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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. 'Don't Give Up' Regional Convention in Johannesburg South Africa. – 2017 ???

    Brother and sister Banda from Clayville East Chichewa Language Congregation at the 'Don't Give Up' Regional Convention in Johannesburg South Africa. 

    Brother Banda is an elder in this congregation where some of my studies attend. They meet in a corrugated iron structure with no utilities. Over the 3 weekends of our regionals in Johannesburg, the program was presented in 17 languages. Around 75,000 attended over the 3 weekends.



  2. “Jesus . . . Loved Them to the End”


    Love and trust go hand in hand. Love “believes all things.”* (1 Corinthians 13:7) Moved by love, Jesus demonstrated a willingness to trust his disciples despite their imperfections. He had confidence in them and believed that at heart they really loved Jehovah and wanted to do His will. Even when they made mistakes, Jesus did not question their motives. For example, when the apostles James and John evidently got their mother to request that they sit beside Jesus in his Kingdom, Jesus did not doubt their loyalty or dismiss them as apostles.  


    How can we follow Jesus’ example in our dealings with others? Our showing trust and confidence in fellow believers is an expression of our love. Let us remember that love is positive, not negative. When others disappoint us, which is bound to happen from time to time, love will keep us from quickly assuming that their motives are bad. (Matthew 7:1, 2) 


    If we keep a positive view of our fellow believers, we will treat them in ways that build up rather than tear down. Jesus provided us with a marvelous example in showing love to others. Of all the ways that we can follow him, imitating his love is the most important. 


    Lesson for today. (1 Peter 3:8)  

    https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1102007059?q=trust love&p=par#p20


  3. Imitate the Patience of Jehovah


    Man’s situation does not compare with that of the Creator, who does not reside within our solar system and who is not affected by its various cycles and orbits. Of God, who is from time indefinite to time indefinite, the psalmist says: 

    “For a thousand years are in your eyes but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch during the night.” (Ps 90:2, 4) Correspondingly, the apostle Peter writes that “one day is with Jehovah as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.” (2Pe 3:8) 


    For man, a 1,000-year period represents some 365,242 individual time units of day and night, but to the Creator it can be just one unbroken time period in which he begins the carrying out of some purposeful activity and brings it on to its successful conclusion, much as a man begins a task in the morning and concludes it by the dayÂ’s end.


    Jehovah is the Originator of our universe in which time, space, motion, mass, and energy have all been proved to be inescapably interrelated. He controls them all according to his purpose, and in dealing with his creatures on earth he makes definite time appointments for his own actions toward them, right down to the “day and hour.” (Mt 24:36; Ga 4:4) He keeps such appointments with the utmost punctuality.



    Imitate the Patience of Jehovah


    The first point is that Jehovah does not view time as we do. To the One who lives forever, a thousand years are as one day. He is not restrained or pressured by time, but he is not slow in acting. Possessing limitless wisdom, Jehovah knows precisely the best time to act for the benefit of all concerned, and he patiently waits for that time to come.However, we should not conclude that Jehovah is insensitive to any suffering that his servants may experience in the meantime. He is a God of “tender compassion,” the personification of love. (Luke 1:78; 1 John 4:8) 


    He is able to undo, completely and permanently, any harm that this temporary permission of suffering might have caused.—Psalm 37:10.


    It is, of course, not easy to wait for something that one yearns for. (Proverbs 13:12) Thus, when people do not swiftly fulfill their promises, others may conclude that they do not intend to do so. How unwise it would be to think that of God! If we mistake God’s patience for slowness, the passing of time can easily cause us to give way to doubt and discouragement, and we risk becoming spiritually drowsy. 


    Even worse, we might be misled by those whom Peter earlier warned against—ridiculers, those without faith. Such ones mockingly say: “Where is this promised presence of his? Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep in death, all things are continuing exactly as from creation’s beginning.”—2 Peter 3:4.


    How is JehovahÂ’s patience related to his desire that people repent?


    A second point that we can draw from PeterÂ’s words is that Jehovah is patient because he desires all to attain to repentance. Those who stubbornly refuse to turn back from their bad ways face execution at the hand of Jehovah. However, God finds no pleasure in the death of the wicked one. Rather, he delights to see people repent, turn back from their bad ways, and keep living. (Ezekiel 33:11) Consequently, he is exercising patience and is having the good news declared in all the earth so that people may have every opportunity to live.





