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Bible Speaks

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  1. Sweet Thing! ????? And I will stroll the merry way And jump the hedges first And I will drink the clear Clean water for to quench my thirst ??? And I shall watch the ferry-boats And they'll get high On a bluer ocean ? ??? Against tomorrow's sky And I will never grow so old again And I will walk and talk In gardens all wet with rain ??????? Oh sweet thing, sweet thing My, my, my, my, my sweet thing And I shall drive my chariot ??? Down your streets and cry 'Hey, it's me, I'm dynamite And I don't know why' And you shall take me strongly ???????? In your arms again And I will not remember That I even felt the pain. We shall walk and talk In gardens all misty and wet with rain And I will never, never, never Grow so old again. ? ?????? Oh sweet thing, sweet thing My, my, my, my, my sweet thing And I will raise my hand up Into the night time sky ????? And count the stars That's shining in your eye Just to dig it all an' not to wonder That's just fine And I'll be satisfied ????? Not to read in between the lines And I will walk and talk In gardens all wet with rain And I will never, ever, ever, ever Grow so old again. ??????? Oh sweet thing, sweet thing Sugar-baby with your champagne eyes And your saint-like smile Lyrics by  Van Morrison ???? Â
  2. The Recipe for True Happiness! - Happiness Fosters Good Health! - Be Healthy and Happy! ~ ?????????? A happy disposition is good medicine. ?????????? “Happiness or related mental states like hopefulness, optimism and contentment appear to reduce the risk or limit the severity of cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, diabetes, hypertension, colds and upper-respiratory infections,” says a report in Time magazine. Furthermore, a Dutch study of elderly patients revealed that over a nine-year period, a happy, positive disposition reduced the risk of death by an amazing 50 percent! ?????????? How mental states affect the body remains unclear. Research has shown, however, that positive, optimistic people have lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which is known to suppress the immune system. ?????????? GOOD recipe and a good cook make for a good meal! In a way, it is similar with happiness. It is not the result of a single factor, but many things in life come together to produce happiness. These include work, play, time with family and friends, and spiritual activities. But there are also more subtle factors, such as attitudes, desires, and goals in life. ?????????? Thankfully, we do not have to figure out the recipe for true happiness by ourselves. Why not? Because our Creator has given us a wonderful book of instruction, the Bible, which is now available in whole or in part in 2,377 languages and dialects—far more than any other publication in the world! ?????????? This impressive circulation reflects God’s concern for the happiness and spiritual welfare of all people. (Acts 10:34, 35; 17:26, 27) “I . . . am . . . the One teaching you to benefit yourself,” God says. If we heed his commandments, then he promises us tranquillity and peace, “just like a river.”—Isaiah 48:17, 18. ?????????? Instead of being self-centered, happy people tend to be generous and interested in others. “There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving,” said Jesus. (Acts 20:35) Besides giving in a material way, we can give of our time and energy, which may be even more appreciated, especially in the family. Husbands and wives need to spend time together to keep their marriage strong and happy, and parents need to make ample time for their children, talking with them, showing them affection, and teaching them. When family members give in such ways, they thrive and their home becomes a haven of happiness. ?????????? Read the rest of the article at: https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102006122?q=happiness&p=par
