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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. •Colossians 1:13 —"He rescued us from the authority of the darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son,"

    •Hebrews 10:35 —"Therefore, do not throw away your boldness, which will be richly rewarded.

    •Hebrews 13:6 —"So that we may be of good courage and say: “Jehovah is my helper; I will not be afraid... •.

    •For Answers To Life's Hardest Questions Go To JW.org TheMostTranslatedWebsite


  2. "Everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved."— (Rom. 10:13)

    In the Middle Ages, God’s personal name was rather widely known in Europe. That name, represented by four Hebrew letters called the Tetragrammaton and commonly transliterated YHWH (or JHVH), appeared on coins, on facades of houses, in many books and Bibles, and even in some Catholic and Protestant churches. 

    However, the trend in recent times is to eliminate the name of God from Bible translations and from other uses. One indication of this is the Letter to the Bishops’ Conferences on ‘the Name of God,’ dated June 29, 2008. 

    In it the Roman Catholic Church advised that the Tetragrammaton in its various renderings should be replaced by “Lord” and that God’s personal name should not be used in hymns and prayers during Catholic religious services. And the leaders of other religions inside and outside of Christendom have also hidden the identity of the true God from millions upon millions of worshippers.



  3. •Matthew 16:26
           —"Really, what good will it do a man if he gains the whole world but loses his life? Or what will a man give in exchange for his life?

    •1 John 2:17 —"Furthermore, the world is passing away and so is its desire, but the one who does the will of God remains forever."

    •For Answers To Life's Hardest Questions Go To JW.org TheMostTranslatedWebsite


  4. Russia in a campaign of terror against Jehovah's witnesses
    Õ•Õ•Õ•Õ• (Vladimir Putin's government) Õ•Õ•Õ•Õ•
    Near the football world!.

    While Russia is preparing to host and international headquarters of the "World Football 2018" and contest the fifa cup. Vladimir Putin, a member of the un peace council committee, and who was a member of the kgb in Russia and now the first newly re-elected President, has unfortunately allowed and encouraged a relentless pursuit of newly increased terror in violent raids in various communities Against families of Jehovah's witnesses.
    Tarnishing with this his international reputation and thus becoming a country that acts as a dictatorship that imposes with iron hand the orthodox church as the only faith validates and allowed at Vladimir Putin's behest.
    As of April 2017, the Russian supreme court forbade Jehovah's witnesses to profess their faith, and banned and confiscated their places of worship and has also confiscated all assets of this peaceful organization as extremists. Although the government has not listened to the various international human rights agencies that powerless urge them to stop their unjust and incomprehensible stance.
    Chasing them like the worst criminals with heavily armed policemen with ski masks and machine guns and intimidandolos in a pushy way despite the peaceful behavior of members of this faith and without caring about the pain of cruelly ripping off their parent s' children.
    The following map reveals some of the communities where Jehovah Implacamblemente's witnesses are now being persecuted for the crime of " having a bible " (which is also prohibited by the government of Russia) and being imprisoned for " professing their faith "... How Terrible!, it is scary to find out about this for all tourists who intend to visit this country in the world cup and have another faith or are members of other religions other than the Russian Orthodox Church.

    (drafting of: Abel Romero Novella).

    Tap on Video Link mp4 _______ ?



  5. The Implacable Power of Volcanic Lava

    In 1935, lava from an eruption of the volcano Mauna Loa, on the Big Island of HawaiÂ’i, started oozing toward the Wailuku River, main source of water for the city of Hilo. This danger to the more than 15,000 residents of Hilo was exactly the opportunity that Thomas Jaggar, founder of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, had been waiting for: to blow up a volcano.

    This isnÂ’t as crazy as it sounds. Actually, no, it was crazy. Jaggar thought, based on the state of the science, that explosives would collapse and plug the channels and underground tubes through which lava flows.

    He approached the Army Air Corps, which had an airbase on the island of Oahu. There, a young lieutenant colonel named George Patton (yes, that Patton) planned a mission to deploy three Keystone B-3A bombers and two Keystone B-6As—biplanes!—to the slopes of Mauna Loa, where they’d drop 20 600-pound bombs on the lava. Five dropped onto red-hot flows, splashing lava 200 feet into the air upon detonation (which then punched holes through one of the bombers’ wings). Most of the other bombs hit the solidified sides of the flows. A US Geological Survey geologist on board one of the planes, Harold Stearns, reported that most of the bombs merely impacted on the surface.

