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Bible Speaks

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Everything posted by Bible Speaks

  1. Vancouver Don't Give Up! Convention 2017 ????? What a privilege to be part of this momentous event with 101,033 of our brothers and sisters across the country. ????? Feature film presentation "Remember the Wife of Lot" Join us for Part 2 Saturday at 2:35 and Part 3 Sunday at 1:50 at Rogers Arena #dontgiveup Vancouver Voices joined in praise ????? Two Videos clink on Links – Enjoy! ??? IMG_1079.MP4 IMG_1083.MP4
  2. Welcome to the family Our new young brother 92 years old , from brindisi , Italy ??? #jw #love #jehovah #beptisam #old #young #family #brother #sister #pictures #photography #photo Tap on link for video______ IMG_1065.MP4
  3. "Continue reminding them . . . to be reasonable."—Titus 3:1, 2. ???☄️??? For some reason, though, Lot pleaded for permission to flee to another location. Just think—Lot actually asked Jehovah to change His instructions! ???☄️??? A Lesson From Lot Of course, even faithful servants of God can momentarily lose their sense of urgency. Think of Abraham’s nephew Lot. He learned from two angelic visitors that God was about to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. The news could not have surprised Lot, who “was greatly distressed by the indulgence of the law-defying people in loose conduct.” (2 Peter 2:7) Still, when the two angels came to escort him out of Sodom, he “kept lingering.” The angels almost had to drag him and his family out of the city. Subsequently, Lot’s wife ignored the angels’ warning not to look back. Her lax attitude cost her dearly. (Genesis 19:14-17, 26) “Remember the wife of Lot,” Jesus warned.—Luke 17:32. ???☄️??? Delivered from Sodom. The angels then informed Lot that the outcry against the inhabitants of Sodom had grown loud before Jehovah and that they had been sent to destroy the city. As instructed, Lot warned his prospective sons-in-law, who evidently were intending to take his daughters as wives but had not yet done so. (Compare Ge 19:8, 14.) However, his sons-in-law did not heed his words. (Ge 19:12-14) At dawn the two angels urged prompt departure, hastening it by seizing the hands of Lot, his wife, and his two daughters. In keeping with Lot’s request, the angels permitted him to flee to the nearby city of Zoar. After Lot arrived there, Jehovah brought fiery destruction upon Sodom and Gomorrah. However, Lot’s wife (who is unnamed in the Scriptures) disobediently “began to look around from behind him,” perhaps with longing for the things left behind. For doing so, “she became a pillar of salt.”—Ge 19:15-26. ???☄️??? A Warning. The authenticity of the Scriptural account regarding Lot is attested to by Jesus Christ. He showed that “in the days of the Son of man,” or during his presence, circumstances would parallel those of the days of Lot when persons were unconcernedly eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting, and building until fire and sulfur rained down from heaven to destroy them all. Christ showed that at that future time persons should not return to the things behind, and he gave a striking example to show the dire consequences of doing so. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200002776#h=6:0-6:918
  4. Atlanta GA USA - Dome - International JW Convention July 20th Have you ever seen a sound ? car? Beautiful example at this Convention.Wow! Look How many I could find. Please add yours if you have one? "The Good News Will Be Preached to all Nations."
  5. ~ How Deep is Your Love ~ Can it Handle Storms Clouds? ~ ??⚡️?? ~ Let the Wicked be Wicked ~ Only the Righteous will Behold His Face ???‍♀️???? (Psalm 11:1-7) . . .In Jehovah I have taken refuge. How dare YOU men say to my soul: “Flee as a bird to YOUR mountain!” 2 For, look! the wicked ones themselves bend the bow, They do make ready their arrow upon the bowstring, To shoot in the gloom at the ones upright in heart. 3 When the foundations themselves are torn down, What must anyone righteous do? 4 Jehovah is in his holy temple. Jehovah—in the heavens is his throne. His own eyes behold, his own beaming eyes examine the sons of men. 5 Jehovah himself examines the righteous one as well as the wicked one, And anyone loving violence His soul certainly hates. 6 He will rain down upon the wicked ones traps, fire and sulphur And a scorching wind, as the portion of their cup. 7 For Jehovah is righteous; he does love righteous acts. The upright are the ones that will behold his face." jw.org
  6. @b4ucuhear @JW Insider They didn't know rain ☔️ there was only a water canopy over the earth and mist would form. So the idea of "rain" was not known. However, when they saw Noah building this massive ark, I'm sure he said something (if they let him talk?) the scriptures say that they laughed and scoffed at him. So....he was obedient and constructed an ark. So, like today we tell people the end is coming. They laugh and scoff, so the conclusion of the matter to me was; prove yourselves ready, follow instructions and along the way mention the end is coming. We don't preach gloom and doom but Good News. So perhaps his righteous way of life and obediently following instructions proved his faithfulness to Jehovah? The ark ONLY HELD EXACTLY WHAT JEHOVAH ASKED. What kinds of animals, food, to how would survive, remember the ark what exact measurements! If 500 listened it wouldn't have held them, or 100, or 50, or 10. Jehovah knew the hearts of the righteous and the wicked. So as long as Noah did just so, that gives us the example to obey no matter what! Jehovah's plan would work ONLY and Noah had faith in Jehovah. So should we today. All the Nations came from him are we not blessed he obeyed even though the wicked ones flourished? Thank you for your support. ☔️?☔️
  7. What a Blessing! Around the Earth We Show Love and the World Takes Notice! John 13:35 35 By this all will know that you are my disciples—if you have love among yourselves.”
