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    SuziQ1513 got a reaction from Queen Esther in Daily text, Thursday, July 20. 2017   
    To see the DT animated, very interesting.    Life is sure changing fast (-:
  2. Like
    SuziQ1513 got a reaction from Nana Fofana in CAN WE SPOT A LOST SHEEP ?......   
    Thank you for posting such a lovely poem.  I can relate to this poem very well.  Recently (within the last few years) I was in a deep depression.  I would go to meeting arriving just as the song started, sit in the back and leave as soon as the last song and prayer were over.  I didn't have the capacity to visit and the noise afterwards was very overwhelming.   I just wanted to be in the "Satan Free Zone" as I call our meetings.   There were new friends who had moved in and probably thought I was disfellowshipped.  I was visited by 2 sisters while out in service and also the brothers made a point of visiting me on a couple of occasions.  I poured out my heart to them and they were so kind and put no pressure on me, just let me know I was valuable to Jehovah, Jesus and the congregation using scriptures and gentle words.   I love them for that, that is true shepherding (sisters included).  I have recovered now and try to pay-it-forward in service and to my brothers and sisters; giving hugs and kind words seasoned with a sense of humor when appropriate.   I make it a point to look for those who don't feel included so that I can share the love I have with them so that it may encourage them to keep going.   Why should we only be searching for sheep to come through the front door when we are losing so many out the back door?  
  3. Like
    SuziQ1513 got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in CAN WE SPOT A LOST SHEEP ?......   
    Thank you for posting such a lovely poem.  I can relate to this poem very well.  Recently (within the last few years) I was in a deep depression.  I would go to meeting arriving just as the song started, sit in the back and leave as soon as the last song and prayer were over.  I didn't have the capacity to visit and the noise afterwards was very overwhelming.   I just wanted to be in the "Satan Free Zone" as I call our meetings.   There were new friends who had moved in and probably thought I was disfellowshipped.  I was visited by 2 sisters while out in service and also the brothers made a point of visiting me on a couple of occasions.  I poured out my heart to them and they were so kind and put no pressure on me, just let me know I was valuable to Jehovah, Jesus and the congregation using scriptures and gentle words.   I love them for that, that is true shepherding (sisters included).  I have recovered now and try to pay-it-forward in service and to my brothers and sisters; giving hugs and kind words seasoned with a sense of humor when appropriate.   I make it a point to look for those who don't feel included so that I can share the love I have with them so that it may encourage them to keep going.   Why should we only be searching for sheep to come through the front door when we are losing so many out the back door?  
  4. Upvote
    SuziQ1513 got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in CAN WE SPOT A LOST SHEEP ?......   
    Thank you for posting such a lovely poem.  I can relate to this poem very well.  Recently (within the last few years) I was in a deep depression.  I would go to meeting arriving just as the song started, sit in the back and leave as soon as the last song and prayer were over.  I didn't have the capacity to visit and the noise afterwards was very overwhelming.   I just wanted to be in the "Satan Free Zone" as I call our meetings.   There were new friends who had moved in and probably thought I was disfellowshipped.  I was visited by 2 sisters while out in service and also the brothers made a point of visiting me on a couple of occasions.  I poured out my heart to them and they were so kind and put no pressure on me, just let me know I was valuable to Jehovah, Jesus and the congregation using scriptures and gentle words.   I love them for that, that is true shepherding (sisters included).  I have recovered now and try to pay-it-forward in service and to my brothers and sisters; giving hugs and kind words seasoned with a sense of humor when appropriate.   I make it a point to look for those who don't feel included so that I can share the love I have with them so that it may encourage them to keep going.   Why should we only be searching for sheep to come through the front door when we are losing so many out the back door?  
  5. Upvote
    SuziQ1513 got a reaction from Anna in CAN WE SPOT A LOST SHEEP ?......   
