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Bible Speaks

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Everything posted by Bible Speaks

  1. @Xavier LaMour No worry! Translation of other languages is different in each language, as long as we speak the "pure language" we are good! Enjoy the Convention or if your language says Assembly we are good! Agape, ??????
  2. Be Wise—Fear God! “The fear of Jehovah is the start of wisdom.” (Proverbs 9:10) ?????? To help us understand what it really means to fear God, let us reflect on the life of one of those examples, King David of ancient Israel. David’s life course and his intimate relationship with Jehovah identify him as a truly God-fearing man. ?????? When the Philistines invaded the land of Israel, their nine-and-a-half-foot-tall champion, Goliath, taunted the Israelites, saying in effect: ‘Put up a man to fight me one-on-one! If he wins, we will serve you.’ (1 Samuel 17:4-10) ?????? Saul and his entire army were terrified—but not David. He knew that Jehovah was the one to be feared, not any man, no matter how powerful. “I am coming to you with the name of Jehovah of armies,” David told Goliath, “and all this congregation will know that neither with sword nor with spear does Jehovah save, because to Jehovah belongs the battle.” With his sling and a single stone—and with Jehovah’s help—David struck down the giant.—1 Samuel 17:45-47. ?????? We may be facing obstacles or enemies no less daunting than those confronted by David. What can we do? We can deal with them in the same way that David and other faithful ones of old did—with godly fear. The fear of God can overpower the fear of man. God’s faithful servant Nehemiah urged his fellow Israelites, who were under pressure from opposers: “Do not be afraid on their account. Jehovah the great and the fear-inspiring One keep in your mind.” (Nehemiah 4:14) ?????? With Jehovah’s backing, David, Nehemiah, and other faithful servants of God succeeded in carrying out their God-given assignments. With godly fear,     so can we.
  3. District Assembly in Washington, USANew sign that passes through modern assemblies, offering help to whoever needs it to download jw's new publications.
  4. @James Thomas Rook Jr. Take the money and run ?? fast! However, it's probably tied into the mafia somehow! Don't be in fear of anyone knocking on your door? ? Of course not JW's! ? Your Decision! To me I am happy and Jehovah provides me just what I need. I would not take the money. Perhaps a charity would be wiser to donate to? Hmmm.... Since I am BIBLE SPEAKS this is a quote: THE BIBLE SAYS: “Do not wear yourself out to gain wealth.”—Proverbs 23:4. According to the book The Narcissism Epidemic, people who pursue wealth are more apt to “suffer from poor mental health; they also report more physical health problems such as sore throats, backaches, and headaches and were more likely to drink too much alcohol and use illegal drugs. Striving for financial success, apparently, makes people miserable.” THE BIBLE SAYS: “Let your way of life be free of the love of money, while you are content with the present things.”—Hebrews 13:5. A person who is content is not immune to financial anxiety; however, he knows how to put his anxiety in perspective. For example, a content person will not overreact to financial loss. Rather, he will strive to have the attitude of the apostle Paul, who wrote: “I know how to be low on provisions and how to have an abundance. In everything and in all circumstances I have learned the secret of both how to be full and how to hunger, both how to have an abundance and how to do without.” —Philippians 4:12. THE BIBLE SAYS: “The one trusting in his riches will fall.”—Proverbs 11:28. ???????
  5. Do Jesus’ Sayings Influence Your Prayers? ??????????? Never Pray as the Hypocrites Do ???? Jesus Teaches Us How to Pray ‘Keep On Asking, Seeking, Knocking' ? ??????????????? Continue to Benefit From JesusÂ’ Sayings “When Jesus finished these sayings, the effect was that the crowds were astounded at his way of teaching.”—MATT. 7:28. ???? WE OUGHT to accept the sayings of GodÂ’s only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and apply them in our life. He certainly spoke like no other man. People were amazed at the way he taught in the Sermon on the Mount!—Read Matthew 7:28, 29. ??????????????? JehovahÂ’s Son did not teach as the scribes, who based their wordy speeches on the teachings of imperfect humans. Christ taught “as a person having authority” because what he spoke came from God. (John 12:50) So let's see how JesusÂ’ further sayings in the Sermon on the Mount can and should influence our prayers. ??????????
