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Bible Speaks

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Everything posted by Bible Speaks

  1. (NASA) Milky Way and Aurora over Antarctica WOW I MUST SHARE! JEHOVAH OUR GOD IS AWESOME!! It has been one of the better skies of this long night. In parts of Antarctica, not only is it winter, but the Sun can spend weeks below the horizon. At China’s Zhongshan Station, people sometimes venture out into the cold to photograph a spectacular night sky. The featured image from one such outing was taken in mid-July, just before the end of this polar night. Pointing up, the wide angle lens captured not only the ground at the bottom, but at the top as well. In the foreground is a colleague also taking pictures. In the distance, a spherical satellite receiver and several windmills are visible. Numerous stars dot the night sky, including Sirius and Canopus. Far in the background, stretching overhead from horizon to horizon, is the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy. Even further in the distance, visible as extended smudges near the top, are the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, satellite galaxies near our huge Milky Way Galaxy. Image Credit & Copyright: LI Hang
  2. HOW MUCH OF VALUE IS THE BIBLE TO YOU TODAY? - DO YOU KNOW WHERE THE BOOKS CAME FROM? - NOT A BOOK LIKE YOU SEE TODAY! - MANY BOOKS MAN HAS MADE AND YET MANY BOOKS OF MAN WERE ACTUALLY DISGUSTING IN GOD'S EYES! - NO MATTER WHAT THE VALUE, WE SHOULD READ INTENTLY AND GET THE FULL MEANING OF THOSE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE THAT WAS INDEED PRESERVED FOR US TODAY! - THE PROOF OF THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS AND THE ORIGINAL CODEX IS AMAZING THE TRUTH IS STILL HERE AND ALIVE TEACHING ALL WHO WANT TO LEARN IT! - ONLY BY GOD'S SPIRIT COULD THIS BE DONE! ????? (2 Peter 1:20-21) . . .For YOU know this first, that no prophecy of Scripture springs from any private interpretation. 21 For prophecy was at no time brought by man’s will, but men spoke from God as they were borne along by holy spirit." ????? After the preaching of the good news about Christ, the believers brought their books of magic and burned them publicly, the calculation of their price being 50,000 pieces of silver (if denarii, $37,200).—Ac 19:19. ????? Bi′blos is the Greek term for “book”; its diminutive form bi·bli′on (literally, little book) is rendered “book,” “certificate,” and “scroll.” (Mr 12:26; Heb 9:19, Int; Mt 19:7; Lu 4:17) The word “Bible” comes from these Greek words. ????? Codex. It appears that Christians used mainly the roll, or scroll, form of book at least until about the end of the first century C.E. The apostle John wrote the Revelation about 96 C.E., and the book calls itself a scroll at chapter 22, verses 18 and 19. But the scroll form of book was very unwieldy. After the transition of the codex from notebook to book form, the superiority of the codex over the traditional scroll became apparent. For example, a scroll 31.7 m (104 ft) long might be needed to contain the four Gospels, whereas one compact codex could accommodate them all. In addition, the codex was more economical, since it was possible to write on both sides of a page. Furthermore, the lids afforded excellent protection for the contents, and various references could be located quickly without the tedious manipulation of scrolls. ????? It would be inconvenient, in fact, practically impossible, to make quick reference to certain statements in a large scroll. The indications are that the Christians were quick to adopt the use of the codex, or leaf-book, because they were interested in preaching the good news and they consulted and pointed out many references in the Scriptures in their Bible study and preaching. As to the fact that the Christians, if they did not invent the leaf-book, took the lead in the use of it, Professor E. J. Goodspeed in his book Christianity Goes to Press (1940, pp. 75, 76) says: “There were men in the early church keenly alive to the part publication was playing in the Graeco-Roman world, who, in their zeal to spread the Christian message over that world, seized upon all the techniques of publication, not just the old traditional threadbare ones, but the newest and most progressive ones, and made use of them to the full in their Christian propaganda. In doing this they began the use on any large scale of the leaf-book, now in universal use. Their gospel was not an esoteric, secret mystery, but something to be proclaimed upon the housetops, and they made it their business to carry into effect the old slogan of the prophets, ‘Publish good tidings.’ The writing of the individual gospels was a great matter, of course, but the collecting of them, together with their publication as a collection, was an altogether different act, and one of almost as much importance as the writing of some of them.”—See also Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1971, Vol. 3, p. 922. ????? Based on an address by Professor Sanders (published in the University of Michigan Quarterly Review, 1938, p. 109), Professor Goodspeed sets forth in his book (p. 71) a table comparing the findings of classical and of Christian works of the second, third, and fourth centuries C.E., as to the number of fragments of roll-books and of codex, or leaf-books, found in each group: CLASSICAL CHRISTIAN Century Roll Codex Roll Codex II 1? 4 III 291 20 9? 38 IV 26 49 6? 64 Of early Christians as publishers of books, Professor Goodspeed goes on to say (p. 78): “They were not only abreast of their times in such matters, they were in advance of them, and the publishers of the subsequent centuries have followed them.” He further states (p. 99): “It was the publication of the Bible that had stimulated the development of the leaf-book for literary purposes in the second century, and it was the publication of the Bible that stimulated the invention of printing.” ????? Professor Goodspeed ventures (p. 81): “The curious remark in II Tim. 4:13 ‘Bring . . . the books, especially the parchments,’ (the Greek words are biblia, membranas) makes one wonder whether the biblia does not mean the scrolls of Jewish scripture, and the membranai the newer leaf-books of Christian origin—the gospels and Paul. Professor Sanders’ argument strongly suggests that north of the Mediterranean, leaf-books were at first more likely to be made of parchment.” ????? Palimpsests. Because of the cost or scarcity of writing material, it was sometimes reused. Manuscripts were at times partially erased by scraping, sponging, or using various preparations to remove as much as possible of the original. With papyrus, sponging was done if the ink was fairly fresh; otherwise the old writing was crossed out, or the back of the material was used for the writing surface. On some palimpsests, because of atmospheric action, and other conditions, the original writing might appear clearly enough to be deciphered. A number of Bible manuscripts are among these, a notable one of which is the Codex Ephraemi, containing, under what was probably 12th-century writing, a part of the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures in writing thought to be of the 5th century C.E.Other Books Referred To in the Bible. A number of uninspired books are referred to in the Bible. Some were source material for inspired writers. Some appear to be journals compiled from state records. Among them are the following: ????? Book of the Wars of Jehovah. Quoted by Moses at Numbers 21:14, 15, this book was undoubtedly a reliable record, or history, of the wars of God’s people. It may have begun with Abraham’s successful warfare against the four allied kings who captured Lot and his family.