yahweh has not spoken?”  When a prophet speaks in Yahweh’s name, if the thing doesn’t follow, nor happen, that is the thing which Yahweh has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You shall not be afraid of him.              Deut 18:20-22
    “This is what the LORD of Hosts says: "Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you. They are making you worthless. They speak visions from their own minds, not from the LORD's mouth.”  Jer 23:16
    “Behold, I am against the prophets, says Yahweh, who use their tongues, and say, He says. 32 Behold, I am against those who prophesy lying dreams, says Yahweh, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their vain boasting: yet I didn’t send them, nor commanded them; neither do they profit this people at all, says Yahweh.”  Jer 23:31-32
    If we claim to read God's Word and live by it, then God's Word should help us distinguish truth from lies.  Matt 3:10
  4. Like
    Witness reacted to JW Insider in If the organization did not actually prophesy the end in 1925 and 1975, then how come so many Witnesses left the faith immediately afterwards?   
    I think it might be a good thing, up to a point, to have a sensitivity approaching bitterness. This would be especially true if we realize the depth of the loss of so many who went out from us. These "little ones" were truly stumbled, at least partly because many of us went along with a message that basically said the very thing that Christ warned us against. In this small way, we were being "anti-Christ." 
    Christ had said, "If anyone says to you, 'The appointed time has approached' . . ., do not follow them." So, in 1973 we studied a book called "God's Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has Approached." In Russell's day, they often used a translation that said: "If anyone says to you, 'The time is at hand' . . . do not follow them." So Russell's second most famous book was called "The Time Is At Hand." Rutherford had done the same to an even greater degree with 1925. In effect, we as an organization had denied Christ 3 times. And what did Peter do when he realized the significance of his own three-time denial of Christ?
    (Matthew 26:75) 75 And Peter called to mind what Jesus had said, namely: “Before a rooster crows, you will disown me three times.” And he went outside and wept bitterly. (Matthew 18: 6-14) But whoever stumbles one of these little ones who have faith in me, it would be better for him to have hung around his neck a millstone that is turned by a donkey and to be sunk in the open sea. 7 “Woe to the world because of the stumbling blocks! Of course, it is inevitable that stumbling blocks will come, but woe to the man through whom the stumbling block comes! . . . 10 See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I tell you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my Father who is in heaven. . . . 14 Likewise, it is not a desirable thing to my Father who is in heaven for even one of these little ones to perish.
    Bitterness of soul is also the appropriate response to loss of faithful ones, and the reproach of that same loss.
    (Micah 2:4-7) 4 In that day people will recite a proverb concerning you, And they will bitterly lament over you. They will say: “We are completely devastated! He caused the portion of my people to change hands—how he removes it from me! . . .  6 “Stop preaching!” they preach, “They should not preach these things; Humiliation will not overtake us!”  7 Is it being said, O house of Jacob: “Has the spirit of Jehovah become impatient? Are these his deeds?” Do not my own words bring good to those walking uprightly? (Ezekiel 21:6, 7) 6 “And you, son of man, sigh while you tremble, yes, sigh bitterly before them. 7 And if they say to you, ‘Why are you sighing?’ you will say, ‘Because of a report.’ For it will certainly come,. . .
    (Isaiah 22:4) That is why I said: “Turn your eyes away from me,
    And I will weep bitterly.
    Do not insist on comforting me
    Over the destruction of the daughter of my people.
    There are times when such bitterness of soul, if combined with compassion, is clearly better than those remarks that indicate that we are uncaring about such ones who went out from us because it was their own fault, or even showing that we despise these little ones by calling them anti-Christ.
    When Frederick Franz was pushing this 1975 agenda, he obviously knew that the biggest push-back to overcome would be that some of the brothers could use Jesus' own words against the idea, by saying that 'no one knows the day or the hour.' He had to "get out in front" of that objection, and he did it by trying to minimize Jesus' words in Matt 24:34. He may have been arguing that these words of Jesus no longer applied to us now that we had reached this new time period when, in his opinion, we so clearly do know concerning that day and hour:
    *** w68 8/15 pp. 500-501 Why Are You Looking Forward to 1975? ***
    1975! . . . AND FAR BEYOND! . . . The Watch Tower Society over the years has endeavored to keep its associates abreast with the latest scholarship that proves consistent with historic and prophetic events recorded in the Scriptures. Major problems in sacred chronology have been straightened out . . . . One thing is absolutely certain, Bible chronology reinforced with fulfilled Bible prophecy shows that six thousand years of man’s existence will soon be up, yes, within this generation! (Matt. 24:34) This is, therefore, no time to be indifferent and complacent. This is not the time to be toying with the words of Jesus that “concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Matt. 24:36) To the contrary, it is a time when one should be keenly aware that the end of this system of things is rapidly coming to its violent end. Make no mistake, it is sufficient that the Father himself knows both the “day and hour”! My own father was counseled and disciplined by the District Overseer for adding that same verse to a Circuit Assembly talk in St Louis, Missouri in 1970 (plus or minus six months). It tended to tamp down the excitement over 1975.
    I also had heard my own father give counsel to another elder (a returned Gilead missionary) about not getting overly excited over 1975, and this was on about January 2, 1975. The other elder actually thought my father was in the wrong and argued with him about it. (My father had hired the other elder who thought my father was somehow "ashamed of the good news" by not wanting people to know that "this was the year" in his own workplace.)
