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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. "Be transformed by making your mind over."—Rom. 12:2.


    ALL of us are influenced by the way we were raised and our environment, that is, our friends, our culture, and the community in which we live. That is why we like certain foods and why we dress and behave in a certain way.


    There are at least two important reasons why Christians do not do that. First, the Bible says: “There exists a way that is upright before a man, but the ways of death are the end of it afterward.” (Proverbs 16:25) Because we are imperfect, we are not able to guide our steps perfectly. (Proverbs 28:26; Jeremiah 10:23) 


    Second, the Bible says that Satan is “the god of this system of things.” He controls the world’s standards, that is, what the world thinks is right or wrong and what becomes popular. (2 Corinthians 4:4; 1 John 5:19) If we want to make Jehovah happy and want him to bless us, we must obey what is said at Romans 12:2.—Read.


    If we want to make Jehovah happy and want him to bless us, we must be transformed

    “Be transformed by making your mind over,” Paul wrote. The “mind” refers to our ability to think. But in the Bible, it also includes what we like to think about as well as our attitude and our ability to reason on a matter. Earlier in his letter to the Romans, Paul described people who had “a disapproved mental state” because of their ‘unrighteousness, wickedness, covetousness, and badness.’ They were “full of envy, murder, strife, deceit,” and other bad things. (Romans 1:28-31) We can understand why Paul counseled the Christians who lived around people like that to ‘be transformed by making their mind over.’


    Only we know if we have allowed what we have learned from the Bible to transform us and whether it continues to do so


    If we allow Jehovah to mold us, the transformation that results is internal, or spiritual—precisely what we need in order to combat worldly influences.





  2. A United Nations representative in Sierra Leone said Wednesday he is losing hope that rescuers will find survivors after deadly mudslides in Sierra Leone's capital killed more than 300 people.

    Sunil Saigal, the U.N. Resident Coordinator for Sierra Leone, told British broadcaster Sky News he believes rescue operations will soon cease as "the hope of finding further survivors diminishes."

    "It remains a priority to recover the remains of those who perished in the landslide, but also equally to help survivors and help the community," Saigal said.

    He said the U.N. is working with the government to provide "physical protection" for those thousands of people displaced or otherwise affected by the landslide.

    Family of victims of heavy flooding and mudslides that killed more than 300 people in Regent wait to identify their bodies at Connaught hospital morgue in Freetown, Sierra Leone, Aug. 16 , 2017.Family of victims of heavy flooding and mudslides that killed more than 300 people in Regent wait to identify their bodies at Connaught hospital morgue in Freetown, Sierra Leone, Aug. 16 , 2017.

    "We're working with the authorities to prevent disease outbreaks, cholera. You know we're in the rainy season, waterborne diseases are rife, mosquitoes, malaria is a risk," Saigal said.

    Searchers told VOA's English to Africa service there is little hope of finding more survivors.

    A Freetown mortuary is overwhelmed with bodies. While some families have identified some of the dead, officials are planning to begin mass burials Thursday.

    A spokesman for the Red Cross told the French News Agency that the group had accounted for at least 312 dead. Officials say thousands of others have been left homeless.

    The mudslide occurred early Monday while many Freetown residents were sleeping, after hours of heavy rains. Witnesses described a particularly hard-hit area in the Regent district, saying roads became "churning rivers of mud." 

    Photos and video posted by local residents showed people chest deep in mud trying to traverse the roads.

    Officials expect corpses to pop up in unexpected places for months to come, as many bodies were carried away from the Regent area by floodwaters.

    Freetown is often hit by heavy rain and flooding for several months a year.

    UN: Finding Survivors in Sierra Leone Mudslide Unlikely https://www.voanews.com/a/3988644.html via @VOANews


  3. “You cannot see my face, for no man can see me and live.” Exodus 33:20


    Seeing God; Jesus. Spirit creatures, angels, are able to behold the brilliance of Jehovah (Mt 18:10; Lu 1:19), an experience that no human eyes could endure. "See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I tell you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my Father who is in heaven." (Matthew 18:10).


  4. I Wish I Was A Dragonfly


    I wish I was a dragonfly,

    Blue in the shimmering sun

    Settling on the tropical palms,

    When my breeze guided journey 

    was done.


