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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. How Long Oh Jehovah Must I Wait?

    "I said: ‘How long, O Jehovah?’ (Isaiah 6:11).


    Show a Waiting Attitude!

    “I will show a waiting attitude for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me.”—MICAH 7:7.


    MANY things in life can be viewed either positively or negatively, depending on our attitude. 

    The attitude of a Christian today can similarly make things appear either bright or gloomy. Without the proper attitude, a Christian could easily lose his joy, and that would be serious because, as Nehemiah said: “The joy of Jehovah is [our] stronghold.” (Nehemiah 8:10) A positive, joyful attitude helps to keep us strong and promotes peace and unity in the congregation.—Romans 15:13;Philippians 1:25.


    Despite living in difficult times, Jeremiah displayed a positive attitude. Even when he witnessed the horrors of Jerusalem’s fall in 607 B.C.E., he could see positive things. Jehovah would not forget Israel, and the nation would survive. Jeremiah wrote in the book of Lamentations: “It is the acts of loving-kindness of Jehovah that we have not come to our finish, because his mercies will certainly not come to an end. They are new each morning. Your faithfulness is abundant.” (Lamentations 3:22, 23


    Six hundred years after Jeremiah, Jesus was helped to endure because of his positive attitude. We read: “For the joy that was set before [Jesus] he endured a torture stake, despising shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:2) Whatever opposition or persecution Jesus had to face—even the agony of the torture stake—he kept his mind on “the joy that was set before him.” That joy was the privilege of vindicating Jehovah’s sovereignty and sanctifying his name as well as the prospect of bringing great blessings to obedient mankind in the future.


    If we cultivate a mental attitude like that of Jesus, we will not lose the joy of Jehovah even if things do not always happen as and when we expect them to. The prophet Micah said: “As for me, it is for Jehovah that I shall keep on the lookout. I will show a waiting attitude for the God of my salvation.” (Micah 7:7;Lamentations 3:21


    Maintaining a waiting attitude does not mean being lazy or inactive. We have things to do. For example, we need to be occupied in personal Bible study and thus show the same keen interest in spiritual things that the faithful prophets and even the angels showed. Speaking of such interest, Peter says: “Concerning this very salvation a diligent inquiry and a careful search were made by the prophets . . . Into these very things angels are desiring to peer.” (1 Peter 1:10-12) Not only is personal study a must but so are regular meeting attendance and prayer. (James 4:8) Those who show an awareness of their spiritual need by regularly taking in spiritual food and associating with fellow Christians demonstrate that they have adopted Christ’s mental attitude.—Matthew 5:3.


    Keep on taking in spiritual food. Build an ever closer relationship with Jehovah. Seek out others whose hearts move them to serve Jehovah. Encourage fellow believers. Take the fullest advantage of whatever time Jehovah will yet allow. Then, waiting on Jehovah will never make you ‘sick at heart.’ Instead, it will fill you with joy!





  2. Government being Urged to Dissolve Jehovah’s Witnesses in Indonesia – Its teachings contravene the state ideology Pancasila and the group’s followers do not respect the Indonesian national flag.  Indonesia ?? Jakarta, GIVnews.com –

    A Catholic political observer has urged the government to dissolve Jehovah’s Witnesses in Indonesia, claiming that the Christian denomination’s teachings contravene state ideology Pancasila like the recently dissolved Muslim group Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI). Boni Hargens said the nationalism spirit of Jehovah’s followers is doubtful. They do not respect Indonesia’s ‘Red-and-White’ national flag, he said in a written statement received by the media on Tuesday (25/7) as reported by Antaranews.com. “They hold that respecting the national flag is prohibited by their holy book,” said Boni Hargens, who teaches political science at Universitas Indonesia in Depok and took an active part in public protests.

    The outspoken Boni Hargens had previously aired a similar demand to the authorities shortly after President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo signed a week ago a Regulation in a Lieu of Law (Perppu) No. 2 Year 2017, which effectively dissolved HTI. Widely known as a radical organization and a part of the international Hizbut Tahir, HTI aims to turn Indonesia into an Islamic caliphate.

    In Indonesia, the Jehovah’s Witnesses are known through its followers who fearlessly and aggressively proselytize at public places. Muslims and the majority of Christians in Indonesia were said to dislike Jehovah’s Witnesses, calling it an ‘aberrant’ Christian denomination.

    Perppu No. 1 Year 2017 is aimed to crush radical mass organizations in the predominantly Muslim Indonesia. The issuing of the law amid widespread fear of radical terrorism.