    Of course, all of this stuff specifically about 1975 and 1925 is nearly ancient history. Our real concern should be whether we are willing to be honest about it now, and just how alert we are now to follow the spirit of Jesus' words about not following those who claim they have some unique knowledge about the times and seasons. (And who therefore believe they have the special knowledge to say "the time is at hand" or "the due time has approached.") We are still in danger, of course, because there are many who would give the words of men a higher priority than Jesus' own words. And many of the brothers, even today, will look at the disastrously false and unscriptural "Millions" campaign and shrug it off with words about how at least it pushed them zealously to greater activity. In some ways, many of the brothers are just as anxious to push the same messages:
    *** w97 1/1 p. 11 par. 18 Let All Glorify Jehovah! ***
    In the early 1920’s, a featured public talk presented by Jehovah’s Witnesses was entitled “Millions Now Living Will Never Die.” This may have reflected overoptimism at that time. But today that statement can be made with full confidence. Even the "overlapping generation" doctrine is being tied to a time schedule as Brother Splane and others have pointed out that even the second group of overlappers are already getting very old and many are already dying out. As more of the older anointed brothers continue to die out, we are creating the same kind of time limit all over again to the date for Armageddon. At least internally, we should all be bitterly weeping at such things.
  5. Upvote
    Witness reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in If the organization did not actually prophesy the end in 1925 and 1975, then how come so many Witnesses left the faith immediately afterwards?   
    Instead ... think of a police car ... which you can assemble from parts, just like a cake , and once assembled both the cake parts become cake, and the police car parts become a police car.
    A Police car is not just a car ... it is a car DEDICATED for police use., and the Chief of Police has rules and regulations for its use, care and maintenance, and who can use one, and who cannot.  I can imagine County Secretaries or Utility Workers NOT being permitted to use a police car. 
    Unauthorized use of an automobile can be considered Grand Theft/Auto, with a two year prison sentence ... at the discretion of the Chief of Police.
    Jehovah has set the standards of how blood can and cannot be used ..... and it is quite clear that he considers it as his PERSONAL PROPERTY. 
    Being Omnivores, which is clearly evident from the created design of our teeth, we were CLEARLY designed to eat meat, and AFTER the Flood, with the limited supply of animals available, and a year long by necessity enforced vegetarian diet ... God ONCE AGAIN gave mankind permission to eat meat ... as some animals had made copies of themselves during the restful, romantic  Love Boat voyage.
    Jehovah set strict rules for the use and handling and sanctity of blood.
    But I digress ......
    If Jehovah had said "Thou shalt NOT use MY police car!", I seriously doubt he would have been too happy if he caught you sitting on the ground with a set of mechanic's tools, a fender in your lap, and parts all around you, looking up with a sheepish ... " But Lord!, I am not UUUUUUUUSSSSSING your police car .... just some of the FRACTIONS!".
  6. Like
    Witness reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in If the organization did not actually prophesy the end in 1925 and 1975, then how come so many Witnesses left the faith immediately afterwards?   
    Gone Away:
    I very much appreciate your perspective, and wish I could be so cavalier ... but faith in Jehovah God and his Christ is much to be desired ... and faith in men who are duplicitous and dishonest continually for  a half century and more is idolatry.
  7. Downvote
    Witness got a reaction from DefenderOTT in Are Wrongly Disfellowshipped People Automatically Reinstated?   
    Watchtower has made references that the Wild Beast of Revelation 13, is an organization.
    Dan 7:23 states it is “diverse”, different, altered, changed, transformed.  It is not at all like the three previous beasts that God’s people suffered under.  Both its tactics and appearance are very different from the previous four beasts.
     It works on deceit.  Rev 19:20
    Revelation 13:7 says, It was given power to wage war (spiritual war according to the Greek scriptures 2 Cor 10:3,4) against God’s holy people/saints and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.
    The beast has the authority to symbolically (because Revelation a book of signs, Rev 1:1) “kill” those who refuse to accept its authority. 
    It has an “image” of being “spirit-directed”, given to it from a “false prophet”/second beast who appears to be “in Christ”.  Rev 13:11
    “The second beast was given power to give breath (spirit; see John 20:22) to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.”  Rev 13:15
    Has any organization in the world “conquered” the anointed ones? Certainly not the U.N.  Is there any organization in the world that has the power to authorize the spiritual “death” of people from every tribe, language and nation when they refuse to acknowledge it as an image given by “spirit”?
    There is only one diverse organization that has significantly conquered the saints and their companions; pushing the anointed into the far corners of the organization and out of sight from all others.  The Watchtower organization.
    The elder body has been appointed on the basis of a few scriptures that they say, provides these men with the “breath” of Holy Spirit.  In reality,  they are the speaking “image” of Rev 13:15.   They have been given the authority over the saints/anointed ones and people from every “tribe, language and nation”, to disfellowship (consider them spiritually dead) any who refuse to revere and serve, the Watchtower organization.
    Is “Jehovah’s spirit-directed organization” blessed by God?  