—Ge 14:1-16. ????? Book of Jashar. This book is cited at Joshua 10:12, 13, which passage deals with the appeal of Joshua for the sun and the moon to stand still during his fight with the Amorites, and at 2 Samuel 1:18-27, setting forth a poem, called “The Bow,” a dirge over Saul and Jonathan. It is thought, therefore, that the book was a collection of poems, songs, and other writings. They were undoubtedly of considerable historical interest and were widely circulated among the Hebrews. Other historical writings. Several other uninspired historical writings are referred to in the books of Kings and Chronicles, one being “the book of the affairs of the days of the kings of Israel.” (1Ki 14:19; 2Ki 15:31) “The book of the affairs of the times of the kings of Judah” is its counterpart for the kings of the southern kingdom, starting with Solomon’s son Rehoboam. It is referred to 15 times. (1Ki 14:29; 2Ki 24:5) Another record of Solomon’s rule is mentioned at 1 Kings 11:41 as “the book of the affairs of Solomon.” In compiling and writing Chronicles after the exile, Ezra refers at least 14 times to other sources, including “the Book of the Kings of Israel,” “the account of the affairs of the days of King David,” and “the Book of the Kings of Judah and of Israel.” (1Ch 9:1; 27:24; 2Ch 16:11; 20:34; 24:27; 27:7; 33:18) Ezra also made reference to books by previous inspired writers. (1Ch 29:29; 2Ch 26:22; 32:32) Ezra notes that other prophets of Jehovah made written records that are not preserved in the inspired Holy Scriptures. (2Ch 9:29; 12:15; 13:22) A “book of the affairs of the times” is mentioned by Nehemiah. (Ne 12:23) Persian governmental records are noted in the Bible. In these were included reports of services rendered to the king, such as Mordecai’s disclosure of an assassination plot.—Ezr 4:15; Es 2:23; 6:1, 2; 10:2. ????? The wise writer of Ecclesiastes warns against the endless procession of books that are a product of worldly reasoning and conflict with godly wisdom, books that do not instill the fear of the true God and the keeping of his commandments. (Ec 12:12, 13) An example of such was found in Ephesus, where spiritism and demonism were rampant. After the preaching of the good news about Christ, the believers brought their books of magic and burned them publicly, the calculation of their price being 50,000 pieces of silver (if denarii, $37,200).—Ac 19:19. ????? In Exodus 17:14 is Jehovah’s command to write his judgment against Amalek in “the book,” indicating that the writings of Moses, the first writings known to be inspired, were already under way in 1513 B.C.E. ????? Some other references to the Bible or parts of it are: “The book of the covenant,” apparently containing the legislation set out at Exodus 20:22 to 23:33 (Ex 24:7); and “the roll of the book,” the Hebrew Scriptures.—Heb 10:7. ????? Figurative Use. Several times “book” is used figuratively, as in the expressions “your [God’s] book” (Ex 32:32), “book of remembrance” (Mal 3:16), and “book of life” (Php 4:3; Re 3:5; 20:15). It appears that these are all basically the same, that is, they are all God’s “book” of remembrance with a view to rewarding with eternal life (in heaven or on earth) the ones whose names are written in it. God’s “book” evidently receives names conditionally, since the Scriptures indicate that a person’s name can be ‘wiped out’ of it. (Ex 32:32, 33; Re 3:5) So only if a person continues faithful is his name retained in the book. ARE YOU IN THIS BOOK? ????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1204072?q=the+bible&p=par ????? This is actually a real library in: http://www.kclibrary.org/readers-services/reading-lists/community-bookshelf
  3. “Be Joyful Forever in What I Am Creating” ????? “For here I am creating new heavens and a new earth; and the former things will not be called to mind, neither will they come up into the heart." (Isa 65:17) ????? You can find millions today who are gladly submitting to such rulership. They are benefiting from its educational program and striving to follow its laws found in the Bible. (Isaiah 54:13) These make up the basis of “a new earth” in the sense that they form a global society of all nationalities, languages, and races, and they work together in submission to the reigning King, Jesus Christ. A significant fact is that you can be part of this!—Micah 4:1-4 ????? 21 We are assured of this as we move into this wonderful prophecy. The end of Re 21 verse 3 speaks of the time when God will be with mankind, turning his beneficent attention toward people doing his will. (Ezekiel 43:7) John continues in Re 21 verses 4, 5: “He [Jehovah] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away. And the One seated on the throne said: ‘Look! I am making all things new.’ Also, he says: ‘Write, because these words are faithful and true.’” What an uplifting prophecy! ????? Pause to savor what the Bible is foretelling. ‘God will wipe out every tear from their eyes.’ That cannot refer to normal tears that wash our sensitive eyes, nor can it refer to tears of joy. No, the tears that God will wipe out are tears caused by suffering, grief, disappointment, hurt, and agony. How can we be sure? Well, this remarkable promise of God links wiping out tears with ‘death, mourning, outcry, and pain being no more.’—John 11:35. ????? Does this not prove that cancer, strokes, heart attacks, and even death will have been eliminated? Who of us has not lost a loved one to some disease, accident, or disaster? God here promises that death will be no more, which suggests that the children who might be born then will not have to face the prospect of growing up and then getting old—ending in death. This prophecy also means no more Alzheimer’s disease, osteoporosis, fibroid tumors, glaucoma, or even cataracts—so common in old age. ????? You would no doubt agree that mourning and outcry would decrease with the removal of death, old age, and disease. ????? Yet, what about grinding poverty, child abuse, and oppressive discrimination based on background or skin color? Were such things—common today—to continue, we would not be rid of mourning and outcry. ????? Thus, life under “a new heaven and a new earth” will not be marred by these present causes of sorrow. What a change! We have, though, considered so far only three of the four occurrences in the Bible of the phrase “new heavens and a new earth.” ????? There is one more that ties in with what we have examined and that underscores why we have reason to look forward to when and how God will fulfill his promise to ‘make all things new.’ https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1102001046?q=isa+65%3A17&p=par