    So did it work? Well, the lava diverted and stopped flowing before it reached the river. It remains Â… controversial as to whether the bombs or the cessation of the eruption did it. (Jaggar thought the explosions released enough pressure to stop the lava; no one else does.)

    Volcanoes have a lot of ways to kill people—caustic ash, superheated hurricane-like pyroclastic flows, incandescent mudslides called lahars...and, of course, lava. As the world watches the ongoing eruption of the volcano Kilauea, Mauna Loa’s neighbor to the east, you can see why Jaggar would resort to explosives, and why people have been trying to build lava barriers, unsuccessfully, since 1881. Lava’s appearance is rarely a surprise—but where it flows and how fast remain unpredictable. And it is, as researchers say, binary. Wherever it goes, it incinerates or buries everything in its path. There’s not much anyone can do about it except watch.

    “A lot of cultures around the world have come to the conclusion that it’s a bad idea to live too close to a volcano,” says Natalia Deligne, a volcanic hazard and risk modeler at GNS Science, the New Zealand equivalent of the USGS. That’s why lots of volcanoes are magically inside national parks. “If you look at indigenous traditions, often the vent area is a taboo area,” Deligne says. “That’s just another form of land use planning.”

    Unlike the ostentatious, once-in-a-blew-moon eruptors like the stratovolcanoes of the Cascades and the Andes, Hawaiian volcanoes are “shield volcanoes,” slow and steady pumps of relatively runny, low-silica lava. Volcanoes in general aren’t as murderous as other natural disasters—since 1900 volcanoes have killed about 280,000 humans, but in that same time earthquakes have killed more than 2 million. Lava comes in three types (highly viscous, deep “blocky” lava; chunky, fast-moving ‘a ‘a, and smooth pahoehoe), and it tends to move slow enough that it destroys property rather than kills people. So people continue to live on the slopes of the volcanoes. (Hawai'ian volcanoes also emit toxic, corrosive gas—sulfur dioxide turns into sulfuric acid on contact with the atmosphere, creating potentially deadly clouds called vog, short for “volcanic smog” [itself a contraction of “smoke” and “fog”].)

    That’s what’s happening at Kilauea; lava is emerging from 14 fissures in the volcano’s East Rift Zone, amid a housing subdivision called Leilani Estates. More than 1,700 people had to evacuate, and about a dozen homes were consumed. This has been the situation, on and off, since the 1980s. “The lava would flow for a certain distance, then stop, and then rather than resuming travel in the same direction it would go back toward the vent and break out somewhere else,” says Michael Lindell, an emeritus environmental psychologist at Texas A&M who studies attitudes toward volcano risk. “Volcanologists don’t thoroughly understand the underground plumbing. They’ve got a pretty good idea, but they keep getting surprised.”

    Even today, lava is unpredictable. Nobody really understands tube and channel formation or how a’a’ lava becomes pahoehoe and vice versa. Computers can forecast paths of flow from topography, but not speed or how wide the flow will be. (The USGS map of lava hazard zoneson Hawai’i hasn’t been updated since 1992.) “How fast it’s coming out of the vents, how hot it is, how fast it’s cooling, how many crystals you have in the lava—those are all parameters that will dictate how the lava will flow,” Deligne says.

    There’s not much to do about it when it does. Deligne says that hardly anyone actually zones construction or writes building codes with volcanoes in mind. And even if you did, what then? Ash, sure, just build your roofs with a pitch of greater than 35 degrees to shed the stuff. But lava? Maybe … round buildings? According to one of the few analyses of such things, a forensic look at a 2014 eruption of the Fogo volcano on Cape Verde, lava pushes them into compression, actually strengthening them; it tends to just push over flat walls.

    Sometimes the volcano is quiet; sometimes it’s not. “Pele, the goddess of Hawaiian volcanoes, whose home is in Halema‘uma‘u Crater within Kilauea Caldera, is always described with two personas,” young and beautiful—and old and cruel, write James Kauahikaua and Robert Tilling, two past heads of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.

    Now, the observatory is warning that things could get worse. A rapid lowering of the lava level in the Overlook crater at Kilauea’s summit was the first sign that lava was on the move. If that lava dips below the groundwater level, it could start making steam, converting this to an explosive eruption, scientists warned at a press conference. The Washington Postreports that a nearby geothermal power plant is moving 12,000 gallons of a flammable fuel called pentane to an industrial park that’s out of range, just to be safe.