  8. SOON GOD'S JUDGEMENTS WILL BE DONE! ???⚖️??? Revelation chapter 14 goes on to describe further events that are to take place in the hour of judgment. Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion, is mentioned first: “Another, a second angel, followed, saying: ‘She has fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen!’” (Revelation 14:8) Yes, from God’s viewpoint, Babylon the Great has already fallen. In 1919, Jehovah’s anointed servants were set free from the bondage of Babylonish doctrines and practices, which have dominated peoples and nations for millenniums. ???⚖️??? (Revelation 17:1, 15) They could henceforth devote themselves to promoting true worship. Global preaching of the good news of God’s Kingdom has taken place since then.—Matthew 24:14. ???⚖️??? That is not all there is to God’s judgment against Babylon the Great. Her final destruction is soon to come. (Revelation 18:21) With good reason, the Bible urges people everywhere: “Get out of her [Babylon the Great] . . . if you do not want to share with her in her sins.” (Revelation 18:4, 5) How do we get out of Babylon the Great? This involves more than just severing any ties with false religion. Babylonish influence is present in many popular celebrations and customs, in the world’s permissive attitude toward sex, in the promoting of entertainment involving spiritism, and much more. To keep on the watch, it is vital that both in our actions and in the desires of our heart, we give evidence that we are truly separate from Babylon the Great in every way. ???⚖️??? Revelation 14:8-21. 8 And another, a second angel, followed, saying: “She has fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen, she who made all the nations drink of the wine of the anger of her fornication!” 9 And another angel, a third, followed them, saying in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the wild beast and its image, and receives a mark on his forehead or upon his hand, 10 he will also drink of the wine of the anger of God that is poured out undiluted into the cup of his wrath, and he shall be tormented with fire and sulphur in the sight of the holy angels and in the sight of the Lamb. 11 And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever, and day and night they have no rest, those who worship the wild beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name. 12 Here is where it means endurance for the holy ones, those who observe the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.”And they gathered them together to the place that is called in Hebrew Har–Ma·ged′on." ???⚖️??? "And the seventh one poured out his bowl upon the air. At this a loud voice issued out of the sanctuary from the throne, saying: “It has come to pass!” 18 And lightnings and voices and thunders occurred, and a great earthquake occurred such as had not occurred since men came to be on the earth, so extensive an earthquake, so great. 19 And the great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell; and Babylon the Great was remembered in the sight of God, to give her the cup of the wine of the anger of his wrath. 20 Also, every island fled, and mountains were not found. 21 And a great hail with every stone about the weight of a talent descended out of heaven upon the men, and the men blaspheme God due to the plague of hail, because the plague of it was unusually great." ???⚖️??? WHAT COMES NEXT? ??⚖️?? READ MORE AT: https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2005725?q=BABYLON+THE+GREAT&p=par
  9. The Most Useful Comparison You May Ever Make ????? Lesson for today. (Mark 7:13) Christians unitedly followed the teachings and instructions of the Founder of Christianity, Jesus Christ. What about your church? Do you believe that it teaches what Christ taught and what the early followers of Christ believed in? How can you know for sure? There is only one way—to use the Bible as a measuring stick. ????? Consider this: Jesus Christ had a deep respect for the Scriptures as the Word of God. He did not approve of those who watered down the Bible’s teachings by giving priority to man-made traditions. (Mark 7:9-13) ????? We can thus safely conclude that true followers of Jesus would base their beliefs on the Bible. So each Christian does well to ask himself, ‘Do the teachings of my church agree with the Bible?’ To answer that question, why not compare what your church teaches with what the Bible actually says? Jesus said that our worship of God must be based on truth—the truth found in the Bible. (John 4:24; 17:17) And the apostle Paul said that our salvation depends on our coming to “an accurate knowledge of truth.” (1 Timothy 2:4) ????? So it is vital that our beliefs be based on accurate Bible truth. Why, our very salvation is at stake! This short quiz may help you to make the most useful comparison you could ever make. Are you willing to compare other teachings of your church with what the Bible says? Jehovah’s Witnesses would be happy to help you to examine clear Bible truth. ????? Why not ask one of the Witnesses for a free Bible study? Or you can visit our website, jw.org. 1 ?QUESTION: Who is God? WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: ANSWER: Jehovah, the Father of Jesus, is the eternal God and the almighty Creator of all things. “We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you.”—Colossians 1:3. “You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things.”—Revelation 4:11. See also Romans 10:13; 1 Timothy 1:17. 2 ?QUESTION: Who is Jesus Christ? WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: ANSWER: Jesus is the firstborn Son of God. Jesus was created, and thus he had a beginning. Jesus is subject to God and obedient to His will. “The Father is greater than I am.”—John 14:28. “[Jesus] is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.”—Colossians 1:15. See also Matthew 26:39; 1 Corinthians 15:28. 3 ?QUESTION: What is the holy spirit? WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: ANSWER: The holy spirit is a force that God uses to accomplish his will. It is not a person. People can be filled with holy spirit and empowered by it. “As Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the infant in her womb leaped, and Elizabeth was filled with holy spirit.”—Luke 1:41. “You will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you.”—Acts 1:8. See also Genesis 1:2; Acts 2:1-4; 10:38. 4 ?QUESTION: What is the Kingdom of God? WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: ANSWER: God’s Kingdom is a heavenly government. Jesus is the King of God’s Kingdom. Soon this Kingdom will cause God’s will to be done everywhere on earth. “The seventh angel blew his trumpet. And there were loud voices in heaven, saying: ‘The kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will rule as king forever and ever.’”—Revelation 11:15. See also Daniel 2:44; Matthew 6:9, 10. 5 ?QUESTION: Do all good people go to heaven? WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: ANSWER: No. A limited group of faithful humans, called a “little flock,” are chosen by God to go to heaven. They will rule with Jesus as kings over mankind. ????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2016252?q=question+beliefs&p=par
  10. Sign Language Assembly, smaller size! I was told very good and happy people! Grandmother was being held up to stand by someone in Picture. They also find "The Joy of Jehovah!"