    No.  It is the formidable foe against the remaining ones of the woman’s seed before the Kingdom arrives.  Rev 12:1-4; 2 Thess 2:9-12
    “They will put you out of (expel you from) the synagogues (“congregations”); but an hour is coming when whoever kills you will think and claim that he has offered service to God.”  John 16:2
    When individuals are disfellowshipped, their treatment received from other members of the organization is as if they are dead.  Many disfellowshipped ones have not sinned, but have recognized that Christ is their Head, and not men.  Matt 5:11; Mark 8:35 They refuse to acknowledge an organization based on deceit. 
  8. Haha
    Witness got a reaction from DefenderOTT in Are Wrongly Disfellowshipped People Automatically Reinstated?   
    Yes, sadly this is the case.  John 12:40
  9. Haha
    Witness got a reaction from DefenderOTT in Are Wrongly Disfellowshipped People Automatically Reinstated?   
    I will let the Watchtower's hypocritical teachings answer it for you.
  10. Haha
    Witness got a reaction from DefenderOTT in Are Wrongly Disfellowshipped People Automatically Reinstated?   
    Where to start.  
    Who are the anointed ones, and why must they obey those not anointed - the elder body?  
  11. Like
    Witness reacted to Srecko Sostar in Are Wrongly Disfellowshipped People Automatically Reinstated?   
    ....with elders' and WT'  helping hand.
  12. Like
    Witness reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Are Wrongly Disfellowshipped People Automatically Reinstated?   
    If you were a  real sheep, that's a VERY good idea.
    When you get invited to dinner ... YOU are on the menu.
    With THE WAY that we are doing disfellowshipping today ... we ARE ... eating our own.
  13. Like
    Witness reacted to Srecko Sostar in Are Wrongly Disfellowshipped People Automatically Reinstated?   
    YES! If elders have interest to Imitate Jesus they will do exactly this, to search for the lost sheep - Mat.18:12-14:   “What do you think? If a man has 100 sheep and one of them strays,+ will he not leave the 99 on the mountains and set out on a search for the one that is straying?+ 13  And if he finds it, I certainly tell you, he rejoices more over it than over the 99 that have not strayed. 14  Likewise, it is not a desirable thing to my* Father who is in heaven for even one of these little ones to perish.
  14. Like
    Witness reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Are Wrongly Disfellowshipped People Automatically Reinstated?   
    This is known as a "Semantics Trap", where you are chained by a false premise and the chain of logic is too short to allow you to reach the proper conclusion.
    If "the law" states that you will be hung by the neck until dead, if you park your car in a handicapped parking place ... and you DO park your car in a handicapped parking place without that little handicapped sign on your car, or whatever is required, you are "rightfully" executed for doing what you are doing.
    Anyone with a true sense of justice knows the punishment does not fit the crime, but in some societies, there is no such thing as common sense or mercy, or even "extenuating circumstances" such as perhaps your car engine failed, and that was the only spot you could roll your car to, to get it out of the main traffic or travel-way.
    Last year, October 1, 2017 in Las Vegas, while a mass murderer was shooting  from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel, at people at a concert in the street below.........
    (In approximately ten minutes he killed 58 people, and left 851 people injured)
    ....... One man below decided to steal a truck inside a Company parking lot (he knew they kept their keys in the trucks), and with that stolen truck he  went into the line of gunfire, and amid the dead and dying,  loaded it up with wounded, and took them to the hospitals.
    He confessed to deliberately stealing the truck (grand theft/auto ... a felony), and it became world wide news.  A self confessed and globally notorious car thief.
    Yes he was a thief.
    A self confessed and globally notorious car thief.
    No ... he was NOT repentant ... and would do it again, in similar circumstances.
    The law stated that he could be sentenced to two or more years in a Nevada prison.
    He was not charged as a felony thief, although he was absolutely guilty.
    It was NOT the right thing to do, and NO REASONABLE PERSON, not the Utility Company that owned the truck, not the police, not the stupidest man wandering the streets of Las Vegas even imagined charging him with vehicle theft.
    If he would have been one of Jehovah's Witnesses, under current rules as commonly practiced EVERYWHERE by the current system, only three things would have been considered.
    1.) Did he steal someone's vehicle?  -  (yes, he did).
    2.) Did the public find out about it, and know he was one of Jehovah's Witnesses?  -  (yes, and yes).
    3.) Was he truly repentant of his crime, and firmly resolved never to do it again? - (no, he was not and could NEVER be).
    Therefore, as night follows day, BIG ORG would have had him disfellowshipped, and without repentance ( perhaps even some begging and tears, and rending of clothes ...) he would be forever disfellowshipped. No mercy would be shown ... just the blind application of ORG policy. 
    In righteous indignation he may even pleaded for real  for JUSTICE ... but his pleas would be laughed at. (I have actually heard this, of first hand knowledge, as a couple sat in the darkened Kingdom Hall awaiting judgement ... ).
    This is what happens when simple common sense is foreign to the minds of those who seek to consolidate their authority, and not be removed from their positions of authority. ...........
    According to Big Org law, the thief would have been rightfully convicted of being an unrepentant thief.
    And NO ONE would have "spoken up" for him, for fear they also would be disfellowshipped for disturbing the unity of the Congregation, for they, themselves also would for a certainty also be disfellowshipped, for questioning the decisions of the Elders, for Apostasy, or "brazen conduct" (which covers nothing and everything at the same time) .... or in any way indicating Big Org's  judgement was anything else but, as George Orwell in his book "1984"  put it ... "Doubleplusgood".