    But in the face of the threat, people’s attitudes toward volcanoes aren’t much different from how they feel about other hazards. Deligne loves volcanoes; she says she can’t imagine living anywhere there might be tornadoes. Lindell says if he had to live on the Big Island, he’d definitely try to stay on the north side—away from the volcanoes. As for the south side? “It’s incredibly cheap to live there and it’s a very pleasant life, so it’s an acceptable risk to them,” he says. “In some respects it’s no different than people living on the Hayward fault, or on the flood plain in Houston. They know the risk is getting worse, but they keep on rebuilding.”



  6. News -----------------------------------------
    Chile: a historical reaction without deal, all 34 Chilean Catholic Bishops, after the scandal of sexual abuse in which Archbishop Juan Barros was involved, have requested the resignation of his post (resignation) and have apologized publicly to chile Because of the abuses committed...




    .Due to the situation facing our country in Nicaragua and the safety of our brothers, today we had our meeting at the home of a sister. It is beautiful to see how despite the difficulties Jehovah is responsible for feeding us spiritually to continue to endure until the end. .


    Debido a la situación que enfrenta nuestro país en Nicaragua y por la seguridad de nuestros hermanos, hoy tuvimos nuestra reunión en casa de una hermana. Es hermoso ver cómo a pesar de las dificultades Jehová se encarga de alimentarnos espiritualmente para seguir aguantando hasta el final.


  8. Good Point! ~ The Chariot Is In Full Speed! Feel It? 




    In the fall of 2013 an app was launched and at the time less than 5% of attendees used a smart device at the meetings, in less than 5 years since the release of JWLibrary that has jumped to more than 90% of attendees in most congregations, from 6 year olds to 80+ year olds that have never been near a computer now easily use it in more than 90 languages across 240 countries. Now thatÂ’s impressive!


    Photo shared by @mikeon2


  9. Many brothers have written to us asking if it is an error or it was intentional that in the program of the REGIONAL ASSEMBLY 2018, the last Sunday farewell song and prayer, their number did not appear.

    We can confirm, because it is already public domain in the US, that a new song will be released WORLDWIDE a new song that day and at that time, right at the end.
    Those of us who have heard it have been electrified and in due course we will share it privately with the interested parties, ALWAYS THE ASSEMBLIES HAVE STARTED in a few days.
    The lyrics of the song are just what is needed TODAY.

    Translated Google 


  10. •Matthew 6:33,34
            —“Keep on, then, seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. So never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties. Each day has enough of its own troubles."
    •Psalms 104:34 —"Let my thoughts be pleasing to him. I will rejoice in Jehovah."?

    •For Answers To Life's Hardest Questions Go To JW.org TheMostTranslatedWebsite


    Brothers from Russia in contact with this social network, inform us at the minute of what is happening in this country.
    Today, Thursday, May 17, our brothers and sisters, including minors, have been searched and arrested. It has been in Birobidzhan and the Orenburg region.
    The European Association of Jehovah's Witnesses is receiving reports from the brothers and reporting internationally.
    The police operation has been called "Day of Judgment" and about 150 siloviki have participated. Who are these? SILOVIKI literally in Russian "the people in power", is a term used to refer to those politicians and influential Russian characters that have their roots in the security or military services, often official of the KGB, FSB or the Army that of one way or another, they came to posts linked to power.

    In the records of citizen witnesses, they take photographs, bank cards, money, all electronic devices, even if they are old and broken.
    So far there is no information on the criminal case under which the searches are conducted and on what article was instituted.

    Yesterday, the 16th, there were a series of records in the homes of the citizens, who consider themselves Jehovah's Witnesses. According to preliminary information, three citizens were arrested and three others pledged not to leave the place. It is known that citizens are involved as defendants under Part 2 of art. 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (participation in an extremist organization).


    The lawyers comment: "The result is predetermined": the judge in the case of Danish Dennis Christensen disappointed his defenders

    In Orel ended the second week of hearings on the criminal case against the Danish citizen Dennis Christensen, who is accused of organizing continuous operations are recognized as a religious extremist organization "Jehovah's Witnesses - Eagle" (. Article 282.2 of the Criminal Code). The court heard the testimony of several witnesses, and following the hearing attorneys told the judge the Dane removal, accusing him of personal interest in a guilty verdict. About how the meetings were held, in the "MBH Media" report.