  3. 4 hours ago, Arauna said:

    When I read about the ancient history of Mesopotamia (Sumer) one realizes the bible is absolutely accurate when it calls Nimrod a "hunter".  Nimrod hunted lions - he was a leader if groups of men to go and hunt lion with spear and arrow.  It was a dangerous job and men could be killed or injured. Even with a gun today it is dangerous (this is why they call lions being shot in enclosed reserves in Africa "canned lions") because they are so dangerous. They are an easy target with a gun in a small area.  A lion lives in a pride.  Lions  together are an unpredictable foe bEcause they stallk and go for one weak target. In Nimrod's time they could have attacked sheep, cattle or even people and this would happen often.  Nimrod was elevated to a very high status like a ruler because of this and later became ruler over several cities which was built for safety from man and animal after he started killing people to enlarge his empire. War and cities s synonymous. . His boastfulness led to the monuments built to honor him and the false gods and spiritism he instituted against Jehovah.  Later, tHe kings of Chaldea and assYria  followed this tradition and participated in lion hunts to show ther manliness and power (legacy from Nimrod). There are Assyrian reliefs that show the king in ceremony with man driving his chariot and the king shooting off arrows into a lioness.  It s one of the most saddest but also most accurate and beautiful art works of this period because the lioness is perfectly depicted in her anguish.  I also read that they later bred lions and kept them in royal gardens for ths ceremonial hunting purpose.  Later rulers used lions in a pit to get rid of foes. (Darius the Mede).

    Mankind has really ruined the earth.  Will lions be like the dinosaurs? They find the bones and wonder what they looked like or sounded like?  Thank goodness we know that it is not going to be that much longer for good people and animals alike to suffer under unrighteus human rule which is unjust and without Jehovah's protection!






    Jehovah will save the earth and its lions as well as all living creatures. Our only hope! Man destroys everything and shows they love for their father Satan the devil. As Nimrod was a mighty hunter is he not still worshipped? Joy will be the day all is gone! Beautiful animals a glory to Our Creator Jehovah God! Thank you for your support. May you find peace in Jehovah's arms. ??????



  4. 1 Video – 2017 Convention at the Moncton Colosseum, New Brunswick, Canada! We had a nation wide tie in total attendance to the Toronto Special Convention of 98,555k people!!

    Two photos and one Video! – Enjpy! 

    2. Photo We had the blessing of being tied into the Toronto Special Convention and hear Brother Herd give the talk "Keep in Expectation . . . It Will Not Be Late!” Based on Habakkuk 2:3 on day 3! From the Moncton Colosseum in New Brunswick, Canada!

    Photo 3 – from Toronto Canada 

    What a wonderful blessing to be with brothers and sisters, tied into the Toronto Special Convention!! ?








  5.  3 "He unleashes it under the entire heavens, And sends his lightning to the ends of the earth." (Job 37:3).

    What Is Lightening?  



    The brilliant flashes of light resulting from the discharge of atmospheric electricity between clouds or between the clouds and the earth. This phenomenon accompanying a thunderstorm is common in Israel during the rainy periods of spring and fall, especially reaching a peak in the cool months of November or December.


    As Creator of the elements necessary for producing lightning, Jehovah is its source. (Job 37:3, 11) He can also control it and apparently has used lightning and means comparable to it to deliver his servants from their enemies as well as to execute his judgments. (2Sa 22:1, 15; Ps 18:14; 77:16-20; Zec 9:14; compare Job 36:32; Ps 97:4; 144:6.) Appropriately, therefore, lightnings are associated with God’s throne (Re 4:5; compare Re 11:19) as well as with expressions of divine anger (Re 8:5; 16:18) and are figuratively represented as reporting the accomplishment of their task. (Job 38:35) At Mount Sinai, lightning flashes accompanied awesome physical manifestations of God’s presence.—Ex 19:16; 20:18.


    Lightning (Heb., ba·raqʹ) is used figuratively to represent the glittering of polished metal. (De 32:41, ftn; Eze 21:10, ftn; Na 3:3; Hab 3:11) At Nahum 2:4 either the glitter or the great speed of the enemy chariots on Nineveh’s streets is meant by the words, “Like the lightnings they keep running.” And the radiant faces or appearance of angelic creatures is compared to lightning.—Da 10:5, 6; Mt 28:2, 3; see also Eze 1:14.