    Thank you for posting such a lovely poem.  I can relate to this poem very well.  Recently (within the last few years) I was in a deep depression.  I would go to meeting arriving just as the song started, sit in the back and leave as soon as the last song and prayer were over.  I didn't have the capacity to visit and the noise afterwards was very overwhelming.   I just wanted to be in the "Satan Free Zone" as I call our meetings.   There were new friends who had moved in and probably thought I was disfellowshipped.  I was visited by 2 sisters while out in service and also the brothers made a point of visiting me on a couple of occasions.  I poured out my heart to them and they were so kind and put no pressure on me, just let me know I was valuable to Jehovah, Jesus and the congregation using scriptures and gentle words.   I love them for that, that is true shepherding (sisters included).  I have recovered now and try to pay-it-forward in service and to my brothers and sisters; giving hugs and kind words seasoned with a sense of humor when appropriate.   I make it a point to look for those who don't feel included so that I can share the love I have with them so that it may encourage them to keep going.   Why should we only be searching for sheep to come through the front door when we are losing so many out the back door?  
  6. Like
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    SuziQ1513 reacted to b4ucuhear in CAN WE SPOT A LOST SHEEP ?......   
    2 Corinthians 2:3,4: "Praised be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our trials so that we may be able to comfort others in any sort of trial with the comfort that we receive from God."
     What a wonderful arrangement. 
  8. Like
    SuziQ1513 reacted to b4ucuhear in CAN WE SPOT A LOST SHEEP ?......   
    People making the effort to come to meetings should see our weekly arrangements as an oasis from the daily cares and problems heaped upon them from Satan's system. Each of us should take it as a personal responsibility to make the meetings refreshing and something to look forward to for the rest of our spiritual family, where they will be valued, loved, comforted and appreciated. It starts with us and the love we have and the way we express it. Our elder body doesn't have any "lists" of who attends every meeting although we have a schedule to visit certain ones. But aside of that, we can do what we already know we should be doing individually. Of course, greeting new ones or those we haven't seen in a while, but more. As a memory aid, it may help to make notes during the meeting of what comments, parts etc we can sincerely express appreciation for afterwards. I need to write down what was said and how it helped me in order to say something like: "I'm glad I came to the meeting tonight. Your comment about (...) is something really helpful to me/I learned something/I never thought of it that way..." Or something like that. I learned something from serving in the foreign language field. We all love our brothers and sisters, but some cultures are more expressive in how they show it - which contributes to a warm, accepting and loving atmosphere. I have also seen cliques become a problem in some congregations and so it is important to widen out. Elders especially can set the tone for the congregation. True they have a lot of things to attend to, but it shouldn't be "all business" - only talking to other elders after the meeting - which can look like a clique in itself. True we can't speak to every individual during every meeting, but when we speak to others, our focus should be on them, even if it means pulling up a chair and sitting beside them while they express themselves (usually for older ones). When we learn about the love Jehovah and Jesus express toward us, it's natural that we would want to imitate them in how we treat our brothers and sisters. It is nice to see the concern reflected in some of the comments here of how inclusive we should be of those who are different.
  9. Like
    SuziQ1513 reacted to PeterR in CAN WE SPOT A LOST SHEEP ?......   
    You do give me a wry smile TH.
    If the congregation average hours is 10hrs then >10hrs = spiritually okay, <10hrs = something wrong
    (Gal 6:4 anyone?)
    And those 10hrs can be standing by a cart smiling, but they can't be visiting the sick, helping the elderly, etc.
    Where are these metrics found in God's Word? Can you not just know a brother/sister well enough to know how they are truly doing spiritually? Or is that a part of the problem - more time spent gathering metrics than getting to know people?
  10. Like
    SuziQ1513 reacted to Anna in CAN WE SPOT A LOST SHEEP ?......   
