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    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JW{.}ORG Is No Longer a Publishing Company. ( I never thought I'd see the day. ) Is this really so?..   
    What an admittance.  Did she follow that up with any news of what "they" are today?  
  2. Like
    Witness got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Bearing Witness to Almighty God, Jesus Christ, and God's Kingdom.   
    Isn't it amazing that they have to say that the man of lawlessness "sits" in a counterfeit temple, and is Christendom.  Do JWs check God's word to verify this?  NO! They keep gulping down the lie. THEY DON'T CARE.  How can "God's Temple", or "the temple of God" as 2 Thess 2:4 calls it, be defined as a counterfeit temple?  What does God think about that?   And what about Rev. 11:1,2?
    "Then I was given a reed like a measuring rod. [a]And the angel stood, saying, “Rise and measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who worship there. 2 But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles. And they will tread the holy city underfoot for forty-two months".
    These scripture reiterate that...
    #1 - the "man of lawlessness" made up of "Gentiles",  "sits" in God's Temple
    #2 - the "Gentile" times are NOT over
    #3 - the Temple of God are the anointed priests and dwelling of His Holy Spirit. (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22)
    #4 - The only people or nation that can "sit" in the Temple of God, which the anointed priests are members of, are those who replaced them as priests, and those who can rule over them.  The elder body. 
    #5 - The elder body is the "man of lawlessness", "standing where it should not"  (Mark 13:14) If the "abomination that causes desolation", which is the "man of lawlessness", was standing/sitting in a counterfeit temple, would it matter where it was found? God wouldn't be interested in a counterfeit temple. What does that have to do with His people?   His focus is on His own dwelling in spirit, in the hearts of the anointed.  (2 Cor 6:16)
    #6 -  The position of the elders as representing the priesthood "cannot be challenged".  Such an arrogant, high-sounding statement, isn't it!
    “His armed forces will rise up to desecrate the temple fortress and will abolish the daily sacrifice. Then they will set up the abomination that causes desolation. 32 With flattery he will corrupt those who have violated the covenant, but the people who know their God will firmly resist him.
    “The king will do as he pleases. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, for what has been determined must take place. "  Dan 11:31,32,36
    "He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God."  2 Thess 2:4
     The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months. 6 It opened its mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven. 7 It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.  Rev 13:5-7
    Elders, you need to get of there. You, and all JWs need to FLEE.  Matt 24:15,16.   I fear the day when blind JWs will have their eyes finally opened to the identity of the man of lawlessness.  
  3. Like
    Witness reacted to Kick_Faceinator in Bearing Witness to Almighty God, Jesus Christ, and God's Kingdom.   
    I’ve found tons are. It’s hard to reason with a broken soul that’s been ripped apart mentally by false predictions and false teachers. I have found though, Christ’s words paralleled with Paul’s comforting to some. Matthew 24:48-49 Jesus spoke of a wicked steward (a governing body), who Paul sternly spoke of a specific announcement from these men to not believe, that without a doubt will cause many to be stumbled. (Matthew 24:11)
    It’s 1914. These men would lie saying the day of the lord arrived back then. These men would say the man of lawlessness sits in a counterfeit temple and is Christendom. It is the man of lawlessness who is in the organization and sits in judicial meetings disfellowshipping everyone who questions the governing bodies false predictions. Imagine that, asking questions will get you DF’d. This is without question going to cause many to be stumbled (Matthew 24:11).
    2 Thessalonians 2: Don’t be so easily shaken or alarmed by those who say that the day of the Lord has already begun. Don’t believe them, even if they claim to have had a spiritual vision, a revelation, or a letter supposedly from us." 2 thess 2:2
    "BACK in 1914, Jesus was installed as King of God’s Kingdom, and the Lord’s day began." - w88 10/15 pp. 15-20
    Don’t be fooled by what they [the governing body] say. For that day will not come until there is a great rebellion against God and the man of lawlessness is revealed—the one who brings destruction. He will exalt himself and defy everything that people call god and every object of worship. He will even sit in the temple of God, claiming that he himself is God.“ 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
  4. Like
    Witness reacted to Srecko Sostar in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    I would be interested in the interpretation of the JW member, you, what kind of "weapon" is this? 
    Weapons in the form of persecution, imprisonment and killing?
    Weapons in the form of a state's legislation?