  11. "And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” (Rev.21:4) ????? How Can You Comfort Someone? ????? In our ministry, we meet someone who believes that all good people go to heaven. This idea will affect how the householder understands the Bible. For example, if we were to read Revelation 21:4, the person might assume that this verse describes life in heaven. (Read.) How could you reason with him? Instead of using more scriptures, we could focus on a phrase in Revelation 21:4. It says that “death will be no more.” So we could ask, “Do you agree that for something to be no more, it must have been there in the first place?” He will probably say yes. Then we could say that there is no death in heaven. People die only here on earth. It is logical, then, that Revelation 21:4 is describing blessings here on earth.—Psalm 37:29. 29 The righteous will possess the earth,+ And they will live forever on it." ????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/sysl/r1/lp-e?url=/en/wol/sydp/r1/lp-e/{rsconf}/{library}/r1/lp-e/402014363/null
  12. A small portion of the pioneers and the food service volunteers for the 2017 Warwick North congregation Pioneer School. This photo was taken after "The Best Lunch Ever." ??????
  13. Money ? Does Not Buy Happiness! ??? This story is about a beautiful, expensively dressed lady who complained to her psychiatrist that she felt that her whole life was empty, it had no meaning:So, the lady went to visit a counselor to seek out happiness. The counselor called over the old lady who cleaned the office floors and then said to the rich lady "I am going to ask Mary here to tell you how she found happiness. All I want you to do is listen to her." So the old lady put down her broom, sat on a chair and told her story: "Well, my husband died of malaria and three months later my only son was killed by a car. I had nobody - I had nothing left. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I never smiled at anyone, I even thought of taking my own life. Then one evening a little kitten followed me home from work. Somehow I felt sorry for that kitten. It was cold outside, so I decided to let the kitten in. I got it some milk, and the kitten licked the plate clean. Then it purred and rubbed against my leg and, for the first time in months, I smiled. Then I stopped to think, if helping a little kitten could make me smile, maybe doing something for people could make me happy. So the next day I baked some biscuits and took them to a neighbor who was sick in bed. Every day I tried to do something nice for someone. It made me so happy to see them happy. Today, I don't know of anybody who sleeps and eats better than I do. I've found happiness, by giving it to others." When she heard that,the rich lady cried. She had everything that money could buy, but she had lost the things which money cannot buy. The beauty of life does not depend on how happy you are; but on how happy others can be because of you. ?Happiness is not a destination, it's a journey. ?Happiness is not tomorrow, it is now. ?Happiness is not a dependency, it is a decision. ?Happiness is what you are, not what you have! ‘There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.’” ??? (Acts 20:35)
  14. Pala Lottomatica, Rome, Italy Don't Give Up! 2017 2nd day Roma Palalottomatica 2 #congresso2017
  15. Tools for Preaching—Producing Literature for the Worldwide Field ????? Here is an example of a old testimony card. ????? Testimony cards. Beginning in 1933, publishers were encouraged to use testimony cards in their door-to-door ministry. A testimony card was about three by five inches (7.6 by 12.7 cm) in size. It contained a brief Bible message and a description of Bible-based literature that the householder could obtain. A publisher would simply hand the card to the householder and ask him to read it. “I welcomed the testimony card work,” said Lilian Kammerud, who eventually served as a missionary in Puerto Rico and Argentina. Why was that? “Not all of us could give a good presentation,” she said. “So it helped me get accustomed to approaching people ????? Brother David Reusch, who was baptized in 1918, observed, “Testimony cards helped the brothers, for very few felt that they were able to say the right thing.” This tool had its limits, though. “Sometimes,” said Brother Reusch, “we met people who thought we could not speak. In a sense, many of us were not able to speak. But Jehovah was preparing us to meet the public as his ministers. Soon he would put words in our mouth by teaching us to use the Scriptures at the door. This was accomplished through the Theocratic Ministry School that began in the 1940’s.”—Read Jeremiah 1:6-9. ????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1102014247#h=217:0-218:24 You
  16. Would you like to fly ? one day? Or walk in space? ? Technology is getting so advanced this video has a very interesting thought to ponder! No worries it is a virtual Video that a brother made. Wow! The Video is very nice, click on link. Let me know what you think? No worries is not real but a Virtual Video. IMG_0953.MP4
  17. The Way to Cultivate Faith - Even if Small will Grow Fast! ??‍??☘️???‍? “Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld.” (Hebrews 11:1) As can be seen from this definition given in the Bible, faith is based on accurate knowledge and facts; otherwise, there would be no difference between faith and blind superstition. ??‍??☘️???‍? Therefore, to cultivate faith in God, three steps are essential: (1) Study the Bible diligently, (2) ponder over its teachings and admonitions, and (3) apply in your daily life what you learn. ??‍??☘️???‍? Since faith is based on accurate knowledge, it is logical that to have faith in God, one must study God’s Word, the Bible. In this regard the Beroeans of the first century are good examples for us. Though steeped in both Jewish and Greek religious traditions, some of them were open-minded and readily gave ear to the apostle Paul’s message. They “received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily,” and many of them “became believers.” (Acts 17:11, 12) ??‍??☘️???‍? To acquire an accurate knowledge of God and his Word, we too need to be open-minded and carefully examine the teachings of God’s Word and take them to heart.—John 17:3; 2 Timothy 3:15-17 ??‍??☘️???‍? It is true that we have to work for a living, but laboring only to satisfy our physical and material needs will not bring us real happiness. Jesus said: “Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need.” (Matthew 5:3) ??‍??☘️???