    It is not rocket science of course. Unfortunately there exist some members of the congregation who are a little "different" and because of that don't get included, and sometimes get outright ignored by the majority. A brother once told me about his wife and two sons. His wife had severe depression, but despite that, would come and sit at the back of the hall. From what he said, I gathered the friends pretty much ignored her. Maybe because they just didn't know what to say to her. Maybe because she was "weird". Unfortunately, it also seems that no one paid much attention to her sons either. Sadly, both her sons left the truth, and one remarked that with the true religion there is supposed to be love, and he didn't feel any love. Of course, that may have just been an excuse, but I know for a fact that there can be many cliques inside a congregation and if you happen not to fit in one, you can be very much on your own, and feel it. Cliques are a natural phenomenon. Mother's with young children hang out with other mothers with young children. Teenagers hang out with other teenagers etc. We have 3 older sisters in our congregation who ALWAYS sit together, so much so that one elder called them the 3 amigos from the platform. But there are some friends that just don't fit anywhere. That is why it's so important to "widen out" and put in special effort to include them. Which means real effort on our part, because it may mean not only inviting that "weird" family to our party, but also paying attention to them on a regular basis....
  11. Like
    SuziQ1513 reacted to JW Insider in CAN WE SPOT A LOST SHEEP ?......   
    So sorry. I was concerned about the source, and KNEW instantly that it was not from an apostate source. In fact, it sounded familiar. You probably know that there are a couple of Witnesses who write some very good poetry from the heart. They share their poems on facebook pages and probably some other Witness-run web pages.
    As JTR said, it wouldn't matter if this was found on an apostate web page, and I would not have been concerned if you had found it there, either. That's because I can tell you have such a good heart and a kind of youthful excitement about the Christian brotherhood (and "sisterhood") even though you also have a spiritual maturity at the same time. So I suspect you are pretty much immune to things that might disappoint and discourage other people.
    I think you are doing a great job of putting up great positive items of interest. I have a background that includes being an researcher, editor, proofreader, so I'm sorry if it looks like I focus on mistakes. It's been my "job" since I was 19 years old, and I stayed in related occupations for nearly 30 of the next 40 years.
    I didn't see any silly or weird mistakes in what you posted, although it would have been better if you had said "source unknown" because it looks like you are saying that you were the source when you give no other.
  12. Like
    SuziQ1513 reacted to Queen Esther in CAN WE SPOT A LOST SHEEP ?......   
    Thank  you  very  much  dear  sister  @Ma Ai    Yes,  a  very  needed  reminder  for  us !  We  must  look  with  our  eyes  and  with  our  heart   Not  all  JW  able  for  that,  but  we  all  can  try  it  and  inform  us  by  an  elder  or  other  sisters.  With  a  good  will  we  can  find  a  good  way !  We  all  can  suddenly  fall  in  a  deep  hole   and  we're  of  sure  so  glad,  when  anyone  can  help  and  bring  us  out  there...
  13. Like
    SuziQ1513 reacted to Ma Ai in CAN WE SPOT A LOST SHEEP ?......   
    Very needed reminder for everyone. The poetry is poignant. Each person knows their own heart's pain. We will be fulfilling the 2 greatest commands Jesus spoke about at Matthew 22:37-39, by each one of us sincerely caring for each other. Love all those whom Jehovah loves. <3 
  14. Like
    SuziQ1513 reacted to Queen Esther in Our RUSSIAN Sister with a wonderful voice and a great mixed video ❤ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ Enjoy !   
    Our  RUSSIAN  Sister  with  a  wonderful  voice  and  a  great  mixed  video ❤  ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫  Enjoy !
    And  for  comparing  our  nice  English  version.....
    ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
  15. Like
    SuziQ1513 reacted to JW Insider in San Antonio, Texas Never Give Up Convention!   
    @Bible Speaks , 
    I hate to say it but you've fallen for another one. The sign is so obviously fake. The original actually says:
    Tires / LES SCHWAB -- Doing the right thing since 1952

  16. Like
    SuziQ1513 reacted to JW Insider in San Antonio, Texas Never Give Up Convention!   