  4. "There is no righteous man on earth who always does good and never sins.—Eccl. 7:20. - 


    Grateful Recipients of GodÂ’s Undeserved Kindness


    The Scriptures speak of “the free gift of God’s undeserved kindness.” (Eph. 3:7) Why and how does Jehovah bestow this “free gift”? If we met all of Jehovah’s requirements perfectly, his kindness toward us would be deserved. As it is, we fail to do so. Thus, wise King Solomon wrote: “There is no righteous man on earth who always does good and never sins.” (Eccl. 7:20) The apostle Paul likewise stated: “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” and “the wages sin pays is death.” (Rom. 3:23;6:23a) That is what we deserve.


    Jehovah, however, expressed his love toward fallen mankind in an incomparable act of undeserved kindness. He sent his greatest gift of all, “his only-begotten Son,” to earth to die in our behalf. (John 3:16) So Paul wrote concerning Jesus that he is “now crowned with glory and honor for having suffered death, so that by God’s undeserved kindness he might taste death for everyone.” (Heb. 2:9) Yes, “the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord.”—Rom. 6:23b.


    Being forgiven of our sins. Because of Jehovah’s undeserved kindness, we have our sins forgiven, provided we repent and continue to put up a hard fight against our sinful inclinations. (Read 1 John 1:8, 9.) God’s mercy should fill us with gratitude and move us to glorify him. Writing to fellow anointed Christians, Paul stated: “[Jehovah] rescued us from the authority of the darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son, by means of whom we have our release by ransom, the forgiveness of our sins.” (Col. 1:13, 14) Being forgiven of our sins opens the door to many other wonderful blessings.


    Having a peaceful relationship with God. In our sinful state, from birth we were enemies of God. Paul acknowledged this: “When we were enemies we became reconciled to God through the death of his Son.” (Rom. 5:10) This reconciliation enables us to be at peace with Jehovah. Paul links this privilege to Jehovah’s undeserved kindness, stating: “Now that we [Christ’s anointed brothers] have been declared righteous as a result of faith, let us enjoy peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we also have obtained access by faith into this undeserved kindness in which we now stand.” (Rom. 5:1, 2) What a blessing this is!


    Being brought to righteousness. All of us are unrighteous by nature. But the prophet Daniel foretold that during the time of the end, “those having insight,” the anointed remnant, would be “bringing the many to righteousness.” (Read Daniel 12:3.) By their preaching and teaching work, they have brought millions of “other sheep” into a righteous standing before Jehovah. (John 10:16) However, this has been possible only through Jehovah’s undeserved kindness. Paul explained: “It is as a free gift that they are being declared righteous by his [God’s] undeserved kindness through the release by the ransom paid by Christ Jesus.”—Rom. 3:23, 24.


    Approaching God’s throne through prayer. Jehovah in his undeserved kindness grants us the blessing of approaching his heavenly throne in prayer. In fact, Paul calls Jehovah’s throne “the throne of undeserved kindness” and invites us to approach it “with freeness of speech.” (Heb. 4:16a) Jehovah has afforded us this privilege through his Son, “by means of whom we have this freeness of speech and free access with confidence through our faith in him.” (Eph. 3:12) Free access to Jehovah in prayer is indeed a wonderful expression of his undeserved kindness.




  5. "I heard the angel over the waters say: “You, the One who is and who was, the loyal One, are righteous, for you have issued these judgments. (Revelation 16:5).


     "For Jehovah himself gives wisdom;

    From his mouth come knowledge and discernment.

    He treasures up practical wisdom for the upright;

    He is a shield for those walking in integrity.

    He watches over the paths of justice,

    And he will guard the way of his loyal ones."

    (Proverbs 2:6-8).


    Likewise, the expression “the One who is and who was and who is coming” (Re 1:8; 4:8) clearly points to the God of eternity (Ps 90:2), who not only “was” the Almighty in ancient times but continues to be so and “is coming” as such with an expression of his all-powerfulness. Again violent action is indicated, following his ‘taking his great power’ to rule as king, by the expression of his wrath against the opposing nations at “the war of the great day of God the Almighty.” (Re 11:17, 18; 16:14) 


    His Son, Christ Jesus, “The Word of God,” is shown as expressing this “wrath of God the Almighty” against the nations in his position as king anointed by God. (Re 19:13-16) Yet such mighty expressions of God’s judicial decisions continue to be in full accord with his standards of truth and righteousness.—Re 16:5-7.




  6. "Take note of the blameless one, And keep the upright one in sight, For the future of that man will be peaceful." (Ps.37:37) -


    Can Anyone See the Future?