    Such devotion to "law" would have made the Pharisees of Jesus' day very proud.
  15. Like
    Witness reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Why doesn't All-Powerful Jehovah Protect Young Witness Girls from Pedophiles in the Congregation?   
    Jesus was a perfect example of a man who was tortured to death ... for doing the "right thing" ... and he KNEW IN ADVANCE that was the price he would have to pay .
    He went on a known "suicide mission", to rescue people ... KNOWING he was going to be brutally tortured,  and that  there was no way to get out of it alive .... and did it ANYWAY!
  16. Upvote
    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Are Wrongly Disfellowshipped People Automatically Reinstated?   
    Watchtower has made references that the Wild Beast of Revelation 13, is an organization.
    Dan 7:23 states it is “diverse”, different, altered, changed, transformed.  It is not at all like the three previous beasts that God’s people suffered under.  Both its tactics and appearance are very different from the previous four beasts.
     It works on deceit.  Rev 19:20
    Revelation 13:7 says, It was given power to wage war (spiritual war according to the Greek scriptures 2 Cor 10:3,4) against God’s holy people/saints and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.
    The beast has the authority to symbolically (because Revelation a book of signs, Rev 1:1) “kill” those who refuse to accept its authority. 
    It has an “image” of being “spirit-directed”, given to it from a “false prophet”/second beast who appears to be “in Christ”.  Rev 13:11
    “The second beast was given power to give breath (spirit; see John 20:22) to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.”  Rev 13:15
    Has any organization in the world “conquered” the anointed ones? Certainly not the U.N.  Is there any organization in the world that has the power to authorize the spiritual “death” of people from every tribe, language and nation when they refuse to acknowledge it as an image given by “spirit”?
    There is only one diverse organization that has significantly conquered the saints and their companions; pushing the anointed into the far corners of the organization and out of sight from all others.  The Watchtower organization.
    The elder body has been appointed on the basis of a few scriptures that they say, provides these men with the “breath” of Holy Spirit.  In reality,  they are the speaking “image” of Rev 13:15.   They have been given the authority over the saints/anointed ones and people from every “tribe, language and nation”, to disfellowship (consider them spiritually dead) any who refuse to revere and serve, the Watchtower organization.
    Is “Jehovah’s spirit-directed organization” blessed by God?  
    No.  It is the formidable foe against the remaining ones of the woman’s seed before the Kingdom arrives.  Rev 12:1-4; 2 Thess 2:9-12
    “They will put you out of (expel you from) the synagogues (“congregations”); but an hour is coming when whoever kills you will think and claim that he has offered service to God.”  John 16:2
    When individuals are disfellowshipped, their treatment received from other members of the organization is as if they are dead.  Many disfellowshipped ones have not sinned, but have recognized that Christ is their Head, and not men.  Matt 5:11; Mark 8:35 They refuse to acknowledge an organization based on deceit. 
  17. Like
    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in "WAIT ON JEHOVAH"?   
    Many "Jehovah's Witnesses" have said to me, 
    "Don't you think that we should just wait on Jehovah to straighten things out in the leadership of the Organization? Surely Jehovah will take care of things in His own due time."

    Has not God already made clear how He handles wayward leadership and those who cling to them who lead His people astray? Did he "straighten out" Jerusalem, when they rejected His Son? How does God always conclude his covenants with those who reject His guidance? What happened in 70 C.E.?
    Don't you remember Christ's warning, at Matt.24:15,16?

    Please consider my scriptural reply to your questions....
    Because of the critical times in which we live, we must consult Yhwh's direction in this (Prov.3:5,6).
    Certainly, we do not want to view the continuing existence of sin and false doctrines as Yhwh's fault, as if  He wants it to continue until He feels inclined to correct it (1John1:5; Rom.3:4). Any apostasy that exists, is due to men, and not due to God's complacency. 
    True, this futility and operation of error is being permitted by Yhwh (Rom.8:20; 2Thess.2:11,9), but not without purpose! 
    Be certain that you see clearly what that purpose is!

    2Thess.2:9,10,11,12 tells us, that Yhwh allows this test by Satan, so that those who do not really love Him and the truth, will be deceived and marked. The outcome? Eze.14:10; 2Thess.2:10,12; Rev.13:8 and Rev.19:20,21 answer.
    Does Yhwh really hold accountable, and condemn, those who are deceived into subjection to corrupt leaders, or even just the complacent condoning of an environment of corruption?
    See Ezek.14:10; 1Tim.2:14; Psalm26:4 make the answer to that clear.
    So, if we continue to subject ourselves to a false prophet and continue to take in the spiritual food they provide; how does Yhwh view us? (Matt.15:14; 1Cor.10:21,22; Rev.2:2,14,16,20,21,22,23).
    "Waiting on Jehovah" is for the endurance of injustice, after you have actually been subjected to it for righteousness' sake(Rev.6:10; 1Pet.2:19; 5:9; Matt.5:10,11,12; Gal.5:1,7,8; Matt.10:32; Rom.8:17; 2Tim.2:12). 