  4. My XFriend, an Elder, Pioneer and well liked in the Congregation showed this attitude to me. As a Health Counselor and Bible Student for over 60 years I tried my best to see his wrong attitudes. I saved his life once unknowingly. Yet, as you see many will manifest more so in this time of the end. Sadly, he left Jehovah was expelled. Knew the Truth over 24 years yet his attitude towards those in authority was very wrong for he said he "knew to much." Who is perfect? Yet, Jehovah is using imperfect men to fulfill his will and purpose. We live for Jehovah or we die for Jehovah. Many will come and go especially now so close to the end. Hear news? Disregard it if not Up building as we KNOW this may get worse. Let Jehovah expose those wicked as he did this man. As Christ is the Head of the Congregation we need not worry but let go, have patience and matters will be discovered and dealt with. Trust in Jehovah the God of Tender Mercies and Christ the Exemplar of our faith. Times will get worse, take your stand now! Yes, it was very hard for me with this ExFriend and ExElder. Jehovah rewards the faithful. If they repent and turn back Jehovah will wait. If not read the rest of 2 Peter 2. My favorite Moto is; "Have no fear, Jehovah is near." May you have Peace and Blessings from Jehovah! The Second of Peter 2:1-3, 8-22. 2 However, there also came to be false prophets among the people, as there will also be false teachers among you.These will quietly bring in destructive sects, and they will even disown the owner who bought them, bringing speedy destruction upon themselves. 2 Furthermore, many will follow their brazen conduct, and because of them the way of the truth will be spoken of abusively. 3 Also, they will greedily exploit you with counterfeit words. But their judgment, decided long ago, is not moving slowly, and their destruction is not sleeping." 8 for day after day that righteous man was tormenting his righteous soul over the lawless deeds that he saw and heard while dwelling among them. 9 So, then, Jehovah knows how to rescue people of godly devotion out of trial, but to reserve unrighteous people to be destroyed on the day of judgment, 10 especially those who seek to defile the flesh of others and who despise authority. Daring and self-willed, they are not afraid to speak abusively of glorious ones, 11 whereas angels, although they are greater in strength and power, do not bring against them an accusation in abusive terms, out of respect for Jehovah. 12 But these men, like unreasoning animals that act on instinct and are born to be caught and destroyed, speak abusively about things of which they are ignorant. They will suffer destruction brought on by their own destructive course, 13 suffering harm as their reward for their own harmful course. They consider it pleasurable to indulge in luxurious living, even in the daytime. They are spots and blemishes who revel in their deceptive teachings while feasting together with you. 14 Their eyes are full of adultery and are unable to desist from sin, and they entice unstable ones.They have a heart trained in greed. They are accursed children. 15 Abandoning the straight path, they have been led astray. They have followed the path of Baʹlaam the son of Beʹor, who loved the reward of wrongdoing, 16 but was reproved for his own violation of what was right. A voiceless beast of burden speaking with a human voice hindered the prophet’s mad course. 17 These are waterless springs and mists driven by a violent storm, and the blackest darkness has been reserved for them.18 They make high-sounding statements that are empty. By appealing to the desires of the flesh and with acts of brazen conduct, they entice people who have just escaped from those who live in error. 19 While they are promising them freedom, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for if anyone is overcome by someone, he is his slave. 20 Certainly if after escaping from the defilements of the world by an accurate knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they get involved again with these very things and are overcome, their final state has become worse for them than the first. 21 It would have been better for them not to have accurately known the path of righteousness than after knowing it to turn away from the holy commandment they had received. 22 What the true proverb says has happened to them: “The dog has returned to its own vomit, and the sow that was bathed to rolling in the mire.” How the Voice of Strangers Is Heard Today Deceptive reasonings. The apostle Paul states: “Do not be carried away with various and strange teachings.” (Hebrews 13:9) What sort of teachings? Since they can ‘carry us away,’ it is clear that Paul refers to teachings that undermine our spiritual balance. Who are voicing such strange teachings? Paul told a group of Christian elders: “From among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves.” (Acts 20:30) Indeed, today as in Paul’s day, some individuals who were once part of the Christian congregation now attempt to mislead the sheep by speaking “twistedthings”—half-truths and outright lies. As the apostle Peter puts it, they use “counterfeit words”—words that resemble truth but that are actually as worthless as counterfeit money.—2 Peter 2:3. Peter further exposes the methods of apostates by stating that they “will quietly bring in destructive sects.” (2 Peter 2:1, 3) Just as the thief in Jesus’ illustration of the sheepfold does not enter “through the door but climbs up some other place,” so apostates approach us in stealthy ways. (Galatians 2:4; Jude 4) What is their aim? Peter adds: “They will exploit you.” Indeed, no matter what apostates may say to the contrary, the real aim of intruders is “to steal and slay and destroy.” (John 10:10) Beware of such strangers!