    "The FSB officers came and said that none of the Jehovah's Witnesses would work here"

    The May 15 meeting began with the continuation of an interrogation of an FSB officer who was monitoring the house where local Jehovah's Witnesses met. The operative had to answer the questions of Christensen's lawyers. In particular, he said that he is an employee of the department for the protection of the constitutional order and the fight against terrorism. Speaking about the technical aspects of the ORM, as well as the search in the Kingdom Hall of the Jehovah's Witnesses, the operative answered a series of short questions about the faith.

    - Is it prohibited to practice the religion of the Jehovah's Witnesses in the territory of Águila? "Anton Bogdanov, a lawyer, asked the FSB agent.

    "No," was the answer.

    - Is it forbidden for Jehovah's Witnesses in Orel to read the Bible freely and pray?

    -Do not

    - Is it forbidden to share your convictions with others?

    -Do not

    - You yourself, what kind of religion?

    - Orthodox, - the FSB officer shrugged.

    "Did they go through the rite of baptism?"

    - Yes

    "But you did not become a member of any religious organization?"

    -Do not

    After clarifying the questions, the interrogation of the operation was completed and another witness, Elena Chernitsova, entered the room. The woman stated that she worked in the kindergarten, but since she was a Jehovah's Witness, she had to give up her job.

    - The FSB officers came and said that none of the Jehovah's Witnesses would work there. The manager intimidated them so much that I decided to resign, "explained the woman.

    Christensen knows, but when they met, he does not remember. Chernitsov from 2011 still in the Bryansk region began studying the Bible in 2013 in Zheleznogorsk past baptized "and become full of Jehovah's Witnesses." In the same year 2011, the woman moved to Orel and began attending worship services at number 50 Zheleznodorozhnaya Street, in the Kingdom Hall. Next, the witness described in detail what the room was like, how the services were held, and said that at the entrance there was a list of prohibited literature that could not be used. Chernitsova saw Dennis Christensen several times in the meetings. He spoke Russian. But the woman immediately made a reservation, specifying that "she communicated with difficulty, sometimes she was asked again, which was incomprehensible". According to the witness, nothing is known about the hierarchy and no organization, because she was "sisters and brothers". Previously, someone had told him that Christensen was an old woman, but he no longer remembers who and when. According to Chernitsova, in the Kingdom Hall there was a box with donations, where people deposited money voluntarily. The money was to pay for public services, as well as for the purchase of cleaning and cleaning products to clean the facilities and the territory of the property of the dwelling.

    - Have you discussed the state system at meetings? - The prosecutor asked the witness.

    -Do not

    - They say they voluntarily refuse to donate blood?

    "Yes, I have a document that I will not take," the woman replied. - Every year, 5 million people are infected only with hepatitis C and other diseases after a blood transfusion every year. And the Bible records that the blood is holy. Therefore, in Europe, Jehovah's Witnesses have always used blood substitutes.

    "Article 28 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation does not forbid me to communicate with other believers"

    The woman said that a banned organization MPO "Jehovah's Witnesses - Eagle" who knows nothing, and does consider part of a larger global family - Jehovah's Witnesses. About the prohibition of "Witnesses" in 2016, he learned, but at his expense and the account of his "brothers and sisters" did not accept.

    "Do you know the MRO?"

    "All over the world, our religious brotherhood, how can it be forbidden?", The woman was genuinely surprised.

    "Then you realized that Jehovah's Witnesses were forbidden, but you did not burden yourself?" - Alexey Rudnev once again specified president.

    "Article 28 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation does not forbid me to communicate with my fellow believers," the witness said calmly.

    In addition, questions about state prosecutions refer to the literature studied by Jehovah's Witnesses. In particular, they were interested in why they studied it in tablets. Note that in the indictment says that Dennis Christensen resorted "to the conspiracy measures after the prohibition of Jehovah's Witnesses", so that he deviated recommendation to "use the tablet" instead of the usual pamphlets of paper. Human rights activist Dmitry Krayukhin, upon hearing the question why the tablets, said surprised:

    - Now I do not understand, now the Cyrillic alphabet will be banned or the tablets?

    Meanwhile, the prosecutor addressed the witness with a serious voice:

    "Did Christensen tell you that to conspire, you need to use a tablet?"