  3. A Family United by Love ~ Teach Your Children They are Your Inheritance from God! - Make a Difference! ?????? “Love,” the Bible tells us, “is a perfect bond of union.” (Colossians 3:14) As described in the Bible, love is not simply a feeling. It is defined by the way it motivates—by the conduct it prompts and the deeds it forbids. (1 Corinthians 13:4-8) ?????? In the family, showing love means treating each member with dignity, respect, and kindness. It means living in harmony with GodÂ’s view of each family member. God gives each one an honorable and important role. ?????? As each family member treats the others with respect and dignity, good communication thrives. Notes author William Prendergast: “All parents should have daily, constant, close communication with their children or adolescents.” He adds: “This appears to be the best solution to the problem of sexual abuse.” Indeed, the Bible recommends just such constant and loving communication. (Deuteronomy 6:6, 7) ?????? When that direction is applied, the home is a place where each member can freely and safely speak from the heart. ?????? Granted, we live in a wicked world and not all abuse can be prevented. Even so, a safe home can make a world of difference. ?????? If some member of the family is hurt outside the home, he or she knows just where to run for comfort and sympathy. Such a home is truly a refuge, a safe haven in a troubled world. May God bless your efforts to make your family just like that! ????? Â
  4. Do you have a Guardian Angel? ???? The Bible does not teach that each individual has a guardian angel. True, Jesus once said: “See that you do not despise one of these little ones [ChristÂ’s disciples], for I tell you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 18:10) However, rather than implying that each person has a guardian angel, Jesus was simply saying that angels take an active interest in each of his disciples. Hence, true worshippers do not take unwise and careless risks, presuming that GodÂ’s angels will protect them. ??????? Does that mean that angels do not help humans? No. (Psalm 91:11) Some feel quite strongly that God has provided them with angelic protection many feel that way. Though we cannot be dogmatic, it may be correct. ??????? JehovahÂ’s Witnesses frequently see evidence of angelic intervention as they engage in their preaching work. However, because angels are invisible, we cannot say to what extent God uses them in helping individuals with various matters. Nevertheless, we cannot go wrong by thanking the Almighty for whatever support he may have provided.—Colossians 3:15; James 1:17, 18. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2017167?q=guardian+angel&p=par#h=2
  5. I was so happy to be baptized by my Dad this weekend in the Netherlands. ?????? Video shared by @alysha_brummel Tap on Link for MP4 Video __ Â
  6. @Queen Esther Problems in posting from Gallery. It will improve no worry! They are working on it. Peace ?????
  7. Have you attended the 2017 Don't Give Up convention yet? How many people attended? My convention was held in June, and was tied into the Special Convention in Toronto, where we had the privilege of listening to Brother Herd give a talk all 3 days! ? ~ Tap on Link to Video MP4 ___ Video by @hcastrojr - Â
  8. Hosea 2:18 "In that day I will make a covenant for them with the wild animals of the field, And with the birds of the heavens and the creeping things of the ground; I will rid the land of the bow and the sword and war, And I will make them lie down*in security." ????????? God also fulfilled this promise: “I shall certainly conclude a covenant in that day in connection with the wild beast of the field and with the flying creature of the heavens and the creeping thing of the ground, and the bow and the sword and war I shall break out of the land, and I will make them lie down in security.” (Hosea 2:18) ????????? The Jewish remnant who returned to their homeland lived in security, with nothing to fear from animals. This prophecy also had a fulfillment in 1919 C.E., when the remnant of spiritual Israel was freed from “Babylon the Great,” the world empire of false religion. They now dwell in security and enjoy life in a spiritual paradise with their companions, who hope to live forever on earth. Animalistic traits do not exist among these true Christians.—Revelation 14:8; Isaiah 11:6-9;Galatians 6:16. ????????? Genuine Peace and Harmony Soon God will bring harmony to our earth. He promises a time when “the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea.” (Isaiah 11:9) Yes, permanent peace will at last prevail. In fact, life on earth will experience a new type of harmony, for God will teach his loyal human subjects how to be good caretakers of their terrestrial home. He will even “conclude a covenant,” as it were, with all predatory beasts, causing them to live in peaceful submission to humans.—Hosea 2:18; Genesis 1:26-28;Isaiah 11:6-8. ????????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102005643#h=7:159-7:332