    Found a better image... sorry it's so big.

  17. Thanks
    SuziQ1513 reacted to Evacuated in What is the difference between and oath and a vow?   
    For starters:
    *** Insight-2 p. 1162 Vow ***
    A solemn promise made to God to perform some act, make some offering or gift, enter some service or condition, or abstain from certain things not unlawful in themselves. A vow was a voluntary expression made of one’s own free will. Being a solemn promise, a vow carried the force of an oath or a swearing, and at times the two expressions accompany each other in the Bible. (Nu 30:2; Mt 5:33) “Vow” is more the declaration of intent, while “oath” denotes the appeal made to a higher authority attesting to the truthfulness or binding nature of the declaration. Oaths often accompanied attestation to a covenant.—Ge 26:28; 31:44, 53.
  18. Like
    SuziQ1513 reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Piñatas   
    I think he needs to chill a bit, and take a handful of Blamitol (tm).

    Your browser does not support the HTML5 video tag.
  19. Like
    SuziQ1513 reacted to Bible Speaks in The Devious Person is Crooked and Will Not Have Jehovah's Favor. ??   
    The Devious Person is Crooked and Will Not Have Jehovah's Favor. ?⚖️?
    "When wisdom enters into your heart and knowledge itself becomes pleasant to your very soul, 11 thinking ability itself will keep guard over you, discernment itself will safeguard you, 12 to deliver you from the bad way, from the man speaking perverse things, 13 from those leaving the paths of uprightness to walk in the ways of darkness, 14 from those who are rejoicing in doing bad, who are joyful in the perverse things of badness, those whose paths are crooked and who are devious in their general course.
    (Prov.2:10-14) "For Jehovah will prove to be your source of confidence;
    He will keep your foot from being caught.
    27 Do not withhold good from those to whom you should give it
    If it is within your power to help.
    28 Do not say to your neighbor, “Go away; come back later! I will give it to you tomorrow,” If you can give it now.
    29 Do not plot harm against your neighbor
    When he lives in a sense of security with you.
    30 Do not quarrel with a man for no reason
    If he has done nothing bad to you.
    31 Do not envy the violent man
    Nor choose any of his ways,
    32 For Jehovah detests a devious person,
    But His close friendship is with the upright.
    33 The curse of Jehovah is on the house of the wicked one,
    But he blesses the home of the righteous."
    (Prov. 3:26-33)

  20. Upvote
    SuziQ1513 got a reaction from Thinking in The most DISTURBING news about the BLOOD DOCTRINE, ever   
    Hi JW Insider,
    Interesting point you have brought up regarding the blood issue and Bro Smalley.   I can see why he's "out of sorts" being in a position to defend a public policy which is quite different from a personal one.   Personally, I choose not to accept the fractions, but I'm 69 yo.   I have a copy of a news article from some years back (somewhere in my "stuff") regarding a lawsuit brought against the Society by a daughter of one of our sisters who died from apparent lack of blood.  The daughter (not a JW) maintained her mother didn't know her "options".   I have had a sense that this lawsuit changed the Branch's "education" on the blood issue.  Can you imagine having to defend the 2000 yo doctrine in a modern court with hostile attorneys chipping away with their worldly logic?   The fraction education could be the "agreed upon" correction defined by the courts to keep the Branch financially upright.  I worked for State government so I know how it works to a certain degree.  Fed would come in to examine how their funds are being spent, find violations and part of the reconciliation to avoid large fines  was to demonstrate to the Feds how the problem would be resolved with "education" on a certain policy.   Sometimes we're behind a rock and a hard place.  Satan likes that technique to pressure people to forego our strict belief system, not white to black but more into the grey area.   I look at the people donating blood and that's enough to turn me against the idea, then in a pint of blood you have many many donors.  I wonder about DNA from all those donors and how that plays into the issue.  What if they find even more info about our "human makeup" in the future.   There are lots of issues to be resolved,  Jesus has been given the responsibility to care for the congregation of Jehovah, so I let him know my concerns and then leave it to him to sort it out.   It's so very obvious we are coming to the end of human rule,  let's keep our focus on the Kingly government that will set matters straight.   Remember Aaron who started to doubt because Moses delayed on the mountain.  There was a refining process by Jehovah to let the Israelites and the mixed company get hungry, thirsty and wondering what happened to Moses (i.e. their leadership).   I wish you well and send my sisterly love,  S
  21. Upvote
    SuziQ1513 reacted to JW Insider in The most DISTURBING news about the BLOOD DOCTRINE, ever   
    Thanks. I catch your drift.