‍? If we allow our busy routine to stifle our spiritual needs, we are putting the cart before the horse and are shortsighted indeed. So we need to do our best to find time in our busy lives to study the Bible regularly. God’s Word exhorts: “Keep strict watch that how you walk is not as unwise but as wise persons, buying out the opportune time for yourselves, because the days are wicked.” (Ephesians 5:15, 16) ??‍??☘️???‍? Take this advice, and arrange a practical schedule so that you can keep your activities in proper balance. Jehovah God will sustain those who are earnestly seeking him.—Matthew 7:7 ??‍??☘️???‍? To cultivate genuine faith in God, the next step is to meditate on what you have learned. Actually, to appreciate the value of what you have read, meditation is indispensable, even more important than repeated reading. Only by doing this can you grasp, digest, and assimilate the information, and then the seeds of truth will become deeply embedded and take root in your heart. ??‍??☘️???‍? Therefore, compare the things you are learning from the Bible with your own views, think objectively and reasonably, and weigh them against one another. On the other hand, do not allow personal prejudices or certain deep-rooted opinions to deprive you of a fair opportunity to determine what is the truth and worthy of your belief. Proceeding this way, you will not only realize that God is a real individual but also be impelled to establish a personal relationship with him. ??‍??☘️???‍? The third step in cultivating faith is to put into practice what God tells us to do. We must remember that a living faith is supported by actions. (James 2:17, 26) If a man wants to have enough faith or confidence in his ability to drive a car, he cannot just read an instruction manual or even go over the procedure in his mind and then drive off in a car, can he? No. He needs to have someone help him to put into practice step-by-step the things he learned from the manual. In this way, after several driving lessons, he will develop enough confidence to start driving and can become a qualified driver. It is the same with cultivating faith in God. ??‍??☘️???‍? Besides studying and meditating, you must put into practice, as soon as possible, the things you learn from the Bible. For example, since you have learned that God is an invisible spirit, do you appreciate that you cannot worship him through any idols or images? You have also learned that Jehovah is a loving heavenly Father. Then, are you willing to express your feelings for him in prayer to him? ??‍??☘️???‍? When you are willing to apply what you have learned from the Bible, you are demonstrating to God that you believe in him and his Word, the Bible. Your faith will accordingly grow stronger. However, only by practicing what you are learning will you be convinced that what the Bible says is not empty theory but is of great practical value. The Bible’s advice is: “Taste and see that Jehovah is good, O you people; happy is the able-bodied man that takes refuge in him.” (Psalm 34:8) Yes, applying Bible principles in our lives is an indispensable ingredient in cultivating faith in God and finding lasting peace and happiness. What to Learn More How to Find Happiness? ??‍??☘️???‍? Read more at this site: https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1102009554?q=faith&p=par
  18. Are You Angry? - Tried to Forgive but Can't? Read this it Will Help You! - Don't Be a Angry Bird! ??? ????? “Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely.” (Colossians 3:13) ‘ MAY YOUR PEACE RETURN TO YOU’ ????? SOME EXPRESSIONS EXPLAINED Offended: If you feel offended, you are angry or hurt because someone treated you in a way you did not like. Forgive: To stop feeling angry or upset over the wrong conduct of someone else. This does not mean that we have to approve of the wrong conduct or pretend that the conduct did not hurt others. When we forgive, it helps us to feel peaceful inside. ????? Jehovah will not be willing to forgive us if we do not truly forgive others. (Matthew 18:35) ????? We are imperfect and sin often. It is not possible for us to obey Jehovah perfectly. But he is willing to forgive us. In fact, he is willing to act as if our sins never happened. So if we want to be a friend of Jehovah, we must forgive other people. ????? This is what Jesus meant when he said in the Sermon on the Mount: “If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; whereas if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”(Matthew 6:14, 15)
  19. ARE YOU READY FOR JEHOVAH'S DAY? - ??????? IT WILL TAKE A WHILE TO READ BUT WORTH IT! -----------------? This is long but you won't regret reading it. It will make you stop and really think ??? ARE YOU PREPARED FOR JEHOVAH'S DAY? Imagine for a moment you are at home by yourself one afternoon. Your children are off at school or work and your husband or wife is also away for the day. They are off at work, shopping or running an errand. ??????? It's a beautiful day. But then the sky and everything around you suddenly turns black. You check the lights. The switch is up but it’s still pitch black and it's still the early part of the day. ??????? Something's wrong! You reach for the phone to call your family to make sure they are safe but the phone doesn't work. You grab for your cell phone and it too doesn't work. You check and you have no running water, no electricity. ??????? Your all alone, its pitch black and there is nothing around you but dead silence. No sun, no wind, no sounds of birds chirping, nothing but still cold air. You sit thinking that the lights will come back on in a moment but they don't. So you sit there in the dark. For an hour, then 2, then 4 hours. What is now going through your mind? ??????? You wonder, "is it here...? The end?" Matthew chapter 24 referred to a time where the sun would be darkened and the moon would not give forth light. "Was it figurative, or is it... is it... literal and is it happening to me right now?" Your mind starts to wander and worry, "Where is my mate, where are my children? Are they alright? Are they safe? What are they doing right now?" ??????? Now let's jump into the lives of two more people in your area. They have experienced the same thing, complete darkness for hours. One man sits in the darkness of his home and he starts to think deeply. With the dead silence he starts to dwell on his life, his wife, his children, and he looks back at his spiritual record. ??????? He bows his head in shame and he starts to tremble in fear. "This is it!" he says to himself. "I knew there would come a time when this would happen. When Jehovah would draw the line! When he would save the faithful and he would destroy the wicked." Where is my wife he wonders? "Where are my children? Are they OK? Are they safe?" I always meant to talk to them about this. To prepare them for this, "the what if's?" What if a