  9. "I have said these things to you so that by means of me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation, but take courage! I have conquered the world.Ô (John 16:33) ??????? “Take Courage! I Have Conquered the World” Be Obedient and Courageous as Christ Was “Take courage! I have conquered the world.”—JOHN 16:33. ??????? JESUS CHRIST always did GodÂ’s will. Not once did he even entertain the thought of disobeying his heavenly Father. (John 4:34; Heb. 7:26) But his circumstances on earth did not make it easy for him to be obedient. From the beginning of his preaching career, JesusÂ’ enemies, including Satan himself, tried to convince, force, or trick Jesus into abandoning his course of faithfulness. (Matt. 4:1-11; Luke 20:20-25) These enemies caused Jesus intense mental, emotional, and physical pain. Ultimately, they succeeded in bringing about his death on the torture stake. (Matt. 26:37, 38; Luke 22:44; John 19:1, 17, 18) Through all of this, and despite profound suffering, Jesus remained “obedient as far as death.”—Read Philippians 2:8. ???????  Although he was a perfect man, Jesus did not try to remain perfectly obedient on his own. He prayed for GodÂ’s help to remain obedient. (Read Hebrews 5:7.) For us to remain obedient, we too need a humble, prayerful attitude. For this reason, the apostle Paul counseled Christians: “Keep this mental attitude in you that was also in Christ Jesus,” who “humbled himself and became obedient as far as death.” (Phil. 2:5-8) JesusÂ’ course proved that obedience is possible for humans even amid a wicked society. Granted, Jesus was perfect, but what about imperfect humans like us ??????? He never yielded to the worldÂ’s influence. He never allowed the world to stop him from carrying out his preaching commission or to cause him to lower his standards for true worship and proper conduct; nor should we. In prayer, Jesus said of his disciples: “They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world.” (John 17:16) Studying ChristÂ’s courageous example and reflecting on it can give us the necessary courage to remain separate from the world ??????? The apostles too realized that their courageous actions must be based on faith. They implored Jesus: “Give us more faith.” (Read Luke 17:5, 6.) Having real faith means more than merely believing that God exists. It involves developing a deep, trusting relationship with Jehovah, not unlike the relationship a small child has with a kind and loving father. Under inspiration, Solomon wrote: “My son, if your heart has become wise, my heart will rejoice, even mine. And my kidneys will exult when your lips speak uprightness.” (Prov. 23:15, 16) In the same way, our courageously standing up for righteous principles brings Jehovah delight, and knowing that increases our courage. Therefore, let us always imitate JesusÂ’ example, taking a courageous stand for righteousness! ??????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2009682?q=john+16%3A33&p=par Â
  10. JehovahדProvider of Escape” in Bible Times “O God, do act quickly for me. You are my help and the Provider of escape for me.”—PS. 70:5. ????? An important question arises: Can we really expect Jehovah to respond to our prayers for help? The faith-strengthening answer is found in Psalm 70. This stirring psalm was written by David, aloyal worshipper of Jehovah who faced many difficult trials and challenges during his life. This inspired psalmist was moved to say of Jehovah: “O God, . . . you are my help and the Provider of escape for me.” (Ps. 70:5) An examination of Psalm 70 can help us to see why we too can turn to Jehovah in times of need and fully trust that he will be our “Provider ofescape.” ????? “You Are . . . the Provider of Escape” Psalm 70 begins and ends with an urgent cry for GodÂ’s help. (Read Psalm 70:1-5.) David implores Jehovah to “make haste” and to “act quickly” to deliver him. In the verses in-between, David makes five petitions, each beginning with “may” and expressing a desire, or wish. The first three are about those trying to kill him. David petitions Jehovah to defeat these enemies and shame them for their wickedness. The next two pleas, in verse 4, relate to GodÂ’s people. David prays that those seeking Jehovah be moved to rejoice and to magnify him. In concluding his psalm, David says to Jehovah: “You are my help and the Provider of escape for me.” Notice that David does not say, “May you prove to be,” as if making another petition. Instead, he says, “You are,” expressing his confidence. David believes that he will receive divine help. ????? What does Psalm 70 indicate about David? When he had been faced with determined enemies who were out to take his life, David chose not to take matters into his own hands. Instead, he trusted that Jehovah would deal with the opposers in his own time and way. (1 Sam. 26:10) David continued firmly convinced that Jehovah helps and delivers those who seek him. (Heb. 11:6) David believed that such true worshippers have every reason to rejoice and to magnify Jehovah by telling others about his greatness.