    Christ Jesus showed that his presence would not be kept secret, even as it is impossible to conceal lightning that “comes out of eastern parts and shines over to western parts.” (Mt 24:23-27; Lu 17:20-24) Earlier, when the 70 disciples he had sent out returned with the report that even the demons were subject to them by the use of his name, Jesus alluded to the future ouster of Satan from heaven as a certainty, saying: “I began to behold Satan already fallen like lightning from heaven.”—Lu 10:1, 17, 18.


    In Luke 11:36 the Greek word for lightning (a·stra·peʹ) refers to the light or flash.


    Tap on link for Video – Enjoy!



  6. Gulfport man gets prison after crashing with 5 drugs in his system, injuring woman

    Sun Herald

    18 years in jail

    An American man has been sentenced to 18 years in jail for causing an accident under the drug effect, in which a 27-Year-old sister suffered terrible damage.

    The sister is on the left of the photo in an assembly with her mother and her brother.

    The sister had to be rescued from her car after the frontal accident. "his injuries threatened life and included a fracture of the right leg and ankle, multiple facial fractures with several teeth removed and deep bruising to the chest", said Beth Mcfadyen Moore, Senior District Attorney, who processed the case.

    They took her to a mobile hospital for emergency surgery and suffered a stroke. She's had multiple brain surgeries in the last two years, she hasn't had her left arm and suffers from seizures.

    The Mississippi crime lab determined that the driver had methamphetamine, hydrocodone, oxydcodone, trazodone and marijuana in his system at the time of the accident.






    Bethanie Jones, left, with her mother, Bettye Jones, and brother Collin Jones at a Jehovah’s Witness Convention at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum and Convention Center in Biloxi. Collin Jones spoke about how a 2015 crash has affected his sister, Bethanie. Photo courtesy Amber Weems



  7. Will the Earth Come to an End? - He is taking an Accounting of all the Earth right Now! ~


    (Romans 9:28) For Jehovah will make an accounting on the earth, concluding it and cutting it short.”

    (Isaiah 10:23) . . .because an exterminating and a strict decision the Sovereign Lord, Jehovah of armies, will be executing in the midst of the whole land."


    Will the Earth Come to an End?

    “THE end of the world never goes out of style, at least as far as film is concerned.” So stated columnist John Scalzi. Why are audiences captivated by movies depicting the end of the world? “Because they speak to our fears,” reasoned Scalzi. Would you agree? Do we have legitimate reasons to be fearful about how and when the earth—and all life upon it—might come to an end?


    Almost daily, we hear of natural disasters wreaking havoc around the globe. Terrifying footage of such destruction is replayed over and over on TV and on the Internet. When we are bombarded with images of real people and real places being destroyed, it is easy to view the end of the world as an actual threat and not just the stuff of movies.


    Fueling such fears, scientists theorize about how the earth might end. Some even predict what might be called earth’s expiration date. In March 2008, the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society reported that a pair of astronomers forecast that in approximately 7.59 billion years, the sun will engulf and vaporize our planet.


    Will the earth really expire someday? ??☄️?

    Does Our Planet Have an Expiration Date?

    The Bible assures us: “Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains forever.” (Ecclesiastes 1:4, New International Version) Jehovah God securely “founded the earth upon its established places” and designed it to last “to time indefinite, or forever.” (Psalm 104:5) 


    Do these inspired words of God sound too good to be true? Why should you believe that our earth will not expire, when some scientists claim otherwise?


    Well, think for a moment about products on the shelf at a store. Some are labeled with an expiration date. Who set that date? Was it just an educated guess by the store manager? Of course not! The manufacturer determined the expiration date. We trust that date because the manufacturer knows his products better than anyone else. How much more so should we trust the Maker of our planet! His Word clearly states that he “solidly fixed the earth” to last forever. There is no expiration date—ever!—Psalm 119:90


    Is it possible, though, that irresponsible humans might spoil the planet beyond recovery? Absolutely not! Unlike human manufacturers, Jehovah is “able to do all things.” (Job 42:2) 


    That is why he can confidently guarantee: “My word that goes forth from my mouth will . . . have certain success.” (Isaiah 55:11) We can be sure that “our Maker” will not allow anything to stop him from carrying out his purpose for the earth. (Psalm 95:6) What is that purpose, and how will God fulfill it?


    God’s Kingdom Will Carry Out His Purpose

    In addition to guaranteeing that the earth will never expire, God’s Word also tells us that he “formed it even to be inhabited.” (Isaiah 45:18) Although our earth has been inhabited for thousands of years, that in itself has not fulfilled God’s purpose.