disaster were to hit? What if we were to lose contact with one another? ??????? What we should do to make sure we were safe both spiritually and physically? To make sure we had proper nourishment, both physical and spiritual! But I didn't. I never seemed to make the time to sit down with them and discuss these important matters. "Where are my dear brothers and sisters from the Kingdom Hall? Oh, I wonder how they are doing." You see, he hadn't been to a meeting for over 3 weeks. ??????? "I got so caught up in work, and things, and anxieties. My car! My home! I had time to Bowl. I had time to play ball with the guys. I had time for extended vacations. But I didn't make the time to put that plan together for my family on where we should meet, where we would all go if this were to happen. I don't have light. I don't have water, I have little food. ??????? I hope my family can make their way home. I hope someone can find me. I wish I would have made the time to plan better. I wish I would have provided more works to prove to Jehovah that I loved him." He bows his heads and starts to pray for the first time in many days. You see he often got so busy he forgot to do that too. ??????? Across town there is another person. What is she doing? She too, sits in the silence, and is looking back on her life and the life of her family. She remembers the faithful and discreet slave speaking about a time when something like this might happen. When Jehovah would draw the line. When it would be too late for a person to go back and change their life's patterns. When the decision would be made whether each person would be saved or they would lose out on eternal life based on their deeds and what came first in their lives. She goes to a closet where she and her family had placed many things in, many months earlier and she pulls out a lantern. ??????? She lights the lantern, sits back, opens up her Bible, and she starts to read and reminisce about what she and her family have done with "their" time over the years. ??????? She reflects on the words of 1 Thess. 5:6 where it was written "Let us not sleep on as the rest do, but let us stay awake and keep our senses." She is also reminded of the scriptures in Matthew 24 where Jesus warned his followers to "Keep on the Watch." and to "prove yourselves ready?" "Did I do that?" She asks herself. "Did we do it as a family?" ??????? She is able to nod her head yes in the faint light of the room. ?? When the faithful slave continued to remind them to keep spiritually awake she and her family listened and followed closely to what was recommended. They read the daily text together and discussed it over dinner as a family. They didn't miss a day. They read the weekly Bible assignment as a family at the completion of their regular weekly family study. ??????? She smiles when she thinks of the words written at Hebrews 10:24, 25, where they were commanded to not forsake the gathering together with their spiritual family. Oh how she and her family loved their congregation. "We did just so" she reasons. "We made every meeting we could unless we were sick, we never missed a circuit assembly and NEVER missed even one day of a District Convention. How could we?" she says out loud. ??????? She then starts to think deeply and does a self-evaluation about the fruitages of the spirit and what role they played in her life. Did she display them to a reasonable degree in the congregation? Within the family arrangement? And in the territory she was assigned to preach in? ??????? She reasons in her mind, "I know I displayed 'love' towards the friends and my family. I was active in the ministry and showed love toward those in the community. I started Bible studies! I brought some in the truth and even pioneered with my husband and children when I could buy out the time even though it was a challenge for us to do it as a family. I found so much joy in serving side by side with the faithful older sisters in the congregation." 'Kindness'..... I cared for those who got sick in the congregation. I even prepared meals for them!" ??????? In regards to the fruitage, peace "I remember that time I had that problem with that sister in the congregation but we were both quick to heed the council in Matthew where we were told to go and attempt to make peace with the other person. I remember having to read that scripture at Matt. 5: 23, 24 many times that day I got the courage to approach her to make peace with her. ??????? But I realized that Jehovah wouldn't accept my worship if it wasn't pure and it wouldn't have been pure if I had held on to that resentment I had against her." ?? "And in regards to my husband, we both read Ephesians together many times when we couldn't find anything else nice to say to each. We'd pick up the Bible and read this out loud and it always broke the ice for us to make peace with one another." She turns to her Bible and reads the scripture. Read Eph. 4: 25-27, 32. ??????? "We have had troubles just like everyone else but we love each other and we have worked hard for each other for over 25 years now and I have to say our marriage is stronger than ever." ??????? At that moment she hears a noise at the front door. She lifts her lantern and walks towards the door. Tears run down her face as she sees her teenage son and daughter walk safely through the door. Minutes later her husband arrives home safely and joins them. ??????? They circle around each other in the dimly lit room and hold each other tightly as tears of joy run down their faces. You see, as a family they had planned on what they would do and where they would meet when this day came. And here they were, safely united together. ??????? In this closet where she went to earlier to grab the lantern there is also a first aid kit safely packed away in case any one of them got wounded. They had also placed plenty of water and food in that closet that would last them many days. ??????? How happy they were that they listened to the advice provided them by their Elders who followed so closely the direction they were given by the faithful and discreet slave. As a family they remained focused, united and active in the ministry. They were present at all the meetings. They always kept up with their family and personal study. ??????? They communicated openly and honestly with one another and displayed great love towards one another. They had a disaster plan that they worked on together. In this plan they knew exactly where they would meet and they knew exactly where the food was and how much there would be to sustain them. ??????? They headed to that closet that held their food supplies, grabbed a few things, and they ate a quiet meal together as a family in the dimly lit