  5. Dallas Texas — And today marks 2 months of the day I publicly symbolized my decision to dedicate my life to Jehovah. 2 months ago I was born again, my life has gained new meaning, and there is no way I can not remember this day with joy and emotion at heart. A day that recedes in my mind watered to every mix of feelings I felt at that moment, before, during and after this day. The cold in the belly, the spontaneous smiles, the nervousness, the anxiety, the immense joy, the euphoria and the uncontrollable emotion of saying YES to Jehovah! Feelings that I will carry eternally with me, and that I will never let die in mind and heart. To you, Jehovah, I thank you daily in prayer for the privilege of today to say: I am your Witness! Yes, every day I will be very happy and eternally grateful to be a Jehovah's Witness!
  6. Death is sad for all of us, whether in graves on earth or on the seas. God has promised they will be remembered. Yes, there is hope for those in watery graves, Note what the Bible says: 12 "And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and scrolls were opened. But another scroll was opened; it is the scroll of life. The dead were judged out of those things written in the scrolls according to their deeds.13 And the sea gave up the dead in it, and death and the Grave gave up the dead in them, and they were judged individually according to their deeds." "And death and the Grave were hurled into the lake of fire.This means the second death,+the lake of fire." (Revelation 20:12–14). Grenada. Underwater sculpture honoring Africans thrown overboard from the slave ships during the Middle Passage of the African Holocaust. This is located in the Caribbean Sea off the coast of Grenada under water. Pass it along so more people will know about this wonderful work of art in honor of those who perished so tragically. Artist, Jason DeCaires Taylor So many emotions… .I don’t think many people can (or even want to) understand the gravity of what this sculpture represents.
  7. Walk With God in These Turbulent Times ??? 2 Look! God is my salvation. I will trust and feel no dread; For Jah Jehovah is my strength and my might, And he has become my salvation.” 3 With rejoicing you will draw water From the springs of salvation. 4 And in that day you will say: “Give thanks to Jehovah, call on his name, Make his deeds known among the peoples! Declare that his name is exalted. 5 Sing praises to Jehovah, for he has done magnificent things. Let this be made known in all the earth." (Isaiah 12:2-5). ??? Jehovah is our Creator, the Source of our life, and the Provider of all that we need to sustain life. (Revelation 4:11) As a result, only he has the right to tell us how to walk. In addition, walking with God is the most beneficial course possible. For those who walk with him, Jehovah has made provision for the forgiveness of sin, and he offers the sure hope of everlasting life. Our all-loving heavenly Father also provides wise counsel that helps those who walk withhim to make a success of life now, despite their being imperfect and living in a world that is lying in Satan’s power. (John 3:16; 2 Timothy 3:15, 16; 1 John 1:8; 2:25; 5:19) ??? Finally, and most important, when we walk with God, we show where we stand on the great issue that was raised back in the garden of Eden—the issue of sovereignty. (Genesis 3:1-6) We demonstrate by our life course that we stand squarely on Jehovah’s side, and we fearlessly proclaim that he alone is the rightful Sovereign. (Psalm 83:18) We thus act in harmony with our prayer that God’s name be sanctified and his will be done. (Matthew 6:9, 10) How wise are those who choose to walk with God! They can be sure that they are going in the right direction, since Jehovah is “wise alone.” He never makes a mistake.—Romans 16:27. ??? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2005643?q=walk+with+jehovah&p=par 1 Video tap on link 1 Picture Enjoy! IMG_1309.mp4
  8. 3 "First of all know this, that in the last days ridiculers will come with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires 4 and saying: “Where is this promised presence of his? Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep in death, all things are continuing exactly as they were from creation’s beginning.” 5 For they deliberately ignore this fact, that long ago there were heavens and an earth standing firmly out of water and in the midst of water by the word of God; 6 and that by those means the world of that time suffered destruction when it was flooded with water. 7 But by the same word the heavens and the earth that now exist are reserved for fire and are being kept until the day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly people. 8 However, do not let this escape your notice, beloved ones, that one day is with Jehovah as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. 9 Jehovah is not slow concerning his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire anyone to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance. 10 But Jehovah’s day will come as a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar, but the elements being intensely hot will be dissolved, and earth and the works in it will be exposed. 11 Since all these things are to be dissolved in this way, consider what sort of people you ought to be in holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion, 12 as you await and keep close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah, through which the heavens will be destroyed in flames and the elements will melt in the intense heat! 13 But there are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell. 14 Therefore, beloved ones, since you are awaiting these things, do your utmost to be found finally by him spotless and unblemished and in peace." (2 Peter 3:3-14).