    Jehovah is a “happy God” and “a lover of justice.” (1 Timothy 1:11) (Psalm 37:28) 

    His purpose is for all humans to live happily and free from injustice. In order to carry out his purpose, God foretold that he would set up one Kingdom in the heavens that will rule over the entire earth. (Daniel 2:44) 


    While on earth, Jesus regularly spoke about God’s Kingdom government. He encouraged his disciples to pray for it because he knew of all the blessings that were in store for the earth under the reign of that Kingdom. (Matthew 6:9, 10; 24:14) 


    What are some of those blessings?

    Peace and security will prevail because God promises to end all wars.—Psalm 46:9.

    There will be ample food for all.—Psalm 72:16.

    Health care will not be an issue because “no resident will say: ‘I am sick.’”—Isaiah 33:24.

    Grieving will not be necessary, for “death will be no more.”—Revelation 21:4.

    God promises that his people will build their own houses, live in security, and “be joyful forever.”—Isaiah 65:17-24.


    No doubt you long to enjoy conditions like those outlined above. Jehovah has a fiery zeal—a burning desire—to carry out all that he has foretold. (Isaiah 9:6, 7) 


    Yet, you may wonder: ‘It has been thousands of years since God’s promises were recorded in the Bible. Why have they not yet been fulfilled?’


    God’s Patience Leads to Our Salvation

    Rest assured that “Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise.” The Bible explains that God has been lovingly demonstrating patience with us. Thus, we are encouraged to “consider the patience of our Lord as salvation.” (2 Peter 3:9, 15) 


    But why has God’s patience been necessary for salvation?

    First of all, God knows that before he can provide righteous humans with a secure and prosperous home, he will have to “bring to ruin those ruining the earth.” (Revelation 11:18) 


    However, because he loves humans, Jehovah “does not desire any to be destroyed.” Consequently, our heavenly Father has been patiently trying “to warn the wicked one from his wicked way.” To that end, Jehovah is having the message about his Kingdom preached worldwide. (Ezekiel 3:17, 18) 


    All who respond favorably to God’s warning and bring their life into harmony with his righteous principles will be granted salvation and enjoy everlasting life on a paradise earth.


    Turn to God and Be Saved

    For a certainty, the Bible has “good news” for us. (Matthew 24:14) It gives us God’s unfailing word that our earth will never come to an end! Moreover, according to Bible prophecies, we can have faith that “just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more.” Soon, only those righteous in God’s eyes “will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.” (Psalm 37:9-11, 29; Matthew 5:5; Revelation 21:3, 4) 


    Until then, God will continue to call out patiently: “Turn to me and be saved, all you at the ends of the earth.” (Isaiah 45:22) How will you respond?


    Why not make it your determination to turn to God? Psalm 37:34 exhorts us: “Hope in Jehovah and keep his way, and he will exalt you to take possession of the earth.” Jehovah’s Witnesses will be happy to assist you in learning more about God’s eternal purpose for the earth and how you can live to see that purpose become a reality.


    "*** w10 1/1 pp. 22-23 Will the Earth Come to an End? ***




  8. How ‘Crazy Ants’ Ever Get Anything Done


    How do ants carry such heavy loads? And how do they even know where they’re going? Turns out they’re pretty smart. 

    (Yeah, that’s a Cheerio.)


    There is reason behind the zigzag paths of longhorn crazy ants when carrying heavy loads—it is the give and take of cooperation, a new study finds.


    Picture of an ant lifting a cheerio

    A longhorn crazy ant approaches a cheerio. It's a big breakfast for a tiny ant and to get it home she needs the help of others to not only carry but also navigate, according to a new study. 



    Four years ago, Ehud Fonio watched as pieces of his cat's dinner spontaneously floated from the feline's bowl. On closer inspection, he spotted an ant brigade: With the massive prize hoisted over their heads, they charged back to the nest.


    Fonio, assistant staff scientist at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, was witnessing the cooperative carrying of a load, which is surprisingly rare in the animal world. The ants in question are known as longhorn crazy ants, Paratrechina longicornis, owing to their seemingly crazed and nonsensical paths. And until recently, researchers couldn't understand how crazy ants navigated while carrying comparatively huge pieces of food to their nest.


    The answer? A lot of cooperation and a bit of help from the ant version of an air traffic controller, according to a study published Tuesday in Nature Communications.


    Researchers filmed groups of crazy ants zigging and zagging as they carried different sized loads nearly 100 times, tracking individual and collective motions. The scientists also added obstacles to the ants' path to test how well the group could navigate.