    Weapons in the form of doctrinal delusion?
    Or something else?
  5. Upvote
    Witness got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    Actually, the press is keeping it alive, the victims of Wt. abuse are keeping it alive.  This isn't something just from @Patiently waiting for Truth's past, it is happening and being reported almost on a weekly basis. No need to pick at scabs when the news is always refreshed.   Many people don't like stuff like this thrown up into their face, for a reason.  I suggest you get use to it.
    And I was thinking how a sexual predator grooms his victim, sometimes over a period of years, as happened in my case. The victim comes to trust the predator, and then the predator swoops in to commit his crime.  From there, threats may be issued. The victim must remain silent, or face serious consequences.  The victim becomes the predator's slave.  
    I thought of this after making my last comment about the need to trust the GB, "because God and Jesus do".  These guys are spiritual, sexual predators.  They win over their victims with smooth words, and it can take years of indoctrination, leading JWs to come to "trust" the GB.  Until something clicks, one too many lies alert the victim that they have been abused by con artists.  They have been cheated of truth in Jesus Christ. (2 Cor 11:3,4,13-15,20)  As can happen, the victim is threatened with loss of family, loss of status in the congregation, loss of God's love if they speak what these "Harlots" have been doing, how they transgressed the victim's personal spiritual relationship with God and Christ.  JWs are victims of spiritual abuse, and most are too "drunk" or too scared, to do anything about it.  (Rev 17:1-5; 18:4-8)
    Harlot and Beast
  6. Like
    Witness got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    Actually, the press is keeping it alive, the victims of Wt. abuse are keeping it alive.  This isn't something just from @Patiently waiting for Truth's past, it is happening and being reported almost on a weekly basis. No need to pick at scabs when the news is always refreshed.   Many people don't like stuff like this thrown up into their face, for a reason.  I suggest you get use to it.
    And I was thinking how a sexual predator grooms his victim, sometimes over a period of years, as happened in my case. The victim comes to trust the predator, and then the predator swoops in to commit his crime.  From there, threats may be issued. The victim must remain silent, or face serious consequences.  The victim becomes the predator's slave.  
    I thought of this after making my last comment about the need to trust the GB, "because God and Jesus do".  These guys are spiritual, sexual predators.  They win over their victims with smooth words, and it can take years of indoctrination, leading JWs to come to "trust" the GB.  Until something clicks, one too many lies alert the victim that they have been abused by con artists.  They have been cheated of truth in Jesus Christ. (2 Cor 11:3,4,13-15,20)  As can happen, the victim is threatened with loss of family, loss of status in the congregation, loss of God's love if they speak what these "Harlots" have been doing, how they transgressed the victim's personal spiritual relationship with God and Christ.  JWs are victims of spiritual abuse, and most are too "drunk" or too scared, to do anything about it.  (Rev 17:1-5; 18:4-8)
    Harlot and Beast
  7. Upvote
    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    Actually, the press is keeping it alive, the victims of Wt. abuse are keeping it alive.  This isn't something just from @Patiently waiting for Truth's past, it is happening and being reported almost on a weekly basis. No need to pick at scabs when the news is always refreshed.   Many people don't like stuff like this thrown up into their face, for a reason.  I suggest you get use to it.
    And I was thinking how a sexual predator grooms his victim, sometimes over a period of years, as happened in my case. The victim comes to trust the predator, and then the predator swoops in to commit his crime.  From there, threats may be issued. The victim must remain silent, or face serious consequences.  The victim becomes the predator's slave.  
    I thought of this after making my last comment about the need to trust the GB, "because God and Jesus do".  These guys are spiritual, sexual predators.  They win over their victims with smooth words, and it can take years of indoctrination, leading JWs to come to "trust" the GB.  Until something clicks, one too many lies alert the victim that they have been abused by con artists.  They have been cheated of truth in Jesus Christ. (2 Cor 11:3,4,13-15,20)  As can happen, the victim is threatened with loss of family, loss of status in the congregation, loss of God's love if they speak what these "Harlots" have been doing, how they transgressed the victim's personal spiritual relationship with God and Christ.  JWs are victims of spiritual abuse, and most are too "drunk" or too scared, to do anything about it.  (Rev 17:1-5; 18:4-8)
    Harlot and Beast
  8. Like
    Witness reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    Unfortunately many young children have become 'cannon fodder' in the JW Org, and so have many adults. 