    Smiles ran down the hall. When everything calmed down, the court gave the floor to the defense. The questions referred to the essence of the charge presented against extremism. Elena Chernitsova responded constantly that Christensen never raised questions of politics and power in meetings and did not allow statements that promoted the advantages of the religion of the Jehovah's Witnesses to other religions. In short, nothing lit and nobody dignified dignity. I did not ask for ties with my relatives.

    "Does your faith differ from orthodoxy in general?" - Judge Rudnev asked.

    "It's different, of course." Once I went to church and read the Bible, but I did not understand anything. And when he began to attend the services of Jehovah's Witnesses, everything became clear, "explained the woman.

    "Do you have a Bible of your own or are you different?" Asked the judge again.

    - Same.

    "And what is the difference, then?" Asked Rudnev, who has been trying to discover what the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses has been in several sessions.

    - We understand it differently.

    "They were cultured and sober"
    This was a break in the meeting. It resumed on the morning of May 16, when the witness was summoned to court by Alexander Chirikov. A man with a beard lives next to the Kingdom Hall and in recent years has been actively observing what was happening in his territory. According to the witness, the house number 50 on Zheleznodorozhnaya Street appeared several years ago. "I remember he was going to collect signatures, he told himself that a school would be built there, but in the end they built a cult institution, let's say that," explained the witness. He said that after building in the house, Jehovah's Witnesses settled down. Including Chirikov, they offered "some kind of pamphlets". He approached and his parents. "Questions asked like" do you believe in God? "But immediately I stopped talking like this ... On this subject, I do not talk to anyone, especially strangers, they were, of course, educated, educated, sober, but I do not share these ideas," explained the witness.

    According to Chirikov, there were many people in the Kingdom Hall. Reunited often. "Once, even at night there were many cars there and something was happening there," he said. Chirikov saw a 70-year-old man. "They were dressed as a vacation," clarified the witness

    Chirikov says he often saw Christensen there. Several times he saw the Dane open the door and meet the parishioners. "I know with certainty that he is a foreigner," the witness shared his observations. District police told the witness that the organization was banned. "He called me, he asked me if the campaigns had stopped there." But the people who went there and continued walking. And they stopped only after the FSB arrived there and they arrested the founder, "said Chirikov, the organization's ban camp, Chirikov, was next to Christensen's" a couple of times. "" The fact that the activity it was carried out, and he was present there is a fact, "says Chirikov After the searches, organized by the FSB, a sign appeared in the house indicating that it was being rented" It seemed that this man was stealing there " said the witness, answering the prosecutor's question, the question was that the witness shared his opinion on who controlled the organization, and the same witness at the same time observed everything from the outside only as a neighbor, but he was never in the territory of the home.

    - What was this organization for, you know? - asked the prosecutor.

    - It was just the rumors.

    - Well, tell me, which ones?

    - Someone said it was financed from abroad. Someone said that donations were being collected.

    The answer seems to have satisfied the charge. There were no more questions from the prosecutor's office.

    Christensen's lawyer, Irina Krasnikova, asked the witness how many times she had seen Christensen. "I saw it before the ban and after the ban, I often saw it." There was an impression that he was a leader there, "Chirikov replied.

    "Is this your assumption that Christensen executed the entire process?" - Defended the lawyer.

    - Yes, there was such an impression.
    "The judge is interested in the conviction"
    Attorney Anton Bogdanov unexpectedly asked Chirikov if, by chance, he himself was a Jehovah's Witness. To which Chirikov hastened to say that "thank God, no." The question is whether the witness believes that this religion is the only true one, Judge Aleksei Rudnev removed.

    - And in general, explain why these questions? He asked.

    "That all those present, and the prosecutors, among them, it was clear that for each person their religion is the only truth, otherwise, what is the point," said the lawyer.

    Bogdanov asked if the witness had communicated with the accused. He replied that he did not communicate.

    - Have you been monitoring the house constantly? The lawyer suddenly asked again.

    - I? "The witness opened his eyes wide, bewildered, and as if he intuitively ran his hands through his pockets to make sure there was no identification of an FSB or police officer.

    - Yes you are.

    - Observation? Of course not! The witness responded.