room. ??????? Before this meal they bowed their heads to Jehovah and the father began to provide an emotional prayer of thanks to Jehovah for all the direction that he had provided them throughout the years through the congregation meetings and assemblies they attended. And he prayed about how thankful they were for the spiritual family they had become through the hard work and efforts on the part of each family member. ??????? He thanked Jehovah for the fact that they had all made it home safely from the chilling events that they had all experienced that day. Each family member joined in with an "Amen," ate the meal and they waited patiently as a family to see what would happen next. ??????? Friends, which person are you most like? ?? The one that always had the best intentions but he allowed things to get in the way of planning for his and his families safety and their secure future? Or are you the one that made sure that all family members were cared for spiritually, emotionally and physically? The one who listened intently and did "just so" when they were directed by the faithful and discreet slave and the local elders? (Silence) ?? Friends, you don't have to answer that question right now. Look around you. It is still light. We can still see. Complete darkness hasn't hit yet. We still have time left to make adjustments in our lives although time is running out. ??????? Have some of you shortchanged yourself when it comes to personal study? Do you work late to try and provide a more comfortable lifestyle for your spouse and your family and yet you leave no time to sustain yourself spiritually? If you're single have you worked those long overtime hours to have that nicer car, home, or to take those nicer vacations? If so save your soul and make the necessary changes! ??????? Study God’s Word daily. Ponder on the things read, meditate on them. Be ever present at all the meetings! Encourage those around you by your attendance at every meeting and allow yourself to be encouraged by being here, listening to their heartfelt comments. ??????? Is there anyone here tonight that you have a strained relationship with? If so, correct it and make peace....tonight! Or call them tomorrow, but make peace! If you are at odds with your mate or your children, put down the sword, or those harsh words and make peace. Hold on to each other tightly. ??????? As family heads if it's not already part of your daily or weekly routine, make family worship part of your daily and weekly custom. Train your young ones to honor Jehovah by your example. Train your teenagers that the only safe place to put their future in is in the hands of our heavenly Father Jehovah. Save and protect your spouse and your children. We hand them off to Satan's world each day for 6-8 hours when they go off to school and work. Are we doing enough at home to combat what is thrown at them when they are away from the home? Hopefully we can say "yes". If not, make those adjustments. ??????? Become skilled communicators, teachers, and make sure your home is a safe haven for all family members. A place to worship Jehovah peacefully...as a united family! ??? And when disaster strikes and it will do you have a plan in place? Where will you and your family come together? Will you have food to eat, water to drink, first aid supplies to assist those that might be hurt in both your family and here in the congregation? If you say "no" or "I'm not sure" to any of these questions correct them now, put them ??????? in place as soon as possible while you still have light and you can see. While you still have time and can still plan. The curtains are closing on this system and its getting ever darker. Jehovah's Day is coming as a thief and it will not delay! Which one of these roles played out tonight will you play? Based on what you are doing todayand what you will do moving forward will determine the outcome. ??????? Are you prepared for Jehovah's Day? ???⚔️?????
  20. Regional Assembly 2017 in Ukraine.20.000 attendees, of which 18000 attended the Ukrainian program, 1200 in Russian, 600 in sign language and 200 in English. 203 new witnesses were named.
  21. @b4ucuhear Jehovah is a just God and will never destroy the righteous. We know that. One day we will know more about this. Truly the world was so wicked he felt regret over what was happening there. Today, we know the future! His Kingdom through His appointed Son, Our Lord Christ Jesus will forever destroy any wickedness and those demons and Satan himself will not be able to bring man to ruin anymore! What a hope. We know we have more understanding today of the whole Bible, as the "true knowledge will become abundant." I'm sure we still will learn much more about those faithful to Jehovah and those he must destroy by His Kingdom Government. I love Isaiah chapter 2 it says it all. Because they have not bowed to His King ? they will suffer destruction. Relief from all of our woes! Thank you for your support. ?????
  22. @b4ucuhear Thank you for your support! I was also thinking the world at that time was so wicked, Jehovah said he would destroy it. Of course he knows who's wicked and righteous. I think also the Nephilm being on the earth then proved how debased it became. It was beyond wicked because of these NEPHILIM. Jehovah is just and righteous. They are also called "bullies". Pretty bad in Jehovah's eyes and righteous man Noah. I'm sure as many pictures show how he was laughed at. But he just kept building and obeying Jehovah. What a lesson! They didn't want to "take any note!" Being wicked half human and demonic. They only were out to destroy the world. Jehovah stepped in, said he felt hurt. It means so much to me that Jehovah has such feelings and had to take measures for safety of the righteous. Today also Satan and his demons run rampant, knowing their end is soon. Jehovah as he can read hearts will find all that have a complete heart to him. What a wonderful God Jehovah is! Note this: NEPHILIM (Nephʹi·lim) [Fellers; Those Who Cause [Others] to Fall Down]. This is a transliteration of the Hebrew word nephi·limʹ, plural in its three occurrences in the Bible. (Ge 6:4; Nu 13:33 [twice]) It evidently stems from the causative form of the Hebrew verb na·phalʹ (fall) as found, for example, in 2 Kings 3:19; 19:7. The Bible account describing Jehovah’s displeasure with men in the days of Noah before the Flood relates that “the sons of the true God” took for themselves wives from among the attractive daughters of men. It then mentions the presence of “Nephilim,” saying: “The Nephilim proved to be in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of the true God continued to have relations with the daughters of men and they bore sons to them, they were the mighty ones [Heb., hag·gib·bo·rimʹ] who were of old, the men of fame.”