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Shirley Lowery

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Shirley Lowery last won the day on July 19 2018

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About Shirley Lowery

  • Birthday 05/01/1957

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  1. Hello to all my spiritual brothers and sisters on here!   Today is the last day to send our letters to Russia! Also, this is our last week for our Memorial Campaign! Next Saturday on April 8th, all 7 congregations,  were the only English one, are going to meet at our beautiful kingdomhall, and do some major cleaning in preparation for The Memorial! Were bringing food, drinks, and will be  sharing  all. our  goodies everyone brings!! This is so exciting!!!  I can't believe this is happening, but my client died yesterday at 3:00 p.m!  I worked for her, nearly a year, and  we were very close! She fell and broke her hip, and after being placed in a nursing home, I was able to see her one last time, on Monday, she told me she loved me, and I told her I loved her! I kissed her goodbye, and I knew this would be the last time I would see her alive!  She fought so hard to beat the cancer! Then, I found out a sister's grandmother also had cancer died the week before! Now, this morning a elderly pioneer sister passed away at 3:00 a.m. On facebook, they put a brother's obituary on there! His funeral is today!  The Pale Horse, represents Death,  is really taking over! But, we have the promise from Jehovah , all our loved ones will be resurrected!  Death will be no more... Out in field service today, I went to   one of my return visits, handed her a Memorial invitation, also,  I gave her the latest Watchtower, The Four Horsemen, How Their Ride Affects You, as I showed her the beautifully illustrated pictures of the Four Horse Men,  she said: I'm going to definitely read this!! This is a sad time for me, but Jehovah will help me cope with her death, but I look forward to seeing her and  my loved ones when they are resurrected!!! Also, let's pray for all our brothers and sisters in Russia!! I pray these letters will reach their hearts!   I hope everyone has a great weekend! Enjoy your Memorial as we all will!!! Agape love, Shirley!!!

    1. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther

      Dear  Shirley,  thank  you  so  much  for  sharing  all  your  experiences  with  us,  so  we  all  feeling  with  you,  like  in  a  big  JW- family❤

      A  death  is  always  so  sad :(  but  in  our  NW  all  that  is  over !  Jehovah  wants  see  us  happy  ;-))  what  a  BIG  JOY !   Also  for  you  a  nice  Memorial  ceremony  Meeting❤  Agape !  Greetings  to  your  children  and  family !


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