    We all think about the future. We wonder what life will be like for ourselves and our loved ones. We ask such questions as these: ‘Will my children live in a better world? Will the earth be destroyed in a disaster? Is there something I can change now to make my future better?Â’ This curiosity is part of who we are; we naturally yearn for reassurance, certainty, order, and stability. If you could be more certain about the future, you could prepare for it, both physically and emotionally.


    So, what is in your future? Can anyone know? Professionals who try to predict the future have met with some successes but also many failures. Yet, it is said that God can accurately foretell upcoming events. His Word says: “From the beginning I foretell the outcome, and from long ago the things that have not yet been done.” (Isaiah 46:10) How successful has he been?



    The Jewish leader Joshua stated a fact that was well-known to his large audience: “You well know with all your heart and with all your soul that not one word out of all the good promises that Jehovah your God has spoken to you has failed. They have all come true for you. Not one word of them has failed.” (Joshua 23:1, 2, 14) 


    JoshuaÂ’s people could not deny the success rate of GodÂ’s promises and prophecies. But how does God do it? There are major differences between GodÂ’s ways and manÂ’s. This is important for you to know, for God has made some epic announcements about the near futurethat will definitely affect you.



    In contrast to humans, God knows all the facts. He thoroughly understands the nature and inclination of humans; therefore, when he chooses to do so, God can foresee exactly how individuals and entire nations will act. But God can do more than that. He can even control and change factors and trends to ensure the outcome. He says: “My word that goes out of my mouth . . . will not return to me without results, . . . and it will have sure success.” (Isaiah 55:11) In a way, then, some of God’s predictions are more like announcements or declarations. He actively guarantees a perfect record of success.



    Is there a reliable forecast involving your future and that of your loved ones? If you have advance knowledge of an approaching hurricane, you can take lifesaving action. You can respond similarly to Bible prophecy. God has announced that huge worldwide changes will come soon. (See the box “What God Has Revealed About the Future.”) This future is quite different from what many so-called experts forecast.


    What God Has Revealed About the Future ?

    • Contrary to what doomsday prophets say, God assures us that our planet Earth will never be destroyed.—Psalm 104:5; Ecclesiastes 1:4.
    • Humans will be in the process of ruining the earth when God steps in and stops them.—Psalm 92:7; Revelation 11:18.
    • God is aware that the majority of religions have slandered him and ignored the Bible, and he will destroy those institutions.—Revelation 18:4-9.
    • GodÂ’s heavenly government—not any humans or forces on earth—will destroy all wicked, disobedient people. “The future of wicked people will be cut off.”—Psalm 37:10, 38; Daniel 2:44.
    • God will preserve individuals whom he approves, and they will flourish on a beautiful earth. “Take note of the blameless one, and keep the upright one in sight, for the future of that man will be peaceful.”—Psalm 37:11, 37; Revelation 21:3, 4.
    • God kindly explains in the Bible how you may gain his approval and how “you may succeed in escaping all these things that must occur.”—Luke 21:36; John 17:3.






  7. "The armies in heaven were following him on white horses."—Rev. 19:14. - 


    This name is directly associated with “the war of the great day of God the Almighty.” The term applies specifically to the condition, or situation, to which “the kings of the entire inhabited earth” are gathered in opposition to Jehovah and his Kingdom by Jesus Christ. In a number of versions it is rendered “Armageddon.” (Re 16:14, 16, AT; KJ; JB; RS; TEV) 


    The Revelation account depicts the combined forces of the kings of the earth as being gathered “to the place [Gr., form of to?pos] that is called in Hebrew Har–Magedon.” (Re 16:16) In the Bible to?pos may refer to a literal location (Mt 14:13,15, 35); to one’s opportunity, or “chance” (Ac 25:16); or to a figurative realm, condition, or situation (Re 12:6, 14). In view of the context, it is to a “place” in the last-mentioned sense that earth’s combined military powers are marching.


    “The war of the great day of God the Almighty” at Har–Magedon was not some past event but is depicted in Revelation as future from the time of John’s vision. The gathering of the kings to Har–Magedon is described as being a result of the pouring out of the sixth of the seven bowls containing the “last” plagues that will bring to a finish the anger of God. (Re 15:1; 16:1, 12) Also, indicating that the war at Har–Magedon is closely associated with Christ’s presence is the warning of his coming as a thief, which is placed between verses 14 and 16 of Revelation chapter 16.