    Christian love back at you, too.
  22. Upvote
    SuziQ1513 got a reaction from Melinda Mills in The most DISTURBING news about the BLOOD DOCTRINE, ever   
    Hi JW Insider,
    Interesting point you have brought up regarding the blood issue and Bro Smalley.   I can see why he's "out of sorts" being in a position to defend a public policy which is quite different from a personal one.   Personally, I choose not to accept the fractions, but I'm 69 yo.   I have a copy of a news article from some years back (somewhere in my "stuff") regarding a lawsuit brought against the Society by a daughter of one of our sisters who died from apparent lack of blood.  The daughter (not a JW) maintained her mother didn't know her "options".   I have had a sense that this lawsuit changed the Branch's "education" on the blood issue.  Can you imagine having to defend the 2000 yo doctrine in a modern court with hostile attorneys chipping away with their worldly logic?   The fraction education could be the "agreed upon" correction defined by the courts to keep the Branch financially upright.  I worked for State government so I know how it works to a certain degree.  Fed would come in to examine how their funds are being spent, find violations and part of the reconciliation to avoid large fines  was to demonstrate to the Feds how the problem would be resolved with "education" on a certain policy.   Sometimes we're behind a rock and a hard place.  Satan likes that technique to pressure people to forego our strict belief system, not white to black but more into the grey area.   I look at the people donating blood and that's enough to turn me against the idea, then in a pint of blood you have many many donors.  I wonder about DNA from all those donors and how that plays into the issue.  What if they find even more info about our "human makeup" in the future.   There are lots of issues to be resolved,  Jesus has been given the responsibility to care for the congregation of Jehovah, so I let him know my concerns and then leave it to him to sort it out.   It's so very obvious we are coming to the end of human rule,  let's keep our focus on the Kingly government that will set matters straight.   Remember Aaron who started to doubt because Moses delayed on the mountain.  There was a refining process by Jehovah to let the Israelites and the mixed company get hungry, thirsty and wondering what happened to Moses (i.e. their leadership).   I wish you well and send my sisterly love,  S
  23. Upvote
    SuziQ1513 got a reaction from Queen Esther in For my brothers & sisters... a sister - report about the terrible deed in Munich, my Homeland Germany - A sister wrote this, after her RC in Munich, very near the site of crime...   
    Thank you for posting this information.   May Jehovah be a source of comfort to all right-hearted people.  
  24. Upvote
    SuziQ1513 got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in For my brothers & sisters... a sister - report about the terrible deed in Munich, my Homeland Germany - A sister wrote this, after her RC in Munich, very near the site of crime...   
    Thank you for posting this information.   May Jehovah be a source of comfort to all right-hearted people.  
  25. Upvote
    SuziQ1513 got a reaction from Carmen Erwin in Regional Convention 2016 Kiev / Региональный конгресс Свидетелей Иеговы 2016. Киев   
    This was such a nice video of the Kiev Convention.  I can understand why it was taken down now that the new Russian law has gone into effect as of 7/20/2016.  I'm so happy Jehovah provided the convention prior to the new law.  Let's all pray for our dear brothers and sisters.   May Jehovah be praised and show his mighty hand in their behalf!
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