    The example of Christ was to speak out against religious corruption and poisonous spiritual food (Matt.23). He knew that Truth was the only way to salvation (John14:6; 17:3,17). He was willing to die to provide the vital warning, that we must not be complacent followers (John18:37; 8:40; Matt.23:13,33,38; 5:20; 15:14). So also, do his brothers and true followers (Luke9:23,24;Rev.6:11; 12:11; Matt.5:13,14,15,16). If we know what is right, and do not do it; it is a sin for us (James4:17; Gen.3:3). We know it is right, to warn those in spiritual peril (Ezek.3:18; 33:8). We know it is wrong to tolerate wicked leaders (Rev.2:20; 2Kings9:7;Eze.13:17; 2Cor.11:4,20,13,12,3).

    Sitting still in silence, is not truly, "waiting on Jehovah"...as if His patience is to blame for our drunken sleep.
    We do not "wait on Jehovah" for Him to make us take action to do what is right (Deut.30:15,19; Luke13:24). Yhwh is not going to force the corrupt ones to change, so we should stop waiting for that. He is allowing a short time, to see what WE will choose; the condoning of corruption...or faithful action that results in life. (Gal.6:4; Mark10:29,30; Rev.2:2; 2Cor.6:17; Rev18:4; Mark 8:35)
    We have free will, and must choose for ourselves to obey His warnings and guidance. "Waiting" will not accomplish this, nor save us. Decisive action was needed to save Noah and his family (Gen.6:22; Heb.12:25). It is the same today (Matt.24:37; 1Cor.10:11).

    Many may be under the impression that we have enough time before the end; and that there is time for the Organization to be cleansed and repaired. The reality is, that no longer will imperfect men running an imperfect organization, rule in righteousness during the remainder of Satan's system. 
    The very next kings will be Yhwh, Christ, and his glorified brothers (2Pet.3:5,6,7,11,13; Rev.12:10; 6:10,11; 14:1). These have no need of a man-made Temple, buildings, or Organization (John4:21,23,24; Matt.24:2; Isa.26:5; Job 5:11; Eze.21:25,26,27;Luke14:11). God himself is constructing his own, perfected "organization"; and the last of the living stones are taking their place in the completed Tabernacle of God (1Cor.15:50; 1Pet.2:5,9; 1Cor.3:16; Eph.2:20,21,22; Heb.11:10; Acts7:48; Zech.4:9-10) This everlasting and glorious "organization" comes down out of heaven from God (Rev.21:2,3,4,5; 22:3,4; Dan.2:44); not up from the ashes of corruption and sin (Job 14:4).

    Yhwh has made plain in so many scriptures, that now is not the time for loyalty to those condemned. It is a time for fleeing, an opened door provided by the merciful compassion of the King of Eternity; who does not implement the cleansing fire of His wrath, until first He warns His prophets (Amos3:7; 2Pet.1:21). 
    Let him that has ears...listen!
    (Luke21:21,22; 17:32; Isa.52:11; 2Cor.6:17; Jer.51:45; Rev.18:4)
    Pearl Doxsey, 4womaninthewilderness
  18. Thanks
    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in "NO WITNESSES"   
    @JOHN BUTLER, I just happened to run across the ctv news special if you mised it:
  19. Thanks
    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in "NO WITNESSES"   
    John, I believe it is this Saturday at 7:00.  I did notice that there is the option of "live news" if one signs in.  That may allow you to watch it Saturday in Canada's time zone.  Avery Haines did an earlier commentary on JWs:  
  20. Thanks
    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in "NO WITNESSES"   
    "This week a troubling story on W5: Avery Haines investigates an alleged sex abuse cover-up within the Jehovah's Witnesses. From across Canada, to the United States, England and Australia she reveals how the religious sect's doctrine protects accused sex offenders and pedophiles and makes it virtually impossible for complaints to be reported to police. Watch NO WITNESSES Saturday at 7 pm on CTV."
  21. Like
    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in A FRAUDULENT ACT AGAINST GOD   
    "Yes, the WT is being presented as a work of God. It claims to establish provenance, by pointing to the supposed existence of a governing body in the first century. We as JWs, bought into that counterfeit, by selling our souls in exchange for a beautiful depiction of a promise of salvation, framed within the confines of the organization. 
    Jesus foresaw this masterful counterfeit as a feature of the Great Tribulation, and his first warning words to us, were "See to it that no one misleads you" (Matt.24:3-4,24-25)  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matt.24%3A3%2C4%2C24%2C25&version=NKJV
    The final false prophet, is handed a key to Satan's Abyss of dark deception (Rev.8:10-11; 9:1-3), enabling it to perform the sorcery of powerful misleading signs and portents, as she released Satan from his imprisonment, to work through her and her beast" (Rev.16:13-16; 17:14; 20:7-8; 13:11-18,7-8; 1Tim.4:1; Col.2:8; Rev.13:10; Luke21:24; Rev.13:7; 11:2).    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Rev.8%3A10-11%3B+9%3A1-3%3BRev.16%3A13-16%3B+17%3A14%3B+20%3A7-8%3B+13%3A11-18%2C7-8%3B+1Tim.4%3A1%3B+Col.2%3A8%3B+Rev.13%3A10%3B+Luke+21%3A24%3B+Rev.13%3A7%3B+11%3A2&version=NKJV
    Pearl Doxsey
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    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in A FRAUDULENT ACT AGAINST GOD   
    My mother was a “plein air” artist, and although it sounds rather sophisticated, this artist scraped for every brush and tube of paint she could get.  When raising five children, I am sure her love of painting conflicted with the necessary care of her offspring.  Many times, it was evident that the artwork took precedence, especially when dinner’s aromas were overpowered by the lingering fumes of the day’s use of turpentine; a sure sign that an unfinished piece of art was given top priority.