    The tips of my wings would softly skim

    The water of the pool,

    A microscopic dragon in flight

    My eyes, two kaleidoscope jewels.


    My family would have existed for three million years,

    Or more,

    But I shall glide for just six weeks,

    Enough time to see, what’s worth 

    flying for...


    The traditional association of Dragonflies with water also gives rise to this meaning to this amazing insect. The DragonflyÂ’s scurrying flight across water.


    The dragonfly’s agile flight and its ability to move in all six directions exude a sense of power and poise - something that comes only with age and maturity. 


    The dragonfly can move at an amazing 45 miles an hour,  hover like a helicopter fly backwards like a hummingbird, fly straight up, down and on either side. What is mind blowing is the fact that it can do this while flapping its wings a mere 30 times a minute while mosquitoes and houseflies need to flap their wings 600 and 1000 times a minute respectively. 


    The awe inspiring aspect is how the dragonfly accomplishes its objectives with utmost simplicity, effectiveness and well, if you look at proportions, with 20 times as much power in each of its wing strokes when compared to the other insects.  The best part is that the dragonfly does it with elegance and grace that can be compared to a veteran ballet dancer. 


    The dragonfly exhibits iridescence both on its wings as well as on its body. Iridescence is the property of an object to show itself in different colors depending on the angle and polarization of light falling on it. 


    The dragonfly normally lives most of its life as a nymph or an immature. It flies only for a fraction of its life and usually not more than a few months. This adult dragonfly does it all in these few months and leaves nothing to be desired. This style of life symbolizes and exemplifies the virtue of living IN the moment and living life to the fullest. By living in the moment you are aware of who you are, where you are, what you are doing, what you want, what you don’t and make informed choices on a moment-to-moment basis. 


    This ability lets you live your life without regrets like the great dragonfly.


    The eyes of the dragonfly are one of the most amazing and awe inspiring sights. Given almost 80% of the insect’s brain power is dedicated to its sight and the fact that it can see in all 360 degrees around it, it symbolizes the uninhibited vision of the mind and the ability to see beyond the limitations of the human self. It also in a manner of speaking symbolizes a man/woman’s rising from materialism to be able to see beyond the mundane into the vastness that is really our Universe, and our own minds. 


    What can one say, for a harmless insect that does not bite, does not sew snakesÂ’ wounds, and definitely does not measure human souls for good and evil, there have been a wide variety of myths and mythology associated with the life and the existence of the dragonfly.


    But before we go down to the lore by location, one very striking aspect comes to mind. Change. In many regions and as a norm of this day, the dragonfly is considered to be an agent of change and presumably symbolic of a sense of self realization. Self realization from how the dragonfly uses its power to control its movements and so elegantly. And change is all about the dragonflyÂ’s ability to fly and the way it can be comfortable on water, land as well as the air.



    Amazingly made by our Creator Jehovah God! ???



  5. On 1/16/2017 at 6:37 AM, John Lindsay Barltrop said:

    Thank you very much for that interesting discussion on elephants..............marvellous thing this "evolution"......NOT........we certainly should marvel at these creations, all praise going to our grand Creator, Jehovah.

    @John Lindsay Barltrop

    Thank you for your support!

    Jehovah made the earth ? perfect for us and the animals. It's man that has destroyed it! But God's Kingdom will bring perfection back to all animals and all mankind! What a Promise He keeps!


  6. "I set the pattern for you, that, just as I did to you, you should do also."—John 13:15.


    Jesus Set the Pattern of Humility 

    IT IS the final night of Jesus’ life on earth, and he spends it with his apostles in the upper room of a house in Jerusalem. During the course of the evening meal, Jesus gets up and puts aside his outer garments. He girds himself with a towel. Then he puts water into a basin and begins to wash the feet of the disciples and to dry them off with the towel. He then puts on his outer garments. Why did Jesus perform this humble act?—John 13:3-5.


    Jesus himself explained: “Do you know what I have done to you? . . . If I, although Lord and Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to wash the feet of one another. For I set the pattern for you, that, just as I did to you, you should do also.” (John 13:12-15) By displaying a willingness to perform such a lowly task, Jesus gave his apostles an object lesson that would be deeply engraved on their minds and would encourage them to be humble in the days ahead.