  9. How Did Jesus Treat Women? What Is the Role of Women in Jehovah’s Purpose? “The women proclaiming the good news are a large army.”—PSALM 68:11. ????????? How did Jesus treat women? ????? Jesus was very kind to women. For example, think about the woman who “had a flow of blood for 12 years.” She touched Jesus’ garment so that she would get healed. Did Jesus become angry with her? No. He was kind and said: “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed from your grievous sickness.”—Mark 5:25-34. ????????? While Jesus and his apostles were traveling, there were some women who cared for their needs. (Luke 8:1-3) And on the day of Pentecost in the year 33, about 120 men and women received God’s spirit in a special way. (Read Acts 2:1-4.) Many years before that, Jehovah had said: “I will pour out my spirit on every sort of flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy . . . And even on my male slaves and female slaves I will pour out my spirit.” (Joel 2:28, 29) This miracle on the day of Pentecost was proof that Jehovah favored these men and women who became “the Israel of God.” (Galatians 3:28; 6:15, 16) The four daughters of Philip the evangelizer were some of the women who preached in the first century.—Acts 21:8, 9. ????????? It is very clear that Jehovah has blessed the preaching work of faithful women, even during difficult trials. For example, during the times of Nazi oppression and Communist rule, Jehovah helped faithful women to remain loyal to him. Many suffered, and some were even killed because of their obedience to God. (Acts 5:29) Like those faithful women, Christian women and others today have chosen God as their Ruler. Jehovah has said to them, just as he said to the ancient Israelites: “Do not be afraid. I will help you.”—Isaiah 41:10-13. ????????? Yes, Women are very much loved by Jehovah God and Our Lord Christ Jesus. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/402014603?q=how+did+jesus+treat+women&p=par
  10. https://www.yahoo.com/news/russia-orders-cut-us-diplomats-reaction-sanctions-094502748.html Russia orders cut in US diplomats in reaction to sanctions
  11. Humbly Submitting to Loving Shepherds ??????? "With his arm he will collect together the lambs."—Isa. 40:11. JEHOVAH GOD and his Son, Jesus Christ, are loving Shepherds. Isaiah prophesied: “Look! The Sovereign Lord Jehovah himself will come even as a strong one, and his arm will be ruling for him. . . . Like a shepherd he will shepherd his own drove. With his arm he will collect together the lambs; and in his bosom he will carry them. Those giving suck he will conduct with care.”—Isaiah 40:10, 11. ??????? The prophecy of Isaiah 40:10, 11emphasizes the tenderness with which Jehovah shepherds his people. (Psalm 23:1-6) During his earthly ministry, Jesus too showed tender concern for his disciples and for people in general. (Matthew 11:28-30; Mark 6:34) Both Jehovah and Jesus deplored the ruthlessness of the shepherds, or leaders, of Israel, who shamelessly neglected and exploited their flocks. (Ezekiel 34:2-10; Matthew 23:3, 4, 15) Jehovah promised: “I will save my sheep, and they will no longer become something for plunder; and I will judge between a sheep and a sheep. And I will raise up over them one shepherd, and he must feed them, even my servant David. He himself will feed them, and he himself will become their shepherd.” (Ezekiel 34:22, 23) In this time of the end, Jesus Christ, the Greater David, is the “one shepherd” whom Jehovah has appointed over all His servants on earth, both the spirit-anointed Christians and the “other sheep.”—John 10:16. ??????? Jehovah God knows that the men he has appointed as overseers are imperfect. Yet, he is using them, and by means of his spirit, he shepherds his people on earth. It is true of the elders—and of us all—that “the power beyond what is normal [is] God’s and not that out of ourselves.” (2 Corinthians 4:7) We should therefore thank Jehovah for what he is accomplishing by means of our faithful overseers, and we should show them willing cooperation. ??????? Overseers do their best to live up to Jehovah’s description of shepherds appointed over his flock in the last days, as found at Jeremiah 3:15: “I will give you shepherds in agreement with my heart, and they will certainly feed you with knowledge and insight.” Surely the elders in our midst are doing a fine job of teaching and protecting Jehovah’s sheep. May we continue to show our appreciation for their hard work through our willing cooperation, our obedience, and our submission. In so doing, we will demonstrate our appreciation for our heavenly Shepherds, Jehovah God and Jesus Christ. ??????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2007246?q=isa+40%3A11&p=par
  12. Dont give up! For this word ???? You are truly example for you JW family. Brother DENNIS CHRISTENSEN from Russia love the way you smiled at people who locked you up love your courage love you bro May Jehovah rescue you with his mighty hands You have set an example for us to follow Take courage, for Jehovah is with you. He will deliver you. He will make you strong Jehovah will fight for his loyal one Grant us boldNess oh Jehovah as we face all sorts of persecution in this system of things ???? #jw #russia #faith #jwfamily #dontgiveup #loveyou #brother #jehovah #our #refuge #family #photo
  13. I have Faith in Jehovah. ????? That is why I have been traveled from place to place preaching that Jehovah will resurrect the dead one back to life. But at time, when I recalled how I losed my parent right from when I was a baby, tears cannot stop coming out from my eye. That is why I cry out to Jehovah like that man at Mark 9:24 that say: "I have faith! Help me out where I need faith!" WHY? Because without faith it is impossible to please God well. (Hebrews 11:6). So please brothers, in all circumstances, "Have faith in in God". May each of us always pray to Jehovah: "Help me out where I need faith!" Thank you! I took this photo after the "Inrease Your Faith in Jehovah" Circuit Assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses, today in Nigeria. From your fellow friend of Jehovah, Brother Kingsley. ❤️