    In addition, the lawyers literally asked Chirikov questions, most of which were taken by the presiding judge. The situation somehow calmed down discreetly, and the parties began to communicate in high tones. Finally, after a minute's pause, lawyer Viktor Zhenkov got up and said that the presiding officer does not abandon the defense in any other way than to file a petition for the judge's challenge. According to the defense, Judge Rudnev adopted a "tendentious accusatory position" and is also interested in a certain outcome of the case. The defense claimed that Rudnev restricts the rights of lawyers.

    "The judge is interested in passing a conviction," Bogdanov, a lawyer, backed his colleague and deliberately urged the judge to consider the challenge request in the counseling room, "as required by the Code of Criminal Procedure."

    President Aleksei Rudnev who went to the consultation room, where he interviewed himself, as expected, decided not to self-dispense, without finding arguments for this. Therefore, it allowed me to question the latter on this day of a witness. But immediately the witness could not enter. The state attorney's office said that during the recess the witness contacted one of the women present in the room. "She told him something," the prosecutor said. The judge looked inquisitively at the woman who had entered the room. But she explained that it was her friend. She was a doctor and she treated her children.

    "A witness has taken a criminal record in case of knowingly giving false testimony, so we can continue," the judge announced.

    Vera Banshchikova is a retired woman. He has been a Jehovah's Witness for more than a dozen years. When I worked as a pediatrician, I accepted the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses. At the services in Orel he started walking since 2008, after moving to the city. She passed the rite of baptism, was dedicated to preaching activities. "I went home and in the clinic I was able to tell those who needed it that soon the ailment would come in. Christ, as king of the heavenly government on earth, will once again devote himself to healing," explained the witness.

    She told the court where and how the meetings were going, what was the situation in the Kingdom Hall. According to her, the services were carried out on Thursdays and Sundays. With Dennis Christensen, he found himself in a friendly meeting, in an apartment with friends. They introduced her simply as Dennis. They spoke in Russian. "It was difficult to understand some words, he clarified some words," said the witness. She visited the Kingdom Hall "before the capture", as the woman said, that is, until May 25, 2017, when the search was conducted there and the Danish was arrested.

    Vera Banshchikova is a retired woman. He has been a Jehovah's Witness for more than a dozen years. When I worked as a pediatrician, I accepted the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses. At the services in Orel he started walking since 2008, after moving to the city. She passed the rite of baptism, was dedicated to preaching activities. "I went home and in the clinic I was able to tell those who needed it that soon the ailment would come in. Christ, as king of the heavenly government on earth, will once again devote himself to healing," explained the witness.

    She told the court where and how the meetings were going, what was the situation in the Kingdom Hall. According to her, the services were carried out on Thursdays and Sundays. With Dennis Christensen, he found himself in a friendly meeting, in an apartment with friends. They introduced her simply as Dennis. They spoke in Russian. "It was difficult to understand some words, he clarified some words," said the witness. She visited the Kingdom Hall "before the capture", as the woman said, that is, until May 25, 2017, when the search was conducted there and the Danish was arrested.

    Vera Banshchikova said that along with all of them she also studied the Bible.

    - Did you study other literature? Asked the prosecutor.

    "Before, when they received brochures," they were lying on the table, "they used it, the forbidden did not study, Christensen said it was forbidden, although I do not consider it forbidden, it is based on thoughts of the Bible and helps us to improve. It was forbidden, I, of course, I got rid of him, we are law-abiding people, "said the witness.

    - Have you stopped using all the brochures?

    "Only prohibited".

    The witness explained that Christensen was not very different in the meetings of the rest of the participants: everyone could enter the stage, all the questions were read. All of Jehovah's Witnesses could ask each other, explain something too, Christensen is no exception. As for the elderly, she explained that she had never been interested in this topic. "I once heard that it would appear that Christensen is an old man, but I can not say for sure," the woman said.

    "Who is an Elder?"

    "I think he is a brother who knows the Bible well and can ask for advice," the witness answered the prosecutor's question.

    "And could you ask Krisensen for advice?"

    - Could. In general, I could have asked someone.

    - Have you ever considered the authorities? For a blood transfusion? Asked the prosecutor.

    The lawyer Zhenkov objected:

    - The problems of blood transfusion have absolutely nothing to do with extremism.

    "Objections are rejected, response", the court addressed the witness.

    - Never discussed. We are respectful people of the law. And the problems of blood transfusion are personal. Everyone decides for himself, - said Vera Banshchikova.

    - And the forms about the voluntary rejection of the blood transfusion were filled? Asked the prosecutor.

