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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. Pray for Many in poverty in other Countries!


    Poverty among Jehovah's witnesses
    Perhaps first-world witnesses like Europe or North America, we are not really aware of the plight of our brothers in the poorest countries.

    We get real experiences from brothers who count as they go day by day.
    Many missionaries count and do not end the things they see, as in a truly poor area of Honduras.


    When someone dies in the congregation, they make a collection to bring a carpenter to make them a coffin and bury the deceased with an old man's speech.
    The missionaries wore glasses or used glasses to collect from the congregations of origin, because in those lands there was no optical and many brothers cannot read posts like the watchtower, since they are losing sight. With the glasses used they could even get a job, benefiting not only spiritually but even in their daily life.


    Life there is hard, they die of simple diseases due to lack of medication. When the rainy season comes, attendance at meetings lapses due to lack of shoes that allow them to walk through rough and wet terrain, causing them to injure their feet and die for those injuries. The people there are very superstitious, and if any familiar, sick witness, they attribute to him that he has abandoned the religion of the family and abandons him. For this reason, the brothers who fall ill take care of each other.
    When the missionary couple arrived, the brothers of the congregation of Honduras invited them to a meal. To do that, they collected the supplies of a whole week to feed them and then just watch them eat. The missionaries immediately learned to reject invitations in an educated manner and so not to see the children look hungry like they eat all the food.

    A Missionary was invited to a hospital to explain the position of witnesses with regard to blood. They're so poor they barely have electricity, so it was impossible to show them the videos. The Missionary had been an electronic engineer in England and was dedicated to fix the issue of electricity in all the hospital's rooms, even if it was only to be able to put the videos of the organization. But from now on, the hospital liaison committee has been very well received since it already has electricity to the kitchen and the lab thanks to the brother.


    Entire villages benefited from one of our bible videos about cleanliness and hygiene around the house. Men who were like the chiefs or elders of a village asked our brothers to show the videos to the village in any meeting room or cabin they could muster and the elders and local police would ensure that everyone attended. Our friends had to carry all the video / DVD players and Tvs and generators in the back of their van, as well as the videos, since these people did not have any of these modern innovations. They also had to carry all their drinking water and medical supplies on these trips. They would have to drive the dry beds of the rivers to the mountains, as there were no suitable roads.


    From more wealthy congregations, a collection was made for the missionaries to buy a battered truck, but tough as once they were given a good car, but they stole it at gunpoint! Because the terrain is so rough, we also gave them good resistant shoes, as they used them regularly after a few months. We regularly provided them with simple ministry bags, as brothers and sisters were often assaulted and stolen their bags, even though they were only learning to bring literature into them.


    Many missionaries came from rich areas and only lasted a few weeks since there was nothing they recognized as prerequisites for their own lifestyle. The older missionaries were laughing when some came by waving their credit cards and asking for the nearest bank, or supermarket and looking for a good cell phone sign. The Ministry is so different where people don't have home numbers or addresses as such, it's a clash of culture for a while.



  2. Does God Really Care About Women?


    Woman are strong and yet at times misunderstood. We can have children, work, cook, clean, read, teach, and the list goes on and on. A woman can do up to 5 things at a time. I too have done this with children and family and housework.


    I guess woman are someone to be respected!  In Gods eyes we are precious! How do you view women? Just a worker or a real person that deserves love devotion and respect? Let's see how they are viewed by God and Christ.


    How Do God and Christ View Women?

    HOW can we have a complete picture of how Jehovah God views women? One way is to examine the attitude and conduct of Jesus Christ, who is “the image of the invisible God” and who reflects perfectly God’s view of matters. (Colossians 1:15) The dealings Jesus had with the women of his day show that Jehovah and Jesus respect women and that they certainly do not approve of the oppressive treatment that is so common in many lands today.Wonderful article for women an about women today in God's service and how they are to be respected and viewed.


    Jesus, however, treated women with respect and consideration and was neither racially prejudiced nor gender prejudiced. On the contrary, it was to the Samaritan woman that Jesus for the first time plainly identified himself as the Messiah.—(John 4:7-9, 25, 26)


    On another occasion Jesus was approached by a woman who for 12 years had been suffering from an embarrassing and debilitating flow of blood. When she touched him, she was instantly healed. “Jesus turned around and, noticing her, said: ‘Take courage, daughter; your faith has made you well.’” (Matthew 9:22) According to the Mosaic Law, a woman in her condition was not supposed to be in a crowd of people, let alone touch others. Yet, Jesus did not berate her. Rather, he compassionately comforted her and addressed her as “daughter.” How that word must have put her heart at ease! And how happy Jesus must have been to cure her.