     Her philosophy was, never copy another artist’s work; that of a well-known painter, or otherwise.
    As a girl, I was frequently in tow with father, mother, little brother, art supplies and camping gear piled in the back of a station wagon, and heading for the mountains.  Other artists would arrive for the ‘art fest’ over the weekend.  As they readied themselves before the scene to be painted, their own unique tools, color choices, and techniques emerged to achieve what they envisioned of the natural scene before them.  Even through my young eyes, I could clearly understand the intent of each artist’s desire to capture the scene.  Mountains, plains, trees, sage, water were all identifiable from a different, but recognizable perspective. No one owned the scene, only the work and technique they used, to illustrate what they perceived. 
    Art forgery is a different matter. The intent is to deceive and pilfer the unsuspecting one into thinking they are buying the original piece of art.  In the case of copied works by the famous “Masters”, detailed analysis using microscopes and x-rays detects the evidence of modern paints and materials.  Also, extensive, historical research is applied to identify a forgery.
    Note the comments made by an article on art forgery:
    “Regardless of what technique is used, every authentication starts with determining whether a work has a provenance, which is THE RECORD OF A WORK’S OWNERSHIP HISTORY. Ideally, THE RECORD SHOULD STRETCH ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE WORK’S CREATION.
    “Unfortunately, an unidentified forgery will accumulate its own provenance the longer it goes undiscovered, so the provenance becomes INCREASINGLY REINFORCED AS TIME PASSES. Forgers will often take advantage of the loose provenance by creating an ILLUSION of provenance along with forging the work. THEY WILL BUILD A FRAUDULENT IDENTITY for the work with fake documents and staged photographs. The longer the forgery goes undetected, the harder it may be to detect that the documents are not genuine.”   (https://alj.orangenius.com/techniques-art-forgery/)
    False prophets are common, but could a spiritual counterfeit picture of “truth” be painted in order to rob an individual not only of their physical investments but of their spiritual life?  Let’s briefly put the Watchtower under a microscope using a valid historical record, the Bible, and see what its “provenance” shows.  At one point it made the comment,
    "As Christians, we face up to similar challenges today. We cannot take part in any modern version of idolatry—be it worshipful gestures toward an image or symbol or the imputing of SALVATION to a person or an ORGANIZATION." Watchtower 1990 11/1 p. 26 Our Relative Subjection to the Superior Authorities
    This is a similar stand of CT Russell when first gathering his Bible Students, when he said, “Beware of ‘organization’.  It is wholly unnecessary.  The Bible rules will be the only rules you need”.  Wt 9/15/1895
    What about a statement made BEFORE the 1990 WT. quote? 
    WT. 10/1/1967 p. 591:   "Make haste TO IDENTIFY THE VISIBLE THEOCRATIC ORGANIZATION of God that represents his king, Jesus Christ. IT IS ESSENTIAL FOR LIFE. Doing so, be complete in accepting its every aspect”
    Watchtower appears to be staging some confusing fake documents, at whatever angle we look at it.  Which quote is genuine, which is a lie?  They both carry their own lying qualities.  Today, the Watchtower has completed painting its illusion of a spirit-directed organization providing a spiritual paradise to lead you into God’s Kingdom.   2 Thess 2:1-4; Jer 8:11; 14:13-14; 28:8,9
    Watchtower 16/11 pg 16-20:
    BE LOYAL TO JEHOVAH AND SUPPORT HIS ORGANIZATION - “Yes, if we are LOYAL to Jehovah and follow the direction he gives us by means of his organization, HE WILL GIVE US EVERLASTING LIFE and he will be loyal to us forever!” 
    WT 15/8/15 pg 15-20:
    PREPARE NOW FOR LIFE IN THE NEW WORLD -  “If we want to be ready for life in the new world, we need to learn to be CONTENT and to COOPERATE with Jehovah’s ORGANIZATION and with one another.
    To prepare for everlasting life in the new world, we need to OBEY the direction from Jehovah’s ORGANIZATION now.” Wt 15/8/15  pg 15-20
    Concisely, a JW must:
    This is now your solid, established teaching, JWs.  The requirement held out for everlasting life, according to the Watchtower is total reliance on, and devotion to, the organization; along with a spurious, idolatrous attempt made, to link it with God.  Isa 46:5; Rev 13:1,5-8 The necessity of the organization has been a gradual development within the last 100 years; a provenance that has now come under scrutiny. Rev 16:13-16; Ezek 8:6; Amos 7:8; Rev 11:1  Of course, we believe that the faithful early Christians received salvation.  What about God’s anointed ones and believers over the centuries since Christ, in various parts of the world?  JWs, we know there was no “organization” that TRUE Christians relied on as one’s salvation throughout the centuries. Rev 20:4  Or, do you feel there was not a single soul that was faithful to God and Christ after the formation of the early congregations, UNTIL the Watchtower organization emerged?  Col 2:8; Rev 13:1,4,10   https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isa+46%3A5%3B+Rev+13%3A1%2C5-8%3B+Rev+16%3A13-16%3B+Ezek+8%3A6%3B+Amos+7%3A8%3B+Rev+11%3A1%3B+20%3A4%3B+Col+2%3A8%3B+Rev+13%3A1%2C4%2C10&version=NIV
    It appears a wrench has been thrown into the working out of our salvation; and indeed, this is the case.  Ask yourself, where is Christ in all of this organization business?  When Jesus said, “destroy this temple and I will raise it up in three days”, did he mean that an earthly, man-made corporation decked out with major complexes world-wide and modern-day synagogues was to be established 1900 years later? 