    - I personally am. The forms on the table were lying. But it was a long time ago, before ...

    "Does this have anything to do with your teaching of Jehovah's Witnesses?" - interrupted the prosecutor.

    - I can only say it for myself. There are many reasons. And based on the Bible, and related to medical research. Also, through the blood it can become infected. And our Creator, of course, knows everything. And then he warned us in the Bible, not to eat.

    - That is, is transfusion equivalent to eating? - the judge specified.

    "And what is the difference, how to use it," the woman replied simply.

    At that moment, a telephone rang in the corridor. It turned out that the interpreter Christensen had to leave urgently. The operator informed him that a taxi was waiting for a man at the entrance of the court. Alexei Rudnev was forced to announce a break in the hearing until next Monday. After the break was announced, numerous Danish supporters surrounded the "aquarium" to communicate with him and express words of support. However, convoy personnel threatened to announce that the crowd broke up. In the room there was a ring of handcuffs, and the descendants of the Vikings were taken to the wagon of rice to take them to preventive detention, where he spent almost a year and it seems that he delayed another month.




    Four acquitted on charges of refusing military service
    Seoul, May 16 (Korea Bizwire) - According to the constitutional law of South Korea, healthy youth must serve in the military as part of the country's national defense strategy.

    However, on May 16, a man was acquitted by Judge Lee Seung-hoon in Suwon District Court for opposing military service.

    The man, who opposed serving in the army on the grounds of being a Jehovah's Witness, was found not guilty of refusing military service along with three other men facing the same charges.

    The man received a letter of notification to join the army in November last year, but he refused to participate in military service based on his religious beliefs.

    The judge said that although all male citizens should contribute to national defense, history has shown that joining the military is not the only way to safeguard the country.

    He also explained that conscientious objection for religious reasons is considered reasonable according to the Military Service Law.

    However, it is expected that the Constitutional Court will rule on the constitutionality of the Military Service Law that requires the prosecution of conscientious objectors.

    The court upheld the constitutionality when conscientious objectors filed petitions in 2004 and 2011.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are known throughout the world for refusing to go to war or even to serve in the military. They have submitted a series of petitions to present an alternative service for conscientious objectors.

    These motions were rejected by previous administrations, but the Luna administration is currently reviewing the current petition.



  14. This blonde decides one day that she is sick and tired of all 

    these blonde jokes and how all blondes are perceived as stupid, 

    so she decides to show her husband that blondes really are 

    smart. While her husband is off at work, she decides that she is 

    going to paint a couple of rooms in the house. 

    The next day, right after her husband leaves for work, she gets

    down to the task at hand. Her husband arrives home at 5:30 and 

    smells the distinctive smell of paint. He walks into the living 

    room and finds his wife lying on the floor in a pool of sweat. 

    He notices that she is wearing a ski jacket and a fur coat at 

    the same time. 

    He goes over and asks her if she is OK. She replies yes. He asks 

    what she is doing. She replies that she wanted to prove to him 

    that not all blonde women are dumb and she wanted to do it by

    painting the house. He then asks her why she has a ski jacket 

    over her fur coat. She replies that she was reading the 

    directions on the paint can and they said.... FOR BEST RESULTS, PUT ON TWO COATS. Haha! .

    From this Blonde ????? Keep Smiling!

    Tap on Video Link mp4 ________ ?


  15. "Esau went running to meet him, and he began to embrace him and fall upon his neck and kiss him."—Gen. 33:4.

    Jacob had already taken the most important measure he could take to soften the heart of his brother. 

    He had prayed to Jehovah for deliverance from Esau’s hand. Did Jehovah answer this prayer? Yes. (Gen. 32:11-20; 33:1-3) 

    The account of Jacob and Esau shows that we should make earnest and practical efforts to settle matters when problems arise that may threaten the peace we enjoy within the Christian congregation. Jacob sought to make peace with Esau, but not because Jacob had erred against his brother and owed him an apology. No, Esau had despised his birthright and had sold it to Jacob for a bowl of stew. (Gen. 25:31-34; Heb. 12:16) 

    However, the way Jacob approached Esau illustrates the extent to which we should be willing to go to preserve the peace with our Christian brothers. It also shows that the true God blesses our prayerful efforts to make peace.

    Lesson? Love and be Loved! ? Even enemies can forgive and forget the pain and sadness. 


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