    The global aspect of the war is emphasized in the context. There the opponents of Jehovah are identified as “the kings of the entire inhabited earth,” who are mobilized by “expressions inspired by demons.”—Re 16:14.


    Farther on, John says: “And I saw the wild beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage the war with the one seated on the horse and with his army.” (Re 19:19) This chapter identifies the leader of the heavenly armies, seated on a white horse, as one who is called “Faithful and True” and “The Word of God.” (Re 19:11-13) 


    Therefore, it is Jesus Christ, The Word, who acts as the commander of God’s heavenly armies. (Joh 1:1; Re 3:14) Further showing that Christ leads the heavenly forces is the statement that the earthly forces “battle with the Lamb [who is Jesus Christ (Joh 1:29)], but, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those called and chosen and faithful with him will do so.”—Re 17:13, 14.


    Since the vision in Revelation chapter 19reveals only armies in heaven as participating in the warfare as supporters of Jesus Christ, The Word of God, it indicates that none of Jehovah’s Christian servants on earth will participate in the fighting. This is in harmony with the words of Jesus Christ at Matthew 26:52 that his disciples not resort to weapons of physical warfare. (Compare Ex 14:13, 14; 2Ch 20:15, 17,22, 23; Ps 2:4-9.) The birds that fly in midheaven will dispose of the bodies of those slaughtered.—Re 19:11-21.


    Har–Magedon  (Armageddon) is thus seen to be a fight, not merely among men, but one in which God’s invisible armies take part. Its coming is certain and it will take place at the time set by Jehovah God, who “is doing according to his own will among the army of the heavens and the inhabitants of the earth.”—Da 4:35; see also Mt 24:36.




  8. Reflection ???

    The time of the end  is close


    Jehovah's witnesses are fulfilling an important phase of God's purpose, which is double. First, the collection and testing of the anointed. And Secondarily, the gathering of those who ultimately constitute the great multitude of people who will survive the great tribulation.

    However, at some point (no one knows the day or the hour) the world's preaching of Jehovah's witnesses will suddenly stop. This will be considered an unprecedented disaster, as projected in Joel's prophecy

    During the conclusion, the chosen will shine as brightly as the sun in the kingdom of his father. This will happen when all the children of the kingdom are collected.

    At that moment, when the first resurrection has begun and continues for a while after the presence of Jesus, the angel will say:

    (Revelation 14:7) and said with a strong voice: " Fear God and give him glory, for it is time for the trial for him

    About 20 years ago the ruling body revised its teaching to recognize now that sheep and goats will not be separated to a certain extent in the future when the son of man sits on his glorious throne. That'll start the time of trial for him.

    Meanwhile, the nations are queuing up for the war. The Cyber, diplomatic, commercial and propaganda wars have been going on for some time. China is accelerating the move to replace the dollar as a global reserve currency, which has occurred since the end of World War II. In fact, the London-centered financial system is moving to support China and destroy the United States, while trump is being lured to launch a nuclear war over North Korea. - Contributed 


  9. google automatic translation from Russian to English
    A brutal attack on believers in the Moscow region on the basis of religious hatred  / September 4, 2017
     August 17, 2017 in the village. Nikonovsky (Ramensky district of the Moscow region) attacked the 56-year-old follower of the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses, as a result of which she was hospitalized.
    The attack occurred at about 18:00. Three believers on the bench conversed, holding the Bible in their hands. At this time, a local resident approached them from behind and shouted "Get out! You were banned! "Struck one of the believers on the head with a glass jar that was in her bag. The blow was so strong that the residents of neighboring houses took him for a shot. Continuing to shout out religious insults and threats, the attacker scattered the contents of the believer's bag.
    A team of ambulance doctors stopped the bleeding and delivered the victim to the hospital, where she was hospitalized with a brain injury with concussion. An application was submitted to the police. 


  10. Is There a God? What Difference Does It Make?


    The question of whether God exists seems to be either unanswerable or irrelevant to many. Have you ever wondered if there is a God and, if there is, whether there is a larger purpose to life? If there is a larger meaning to life, we want to know what it is and to understand our place in it. After all, if God exists and we are unaware of it, then we are living without knowing the most fundamental truth in the universe. 


    The Bible says that God is the Source of all life. How can knowing this give our lives meaning? What does it mean to be God’s friend? Friends of God can express themselves directly to him. And he promises that he will listen to them and act in their behalf. (Psalm 91:15) 


    As friends of God, we can come to know his thoughts on many matters. This can give us reliable insight into the deepest questions about our lives. For example, some find it difficult to believe in God because of the suffering they see worldwide. They ask, ‘Why would an all-powerful Creator permit suffering and evil?’ 