    Be Industrious Like the Ant

    “Go to the ant, you lazy one; see its ways and become wise,” admonishes Solomon. What wisdom can we gain from the ways of a little ant? The king answers: “Although it has no commander, officer or ruler, it prepares its food even in the summer; it has gathered its food supplies even in the harvest.”—Proverbs 6:6-8.


    Ants are marvelously organized and remarkably cooperative with one another. Instinctively, they gather food supplies for the future. They have “no commander, officer or ruler.” True, the queen ant is there, but she is queen only in the sense that she lays eggs and is the mother of the colony. She gives no commands. Even with no foreman to drive them or supervisor to check on them, the ants keep tirelessly at their work.


    Like the ant, should we not also be industrious? Working hard and striving to improve in our work is good for us whether we are being monitored or not. Yes, in school, at our place of employment, and while sharing in spiritual activities, we should do our best. As the ant benefits from its industriousness, so God wants us to ‘see good for all our hard work.’ (Ecclesiastes 3:13, 22; 5:18) A clean conscience and personal satisfaction are the rewards of hard work.—Ecclesiastes 5:12.



    [Heb., nema·lahʹ].

    A small but extremely numerous and widespread insect, living in colonies, and noted in the Bible for its industriousness and instinctive wisdom. (Pr 6:6-8;30:24, 25) It is estimated that there are over 10,000 varieties of ants, these insects being found in all parts of the earth with the exception of the polar regions.


    “A People.” The ants are called “a people” [Heb., ʽam] in Proverbs 30:25, even as Joel referred to the locusts as “a nation” (Joe 1:6), and this expression is very suitable for these small creatures. While some ant colonies may contain only a few dozen ants, others have a huge population running into the hundreds of thousands. Although generally of moderate size, the nest or tunneled area may grow until it is as much as an acre in size. Within each colony there are three basic castes: the queen or queens, the males, and the workers (sexually undeveloped females). Yet, as the proverb states, the ant “has no commander, officer or ruler.” (Pr 6:7


    The queen is not such in a governmental sense and more fittingly can be called the mother ant, for her essential function is that of egg laying. Whereas a queen ant may live as much as 15 years, the males live only long enough to mate and then die. The worker ants, whose life span may reach six years, have various duties to perform, such as searching for and gathering in food for the colony, feeding the queen, acting as nurses for the larvae, cleaning the nest, digging new chambers as expansion is needed, and defending the nest. Worker ants may be of different sizes and proportions, even within the same colony, in some cases the larger ones acting as soldiers in the event of invasion of the nest. 


    Still, despite the fairly precise division of work (which in some colonies is arranged according to the age of the workers and in others according to size) and the relatively complex social organization existent, there is no sign of any superior officer, or taskmaster.


    ‘Instinctive Wisdom.’ The ‘wisdom’ of the ants is not the product of intelligent reasoning but results from the instincts with which they are endowed by their Creator. The Bible makes reference to the ant as ‘preparing its food in the summer and gathering its supplies in the harvest.’ (Pr 6:8


    One of the most common varieties of ants found in Palestine, the harvester, or agricultural, ant (Messor semirufus), stores up a large supply of grain in the spring and summer and makes use of it in seasons, including winter, when the obtaining of food becomes difficult. This ant is often found in the vicinity of threshing floors, where seeds and grain are plentiful. If rain causes dampness to reach the stored seeds, the harvester ant will thereafter carry the grains out into the sun for drying. It is even known to bite off the germ part of the seed so that it will not germinate while stored. Colonies of harvester ants are made conspicuous by well-worn paths as well as by seed husks that are left outside the entrance.


    Exemplary Characteristics. Thus, a brief investigation of the ant gives force to the exhortation: “Go to the ant, you lazy one; see its ways and become wise.” (Pr 6:6) Not only is their instinctive preparing for the future notable but also their persistence and determination, often carrying or tenaciously dragging objects weighing twice their own weight or more, doing everything possible to fulfill their particular task, and refusing to turn back even though they may fall, slide, or roll down some steep precipice. Remarkably cooperative, they keep their nests very clean and show concern for their fellow workers, at times assisting injured or exhausted ants back to the nest.








  9. Did Jesus Promise the Evildoer Life in Heaven?


    The question arises because Jesus promised the criminal who was being executed alongside him a future life in Paradise. Jesus said: “Truly I tell you today, You will be with me in Paradise.” (Luke 23:43) Note that Jesus did not say where that Paradise would be. Did Jesus mean, then, that the evildoer would join him in heaven?