—Ge 6:1-4. Identity. Bible commentators, considering verse 4, have offered several suggestions as to the identity of these Nephilim. Some have thought that the derivation of the name indicates that the Nephilim were ‘fallen angels,’ angels who sinned. Others, using a remarkable line of reasoning, conclude that the designation Nephilim itself indicates that they ‘fell from heaven’ in that they were ‘begotten by heavenly beings.’ Other scholars, focusing their attention particularly on the statement “and also after that” (vs 4), have said the Nephilim were not ‘fallen angels’ or the “mighty ones,” since the Nephilim “proved to be in the earth in those days” before the sons of God had relations with women. These latter scholars hold the opinion that the Nephilim were simply wicked men like Cain—robbers, bullies, and tyrants who roamed the earth until they were destroyed by the Flood. Still another group, taking into consideration not only the meaning of the name Nephilim but also the context of verse 4, conclude that the Nephilim were not themselves angels, but were the hybrid offspring resulting from materialized angels having intercourse with the daughters of men. Same as “gib·bo·rimʹ.” Certain Bible translations adjust the location of the phrase “and also after that,” placing it near the beginning of verse 4, thus identifying the Nephilim with the “mighty ones,” the gib·bo·rimʹ, mentioned in the latter part of the verse. For example: “In those days, as well as afterward, there were giants [Heb., han·nephi·limʹ] on the earth, who were born to the sons of the gods whenever they had intercourse with the daughters of men; these were the heroes [Heb., hag·gib·bo·rimʹ] who were men of note in days of old.”—Ge 6:4, AT; see also Mo, NIV, and TEV. The Greek Septuagint also suggests that both the “Nephilim” and “mighty ones” are identical by using the same word giʹgan·tes (giants) to translate both expressions. Reviewing the account, we see that verses 1 to 3 tell of “the sons of the true God” taking wives and of Jehovah’s statement that he was going to end his patience with men after 120 years. Verse 4 then speaks of the Nephilim proving to be in the earth “in those days,” evidently the days when Jehovah made the statement. Then it shows that this situation continued “after that, when the sons of the true God continued to have relations with the daughters of men,” and describes in more detail the results of the union of “the sons of the true God” with women. Who were the ‘sons of God’ that fathered the Nephilim? Who were “the sons of the true God” that were involved? Were they men who were worshipers of Jehovah (as distinguished from the general run of wicked mankind), as some claim? Evidently not. The Bible implies that their marriage to the daughters of men resulted in whipping up the badness in the earth. Noah and his three sons, along with their wives, were the only ones in God’s favor and were the only ones preserved through the Deluge.—Ge 6:9; 8:15, 16; 1Pe 3:20. Hence, if these “sons of the true God” were merely men, the question arises, Why were their offspring “men of fame” more than those of the wicked, or of faithful Noah? Also, the question might be asked, Why mention their marriage to the daughters of men as something special? Marriage and childbearing had been taking place for more than 1,500 years. The sons of God mentioned at Genesis 6:2, therefore, must have been angels, spirit “sons of God.” This expression is applied to angels at Job 1:6; 38:7. This view is supported by Peter, who speaks of “the spirits in prison, who had once been disobedient when the patience of God was waiting in Noah’s days.” (1Pe 3:19, 20) Also Jude writes of “the angels that did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place.” (Jude 6) Angels had the power to materialize in human form, and some angels did so to bring messages from God. (Ge 18:1, 2, 8, 20-22; 19:1-11; Jos 5:13-15) But heaven is the proper abode of spirit persons, and the angels there have positions of service under Jehovah. (Da 7:9, 10) To leave this abode to dwell on earth and to forsake their assigned service to have fleshly relations would be rebellion against God’s laws, and perversion. The Bible states that the disobedient angels are now “spirits in prison,” having been ‘thrown into Tartarus’ and “reserved with eternal bonds under dense darkness for the judgment of the great day.” This seems to indicate that they are greatly restricted, unable again to materialize as they did prior to the Flood.—1Pe 3:19; 2Pe 2:4; Jude 6. Increased Wickedness. “The mighty ones who were of old, the men of fame” that were produced by these marriages, were not men of fame with God, for they did not survive the Flood, as did Noah and his family. They were “Nephilim,” bullies, tyrants, who no doubt helped to make conditions worse. Their angelic fathers, knowing the construction of the human body and being able to materialize, were not creating life, but lived in these human bodies and, cohabiting with women, brought forth children. Their children, “mighty ones,” were therefore unauthorized hybrids. Apparently the Nephilim did not, in turn, have children. In Mythology. The fame and dread of the Nephilim, it appears, gave rise to many mythologies of heathen people who, after the confusion of languages at Babel, were scattered throughout the earth. Though the historical forms of the Genesis account were greatly distorted and embellished, there was a remarkable resemblance in these ancient mythologies (those of the Greeks being only one example), in which gods and goddesses mated with humans to produce superhuman heroes and fearful demigods having god-man characteristics. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200003223