  14. Cultivate the Spirit of a Lesser One ??‍♀️????‍♀️?? "Jesus, knowing the reasoning of their hearts, took a young child, stood him beside him, 48 and said to them: “Whoever receives this young child on the basis of my name receives me also; and whoever receives me also receives the One who sent me. For the one who conducts himself as a lesser one among all of you is the one who is great.” (Luke 9:47,48). ??‍♀️????‍♀️?? The Greek word translated “lesser one” means someone who is less important than other people or who has no power or authority. Such a person is humble and does not think of himself as important. Jesus taught his apostles that they should be humble and modest like children. True Christians today need to learn from the lesson Jesus taught his apostles. It may be hard for us to show humility, especially in certain situations. Our imperfection causes us to have pride and to try to be better than others. Also, Satan’s world may influence us to become selfish, aggressive, or controlling. What can help us to have a humble attitude? What did Jesus mean when he said that a lesser one “is the one that is great”? In what situations should we show humility? ??‍♀️????‍♀️?? One way we can become more humble is to remember that Jehovah is much greater than we are. The truth is that no one can ever know everything that Jehovah knows. (Isaiah 40:28) The apostle Paul wrote about Jehovah’s greatness: “O the depth of God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How unsearchable his judgments are and past tracing out his ways are!” (Romans 11:33) Humans have learned many things since Paul wrote those words almost 2,000 years ago. But what he wrote is still true. No matter how much we know, we will never stop learning about Jehovah, his works, and his thinking. ??‍♀️????‍♀️?? Something else that helps us to be humble is to remember that Jehovah himself shows humility. And think about this: “We are God’s fellow workers.” (1 Corinthians 3:9) Imagine that! Jehovah God, the Most High, wants us to work with him. He honors us by giving us an opportunity to use his Word, the Bible, to preach the good news. Although Jehovah is the one who makes the seeds grow, he allows us to have the work of planting and watering them. (1 Corinthians 3:6, 7) In this way, God sets a wonderful example of humility for us. Surely, Jehovah’s example should encourage each of us to behave as a lesser one! ??‍♀️????‍♀️?? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/402012844?q=luke+9%3A48&p=par
  15. @JW Insider If I write it my myself I put my name on it. All my artwork has my name on them. If copyrighted I put copyrighted info on it. I don't ask a friend where did you get that from? I know them and I know they don't steal quotations. However, people are innocently human and just send things to you. I also have people used my art work and erased my name. You know it's not about that. Let them do as they wish as long as somebody is encouraged and it praises Jehovah's Name I'm happy! No worry! People will do what they want anyhow, as you know we can only try our best!
  16. @JW Insider I didn't get it from that source sorry a friend sent me this and didn't want his name given the credit. Thought it made good sense. I use links when I have them. Sorry to offend you.
  17. If man can do this? Can you iMAGINE THE POWER OF JEHOVAH ALMIGHTY GOD? ?⚡️?☀️??? (This is an illustration of power produced by man. Mediate on who made power to exist and why? Jehovah's power is unlimited and forever are we not in awe of Him Our Father?) ????? Jehovah—The One Who Is Vigorous in Power ? “Due to the abundance of dynamic energy, he also being vigorous in power, not one of them is missing.”—ISAIAH 40:26. ????? POWER is something many of us take for granted. For example, we give little thought to the electrical power that gives us light and heat or to the convenience of plugging in any electrical appliance we may own. Only an unexpected power outage brings home to us that without power, man’s cities would practically shut down. Most of the electricity on which we depend comes indirectly from the earth’s most reliable power source—the sun. ????? Every second this solar reactor consumes five million tons of nuclear fuel, showering the earth with life-sustaining energy. ????? Where does all this solar power come from? Who constructed this celestial power plant? Jehovah God did. Referring to him, Psalm 74:16 says: “You yourself prepared the luminary, even the sun.” Yes, Jehovah is the ultimate Source of all power, just as he is the Source ofall life. (Psalm 36:9) ????? Never should we take his power for granted. Through the prophet Isaiah, Jehovah reminds us to look up at the heavenly bodies, such as the sun and the stars, and meditate on how they came into existence. “Raise your eyes high up and see. Who has created these things? It is the One who is bringing forth the army of them even by number, all of whom he calls even by name. Due to the abundance ofdynamic energy, he also being vigorous in power, not one of them is missing.”—Isaiah 40:26; Jeremiah 32:17. ????? Since Jehovah is vigorous in power, we can rest assured that the sun will continue to provide us the light and heat on which our lives depend. ????? However, we rely on the power of God for much more than our basic physical needs. Our redemption from sin and death, our hope for the future, and our trust in Jehovah are all inseparably linked to his exercise of power. (Psalm 28:6-9; Isaiah 50:2) The Bible abounds with examples that testify to Jehovah’s power to create and redeem, to save his people and destroy his enemies. ????? Because of its strength, the bull is used in the Bible to symbolize Jehovah’s power.* The apostle John’s vision ofJehovah’s throne depicts four living creatures, one of which had a face like a bull. (Revelation 4:6, 7) ????? Evidently, one of the four principal attributes of Jehovah portrayed by these cherubs is power. The others are love, wisdom, and justice. Since power is such an important facet of God’s personality, a clear understanding of his power and how he uses it will draw us closer to him and help us to imitate his example by using well any power at our disposal.—Ephesians 5:1. ????? “Jehovah of Armies, the Powerful One” ????? In the Scriptures, Jehovah is called “God Almighty,” a title that reminds us that we should never underestimate his power or doubt his ability to vanquish his enemies. (Genesis 17:1; Exodus 6:3) Satan’s wicked system of things may seem well entrenched, but in Jehovah’s eyes “the nations are as a drop from a bucket; and as the film of dust on the scales they have been accounted.” (Isaiah 40:15) ????? Thanks to such divine power, there is no doubt that good will triumph over evil. At a time when wickedness is rampant, we can take comfort in knowing that “Jehovah ofarmies, the Powerful One of Israel” will eliminate evil forever.