    After Jesus was resurrected, his first appearance was to Mary Magdalene and another of his disciples, whom the Bible refers to as “the other Mary.” Jesus could have appeared first to Peter, John, or one of the other male disciples. Instead, he dignified women by allowing them to be the first eyewitnesses of his resurrection. An angel instructed them to inform Jesus’ male disciples about this astonishing event. Jesus said to the women: “Go, report to my brothers.” (Matthew 28:1, 5-10) Jesus was certainly not affected by the prejudices common to Jews of his day, according to which women could not serve as legal witnesses.


    So, far from being biased against women or condoning chauvinistic attitudes toward them in any way, Jesus showed that he respected and appreciated women. Violence against them was completely contrary to what Jesus taught, and his attitude, we can be sure, was a perfect reflection of the way his Father, Jehovah, sees things. 


    Read now or download:




  3. Earthquakes, Bible Prophecy, and You - Get Ready! 


    BEFORE his death, Jesus foretold events and situations that would give evidence that this world had entered “the conclusion of the system of things.” That period, he said, would be marked by such things as pestilences, food shortages, and large-scale warfare. He also mentioned “great earthquakes” that would occur “in one place after another.” (Matthew 24:3, 7; Luke 21:10, 11) Was Jesus referring to our day?


    Many say no. They assert that the number of earthquakes has not substantially increased in recent decades. In fact, the U.S. National Earthquake Information Center reports that earthquakes of 7.0 magnitude and greater remained “fairly constant” throughout the 20th century.*


    Note, though, that the fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy does not require an increase in the number or power of earthquakes. All Jesus said was that there would be great earthquakes in one place after another. Furthermore, he stated that these events would mark the “beginning of pangs of distress.” (Matthew 24:8) Distress is measured, not by the number of earthquakes or how they rate on the Richter scale, but by the effect that they have upon people.


    Earthquakes have indeed caused much distress in our day. In fact, during the 20th century, millions have been killed or left homeless by these disasters. Experts say that many of these deaths could have been prevented. “In developing countries,” reports BBC News, “building regulations frequently take second place to the demands for cheap, quickly built housing to meet the needs of rapid urbanisation.” Commenting on two recent tragedies, Ben Wisner, an expert in urban disasters, states: “It wasn’t earthquakes that killed these people. It was a combination of human error, indifference, corruption, and greed.”

    Yes, sometimes the deadliest factors in an earthquake are human selfishness and negligence. 


    Interestingly, such qualities come to the fore in another Bible prophecy concerning “the last days” of this system. During that time, the Bible states, people would be “self-centered, lovers of money,” and “callous.” (2 Timothy 3:1-5, The Amplified Bible) Along with Jesus’ words regarding the conclusion of the system of things, this prophecy provides clear evidence that we are nearing the time when God will bring relief to distressed humanity from all present causes of pain and suffering—including great earthquakes.—Psalm 37:11.



    See a "Live"Graph of where Earthquakes are right now which can threaten all our lives in one second it happens!



    There is also a new format for Windows and Macintosh computers






  4. Dont give up! 

    For this word ????

    You are truly example for you JW family.


    Brother DENNIS CHRISTENSEN from Russia  love the way you smiled at people who locked you up  love your courage


    love you bro 

    May Jehovah rescue you with his mighty hands  You have set an example for us to follow  Take courage, for Jehovah is with you. He will deliver you.  He will make you strong


    Jehovah will fight for his loyal one  Grant us boldNess oh Jehovah as we face all sorts of persecution in this system of things ???? #jw








    #our #refuge




  5. Just now, Bible Speaks said:

    I suppose the imprisoned Brother will look back on his trials with a great deal of satisfaction as well, as the years roll by.

    @James Thomas Rook Jr.

    Thank you for your encouragement. Yes, he will prove Satan a liar. Now what better thing can we do? It took courage to do what you did. With Jehovah's backing and Holy Spirit will can slap Satan in the face with no fear and know, we will be victorious, even like Our Lord Christ even if we die faithful we have won the fight!