    ERROR ? No, deliberate sin. Deliberate crime by people in 'power', in the Watchtower Soc and JW Org. 
  9. Upvote
    Witness reacted to Srecko Sostar in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    I do not see your comment as an attempt to prove anything, but as a claim/statement that was directed against @Patiently waiting for Truthway of thinking and feeling.
  10. Downvote
    Witness got a reaction from Dmitar in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    Yes, especially men who, without so much as a blink, tell you that God and Jesus trust them, so you must trust them also.  Who, in their right mind would make such an arrogant stand before the Almighty God, unless they were narcissistic, without one humble bone in their body?  They defy God and His principles of righteousness.  They believe their sins are glossed over by God and Jesus, that they will not be held accountable for their record of false teachings. But then, I don't believe they feel they do sin. They have convinced JW's that these men have already been found acceptable to rule in the kingdom of God.  Those on the elder body who display the same narcissism, believe they will rule over JW's on the earth. None of this, is God's plan.  
  11. Upvote
    Witness got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    Yes, especially men who, without so much as a blink, tell you that God and Jesus trust them, so you must trust them also.  Who, in their right mind would make such an arrogant stand before the Almighty God, unless they were narcissistic, without one humble bone in their body?  They defy God and His principles of righteousness.  They believe their sins are glossed over by God and Jesus, that they will not be held accountable for their record of false teachings. But then, I don't believe they feel they do sin. They have convinced JW's that these men have already been found acceptable to rule in the kingdom of God.  Those on the elder body who display the same narcissism, believe they will rule over JW's on the earth. None of this, is God's plan.  
  12. Like
    Witness got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    Yes, especially men who, without so much as a blink, tell you that God and Jesus trust them, so you must trust them also.  Who, in their right mind would make such an arrogant stand before the Almighty God, unless they were narcissistic, without one humble bone in their body?  They defy God and His principles of righteousness.  They believe their sins are glossed over by God and Jesus, that they will not be held accountable for their record of false teachings. But then, I don't believe they feel they do sin. They have convinced JW's that these men have already been found acceptable to rule in the kingdom of God.  Those on the elder body who display the same narcissism, believe they will rule over JW's on the earth. None of this, is God's plan.  
  13. Upvote
    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    Yes, especially men who, without so much as a blink, tell you that God and Jesus trust them, so you must trust them also.  Who, in their right mind would make such an arrogant stand before the Almighty God, unless they were narcissistic, without one humble bone in their body?  They defy God and His principles of righteousness.  They believe their sins are glossed over by God and Jesus, that they will not be held accountable for their record of false teachings. But then, I don't believe they feel they do sin. They have convinced JW's that these men have already been found acceptable to rule in the kingdom of God.  Those on the elder body who display the same narcissism, believe they will rule over JW's on the earth. None of this, is God's plan.  
  14. Like
    Witness reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    The simple answer is that the JW Org is not guided by or watched over by Almighty God or Jesus Christ. 
    Many men in many congregations would not have been given appointments of 'power' over others, if God and/or Christ had any part of it. I will hold back from mentioning a serious problem in the Org, which obviously proves my point. 
    My own brother is an Elder in a congregation and he admits that many Elders are not fit for purpose, and that they were never fit for purpose. One very big problem here in the UK seems to be, the lack of voluteers to take on responsibilty. Hence my brother, who is now 80 years old, has to keep doing his 'duty'.  He is losing his memory, suffers with anxiety and sleeplessness, but he has to keep on serving the Org, because no one wants to do the job he does. (I think the virus problem has actually been good for him, with KH closed, he can relax a bit ). 
    So, in my opinion, men that are appointed to positions of 'responsibiity' in the Org would be men that want a bit of 'power' and would be friends of other elders. A sort of 'boys club' where only certain types of men would want to be part of it.  Once again there seems to be proof of that, which has given the Org a bad reputation. 
    The one thing that has been made clear ( Luke 8 : 17)  is that Nothing in the Watchtower / JW Org is inspired of God's Holy Spirit. The GB finally admitted that they are NOT INSPIRED, and they call themselves the Faithful and Discreet Slave. So if the GB are not inspired, but they take the lead, then it would follow that the rest of the Watchtower / JW Org is not inspired. 