—Isaiah 1:24; Psalm 37:9, 10. ????? The expression “Jehovah of armies,” which occurs 285 times in the Bible, is another reminder of God’s power. The “armies” here referred to are the host ofspirit creatures that Jehovah has at his command. (Psalm 103:20, 21; 148:2) In a single night, just one of these angels slew 185,000 Assyrian soldiers who were threatening Jerusalem. (2 Kings 19:35) If we recognize the power of Jehovah’s celestial armies, we will not easily be intimidated by opposers. The prophet Elisha was unconcerned when trapped by an entire army that was seeking him because, unlike his servant, he could see with the eyes of faith a vast host ofheavenly forces supporting him.—2 Kings 6:15-17. ????? Jehovah’s power is also closely connected with his name and the carrying out of his will. The unique name Jehovah, which means “He Causes to Become,” reveals that he causes himself to become the Fulfiller of promises. Nothing or nobody can prevent Godfrom bringing his purposes to fruition, however farfetched skeptics may consider them to be. As Jesus once told his apostles, “with God all things are possible.”—Matthew 19:26. ????? In the near future, there will come a time when every one of us will need to trust in God’s saving power in a special way. Satan the Devil will launch an attack on God’s people, who will appear to be unprotected. (Ezekiel 38:14-16) God will then manifest his great power in our behalf, and everyone will have to know that he is Jehovah. (Ezekiel 38:21-23) Now is the time to build our faith and confidence in God the Almighty so that we will not waver at that crucial time. ????? Without doubt, there are many reasons for meditating on Jehovah’s power. As we contemplate his works, we are humbly moved to praise our Grand Creator and give thanks that he uses his power in such a wise and loving way. We will never be intimidated if we trust in Jehovah of armies. Our faith in his promises will be unwavering. ????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2000162?q=power+of+god&p=par Video is very unique! Tap on link and enjoy! ? IMG_1138.MP4
  18. "HOW ARE YOU?" ....?fine••• Lesson for today. (1 Peter 3:8) "Finally, all of you have unity of mind, fellow feeling, brotherly affection, tender compassion, and humility." ??‍???‍?? Companions of the man Job heard no fewer than ten of his discourses. Still, Job exclaimed: “O that I had someone listening to me!” (Job 31:35) ??‍???‍?? Why? Because their listening provided no comfort. They neither cared about Job nor wanted to understand his feelings. They surely did not have fellow feeling as sympathetic listeners. But the apostle Peter counsels: “All of you be like-minded, showing fellow feeling, having brotherly affection, tenderly compassionate, humble in mind.” (1 Peter 3:8) ??‍???‍?? How can we show fellow feeling? One way is by showing concern for the other person’s feelings and trying to understand them. Making such sympathetic comments as “that must have been upsetting” or “you must have felt misunderstood” is one way to show that we are concerned. ??‍???‍?? Another way is to put what the person is saying in our own words, thus showing that we understood what he said. Listening with love means paying attention not only to the words but also to the emotions subtly expressed. “THANKS for listening.” Has anyone said that to you lately? What a compliment that is! ??‍???‍?? A good listener is appreciated by just about everyone. By listening well, we can refresh people who are distressed or loaded down with problems. And does not being a good listener help us to enjoy people? In the Christian congregation, listening with love is an essential part of ‘considering one another to incite to love and fine works.’ “Love . . . does not look for its own interests,” says the Bible. (1 Corinthians 13:4, 5) ??‍???‍?? Listening with love, then, implies that we put our own interests aside. This may call for switching off the television, putting down the newspaper, or turning off the cell phone when others are speaking to us about a serious matter. ??‍???‍?? Listening with love means becoming intensely interested in the other person’s thoughts. It requires that we refrain from starting to talk about ourselves by saying something like, “That reminds me of what happened to me some time ago.” While such an exchange is acceptable in a friendly conversation, we need to put personal interests aside when someone is discussing a serious problem. Genuine interest in others can be manifested when they reply "I'm ok" or "I'm fine", when we listen and extend love and concern! ??‍?♥️?‍?? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2005844?q=how+are+you+feeling&p=par
  19. SUPPORT YOUR DECISIONS – ????? “Do you like it? Should I buy it?” asked Flora, displaying the finely tailored black coat she was trying on. “I like it,” said her friend Anna, “but it’s your choice to make.” Weakened by indecision, Flora placed the coat back on the rack and left the store. ??????? They were home not 15 minutes when Flora exclaimed, “I should have bought that coat!” They returned to the store the next morning, but it was too late. The coat was gone—sold to someone else. ??????? WHEN you are confronted with a personal decision, do you struggle painfully, procrastinate, and finally ask someone else to decide for you? And after the decision is made, do you keep wondering if a different choice would have been better? If so, you can probably identify with Flora’s experience above. You know how difficult decision-making can be. ??????? Nevertheless, you can learn to make decisions with greater ease and pleasure. If making a final choice is hard, remember that decision-making almost always involves taking risks. If you are afraid to make a choice until you are absolutely certain of success, you will remain indecisive, for many decisions involve uncertainty and must be made on the basis of probability. ??????? (Ecclesiastes 11:4) "The one who watches the wind will not sow seed, and the one who looks at the clouds will not reap." ??????? In most cases, no one option has every advantage. No matter what choice you make, there will be something to sacrifice. So make the choice that is most likely the best, and . . . Support Your Decision! ?