  6. @SuziQ1513

    Yes, many prayers needed. Many have suffered for righteous sake and have become victorious. Trials we all face these prove Satan a liar! But his "joy" is in Jehovah! Soon all enemies will be gone forever, we long for God's Name to be known throughout the whole earth and prove to Satan like many that proved their love to Jehovah and Our Lord Christ Jesus,  we have conquered the world and Satan will bite the dust! We rejoice to be counted worthy of His Name Jehovah.

     Thank you for your support!

    Jehovah Bless!




    IF SOMEONE offered you a million dollars to give up television for the rest of your life, would you do so? Some years ago 1 in 4 Americans surveyed said that they would not. Another survey asked men what they wanted most. The majority said that they desired peace and happiness. But this came second on their wish list. What they wanted first in life was a big-screen television! The time that many people devote to television is astonishing. Recently, a global study showed that, on average, people watch TV for just over three hours each day. North Americans watch four and a half hours daily, while the Japanese top the list at five hours per day. Those hours add up. If we watch four hours daily, by age 60 we will have spent ten years in front of the screen. Yet, none of us would want inscribed on our tombstone: “Here lies our beloved friend, who devoted one sixth of his [or her] life to watching TV.” 


    “The eating of too much honey is not good,” wrote wise King Solomon. (Proverbs 25:27) The same principle applies to TV viewing. Though television offers much that is worthwhile, heavy viewing can cut into family time, hinder reading and academic performance in children, and contribute to obesity. 


    If you invest a great deal of time in watching TV, it is smart to think about what you are getting in return. Our time is too precious to waste. It is also smart to think about what we watch. The question we need to ask ourselves is this, ‘Does what I watch affect my thinking in the way I want it to?" 


    For those who serve God, that question has special relevance. Much of what is shown on television runs contrary to the lofty principles and moral standards taught in the Bible. Lifestyles and practices that the Scriptures condemn are presented as acceptable, normal, and even trendy. 


    At the same time, Christian values and those who appear to practice them are frequently ignored, ridiculed, or derided on television. One author lamented: “It is not enough for the deviant to be normalized. The normal must be found to be deviant.” All too frequently the “subtle instructor” whispers: “Good is bad and bad is good.”—Isaiah 5:20. 


    We must be careful about what we watch, for it will affect our thinking. The Bible says: “He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly.” (Proverbs 13:20) 


    Bible scholar Adam Clarke notes: “To walk with a person implies love and attachment; and it is impossible not to imitate those we love. So we say, ‘Show me his company, and I’ll tell you the man.’ 

    Let me know the company he keeps, and I shall easily guess his moral character.” 


    As we have seen, most people spend a great deal of time in the company of television characters who are far from wise, characters a sincere Christian would otherwise never dream of inviting into his home. 


    Lesson for today. ????? (Prov 13:20)





  8. 8 hours ago, Harry Dewith said:

    Please Dutch or Nederlands.

    @Harry Dewith

    Humbly aan liefhebbers van herders toewijzen


    "Met zijn arm verzamelt hij de lams samen." - Jes. 40:11.

    JEHOVAH GOD en zijn Zoon, Jezus Christus, houden van Herders. Jesaja profeteerde: "Kijk! De Zalige Heer Jehova zelf zal zelfs komen als een sterke, en zijn arm zal voor hem heersen. . . . Als een herder zal hij zijn eigen reed herhalen. Met zijn arm verzamelt hij de lammeren samen; En in zijn boezem zal hij hen dragen. Diegenen die zuigen, hij zal zorgvuldig uitvoeren. "- Jesaja 40:10, 11.


    De profetie van Jesaja 40:10, 11 beklemtoont de tederheid waarmee Jehovah zijn volk herstelt. (Psalm 23: 1-6) Tijdens zijn aardse bediening vertoonde Jezus ook tedere zorg voor zijn discipelen en voor mensen in het algemeen. (Mattheüs 11: 28-30; Markus 6:34) Beide Jehova en Jezus betreurden de meedogenloosheid van de herders, of leiders van Israël, die hun kuddes schaamteloos verwaarloosden en uitbuiten. (Ezechiël 34: 2-10; Mattheüs 23: 3, 4, 15) Jezus beloofde: "Ik zal mijn schapen redden, en zij zullen niet meer voor plundering worden; En ik zal tussen een schaap en een schaap beoordelen. En Ik zal eenen herder over hen opwekken, en Hij zal hen voeden, ook mijn knecht David. Hij zal hen voeden, en hij zal hun herder worden. "(Ezechiël 34:22, 23). In deze tijd van het einde is Jezus Christus, de Grotere David, de 'enige herder' die Jehova heeft aangesteld over al Zijn Dienaren op aarde, zowel de geestelijke gezalfde christenen als de 'andere schapen'. - Johannes 10:16.