—Ps. 5:11; 35:27. ????? Like David, we can have full confidence that Jehovah is our Helper and “the Provider of escape” for us. Hence, when we face difficult trials or feel in desperate need of assistance, we can rightly pray that Jehovah quickly come to our aid. (Ps. 71:12) What, though, may Jehovah do in response to our prayers for assistance? Before we discuss how Jehovah may help us, let us examine three ways in which he provided David with escape, helping him in times of urgent need. DavidÂ’s trust in “the Provider ofescape” did not waver. Concerning an upright worshipper who is ill, David said: “In the day of calamity Jehovah will provide escape for him. Jehovah himself will sustain him upon a divan of illness; all his bed you will certainly change during his sickness.” (Ps. 41:1, 3) Here again, notice DavidÂ’s confidence, as expressed in the words “Jehovahhimself will.” David was sure that Jehovah would provide escape for him. ????? David was just one of many worshippers for whom Jehovah provided escape in Bible times. Since DavidÂ’s time, God has time and again demonstrated the truthfulness of the apostle PeterÂ’s words: “Jehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial.” (2 Pet. 2:9) ????? It is faith-strengthening to reflect on the evidence that Jehovah helps his people. What he did in the past gives us basis for confidence. No matter what challenges we may be facing now or may yet encounter in the future, we too can put full trust in Jehovah as our “Provider of escape.” ????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2008682?q=jehovah+is+a+provider+of+escape&p=par
  11. Time to repair and rebuild #jwstrong Dickinson, Texas is the area where most of the devastation . South of Houston in Santa Fe, Texas our brothers are from the Alvin East and Hitchcock Congregation. We're in the Alvin East Congregation headed back to our home from Dallas, Texas we left before the storm came.?? @sarahtx07 Thank you
  12. “The lamp of the body is the eye. If, then, your eye is focused, your whole body will be bright." -(Matthew 6:22). ??? OneÂ’s eye is, figuratively, a “lamp.” Jesus said: “The lamp of the body is the eye. If, then, your eye is simple [sincere; all one way; in focus; generous], your whole body will be bright; but if your eye is wicked, your whole body will be dark.” (Mt 6:22, 23, ftn) The eye is like a lamp, because with it the body can walk about without stumbling and without bumping into anything. Jesus, of course, had in mind ‘the eyes of the heartÂ’ (Eph 1:18), as his words in the context show. ??? Emphasizing this point, Jesus gives an illustration: “The lamp of the body is the eye. If, then, your eye is focused, your whole body will be bright. But if your eye is envious, your whole body will be dark.” (Matthew 6:22, 23) When our eye functions properly, it is like a lighted lamp to our body. But to be such, our eye must be focused on one thing; otherwise, we could develop a mistaken estimate of life. Focusing on material possessions instead of on serving God would mean that our “whole body will be dark,” perhaps drawn to what is shady or dark. ??? Jesus then gives a powerful example: “No one can slave for two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stick to the one and despise the other. You cannot slave for God and for Riches.”—Matthew 6:24. ??? Jesus Christ rightly called the eye “the lamp of the body.” Explaining what he meant, he continued: “If . . . your eye is simple [sincere, focused on good], your whole body will be bright; but if your eye is wicked, your whole body will be dark.” (Matthew 6:22, 23) By these words, Jesus was impressing upon us the power of the eye, figuratively speaking, to incite thoughts, feelings, and actions. Good thoughts illuminate oneÂ’s life; bad thoughts darken it. ??? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200272075?q=matt+6%3A22&p=par Â