  20. LIFEISNOWHERE ??? OR ? LIFE IS NO WHERE? ??? ARE you facing changes in your life? Are you finding it hard to accept those changes? Most of us have been or will be in that situation. Some real-life examples from the past can help us to identify qualities that will be useful. ?????? For example, consider David and the many changes he had to deal with. He was a mere shepherd boy when Samuel anointed him as future king. While still young, he volunteered to fight the Philistine giant Goliath. (1 Sam. 17:26-32, 42) Young David was invited to live at the royal court of King Saul and was appointed as head of the army. David could not even have imagined all these changes in his life; nor could he have anticipated what would happen next. ?????? David’s relationship with Saul became extremely strained. (1 Sam. 18:8, 9; 19:9, 10) To save his own life, David had to live as a fugitive for several years. Even when he was reigning as king over Israel, his circumstances changed drastically, especially after he committed adultery and, in an effort to cover up that sin, murder. As a result of his own sins, he had calamities within his family. Among other things, David experienced the rebellion of his son Absalom. (2 Sam. 12:10-12; 15:1-14) Still, after David repented of his sins of adultery and murder, Jehovah forgave him and David was restored to God’s favor. ?????? Your circumstances may also change. Health problems, economic hardships, or family difficulties—even our own actions—produce changes in our lives. What qualities can help us be better prepared to cope with such challenges? ?????? We will constantly find ourselves facing changes in our lives. Sometimes it is not easy to understand why things happen. Personal limitations and emotional tension may make it difficult for us to maintain a spiritual outlook. Still, such qualities as humility, modesty, and meekness will help us to accept the changes and remain in God’s favor. ??????
  21. An Example to Imitate The ark that Noah built was gigantic—longer than a football field and as high as a three-story building. It was more than 100 feet [30 m] longer than the schooner Wyoming, which was reportedly the largest wooden-hulled ship ever built. Of course, the ark was not a ship; it needed only to float. Nevertheless, it required advanced construction techniques. And it had to be covered inside and outside with tar. It may have taken more than 50 years to build.—Genesis 6:14-16. There was more. Noah had to stockpile one year’s food supply for his family and for the animals. Before the Flood came, the animals had to be gathered and brought inside. “Noah proceeded to do according to all that Jehovah had commanded him.” What a relief it must have been when everything was ready and Jehovah closed the door of the ark!—Genesis 6:19-21; 7:5, 16. Then the Deluge came. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights. All had to remain in the ark for a full year until the waters receded. (Genesis 7:11, 12; 8:13-16) All the wicked people perished. Only Noah and his family survived into a cleansed earth. The Bible says that the global Flood of Noah’s day stands as “a pattern . . . of things to come.” In what way? We read: “The heavens and the earth that are now are stored up for fire and are being reserved to the day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly men.” As in Noah’s day, however, there will be survivors. Be assured that “Jehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial.”—2 Peter 2:5, 6, 9;3:7. Noah was a man of godly devotion, a righteous man among a wicked generation. He obeyed God completely. He had the courage to do what was right even though he knew that this would bring the disdain and hatred of those who did not wish to serve God. By imitating Noah in these ways, we too will find favor with God and have the prospect of deliverance into the new world that is soon to come.—Psalm 37:9, 10. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2008401?q=was+noah+laughed+at&p=par
  22. Noah Had the Courage to Be Different Noah “proved himself faultless among his contemporaries.” (Genesis 6:9) Notice that the Bible says he wasfaultless among, not from the viewpoint of, his contemporaries. In other words, he was faultless in the eyes of God, but to the people of the pre-Flood world, Noah was odd. We can be sure that he did not agree with popular opinion, nor did he get involved in the ungodly entertainment and social activities of the day. Imagine how people viewed him when he began to build the ark! They likely laughed at him, ridiculed him. They did not take him seriously. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2008401?q=was+noah+laughed+at&p=par
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