    The Bible’s comforting answer is that God never intended for humans to suffer. Is this hard to believe? A fantasy? No. 


    If there is an all-powerful Creator and if love is indeed his foremost quality, then this is exactly the kind of life that we would expect him to purpose for humans to have. 




    “Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; you will look at where they were, and they will not be there. But the meek will possess the earth, and they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.”—Psalm 37:10, 11.


    SICKNESS AND DEATH ELIMINATED. “No resident will say: ‘I am sick.’” (Isaiah 33:24) “He will swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will wipe away the tears from all faces.”—Isaiah 25:8.


    God provides guidance to help us cope with problems and make good decisions. Many decisions are small, but others have lifelong consequences. No human can offer us wisdom as effective as the wisdom that our Creator can provide. He has a timeless perspective and is the very Source of human life. So he knows what is best for us. How can you obtain such help from God? 



    The Bible answers: “Whoever approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.” (Hebrews 11:6) To become convinced that God exists, you need to examine the evidence for yourself. 

    Lesson for today. (Psalms 37:10, 11) 






  11. UN urged Russia to abolish the list of extremist materials ?????
    The only basis for all accusations of Jehovah's Witnesses in "extremism" - the Federal List of Extremist Materials - can be revoked. Russia was called to this by the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) in its Recommendation of August 25, 2017.
    The UN Committee is concerned about the unclear definition of the concept of extremist activity and the lack of clear criteria by which materials can be classified as extremist that is used against vulnerable segments of the population.
    The international community unanimously condemned the accusations of extremism and the ban imposed by the Russian court on the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses. This can be seen from the following official statements. 
    PDF ONU : CERD_C_RUS_CO_23-24_28705_E.pdf


  12. “The Judge of All the Earth” Always Does What Is Right? 


    If you feel that there has been some injustice in the congregation, remember that you could be mistaken. Why? We are imperfect and may have misunderstood the situation. We also may not have all the facts. But whether our understanding is correct or not, we must pray to Jehovah about the situation, rely on him, and remain loyal. This will prevent us from becoming “enraged against Jehovah.”—Read Proverbs 19:3.


     If we think that we have experienced injustice in the congregation, we must be very careful not to gossip about the situation. Of course, we should ask for help from the elders and tell them if a brother has committed a serious sin. (Leviticus 5:1) However, in many cases that do not involve a serious sin, it may be possible to make peace with a brother without telling anyone else, not even the elders. (Read Matthew 5:23, 24; 18:15.) Let us be loyal and apply Bible principles in these situations. Sometimes we may realize that we have misunderstood the situation and that we were not the victim of an injustice after all. Then we would be grateful that we did not make the situation worse by saying bad things about our brother! Remember that whether we are right or wrong, saying something hurtful will never improve a situation. Loyalty to Jehovah and to our brothers will protect us from making such a mistake. The psalmist said that there is “one who is walking faultlessly.” Such a person “does not slander with his tongue, he does nothing bad to his neighbor.”—Psalm 15:2, 3; James 3:5.


    n a similar way, we must cherish and protect our relationship with Jehovah. We should never allow the imperfections of our brothers to separate us from the God we love and worship. (Romans 8:38, 39) Instead, if we experience injustice in the congregation, let us imitate Joseph and draw even closer to Jehovah. Try to have His view of matters. After we have done all that we can to solve the problem by following Bible principles, we need to leave the matter in Jehovah’s hands. We can be confident that he will correct the matter in his own time and way.



    • Injustice: An action or situation that is not fair. If you observe or experience an injustice in the congregation, pray to Jehovah, trust in him, and remain loyal. You can be confident that Jehovah will correct the matter in his own time and way





  13. New brutal attack in Russia to a Jehovah's witness.Our 56-Year-old brother is hospitalized.
    At 18 hours, 3 witnesses were sitting in a bank dialogue and one was holding a Bible. In the back, a neighbor was approached screaming outside, you're banned!!
    The brother in question hit his head with a glass bottle with such a force that the neighbors believed the sound was a shot. He continued screaming religious insults and threats.
    A team of emergency doctors stopped the bleeding and the brother was hospitalized with a trauma diagnosis with concussion.
    Mr Putin has sown hatred and now collects storms.


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