  13. Hope for the Dead—The Resurrection ?????? “The one who exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life.”—John 11:25 “I AM THE RESURRECTION” ?????? “Your brother will rise.” Jesus spoke those words to Martha, whose brother, Lazarus, had been dead for four days. Martha did not at first understand the meaning of JesusÂ’ words. “I know he will rise,” she responded, but she thought that it would be at some time in the future. Imagine her surprise when after hearing Jesus say, “I am the resurrection and the life,” she saw Jesus raise her brother from the dead!—John 11:23-25. ?????? Where was Lazarus during the four days after his death? Lazarus said nothing to suggest that he had been alive somewhere else during those four days. No, Lazarus did not have an immortal soul that had gone to heaven. By resurrecting Lazarus, Jesus did not bring him back down to earth, dragging him away from enjoying heavenly bliss in a place near to God. So where was Lazarus during those four days? He was, in fact, asleep in the grave.—Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10. ?????? Remember, Jesus compared death to a sleep from which one is awakened by resurrection. The account reads: “‘Lazarus our friend has fallen asleep, but I am traveling there to awaken him.Â’ The disciples then said to him: ‘Lord, if he is sleeping, he will get well.Â’ Jesus, however, had spoken about his death. But they imagined he was speaking about taking rest in sleep. Then Jesus said to them plainly: ‘Lazarus has died.’” (John 11:11-14) By resurrecting Lazarus, Jesus gave him back his life and reunited him with his family. What a marvelous gift Jesus gave to that family! ?????? The resurrections Jesus performed when on earth were a foregleam of what he will do in the future as King of GodÂ’s Kingdom.* During his rule over the earth, the heavenly Jesus will bring back to life those humans who are asleep in mankindÂ’s common grave. That is why he said: “I am the resurrection.” Think of the happiness you will feel when you see your loved ones again! Think, too, of the joy that resurrected ones will experience!—Luke 8:56. ?????? Think of the happiness you will feel when you see your loved ones again! ??????? After making those remarkable statements about the resurrection, Jesus asked Martha a soul-searching question: “‘Do you believe this?Â’ She said to him: ‘Yes, Lord, I have believed that you are the Christ, the Son of God.’” (John 11:26, 27) ?????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2014008?q=john+11%3A25&p=par
  14. "The very zeal of Jehovah of armies will do this."—Isa. 9:7. - ??????? Jehovah chose Jesus Christ to be the King of His heavenly government, or Kingdom. Thousands of years ago, the Bible foretold that Jesus would rule as “Prince of Peace” and that his government would never end. (Isaiah 9:6, 7) ??????? Jesus taught his followers to pray for this government when he said: “Let your Kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth.” (Matthew 6:10) In Chapter 8, we will learn how GodÂ’s Kingdom will replace the worldÂ’s governments. (Read Daniel 2:44.) Then GodÂ’s Kingdom will make the earth into a beautiful paradise. ??????? Jesus promised that those who live in GodÂ’s new world will be given “everlasting life.” (Mark 10:30) What must we do to receive this gift? Please read John 3:16 and 17:3 to find the answer. Let us now see what the Bible says life will be like in the earthly Paradise. ??????? Wickedness, war, crime, and violence will be gone. There will not be any wicked people left on earth. (Psalm 37:10, 11) God will bring “an end to wars throughout the earth.” (Psalm 46:9;Isaiah 2:4) The earth will be full of people who love God and are obedient to him. There will be peace forever.—Psalm 72:7. ??????? JehovahÂ’s people will feel secure. In Bible times, when the Israelites obeyed God, they were safe because he protected them. (Leviticus 25:18, 19) In the Paradise, we will not be afraid of anything or anybody. We will always feel secure!—Read Isaiah 32:18; Micah 4:4. ??????? There will be plenty of food. “There will be an abundance of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains it will overflow.” (Psalm 72:16) Jehovah, “our God, will bless us,” and “the earth will give its produce.”—Psalm 67:6. ??????? The whole earth will become a paradise. People will have beautiful houses and gardens. (Read Isaiah 65:21-24; Revelation 11:18.) The whole earth will be as beautiful as the garden of Eden was. Jehovah will always give us everything that we need. The Bible says about him: “You open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.”—Psalm 145:16. ??????? There will be peace between humans and animals. Animals will not harm humans anymore. Little children will feel safe, even around animals that are dangerous to us today.