    When Jesus washed the feet of the apostles, it was not the first time he highlighted the value of humility. On an earlier occasion when some of the apostles showed a competitive spirit, Jesus set a young child beside him, and He told them: “Whoever receives this young child on the basis of my name receives me too, and whoever receives me receives him also that sent me forth. For he that conducts himself as a lesser one among all of you is the one that is great.” (Luke 9:46-48) Aware that the Pharisees sought prominence, Jesus said later in his ministry: “Everyone that exalts himself will be humbled and he that humbles himself will be exalted.” (Luke 14:11) Clearly, Jesus wants his followers to be humble, that is, lowly in mind and free of pride and arrogance. With a view to imitating him, let us carefully examine his example of humility. We will also see how this quality benefits not only the one displaying it but others as well.


    “When [Jesus] found himself in fashion as a man,” wrote Paul, “he humbled himself and became obedient as far as death, yes, death on a torture stake.” (Phil. 2:8) From his childhood on, Jesus left us a pattern of humility. Although he was raised by imperfect parents—Joseph and Mary—Jesus humbly “continued subject to them.” (Luke 2:51) What a fine example that is for young ones, who will be blessed by God for their willing subjection to their parents!




  7. Do Not Give Up in Doing What Is Fine


    •Galatians 6:9 —"So let us not give up in doing what is fine, for in due time we will reap if we do not tire out."


    AS Jehovah’s Witnesses, we delight in doing God’s will. We also find refreshment in taking on the “yoke” of discipleship. (Matthew 11:29) Nevertheless, serving Jehovah with Christ is not always easy. The apostle Paul made this plain when he urged fellow Christians: “You have need of endurance, in order that, after you have done the will of God, you may receive the fulfillment of the promise.” (Hebrews 10:36) Endurance is needed because serving God can be challenging.


    Jehovah’s people today should also expect tribulations. (1 Peter 1:6, 7) After all, Revelation 12:17 warns us that Satan is ‘waging war’ with the anointed remnant. Because of their close association with the anointed, the “other sheep” are likewise targets of Satan’s wrath. (John 10:16) Besides the opposition Christians might face in their public ministry, they may also experience trialsome pressures in their personal lives. Paul exhorts us: “Let us not give up in doing what is fine, for in due season we shall reap if we do not tire out.” (Galatians 6:9) Yes, although Satan is intent on destroying our faith, we must take our stand against him, solid in the faith. (1 Peter 5:8, 9) What can result from our faithful course? Explains James 1:2, 3: “Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you meet with various trials, knowing as you do that this tested quality of your faith works out endurance.”


    Another trial may involve the seeming delay of the end of this wicked system of things. According to 2 Peter 3:12, Christians are to be “awaiting and keeping close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah.” However, many have awaited this “day” for years, some for decades. As a result, some may become discouraged and lose their sense of urgency.


    •For Answers To Life's Hardest Questions Go To JW.org.

    •Learn More About The Bible & its Teachings FROM The BIBLE itself By Visiting JW.org




  8. •2 Kings 6:16 —"But he said: “Do not be afraid! For there are more who are with us than those who are with them.” 


    ELIJAH was a prophet who called for a test of godship at Mount Carmel. The northern kingdom was being corrupted by Baal worship. But Elijah courageously challenged 450 prophets of Baal to prove that Baal was the true God. Frantic hours of prayer on their part yielded nothing. Then Elijah laid out his sacrifice, drenched it repeatedly with water, and prayed to Jehovah. When fire promptly fell from heaven, devoured the sacrifice, and licked up the water, the people exclaimed: “Jehovah is the true God!” At that, Elijah ordered that the prophets of Baal be slaughtered.—1Ki 18:18-40.


    Nevertheless, Elijah grew fearful when he learned that Queen Jezebel was plotting to kill him. He fled some 150 km (95 mi) to Beer-sheba and then traveled another 300 km (190 mi) to Mount Sinai. Jehovah did not reject Elijah for his temporary lapse of courage but assured him that there was further prophetic work for him to do.—1Ki 19:1-18.


    Elisha was Elijah’s successor. When Elisha was surrounded by Syrian war chariots, he had faith to realize that it was really the Syrian armies that were surrounded—by a host of angelic chariots!—2Ki 6:15-17.