  23. @b4ucuhear Thank you for your support! I was also thinking the world at that time was so wicked, Jehovah said he would destroy it. Of course he knows who's wicked and righteous. I think also the Nephilm being on the earth then proved how debased it became. It was beyond wicked because of these NEPHILIM. Jehovah is just and righteous. They are also called "bullies". Pretty bad in Jehovah's eyes and righteous man Noah. I'm sure as many pictures show how he was laughed at. But he just kept building and obeying Jehovah. What a lesson! They didn't want to "take any note!" Being wicked half human and demonic. They only were out to destroy the world. Jehovah stepped in, said he felt hurt. It means so much to me that Jehovah has such feelings and had to take measures for safety of the righteous. Today also Satan and his demons run rampant, knowing their end is soon. Jehovah as he can read hearts will find all that have a complete heart to him. What a wonderful God Jehovah is! Note this: NEPHILIM (Nephʹi·lim) [Fellers; Those Who Cause [Others] to Fall Down]. This is a transliteration of the Hebrew word nephi·limʹ, plural in its three occurrences in the Bible. (Ge 6:4; Nu 13:33 [twice]) It evidently stems from the causative form of the Hebrew verb na·phalʹ (fall) as found, for example, in 2 Kings 3:19; 19:7. The Bible account describing Jehovah’s displeasure with men in the days of Noah before the Flood relates that “the sons of the true God” took for themselves wives from among the attractive daughters of men. It then mentions the presence of “Nephilim,” saying: “The Nephilim proved to be in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of the true God continued to have relations with the daughters of men and they bore sons to them, they were the mighty ones [Heb., hag·gib·bo·rimʹ] who were of old, the men of fame.”—Ge 6:1-4. Identity. Bible commentators, considering verse 4, have offered several suggestions as to the identity of these Nephilim. Some have thought that the derivation of the name indicates that the Nephilim were ‘fallen angels,’ angels who sinned. Others, using a remarkable line of reasoning, conclude that the designation Nephilim itself indicates that they ‘fell from heaven’ in that they were ‘begotten by heavenly beings.’ Other scholars, focusing their attention particularly on the statement “and also after that” (vs 4), have said the Nephilim were not ‘fallen angels’ or the “mighty ones,” since the Nephilim “proved to be in the earth in those days” before the sons of God had relations with women. These latter scholars hold the opinion that the Nephilim were simply wicked men like Cain—robbers, bullies, and tyrants who roamed the earth until they were destroyed by the Flood. Still another group, taking into consideration not only the meaning of the name Nephilim but also the context of verse 4, conclude that the Nephilim were not themselves angels, but were the hybrid offspring resulting from materialized angels having intercourse with the daughters of men. Same as “gib·bo·rimʹ.” Certain Bible translations adjust the location of the phrase “and also after that,” placing it near the beginning of verse 4, thus identifying the Nephilim with the “mighty ones,” the gib·bo·rimʹ, mentioned in the latter part of the verse. For example: “In those days, as well as afterward, there were giants [Heb., han·nephi·limʹ] on the earth, who were born to the sons of the gods whenever they had intercourse with the daughters of men; these were the heroes [Heb., hag·gib·bo·rimʹ] who were men of note in days of old.”—Ge 6:4, AT; see also Mo, NIV, and TEV. The Greek Septuagint also suggests that both the “Nephilim” and “mighty ones” are identical by using the same word giʹgan·tes (giants) to translate both expressions. Reviewing the account, we see that verses 1 to 3 tell of “the sons of the true God” taking wives and of Jehovah’s statement that he was going to end his patience with men after 120 years. Verse 4 then speaks of the Nephilim proving to be in the earth “in those days,” evidently the days when Jehovah made the statement. Then it shows that this situation continued “after that, when the sons of the true God continued to have relations with the daughters of men,” and describes in more detail the results of the union of “the sons of the true God” with women. Who were the ‘sons of God’ that fathered the Nephilim? Who were “the sons of the true God” that were involved? Were they men who were worshipers of Jehovah (as distinguished from the general run of wicked mankind), as some claim? Evidently not. The Bible implies that their marriage to the daughters of men resulted in whipping up the badness in the earth. Noah and his three sons, along with their wives, were the only ones in God’s favor and were the only ones preserved through the Deluge.—Ge 6:9; 8:15, 16; 1Pe 3:20. Hence, if these “sons of the true God” were merely men, the question arises, Why were their offspring “men of fame” more than those of the wicked, or of faithful Noah? Also, the question might be asked, Why mention their marriage to the daughters of men as something special? Marriage and childbearing had been taking place for more than 1,500 years. The sons of God mentioned at Genesis 6:2, therefore, must have been angels, spirit “sons of God.” This expression is applied to angels at Job 1:6; 38:7. This view is supported by Peter, who speaks of “the spirits in prison, who had once been disobedient when the patience of God was waiting in Noah’s days.” (1Pe 3:19, 20) Also Jude writes of “the angels that did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place.” (Jude 6) Angels had the power to materialize in human form, and some angels did so to bring messages from God. (Ge 18:1, 2, 8, 20-22; 19:1-11; Jos 5:13-15) But heaven is the proper abode of spirit persons, and the angels there have positions of service under Jehovah. (Da 7:9, 10) To leave this abode to dwell on earth and to forsake their assigned service to have fleshly relations would be rebellion against God’s laws, and perversion. The Bible states that the disobedient angels are now “spirits in prison,” having been ‘thrown into Tartarus’ and “reserved with eternal bonds under dense darkness for the judgment of the great day.” This seems to indicate that they are greatly restricted, unable again to materialize as they did prior to the Flood.—1Pe 3:19; 2Pe 2:4; Jude 6. Increased Wickedness. “The mighty ones who were of old, the men of fame” that were produced by these marriages, were not men of fame with God, for they did not survive the Flood, as did Noah and his family. They were “Nephilim,” bullies, tyrants, who no doubt helped to make conditions worse. Their angelic fathers, knowing the construction of the human body and being able to materialize, were not creating life, but lived in these human bodies and, cohabiting with women, brought forth children. Their children, “mighty ones,” were therefore unauthorized hybrids. Apparently the Nephilim did not, in turn, have children. In Mythology. The fame and dread of the Nephilim, it appears, gave rise to many mythologies of heathen people who, after the confusion of languages at Babel, were scattered throughout the earth. Though the historical forms of the Genesis account were greatly distorted and embellished, there was a remarkable resemblance in these ancient mythologies (those of the Greeks being only one example), in which gods and goddesses mated with humans to produce superhuman heroes and fearful demigods having god-man characteristics. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200003223
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