    “BUT HE WAS SPEAKING OF THE TEMPLE OF HIS BODY.  So when he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this, and they BELIEVED THE SCRIPTURE and the STATEMENT Jesus had made.”  John 2:19-22
    Does this “temple” require money and physical upkeep?  Does it require any earthly goods whatsoever?  Phil 3:18,19 
    “For you know that it was NOT with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. 
     He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake. THROUGH HIM you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God.”  1 Pet 1:18-21
    According to scripture, an earthly organization established with your “silver and gold” is not Bible-based as necessary for salvation.  Exod 32:8,4; Isa 42:8; Rom 1:20-22,25; Acts 4:12 
    We are revealing a case of forgery; a counterfeit “Mount Zion”, the Temple of God. (Heb 12:22,23)  It appears so incredibly authentic that God’s Chosen ones and companions have been lulled into passivity by its illustrious beauty and promise of peace if one remains within its picture.  1 Thess 5:3  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Phil+3%3A18%2C19%3B+Exod+32%3A8%2C4%3B+Isa+42%3A8%3B+Rom+1%3A20-22%2C25%3B+Acts+4%3A12%3B+Heb+12%3A22%2C23%3B+1+Thess+5%3A3++&version=NIV
    From Pearl Doxsey’s article, “What’s Wrong with Peace and Security”?
    “Is this perception of present peace and security accurate?
    What is the danger of feeling safe from Satan due to the supposed spiritual shelter of an organization?
    Prophecy tells us that when Satan makes his final attack against the woman's seed,
    they do not expect the attack, nor perceive their vulnerability (Eze.38:11,14; Jer.49:31)
    Can you see that this overlaps with the period where the leaders of God's people are falsely declaring peace and security? (Eze.13:16; Rev.13:11,4; 1Thess.5:3)
    Because of their drowsy, overconfident condition, they are deceived and conquered (Rev.13:7; 9:5,10; Matt.5:13; Rev.11:2; 12:4; Dan.8:10,11,12,13; 2Thess.2:4).”    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Eze.38%3A11%2C14%3B+Jer.49%3A31%3BEze.13%3A16%3B+Rev.13%3A11%2C4%3B+1Thess.5%3A3%3BRev.13%3A7%3B+9%3A5%2C10%3B+Matt.5%3A13%3B+Rev.11%3A2%3B+12%3A4%3B+Dan.8%3A10%2C11%2C12%2C13%3B+2Thess.2%3A4&version=NIV
    Now, on to Pearl’s  “An Illustration”:
    “Satan knows he cannot prevent the prophetic SPIRITUAL signs and events which Jesus foretold for the end, from coming to pass (Rev.12:4,5,12,13).
    Satan realizes that the only way to prevent the remnant from grasping hold of the life-saving warnings, is to stage a counterfeit earlier fulfillment (Rev.12:15,9; 13:9,10,11,14; Matt.24:4,5,23,48; 2Thess.2:2) both religious and secular. He has the power to do so (1John5:19). Satan hopes that the remnant who are searching for the truthful interpretations of unfolding end-time events,
    will be detoured, by Satan's own premature counterfeit "fulfillment" (2Thess.2:2,3,11; Matt.7:15; 24:4,8,11,13,24; Rev.13:11).

    Satan cannot change nor fulfill the true SPIRITUAL signs Jesus gave. But he can fabricate a decoy within his own physical, visible realm, which IS under his power (Rev.2:9; Eph.6:12; John12:31).
    He must do this before the True signs arrive.
    Yet, he cannot fabricate a counterfeit for EVERY single true prophetic spiritual detail that Jesus gave.

    Will the chosen notice these discrepancies? Will they prove attentive enough to prove wise, faithful, awake, sober, and discreet?”
    (This article is a valuable first step in understanding end time prophesy concerning God’s chosen/anointed people.)
    The article on art forgery said, “Finding a forgery can cast doubt on the authenticators and damage the reputation of the sellers”. 