    Isabella, you need to know that you cannot trust 'men'. That is, you cannot trust Elders or Ministerial Servants.  Remember that you want to serve God through Christ. You do not want to serve men.  You cannot even trust the GB.
    Many JWs do not trust the GB. Even JWs on this forum do not believe everything that the GB writes or says.
    It is your choice to remain in the JW Org or to leave it. But even if you remain in it, do not trust it. 
  15. Upvote
    Witness reacted to Srecko Sostar in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    Your statement is beautifully uttered, but it cannot confirm that your knowledge and belief, in the form you practice, is true or false. It is your personal experience, personal conclusion and personal opinion. As such, it can be tested and verified and accepted or rejected, not only by people (in general) but also by the God you believe in.
  16. Upvote
    Witness reacted to Srecko Sostar in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    GB requests and expects, from the members, that unconditional trust and obedience be given to them and to JW elders. Despite the fact that TTH has stated that everything can be corrupted (tainted by human).
    It is theoretically beautiful and poetically enchanting. And only that, nothing else.
    So the question is, do you TTH and every other JW, allow an ordinary JW to have a critical appraisal of GB and elders and their ideas and decisions?
  17. Upvote
    Witness got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in THE THIEF   
    Or, perhaps not a savior, but it seems to be a symbol of judgment.  1 Cor 10 :6-10
    I think you've got it a little backwards.   Jesus described the Pharisees, the leaders of his people, as a "brood of vipers". Matt 3:7   So, it is true that you are walking about in a den of snakes (no less), but the snakes, who "deceive the elect/chosen" and all JWs,  are your leaders.  Matt 24:24,25
  18. Thanks
    Witness got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in THE THIEF   
    Or, perhaps not a savior, but it seems to be a symbol of judgment.  1 Cor 10 :6-10
    I think you've got it a little backwards.   Jesus described the Pharisees, the leaders of his people, as a "brood of vipers". Matt 3:7   So, it is true that you are walking about in a den of snakes (no less), but the snakes, who "deceive the elect/chosen" and all JWs,  are your leaders.  Matt 24:24,25
  19. Thanks
    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in THE THIEF   
    Or, perhaps not a savior, but it seems to be a symbol of judgment.  1 Cor 10 :6-10
    I think you've got it a little backwards.   Jesus described the Pharisees, the leaders of his people, as a "brood of vipers". Matt 3:7   So, it is true that you are walking about in a den of snakes (no less), but the snakes, who "deceive the elect/chosen" and all JWs,  are your leaders.  Matt 24:24,25
  20. Thanks
    Witness got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in A. MORRIS AND MONEY   
  21. Downvote
    Witness got a reaction from Dmitar in Vaccine time   
  22. Downvote
    Witness got a reaction from Dmitar in Vaccine time   
  23. Downvote
    Witness got a reaction from Dmitar in Vaccine time   
    Did someone say it is a personal choice to get the vaccine?  Not really; that is, if one wants to retain "privileges".  
    Can't open the file here.   This was a letter to "All Special Full-Time Servants at Bethel and in the Field" dated 8/6/2021
    After stating that the getting the vaccine is a personal choice, it ends by saying, "In view of the above, we have asked the Health Care Department (HCD) to contact you to learn your current vaccination status.  If for some medical reason you are unable to be vaccinated, please inform the HCD accordingly.  They may be able to provide assistance".
  24. Thanks
    Witness got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in A. MORRIS AND MONEY   
  25. Like
    Witness got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in THE THIEF   
    Some people here will say the history of the organization and its failed teachings, matters not.  But, obviously, the present GB select tidbits from it, to support its present mission. More than tidbits actually, they have developed their history museum at Bethel.  I hope you peel back the layers of Wt's history, to see conclusive evidence that Jesus has never "inspired" an organization or its people, who rely on earthly currency, fleshly pursuits, and the physical labor of men...nor has God. (Matt 6:19; Phil 3:18,19; James 3:14,15; 2 Cor 11:20; Gal 1:10)   Its inspiration comes from another spirit. (Matt 24:24; 1 Tim 4:1) Paul said, as did Stephen who was stoned, that God does not live in temples made with hands".  (Acts 7:48-50; 17:24)  
    Despite A. Morris' desire and determined positive stance that the "mountain-like organization" will sail through Armageddon in one piece, it will not happen.  (Zech 4:6,7; Rev 8:8,9; 18:4-8)
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