  6. @James Thomas Rook Jr. i think you'll get the point with this scripture? 19 “‘Into the streets they will throw their very silver, and an abhorrent thing their own gold will become. Neither their silver nor their goldwill be able to deliver them in the day of Jehovah’s fury.+ Their souls they will not satisfy, and their intestines they will not fill, for it has become a stumbling block causing their error.+ 20 And the decoration of one’s ornament—one has set it as reason for pride; and their detestable images,+ their disgusting things,+ they have made with it.*That is why I will make it to them an abhorrent thing.+ 21 And I will give it into the hand of the strangers for plunder and to the wicked ones of the earth for spoil,+ and they will certainly profane it. 22 “‘And I shall have to turn away my face from them,+ and they will actually profane my concealed place,* and into it* robbers will really come and profane it." (Ezekiel 7:19-22). Soon money will be worthless, so is the money worth your life? No, "worthless things" are of no value to Jehovah. I'd rather be poor and live forever with riches I'm given by my Creator. Life is more of value than any money that will soon be of no value. So if he owns everything and all money will be of no value we have your answer? My life is more important than money is it not? That's my answer. It's all yours. Reason: 11 “You are worthy, Jehovah* our God, to receive the glory+ and the honor+ and the power,+because you created all things,+ and because of your will they came into existence and were created.” (Rev 4:11). He owns everything Soon it will be of no value anyhow. Your choice!
  7. Blessings Greater Than Riches! ????? A Lesson Often Painfully Learned ????? “Once above the poverty line,” noted a thoughtful observer, “increases in income have surprisingly little relation to personal happiness.” Early in the last century, a reporter had that lesson impressed upon him when interviewing Andrew Carnegie, a pioneer of the steel industry, who was then one of the richest men in the world. “I am not to be envied,” Carnegie told him. “How can my wealth help me? I am sixty years old, and I cannot digest my food. I would give all my millions if I could have youth and health.” ????? The reporter then added: “Mr. Carnegie suddenly turned, and in hushed voice and with bitterness and depth of feeling quite indescribable, said, ‘If I could make Faust’s bargain I would. I would gladly sell anything to have my life over again.’” Another multimillionaire, oil magnate J. Paul Getty, later said in agreement: “Money doesn’t necessarily have any connection with happiness. Maybe with unhappiness.” ????? You may well agree with the Bible writer who requested: “Give me neither poverty nor riches. Let me devour the food prescribed for me, that I may not become satisfied and I actually deny you and say: ‘Who is Jehovah?’ and that I may not come to poverty and I actually steal and assail the name of my God.”—Proverbs 30:8, 9. ????? King Solomon of ancient Israel explained: “I became greater and increased more than anyone that happened to be before me in Jerusalem.” Yet, he added: “Everything was vanity and a striving after wind.” Solomon also stated: “The blessing of Jehovah—that is what makes rich, and he adds no pain with it.”—Ecclesiastes 2:9-11; 5:12, 13;Proverbs 10:22. ????? The Way to Everlasting Blessings Clearly, we can only find true and lasting happiness after we properly satisfy our spiritual needs. If we put God first, we will find that every aspect of our lives becomes richer and more rewarding. ????? Everyone who sincerely exercises faith in Jehovah, the God of the Bible, will not be disappointed. (Romans 10:11-13) How wise, therefore, to pursue now the blessings that are greater than riches!—1 Timothy 6:6-10. ????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102009083
  8. This 88 year old Elder from Corbin, Kentucky, USA is a retired truck driver and he loves witnessing at truck stops, he’s had a lot of success with them. ???