     Jehovah God weet dat de mannen die hij heeft aangewezen als toezichthouders onvolmaakt zijn. Toch gebruikt hij hen, en door zijn geest heert hij zijn volk op aarde. Het is waar van de oudsten en van ons allemaal dat 'de macht boven wat normaal is, God is en niet uit onszelf'. (2 Korintiërs 4: 7) Daarom moeten we Jehovah bedanken voor wat hij vervult Middelen van onze getrouwe toezichthouders, en we zouden hen bereidwillige samenwerking moeten laten zien.


    Overseers doen hun best om aan de Jehova's beschrijving van herders die in de laatste dagen over zijn kudde zijn aangesteld, te voldoen, zoals blijkt uit Jeremia 3:15: "Ik geef je herders in overeenstemming met mijn hart, en zij zullen je zeker met kennis geven en Inzicht. 'De oudsten in ons midden doen wel een goed werk om Jezus schapen te leren en te beschermen. Mag we onze waardering voor hun harde werk blijven door onze bereidwillige samenwerking, onze gehoorzaamheid en onze inzet. Daarbij laten we onze waardering zien voor onze hemelse herders, Jehovah God en Jezus Christus.

  9. “The Nations Will Have to Know That  I Am Jehovah!"


    HOW would you feel if you were accused of a crime you did not commit? And what if that crime caused much suffering to others, including many innocent people? Surely you would want to clear your name! Are you aware that Jehovah faces a similar challenge? Today many wrongly blame God for the injustice and suffering in this world. Is Jehovah concerned about clearing his name? Indeed, he is! Consider what is said in the book of Ezekiel.—Read Ezekiel 39:7.


    “I shall no more let my holy name be profaned,” Jehovah says. When humans blame him for injustice, they are profaning his name. How so? In the Bible, “name” often denotes reputation. One reference work says that God’s name refers to “what is known of him—his revelation of himself; it also represents his fame, and then his honour.” Jehovah’s name embraces his reputation. What is known of Jehovah when it comes to injustice? He hates it! He also has compassion for its victims.*(Exodus 22:22-24) When humans claim that God is responsible for the very things he abhors, they are sullying his reputation. They are thus “treating [his] name with disrespect.”—Psalm 74:10.


    Notice that Jehovah twice uses the expression “my holy name.” (Verse 7) In the Bible, Jehovah’s name is associated with the terms “holy” and “holiness” numerous times. The word “holy” conveys the idea of separateness; it also denotes cleanness and purity. Jehovah’s name is holy because the God who bears it is holy—completely separated from anything that is sinful and unclean. Can you see why those who blame Jehovah for wickedness are heaping the greatest possible reproach upon his “holy name”?


    Jehovah’s purpose to clear his name by means of his Kingdom is the main theme of the Bible. That theme is emphasized in the book of Ezekiel, which repeatedly states that “the nations will have toknow that I am Jehovah.” (Ezekiel 36:23; 37:28; 38:23; 39:7


    Notice that the nations will not choose whether toknow that he is Jehovah or not. Rather, they “will have to know.” In other words, Jehovah purposes to take action that will compel the nations on earth torecognize that he is who he says he is—Jehovah, the Sovereign Lord, whose name stands for all that is holy, pure, and clean. The oft repeated promise “the nations will have to know that I am Jehovah” is good news for those who long to see the end of injustice and suffering. 


    Jehovah will soon fulfill that promise and clear his name of all reproach. He will eliminate wickedness and those who promote it but will preserve alive those who recognize and respect his name and what it stands for. (Proverbs 18:10) Are you moved to learn how you can draw closer to Jehovah, the holy God, who is “a lover of justice”?—Psalm 37:9-11, 28.

    1 GIF VIDEO – Tap on picture!

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    Enjoy! ?⚡️?⚡️?



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