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  1. The New Miniature Dragons In April, we identified three new species of lizards that live deep in the tropical Andes, described as miniature dragons. Meet Enyalioides altotambo: #OurCreatorJehovahGod👑
  2. 6 "Go to the ant, you lazy one; Observe its ways and become wise. 7 Although it has no commander, officer, or ruler, 8 It prepares its food in the summer, And it gathers its food supplies in the harvest. 9 How long, you lazy one, will you lie there? When will you rise up from your sleep? 10 A little sleep, a little slumbering, A little folding of the hands to rest, 11 And your poverty will come like a bandit, And your want like an armed man." (Proverbs 6:6-11) OurCreatorJehovahGod👑 photos by bence maté in costa rica, who noted, “the garden at the laguna del lagarto lodge is full of flowers that are invaded by the ants. as they carried the colorful petals, i laid down to set up this reflected composition. i shot many thousands of pictures over several days and got just a few images that were sharp.” in lowland forests throughout costa rica, worker leaf cutter ants carry loads up to twelve times their own weight back to their subterranean nest where the leaf and flower fragments are then chewed up and fed to a fungus which in turn provides them with food. Source:nubbsgalore animals ants science #OurCreatorJehovahGod👑
  3. The Grand Artist 👑 Jehovah Colors Amazing in these Creatures Great and Small. 🎨🦑🐙🦑🎨. . Imagine an underwater rainbow - that's an Australian Giant Cuttlefish 🌈 #giantcuttlefish
  4. THORN BUGS These thorn bugs are related to cicadas, and use their beaks to pierce plant stems to feed upon their sap. Their strange appearance still poses many questions to scientists. Found on all continents except Antarctica, they are best known for their enlarged and ornate pronotum, which most often resembles thorns, apparently to aid camouflage. In some species, the pronotum grows to a horn-like extension, but even more bizarre and hard-to-describe shapes are also found. Oh how wonderful Jehovah God for all Creatures great and small. your Creations are wonderful and awe inspiring!
  5. Amazing Animals Created by Jehovah God! .#OurCreatorJehovahGod👑 Meet the mysterious, elusive, shy, rarely seen, intelligent and vulnerable narwhal. A male narwhal rises from the icy seas of Lancaster sound. The most noticeable characteristic of the narwhal is the long tusk, which is a canine tooth that projects from the left side of the upper jaw, through the lip, and forms a left-handed helix spiral. Narwhals actually do not have any teeth inside of their mouths. A tusk grows throughout life, reaching a length of 5 to 10 feet. The one thing you need to remember about narwhals is that they primarily feed on polar cod and the polar cod life cycle is tied to sea ice. Without ice there will be catastrophic effects on all species. Some scientists say that the narwhal is just as vulnerable as the polar bear to climate change. #bethechange #nature #naturelovers #arctic #climatechangeisreal #science #climatechange
  6. Miracles of Jehovah God 🐛🐝🦋 . #Repost @soumwild ・・・ Leafinsects @soumwild 104CC5F1-15C6-42D9-B117-65BCAD745115.MP4
  7. Miracles of Jehovah God! 🦆 . .#Repost @soumwild ・・・ When somebody tries to explain math to you🐥 @soumwild Shoebill by @hashibiroko #birdsofinstagram #cuteanimals #birdlovers #birdwatching #lovebirds 3AEEF08F-6C40-4E15-BBB7-47549B929417.MP4
  8. Mantis Shrimp Also called the “sea locusts“, “prawn killers” and even “thumb splitters”, this is one of the most common predators in tropical and sub-tropical waters; little is known about them, however, because of how much time they spend hiding in their burrows. These aggressive and typically solitary sea creatures spend most of their time hiding in rock formations or burrowing intricate passageways in the sea bed. They either wait for prey to chance upon them or, unlike most crustaceans, at times they hunt, chase, and kill prey. They rarely exit their homes except to feed and relocate.