  9. São Pedro do Piauí, Brazil ????Matthew 24:14 And these good news of the kingdom shall be preached in all the earth, inhabited for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come.
  10. We are Happy Around the Earth! We are United in Worship of Our God Jehovah and Our Lord Christ Jesus ???????
  11. DRAW CLOSE TO GOD Jehovah “Is Not Partial” ???????????? Have you ever been a victim of discrimination? Have you ever been denied a request, refused a service, or otherwise treated with disdain because of your skin color, ethnic background, or social status? If so, you are far from alone. Here, though, is the good news: Such indignities, though commonplace on earth, are nonexistent in heaven. “God is not partial,” said the Christian apostle Peter with the utmost conviction.—Read Acts 10:34, 35. ???????????? Rather, Jehovah sees what is in our heart. (1 Samuel 16:7; Proverbs 21:2) Peter next said: “In every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.” (Acts 10:35) To fear God means to respect, honor, and trust him, avoiding anything that displeases him. To work righteousness involves willingly doing what is right in GodÂ’s eyes. Jehovah finds pleasure in the man whose heart is filled with reverential awe that moves him to do what is right.—Deuteronomy 10:12, 13. ???????????? When Jehovah looks down from heaven, he sees just one race—the human race! ???????????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2013404?q=acts+10%3A34%2C35&p=par#h=1
  12. Prepare Now for Life in the New World – I See a New World! ??????? “Tell them to work at good, . . . so that they may get a firm hold on the real life.”—1 TIMOTHY 6:18, 19. ??????? WE REALLY look forward to “everlasting life.” The apostle Paul described this as “the real life.” (Read 1 Timothy 6:12, 19.) For most, this will mean living forever in Paradise on earth. It is hard to imagine what it will be like to wake up feeling healthy, happy, and satisfied every morning. (Isaiah 35:5, 6) ??????? Think of how good it will be to spend time with your family and friends, including those who will be resurrected. (John 5:28, 29; Acts 24:15) You will have time to learn new skills and become better at the things you enjoy. For example, you could learn more about science. Or you could learn how to play musical instruments or how to design your own home. ??????? Although we look forward to all these good things, worshipping Jehovah will bring us the most joy. Imagine what life will be like when all people treat JehovahÂ’s name as holy and accept Jehovah as their Ruler. (Matthew 6:9, 10) We will be excited to see the earth filled with perfect people, just as God intended it to be. And just think how much easier it will be to deepen our friendship with Jehovah as we gradually become perfect!—Psalm 73:28; James 4:8. ??????? In the New World, we will need the same qualities that Jehovah is teaching us to show now. ??????? In the New World, life will be better than we can ever imagine. May we show how much we want to be there by preparing for “the real life” now. Let us develop the qualities that Jehovah teaches us to show, and let us zealously preach the good news. May we experience the joy of putting JehovahÂ’s worship first in our lives. We have complete trust that in the New World, Jehovah will do everything he has promised. So let us live as if we are already there! ??????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/402015605?q=new+world&p=par 1 GIF Picture – Tap on Picture 1 Moving Picture – Tap on Link  IMG_1979.MP4
  13. “The true God is for us a God of saving acts.” (Psalm 68:20) ????? “A God of Saving Acts” The psalmist David wrote: “The true God is for us a God of saving acts.” (Psalm 68:20) Jehovah has repeatedly demonstrated his ability to save his people, either by delivering them from perilous situations or by giving them the strength to endure. (Psalm 34:17; Daniel 6:22; 1 Corinthians 10:13) From your study of the Bible, how many of such “saving acts” can you recall? ????? Do research on such true-life events as the global Deluge of NoahÂ’s day, the deliverance of Lot and his daughters from Sodom and Gomorrah, IsraelÂ’s Exodus from Egypt and trek through the Red Sea, or HamanÂ’s foiled plot to destroy the Jews? Reading and then meditating on these thrilling accounts will strengthen your faith that Jehovah is a God of savingacts. This, in turn, will help you to face tests of your faith fearlessly. ????? Cultivate Godly Qualities—Courage WHY IMPORTANT: Preaching requires courage.