    First, let us consider whether that evildoer met the qualifications for heavenly life. Humans with heavenly prospects have been baptized in water and with holy spirit and are thus spirit-begotten disciples of Jesus. (John 3:3, 5) Another requirement is that they conform to God’s moral standards and manifest such qualities as honesty, integrity, and compassion. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11) They must also remain loyal to God and Christ till the end of their earthly course. (Luke 22:28-30; 2 Timothy 2:12


    Only by meeting those requirements can they show themselves worthy of being resurrected and qualified for the weighty responsibility awaiting them in heaven, namely, serving as priests and kings with Christ over mankind for a thousand years.—Revelation 20:6.


    In contrast, the evildoer alongside Jesus lived as a criminal and died as a criminal. (Luke 23:32, 39-41) True, he showed a respectful attitude when he said to Jesus: “Remember me when you get into your kingdom.” (Luke 23:42) Nonetheless, he had not become a baptized, spirit-begotten disciple of Jesus, nor had he built a record of upright conduct and faithful endurance. Does it seem reasonable that Jesus would promise him heavenly kingship alongside his faithful followers who had proved their integrity?—Romans 2:6, 7.


    To illustrate: If a man asked your forgiveness for stealing your money, you might decide not to press charges. But would you trust him to run your business or to take care of your family? You would reserve such responsibilities only for those in whom you had the utmost confidence. Likewise, those who are given the hope of life in heaven must provide a solid basis for confidence that they will uphold God’s righteous standards when they rule over mankind. (Revelation 2:10) The evildoer, though apparently sincere in his last-minute plea, provided no such basis.


    But did Jesus not tell the evildoer that he would be with him in heaven that very day? That could not be, since Jesus himself did not enter heaven that day. Instead, he was “in the heart of the earth”—the grave—for three days. (Matthew 12:40; Mark 10:34) Even after his resurrection, he remained on earth for 40 days before ascending to heaven. (Acts 1:3, 9) Thus, the evildoer could not have been in heaven with Jesus that day. Into what Paradise, then, was the evildoer to enter? After resurrection, he will be in the earthly Paradise, over which Jesus will rule. (Acts 24:15; Revelation 21:3, 4


    To learn more about that Paradise and God’s requirements, speak to any one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.



    1 Regular Video tap on link – Enjoy! 



  10. How many lions are left in the wild? - Fewer than you think.


    Lions have disappeared from 80 percent of their historic range due to habitat loss, hunting and poaching, retaliatory killings by livestock owners and loss of prey. “Nearly a century ago, there were as many as 200,000 lions living in the wild in Africa. Today, the most recent surveys estimate that there are fewer than 30,000 lions living in the wild in Africa today.”


    Some estimates are much lower, putting wild lion populations at as few as 20,000.

    Though lions are such a big part of the human consciousness across the planet, we are at risk of the species entirely disappearing from the grasslands where they roam. This fact surprises many people, including those who love lions. These big cats are part of a much bigger ecosystem, one in which humans play a significant role. That role can be shifted from one that is causing lion populations to dwindle toward extinction, to one that creates strategies for coexisting with and protecting this important and magnificent predator.


    Read more: https://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/animals/blogs/how-many-lions-are-left-in-the-wild#ixzz3hKclQdig

    When did lions disappear from Bible lands?


    Glazed-brick frieze of a lion

    A glazed-brick frieze from ancient Babylon

    Although there are no lions in the wild in the Holy Land today, some 150 Scriptural references to this animal show that it was familiar to Bible writers. Most of those references are figurative; yet, some record actual encounters with lions. Samson, David, and Benaiah, for example, are credited with killing lions. (Judges 14:5, 6; 1 Samuel 17:34, 35; 2 Samuel 23:20) Other individuals were slain by lions.—1 Kings 13:24; 2 Kings 17:25.


    In ancient times, the Asiatic lion (Panthera leo persica) ranged from Asia Minor and Greece to Palestine, Syria, Mesopotamia, and northwest India. Feared and respected, the animal often appeared in ancient Near Eastern art. Outstanding glazed-brick depictions of lions decorated ancient Babylon’s Processional Way.


    Crusaders reportedly hunted lions in Palestine toward the end of the 12th century C.E. Lions seem to have become extinct in the area shortly after 1300. However, their presence was still reported in Mesopotamia and Syria until the 19th century and in Iran and Iraq as late as the first part of the 20th century.



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