  9. The beautiful Black Bat Flower, Tacca chantrieri, is a species of flowering plant in the yam family Dioscoreaceae. Thank you Jehovah for these Flowers
  10. World's largest honey bee makes rare hallucinogenic honey Harvesters scale Himalayan cliffs to collect this rare honey. The largest honeybees in the world, Himalayan giant honeybees, produce some of the world's most cherished honey. It's known as mad honey, a reddish sweet goop with psychotropic properties that in reasonable doses are reportedly pleasant. Haven't heard of this delectable treat? That's probably because it's extremely difficult to harvest. If the bees' stings — which can pierce through most beekeeper suits — don't ward you off, the sheer Himalayan cliffs where the bees plaster their large crescent-shaped hives probably will. Those who dare to gather the honey do so at their own peril, dangling from precarious bamboo rope ladders hundreds of feet above the ground. But this treacherous cultural practice, perfected by the Kulung people of eastern Nepal, could soon disappear forever. When elder Mauli Dhan, known as the last honey hunter, chooses to retire, his craft could end with him, reports National Geographic. Mad honey can fetch a hefty price, sold for $60 to $80 a pound (U.S.), but those are black-market prices. You won't find it at your local supermarket. Even at those prices, however, it's barely worth the risk to harvest it, not when you consider the time it takes to learn the skills of this highly specialized trade. Luckily, however, a team of filmmakers have documented Mauli Dhan and his honey hunting craft in a new documentary, "The Last Honey Hunter." A behind-the-scenes peek of the breathtaking footage can be viewed here: An intense experience The honey gets its famous properties from toxins in rhododendron flowers that the bees eat in spring, the only time of year when the honey is hallucinogenic. Two to three teaspoons is usually considered the correct dose. A larger dose, however, can produce a more intense experience, one that may be unpleasant to the uninitiated. First, you'll probably feel the need to purge (defecate, urinate, vomit), Mark Synnott reports for National Geographic. Then, "after the purge you alternate between light and dark. You can see, and then you can't see," explained Jangi Kulung, a local honey trader. "A sound — jam jam jam — pulses in your head, like the beehive. You can't move, but you're still completely lucid. The paralysis lasts for a day or so." These more intense experiences, along with a rumored death from overdose, are the primary reasons that this precious honey has become more difficult to sell, and why the cultural practice of harvesting it might soon disappear. Undoubtedly, when the last honey hunter climbs his last cliff, the hunt for this rare psychotropic delicacy will probably continue in some form. But whether the harvest is done sustainably, in a way that's safe for harvesters, consumers and the bees themselves (their populations are declining), remains in doubt. There's a delicate ecosystem that makes this unique honey possible, and without a balanced and careful harvest, the honey supply may not last long. https://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/wilderness-resources/stories/worlds-largest-honey-bee-makes-hallucinogenic-honey-you-have-be-crazy-harvest
  11. Dozens of grey whales washing up dead along migration route — and B.C. is their next stop Jehovah will save the Whales 🐋 https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/grey-whales-stranded-west-coast-1.5119056
  12. Northern Pintail Goulds, Newfoundland The King...A male Northern Pintail vocalizes to its partner after scaring off one of the other female pintails in the area. This particular male was the dominate one of the group of ducks at a small pond near the Goulds, Newfoundland. Amazing Bird Created by Jehovah God.
  13. Every species of bird has its own range-that is, a particular part of the world in which all the members of the species normally live. Some birds have a broad range. The osprey and common barn owl, for example, live on every continent except Antarctica. However, no species of bird is found in every part of the world, and many species have an extremely limited range. For example, a species called the Whitehead’s broadbill lives only in a small, mountainous area of northern Borneo. It’s been narrowed down to an African or English barn owl. Compared to most birds Barn Owls have a very low wing loading (large wings supporting a lightweight body) this means they are able to fly very slowly without stalling and hover in only the slightest lift (rising air). Slow flight gives the birds ample time to locate and pinpoint prey on the ground below, and the low wing loading enables them to pass through the air very gently and hover with minimal effort. The owls’ feathers are very soft - another adaptation for quiet flight. The flight feathers are covered in a layer of tiny hairs that trap air within the feather surface and the foremost wing feather (the tenth primary) also has a row of tiny hooks that help to deaden the sound of air hitting the wings’ leading edge. Almost-silent flight enables the birds to hear the tiny sounds produced by their small mammal prey and approach them undetected. What a Grand Creator Jehovah God is! Beautiful and amazing creatures these are! Thank you Jehovah God, we are very much impressed!
  14. A starfish walking back to the water. Wonderful Creations of Jehovah God, do you believe in Him?
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