—Read Isaiah 11:6-9; 65:25. ??????? No one will be sick. When Jesus was on earth, he healed many people. (Matthew 9:35; Mark 1:40-42; John 5:5-9) But as King of GodÂ’s Kingdom, Jesus will heal everyone. No one will ever say: “I am sick.”—Isaiah 33:24; 35:5, 6. ??????? The dead will live again. God promises that he will resurrect millions of people who have died. “There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.”—Read John 5:28, 29; Acts 24:15. ??????? TRUTH 3: GODÂ’S KINGDOM WILL SOLVE THE PROBLEM “Let your Kingdom come. Let your will take place . . . on earth.”—Matthew 6:10 What will Jehovah do? Daniel 2:44 GodÂ’s government will replace all the worldÂ’s governments. Revelation 16:14-16 God will destroy this wicked world at Armageddon. Isaiah 9:6, 7 Jehovah has chosen Jesus to be the King of His heavenly government. Jesus will rule over the earth. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1102015143?q=isa+9%3A7&p=par#h=22  Â
  15. "And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” (Rev. 21:3,4) - ??? DRAW CLOSE TO GOD “Look! I Am Making All Things New” ????? “[God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes.” (Revelation 21:4) What kind of tears will he wipe out? Neither tears of joy nor the tears that protect our eyes. GodÂ’s promise refers to tears caused by suffering and sorrow. God will not merely dry off such tears; he will wipe them out completely by removing the causes of unwanted tears—suffering and sorrow. ????????? “Death will be no more.” (Revelation 21:4) What has caused more unwanted tears than the enemy death? Jehovah will release obedient humans from the grip of death. How? By eliminating the real cause of death: sin inherited from Adam. (Romans 5:12) Jehovah will lift obedient humans to perfection on the basis of JesusÂ’ ransom sacrifice.* Then the last enemy, death, will be “brought to nothing.” (1 Corinthians 15:26) Faithful humans will be able to live as God purposed for them to live—forever in perfect health. ????????? “Neither will . . . pain be anymore.” (Revelation 21:4) What kind of pain will be no more? All the mental, emotional, and physical pain that has resulted from sin and imperfection and made life miserable for countless millions will be no more. ????????? A life without tears, death, and pain will soon be a reality. ‘But where?Â’ you may ask. ‘Is GodÂ’s promise perhaps about life in heaven?Â’ No. Consider why not. ????????? First, the promise is introduced with the words “the tent of God is with mankind,” and mankind lives on earth. (Revelation 21:3) ??????? Second, the promise describes a world where “death will be no more”—a world where death once existed but will cease to exist. Death has never existed in heaven, but it has had a long existence here on earth. Clearly, then, GodÂ’s promise of a better life will be fulfilled right here on earth. ????????? Jehovah wants us to believe his promise of a righteous new world. Right after describing the blessings to come, he guarantees his promise, saying: “Look! I am making all things new.” Then he adds: “These words are faithful and true.” (Revelation 21:5) ????????? Why not learn more about how you and your loved ones can be among the happy worshippers who will see GodÂ’s promise become a glorious reality? ??? God will dry up the rivers of tears that have flowed because of suffering and sorrow ????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2013884?q=rev+21%3A1-4&p=par#h=4
  16. Don't Give Up Convention – 2017 – Sing ? to Jehovah! I also join this happiness ??? impossible not to be happy serving Jehovah @noemidiaz95 Link to Video ___Enjoy! ??? Â
  17. Don't Give Up Convention - Italy! Thank you Jehovah bless! - Fine di tre bellissimi giorni Singing out joyfully to Jehovah! ????? End of three beautiful days in Italy! Enjoy the Video MP4 Link__ Â
  18. Lovely Video – Enjoy! ????? AZA KIVY! That's Don't Give Up! in Malagasy. Day 1 of the Madagascar Special Convention. 43,667 attended and expecting over 50,000+ on Sunday! Wow! - @zeal_samuel Thank you! ?????? Tap on Video Link ___  Â
  19. Russia They Follow and Watch to arrest our Brothers all over Russia. Our people don't stop preaching the way they can. Let's not forget them in our prayers. .. ????????????
  20. @Saint-Jacques Pierre Cheelton Is the singing ? about Jehovah God? Possible language reasons can't understand language?  Thank you, ???????
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