—Ac 5:27-29, 41, 42 The great tribulation will test our courage.—Mt 24:15-21 Fear of man leads to tragedy.—Jer 38:17-20; 39:4-7 HOW TO DO IT: Meditate on JehovahÂ’s saving acts.—Ex 14:13 Pray for courage and boldness. —Ac 4:29, 31 Put your trust in Jehovah.—Ps 118:6 WATCH THE VIDEO AVOID WHAT ERODES LOYALTY—FEAR OF MAN, AND THEN ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: Why is courage essential in our ministry? What contrast do we find at Proverbs 29:25? Why must we develop godly courage now? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/202017288?q=saving+acts&p=par
  14. ENDURANCE - NEEDED TO BE A FOLLOWER OF CHRIST — ??????? ??????????? "He that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved."—(Matt. 24:13) The Greek verb hy·po·me?no, literally meaning “remain or stay under,” is rendered ‘remain behindÂ’ in Luke 2:43and Acts 17:14. It also came to have the sense “stand oneÂ’s ground; persevere; remain steadfast,” and is thus translated ‘endure.Â’ (Mt 24:13) The noun hy·po·mo·ne? usually denotes courageous, steadfast, or patient “endurance” that does not lose hope in the face of obstacles, persecutions, trials, or temptations. ??????????? Why Needed. Among the things Christians may have to face are indifference on the part of others, reproach, misrepresentation, intense hostility, hatred by close family members, mistreatment, imprisonment, and even death. (Mt 5:10-12; 10:16-22; 24:9, 10,39; Mr 13:9, 12, 13; Re 13:10) This calls for endurance. Without this essential quality, a person simply could not come into possession of eternal life. (Ro 2:7;Heb 10:36; Re 14:12) This is because what counts is the finish, not how well a person may have started in the course of Christian discipleship. As Jesus Christ expressed it: “He that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved.” (Mt 24:13) “By endurance on your part you will acquire your souls.”—Lu 21:19. ??????????? Endurance in the Christian way is not dependent on personal strength. It is the Most High who, by means of his spirit and the comfort from the Scriptures, sustains and fortifies his servants. He “supplies endurance” to those who rely fully on him, and so Christians rightly pray for his help, including the wisdom needed to deal with a particular trial. (Ro 15:4, 5; Jas 1:5) Jehovah will never permit anyoneÂ’s being submitted to a trial that would be impossible for him to bear. If a person looks to Him for aid, not losing faith but trusting completely in Jehovah, the Almighty will make the way out so that he is able to endure.—1Co 10:13; 2Co 4:9. ??????????? Proper View of Trials. Knowing that a personÂ’s eternal future depends on endurance and that he can be confident of assistance from on high, Christians should not dread trials and tribulations, resenting them or giving in to complaint, self-pity, or bitterness. The apostle Paul admonished: “Exult while in tribulations, since we know that tribulation produces endurance.” (Ro 5:3) Trials borne patiently and steadfastly with divine help reveal that a Christian possesses the needed quality of endurance—something that was not known in actuality and by experience before the tribulation began. ??????????? Endurance should be allowed to have “its work complete” by letting the trial run its full course without any attempts to use unscriptural means to bring it to a swift end. Then, faith will be tested and refined, and its sustaining power will be revealed. Areas of weakness may be exposed, putting the Christian in a position to see defects and to make needed improvements. The molding effect of trials endured faithfully can make a person more patient, sympathetic, compassionate, kind, and loving when dealing with fellow humans. Thus, by permitting endurance to “have its work complete,” a person will not be “lacking in anything” that Jehovah God looks for in his approved servants.—Jas 1:2-4. ??????????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200001360?q=matt+24%3A13&p=par Â
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