     •For Answers To Life's Hardest Questions Go To JW.org.

    •Learn More About The Bible & its Teachings FROM The BIBLE itself By Visiting JW.org






    -Just think of a world, a world without tears 

    Where a man can live for a million years. 

    With never a grief, ache, or a pain 

    And never a thought of dying again. 

    (Revelation 21:4) 


    -Think of a world when a man plants a vine 

    He can sit in its shade and say, "this is mine." 

    He will live in his house, his own hand has made, 

    And none shall molest or make him afraid. 

    (Micah 4:4) 


    -Think of a world without bloodshed or strife 

    Where no man dare take another man's life. 

    Where man unto man will unite in peace 

    And malice and hatred forevermore cease. 

    (Psalms 46:9; Isaiah 2:4) 


    -Think of the earth as a global paradise 

    Where mountains and deserts will dazzle your eyes 

    With beautiful flowers and shrubbery and trees, 

    With  butterflies, song birds, and bees. 

    (Isaiah 35:1) 


    -Think just as sure as God's Word is the truth, 

    A man shall return to the days of his youth. 

    His flesh shall become as the flesh of a child 

    And the words that he speaks will be cheerful and mild. 

    (Job 33:25) 


    -Think of a world where a lame man will leap 

    From crag to crag like a deer or a sheep. 

    Where none will be deaf or none will be blind 

    And the dumb shall speak and joyfully sing

    (Isaiah 35:5,6) 


    -Think of a world where each man is his brother,

    Not esteeming himself above that of another. 

    Where man unto man will be friend to friend 

    In a world without tears that will never end. 

    (Psalms 133:1; Acts 10:34, 35) 


    -Think of a world where the dead will have risen 

    From their silent tombs that held them in prison. 

    To forever live, to love, and care 

    With their loved ones and friends everywhere. 

    (1 Thessalonians 4:9)(John 11:23-26)


    -Now a world without tears is not just a dream 

    As many a person might make it to seem. 

    For just as sure as the Bible is true, 

    A world without tears now lies before you. 

    (Isaiah 25:8) 


    -And since such a world before you now lies, 

    Wouldn't you like to live in such a paradise? 

    And share all the blessings that God has in store 

    For all who would do his will forevermore. 

    (Isaiah 65:17) 


    -Good news of the Kingdom is still being sung 

    Throughout every nation, kingdom and tongue

    And all who are thirsty for truth are invited, 

    To join the New World Society and be united. 

    (Revelation 7:9; 22:17; Matthew 24:14; 1 Corinthians 1:10) 


    -In praising our God, our Savior and King 

    And giving Him all we have, everything! 

    That we might live throughout endless years 

    In a world without sorrow, a world without tears. 

    (Revelation 21:3,4)


    Yes..A world like this is possible.. 

    Tap on Video Link___ Enjoy!


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  10. U.S. Religious Freedom Report Names Russia ‘Country of ConcernÂ’


    Russia is internationally marked for persecuting Jehovah's witnesses.
    A United States report on religious freedoms places Russia on a couple of countries such as North Korea and Sudan in their treatment of religious minorities.
    The Annual report prepared by the United States commission for international religious freedom (Uscirf) says that the policy of the Russian authorities towards minorities goes from "administrative harassment to arbitrary imprisonment and extrajudicial executions".


    He cited the deal of Russia to Jehovah's witnesses after the decision of the Russian Supreme Court in April to formally ban the group, forcing 396 Jehovah's witness organizations registered throughout the country to disband.


    He said that the recently amended Russian extremism laws, also known as's amendments, have facilitated the persecution of religious minorities such as Jehovah's witnesses in extremism.
    "his right to religious freedom is being completely eliminated, and yet ' legally ' under Russian law", said the report.




  11. On 8/14/2017 at 6:19 PM, Queen Esther said:

    Lets pray for our Brothers in Eritrea exactly like for our Brothers in Russia and similar poor Brothers in such of countries :(  In my congregation we're praying for all by every meeting???

    @Queen Esther

    Thank you for your support! Prayers around the earth ? shows our Unity with the Only True God! We rejoice to know He is a God of Loyal Love ?? and Justice, He never forgets any that are Faithful to Him!



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