    The “two witnesses” of Rev 11:3, who work for Christ, reveal the authenticity of the Body of Christ as God’s Temple Zion and expose the Watchtower organization and its Harlot leaders for what they are -fakes, who paint with layers of lies. Ezek 13:10-12; Matt 23:12, 27; John 16:13; Rev.2:29    JWs!  As companion “sellers” of the Watchtower and its “good news”, your reputation with the Head of the anointed Body – Christ – will continue to deteriorate!  Sadly, many doubt the authenticity of Christ’s anointed “two witnesses” whose job it is to draw attention to this forgery.  Zech 4:3,11,14; Matt 10:20; 2 Cor 10:4,5    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Rev+11%3A3%3BEzek+13%3A10-12%3B+Matt+23%3A12%2C+27%3B+John+16%3A13%3B+Rev.2%3A29%3BZech+4%3A3%2C11%2C14%3B+Matt+10%3A20%3B+2+Cor+10%3A4%2C5%3B+&version=NIV
    Art forgery can be a federal and state offense.  What will happen to the Watchtower for its blasphemous offense before God?  Scripture tells us - Zech 4:7; Rev 8:8 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Zech+4%3A7%3B+Rev+8%3A8&version=NIV
    I am sure you will say the organization is necessary in spreading the “good news of the kingdom”; yet, the good news is, the false promise of peace and security has been exposed, stopping short any further deceit and pilfering to come against the anointed (“Jacob”) and their companions who see it as it is – an illusion. 2 Thess 2:9-12  They come forth eagerly desiring to shed Watchtower’s sins and to accept freely, the Truth from Christ.  The authentic works of the Father and Christ have been found by those with keen understanding and eyes that see. God has redeemed His people.  Matt 7:7; 10:6, 1 Cor 1:28,29; Isa 48:20; Rev 18:4-8  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Thess+2%3A9-12%3BMatt+7%3A7%3B+10%3A6%2C+1+Cor+1%3A28%2C29%3B+Isa+48%3A20%3B+Rev+18%3A4-8&version=NIV
    Other articles are found on Pearl’s blog:
  23. Like
    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Why doesn't All-Powerful Jehovah Protect Young Witness Girls from Pedophiles in the Congregation?   
    Well there is this one, from 2/1/1983
    My son pointed out the picture of Zeus in the woman’s skirt when he was just 10 years old.  It was later that I saw the angelÂ’s right twisted leg and “hoof” that really raised an eyebrow.
    No angel of God there, protecting those women in their preaching work!
    Sure.  There are subliminal images all through the history of the Watchtower.  And sure, JWs will always figure out an excuse for them, which is just what Satan wants them to do.
    Jesus answered them, “Be careful that no one leads you astray.  For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will lead many astray.”  Matt 24:4,5
    Yes, fully accomplished by those “ambassadors substituting for Christ. NWT 2 Cor 5:20
    Substituting:  “If you substitute one thing for another, or if one thing substitutes for another, it takes the place or performs the function of the other thing.”
    This is how the GB gets away with expecting the obedience of all anointed and all JWs.  They are “performing” as if they are Christ. 
    “Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.”  KJV 2 Cor 5:20
    Ambassadors are messengers, coming as representatives of someone.  The anointed priesthood are to bear Christ’s message, not replace him.  Mal 2:7; 1 Pet 2:5,9  Any anointed one who wants to “substitute” for Christ has an ulterior motive – power over others. I wonder how many times the magazines refer to the corrupted form of 2 Cor 5:20.  THAT is the “subliminal” message being taken to the door.  God would not bless such a message or the messengers who present it.

  24. Downvote
    Witness got a reaction from DespicableME in Are Wrongly Disfellowshipped People Automatically Reinstated?   
    Watchtower has made references that the Wild Beast of Revelation 13, is an organization.
    Dan 7:23 states it is “diverse”, different, altered, changed, transformed.  It is not at all like the three previous beasts that God’s people suffered under.  Both its tactics and appearance are very different from the previous four beasts.
     It works on deceit.  Rev 19:20
    Revelation 13:7 says, It was given power to wage war (spiritual war according to the Greek scriptures 2 Cor 10:3,4) against God’s holy people/saints and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.
    The beast has the authority to symbolically (because Revelation a book of signs, Rev 1:1) “kill” those who refuse to accept its authority. 
    It has an “image” of being “spirit-directed”, given to it from a “false prophet”/second beast who appears to be “in Christ”.  Rev 13:11
    “The second beast was given power to give breath (spirit; see John 20:22) to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.”  Rev 13:15
    Has any organization in the world “conquered” the anointed ones? Certainly not the U.N.  Is there any organization in the world that has the power to authorize the spiritual “death” of people from every tribe, language and nation when they refuse to acknowledge it as an image given by “spirit”?
    There is only one diverse organization that has significantly conquered the saints and their companions; pushing the anointed into the far corners of the organization and out of sight from all others.  The Watchtower organization.
    The elder body has been appointed on the basis of a few scriptures that they say, provides these men with the “breath” of Holy Spirit.  In reality,  they are the speaking “image” of Rev 13:15.   They have been given the authority over the saints/anointed ones and people from every “tribe, language and nation”, to disfellowship (consider them spiritually dead) any who refuse to revere and serve, the Watchtower organization.
    Is “Jehovah’s spirit-directed organization” blessed by God?  
    No.  It is the formidable foe against the remaining ones of the woman’s seed before the Kingdom arrives.  Rev 12:1-4; 2 Thess 2:9-12
    “They will put you out of (expel you from) the synagogues (“congregations”); but an hour is coming when whoever kills you will think and claim that he has offered service to God.”  John 16:2
    When individuals are disfellowshipped, their treatment received from other members of the organization is as if they are dead.  Many disfellowshipped ones have not sinned, but have recognized that Christ is their Head, and not men.  Matt 5:11; Mark 8:35 They refuse to acknowledge an organization based on deceit. 
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    Witness got a reaction from DespicableME in Are Wrongly Disfellowshipped People Automatically Reinstated?   
    I will let the Watchtower's hypocritical teachings answer it for you.
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